Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 315 What are you and Master Xing doing?

On a new day, Guan Jiahui drove a three-deck luxury yacht for a boat trip on Chao Lake. After running a few laps, she came to the first deck and smiled, "Although it looks very similar to the sea view at first glance, but after experiencing it more, I feel that the lake view is better than the sea view." The sea view is much gentler.”

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Can it be the same between going to the sea and an inland lake?"

The next moment, when he picked up the small trawl net beside the yacht and pulled up a group of small fish, Guan Jiahui couldn't help laughing and said, "Your net is too small, why are it full of small fish?"

"But these fish look pretty good."

Wang Zuxian, who helped pick up the fish, explained, "This is Chaohu whitebait, a specialty. You can't get it easily in other places, and that's not right. It seems that there are many exports and sales here in Anhui Province."

This kind of whitebait has a long and slender body, just larger than a cigarette. It has no scales. It looks like the fish body is translucent and there are no fish bones inside.

If you want to eat fish, you don’t need to open it and wash it. Just put it in the pot and cook it after washing it with water.

Guan Jiahui thought for a while and ignored these things. She said curiously, "I received a call before. (Joking about Zhengde) The crew is heading south from the capital to shoot scenes in Jiangnan. They also came to Luzhou when passing by."

"Would you like to meet and give me some guidance?"

This three-decker luxury yacht arrived yesterday, as did Jia Hui. She landed in Nandu by plane yesterday and boarded the yacht on the bank of the Yangtze River in Nandu.

As for Chaohu, which is hundreds of miles away, can I receive wireless signals from Big Brother? That means it works sometimes and sometimes not, it depends on luck.

Zhao Donghuai was slightly surprised and said, "The progress is quite fast."

On February 8th, he asked Zhao Yazhi to call Zheng Shaoqiu to film (joking about Zhengde), which was to win the project of Wanwan Feiteng Pictures (joking about Qianlong). After that conversation, he only gave internal instructions to ATV, and there was no specific process. Attention.

Now it's March 10th. You've already filmed and are you going to Jiangnan for filming?

Kwan Jiahui said speechlessly, "It's not difficult to take on the project that I decided to do. Feiteng Pictures and the screenwriters all came together to help with the filming. I don't expect to make much money, I just hope to be able to grow close to a big tree."

"To put it bluntly, it's like a leather bag company. They gather together to make TV series and sell them to Laosan. There were no big hits before."

"(The Legend of Chu Liuxiang) in 1979 was so popular. Qiu Guan and Zhao Yazhi were both extremely popular. Feiteng Pictures made Qiu Guan the sequel to Chu Liuxiang in 1985 as their first film, and sold it to Laosan Channel for ratings. The rate is mediocre..."

"Except for Chu Liuxiang's sequel, there is nothing worth talking about."

"Not to mention this time. It was originally scheduled for Qianlong to go to Jiangnan and eliminate the hegemons in Jiangnan. You just change it to Zhengde. Zhengde also went to Jiangnan several times. He changed his name, changed his clothing style and hairstyle, and just copied it."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Okay, when we have enough fun, we can meet Qiuguan and the others in the evening and have a meal together. There is nothing to direct in ordinary TV dramas."

Feiteng Pictures, as mentioned by Kwan Jiahui, has indeed not had any achievements or works at this stage since its debut in 1985. It was (Joking about Qianlong) that it started to rise, and then (Joking about Qianlong 2) (Joking about Cixi) (Bodyguard: Lover's Bodyguard) (Bodyguard of Heaven) Sweet girl) (Ma Yongzhen) (Young hero Fang Shiyu) (Smart little guy)...

In the early stage, they mainly cooperated with Zheng Shaoqiu, He Jiajing, etc., and in the middle and late stages, they mainly cooperated with Zhang Weijian.

As far as the 1990s are concerned, it is a pretty good new force in film and television. Zhao Donghuai Jiehu is really a temporarily capable producer.

The next moment, Guan Jiahui suddenly smiled strangely and said, "Wait a minute, I'll change my clothes and come out to play again."

Zhao Donghuai looked confused, and even Wang Zuxian was startled and confused. What clothes are you wearing in broad daylight? Although there are no other ships within a few kilometers...

After a while, Zhao Donghuai's expression was indescribable when he saw Guan Jiahui popping out in a mermaid suit.

Then Sister Guan jumped to the side of the yacht and entered the water, then swung her limbs and swam in the clear lake water. "It looks good. I spent two to three hundred thousand yuan to have it made by masters at the special effects base. I feel that as long as I master the mermaid-like effect, The swimming posture is exactly the same as that of a mermaid."

Now, it looks like Sister Guan has transformed into a pure mermaid.

Zhao Donghuai looked at it curiously for a while, then smiled and said, "Why did you think of custom-making this kind of clothing?"

Guan Jiahui laughed while swimming near the yacht, "A screenwriter wrote an urban love script (Legend of Mermaid). The overall plan was average, but the mermaid idea was not bad. I also discovered that there was a mermaid movie in Hollywood in 1984. "

"When filming this kind of movie over there, special costumes are made to wrap the legs as special effects. As long as they are made more realistic, they are much more real than computer special effects."

Swimming in this kind of clothes is much more difficult than the fins of a frogman suit. It is much more difficult for ordinary people to swim in the water naked. Fortunately, Guan Jiahui's physique and physical fitness are multi-level Olympic championships. Look at her swimming in the water. At ease; leisurely.

Zhao Donghuai grabbed his camera and took a few sets of photos before going into the water and bringing her out.

There is indeed one film in the original track (Legend of the Mermaid), starring Zheng Yijian and Zhong Liti. It was filmed in 1993, but the screenwriter had the idea early? This is so normal. Hollywood Mermaid was released in 1984. Who wouldn’t copy it?

He also remembered that in 1993, director Luo Wen was the director, not the singer, Luo Wen. In order to make a good movie, he spent hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars on custom-made costumes in North America.

The photoshoot is quite passable, not bad, similar to (Happy Ghost)’s cheerful campus style.

It was at that time that Yi Jian, who did not have the aura of "Zheng Haonan", could not afford the box office, so he was relatively reluctant to work.

What about this plane? Since Zheng Yi Jian's debut in F4, several movies (The Twilight Saga) have swept the world's movie fans, and the Xichang factory flower Wang Zhi in one (The Legend of the Princess) is now sweeping East and Southeast Asia.

If we work on a (Mermaid Legend) project, we should definitely make money.

The basis of popularity is different!

(Twilight) In The Twilight Saga, Ajian fell in love with a human girl as a vampire, and now there is another version of the human Ajian falling in love with a mermaid, which seems to have a large audience base.

That's not right either. Should we let Xing Zai play a version (Mermaid)? ? The Mermaid directed by Ah Xing before the time travel was just like that. Without him as the starring role, the laugh power is really down by several levels. If Ah Xing is cast in one, it seems to be quite promising.

Ah Xing plays Liu Xuan, a self-made tycoon, and Chen Baixiang plays Octopus. Others such as female leads are much easier to find. After all, there are too many beautiful actresses in ATV and ATV at this stage.


A few hours later.

When night was coming, the big yacht docked somewhere in Luzhou, and Zhao Donghuai sighed with emotion, "This mermaid costume is too expensive, it costs two to three hundred thousand for a set."

"If it's cheaper, maybe it can be made into peripheral products and sell well."

Jiahui is still the same Jiahui, but the feeling he experiences is different.


On March 14, the beautiful scenery of West Lake in Hangzhou was charming. It was still drizzling in the sky and the temperature was more than ten degrees Celsius.

On the big yacht, Zhao Donghuai said to the model who was wearing two sets of mermaid makeup, "You are fully dressed. Are you sure you can swim well if you get into the water now?"

Guan Jiahuiding's mermaid suit is not just a set. Now that her imagination has reached this point, Zhao Donghuai is also arranging a package of tourism, equipped with large infrastructure, and making more preparations and pavements for next year's floods.

Although the mermaid suit is expensive, it can really attract a lot of tourists if it is occasionally advertised and hyped.

Now they are not far from West Lake Hunan, Xizhao Mountain and Leifeng Pagoda. Once the two big models Yao Peifang and Qu Ying enter the water, whether it is a prepared video recorder or camera, they can take appropriate angle shots, photos, etc. wait.

These two top models in the Mainland currently participated in last year's Hong Kong Fashion Week and participated both times. They are two of the most popular models in the modeling circle.

Regardless of whether it's a video or a photo, I'll only take the side profile, which is blurry and more beautiful.

Then just find a new tabloid and publish it... Kowloon Daily will reprint it every two days, and the popularity will rise.

It's all about hype, this Zhao Donghuai is so familiar!

He deliberately shot the scenery in this water area. After all, the sunset at Leifeng Peak is one of the ten scenic spots in West Lake. Now is not the sunset, the most beautiful and beautiful period, but he cut out the background of Leifeng Pagoda.

After it was sent to Hong Kong Island and caused a sensation among the public, some people recognized Leifeng Pagoda and came to travel in search of mermaids? If you can't find it, then it's the tourists' fault. After all, the background of the times is here. The world is deceiving various masters and qigong to cause trouble.

The mermaid photos were also provided by unscrupulous tabloids...

Zhao Donghuai's newspaper group just "accidentally discovered the gimmick" and reprinted it. The fact that tourists were deceived had nothing to do with him, the God of Wealth.

Afterwards, under the tourism trend supported by New World Passenger Transport, they took advantage of the trend to promote the "Mermaid" movie project. It was just a matter of Hong Kong Island Film and Television Group taking advantage of the east wind.

In the end, this shareholder style was transformed, and all the box office sales were donated to charity, including providing food, clothing, tents, medicine, etc. for next year's floods.

This is called taking from the people and using it for the people.

Under his words, Qu Ying nodded, "Don't worry, Zhao Sheng, we are ready. Besides, aren't there lifeguards who will be in the water at any time?"

On this large yacht, in addition to Zhou Huimin and Azhen watching the fun today, there are also eight female bodyguards wearing frogman suits who are ready to enter the water at any time.

Specialized lifeboats are also placed on the water behind the yacht.

The shape of the two women, the mermaid skirt is not like the fishtail skirt that Kwan Jiahui wore a few days ago, which only reaches the waist. It is a skirt similar to fish scales. The feet and legs are covered from the fishtail, and the front body directly covers the conscience, and is just open-backed. The faces of the two women are also decorated with many embellishments that enhance their style and temperament.

Not to mention the side face, which is not easy to recognize, the front face is also difficult because of makeup and styling issues. Unless you are very familiar with it, you can confirm it with just a few glances.

Models wear all kinds of weird clothes on catwalks every day, so it’s not a big deal to change into this mermaid dress today.

When Zhao Donghuai grabbed the video recorder and made an OK gesture, the two women jumped to the side of the yacht and jumped directly into the water. Joining them in the water were four Pan-Asian bodyguards in female frogman suits, all of whom were proficient in water skills.

The elite frogmen with oxygen tanks helped the two models adjust their posture under the water when they first entered the water and were not used to it. They supported them for a while. After a few minutes, Qu Ying and Yao Peifang were able to gradually stand on their own. Swimming in the water.

Zhao Donghuai is responsible for filming and framing.

Half an hour later.

When the yacht docked, Zhou Huimin said blankly, "Brother Huai, can this also hurt the box office? Are the audience really that stupid?"

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, most of the audience is not as smart as you think."

You have to know that in the Internet era, with every viral marketing, North America can bombard a bad movie like "The Ghost Story" with hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office. How smart do you think the audience is?

The first movie hyped up the mermaid gimmick and attracted a wave of tourists. Then a director from Hong Kong announced that he would start shooting a mermaid movie. The first wave of tourists who came to West Lake failed to find it. Just when they were regretting it, the mermaid appeared again in Taihu Lake, Jiangsu Province...

The (Water Margin) film and television base in Taihu Lake is also under planning and design.

After the movie is released, even if the box office it gets is deceiving the audience, donating the box office to charity will not cause trouble.

The box office in Haowan, Hong Kong does charity in Haowan, Hong Kong, and the box office in Mainland China does charity in Mainland China. It is reasonable and reasonable! Come up with a detailed plan and clearly list where every dollar will be spent, which can be displayed to the public.

That's okay.

However, the port sales of South Korea, the island nation of Star, Malaysia, and Thailand, as well as the ports of Europe and the United States, can be used to make false charity accounts, and all of them will be used for construction and material reserves in the mainland to deal with next year's floods.

Just talking about raincoats, sleeping bags, and tents, at least several million people must be prepared.

It’s decided that we’ll film Cheng E-kin’s version of The Legend of Mermaid first, and the comedy romance will make a lot of money at the box office. When the limelight is almost over, we’ll do the comedy Mermaid starring Xing Zai.

With a viral marketing campaign, a movie called "Mermaid" in this era can easily sell 2 to 300 million RMB in box office in the Mainland, no problem.

We can also look forward to Hong Kong Haowan.

In the final analysis, this is not Zhao Donghuai's greed for the hundreds of millions of box office money, but the triggering of a tourist trend. Tourists chase the figure of the mermaid and run around in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui.

This can boost the tourism economy and stimulate local authorities to take the initiative to build roads!

After the roads are repaired, when floods come, thousands of large trucks can rush to the rescue! And transport supplies!

Once the road is repaired, he will be able to get thousands of trucks. When the soldiers start moving, the rescue operation will become more efficient and faster.

Donated supplies can also be sent to where they are most needed as quickly as possible.

On the surface, he just wants to make money and engage in hype stunts to defraud the box office. The core is to build roads and large infrastructure. If he doesn't say it, the outsiders who don't know about it will sigh with emotion. Capitalists are really trying to make money!

When getting off the yacht, Zhao Donghuai smiled at Yao Peifang and Qu Ying, "In the next few months, you two will be mermaids, appearing occasionally in several freshwater lakes or rivers to attract people to chase you."

"You don't have to go to the Fashion Week in June this year, but I guarantee that after this wave, you will dominate the global modeling circle for a few years. You will go to the Winter Fashion Week again."

Both models nodded excitedly, indicating that they would obey orders and arrangements.

After all, they all knew who they were in front of, the richest man in China and the almost uncrowned king of Hong Kong Island.

When the crowd got off the yacht and were going to the hotel, two leaders of the West Lake District came over with their secretaries and exchanged polite greetings. A certain leader had a weird smile on his face and said, "Sheng Zhao, isn't it a bit weird to promote a movie like this?" weird??"

Zhao Donghuai said, "It's okay. This is how capital and business wars are fought. You will know after seeing more in the future."

"By the way, when the media group starts moving, if the Li family's Aju, Akai, Wang Dehui, and Zhao Shizeng over there come to ask for news or the situation, you can just push back and say they don't know anything. "

Before he promoted the big plan, he naturally communicated with relevant leaders and talked about his plan. What he talked about was very superficial, a mermaid gimmick to build momentum for the Xuanfa (Mermaid Legend) movie.

It was today on Hong Kong Island that Fei Jing just grabbed the script and planned to shoot (Legend of the Mermaid) in addition to "Fight Back to School 3". The male lead, Zheng Yi Jian, and the female lead are still being selected...

That’s all.

Of course the leaders in Hangzhou were greatly surprised!

Can you still make a movie like this? ?

Leader A was still hesitant to speak, but Leader B smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, we won't talk too much here. I wish your new movie project will be a global hit again."

Leaders’ thoughts are also different.

For example, B feels that the appearance of mermaids in Hangzhou's West Lake is to build momentum and lay the foundation for the Hong Kong version of the Mermaid Legend, but once it is released, how many people will come to West Lake?

I heard that ATV just re-broadcasted "The Legend of the White Snake" yesterday. As soon as the TV series started, I don't know how many people's feelings were aroused, and the lyrics were "The beauty of the West Lake is March, the spring rain is like wine, and the willows are like smoke." , brainwashed West Lake.

Such a great thing.

Another mermaid thrill? ?

He feels that the West Lake tourism industry has great potential in the next few months! A 50-episode TV series can be aired for 25 days even if it airs two episodes in a day!


About the same time.

Hong Kong Island, 100 Years Pictures.

Wang Jing read the script again before slapping the table and sighing, "Fuck, no wonder Zhao Sheng is the richest man in China and the God of Wealth. This idea is absolutely brilliant!"

Zhou Xingxing also put down the script (Legend of the Mermaid) and said with a strange look, "This script doesn't feel too exciting? How awesome is it?"

On February 12th, a group of talents including Zhou Xingxing, Fei Jing, Chen Baixiang, etc. began planning to shoot (Truy School Dragon 3), but at that time they only had a rough idea, the protagonist would continue to be an undercover, and the teacher Xiao Yingying would return.

But that's the outline of the story, the outline is set.

After several rounds of interviews, the actors were gradually confirmed, but the specific details and outlines were still filled in step by step. Until today (truant 3), 70+% has been filled in.

Shooting hasn't officially started yet.

Fei Jing suddenly received a call to direct a new film, (Legend of Mermaid)? Zhou Xingxing also knew that Hollywood made a version of Mermaid in 1984, starring the famous Tom Hanks.

So he watched it a few times and felt that the script of The Mermaid Legend was just average.

Wang Jinglang smiled and glanced at Xingzai a few times before muttering, "You'll know after a while."

Of course it’s okay to just read the script, but when you learn about a series of hype plans, you’ll know how outrageous it is!

"You'd better help me think about who to choose as the heroine, mermaid?"

Xingzai asked strangely, "There are so many beautiful girls, but you can't choose it?"

Wang Jing shook his head and said, "The white female lead version still uses Jennifer Aniston, and she is gradually becoming more and more popular. The Chinese female lead version, Zhu Yin, Cai Shaofen? Or Li Zi? Yuan Jieying? Li Wanhua? There are just too many choices. There are too many, and I don’t know who to use.”

Zhou Xingxing thought for a moment and lit a cigarette, "Why don't you give Chen Baolian a try? I heard that the story of that little pretty girl alarmed Zhao Sheng. Zeng Miewei has gone to make philosophical movies, so it would be good to give her a chance to make a debut. , is also a timely help."

"She has been studying for three years, and her acting foundation should be pretty good. At least the Yaxi teacher thinks her well in this area. It wouldn't be a bad thing if you help her."

Wang Jing looked at Xingzi in surprise and nodded, "It's not bad to do good deeds occasionally, but let her play the second female lead first. Tao Hong will be the third female lead, and more new people will be hired."

The Tao Hong that Wang Jing is talking about is not Xu Zheng’s future wife. She is Tao Hong who was born in 1969 and was admitted to Asia Drama in 1988. She is the emoticon in the original track where Bu Jingyun and Jian Chen shouted “I am a father” together. In it, she plays the role of Chu Chu.

Teacher Fu Huadao didn't know where he got that version of the TV series "Feng Yun". Compared to the movie version, it was almost atrocious, but the ratings were indeed pretty good.

As for casting actors like this, what are the interview questions? In fact, "Legend of the Mermaid" is a movie version of an idol drama, and its acting requirements are no higher than when E-Jian Cheng first appeared in F4.

After much deliberation, the Chinese version of the heroine Fei Jing still decided to use Zhu Yin.


A new day in Kowloon Tong.

After cleaning up, Zha Zhahui walked out of the rented house to the street, bought a few barbecued pork buns and walked to ATV. He passed by a newsstand and saw the newspaper man grabbing the newspaper and exclaiming, "I threw it, it's true or false." Of? Mermaid? This is too..."

Forgive the newspaper man for his lack of culture, but suddenly I saw in a newspaper that someone seemed to have photographed a live, real mermaid. Even though he had experienced the era of rampant corruption among the four detectives, he had also experienced a new era of prosperity after the rise of Zhao Donghuai. .

But suddenly saw a mermaid? ?

Zha Zhahui was also surprised. He walked over while eating barbecued pork buns and saw a newspaper called "Hong Kong Island Literary Journal". The headline on the front page was a picture on a drizzling day. It was slightly far away. The camera was about a distance away from the mermaid being photographed. tens of meters.

I could only vaguely see two beautiful mermaids with huge fish bodies wandering in the water waves.

Blurry, side face, but still showing a super good figure, the side face is as beautiful as a goddess.

When this colorful photo of the front page came out, Zha Zhahui felt as if he had been struck by a goddess, and there was an evil feeling rising in his heart.

Are there really monsters in the world? Mermaid? ? This is too unscientific!

At this stage, Zha Zhahui is no longer in the era of patrolling as a uniformed policeman. He joined Li Xiuxian's company the year before last and worked behind the scenes. Because he had been a policeman, he made his debut as a policeman in last year's movie (Ambition).

This year, he also joined ATV, and he still played an important role as a criminal police villain in the police drama (Chi Zi Xiong Feng) produced by Chen Musheng.

Pure Heroes hasn't aired yet, but it will soon. Zha Zhahui just wakes up and goes to ATV to find a job, and continues to work as a bit player.

After looking at it for a few times, Zha Zhahui said, "Uncle, give me a copy of this newspaper. How much does it cost?"

He is not short of money for a newspaper.

He happily bought a newspaper and ate, read and walked around. He also discovered that the "Hong Kong Island Literary Newspaper" published that the newspaper paid money to buy a photo from a citizen. The other person said that a wild mermaid was accidentally discovered in the water. It turned out that the mermaid Does it really exist?

This newspaper is not sure whether the photo is authentic or not. It just publishes it in the hope that experienced citizens can find out where the water is and whether there are real mermaids in the area. The person who sold the photo didn't say where it was. The other person wanted to keep it a secret and continue to go to the local area to get more and bigger news.

There's nothing wrong with it. If you keep the address of a live mermaid secret and only take exclusive photos and provide them to major newspapers, you can sell them for a lot of money!

Zha Zhahui laughed, "I was shocked. I really thought it was a certified mermaid. It turns out that the newspaper didn't know the authenticity, so it must be a fake. Where is this? There seems to be a tower in the background of the photo??"

There was an island at the end of the water and the background of the tower. Zhang Jiahui couldn't remember anything about it after thinking about it. When he saw the bus coming, he quickly swallowed the last bite of the barbecued pork buns and got on the bus with a newspaper.

The mermaid information published in a Hong Kong literary newspaper on March 15 did not cause any waves. People who bought the newspaper just complained about it and dismissed it as an ordinary piece of news.

Most, most...

On the 17th, the Kowloon Daily reprinted this news, and said frankly that some enthusiastic citizens bought the Hong Kong Literary Journal and were attracted by the beautiful mermaids in the photos, feeling like they had found their own goddess.

Then I asked a lot of people, but they didn’t know where the water scene was. Spending money on advertising and asking a big platform like Kowloon Daily to reprint it was really a waste of advertising properties. I beg the general public and capable people to tell me what the background of the mermaid is. which place.

Someone recognized it and contacted the newspaper. As long as the answer is correct, you can get a reward of 5,000 Hong Kong dollars. Of course, the reprint in the Kowloon Daily News is not the front page headline, but the C page of the four ABCD pages, reprinted in the advertising space.

The location is average and can’t stand up, but Kowloon Daily is huge. Now with the transformation of ATV platform into satellite TV, Kowloon Daily has also taken advantage of the trend to enter Wanwan.

Its current daily sales in Hong Kong Island are basically 250,000 copies, and within two months it has sold 500,000 copies a day. Don’t think it’s too much. The first-class broadsheets over there sell one to two million copies a day. After all, that’s There are 20 million people nearby.


The morning of the 18th.

ATV interrupted a special news broadcast and aired a video that seemed to be shot directly without editing, but was edited privately of a mermaid appearing in the West Lake.

In the early stage, it was recorded for more than 50 seconds. Two mermaids, Qu Ying and Yao Peifang, with extremely gorgeous shapes, were playing in the waters of the West Lake in the drizzle.

After more than fifty seconds, it suddenly sank into the water. For the next five minutes, what was displayed was the water view of the West Lake, including the Leifeng Pagoda view. It was so empty that the boundless water was unobstructed. The two mermaids that sank into the water never appeared again. Pass.

Never resurfaced.

This also includes video camera footage chasing the mermaid from dozens of meters away, and then arriving at the mermaid diving place step by step, filming everywhere.

It's just a handheld sports lens... Can ordinary people see the flaws when Zhao Donghuai shoots this? If it is still broadcast on the small screen, there will definitely be no flaws.


On the afternoon of the 18th.

After Zhao Donghuai had lunch, he returned to the office to finish the work. He saw Amin coming and said, "Boss, since the special news in the morning, our ATV has received hundreds of related consultation calls."

"They are all rich people like Mr. Li, Lin Jianyue, and Chairman Li of Samsung, including Mr. Li and his son."

"Tsk, even if we deal with the shirk, it shouldn't be difficult for people at those levels to discover the truth."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Yes, if I want to hype it up to death, just find a beautiful girl with no makeup in a poor mountainous area, and hide it after filming, the hype will be too high."

"Using already famous models like Qu Ying and Yao Peifang is so that people with a certain status can easily confirm that this is a commercial routine for movie promotion."

"Just use a formula to deal with it. Let's just say that we are also confirming whether the news is true or false. We are confirming..."

A creature suspected to be a mermaid appeared in the West Lake. The West Lake is so big. Isn’t it appropriate to search for it for half a month? There are also dense water nets around the West Lake. It makes sense for a living mermaid to be able to swim around, right?

As soon as he said this, Ah Hong came over and said, "Boss, is it true or not? Don't say I'm too curious. There are many people in my hometown asking me to ask about the situation."

Can her hometown receive ATV? Can.

ATV's satellite launch is not just a satellite. Communication satellites launched in the mainland can be used for ordinary commercial purposes. For ratings, only one coverage area is not enough.

Zhao Daoyuan has a reputation for not being short of money. At this stage, he is really Asia Satellite TV!

Zhao Donghuai smiled and shook his head, "Fake, the movie is announced."

Ah Hong, who was waiting to eat the big melon with a curious look on his face, "..."

She was messy in the wind. She was messy for a while. She decisively grasped the weight of life that could not be measured by 37 yards, and said angrily, "How can you deceive people like you?"

During the half month of traveling in the mainland of Zhaodonghuai, Ah Hong would also go to get some positive energy.

However, her main task at that time was to hold a book signing event for authors in Beijing Shangyang. After all, she was the godmother of idol dramas, adapting novels into film and television dramas, and one after another became a hit.

In the past, including "My Love from the Star", they mainly targeted markets in Hong Kong, South Korea, Malaysia and Thailand, but this time "Full House" was a hit even in the mainland.

Two months have passed and the filming of the TV series (Full House) has been completed. After all, there are not many high-quality dramas with only 16 episodes.

She held several book signings in several cities in the Mainland to enjoy the popularity of famous writers.

At that time, when Zhao Donghuai was designing and promoting this plan, Ah Hong was still presiding over the major event in Shanghai, so he didn't know...

As for this big charity movie, all the box office will be donated, how to make plans during the promotion stage is such a trivial matter, it is not necessary to contact everyone to inform them one by one, so don't make a fuss or anything.


One Hundred Years Pictures.

Wang Jingzheng summoned Zheng Yijian, Jennifer Aniston, Winona Ryder, Zhu Yin, Chen Baolian, Tao Hong, including the second male lead Yu Hewei, and the principal villain Zheng Zeshi to hold a reading meeting with the script.

Xingzi suddenly opened the door, walked up to Fei Jing, stared at him and winked.

Fei Jing also winked.

The two communicated with each other's eyes for a few minutes, and Xingzai's expression also went through a roller coaster-like change. Finally, he gave a thumbs up and walked away.

After Fei Jing calmed down and took a sip of tea, Zheng Zeshi said in surprise, "Director Wang, what are you and Master Xing doing?? You haven't turned on the camera yet."

Fei Jing laughed, "I don't know what's wrong with him, just leave him alone and let's talk about ourselves."

"Awei, you are the least qualified. You were admitted to Asia Opera last year and haven't studied for a full year yet, but don't be too nervous. Most of them are love scenes inside and outside campus. It's not much more difficult to shoot than Meteor Garden."

"At most, film and television acting are done differently."

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