Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 316 Tell me quickly, what is your purpose?


When Qiu Shuzhen came over with a ratings report, she reported with a face of surprise, "Boss, our first major idol drama after becoming a star was really a hit. It is still the same in Hong Kong. The first episode of (Full House), A ratings of more than 70% is equivalent to 32 ratings points."

"It's not bad over there. It has 53 ratings points, South Korea has 38 points, and both the island countries have 22 points. Tsk, the data of Star and Mathai has not been calculated yet, that's all."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Good thing, this is the first episode, let's keep up the good work."

In terms of ratings, the first episode broadcast at 7 o'clock last night was watched by 1.92 million people in Hong Kong, more than 3.9 million people over there, and six to seven million viewers in South Korea.

The island country has a low number of points, but each point represents a larger number of viewers. According to calculations, there are five to six million people watching.

But one thing needs to be explained. The Cantonese channel (Full House) aired last night was in Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles, while the Mandarin version was aired in Mandarin with subtitles. The two channels are added together to get the total ratings points.

It’s just the first episode, and nearly 19 million people in Hong Kong, South Korea, and island countries are watching this new idol drama!

But it’s not surprising. There are more than 160 million people in Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong. There are 27 million people in Hong Kong. This is one tenth of the 190 million people watching. And the book of this idol drama was published three years ago. After three months of sales, it has already accumulated a lot of fans.

With the bonus of a fan base of book lovers, it is not surprising that it will be a hit upon launch.

Just like the (Twilight) series and the future mainland (Little Times), don't they all rely on book fans to bomb the box office?

Qiu Shuzhen counted her fingers excitedly, "In the past, for drama kings such as Big Time and Meteor Garden, even if the ratings increased by 90%, they would only be watched by more than 2 million Hong Kong people. Now this audience coverage value, and then added Xingma Tai’s is almost ten times that of (the Great Era).”

"Although it is the total ratings of two stations broadcasting together, we still have to increase the advertising fee five times for each version??"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Of course we have to double it, launch a few communication satellites, and earn back the money spent."

"(Full House) has exploded in ratings, but it only has 16 episodes, one episode every day... Li Zi and Xie Junhao are also very popular."

Zhang Min came over and said, "Boss, now that the star has been promoted, should we make a white drama? For example, you ordered (Friends) (Vampire Diaries), etc. The script was released around 1985."

"It's been five years now. There are so many white male and female stars on ATV, just supporting roles??"

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and nodded, "You are right, it's time to consider it."

In the past, ATV was hoarding scripts and not filming them. That was because ATV's influence was limited. Even if it was filmed, it would have to go to various media groups and TV network groups in North America to negotiate prices and sell them to them for broadcasting.

They don't give you high prices and don't allow you to place ads at will, or they delete the advertising scenes in the film and reshoot some advertising scenes. What can you do...

How does this work?

So even though he grabbed a bunch of TV drama scripts that might be popular in Europe and the United States, he never played them.

It's different at this stage. When multiple communication satellites are sent into the sky, you are in North America. In theory, as long as you install the corresponding satellite receiver or satellite antenna, you can watch. But if you really do that in North America, you will definitely be targeted, restricted, and technically blocked.

People in Europe and the United States will not let people watch ATV casually. It is impossible for Chinese people to acquire TV network media groups there.

But at this stage in East and Southeast Asia, no one dares to maliciously block or clean up ATV.

This is a jump in influence of a different nature!

It only covers Hong Kong, South Korea, the island nation of Star, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, etc. The total number of white people in these places is also very large. How can we talk about various banana colonization groups? And tourists! ! There are also a lot of white people from Europe and the United States and Latin mixed race immigrants in Hong Kong.

The time is ripe for ATV English to produce its own white idol dramas, lifestyle comedies, etc.

Zhang Min asked curiously, "What about the first film?"

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and said, "Let's make Friends. Let's try shooting one season first. It's easy to find three white female leads. For the male lead, we'll choose Johnny Depp, and we'll use Chinese protagonists for the remaining two."

Captain Jack Sparrow in this dimension has already played many minor roles. After supporting roles, he debuted as Spider-Man. In terms of TV series, another version of the Friends series is not bad.

The heroine of Friends? Good guy, the original three female leads, and the two current Asian drama graduates, except for Courteney Cox, who is not yet a big name.

Jennifer Aniston already has a series of representative works, an important supporting actress in the Twilight series, and the white version of the heroine in (Ban Sheng Ling Ling Qi). Instead of her being the heroine, Cameron Diaz will be the heroine. Even if it doesn't match, Linglingqi won't be able to sell 20 to 30 million US dollars at the box office in Europe and the United States each.

(Crazy Givenchy/Big Shot), she is also the white version of the second female lead. She is a little star who is promoted by Mr. Li who attracts fans and kills people at will, and then is toyed with and abused.

She is also the white heroine in "Dark War"... The love scene in "Dark War" can be ignored, but the romantic encounter scene on the bus is indeed one of the classic romances in the film industry.

A TV series that has also achieved good ratings in Europe and the United States (The Beginning), although the heroine is Winona Ryder, Jennifer Aniston plays the role of a policewoman in the police station, and that role is also very eye-catching.

All in all, Aniston is currently being approached for Hollywood film and television projects, and the starting salary is at least US$1 million.

"Two Chinese male protagonists, let Luo Jialiang and Chen Jinhong take part. Of these two, Luo Jialiang is a popular niche, while Chen Jinhong is a little weaker, but he can be good in sitcoms."

Luo Jialiang is a new young actor who became famous with the help of the third film (Criminal Investigation Files). He is also a graduate of Asia Opera. He entered the school in 1985 and has graduated for more than a year based on the 4-year program.

Chen Jinhong entered the school in 1986 and graduated as a senior this summer.

It's a bad idea for Zhao Donghuai to choose this pair. After all, these two are the classic partners and rivals in (Genesis), and they both performed brilliantly.

Even Jack is on the boat to play Friends, so it’s okay to have a couple of them.

Of course, when the first season of the original version (Friends) was aired, it couldn't be said to have exaggerated ratings. It was filmed for ten seasons in one go, and I don't know how many people left and took pictures of one or two eras. Incomparably powerful feelings.

He is also not afraid of making mistakes and ruining the project.

This is ATV's attempt to test the waters after becoming a star and having a strong foundation. It made a white sitcom to be broadcast on the English channel.

It was when Zhao Donghuai was arranging new film and television projects.

In Haowan, Hong Kong, many people have begun to leave home and go to West Lake with the help of ATV's special news and the five or six-minute "direct shot" video tape!

Once the publicity project is launched, it will really bring enough sensational gimmicks. Again, this is just the beginning of the 1990s, and all kinds of things are popular around the world...

Mermaid? ? Very handsome?

Since it was broadcast on ATV, some people have recognized that the water area where the mermaid was filmed is Hangzhou West Lake, near Leifeng Pagoda.


A flight took off from Kai Tak Airport and was destined for Ningbo.

After flying into the sky and driving smoothly, the Li family's Aju said with a strange expression, "I still can't believe it. Now I am flying to the West Lake to find a mermaid. This thing is too weird."

Zhao Shizeng, who was sitting in the first-class cabin, laughed and said, "What my nephew said is wrong. How do you know that it must be false?"

Akai glared and said, "This is unscientific. I studied in Europe and the United States for ten years, and the education I received made me..."

Zhao Shizeng laughed sarcastically, "Then why does your father hire a Feng Shui master? Why does the gambling king of Haojiang need to design Feng Shui for the casino? Are you sure that the head-lowering techniques in Nanyang are all lies?"

Akai was speechless.

Ah Ju's eyes widened when he was told that, and he didn't know how to reply.

Zhao Shizeng happily took a sip of red wine and said, "What about this matter? Isn't it just a matter of flying to the West Lake and walking around to look for it? The West Lake is such a beautiful scenery. Even if you don't go looking for mermaids, walking around can cultivate your sentiments."

"If it does happen, it will be a great joy. I have never seen a mermaid in my life, let alone two such beautiful mermaids?"

For SPs, even if they hear that a haunted place is haunted, as long as the ghost is female and pretty enough, they don’t know how many people will be attracted to see it. And the superstitious trend is still very serious in Haowan, Hong Kong? Mermaids are much more attractive than ghosts.

Whether it was the photo originally published in the newspaper or the video tape broadcast on ATV, the two mermaids had profile faces at most, but their profile faces were also beautiful enough to kill countless people instantly. Let’s put it this way, many times a beautiful girl or handsome guy, The specially prepared profile photos are much prettier than their frontal photos.

Although the lower body has a fish tail, the fish scales on the front half cover the entire body.

It doesn't look too small.

The arc is beautiful and moving, and after all, it can be stuffed with props.

This is the second generation of wealthy people who have reached the level of Zhao Shizeng, Li Jiaju, and Akai. They don't need to use the seats of New World Passenger Transport and can directly take off from Kai Tak.

They have money and time, and they really just want to go and go when they want after eating the most powerful big melon. In the final analysis, they are very beautiful mermaids? Not very lethal?

It’s a super exciting thing to find out when you really meet it. If you don’t find it, you’ll be wasting a few days of time and a little bit of money for air tickets, food and accommodation.

Corresponding to them, New World Passenger Transport's passenger ship tickets that originally connected Hong Kong, Haowan, mainland and coastal areas also began to be snapped up in a short period of time.

The most robbed tickets are the direct ferry tickets from Hong Kong Island to Hangzhou!

Not only those departing from Hong Kong Island, but also some passenger ships that had arrived at a port in South Korea during normal cruises and were waiting to be transferred to the island country were forced by groups of tourists to change their routes and go to Hangzhou.


100 Years Pictures Building.

On a floor built as an indoor swimming pool, Zhu Yin and Jennifer Aniston, wearing mermaid suits, were helped to the edge of the pool by several female supporting actors or staff.

Fei Jing, Zhou Xingxing, Zheng Yijian, Yu Hewei and others all... some were admiring the looks of these two people, and some were dumbfounded.

A Jian clapped his hands and said, "Let me go. It turns out that the mermaid found in the West Lake waters of Hangzhou City was reprinted by Kowloon Daily, and it was still alive. Is the news false?"

"At first, I thought it was our crew trying to gain popularity, but after seeing the two of them, I was convinced that this was definitely a hype. Damn... I'm so excited for nothing."

Yu Hewei said blankly, "Is it fake? News hype? What if it's true? Our crew is really trying to make money by riding on the popularity?"

Zheng Yijian patted Yu Hewei on the shoulder with emotion on his face, "Awei, you are still young. There are too many routines in the film and television industry. You will only understand after time and exposure."

Xiao Xiao, who comes from the Northeast, is only 19 years old this year. He is far from the Uncle Liu who "plays music and dances" in a certain version of the Three Kingdoms. How can he know so many routines?

The two were still sighing, and Aniston, who had already entered the water, couldn't help but complain to Wang Jing, "Director Wang, you are so shameless just to make money. The mermaid over there in the West Lake must have been planned by you, but Who are those two, they are both pretty."

"Occasionally, I feel familiar, but no matter how much I think about it, I can't remember where I saw it before. Maybe they are good-looking people with some similarities. I admit my mistake."

Wang Jing, "..."

Lao Wang said that you are right, it is all my fault, and it was all done by our 100 Years Pictures in order to make money. After all, who is qualified to take the blame for Zhao Sheng?

Didn’t you see that Lin Jianyue, who took the blame last time, has completely taken charge of the tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars listed giant ship of the Lai Sun Empire?

Zhu Yin also said happily, "Director Wang, shouldn't we have to practice swimming for a long time? In order to perform well in (Legend of the Mermaid), there are many swimming scenes in it, and we also have to go to the beach and shoot underwater scenes?"

Fei Jing explained with a smile, "It's okay. When it comes to filming water scenes under the sea, at least a group of Pan-Asian female bodyguards wearing frogman suits and oxygen bottles will be required to accompany you into the water."

"Just remember that if there is an accident, if someone comes to save you, don't move around, struggle and hug, there is no risk. This is much safer than martial arts action scenes."

"If you want to be famous, you have to endure hardships. At the beginning, just to film a movie (Shark Beach), Laura Fanna also practiced swimming and surfing for a month or two."

Zhu Yin asked curiously, "After practicing for a long time, will the popularity of mermaids in the West Lake of the mainland pass?? We can't catch up even if we follow the trend?"

Jennifer Aniston laughed, "Don't worry, once the momentum over there weakens and the popularity subsides, Director Wang will definitely arrange the next stage of hype, right?"

Fei Jing, "..."

Xing Zai, while Fei Jing was laughing, touched his chin and said, "I'm suddenly not in a hurry to film (Play Back to School 3). Anyway, we are all young, and you, the director, have to take part in the filming for the time being."

Wang Jing turned around and asked curiously, "Then what do you want to take a picture of?"

Zhou Xingxing took a series of photos of his thighs with emotion, "I want to shoot a large-scale commercial for my ham sausage factory, related to food and catering groups... I only have one idea for now, I can't think of more, so I have to scrape together."

The next moment, he was in a rage, "I'm crazy. If I had known that calendars and wall calendars were so profitable, and your calendars were selling so well, why didn't I think of that?"

I can't help but feel envious and jealous.

Zhou Xingxing is not alone in this mentality at the moment. There is no way. Hong Kong, Haowan, Malaysia, Thailand, and South Korea have sales of more than HK$500 million in December, more than HK$300 million in January, and more than HK$300 million in February.

The sales in February were due to the launch of a brand new calendar series. There are 365 calendars in one calendar and a cover. Feijing is still not cheap.

Lasting for three months, the total sales were more than 1.1 billion.

Now that more than half of March has passed, today is the 19th, and the accumulated sales of the two products are not bad.

There is another important reason. With the blockbuster movie "The Legend of Concubine Wan Gui", Zhao Yazhi's calendars have become popular, and with the sales of "Wan Province Lingling Paint", Chen Derong's models have become popular!

Even "Full House", which was just aired on TV yesterday, has made Li Zi popular again!

The fans who were crazy about Yuan Jieying, Liu Xiaoli, Xiao Yingying a few months ago turned around and joined the fan groups of Zhao Yazhi, Chen Derong, Li Zi and other beauties. 12 Hong Kong dollars for a calendar? If you buy it, won’t it save you money on one or two meals?

Wang Jing's printed wall calendar factory will defraud fans of money time and again with the popularity of a movie or TV series. If accumulated over a year, it can have stable sales of 2 to 3 billion Hong Kong dollars.

It can be launched next year, or even before the year!

At the very beginning, Xingzai started the ham sausage factory because he wanted to become one of the giants in the ham sausage industry and go public. He wanted to attack the position of chairman of a listed group with great power. Fei Jingding's goal was to be the richest man in Shaoxing.

Half a year later, Xingzi is still working hard.

For example, in February last month, his ham sausages sold millions of dollars in sales in Hong Kong, barely exceeding 10 million in sales, and also exceeded 10 million in South Korea.

Coupled with Xing Matai, one-tenth of the sales of the Fertilizer King Factory can be recovered.

However, I fear comparison the most in everything!

Wang Jing laughed, beaming with joy, "Envy? Then you work hard, and I will fly for a while first, haha~"

"Actually, your total sales in February were 20 to 30 million Hong Kong dollars, which is already very good. I heard that Afa's umbrella factory, located in Haowan, Hong Kong and South Korea's national star Matai, had total sales of just over 3 million Hong Kong dollars. "

"That's pitiful, right? But there's nothing you can do about it. Umbrellas, sunshades, etc., don't disappear as quickly as ham sausages. You may use an umbrella for several years, and you only go out without it when it rains. That’s why I rush to buy an umbrella.”

"Ham sausage, as long as you have many fans, you can eat one or two Tang Dynasty ham sausages a day."

Xing Zai’s ham sausage factory in his hometown is the Tang Dynasty Catering Group. It has the same name as the film and television group in the original (God of Cookery) movie, but it is not surprising that Zhao Donghuai started the Han Tianxia series first, as well as Dongfang and Wu Millennium brand.

There are not a few people who imitate brands such as Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, and Ming Dynasty.

Zhou Xingxing glared at Fei Jing depressedly for a few times, and ignored the excitement, turned around and ran away. One thing he said was that when he was at his peak as the King of Comedy, his own brand of ham sausage could sell more than 30 million Hong Kong dollars a month, which was very powerful. .

It is not as good as Feijing. It is also a big company second only to Feijing among all-star factories and enterprises. He is the king of comedy. He can just push ads and he is so strong.

We must know that the total sales of Cheng Long's milk powder factory in February, including Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, only exceeded HK$20 million, of which the island countries contributed more than HK$9 million in sales.

That is Cheng Long, who has been in the industry for more than 20 years and has been popular for 11 years! In the early to mid-1980s, its appeal in the island country market was unrivaled.

The total sales of Andy Lau's bicycles in February were more than 16 million Hong Kong dollars... He is one of the four kings of Asia's music industry and a global action star in the film industry.

Of course, this is the foreign exchange earning power of running a factory at the level of an ordinary celebrity.

A higher level like Isabelle Adjani? For the lighting factory opened in Henan Province, total sales in February were more than HK$50 million in Hong Kong, South Korea, and US$8 million in Europe and US$10 million in North America.

The European and American markets alone achieved sales of HK$140 million.

This is incomparable. What kind of celebrity is Adjani? Europa's number one superstar, French national treasure, Lola Fonna, who has starred in (Shark Beach) (Mr. and Mrs. Smith) (Wanted 1), still can't catch up with her popularity and popularity.

There is no need to deliberately promote it in movies or TV series. You only need to shoot a few commercials and broadcast them on ATV and European and American TV stations, and there will be no shortage of sellers who will take the initiative to discuss business and place orders.

After all, lamps are something that is available all over the world and can be used in almost every household.

Whether it’s light bulbs or electric rods, or it involves gorgeous chandeliers, table lamps, street lamps, etc., let’s put it this way, French Adjani’s hometown in Paris officially placed an order to buy Adjani brand lamps to replace all street lamps for municipal projects.

Kuotai, a European and American socialite who chased after her and asked her for beauty and skin care products. Placing an order casually was not a small business.

The wind started in July last year, and half a year has passed since March. All-stars have opened factories and started construction. They have entered new fields one after another, big or small, fast or slow, and gradually emerged in 360 Bank.


Night falls.

After finishing the day's work, Zhao Donghuai was just about to take a rest when he saw Guan Jiahui running over with Zhao An in her arms, saying excitedly, "Hurry up and call me daddy."

"Brother Huai, it's not even 6 months yet. The little guy can crawl. He crawls around the house and can't stop."

When she put Zhao An down, little Zhao An called her mother twice and started crawling on the carpet with great energy!

Zhao Donghuai sighed, "You've grown so fast. How tall and heavy are you now?"

Guan Jiahui nodded, "Last time I was lying down, I was already 75 centimeters tall and weighed almost 20 kilograms. It looks like I can learn to walk in a few months."

At this stage, Zhao An is still being taken care of by Father Zhao, Mother Zhao and Zhang Bingqian, with many nannies and wet nurses taking care of him. Zhao Donghuai doesn't have much contact with him. He can still see him every day when he is in Hong Kong Island, but when he returns to the mainland for half a month, he basically doesn't see her. Never seen it.

When he smiled and went over to tease Zhao An, the little guy was not shy and soon called him daddy.

He just knows how to call his parents, but not much else.

"The growth and development is obviously much faster than that of ordinary children. It is estimated that he will be able to leave in the summer. By then, bumps and bumps will be inevitable and there will be no serious problems."

"In two months, Monica will be due to give birth."

Monica Bellucci was confirmed to be pregnant in early August last year, and her due date is at the end of May or early June. Now she is in the eighth month of pregnancy, and it has been confirmed that it is a girl.

Both Zhao Donghuai and Monica are very happy about this. For him, reaching this point is a son and a daughter. Monica is a pure surprise. With the combination of her good looks and Zhao Donghuai, her future daughter will have How brilliant.

After he teased for a while and Qiu Shuzhen ran to continue teasing, Jia Hui took Zhao Donghuai's arm and said, "Come, follow me back to the house, I want to do another one..."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

This is not really planning to create a football team, is it?

However, Jiahui is only 28 years old this year, which belongs to the period of eugenics and nurturing.

When the night fell, everyone in Zhao Donghuai felt a little numb. Perhaps they were stimulated or persuaded too much by their mother. Zhou Huimin was also going to be a mother.

He had some doubts for a while, as these children gradually grew up, whether he could open a kindergarten in his own home.

However, he is also looking forward to it. It will be spectacular if Amin develops for the second time.


A few days later, Tokyo.

Liu Ahan had just finished breakfast and turned on the TV to watch the ATV Mandarin channel when he heard a knock on the door and waited for him to shout to come in.

Xiao Wu walked in with a mysterious look on his face, holding up the video tape in his hand, "Brother Han, come and watch the movie. I heard that it was shot by Director Zeng himself...it's a great movie!"

Liu Ahan was a little confused, "Director Zeng of (Crazy Givenchy)? After his Givenchy movie was released, now there is a new movie? Why haven't you heard about it being released in theaters?"

Xiao Wu was overjoyed, "I heard it was so exciting. It didn't go to theaters but only to the video tape model. It flowed into the island country through the channels of Yamaguchi-gumi Murakami Gen."

"I can't wait to see how exciting it is."

Da Liu was relieved and said, "Then let's take a look."

There is a saying that Ah Wei became one of the Seven Monsters of New Art City through (Best Partner), and then sank for a few years, but a film (Crazy Givenchy) allowed him to prove himself again.

After a moment, the tape starts playing.

The film opens with a white man in uniform entering a neighborhood with an island architectural style. He is a bully who bullies the good, and the people who are bullied are all island men.


When a few island guys knocked out the white guy and brought them into the house to fight back? ?

Liu Ahan looked shocked and stood up in disbelief, "Fuck!"

Xiao Wu also looked shocked, "Wori!"

In shock, Liu Ahan slapped Xiao Wu, "Why are you looking for me to watch such a blockbuster movie? Tell me, what is your purpose?"


A few hours later.

Dozens of elite members of the Paoge Gang were all shocked by what was said to be Ah Wei's new film, and then one by one they began to wash their eyes.

Even Ah Zha was not spared.

After Standard Chartered contacted Gen Murakami, inquired, and communicated for a while, he put down the phone speechlessly, "Holy shit, this video tape is actually very popular in the market??"

"Many Japanese people buy them, rent them, and watch them. They are more popular than art films in some places in Shinjuku!!"

Ah Zha's views are completely shattered. He has been in the island country for almost a year. Of course, he knows that there are some teachers in Tokyo who have gone to the sea. Whether actively or passively, some of the love movies they have made have very good sales in the market.

Ah Zha also learned a lot.

But can a philosophical blockbuster starring a ghost guy be more popular than the wonderful performances of female teachers? ?

"Fuck, Murakami Genna didn't even explain in advance when he jumped on the street. He didn't show any martial ethics to sneak up on me! Ah Wei, that guy is one of the seven monsters of Xinyi City. Isn't it too complicated to break into this field??"

"The director is a pseudonym. Do you really think you can hide it forever?"

"Gan, I'm going to wash my eyes. Once I've deceived enough and come back to Hong Kong Island, I'm going to give someone named Zeng a few beatings to vent my anger."

It was already late March 1990, a Ponzi scheme that lasted for eight or nine months? ? At this stage, the cash flow they have gathered has reached more than 20 billion Hong Kong dollars, which is equivalent to more than 2 billion U.S. dollars. Ah Zha has begun to transfer funds, transferring several billions to leave the island country and return to Hong Kong Island.

Even if this scam continues, and one day it blows up, he can guarantee that he will have money to go home.

Of course, transferring funds requires a lot of energy, but with the help of Murakami Gen and the Hydra organization behind him, it can be achieved.

Before those billions of Hong Kong dollars returned to Hong Kong Island, they were laundered several times in various banks such as Europa and Switzerland.


Hong Kong Island, Wing Shing Film Company.

Xiang Lao Shizheng raised his glass to Ah Wei with an excited expression, "Ah Wei, you did a great job. I heard Murakami Gen say that in half a month, the video tapes we sold in the past sold about 1 million Hong Kong dollars. Tsk , big business.”

More than 1 million Hong Kong dollars in half a month? ? Then you really have to look at the ratio. For example, the local box office of a movie in Hong Kong is 30 million, and the video tape market lasts for almost seven or eight years before it can hope to achieve sales of more than 20 million.

Calculated by dividing 22 million by 8 and then divided by 12, the total of sales and leasing for one month is just over 200,000 Hong Kong dollars.

So, in just half a month, Ah Wei directed his apprentice to shoot a blockbuster movie, and he used the Yamaguchi-gumi's video rental and sales retail system to get more than 1 million Hong Kong dollars in the island country? ? How surprising is this number?

According to this ratio, if it continues for seven or eight years, the total sales volume may exceed 200 million Hong Kong dollars!

Sales volume is one thing, but the final net profit is estimated to be only tens of millions, which does not start with more than 5 characters.

It's a lot of money for Murakami to take a commission from the source channel, the island country pays taxes, etc., and the cost of printing and production of video tapes is also much higher than that of future VCDs.

If it weren't for the high cost and piracy that was killing the film and television industry, it wouldn't have been realized until the mid-1990s.

But how many tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars will be the final profit in eight years? How much are the time and other costs?

Zeng Mewei's face was calm, with a hint of bitterness. He received an order at the end of last month to do something, and it could be done in a few days. It was already late March...

Xiang Lao Shi took another sip of wine and laughed, "I heard that in South Korea, with the help of the retail system of the Four Heavenly Kings, they sold more than 400,000 Hong Kong dollars in half a month. Wow, it's really profitable! It's been eight years in a row. Sales volume of HK$70-80 million!"

"Awei, you can finish a movie in a few days, how about you specialize in this in the future? This is really profitable!!"

Ah Wei took a big sip of wine and said, "Brother Ten, I didn't take the photo myself. My apprentice, who is ruining my reputation?!"

When he went to find someone to borrow actors from Murakami Gen, he didn't even need to arrange for the island guys to fly from Tokyo to start filming. The Yamaguchi-gumi itself had some younger guys working on Hong Kong Island.

Those younger brothers who were not Murakami Gen's subordinates but his rival competitors were arrested. Once the conditions and circumstances were discussed, they began to cooperate.

Xiang Lao 11 was speechless, "Why do you care about this... That's money, Ah Wei, don't you like money anymore? This ghost guy was brought out for punishment because he offended Yaxi."

"But with such a huge market here, we can hire white actors to work at any time. There are so many European, American, and Latin mixed-race Hong Kong drifters in Hong Kong."

Ah Wei, don’t you even like money anymore? Is this still you? Why don't I just use your fame to show off.

Ah Wei shook his head, "Brother Ten, you must clear my name and clear my name. That was taken by someone else."

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