Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 314 The Beautiful View of West Lake March Day

The matter related to Chen Baolian was just a sudden accident for Zhao Donghuai, and it was handled casually.

When March 1st came and (The Legend of Wan Guifei) continued to set off a hurricane baptism in East and Southeast Asia, Zhao Donghuai received a report that Cheng Long, Lan Naicai, Wang Yu and others were visiting.

He was a little surprised as to how this group of people got together.

After meeting the group and being polite, Lan Nai said excitedly, "Boss, I was imagining a future science fiction prison film. It is an adaptation of a comic book (The King of Power) from the island country. It involves various hard qigong and supernormal Human character background.”

"I'm just not sure whether it can be released smoothly and make money. Now, Brother Wang and Brother Ke here are willing to invest in supporting me to do special effects. I came here to ask you to check and see if there are any big problems with the screening."

"Mainly in my conception, this film will be more blood-based, similar to European and American blood-based films that are as terrifying and infiltrating. Will there be trouble if it is released in Haowan, Hong Kong?"

Zhao Donghuai glanced at the crowd strangely and took Lan Naicai's script. There were two big words on the cover, (King of Power)!

It’s really (King of Power), a comic adaptation.

This is about the future of the 1990s, when capitalist liberalization and evolution will be carried out, and private prisons controlled by capitalists will appear like in North America.

Then there is capital, big capitalists who can hang street lamps, prison wardens, all kinds of exploitation of prisoners' productivity, dedication, 996 and 007, compared with the control and exploitation model of private prisons, men and women cry.

The warden has four great kings from the southeast, northwest and northwest, who are his fierce generals. They grow opium in the prison and produce the powder for dumping in Haowan, Hong Kong.

The main plot is the story of a genius who learned hard qigong, killed someone to avenge his girlfriend, entered prison, started causing trouble, and defeated the four kings and the prison warden.

This is the same as the 1992 version (The King of Power), except that various details have not yet been filled in. A few simple hand-drawn storyboards were used to set the scale.

It's a cartoon-style bloody shot of a punch that pierces the intestines and rips out flesh and blood.

Judging from the synopsis of the story alone, it should not be defined as a third-level violent action movie that is released in a hurry after a few days, but you will know this concern after looking at the split shots.

It's a bit permeating indeed.

In this dimension, the Hong Kong Island film rating system also appeared in 1988. It was still the same person who controlled the film rating. It was just that no one dared to speak up and use that system to block the films of Zhao Films.

They don't even dare to block movies from Debao, 100 Years Pictures and Xu Ke.

After reading it, Zhao Donghuai smiled, "Actually, if this book is put into operation, it may not be able to be a success in Europe and the United States. There are a lot of Halloween, horror, and gory movies there. If you make it well, you won't have a chance to make money. "

"It seems that there is still a chance of making a big profit out of a small gain. If there is a big profit there, it doesn't matter whether Hong Kong Haowan or the Mainland goes up."

The level of bloodiness of Qin Rang (The King of Power) is not outstanding when compared with films such as A Nightmare on Elm Street (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre). Compared with various zombie films of later generations, it is also not bloody and perverted.

It's just Lan Naicai's original work in the original track...it doesn't have the ability to operate!

"As long as it sells well in Europe and the United States and is released in Hong Kong, even if it is defined as Level 3, there is no big problem. At most, it will only screen out a wave of audiences."

The original work was in the double-monetary era. Even one movie (New Blood Sword) starring Yuen Biao, Zhang Min, Li Xiuxian, etc. only managed to gross over one million Hong Kong dollars at the box office, while The King of Power grossed over 2.5 million Hong Kong dollars in seven days. It may not have failed after three weeks of release. A chance to hit six or seven million.

And for settings like hard qigong? Just copy the settings of Wanted and A Chinese Ghost Story. Either they are born with abnormalities, or they absorb radiation and become stronger, divided into levels.

Lan Naicai, Wang Yu and others were overjoyed. Even Cheng Long laughed and said, "If there is a chance to be a big hit in Europe and the United States, then this movie will be successful. Director Lan, do you have a goal for the male lead?"

Lan Naicai smiled and nodded, "Yes, I want to choose a newcomer. Only newcomers with ideals like Leng Touqing will be easier to avoid being corrupted after entering prison. Newcomers can fight..."

"How is Emperor Fan Shao?"

Cheng Long suddenly realized, "I know that handsome boy is also an old man in the industry. He has been studying martial arts for a few years since his debut as a child star. You can give it a try."

"But in that case, it seems that I don't need to star in the movie. How important will it be?"

Cheng Long said this to Wang Yu and Ke Junxiong. These two people originally came to him with the Fire Island script to star in. At this stage, they have switched to a brand new (Li Wang) project, a brand new lineup, and a new script.

We can't let him, Aaron, run into the prison to play the villain, right? ?

As for Fan Shaohuang... Aaron is no stranger, and Lan Naicai is no stranger either. Fan Shaohuang's father is a Shaw Brothers martial arts actor. From the 1960s to the 1980s, he starred in 50 or 60 movies, including Hong Yanbao's Lam Sai Wing. , Cheng Long’s junior brother takes action, and then Wealth Train and so on.

We are old partners, but that one is not popular.

However, Fan Shaohuang's father belonged to the Li Xiaolong era in the 1970s. Brother Xiaolong's friend, Lin Zhengying, was also Brother Xiaolong's right-hand man.

This is a circle, entertainment is a circle.

Fan Shaohuang is 18 years old this year. He has never entered Asia Opera, and has never participated in major projects of Zhao Films before. However, he has a good network of uncles in the circle.

He could call Hong Qinbao, Lin Zhengying, Cheng Long, Zhou Runfa, etc. whenever he saw them, not too close, but this was the foundation of his connections.

Lan Naicai himself was also a photographer who spent a whole time in Shaw Brothers.

Wang Yu rubbed her hands excitedly, "I definitely can't let you come in as a villain, Aaron, but since the movie has hope of being a big hit in Europe and the United States, even if it's just a small hope, we have to arrange some big names."

"If you want to sell it to Europe and the United States, you must have a white villain or an important supporting role..."

Cheng Long laughed, "Jet Benny and Richard Norton can all come, and I have a big circle of friends."

It’s just a familiar face that can be beaten. There has never been a shortage of white villains that can be beaten in Cheng Long’s movies, starting from the food truck, one after another.

Ke Junxiong also laughed, "That's how the project is decided. I'll leave everything to Director Lan."

It's a bit of a pity that a godfather like Lao Chen from the Hong Kong Bamboo Society can't be whitewashed in the movie, but for the sake of making money, it doesn't matter.

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and said with a smile, "It's not impossible to make prison movies big, but your thinking is still limited. Since the warden can get opium in the prison and get fans, why can't he do part-time organ smuggling?"

"Why can't we arrange for death row prisoners to go out to kill people and take orders to make money, like on Fire Island?"

"Why can't we have a ring competition? We can also have internal drag racing and so on. In Green Island, the warden is the king. It's not difficult to attract women from outside the prison."

"It is said to be a prison, but in fact it is a small country where he is the only one who dominates. Of course, if you do so many things at once, the theme will be messed up, but if you make a profit from the first part, you can try the second part. It will kill you. The old warden, and a new, more ferocious and more vicious warden appear."

"The new warden is also having more and more fun."

"After all, private prisons are where capitalists make money. If one capital dies, the next one will take over."

Prison movies, there are indeed many movies that have played with this theme. The King of Power itself is one of the masterpieces, South Korea also has "Betrayal", North America has the "Ultimate Fighter" series, "Death Race" and so on.

As for why Zhao Donghuai spoke so bluntly and took advantage of Wang Yu and Ke Junxiong? An idea is an idea. Whether it can be shot well depends on the director and the special effects team...

If you don’t invest heavily and shoot carefully, you won’t be able to play it.

Cheng Longdu's eyes lit up, "Yes, at first I thought that Fire Island would be a bad movie with a high chance of being a bad movie, just because the subject matter is restricted. There is no drag racing, there are no vases, and the scope of the comedy space is relatively small."

"Once the project is released, it will be a blockbuster series."

After a while, watching Cheng Long and others leave, Zhao Donghuai took a sip of tea to calm down, and then smiled and said to Qiu Shuzhen, "You ask Amin to arrange for Wanjia Supermarket, Baijia Surname Chain, and Huazhi Chain , comprehensively spread to all counties in Anhui and Jiangsu."

"Let's start from this month."

Qiu Shuzhen said in shock, "Wanjia theater chain is going to the county? Aren't the New Era theater chains in those two provinces going to be finished?"

She vaguely remembered that when New Times opened, she asked, Zhao Donghuai also made it clear that Wanjia would not go to the county within a few years, and it had only been more than a year? To be precise, it has been just over a year and four months since New Era opened.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "It's okay, it's just a pilot. In the past, Wanjia couldn't go to the county because there was no money. Small shareholders like Cheng Long and Yuan Biao didn't have money to pursue capital."

"But since Debao and 100 Years Pictures have been listed one after another, those guys have a lot of money in their hands. If the shares are mortgaged to the bank, they can borrow one to two billion. This is a loan that a major shareholder can get. If they have money, they can borrow Anhui and Jiangsu will serve as pilot projects for lower counties."

"You can tell Wang Dashu and the others that we are a pilot project, just around the lower reaches of the Huaihe and Yangtze River basins. They will understand."

Qiu Shuzhen gave a weird laugh and turned around to get busy.

Since Zhao Donghuai wants to fight a business war, let's fight it. Anyway, New Era Wang Dashuo and others cannot withstand this trend.

Firstly, the new era requires countless blockbusters to earn a share of the box office. Secondly, after Wang Dashuo and others enter the film and television industry to make movies, they need to use Zhao Donghuai's channels to release them around the world and earn US dollars.

These two points are stuck.

Then they can only look at the Wanjia Group that is going to the county. That is Wanjia. The welfare benefits are much better than many state-owned enterprises. They all provide benefits to the citizens. They use their heads to stop it?

Zhao Donghuai took another sip of tea, and some strange thoughts flashed through his mind.

It is now March 1, 1990, 15 months away from May 1991!

The floods in East China in 1991 affected more than 48 million people in Anhui Province and more than 42 million people in Jiangsu Province during two to three months. The total number of people affected by the floods in the two places was more than 90 million!

The death toll from the disaster was three to four digits. Compared with the total affected population of nearly 100 million, the number of deaths was much smaller. However, more than 2 million people were left homeless after the disaster...not to mention the economic losses.

Countless people affected by the disaster were infected with various infectious diseases during the disaster, had no food or clothing, and were in urgent need of all kinds of clothing, tents, food, medicine, etc.

Knowing that something like this would happen in a dozen months or a catastrophe that would last for two or three months, Zhao Donghuai naturally had to do something.

Wanjia County seems to be an ordinary and normal business plan, but what are the attributes of Wanjia? Supermarkets stock a wide variety of people's necessities, and all food and clothing are included.

There are fifty or sixty counties and county-level cities in Anhui Province. There are three houses in each county, which is a safe haven for one to two hundred buildings that can survive the flood. One building cannot hold too many people, but more than 90 million people have been affected by the disaster. What is most urgently needed is Supplies!

Wanjia has supplies! !

The situation in Su is similar. There are already enough Wanjia Centers in the 13 Taibao urban area of ​​Su Province, and the next step is to expand them to counties.

Wanjia Building has become a safe haven, and of course Huazhi Hotel must also become a safe haven!

Also, Wanjia has spread to hundreds of counties and cities, but what about the roads? It is also necessary to donate some money to build roads so that tens of thousands of trucks can move around.

Thousands of large trucks are extremely useful at critical moments.

As for Cheng Long, Hong Qinbao, Yuan Biao, Zhang Guorong, Liu Dehua and other Wanjia small shareholders? They will definitely not not pay. First of all, Zhao Donghuai spoke. They also have money, and it is difficult to refuse Zhao Donghuai's will.

Secondly, everyone knows that it is the retail channel! !

They have factories one by one. They do not sell products in the mainland now, but they will definitely start selling products in the mainland in the future. You are the king of channels if you master the retail terminal.

For Cheng Long, who wants to become a tycoon in the milk powder industry, he is not anxious about the vast market in the mainland, but he will definitely be greedy as the times develop.

Andy Lau's bicycle? Don't be ridiculous, Liu Dehua is the king of the music industry. Wanjia has settled in more than 100 counties. It represents record retail terminals and has also reached more than 100 counties.

Who dares to say that this business plan is not about making money? ?

The Wan family has moved into the county. Is it not bad to ask Wang Zuxian, a rich woman who is not short of money, to donate more teaching buildings to Anhui Province? It would also be a safe haven in floods. The furniture factory Wang Zuxian opened in his hometown was very large, with thousands of employees. If it developed well, wouldn't it be appropriate to expand and continue to open branch factories? ?

At this stage, he cannot tell the outside world that there will be such a terrible flood in 15 months next year, but when developing his own group, it can be considered as a contribution to make more preparations in accordance with the normal development trend.

The floods in East China in 1991 were the first time that the mainland asked the world for help. More than 90 million people in the two places were affected by the disaster, and there were even more when other provinces and cities were included.

From July 1991 to July 1992, Hong Kong residents and overseas Chinese donated 2.83 billion yuan, which was converted into more than 3 billion Hong Kong dollars. Ordinary people can donate one after another. Zhao Donghuai, the de facto richest man in the world, , how normal it is to do something.

after a while.

When Wang Zuxian came over, he asked curiously, is the Wanjia Group really going to the county, or is Anhui and Jiangsu going to war? Xiaoxian hugged him and shook him excitedly, "How about we go back to my hometown and take a look around?"

"When I opened a furniture factory before, I also donated a road to my hometown county, but it was a bit troublesome to go back and play around. The traffic down there was not very good."

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "This will get better soon."

During the 1987 stock market crash, hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars were made from the stock market of the island country. It is impossible for him to say that he would donate all of it to build roads. That would be too nonsense. If this place donates to build roads, what about the next one? It was an official matter, but you did it. Is it appropriate?

But does a business plan work? Make a plan that will make Zhao Donghuai profitable on the surface?

For example, I plan to build a (Water Margin) film and television city, similar to the Jurassic theme park. How many tourists has the current theme park attracted from around the world, and how much money has it made for Zhao and Huazhi? Everyone can figure this out.

So I first invested in a film and television city project and was filming "Water Margin". In order to attract tourists in the future and facilitate communication, I then donated a small amount of money to urge the local government to speed up the road construction plan. Isn't it very reasonable? Originally, Wuxi, one of the Thirteen Taibos in Jiangsu Province, had the Water Margin Film and Television City.

The 1998 version of Water Margin was not filmed at the real site of Liangshan Po, but at Wuxi Water Margin...

Bianliang had already taken the initiative to let Zhao Sheng film Water Margin!

There are also the Yangtze River, Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, Taihu Lake, Hongze Lake, and Gaoyou Lake. With this series of beautiful scenery, wouldn’t New World Passenger Transport be able to join in and pull tourists from Hong Kong and Haowan, and even tourists from South Korea, to travel and spend money?

Once there are more tourists, he can earn not only boat tickets, but also various scenic spot businesses.

Those are the package of "real business" development plans that cooperate with Wanjia Supermarket, Zhao's Logistics and Transportation, and Huazhi chain stores.

As long as Zhao Donghuai hands this proposal to the relevant big shots in Anhui and Jiangsu, it is estimated that it will also receive strong support.

Things were being done and developing, and when the flood came 15 months later, we were basically able to meet our expectations. After all, after this time, there will still be 98...

In this wave of big business, whether it is Wanjia Supermarket or Huazhi Chain, they are just buildings with five floors above ground and one or two floors underground. According to the standards of the 1990s, are they developed into hotels in the county? ? Five layers is enough!

It's too high, and there are too many guest rooms, so it's actually unusable.

With only five floors, the construction cycle is much faster. It can be completed in about half a year. The decoration will take another two or three months. It should be said that before the next Spring Festival, Vanguard, Huazhi Chain, logistics and warehousing centers, etc., will have thousands of large trucks. The trucks are all ready for use.

If you want to carry out large-scale construction in hundreds of counties at once, how many workers will be needed? ? Recruit locally in every county. In the new China of the 21st century, countless metropolises will shine like pearls.

Wasn't the main force built by migrant workers? In the early stage, you won’t be able to teach, but you can learn, and by the way, you will contribute a wave of wealth to the recruitment and employment of workers in the two places.

"Wait while I ask someone to prepare a business plan, and then we'll go to Anhui Province for some time."


March 5th.

(The Legend of Concubine Wan Guifei) has been released for a full week, and the total box office of Hong Kong Haowan has exceeded 40 million Hong Kong dollars, and the daily box office has basically stabilized at more than 3 million levels.

Mainland... Mainland has entered the end of the Lunar New Year period. When it is time to go to work, when it is time to go to school, it still took in a box office of 120 million yuan on the weekend. Adding in the previous accumulation, the box office exceeded 200 million yuan.

South Korea is the most explosive. Lee Young-ae is a local star in South Korea. She is the second female lead in (The Legend of Princess Royal). With this bonus, even if she is the villain in the love story, she cannot stop the enthusiasm of South Korean fans. She has sold 3 million in seven days. Number of moviegoers, box office of HK$90 million!

Lee Young-ae is a hot spot in the South Korean entertainment industry.

Against the background of this huge wave of film and television projects, Zhao Donghuai arrived in Nandu with Wang Zuxian, Qiu Shuzhen, and Zhou Huimin. After staying for two days, he transferred to the convoy to Shucheng on the 7th.

Sitting in the RV and looking at the scenery outside the window, Amin couldn't help but praise, "The mainland has developed so fast in the past few years, but are you sure that the Huazhi chain will only have two five-story hotels in each county?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Let's book two buildings first. In fact, even if the house price is cheap, I feel... it's not right. With the advantage of being warm in winter and cool in summer, with the infrastructure of air conditioning and floor heating, maybe business can be good in winter and summer."

"It will take a year or two to build a movie and television city, and then let the New World Passenger Transport travel to various places to attract tourists to make money..."

His package of investment plans was a plan to invest tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars in more than 100 counties in Anhui and Jiangsu over several years. As soon as the plan was faxed to the mainland, the relevant leaders flew to ATV to talk to him that day.

When he arrived in Nandu the day before yesterday, the welcome he received was simply indescribable.

When he was in Nandu, he didn't just meet a group of leaders from Nandu. It could be said that everyone who could go to Anhui and Jiangsu was basically there.

As for why he flew to Nandu? One is that it is one of the core cities in the Jiangnan area, and the second is the airport in Anhui Province. At present, there is only Huangshan Airport... It is farther from Huangshan Airport to Shucheng than from Nandu.

big Stone? The big rocks have no say in this matter.

In 1990, did you dare to plan a total investment of tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars, close to US$10 billion, in terms of attracting investment? ? What does it mean? ?

According to the original trajectory, the total foreign exchange reserves of the entire mainland last year were only 5.5 billion U.S. dollars, and the total foreign exchange reserves of the entire mainland were 5.5 billion! Although the mainland's foreign exchange reserves have increased several times through various butterfly effects in this dimension, it is still a super silver bullet to hit so much in one go.

When Zhao Donghuai talked about the entire operation of the logistics and warehousing center, Vanguard, Huazhi, tourist attractions with film and television bases, and New World Passenger Transport to attract tourists to Haowan Port.

It’s useless, he said, because various places are rapidly planning land road construction issues, and even if they don’t have money, they have to withhold money for large-scale construction.

Otherwise, today's Wanjia County pilot program could be in Anhui and Jiangsu. If you are not active in building roads, will Henan, Shandong, Gan, Hubei, Shu, etc., take over? ? That will definitely steal your head!

Are you not active in building roads? Why not let us grab it?

This is the reason why Zhao Donghuai obviously has a huge amount of RMB cash flow in the accounts of various factories in the mainland, and he also spends US dollars on it.

While we were talking, Brother Azhen rang loudly. After some exchanges, Azhen put down the phone and said with a smile, "Boss, Sister Qing called me and asked me, there is no reason for you to change your taste and like tablets..." "

"Aren't you too fond of Xiaoxian this time?"

Wang Zuxian wanted to sing happily, "What's wrong with just pampering me? Sister Qing is not without money."

Not to mention the outside world, everyone within the Zhao family feels that the Wanjia Group's expansion into counties and the fact that Anhui and Jiangsu were used as pilot projects are all the result of Wang Zuxian...

Zhou Huimin became suspicious and whispered to Zhao Donghuai, "Did she create a new trick of her own? That's not right. I obviously have..."

"Is there a universe within?? You never said that before?"

Zhao Donghuai coughed loudly.

Damn it, there is a universe within it, and this Amin's imagination is too big.


On the night of the 7th, Zhao Donghuai stayed in Luzhou. After all, there was no Huazhi chain in Shucheng before, and it was still a bit cold in the northern county where it was only February 11th in the lunar calendar.

When the temperature is around zero at night, the Huazhi five-star flagship store in Luzhou, the capital of Anhui Province, is much more comfortable.

The total distance from Shucheng to Luzhou is only more than 50 kilometers... It takes more than half an hour to drive there with just a slight step on the accelerator. In the future, he will mostly live in Luzhou.

One night, Amin and Azhen were trying to figure out whether Xiaoxian had something inside him.

Is it a show?


number 8.

When Zhao Donghuai arrived in Shucheng, the county had already mobilized for several days and pulled out a huge construction team from all over the county and villages, most of which were good guys.

Taking Shucheng as an example, there are three Wanjia Supermarket buildings with five floors on the ground and two Huazhi chain buildings with five floors on the ground. Wang Zuxian donated a four-story teaching building to the middle school in every township in the county, and each primary school donated One two-story teaching building and two high schools donated two buildings.

Shucheng also needs to build a Zhao's Logistics Parking Lot, a template for parking 20 large vehicles, and a three-story office complex.

When the floods come next year, tens of thousands of large trucks will gather in Anhui and Jiangsu, which will serve as super mobile bases and safe havens.

Although the heavy rain that lasts for two or three months can destroy many houses and submerge vehicles, it usually only submerges small cars, excluding large trucks. What is also washed away are one-story houses with tile roofs in rural areas.

Is there also a road construction plan at the county level, mainly connecting the provincial capital city of Luzhou? ?

Even if the county pays to recruit people for road construction, there will be at least a few thousand construction workers in one go, and there may be tens of thousands. After all, Zhao Donghuai is not short of money and wants to use a two-shift, eight-hour construction model. .

All construction workers receive a monthly salary of 200 yuan, including food and accommodation.

Catering and accommodation for this large group are big business. Accommodation is easy to say. A number of mobile prefabricated houses are built near each construction site, which is fast and efficient.

The young construction workers recruited from the private sector are also very enthusiastic about these jobs, and each one has more morale than the other. First of all, the salary is high, and everyone is very happy to have this job during the slack time.

Secondly, it is 50 kilometers away from the provincial capital Luzhou. Who has not visited Luzhou Wanjia Supermarket when going on a blind date or making a girlfriend? ? That is the most popular trend of this era.

Now the Wan family has gone down to the county? Can everyone be unhappy? ? After the construction is completed, the local county recruits workers. Who wouldn't be tempted by the fairy-level benefits and benefits? ?

The first plan of Wanjiaxia County has received the most enthusiastic support and expectations from people everywhere for more than 100 counties and county-level cities.

Zhao Donghuai, he is only responsible for throwing money.

After all, the team is led by veteran builders from Chinese Real Estate and Zhongzitou Construction Group, and the construction machinery group management is sufficient. We first recruit people to select the division of labor, and then gradually teach them. What follows is a construction period of about half a year, and several months of decoration. Construction period.

This is equivalent to giving money to train the team.

There will definitely be confusion and trouble in the initial stage, but for many experienced builders, it is not a big trouble.

This is a big project that we have worked hard to promote from top to bottom.


On the 9th, Zhao Donghuai arrived at Wang's Furniture Factory in Shucheng from Luzhou again. He inspected it first and then said with a smile, "Xiaoxian, it's time for your furniture factory to expand. Let's talk about this batch of Huazhi and Wanshi Furniture Factory." After the logistics building of Jia, Baijia, and Zhao is completed."

“How many wooden tables, chairs, metal and plastic seats are needed??”

Xiaoxian, who made hundreds of millions in one night, nodded excitedly, "Expanding enrollment is a small matter. I had already asked the team to help Chen Derong open a plastic bucket and basin factory in Pingding City."

"We will take advantage of the trend to recruit another wave of people, and the old ones will bring in the new ones. It will go very smoothly."

"A Rong's plastic bucket and basin factory also has great prospects. If I follow my trend and enter the market in various places, it should sell well."

Plastic buckets and basins are indispensable in every household. Who doesn't have a few washbasins and footbaths?

"By the way, Ah Rong's family is in Pingding City now. After she heard that you were here, she wanted to come over and continue to thank you."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Stop running around, just let her stay in her hometown and continue her return home in fine clothes."

A package of commercial money-making plans started yesterday, covering more than 100 counties. This large-scale construction hopes to help more people in 15 months.

He certainly couldn't help everyone, and he couldn't fight against that kind of natural disaster.

But it would be nice to be able to help more.

Starting from the site selection, each safe haven is built on high ground where water can be easily distributed. Even the supermarket that originally provides fruits, vegetables, grains, etc. is on the first floor. During the heavy rainy season, it lasts for two or three months before it is ready. Terrible floods.

Before the rain starts to spread to the inside of the supermarket, there is time to move the goods to the second, third, fourth and fifth floors.

The Yangtze River and the Huaihe River basins have been plagued by floods one after another. It is basic to plan ahead and build buildings to be more resistant to disasters. Similar to the buildings you build across the country, they must withstand disasters such as earthquakes. .

It’s nothing more than that many of Zhao’s buildings have better disaster resistance and higher quality!

Not to mention this batch, those built in urban areas in the past also met various disaster resistance standards.

Wang Zuxian didn't care about the trivial matter of whether Chen Derong would come or not, and said in anticipation, "Hey, isn't Azhen's boat coming soon? Then we can have a good tour of Chao Lake, take a yacht to the sea, and take a yacht to the big lake. It feels like It’s different too.”

“I haven’t visited Chaohu Lake since I came here last year.”

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "I brought a big yacht just for fun. It really belongs to you."

Transporting the yacht is not a big deal. We have people drive it from Hong Kong Island to the Yangtze River Estuary, then disembark along the Yangtze River, enter the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, and then enter Chaohu Lake.

Lianghuai and Jiangnan are already densely covered with water networks.

Azhen, who was on the phone at the back, immediately hung up the phone and said with a serious face, "How do you call it fun? This is also a business. Our New World Passenger Transport is here to develop the tourism industry."

"As the big boss, I have to experience it for the tourists first."

"Zhang Min and I are still considering whether to open a shipyard. Although our shipbuilding technology is not very strong, we can join a joint venture, such as joint ventures with the mainland and South Korea to introduce South Korean technology."

"There are so many wealthy people who like yachts in Haowan, Hong Kong. If we can also produce them, we probably won't have to worry about sales."

Zhao Donghuai said in surprise, "Really or not? Can you still develop your career seriously?"

Azhen then shrugged, "Okay, I'm bragging, who told you not to brag about me..."

Xiaoxian was shocked, "In public?? I didn't expect you, Zhen, to be more feverish than Amin."

Director Zhao, "..."

He coughed twice before speaking, "Wait a minute and let ATV re-broadcast (The Legend of the White Snake). The beautiful scenery of the West Lake and the March sky. I guess there will be many people who want to swim in the West Lake. Then you can take some beautiful scenery and beautiful photos." .”

"New World Passenger Transport will naturally attract a wave of tourists."

Wang Zuxian was stunned, "Isn't that Zhejiang Province?"

Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "Your yachts are here. When the time comes, let's walk in a big circle along the water network."

Chaohu Lake, the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, the Yangtze River, Taihu Lake, and the Qiantang River are just a walk away.

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