Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 313 Your tenth brother runs away first as a courtesy! !

On February 27, Xu Ke and Shi Nansheng watched a show (The Legend of Concubine Wan Gui). When they walked out of the theater, Xu both lit up a cigarette and shook his head and complained, "Fortunately, I changed the settings in time and made the big villain a historical prototype." Cao Jixiang and Cao Shaoqin wanted to rebel, which happened during the Baozong period."

"Otherwise, with the current momentum, this version (New Longmen Inn) will probably be criticized as a fool."

Shi Nansheng also had a look of surprise on his face, "Zheng Yijian in (The Legend of Concubine Wan Gui) is right. Killing people in Xichang is always for those who have been cleansed from the prefecture for three years and have a hundred thousand snowflakes of silver. No matter how bad it is, it is only for a family that has many people in just ten years." Thousands of acres of prime farmland."

"The people who were killed were the local tyrants and evil gentry within the civil servant group. The common people... the common people didn't care at all."

"This is similar to arresting people in East and West factories and harming people. It only targets detectives in the detective era, or unscrupulous women doing business, and they are as far apart from the common people as the sky."

Xu Ke came up with the script (New Dragon Inn) in late August last year. It was just because he didn't understand history well and made some basic mistakes.

The current stage (New Dragon Gate Inn) has naturally been filmed, and we are just waiting for the release date. This version of New Dragon Gate Inn is similar to the 92 version, except that the civil servant who was killed at the beginning was replaced by Yu Qian. Baozong, the father of Emperor Chenghua.

Zhou Huaian is starring Jet Li, and the rest...the rest of the lineup has basically remained unchanged.

Xu Ke blew out a smoke ring again, "Liang Jiahui's Baozong is really amazing. It takes less than six minutes to play. Each scene has a different state and different energy, as if four or five actors are acting. …”

Shi Nansheng smiled, "No, Jiahui took the role just because Baozong had room to perform. Otherwise, wouldn't you have considered using him to play Zhou Huai'an at the beginning?"

Yes, (New Dragon Inn), whether it is producer Xu Ke, producer Wu Siyuan, or director Li Huimin, they all considered letting Liang Jiahui play the male knight.

Jiahui, who has made his mark with the (Speed ​​1) and (Speed ​​2/Source Code) series, also has a lot of appeal in the field of action films, such as (New Dragon Inn) and (The Legend of Concubine Wan Guifei) both released in August last year. Project establishment.

Jiahui, who was neither short of money nor short of salary for a film, chose Bao Zong, who appeared in the film for less than six minutes, to challenge his acting skills.

Before the Tumubao Incident, during the Tumubao Incident, the one who was captured was called the Son of Heaven, and after being released by Wala, he returned to the capital and was imprisoned, the Supreme Emperor, and then to the Seizing of the Gate incident!

Although Baozong is the God of War of the Ming Dynasty, he is even more so than Li Jinglong.

But if his story were to be put on the big screen, would you be able to perform the scenes and scenes in just a few minutes? No one in Hong Kong dares to pat their chests and promise that they can make this Baozong come alive.

More than five minutes of footage of Baozong and the different levels of performance are enough to be included in textbooks.

"There is a gimmick of Ajie and Lin Qingxia collaborating again after (The Invincible East), and Zhang Manyu's performance is amazing enough. Our version (New Dragon Gate Inn) is not bad at the box office, and we can pursue it at the European and American box office, just the schedule. ,Why……"

"Now it's (The Legend of Princess Royal) bombing the world, Cheng Long's Police Story 4, and the time-travel version of Ip Man 2 are all lined up. When it comes to the summer release, it's (Jurassic Park 2), tsk, the New Year release is even more outrageous, (Wanted 2) ) and (Spider-Man 1) are about to be released."

After the complaints, Xu Ke felt powerless in the face of this year's movie schedule.

He felt that a large team had come together to make a version of a super classic costume action movie and martial arts movie, but when he looked around, there were all big enemies, powerful enemies!

Shi Nansheng also scratched his head a little, "You haven't talked about Ah Xing and Wang Jing's (Play Back to School 3). Those two are joining forces to take advantage of the reputation of the first two movies?" It’s Wang Zha.”

"And those two are both quick shooters. Who dares to say that they only make one movie (Truant Veyron) a year? Since (Wansheng Lingling Paint) has been a big hit, it even sold two or three in North America and Europe. Tens of millions of dollars.”

"This is a small IP project that has been successfully established. In the future, Li Lingqi, who will fly the knife, may not be able to be integrated into the wanted order sequence, including into the Marvel universe."

"At this stage, Linglingqi's flying knives are not too powerful, but with Wanted 2 and the (super-body) world view to strengthen the background setting of the super-powerful killer, Linglingqi may not be able to strengthen it again."

Xu Ke fell silent.

He wanted to say that Cheng Long's (Miracle) last year was good, but with a box office of 20.8 million in Hong Kong, it was really reduced to cannon fodder.

In the end, he sighed helplessly, "Let's just stock up now and wait and see."

Shi Nan was happy, "Do you regret it?"

Xu Ke waved his hands hastily, "I'm not, I didn't, how could you talk nonsense."

Shi Nansheng rolled his eyes and said nothing more. After all, who doesn't know who? At first, Fei Jing was thinking of forming a partnership with Xu Ke Studio. They wanted 24% and Lao Xu 25%, but Xu Ke was unhappy. Director Xu wanted Zhao Sheng to have 51% and him 40%. Fei Jing wanted 9%. % will do.

After all, the Chinese Ghost Story series and Once Upon a Time in America were both popular in Europe and the United States, which almost made the fat man named Wang sick.

At this stage? The total market value of 100 Years Pictures is HK$22 billion, and the 8% held by Feijing is HK$1.76 billion, which is still growing.

Xu Ke Studio is not yet on the market.

Theoretically, everyone knows that once Xu Ke's studio is listed on the market, it will only rely on the copyrights of each series to maintain its market value. However, he is the only big boss, even if he holds the copyrights of many Li Lianjie blockbusters.

Compared with 100 Years Pictures, it is definitely far behind.

Once, once Zhou Xingxing's friend Linglingqi gets involved in the wanted order sequence? Continue to rely on the enhanced Xiao Li flying knives and Qigong to transform into a superhero and kill around.

With Xing Zai’s Kung Fu skills and unique ability to make people laugh?

One Hundred Years Pictures' market value will definitely soar! Just like in the past (Shaolin Football), with the help of the hype, it also had a box office of 130 million U.S. dollars in Europe and the United States combined.

Lao Xu took a deep breath and said, "Forget it, I still don't want to think about it so much. Let's shoot (Once Upon a Time 3) first. It's been 22 months since the first part of Once Upon a Time was released, and it's been a year since the second part of Once Upon a Time was released. There are more, and the third part can be a little emotional."

"I just want to film Once Upon a Time in China Part 3, so I have to ask Sister Hong if she has the schedule and interest. If she doesn't want to act, she has to consider replacing her..."

Although Xu Ke didn't know that without the influence of Zhao Donghuai, Guan Jiahui was the candidate for the charming thirteenth aunt, but in the current two Once Upon a Time, Ah Hong's performance is indeed strong.

When it comes to beauties in period costumes, she is really not inferior to others.


It’s a new day at the ATV office.

After Zhang Min made a cup of coffee for Zhao Donghuai, he said, "Boss, something big or small happened. A beautiful girl from our Yaxi opera was deceived by her own mother into signing several romance film contracts. The liquidated damages are not yet due." Low."

"It was even worse than Cai Shaofen at the time. That girl just broke down a little, begged Ah Fen, and then passed it on to me. She is from Shanghai like me."

"She just turned 17 this year."

Zhao Donghuai was stunned, "My biological mother?"

Zhang Min nodded, "Mom, I signed 10 movies at once, and each movie was paid 500,000 Hong Kong dollars. Her mother has already taken 30% of the deposit, and 1.5 million was used to pay off gambling debts."

Qiu Shuzhen was surprised, "Wait a minute, that's not right. Even if her own mother dared to sell her daughter like this, at this stage, would anyone or a company dare to force Asian opera students to make that kind of film?"

Zhang Min said speechlessly, "It's a film and television company founded by a ghost guy. I heard he came from Hollywood. It should be that in the past few years, we have too many high-quality resources here. Whether it's big high-quality film and television projects or handsome men and beautiful women, the resources are getting more and more." many."

"It attracted some Hollywood ghost guys to come here to open a company. I asked about it and I heard that the ghost guy is a tycoon from Fernando Valley."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Zhang Min explained again, "The pretty girl's name is Zhao Jing. Her parents divorced when she was 4 years old. The court ordered her to be raised by her mother. Her mother simply left her with her grandmother and ran to Hong Kong Island."

"Her mother didn't bring her to Hong Kong until she was 12 years old, but that was not to raise her, but because she found that she was getting more and more beautiful as she grew older and could make money. So at such a young age, she let her work as a model and shoot advertisements. She was sent here in 1987. Asian drama."

"But until this year, her classmates such as Chen Hao, Zhang Yan, Wan Qiwen, etc. became more and more popular. Even South Korea's Lee Young-ae became popular in East and Southeast Asia with the role of the villain in (The Legend of Concubine Wan Guifei). She also No resources.”

"Then I signed on for that kind of movie."

"In the past three years of studying, the 2,000 yuan monthly salary that Yaxi paid to its students was basically taken away by her mother. It belongs to the poor child who is often helped to eat and drink in school."

"She also borrowed a lot of money at school. At first, many classmates took pity on her and borrowed money, but when she borrowed it, her mother took it away to pay off her gambling debts. Every time she took the money, she swore she would never gamble again. Only then did Zhao Jing believe her and continue to lend money to help her pay off her debts."

"After borrowing once, there will be another time, and the next time, no one in the school dares to lend her money now. In order to help her mother, it is not that Zhao Jing has not approached the lending brother, but the lending brother in Hong Kong saw that her mother is A seasoned dog gambler will never be fooled.”

"She also went to the bank to get a loan, but because of her good looks and figure, and the capital of an Asian opera student, she took out a loan of hundreds of thousands... and she still can't pay back the bad debt."

"Fortunately, neither Hong Kong's big brother nor the bank has ever had any trouble due to debt collection. I just keep the account in mind first, and wait until she has the resources and becomes popular one day before asking for the account."

Qiu Shuzhen took a sip of tea and looked stunned, "This is too tragic! It's really worse than Ah Fen. At least Ah Fen was... well, Ah Fen was too young back then. Otherwise, it's hard to say that it would be a dog bet. That way.”

Zhao Donghuai rubbed his chin and thought, "Isn't there any little brother who takes the initiative to do things and be a good person, like Afen's mother did in Tsim Sha Tsui to help her get rid of her addiction??"

In fact, he didn't find it strange what Zhang Min said. Zhao Jing... was originally one of the four most famous epilepsy kings in Hong Kong's entertainment industry, and the epilepsy king alongside Lan Jieying.

The trajectory of her life was as described by Zhang Min. She was cheated by her mother before she reached adulthood. She couldn't stop filming one romantic movie after another. She only temporarily quit the industry when her body couldn't handle it and she got sick.

Later, after I gave birth to a baby, I jumped off a building due to postpartum depression and was gone.

Moreover, before jumping off the building, due to various stress and depression problems, my mental state has not been normal all year round.

This is not surprising. It is surprising that a mother like Tan Zhan can not be depressed.

It wasn't just that she was tricked into taking over a romance film, she was also on the set and didn't want to do it, and her mother and the director tricked her into making her film, and her debut movie was nothing like that.

Similar to those infantry teachers in island countries.

That Ah Jing is the sexy and beautiful female character in the original version (domestic Lingling Paint). She was helped by Zhou Xingxing to escape from the romantic circle and shine in serious movies.

Unfortunately, Zhou Xingxing couldn't help much. After filming (domestic Lingling Paint), her body already needed long-term treatment.

This girl continues to be cheated by her mother in this dimension. Not surprisingly, he is just curious. Countless Taoists want to flatter him, but they can't find any chance...

In the case of Ah Fen, Zhao Jing even borrowed money from a loan shark. They found that Chen's mother was a big trap, so they didn't take the initiative to lock her up for a year and a half?

Zhang Min then explained, "There are indeed people who tried to imprison people. After less than a month, her mother begged to see Zhao Jing. When they met, she knelt down and begged her daughter to come out. This Ajing's heart softened and she begged the elder brother to release her... …Then he came out and continued gambling.”

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "..."

It's not easy being a big brother on the road. That Ah Jing's behavior can easily make the other person feel like he's not a human being.

After taking a few sips of coffee in silence, Zhao Donghuai said, "Call Pan Asia and ask Ah Wei to do something. Damn it, why are the people from Fernando Valley here too? Let Ah Wei go and let them see the magic of Director Zeng."

The good China Entertainment film and television industry has gradually been built to be prosperous and on par with all kinds of wealthy families.

Is Fernando Valley here to pick peaches or is it a stigma? ?

After all, everyone in the 20s of the 21st century knows what was filmed in the valley next door to Hollywood.

If an Asian opera student degenerates to that level, wouldn’t he, the founder of the school, have a disgraceful face? Even if it had little impact on him personally, it would still be a loss of face. He could only let Ah Wei go in such a big matter.

Zhang Min suddenly understood. When she went to make a call, Azhen asked curiously, "What about Zhao Jing and her mother?"

Zhao Donghuai waved his hands calmly, "Send him to Qingshan Mental Hospital. If he is sick, he will be treated. I heard that Xiao Ni is very happy living in Qingshan?" As for Zhao Jing, tell her that she has been deceived so many times, and if she continues to be deceived, That’s right…”

"Forget it, try to keep her as stable as possible, poor thing, let Ah Fen and Ah Fen's mother untie her."

Those little brothers on the road are still unprofessional. They are not as professional as Qingshan. Ni Zhen, that little Ni, spent more than half a year winning potatoes in Siberia. He returned to Hong Kong at the end of spring last year and soon became addicted to gambling.

Huang Zhan still had the courage and directly persuaded Lao Ni to send him to a mental hospital and he has not yet come out.

Zhao Jing herself was abandoned by her parents in both directions since she was a child. She seriously lacked father's love and mother's love, so she was fooled and deceived by her mother again and again.

It's not good to blame her too harshly for being ignorant about this kind of thing.

A child who was abandoned by his parents since he was a child has finally found a mother's love. He is not very old at all. He is only 17 years old this year. How can any adult be so sensible?

Ah Fen and Hong Xin have always had a good relationship. The main reason is that Ah Fen feels the same for Hong Xin. They were both abandoned by their father when they were young and grew up with their mothers. They are children from poor families...

With this empathy, and the fact that Hong Xin's temper wasn't too bad, the two women became more familiar with each other and became better friends.

Now a Zhao Jing pops up, an upgraded version who is even more pitiful than them!


Yongsheng Film Company.

Ah Wei was smoking a big cigar and polishing the Best Director trophy at the New Zealand Asia Pacific Film Festival, with a bright smile on his face.

Because he was smiling a little too much, Xiang Laoshi couldn't help but frown and said, "Fuck, Ah Wei, just stop it. I've never heard of this New Zealand Film Festival. It's the first one this year, right?"

"It's obviously a mess of awards. Are you excited to give you a Best Director Award?"

Where is New Zealand? It is across the sea from Australia. Xiang Laoshi didn't even know about this country before, but now he knows about it because of a weird movie award. It seems that the area is as big as 270 Hong Kong Islands, and the total population is less than Hong Kong Island. many.

It is also one of the member states of the Federation.

When he complained, Zeng Mieweicai nodded with emotion, "Brother Ten, I know, I know it's a pity, but it's the Best Director trophy after all. Speaking of which we filmed (Crazy Givenchy/Big Shot), Europe and the United States add up to 115 million U.S. dollars.”

"Including ticket sales in East and Southeast Asia, especially the mainland, the total global box office exceeded 1.5 billion Hong Kong dollars, which is the highest peak in my first half of life. Commercial blockbusters of that kind basically cannot win awards in normal awards."

"Although Cheng Xiaodong and Yuan Heping are action directors and are also credited as directors, I am the main director!"

"This is even more powerful and powerful than the best partner who directed that year..."

Is Zeng Mewei drifting away? No, he was actually lamenting that he finally returned to the regular Hong Kong blockbuster industry from weird series such as "Crazy Coke" or "Feng Yue" starring Ni Sheng, and became famous for once.

He proved himself with this movie, he is very good!

As for the total global box office exceeding HK$1.5 billion, what are the profits of Xiang Laoshi and Deng Guangrong? Putting aside the tax revenue of about 200 million, they gave Zhao Sheng 60% of the 670 million that should be allocated to Yongsheng and Ying Zhijie.

That's a lot more cruel. Yongsheng and Yingzhijie successively received about 260 million Hong Kong dollars.

Compared with the salaries of celebrities such as Hua Zai, Yuan Jieying, Liu Xiaoli, Jennifer Aniston, etc., the net profit is still 200 million.

At this stage, everyone is very happy and super happy!

After all, even if Deng Yurong runs the Moscow trade for a year, the total profit will be about 100 million. If he has achieved this goal with just one movie, how can he not be happy?

When Zeng Mewwei was so excited that he didn't want to land, the phone rang. Xiang Laoshi grabbed it and answered it before nodding in shock, "Okay, okay, no problem. Ah Wei is here with me. I promise to make it smooth." Pretty and bright.”

Putting down the phone, Xiang Laoshi's face was in a daze, with a wonderful expression.

Zeng Mewwei was surprised and said, "Tenth brother??"

Xiang Laoshi walked out and stopped Zeng Mowei on his shoulder, "Awei, it's your turn to play and show off your talent. Ma's street ghost guy actually tricked an Asian opera student into accepting a romance film. It's outrageous."

"Zhao Sheng and the old man are not happy when they find out about this. Those ghost guys are trying to cause trouble."

Zeng Miewei was delighted, "Fuck, although I don't really want to make certain movies, but the ghost guy has gone too far and must do something."

Xiang Lao Shi nodded, "As long as you are willing to do something, I will send someone to find the boss of Guilao Company. You can take a good picture, with more men on top of each other. The filming will be more high-definition. Maybe if the video tapes are circulated to the island country, there will be some benefits." market."

"It's better to bring some uniform temptation..."

"South Korea and the island countries have been miserable for a long time!"

Only then did Zeng Mewei's face turn green, "Wait, is it even harder?? Isn't this not good? I don't want to be unable to wash my eyes clean."

"And if I am too artistic, will I be resented by the ghost guy who often provides logistical services to those guys from the Four Heavenly Kings Gang, Eagle Gang, and Tiger Gang?"

Xiang Laoshi continued to pat Ah Wei on the shoulder, "Since you can understand what I say in seconds, it proves that you are a talent. Ah Wei, it all depends on you."

"I'll go arrange things for my younger brother. Your tenth brother will go first as a courtesy."

He also needs to wash his mind. Even if there is no shortage of charlatans on the streets of Hong Kong, he is not a lover of philosophy!

Ah Wei's face turned into a bitter melon.

Brother Darong made a mistake!

If Brother Da Rong hadn't taken him on a track like (Crazy Coke) in 1984, how could he have been sinking until this year? You finally proved yourself by filming a movie (Crazy Givenchy/Big Shot), why is it like this again?

He is Luo Hanguo among the five lucky stars. No, after finishing this work, I have to run to Brother Sanmao and try to get ashore.

He can no longer hang out with Xiang Laoshi and Brother Darong like this, otherwise he is afraid that he will bend himself while making philosophical movies.

"Fuck, those ghost guys are looking for death themselves, how did they implicate me?!"

After thinking about it, Ah Wei suddenly ran out, bought a gift and went to visit Sister-in-law Ten. He felt that a big movie that could be completed by two or four or five people did not require him, Ah Wei, to film in person.

Any guy carrying a bag can take a good photo.

After all, since the beginning of "Crazy Coke", Ah Wei has also promoted some apprentices, just like Chen Musheng and others. Didn't they also transform themselves into great directors step by step from their younger disciples?

He thinks that since he is male and likes women, he really doesn’t need to shoot philosophy in person, but he also needs to shoot high-definition art? ? Is the video tape trying to sell well in South Korea and the island country market? grass……

The script is very easy to write, and you can come up with ideas at will. For example, a domineering and domineering resident ghost guy from an island country was attacked by several men from the island country just after he finished a wave of zero-dollar shopping in his uniform.

Then, the more ruthless the plot, the better it is to watch, and it will be more enjoyable for Japanese people to watch it. It is best for real Japanese actors to star in it. You can consult Gen Murakami about this.

South Koreans can also easily fit in.

The sense of immersion is so strong! But he, Ah Wei, didn't want to leave too many nightmares in his mind and eyes that were difficult to cleanse, so he found an apprentice.


A restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui.

When Ah Fen walked in with Zhao Jing, she saw a young ghost man having a meal not far in front and two bodyguards behind him, and Ah Jing immediately showed his timidity.

It was Afen who patted her arm before speaking, "Don't worry, your matter should be solved. I can help you pay liquidated damages, but you can't be too soft-hearted in the future."

"Your mother is a bad gambler. Many times, you can't believe a word of what a gambler says."

Zhao Jing nodded awkwardly and regretted, "I shouldn't have let her come out in the first place, otherwise I wouldn't have been in such big trouble this time. I'm really sorry to trouble you, Sister Fen."

Afen sighed helplessly before pulling her forward together.

In fact, Zhao Jing joined Asia Opera in 1987, and was only two years younger than her. It was not like she had never heard of him before. As early as 1987, she had contacted Zhao Jing in school and helped her several times. .

But...but, they are all sixteen or seventeen-year-old girls, and they also have their own self-esteem, and even their self-esteem turns into inferiority or something.

When a girl is in a circle of classmates, she owes so much debt that she cannot afford to pay it off, and she needs help from her classmates for daily meals. It also has a huge impact on her self-confidence. She is unsociable, withdrawn, and hides away after school. Only when her mother cried and begged her, she had no choice but to continue shamelessly admitting the hole dug by her mother.

After all, she is her mother.

Otherwise, Zhao Jing would not have gone to more than one loan company run by her eldest brother on the road, more than once.

Cai Shaofen has helped her several times before. When she wanted to help her more, she often couldn't find anyone. This woman didn't even have a BB machine, so she could only find someone by calling. Usually after school, no matter in the dormitory or other places in the school Nowhere to be found.

It was also this time that she couldn't handle the big news anymore, so Ah Fen asked her. In recent years, Zhao Jing usually went to the Tsim Sha Tsui Public Library after class. Not only was it clean, but no one knew that she was in an embarrassing situation.

Doing some small favors by herself is like working part-time, and she can often get a meal. It is no longer a meal that her classmates give her out of pity, but a meal earned through labor similar to a work-study program.

Enrolled in 1987, her junior year course will be over this summer. Zhao Jing has had the opportunity to star in movies and TV series, and has also taken on some ordinary commercials. But...all the money she earned was coaxed away and wasted by her own mother.

Her experience cannot be said to be similar to that of Ah Fen. I can only say that after she returned to her biological mother, she was even worse than her. She came to Hong Kong in 1985, and until she entered school in 1987, she followed her mother to hide from debts and was blocked by loan collectors. It's a basic thing.

This is really far inferior to the eight years of freedom and ease of living with my grandmother in my hometown in Shanghai.

When the two women arrived in front of a certain ghost guy, before he could say anything, the ghost guy who was eating steak stood up and said with a look of surprise, "Cai, I didn't expect to see you. I'm your fan. Master), and there are three series of (Rich and Rich), you are really getting more and more beautiful."

"By the way, for formal introduction, I am the boss of Mupecker Film and Television Company. You can call me Pete."

This Mr. Peter speaks Mandarin. Although he has a weird accent, he can be understood.

Ah Fen looked at the other person's outstretched hand, but did not take it. Instead, he took out a check, "Pete, I know you signed a ten-film contract with Ah Jing, and each film was paid 500,000 yuan. Ah Jing's mother has already taken it." 1.5 million."

"Here is 3 million. I want to get the contract back. The extra 1.5 million will be your compensation."

Peter smiled, did not accept the check, and looked Afen up and down, "A mere 1.5 million Hong Kong dollars is nothing to me. I can give you face. As long as you sign a movie contract with me, I will give this Chen The contract is torn up and voided.”

"For your contract, I can pay you 10 million US dollars!"

Although Zhao Jing is a mere beauty, with a height of 1.75 meters at the age of 17, it is completely meaningless to compare with Fen, a big star who became famous all over the world through Home Alone.

After all, there is no shortage of viewers in Europe and the United States who watch the Chinese version of Home Alone with the female protagonist through video tapes. Also, because Yuen Biao, a kung fu superstar, is becoming more and more popular, viewers will follow the Rich and Powerful trilogy.

Affen was stunned, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

She had thought about it before coming here, and had considered it a lot. She knew that in normal business exchanges and cooperation, the other party would not let A Jing go easily, but she did not expect that the other party would dare to take advantage of her.

Pete's smile became even brighter, "Cai, you can think about it carefully. After all, it's not easy for a child star to become famous as an adult."

"If one day I want to change my acting career, I can't choose another channel."

Affen angrily grabbed a cup of coffee on the table and threw it on Peter's face. As for Peter's bodyguard? ?

Do you think Afen went out without a bodyguard? Four Pan-Asian male and female bodyguards were just a few steps behind. When Peter's bodyguard wanted to do something, four Pan-Asian elites also stepped forward, scaring the other party into not making any big move.

With a look of embarrassment, Peter grabbed a towel to wipe his face and clothes, and even cursed, "Bichi, I'll give you face by calling you Cai, but if I don't give you face..."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw a group of boys in tight-fitting suits rushing towards the door of the western restaurant, and many of them had various tattoos on their exposed skin.

The guy at the head saw Peter and laughed decisively, "That's this ghost guy, eh? Sister Fen is here too. Sister Fen, we are new reporters. Brother Ten has sent word that if there is a big business, go back and talk to this ghost guy."

Afen pulled Zhao Jing out of the way.

Then, under the protection of four Pan-Asian bodyguards, they watched the group of Xinji handsome guys, some showing watermelon knives, iron chains, or wearing metal finger tigers, quickly swamped the three of them.

When a group of people escorted the three ghost guys out, two uniformed policemen appeared at the door. The leader, Xinji, greeted them with a smile. Under the witness of the police and the three Peters calling for help, they took him to the car. Get out of the way.

After watching the whole process, Zhao Jing said blankly, "What is this now??"

Ah Fen was still smart, "Xinji can't have such dignity. Zhao Sheng must have spoken. Don't worry, it's okay."

"That ghost guy didn't accept the check and helped me save three million. By the way, Jing, from today on, don't care how your mother pretends to be pitiful and miserable. You have to refuse when you should, otherwise you will never get out of that fire pit. .”

"Like my mother, who was imprisoned for a year and no longer had any addiction after being released. Only when you really quit your addiction will you have hope in this life."

Zhao Jing nodded, but her will was not too strong yet. After all, she finally found her biological mother after being abandoned for many years...

Affen suddenly smiled and said, "By the way, why don't you accept my mother as your godmother? If your mother lies to you again and asks my mother to confront her, she was also a gambler before and knows best what the other party thinks. .”

Zhao Jing was shocked, "Ah, how dare I reach such a high level?"

A few years ago, Ah Fen's mother was also a fool, but now with Ah Fen's rise, that old lady has indeed transformed into a super rich old lady. She is a rent collector. If she takes care of her for more than ten years, she might become the boss of a wealthy family. Senior.

Affen smiled and waved her hand, "Let's go, let's go back to my mother's house with me today and ask her to cook us something delicious to replenish our health."

"I told her about you, and she feels sorry for you."

"Don't feel embarrassed. We are really in the same boat and have exactly the same experience."

Zhao Jing, "..."

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