Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 318 Planning the Voice of Asia

(Laughing Lin Xiaozi) Taking advantage of the late March and early April schedule, when it gradually entered the eyes of waves of movie fans, Aaron officially started a war to promote the prosecution plan of (Police Story 4).

Brother Gai and his father became a barrister. Just like they did in order to protect the lives, property and personal safety of California citizens, they sued Jack Lao, illegally arrested and imprisoned Xiao Chen and Peter Chen, and even tried to take away Peter Chen's heart.

As soon as Mo's News Corporation broadcast the lawsuit, California became a sensation.

The citizens of Amei's house were stunned and quickly fell into a state of mind. When the Kowloon Newspaper Group, ATV, which was promoted to star, also reprinted a wave of news.

Public opinion in East and Southeast Asia is boiling!

Kidney or heart thing, Peter Chen was alive, well, and kicking before old Jack's doctor had a chance to operate on him.

If you sue directly for this kind of thing now, will the court accept it? Where is the evidence?

The evidence comes from Mr. Paul's assassination. Not only can Paul serve as a witness, but the original investigation revealed that Peter Chen's special blood type can be used as a donor for Old Jack, who can be kidnapped and raised in captivity.

They are all similar to the elite team sent by Wall Street when they wanted to corrupt Zhao Donghuai. Professional retired elites work.

Then the elite people who do the work can also appear in court as witnesses, including providing a series of physical evidence.

After they became members of Hydra, Zhao Donghuai gave enough guarantees. Even if you become prisoners because of this matter, you can happily enter Amei's private prison and enjoy the happiness.

If a rich man is in a private prison, isn't that just a vacation?

Besides, Paul has taken away huge amounts of wealth from a certain banking group again and again. He also needs to corrupt the elite team so that they can make a little fortune and become Paul's professional bodyguards.

There is such a thing as bodyguard safety.

No matter how capable ordinary elites are in fighting and doing things, if they are not loyal, they will definitely not be trusted too much and will be prone to trouble. But since Paul and the elite group have become Hydra, they are an organization.

We are all our own people!

The issue of trust has suddenly become much more reliable. Only with trust can we have the confidence to do big things.

My sister’s house.

When Paul and a few bodyguards walked out of the court, a Cadillac bulletproof car quickly drove up the roadside. Old Jack brought his lawyer and newly hired bodyguards, his face as ugly as eating a dead mouse, "Why, Paul? !”

Jack still can't understand all this! How could there be such a deceitful child? You are no longer a naughty kid, okay? You are almost 30 years old.

Paul burst into laughter, "Of course for God and justice, sir."

By following Zhao Donghuai, not only would he be able to make a fortune, but he would also be guaranteed safety. He would no longer have to worry about plots from his aunt and uncle, just like his two older brothers.

This is still an early rise.

With Jack as his father, how many more years will it take for him to wait until the other party's heart is replaced and stabilized again before he can completely take power?

After saying these words, the excited old Jack's blood surged up. He pointed at Paul and nodded repeatedly. Finally, he opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

His complexion also suddenly became much depressed.

Bulletproof Cadillac, Dr. House couldn't help but exclaim, "Sir, take care of your health."

He was just too weak to withstand such a major operation as a heart transplant, so he deliberately took care of himself for more than a year, waiting to do Xiao Chen's thing.

Now suddenly stimulated to spurt blood? ? This is the end of the world again. Even if Old Jack finds a suitable donor again, his body will probably be too weak to withstand the surgery again.

It is estimated that old Jack can arrange the will issue without waiting for the end of the lawsuit.

Paul lit a cigar handsomely and walked to the BMW not far away. As he walked, he asked the bodyguard, "John, how are the arrangements for shorting the bank?"

John is a standard gangster leader. Hearing this, he was excited and said, "It has been arranged a long time ago. Ever since the news came out, the bank's stock price has started to fall..."

"After various bad debt issues are exposed, we will probably make a lot of money from the plummeting market."

You said that Paul, as the special assistant to the chairman of the banking group, knowing so many inside stories and arranging these arrangements, would it be illegal? It's definitely illegal.

If the FBI knew about it and bit him, he would definitely do something. Even if he could use white gloves or white gloves to do something, as long as he did something, it would leave clues and evidence. If you pursue it carefully, you will definitely find the clues.

However, there was originally a black FBI in Hydra who was taking money to short-sell with Paul. After a certain FBI leader learned that a certain bank would collapse and go bankrupt, he didn't have to worry about the deposits being liquidated as long as he didn't have any deposits in the bank. Nothing.

Secondly, it was too late to take out the loan project from the bank and how much money was borrowed.

Because the process of promoting and distributing a movie is very fast, how can you make a fortune? For a listed banking group, shorting its stock price is the easiest way to make a fortune.

He was not fighting alone, but in a large group.

Together with Paul, they cannot be said to be giants in the stock market, but a little adds up to a big gain. Some mafia bosses in California have money to own Microsoft and Oracle, such as 0.1 or 0.2 per thousand. Equity.

If the equity is mortgaged to other banks, a lot of money can be loaned out.

When a large group of people unite, they are no longer a small force. When Wall Street bosses encounter such a situation, if they dare to stop everyone from getting rich and want to steal meat, they must also consider whether the gain outweighs the loss.

Those people have done that, so a gangster leader like John will naturally seize the opportunity and take out his coffin book to speculate in the stock market.

Paul laughed, "That's okay. I have an appointment with Congressman William tonight, so we can have a good talk. Speaking of which, William Ankou was the person the old man introduced me to."

"But you can develop your own connections as well."

Paul is now a big boss like the Japanese Yamaguchi-gumi Gen Murakami... The difference between the two is that Murakami Gen is black, while Paul is an upright white boss, a financial tycoon with more than 3 billion US dollars in cash flow.

In the stock market, cash is king!

In an era when Hong Kong Island's top listed groups had a market capitalization of only about HK$112 billion, more than US$3 billion equaled a cash flow of more than HK$20 billion.

Two years ago, Xinhua bought the Plaza Hotel, which signed the Plaza Agreement, for only US$407.5 million, and Sony bought Columbia Pictures for only US$5 to 6 billion.

From this we can know how much money Paul has made through this brilliant operation!


April 5th, Qingming Festival.

In a screening room of Debao Pictures, when Hong Yanbao, Yuan Biao and others finished watching (Police Story 4), several fellow apprentices couldn't help but applaud Aaron. Of course, besides Aaron, there were also people enjoying the applause here. Bruce Willis, Cameron Diaz, Yu Li, Yu Rongguang, Lu Huiguang, Zhou Billy, Zou Zhaolong, Jet Binney and other core creators.

"What a great movie. Aaron, you are going to become a global hit again this time!"

"You're on the street. I didn't expect this to be based on a real-life story? There really is an old Jack over there who secretly steals people's hearts? How cruel!"

"Tsk, you guys together are guaranteed to be the most top-notch action movie."


In the movie, Cheng Long and Bruce teamed up with Yu Li to fight a group of tough men, which is really a guarantee of the peak of the era.

Whether it is Yu Rongman, Lu Huiguang, Zhou Billy, Binnie, etc., who is not a super villain or master in action movies?

Beautifully shot, great to watch, and with Lung's death-defying comedy sense of humor, the fourth Police Story is definitely a much stronger signature film than the original (Rush Hour 2).

Coupled with the world-shaking news that just broke out in reality...a big lawsuit? ?

I'm really looking forward to this one.

After the initial politeness, Abiao smiled and said, "Brother Long, you will definitely surpass me this time. Haha, I am just lucky. I was praised by Zhao Sheng. I still feel a little unsteady. Now that I have Police Story 4, we still have to give you the title of the number one Chinese action star."

"None of Ajie's Once Upon a Time series can achieve a global sales of over 300 to 400 million U.S. dollars, and neither can Hua Zai. His (Crazy Givenchy) only has a global sales of over 190 million U.S. dollars, with a discount of 1.5 billion." More Hong Kong dollars.”

Aaron couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Come on, this is the most that can chase the box office of your time-travel version of Ip Man 1, which can break 400 million U.S. dollars, which is far from the wanted order..."

Abiao waved his hand quickly, "Stop it, I didn't support the wanted order alone. You are also the second male lead in it. If it weren't for the plot, you would be the male lead!"

"How successful the Wanted series will be in the end depends on the second part and the market performance."

Hong Yinbao laughed, "When will it be released?"

Aaron then said happily, "The 13th, it's Good Friday, a series of four-day holidays, it's a good time."

"Today is the 5th, and the news has been brewing until the 13th. The curiosity of the global audience should also be aroused. Bruce, let's go to Europe and the United States by then? Although we are not good at singing, we still can't do some talk shows and publicize it. Poor."

"Cameron, you are the main force in singing and dancing."

Bruce and others naturally have no objection to this. Cameron Diaz is already 18 years old. This is a child star that European and American audiences and movie fans have watched grow up. She has completely grown up, and she is not yet slender. .

At this stage, Cameron is even sexier and more charming than she was in the original version (Granny in Disguise).

In white people’s aesthetics, it’s considered a top-notch beauty. That’s not true. In fact, in Hollywood in the past, those who truly became top-notch actresses were basically not too beautiful. There were not many movie queens, TV queens, etc. who were too beautiful.

But there is no doubt that human aesthetics is basically online. As long as you don't close your eyes and act dark, Diaz's looks and figure are enough.

Cameron Diaz smiled and covered her mouth, "My singing skills are too average. After a few years of learning, they are just like that. At most, I can take some good songs by Leslie and Andy and perform as a citizen-level karaoke player." Got off."

A group of celebrities looked at Cameron, and their mentality was stable.

With such good looks and figure, on stage, what’s wrong with the quality of citizen-level players? Who is serious about watching you sing?

Cameron looked at Cheng Long curiously and said, "By the way, Brother Long, since our film (Police Story 4) is also an investment project of the big boss, then I went to publicize it and made a contribution. Can I ask you afterward?" The big boss wants a small red envelope."

Aaron was confused and Hong Yinbao was a little surprised.

Although this girl is famous, she takes the initiative to ask Zhao Sheng for a red envelope? Even if you make meritorious deeds...

Gone? ?

Although he was surprised and stunned, Aaron still smiled and said, "I will find an opportunity to ask you in the future."

After a while, the crowd dispersed from Debao, just waiting to enter the stable announcement period. While waiting for the movie to be released, Yu Li walked beside Cameron Diaz and whispered, "Diaz , why are you so brave?"

"Aren't you afraid of being said that you are too ignorant? Do you understand what this means?"

Cameron Diaz joined Asia Drama in 1985. She is a model of the first generation of child actors. In the past five years, she has spoken Mandarin at a standard better than many Chinese with a strong dialect. After all, she understands everything. Since the movie (Twilight) City), the main heroine was Jennifer Connelly who won with better Mandarin and cut off the resources.

As long as she wants to be motivated, she can work hard. After spending five years in an environment with a lot of Mandarin context, her talent is not too bad.

When filming (Police Story 4), when she first joined the set, Yu Li looked up to Diaz, the number one white female child star, and was worried that she would be a big name and that it would be difficult to get in touch with her.

Who knew that after a few months of cooperation, she realized that this girl was very carefree and unscheming, so Yu Li had a good relationship with her during those few months of cooperation.

After her persuasion, Diaz looked happy and said, "Where did you think you were going? I just want to ask Mr. Zhao for a red envelope worth 100 million yuan."

"If I went to ATV by myself, I wouldn't see anyone. Hey, it was Sister Xian who started the bad trend back then, and Li Lizhen and the others went against the trend again, cutting off the channels."

"As long as Brother Long can help me find a chance, I have to give it a try, right?"

Spring is here, and she is already 18 years old. There is a saying that Cameron Diaz is not poor. After all, it was Zhao Donghuai who led all the citizens of Hong Kong to speculate in Japanese currency foreign exchange. The Diaz family was struggling for money. Minato took out a loan and made a million dollars into the water.

That one million U.S. dollars turned into more than 2 million U.S. dollars in net profit after paying off the debt. Her mother also endorsed a certain town and hired Brother Gai's father to file a lawsuit and sued Pacific Gas and Electric Group for compensation for 3 More than 100 million dollars, and her mother also took some of the money.

That money will continue to be invested and profitable, and the money will make money. For example, during the 1987 stock market crash, it was not convenient for Zhao Donghuai to short the Dow Jones index with a large amount of money. However, some local mafias and police officers in North America, including the Diaz family, could do short selling with a small amount of effort. .

If their power is dispersed, they will be inconspicuous. In addition, since they are natives of Amei's family, they will not be specially targeted if they make money, so short selling will make a fortune.

Over the past few years, I have made a lot of money from carrying goods on and off.

Earning and spending, Cameron still has a cash flow of more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars. In other properties, such as the first phase of Hong Kong Garden, she also bought a double-storey duplex with more than 200 square meters of property.

Later, she also bought more than 20 sets of community commercial houses in Yau Tsim Mong, Kowloon Tong, Central, Tung Chung and other places. She even bought two sets in the new community of Tai Hang Village. These properties have indoor usable areas. More than 100 square meters or more than 200 square meters.

I have 1% of Huazhi's stock in my hand. I bought it when Huazhi's market capitalization was still over 10 billion Hong Kong dollars. I am considered an early investor. Now that Huazhi's market capitalization is 120 billion, the 1% has been sold for more than 100 billion. Hi, it’s equal to 1.2 billion Hong Kong dollars.

She also bought a wave of stocks in Debao, New World Pictures, etc., not to mention 1%, but a few thousandths of a share. The total market value is still 340 million Hong Kong dollars.

To put it bluntly, the world's number one white female child star has become an adult at the age of 18. She has enough wealth to be able to live comfortably and comfortably. For those 20-odd apartments, she can collect rent for a lifetime.

She simply wanted to try what it would be like to conquer the uncrowned king of the global entertainment industry.

To have an opportunity, it cannot last forever, as long as you have it once, it is good.

Under her excited explanation, Yu Li gradually thought and understood, and then she was dumbfounded. "Is it the hundreds of millions of red envelopes you want?" ? This is really...

Zhao Sheng turned out to be a great master of water control.


ATV Office.

Although many staff can take time off during the Tomb Sweeping Day, taking shifts also has to keep the TV station running.

It’s not just ATV, Zhao Donghuai’s various companies and groups all have shifts in this way.

Zhao Donghuai had just hung up the phone when he saw Azhen coming over and said, "Boss, Wei Jiahui handed me a script. What is it called (Imperial Court No. 1)? It seems to be a legal drama, a lawsuit type. They are not sure about this kind of script." Can the show be popular?"

"I just mentioned it to you to check it. If you can shoot it, shoot it. If you can't, forget it. Because you don't have much certainty. This game only seems to be a 13-episode script."

Zhao Donghuai was stunned for a moment, then took the script and read it. After a few minutes, he nodded, "Let's film it and give it a try."

This is Imperial Court No. 1. A series of several parts made Ouyang Pangpang, who was almost about to quit the industry, directly promoted to a popular niche.

It also made Deng Texi famous and became a first-class producer and director. As for why Wei Jiahui handed over the script? When Wei Jiahui was still filming "Intolerance", Deng Texi was Wei Sir's favorite.

His screenwriter status is more important, but Sir Deng is also a veteran who joined TVB in 1981 and has been in the industry for nine years.

Gradually, I started to work as a jockey on the set and took notes.

Zhao Donghuai suddenly asked curiously, "By the way, how is Fatty Ouyang doing now?"

Azhen was stunned for dozens of seconds, "Ouyang Zhenhua?"

Director Zhao nodded, "Yes, I think back when my team just opened, in the first New World, a group of walk-ons such as Zhou Xingxing, Tao Dayu, Guan Lijie, Liu Qingyun, etc., came up one after another and became famous."

"Among those bitches, Ouyang Pangpang is the only one who has never heard of his name, right?"

Azhen said in disbelief, "You actually still remember such a trivial matter? I'll go find out."

After a while, when Azhen ran back, she smiled and said, "That Zhenhua is really about to fall out of the circle. It's not that no one helped him. In fact, after he got out, Tao Dayu and the others gave him some help." And resources, that’s right...maybe it’s an image issue?”

"Even if he is not popular, not many passers-by can remember him. He does not need to wear a mask when going shopping. As a result, he has been interviewed several times at Wanjia Supermarket, but he has not been selected. There are too many competitors. .”

In the original trajectory, without the help of Zhou Xingxing, Tao Dayu and others who had suddenly emerged, Ouyang Pangpang also played supporting roles in thirty or forty TV series from 1983 to 1990.

If it’s not red, it’s not red.

It was really a legal drama like "The Royal Court" that made him famous, and then he became an evergreen drama star like a fortune.

How many times did he go to Wanjia for interviews? It’s true... Whether you work as a supporting actor or a supporting actor in a TV series at ATV, Zhao’s Pictures, or 100 Years Pictures, your salary cannot be as low as at TVB.

"Then for this experimental film (No. 1 Imperial Court), give him the resources to be the first or second male lead??"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Just choose him."

At this point, Zhao Donghuai suddenly reacted. He said that he felt something was strange, and he couldn't find the awkward feeling. It turned out to be Imperial Court No. 1? Huang Family No. 1, fuck...

Talented people really know how to come up with names.

This Sir Deng, not to mention the No. 1 Royal Court project, but later filmed (Miaoshou Renxin), the sentence "Doctor, I have a friend." The doctor calmly asked "Is the friend you are talking about yourself?" can become popular. Happy emoticons.

Talent is talent.

After talking about work, Azhen asked curiously, "Are Sister Jiahui and Sister Min confirmed? Are they both? At the same time, it's hard to say who will be a day or two behind, right?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, the Zhao family was about to have a baby again.

It has only been half a year since the birth of the eldest son Zhao An, and now they are about to have four children. Zhao Donghuai's mood has changed several times, and he doesn't know how to describe it.

This is only 1990, if we wait for Azhen and Axin to roll up too.

He somewhat understood why the emperors in ancient times had the mentality of not being able to see their heirs for a year.

At this moment, Ah Hong walked out of the small built-in suite, put down a bucket of food boxes, and said happily, "Boss, I found a good young talent in my hometown. Not only is he beautiful, but he also sings well. I feel like I can support him and become a great talent." She’s a beautiful singer.”

"Her name is Yang Gangli. Here are photos and recordings of covers of other people's songs. Can you take a look?"

Zhao Donghuai glanced at the photo and suddenly realized that she was really one of the models of beautiful girls in Gan Province, one of the future classic golden girls? ?

When he listened to the cover song (How Deep I Love Me), the singing voice was indeed quite sweet, "Okay, if you want to sign it, just sign it. You can try to promote it."

As for how Ah Hong found such a talent, she is the business card of Gan Province and has set an example. The Oriental series factories opened in her hometown and the provincial capital of Gan Province have always been the largest and strongest foreign exchange-earning enterprises in Gan Province in recent years. none of them.

In July last year, Qunxing returned to the mainland for the opening, and Ah Hong opened a new factory and the development was in full swing.

Then some newcomers who want to develop in the entertainment industry will run to find opportunities to recommend themselves to Ah Hong, which is Ji Cao.

As for how to deliver things to Ah Hong? This is similar to 1984, when Ah Hong, Gong Li, Liu Xiaoli, etc. came to the Pengcheng branch of Kowloon Daily to recommend themselves. Each of their original units took the lead in sending them there safely, sending resumes and photos.

They were screened again by the branch and sent to Zhao Donghuai.

After all, before that, He Qing’s foreign exchange earnings exploded for his hometown, and the typical examples were too prominent.

If you have the capital to be famous, and your appearance and singing skills are so good, then the relevant leaders will naturally take the initiative to contact some leaders in the provincial capital of Gan Province who can get in touch with Ah Hong... the relationship is a circle.

Yang Gangli in the information is 19 years old this year. She was admitted to the Provincial Normal University at the age of 16. She graduated and was admitted to the Provincial Song and Dance Troupe last year! At the age of 14, she already won a prize in a singing competition held by Yang Ma.

For this kind of talent, even if there are good songs, there is really no need to arrange a lip-synching debut. That is to say, Zhao Donghuai did not play in groups like the thigh era, otherwise he could be the lead singer and leader.

Zhao Donghuai suddenly had an idea. Should he hold a variety show competition like The Voice of Asia? Organized according to the original version of The Voice of China, Xiao Yang still has the capital to become famous.

While thinking, he still wrote down a few names, "I remember there are some musical talents in Yangcheng who are good at composing sweet songs. You can call them to contact her and create an album specifically for her."

Songs such as Yang Gangli's hit "Moon Boat" and "Tell You Softly" that even appeared on the Spring Festival Gala were created by the production company and team in Yangcheng two or three years later.

Zhao Donghuai was too lazy to copy it, so he just asked the original songwriter to come over and have a look.

Ah Hong said in surprise, "So supportive?"

Director Zhao said, "This is not the first actress and artist you have supported, but it is your first real little sister from the same country. You must take a photo of her."

"By the way, let's hold a music variety show, let's call it The Voice of Asia. Let Ah Rong, Hua Zai, and Allen be the mentors. With their backs to the stage, they listen to the contestants' voices with only their ears. They are moved by the voices. Then they choose players to join their team."

"In the end, the four mentors selected a team with their voices. They PKed each other, then they PKed within the team, then several teams PKed, and finally the champion and runner-up were selected in the finals."

Although the original name of the music production team that made Yang Gangli famous has been written down, and they have to be paid to score music and write lyrics, this does not conflict with the program (The Voice of Asia).

After all, if you hire someone today, it doesn’t mean that those teams will be able to write new songs tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Writing songs requires a process.

And it doesn't matter even if it's written. On the big stage of The Voice, there is no rule that you can't sing original songs. At most, you can sing various songs that have become popular in the preliminary competition. In the later stage of the PK competition, you can sing original songs.

And in the original track, before (The Voice of China), there were Super Girl, Fast Boy, etc.? ? That doesn't matter, because Super Girl's entry method and process are actually similar to TVB's Rookie Singing Contest.

The way Mei Yanfang, Zhang Xueyou and others debuted was through singing competitions, but that was only for the 18 districts of Hong Kong Island. ATV organized variety shows. Although the contestants can be directly defined as East and Southeast Asia, the scope has expanded a lot.

The ratings of variety shows have also expanded a lot.

But continuing to use TVB's previous competition rules is a bit old-fashioned.

On the contrary, the earliest version of (The Voice of China) was the Voice of Holland held in the Netherlands in 2010. It was noticed by mainland TV stations that they introduced the copyright.

Now that Zhao Donghuai's ATV is running a wave, we will wait for Omi to come to him to buy the copyright.

Ah Hong's eyes lit up, "That's okay. I've watched TVB's Rookie Singing Contest several times, and there have been many good talents. But this kind of direct invitation to a famous superstar to be a mentor, with your back to the contestants to select the team members using your ears? It’s very interesting.”

TVB's competition started with Mei Yanfang, and later included Lu Fang, Zhang Weijian, Du Dewei, Su Yongkang, Xu Zhian, etc., and the young talents emerged one after another, and then were signed by China Star Records and began their personal development.

This is also a small military academy in the Hong Kong music scene, similar to the previous wireless artist training class.

Every year when the draft comes, it can also attract the attention of many viewers.

"Then if Ah Rong and the others directly step in as mentors, wouldn't they start off like a tyrant? How many good talents will they have to attract? By the way, should Sister Min be the mentor? She also started her career as a singer, and she released a lot of albums and records."

Zhao Donghuai was dumbfounded. As for the female singer, it was really not suitable for Zhou Huimin to come out. After all, she was pregnant.

Even if you have just become pregnant, you don’t have to worry about revealing your pregnancy within three or four months... What about the second season?

Forget it, I’ll ask later.

Azhen was happy, "Then this Yang Gangli, doesn't she have the appearance of a champion? Is she the first unofficial champion? This girl is pretty and sweet, as long as her personality... the information says she is a soft girl with a very good personality. .”

She also listened to Xiao Yang's cover of this song, and she did have some skills. After all, she won awards in some singing competitions organized by the Mainland Central Government at the age of 14.

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "That's not necessarily true. In this era, the land is still wild, and some evil singer might pop up. If we face a comprehensive recruitment in East and Southeast Asia, there will be more good singers."

It was only April 5, 1990. The Voice of Asia was held to recruit people from the mainland, Hong Kong, South Korea, island countries, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other places. How many fierce people would be recruited? ?

Let’s talk about Ren Xianqi. His original track was to release his first new album in December this year and officially debut. What if Xiao Qi participated in The Voice of Asia? That guy is a bit of a monster.

After all, this is Xiao Qi, who has played many TV series versions of Yang Guo, Linghu Chong, and Chu Liuxiang with his good looks. Xiao Qi, you can't say that he is not handsome, but his handsomeness is ordinary, and his handsomeness is too ordinary.

There is a bit of a strange gap with other versions of Yang Guo, Linghu Chong, Chu Liuxiang, etc. His fashion show and fashion movies and TV series are still acceptable, and the costumes are a bit hard to describe.

In the Asian drama, there is also Chen Huilong who is squatting. It would not be too bad if she participates in The Voice.

Even in the Mainland, the future Wang Toutiao Feng is not considered to have made his official debut.

However, people like Tu Honggang, who have already performed on stage at the Spring Festival Gala, are those who have become famous, and may not participate in this kind of talent selection program.

How should I put it? Wang Jie, Zhou Huajian, Zhang Yusheng, etc. have already made their debuts and have released certain albums that have been very successful. Wang Jingwen, Zheng Xiuwen, etc. are all releasing albums one after another.

But in the future, there are still many new generation of fierce people, still waiting for their debut, preparing to debut. In a few years, there will still be singers such as Jingru and Yanzi.

Even Yi Xun, who "was eighteen years old and stood like a slave", was only 16 years old, let alone the milk tea wheel.

This still refers to the situation where only Chinese contestants participate. If a white singer comes and has the ability, The Voice of Asia will not refuse. If not, the situation will be more complicated.

Now Zhao Donghuai feels that the four mentors have determined the three male stars of Asia, Zhang Guorong, Andy Lau, and Tan Yonglin. Who will be chosen as the latter mentor? Xu Xiaofeng or Zhen Ni seems a bit older.

Ye Qianwen? Ye Qianwen before she sang (Walk in a Chic) was a bit not very strong. Although she had won the Most Popular Female Singer Award in the Top Ten Golden Songs two or three times, her prestige was still lower than that of Jenny Jenny and others.

It would be even worse for her to directly compete with Zhang Guorong and Tan Yonglin. How about Mei Yanfang? As for Amei, her image in the thigh era was too fixed, but it's not impossible. You can give it a try. After all, in the thigh era, she was a great singer, and her status has been accumulated for many years.

Next, the framework of Zhao Donghuai's dictation (The Voice of Asia) was asked to be recorded by Azhen on the computer, and then turned into a text and forwarded to the Variety Show Creation Center.

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