Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 317 How is it possible for a son to be so loving and filial?

ATV Office.

When Zhao Donghuai received the report that Cheng Long was visiting, he didn't hold back and asked Aaron to wait outside for more than ten minutes. He then opened the windows to ventilate and add air freshener to improve the environment.

After Cheng Long came in, he greeted him politely and said, "Sheng Zhao, Brother Jiachun and I have been studying and thinking about it carefully for a while. We would like to ask you to become a shareholder in our New World Pictures, just like you hold shares in Debao and 100 Years Film." Industry is like that.”

Director Zhao was stunned, "No, your (Police Story 4) has been filmed a long time ago and will be released soon. Why do you suddenly want me to be a shareholder??"

Isn't this a bit sudden?

Aaron smiled and scratched his head, "I want (Police Story 4) to hit a global box office of US$400 million. This would definitely not be possible without your help, Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while, "If you have any plans, just tell me."

Zheng Jiachun and Cheng Long jointly founded New World Pictures. Initially, Zheng Jiachun paid 500 million Hong Kong dollars, and Aaron received his status and connections in the film and television industry. Zheng Jiachun held 60% of the shares and Aaron 40%.

Zhao Donghuai had no involvement in the film and television group.

The development of New World Pictures? It’s okay, but it’s too far behind Debao and One Hundred Years. For example, after the opening, Jiang Wen, who successfully transformed into a profitable director after filming “The Great Eunuch Li Lianying”, went to New World Pictures to raise funds .

Funding has been obtained, but filming has not officially started yet.

Zhao Donghuai suddenly took out (Let the Bullets Fly)... (The Great Eunuch Li Lianying) project was ruined. Even after letting the bullets fly, Jiang Wen will no longer be a director in the short term.

They are all insiders, and Jiang Wen was hand-picked by Zhao Donghuai to be the director and one of the male leads of Bullet Flying. If he becomes a star, he will be a star, and he does not need to pay liquidated damages.

Then New World Pictures paid Zhao Donghuai 100 million Hong Kong dollars in royalties. In April last year, it asked E-Jian Cheng to make a follow-up movie (Twilight Saga). It was also A-Jian who fell in love with a white female vampire and randomly found a white man. Pretty girl.

Will it be released after filming is completed?

The sales in Europe and the United States were okay. The combined total of Europe and the United States was 37 million U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to 288 million Hong Kong dollars. However, the final money recovered by Europe and the United States was equivalent to earning back the copyright fees and Ajian's salary.

That's just following the trend (Twilight), and you can make a profit by just copying and patting it.

The box office of Hong Kong and South Korea is more than HK$70 million, and it is a net profit if you divide it. The island country plus stars, Malaysia and Thailand sold the box office for HK$20 million, and the mainland took 110 million yuan in box office.

That fantasy love movie starring Zheng Yi Jian contributed tens of millions of net profits to New World Pictures.

Then, ordinary directors were invited to direct some ordinary projects, and there were losses and profits. Overall, they still made more money. However, compared with Xu Ke Studio, 100 Years Pictures, etc., the gap is huge.

But that’s also a huge reason why Cheng Long’s (Miracle) was squeezed out of the market last year. As long as (Police Story 4) is released, it will definitely explode.

Aaron also quickly explained, "If it is just for normal promotion and release, I will add Bruce Willis, Cameron Diaz, the number one female child star in Europe and the United States, and three previous films, especially the ATV movie channel. After one or two Police Story movies are released for free, I feel that there is a lot of hope for it to break $300 million globally.”

"But the top dollar is more than 300 million U.S. dollars. Only Xiao Chen came forward and publicly sued Old Jack from a bank in California. He kidnapped him and planned to use his heart transplant to survive. The lawsuit became bigger and more sensational. So the police Story 4 can be imitated by films such as Never Give Up (Memories of Murder)."

"With soaring gimmicks and attracting countless movie fans, it can exceed US$400 million worldwide, or even higher."

"Zhao Shengqian takes 51% of the equity without any money. He just wants you to arrange a lawyer to help Xiao Chen sue Old Jack. This is the biggest publicity for the movie."

And once the global box office reaches more than 100 million US dollars, it will naturally lead to greater video sales and rental profits. Zhao Donghuai grabbed 100 million US dollars and took away 51% of the equity of New World Pictures.

In this process, Zhao Donghuai just called Brother Gai and his father to sue, and protected Xiao Chen's life and safety in the lawsuit in California to prevent him from being tricked and killed.

It has been more than five months, almost half a year. Dr. Chen, who was lured to Hong Kong by Pfizer at the cost of his own grandson's life, and his whole family have already come to live in Hong Kong. Xiao Chen who was kidnapped? He was also brought back safely.

After all, Jack Sr.'s illegitimate son, Paul, used a combination of punches, and that bank had successively released billions of dollars in bad cash flow. As soon as the news was announced, a run was triggered, and the bank would go bankrupt.

Zhao Donghuai laughed dumbly, "You have understood how to play with film and television entertainment and publicity. That's okay. Today, March 26, (The Legend of Concubine Wan Gui) has been released for a full month. It's good to promote (Police Story 4) like this." .”

Anyway, a certain bank has to go through bankruptcy procedures according to the procedures. It is not a big deal to let Xiao Chen, who has escaped from the devil's cave, come out to have some trouble. Xiao Chen is also 20 years old.

After thinking about it, he smiled again, "If you want Xiao Chen to sue Old Jack, then I have to give various mafia godfathers, police officers, FBI and the like around California a chance to make a fortune."

Since we want to destroy that bank, we should first notify the Hydra members, and those with deposits should evacuate first, while those without deposits should continue to borrow from the bank...

Cheng Long was overjoyed. He also understood that when New World Pictures didn't have Zhao Donghuai's equity, they really wanted to hire some good, high-quality directors and actors to act in their films. Even if they were paid enough, everyone would have to choose. Western selection screening schedule.

After all, everyone's schedule is precious, whether it's a project taken by the owners of Zhao's Film, or a project taken by the owners of Debao and 100 Years Film, it's not bad.

There's only one him over there, and it's really hard to play.

What age is this? The most popular and prosperous era in the film and television industry was established in March last year. It has been just over a year now, and the entire New World Pictures' profit is less than 100 million Hong Kong dollars.

Neither Zhou Xingxing nor Andy Lau earn as much from any of their films.

Without Director Zhao to carry the banner, even if Police Story 4 would be a hit, it wouldn't be a huge amount of money. It is really not on the same level as Debao and 100 Years, and the gap is getting wider and wider.

Only by giving up 51% of the equity can you truly be one of your own.

"Sheng Zhao, let me go talk to Xiao Chen first? He lives in the Huazhi Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui, right?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Yes, Dr. Chen is still an expert invited by Pfizer."

It has been almost half a year, and Zhao Donghuai has been fighting wits and courage with Pfizer, Novartis, Bayer and other groups, but so far he has not been able to let the other party conquer the Chinese decoction formula for treating high blood pressure. In the process, of course, one by one undercover agents were discovered and driven away.

Those undercover agents who were discovered were naturally transferred to the new community of Dakeng Village, waiting for Baicao Hall to be built to work as researchers.

But the famous traditional Chinese medicine doctors invited by Pfizer are still safe, because the CEO of Pfizer Asia Pacific is also a member of Hydra...


Wait for Cheng Long to leave.

Zhao Donghuai had just taken a sip of tea when he saw Azhen coming over and said, "Boss, Bao Qingtian has finished filming. Although the tapes delivered today still need post-production, the two units delivered half a month ago have already been completed. It’s in the later stages, when will it be broadcast?”

Director Zhao was stunned, "So fast?"

Qiu Shuzhen said happily, "You only gave five units, a total of 25 episodes. The crew has been in Bianliang for more than 50 days, and all the people in Bianliang are fully helping to prepare for the war."

"The filming was pretty good. The crew members are still in Bianliang and haven't come back yet. They said they wanted to experience life in Bianliang for a few days."

Bao Qingtian in the five units is (The Case of the Beauty) (The True and False Number One Scholar) (The Civet Cat Replaces the Prince) (The Story of Two Nails) (Exploring Yinshan). As long as the crew works together and works hard, the filming will really not be slow.

"Then let's start at eight o'clock tonight. In the beginning, we will broadcast one episode a day, and then call Bianliang. The actors will not be in a hurry to come back and fax the rest of the script."

At present, ATV's Cantonese and Mandarin channels still show "Full House" at 7pm. In the past week, only 7 episodes of this TV series have been released.

When the first round of "Full House" is over, let's talk about "Bao Qingtian" showing two episodes a day. As long as Bianliang shoots quickly, this drama will hopefully sweep into the summer vacation.


In Bianliang in late March, the temperature is already very pleasant. Occasionally the weather will be below 10 degrees, which is still cold. But occasionally the temperature will be 20 degrees during the day for several days. It is a good season for the citizens to travel light and travel and work. .

The main creative team of Bao Qingtian, Director Liang, Director Sun and others, plus Jin Chaoyu, He Jiajin, etc., are having a great time visiting the former Qingming Mountain and River Painting Park.

Seeing Zhang Zhilin and Lin Jiadong running from behind, Adong gasped and said, "Director Liang and Director Yang, we have called. Our (Bao Qingtian) crew has sent five more units of scripts, and it is estimated that we will have to shoot more It’s been a month or two.”

Director Sun was shocked, "Does Mr. Zhao think so highly of our crew? Although I also know that what we are filming should be a high-quality TV series, but we only had 25 episodes before. With these five additional units, I'm afraid there will be about 25 more episodes." Bar?"

A TV series with 20 episodes of high quality and 30 or 40 episodes of stronger ones is already a long time in terms of current TV series projects in Hong Kong.

There are about 50 episodes of TV series piled up all at once. Isn’t that the hottest show?

Before the first five units were filmed, Director Sun and the others were confident in the team they had assembled, mainly because they became more and more confident as they filmed, but their confidence was not as strong as that of any idol drama crew led by Chen Hong.

Jin Chaoyu was also a little confused, "Isn't it not aired yet? I haven't seen the ratings yet. I heard that the modern idol drama "Full House" is currently on the air. The first episode was swept across East and Southeast Asia. It has a viewership of 21 million people."

"After one week of airing, the peak ratings reached 27 million people, right? How many episodes was that?"

There is no rule that the longer the series is, the more classic it is. It’s just that since Zhao Donghuai dominated ATV, this is often the case with ATV TV series. The longer the series, the stronger the ratings.

TV series as short as Beginnings and Full House are exceptions.

Zhang Zhilin said excitedly, "It's useless to think about it so much. Let's just keep shooting. I thought that after playing here for a few days, I would return to Hong Kong and wait for the opportunity. There are five more units, so I can play one or two more Months."

He is the "dynasty" in Kaifeng Mansion F4. Although he is not as handsome as He Jiajin's Zhan Zhao, he is not bad in ancient costumes.

I originally felt that it was a little regretful to end a TV series so soon, but now there is no need to regret it, let’s continue!

I stayed here in Bianliang for a month or two. When I first came here, I couldn’t get used to it. It was too cold. They came here on February 5th, the tenth day of the first lunar month. In that kind of weather, they were not afraid of the cold when they stayed at the Huazhi Hotel. It was very cold. It’s cool, but what about the filming scene?

Where did the heating come from on the filming set? The costumes are still so thin. In order to prevent my figure from becoming too bloated, I have no choice but to endure the cold. Now that the weather is getting warmer and warmer, the real spring is here, so filming a TV series is comfortable.

Director Sun was also happy, "You're right, keep staying and filming. I haven't had enough of the food here. After all, this was an imperial city thousands of years ago, and the various delicacies passed down are amazing."

Like Jin Chaoyu, he is from Wan, and this is his first time as a director. Of course, he is an assistant director, but since he was chosen, he naturally has to work hard.

He couldn't have known that he would be selected as one of the assistant directors. In addition to being the assistant director of the (Bao Qingtian) series, he would still be popular in East and Southeast Asia by directing one or two "Pigs" in the future.

The whole crew really had a great time during the filming process in Bianliang. Hi, mainly from top to bottom, Bianliang provided all kinds of strong support all the way. Whatever was missing on and off the set was made up for. It was enthusiastic and smooth. The kind that makes people stay and not want to leave.


In California, the morning sun is rising, under a nuclear-proof bunker on the outskirts of Los Angeles.

Old Jack, who lived in the second level of the portal, felt that his body had improved a lot after some forced exercise, so he walked to the doctor's living room and asked the doctor to help him check the evaluation standards.

A few hours later, Dr. House, who had lived here for almost half a year, was surprised when he came over with the report and said with a smile, "Dear Mr. Jack, it's okay. Your body has recovered very well. Please prepare a little." , we can start the heart transplant operation."

Jack was overjoyed, "Really? That's great, I can't wait."

Dr. House rolled his eyes wildly in his heart. It's not just you, Jack, who can't wait any longer? House himself was almost sick from boredom.

After staying in the second level of the bunker for more than five months, he felt like his whole body was going moldy.

How do you say this bunker? It is located in Old Jack's manor villa in the suburbs. It is a serious first-level bunker. It is built under the main villa and is considered a double-story basement.

There is a corridor in the basement on the second floor. After the corridor extends for tens of meters, there is a second-level bunker. This second-level bunker has no direct access to the surface for pedestrians. It has five underground floors and only has some ventilation, ventilation, water, electricity, gas, etc. pipeline.

The five underground floors look spacious, so what? ? It's so boring and boring.

He could watch TV, and be sent newspapers and magazines from time to time by Old Jack's illegitimate son Paul. House also brought assistants and secretaries, and had serious elite medical care. Heart transplant surgery was something he couldn't handle alone.

There are also a few who are responsible for cooking, warming beds, and cleaning up garbage.

But for more than five months, except for old Jack who could walk through the corridor, go to another basement, and go upstairs to get some air and bask in the sun, none of the House team, including those who cooked and warmed the bed, were qualified to go up.

Even if domestic garbage is delivered to the outside world, the garbage is only sent to the corridors of two underground buildings, and is taken away by Paul, the illegitimate son of old Jack and the assistant to the president.

There's not even a phone here. No, there is a phone, but they're not allowed to use it.

For some otakus, if they have enough to eat and drink, and send you one or two beautiful girls, can you stay in the same room for a year or two without leaving the house? That's just theory.

If you really have to endure this for half a year, you will know how much suffering it is.

Old Jack laughed and nodded, "You guys wait, I'll call Paul right now. Wang Defake provoked the man named Zhao. I had no choice but to do it. At last there was no accident."

"After I have my heart replaced, I have to think carefully about how to face Zhao's revenge. Xie Te, that yellow-skinned pig is so arrogant!"

When Old Jack complained repeatedly while going to the only study room that had a phone but was locked, and only Jack could unlock it, House was actually quite curious. Jack himself was a capitalist tycoon, and almost... not many people in California could compare with him. Wrestling.

Even if it can be broken, once Jack gathers the strength of the entire family, there won't be much that can break him.

Otherwise, do you think House would be willing to live here for nearly half a year? Anyone who could easily and confidently perform a heart transplant surgery in 1990 must be a big shot in the relevant medical field.

So for someone named Zhao who can force Jack to hide under a bunker for half a year? Asian? ? Hong Kong Island Zhao Donghuai? Besides being a film and television tycoon, is he so powerful?

Just in the midst of House's thinking, anticipation, and excitement... only ten minutes later, Jack came back with a gloomy look on his face, "Wang Defake, something may have happened. I can't contact Paul. Could he be called Zhao?" Were they captured?"

"If someone named Zhao threatens me with Paul, I'll be in trouble. I only have this one son left now!"

"In the past six months, I have asked Paul to continue searching for suitable donors around the world so that he can change the target when necessary. But the last time I contacted Paul, there was still no result."

"You come with me and see if Chen is still there."

Dr. Chen's eldest grandson, Xiao Chen, has been imprisoned in this manor. The bodyguards inside and outside the manor are also the most elite military force hired with money.

After making several calls, he couldn't reach Paul... He even took the initiative to call his sister and cousin, who also said that they had not contacted Paul for two days.

Only then did Jack know something was wrong.

If nothing else, Paul had an accident!

Dr. House was overjoyed, but he had a worried look on his face, "Don't worry, as long as Zhao doesn't invade the manor and Xiao Chen is still here, I can arrange the surgery tonight at the latest."

Jack nodded vigorously.

after a while.

When the two of them walked around the manor, they found that Xiao Chen was missing, and even the bodyguard team that Jack had hired with a lot of money was gone...

But there are no traces of battle in the entire manor! No damage suffered!

Jack was confused, "Where are my people? Where are so many people? The meat tickets are also missing?? Damn it, it's impossible... I am his father, Paul will not betray me."

There were no traces of battle or invasion. No matter how slow Jack was, he could still realize that it was Paul who had caused trouble!

Resisting the urge to vomit blood, Jack quickly found the phone and made an overseas call. After getting through, he asked directly, "Zhao, why did Paul betray me?"

Almost no one in the outside world knows that Paul is his biological son. As for Paul's mother? This unexpected product was his accident nearly 30 years ago. It has long been...

On the other side of the phone, Zhao Donghuai said calmly, "Jack, you came out. Well, just in time, I was about to ask Mr. William to come forward to litigate with you. Now that you come out, you can receive a summons from the court. I hope you can take it. good mood."

"William's client is Xiao Chen. You know what you have done. In this lawsuit, Paul should appear in court as a witness, including your bodyguards, who will also appear in court as witnesses."

Jack wanted to vomit blood again and resisted the feeling of vomiting blood. He still didn't understand, "Zhao, why did Paul betray me?"

He is Paul's father, and with vigorous training, Paul will inherit the banking group! How could it be possible for a father to be so loving and a son to be so filial?

Zhao Donghuai hung up the phone directly. He had no obligation to explain this.


When I received the call from Old Jack, it was already after the early morning of March 28 in Hong Kong Island.

Zhao Donghuai did some simple morning exercise for a few hours until dawn, then went to the office. While eating a hearty breakfast, Xiaoxian came over and said, "The night before yesterday and last night, the two episodes (Bao Qingtian) were also very popular."

"The ratings calculated by relevant organizations are not much different compared to the first and second episodes of (Full House). There are probably 20 million viewers."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "The longer this kind of thing lasts, the better."

If nothing unexpected happens (Bao Qingtian), the two theme songs will still be sung in Asia for a year or two, although according to the original track, it will take several years for the arrangement, lyrics, and singers to be produced.

But Zhao Donghuai has traveled through time, so he doesn't mind writing it out and finding a singer to sing it.

Naturally, the more popular the ratings, the better.

Now (Bao Qingtian) the project is in the ignition stage, and it will take another week for the storm to completely sweep away.

Wang Zuxian said again, "By the way, Jiang Wen is here. He seems to have some projects he wants to discuss."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Let him come in."

After a while, I met Lao Jiang. After a formal courtesy visit, he explained, "Sheng Zhao, the Beijing TV station wants to make a TV series about Beijing residents in New York. They contacted me in January."

"For this reason, I went to New York for a field trip. I stayed there for more than half a month and learned a lot about the situation. Then I thought it would be interesting to make a TV series like this."

"The TV series is from the Beijing Television Art Center. They invited me to co-produce it, but they don't have enough money. I wonder if ATV can invest in it? The copyright in the mainland belongs to the Art Center, and the broadcasting rights in East and Southeast Asia belong to ATV?"

Zhao Donghuai was slightly surprised, but after thinking about it, this TV series (Beijing People in New York) is actually quite a classic, and it can be regarded as explaining the reality to the times.

In this day and age, countless people feel that the moon in foreign countries is farther away, and countless people feel that North America is paradise. They desperately want to study abroad and go out. But (people from the capital are in New York), I will give you a straightforward explanation without leaving any room.

In the original TV series, the male and female protagonists, the male is a cello player and the female is a Chinese medicine doctor. They already belong to a family of high-level intellectuals in China in the 1990s. They have no worries about food and clothing and are very well-off. However, when they go to New York, they wash dishes, are discriminated against, and live in a house. The couple, who had a good relationship in the basement, soon faced problems due to problems with their living environment and got divorced.

Then the heroine marries the ghost guy...

Then the male protagonist finally managed to get ahead and took his daughter from China to North America. Not many years later, the daughter first fell in love with a white young man in school, and then the daughter was about to marry the father of her ex-boyfriend.

In short, if ordinary upper-class intellectuals from the Mainland run to North America, they will basically fall into the development model of hell.

This is much more profound than the theme displayed in the 2013 version (China Partners).

When the original work was released in 1994, it actually caused a wave of ratings frenzy in the mainland. I just don’t know how the various shepherd dogs wiped out its influence later on.

After thinking, Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "Okay, if you have a funding gap, I can provide you with a wave of ammunition. If you have any difficulties in New York, you can also call."

At this point, he provided Jiang Wen with the phone number of a rich white man in New York, one of the members of Hydra. Through the seemingly clean white rich man, he could contact the Mafia and black FBI colleagues there at any time.

After the filming of this TV series is completed, it is hard to say what kind of ratings it will get in Hong Kong, South Korea, Star, Malaysia, Thailand and other places, but it should not be a loss...

Just after watching Jiang Wen leave, Xiaoxian continued to report that Zhu She Lao Wu and Zhu Yanping came and brought the master tape of (Xiao Lin Boy).

It started on January 8th, and it’s already March 28th. Even after some Spring Festival holidays, Lantern Festival, etc., Xiaolin Boy has still finished filming.

Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "I won't watch it. It's most likely an ordinary comedy. Lao Wu should be able to make a fortune. It will be announced for two days and arranged to be released."

"If it weren't for the hype of the lawsuit, it would have been on (Police Story 4) under normal circumstances. After all, Xu Ke's (New Longmen Inn) is still under pressure."

Xiaolin Boy is nothing more than partnering with two child stars Shi Xiaolong and Hao Shaowen, replaced by Feng Zai and Bingbing. Bingbing is still a bald actress.

It was a non-war crime, just because at this stage Shi Xiaolong was not able to speak well...

Fengzi is 10 years old and Bingbing is 9 years old. How do they look on the film and television screen? This can refer to the status of Xie Miao in (Letter to Dad). Xie Miao was already 11 years old when he appeared in "Letter to Dad". Another example is Xie Miao in (The Fifth Patriarch of New Shaolin), who was also 10 years old.

Child actors in this age group are indeed very popular as long as you have the foundation and can shoot well.

Regardless of whether the acting is better or worse than the original version... at least the box office of this dimension should not be bad.

The actual situation is indeed the case. (Laughing Lin Boy) announced it for two or three days. At 8 a.m. on Friday, March 30, it will start showing in theaters in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and South Korea. It will also start with 50% of the film schedule.

The box office on the first day was just over 3 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong Haowan, 1.6 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong Island, 1.8 million in Wanwan, more than 6 million yuan in mainland China, and more than 3 million Hong Kong dollars in South Korea.

This is brought about by Liu Yijun's appeal. After all, after experiencing a series of major idol dramas, Liu Yijun is very popular. He is already one of the new idol successors under F4.

Of course, this is also affected by off-season, non-weekend holidays and other factors. Until Saturday the 31st, the total box office of Haowan in Hong Kong was more than 7 million Hong Kong dollars, the mainland was more than 8 million yuan, and the South Korea was more than 5 million Hong Kong dollars.

On Sunday, the total box office in various places was HK$25 million.

After three days, just looking at the box office performance, including the mainland, it has achieved a total revenue of HK$63 million.

Zhao Donghuai was naturally unfazed by this value, but Zhushe Lao Wu, including Zhu Yanping, Fengzi, Bingbing and others, were all so surprised that they exploded.

It has only been released for three days, and it is still only 50% of the film schedule. If it is released for more than 20 days until the final release, depending on the situation, it will not be unexpected to have a total box office of more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars in the Hong Kong, Mainland, and South Korean markets. .

With such expressiveness, the island country's plus-star-Matai port can sell for at least 20 million Hong Kong dollars.

Then Lao Wu decisively came to ATV for support. He hoped that the white female protagonist version (Xiao Lin Boy) would receive strong support in Europe and the United States. In the white female protagonist version, the adult actress would still be Winona Ryder, and the white female child star would be Jessica Alba.

Isn't it just to make money at the box office by spending 30 to 40 million Hong Kong dollars on production costs and making two different versions? In the past, the total box office in several regions was expected to exceed 200 million Hong Kong dollars, even if only 89 million Hong Kong dollars ended up in Lao Wu's hands, plus the port sales...

This is also a net profit that has nearly doubled. There will be a video tape market in the future.

The production cycle is just over two months!

In the ATV office on April 2, Lao Wu’s hands were trembling with excitement, “Sheng Zhao, this is a check for 10 million U.S. dollars, and I’m willing to risk it. I want to learn from Zou Wenhuai, who spent 1,000 U.S. dollars on his first movie. Tens of thousands of dollars in advertising expenses.”

"In the end, as long as the North American box office can bring in more than 20 million U.S. dollars, and the advertising expenses can be earned back, the second and third parts of Laughing Lin Boy will have great potential."

Isn't it? When Cheng Long's Police Story was released in North America, it not only received thousands of big screen broadcasts from AMC Cinemas, but also spent 10 million US dollars on promotion fees, and finally only got 27 million US dollars. box office accumulation.

But the second part, Aaron's, was a hit. It broke 100 million US dollars in Europe, Canada and the United States, and the third one has a global box office of more than 200 million US dollars. At this stage, the fourth part is booming, and it is planning and promoting it with an eye on 400 million dollars.

Zhao Donghuai glanced at the check and said with a smile, "Okay. But I have a suggestion. Spending real money and money on publicity will have certain results. In addition, you can also win by surprise. As for how to win by surprise, you can slowly do it yourself. Enlightenment.”

Old Wu was thoughtful, as if he had thought of something, but also as if he had not thought of it. How can we win by surprise? Is this a show-off to attract public attention?

Watching Zhao Donghuai's business war, each and every brilliant series of operations? ? Looking for an idea to copy?

Zhao Donghuai didn't care. He just made a suggestion. If the other party could think of a new way to play, he would praise the stars of Hong Kong Island more. Unexpectedly, regular spending money on promotions would also yield certain rewards.

The publicity cost of 10 million US dollars is not bad for serious advertising.

(Laughing Lin Xiaozi) The version provided for Europe and the United States was not released together with Hong Kong Haowan. It is because Lao Wu and others wanted to see the performance first before deciding whether to spend a lot of money to promote it. After seeing the results, the current stage is to spend 10 million. A beautiful sword, even if it was smashed in the end...it would not be a loss.

That just throws in the box office profits in East and Southeast Asia, and there will still be money to be made in the video tape market in the future.

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