Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 320 April belongs to Aaron in the film industry

ATV's new variety show (The Voice of Asia) has attracted many handsome men and beautiful women to join the music industry, as April 13th comes.

Aaron's (Police Story 4) has officially landed in theaters all over the world. Whether it is East Asia, Southeast Asia, or Europe and the United States, there are too many fans who can't wait to rush to watch the movie.

At least for movie fans around the world at this stage, what about police movies? Everyone is familiar with the series of gangster robberies, bank robberies, kidnappings and extortions, and even nonsensical criminal shootouts.

Professional Ga waist, Ga heart criminal field?

Everyone was not familiar with it before. It was really a banking group in California that sacrificed a CEO like Old Jack to get a huge lawsuit. It was reported by Murdoch's media group, and this kind of criminal incident was shocked. World movie fans.

Of course, this kind of evil has existed for a long time. Everyone who knows about it knows about it, but most normal movie fans don't know about it.

When movie fans rushed into the theater and watched a one-hundred-minute movie, almost all of them came out exclaiming that they enjoyed it and discussed it enthusiastically.

An action movie or police movie from Cheng Long's peak period? The quality is really guaranteed, and there is a wave of comedy in various life-threatening fighting scenes. His action style is completely different from Jet Li, but the aura of the Furniture City God of War is just as powerful.

Look at the pretty girls, including Yu Li and Cameron Diaz.

Watch the fight? Cheng Long, Bruce Willis plus Yu Rongguang, Zhou Billy, Jet Binney, etc. are so gorgeous and beautiful that it makes people feel passionate and excited to watch them.

On April 13, Hong Kong's "Haiwanhao" took in HK$11 million at the box office, South Korea took in 21 million, and the mainland also contributed 61 million yuan in box office.

Just for this one, the daily box office is close to 100 million Hong Kong dollars!

Europe and the United States are not far behind, with US$6 million in North America and US$5.7 million in Europe, which is equivalent to a box office of more than 90 million Hong Kong dollars.

It belongs to Cheng Long that after more than a year of sinking, he made a big splash in the battle!

This is also related to the fact that this day is Good Friday in the Western world, and many white people in the world have four consecutive days of holidays.

The 14th is Saturday, the Mainland, Hong Kong, and South Korea. The total box office is calculated according to the official exchange rate. It officially exceeded 100 million, with 109 million Hong Kong dollars taken in one day. Sunday, the 15th, the Mainland, Hong Kong, and South Korea, the daily box office is 121 million Hong Kong dollars. .

More than 300 million Hong Kong dollars in three days!

On the other hand, OMG took in US$12.3 million on Saturday and US$13.72 million on Sunday, which equals a box office of HK$294 million in the three days combined.

But this data is...normal, equal to 37.72 million U.S. dollars in the three days of Europe and the United States. Counting separately, North America equals only 21 million U.S. dollars in the first weekend.

Compared to (Twilight), which can break $30 million in North America in its first weekend, it's far behind.

Of course, this is also because this opening weekend is only three days long.

If you make a direct comparison, you will also find that the total three-day data from the Mainland, Hong Kong, Haowan and South Korea is even tens of millions more Hong Kong dollars in revenue than Europe and the United States combined.

Then, on April 15th, a big news broke, that is, a bank in California, Old Jack's bank, was disclosed in a report saying that it was suspected that the banking group had released more than 2 billion US dollars. Loans, bad debts... there is a risk that they will not be recovered.

For example, Warner Bros. took out a loan of US$500 million and said it was going to film a (Lord of the Rings) trilogy, but so far it has not seen any progress, half a year later!

Warner came out to refute the rumors. Their (Lord of the Rings) series is progressing very smoothly. It's just that the audience doesn't understand how a science fiction movie is expensive and time-consuming. They also gave an example of Jurassic Park shot by Hong Kong Island Pictures. series, Spider-Man 1, etc., they have been preparing for a year and a half, and they have to endure special effects.

Then an unknown person within Industrial Light \u0026 Magic, the strongest special effects base in Hollywood, revealed that they had never received such an order.

Warner continues the war of words...

This is just one example. After several other lending projects were exposed, many citizens suddenly became panicked.

Old Jack dragged his sick face out to hold a press conference, but it was of no use. In private, some people were already encouraging depositors to cash out.

In the final analysis, building a bank does not depend on how many bad debts you have that cannot be recovered. It is just that the damage to the bank is limited if the accounts are short, and a run is the big hammer!

For example, Paul, the gangster bosses around him, and the mafia bosses are all short-selling. If they don't arrange a group of people to do the work, how can they make huge profits by short-selling? ?

Even though the bank stock market stock prices have started to fall since the Old Jack incident broke out, it is still not worth mentioning compared to the downward effect that a bank run can cause.

The drama has begun, it's time to watch the show.

Some people who don’t know whether they really have the ethics of journalists or media people, or whether they are paid to do things, secretly stated in newspapers that since rich tycoons like Old Jack dare to do things that steal people’s hearts, Then the plummeting share price of his bank is definitely retribution.

Even if you are bankrupt due to a run, you deserve it, but if you really go bankrupt, how many normal depositors will be cheated, and the depositors will not be able to get their deposits...

Well, because the victim is a Chinese-American like Pete Chen, the number of people who truly have media ethics is probably in the minority, and the majority are those who get paid to do things.

But when someone does something, the direction of public opinion becomes more likely to be misled.

Things were brewing, and on Easter, April 16th, (Police Story 4) grossed a box office of HK$137 million in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and South Korea, and US$16.8 million in Europe and the United States!

It was released for four days and grossed nearly HK$900 million at the box office!

In just four days, the total box office has officially exceeded US$100 million!

This does not include the port sales of the island country's Plus Stars and Matai, which has already been released there. However, the contract signed with the middleman Li Guoxing also depends on the specific box office performance. The final decision is to sell the port at HK$50 million, or HK$100 million. fee.

Europe, the United States, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Haowan and South Korea sold nearly 900 million Hong Kong dollars in four days. It is not surprising that the port price is set at 100 million Hong Kong dollars. There is only one island country market, and relying on Cheng Long’s signature, he can sell massive quantities Box office.

When night fell, Zheng Jiachun, the prince of the Shadantong family, directly bought the Tsim Sha Tsui Good Luck flagship store from the first floor to the tenth floor...

Brother Chun said, as long as they are in the film and television industry, regardless of whether they are related to (Police Story 4) or not, everyone in the industry is welcome to come and eat and drink. Is it still early for a celebration party? It’s really early to have a celebration party for (Police Story 4).

But with the momentum this big movie has gained around the world in the past four days, it is really capable of easily breaking $300 million in total box office, running wildly like a wild horse.

Sha Dantong is the most wealthy family after Zhao Donghuai and his family. At this stage, no matter whether it is Ship King Xu, Rich He, or Li Chaoren, etc., who can compare with Sha Dantong? Not many can compare to it, it’s far from it.

As the prince of a wealthy family, New World Pictures also has to follow Debao and 100 Years Pictures to carry the banner.

Cheng Jiachun just took out 500 million Hong Kong dollars last year. At this stage, even after Zhao Donghuai acquired 51%, he still holds 25% of the shares of New World Pictures. Just watching one movie (Police Story 4) made Cheng Jiachun make money.

How can we talk about a bright and glorious future? ?

When Zhao Donghuai arrived at the flagship store, Aaron and his wife were the greeters in the lobby on the first floor. When Zhao Donghuai arrived, he was surprised to see Aaron's wife.

It was when a group of people followed him to the private room that Aaron explained with a smile, "Our brothers, wives and children are all in Hong Kong. Thanks to Zhao Sheng, you have set a good tone for the media group, and there are no messy paparazzi." Tracking and secretly photographing privacy.”

"Even if I get the big materials, they will rarely be exposed, so I transferred them back... From now on, Little House will study in Hong Kong Island."

Director Zhao nodded, "Okay, it depends on your own arrangements."

The little house seems to be eight years old. I hope that this dimension will not be too crooked in the future. However, Zhao Donghuai sets the tone in this dimension. People in the circle are completely away from hemp, powder and the like. Who can't stop being addicted or seduce other people? Once in the water, it will be blocked in all directions.

It’s hard to say how certain things will develop.

Ignoring the topic, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "This movie, you guys, does a lot of advertising for (Shuren brand) milk powder. I heard that with the release of the movie in the past few days, the sales of milk powder have also increased slightly?"

"During the three- to four-week hit period, it's time to build up a wave of brand reputation."

For Long's comedy action, Cheng Long placed the final fight scene of defeating and capturing the villain in the supermarket... Instead of pushing the milk powder brand, the brand of the milk powder factory opened by Aaron is Shuren, which is taken from "Ten years of trees, hundred years of trees" Tree people.”

In the fighting action scene, Aaron sprinkled milk powder on people, like spreading lime, and the ranged attack was slowed down. Of course, the villain cannot directly lose combat effectiveness when the milk powder is sprinkled, nor can it have the lethality of lime. Put the danger on hold.

There is also Cameron Diaz messing around, delaying the opponent, preventing Aaron from being easily besieged to death, and letting Aaron defeat them one by one. After all, in this Police Story 4, the villain lineup is a bit too hardcore.

I don’t want to push it hard, the camera actually shows the milk powder brand for less than three seconds, but it is indeed a combat weapon.

Soft ads are also ads.

Aaron was even happier, "I hope the effect will be better. Based on my previous popularity, in February, the total sales of Hong Kong Haowan, Island Korea and Stars, Matai were only 20 million Hong Kong dollars, and the profit in my hands was less than 5 million. This Among them, the island country market contributes the most sales volume.”

"Sales in March were only 22 million...we still have to proceed steadily and slowly."

Hong Qinbao, Yuan Biao and others also laughed happily. They all sell milk powder profit chain peripheral products, boxes and bottles. The better Aaron's milk powder sales, the happier they are in picking up money.

At this stage, no European and American milk powder brands have engaged in them.

It is estimated that in East Asia and Southeast Asia, they are afraid of their strength and influence and dare not use outside tactics easily, but if they don't cause trouble, they are steadily rising with the various brands they put up.

This wedding banquet was really exciting and sensational.

Zhao Donghuai came alone, and the toasters came around. Except for the big boss, they were all big stars. Ordinary people were not qualified to join in. What made him speechless the most was that a group of children also came to toast with the adults. Of course, the children drank The ones are usually juice.

Not to mention, there are quite a few naughty kids here...

He left early.

Before leaving, I saw some very nonsensical scenes, including Bingbing, and even Azhi holding the three-year-old An Feng, watching with great interest the naughty children of Sanmao's family and Lin Zhengying's family, playing games.

When one party wanted to play Bao Qingtian, someone had their faces blackened. There were several black-faced Bao Zhengs, but no one played the cool and handsome guard Zhan.

There are also naughty children holding plastic dog-head guillotine toys, trying to guillotine people.

Feng Zai, who was forced to become a prisoner, looked aggrieved, "I'm not a bully like you. It's okay for me to be the bad guy to be guillotined. At least I have to use a tiger-head guillotine, right?"

"I won't use the guillotine to death!!"

A group of children laughed wildly with joy. A certain Amin put his hands on his hips and said with a smile, "Feng Zai, you want to be a star. This time I used a guillotine. Next time I will help you say good things in front of Uncle Long and give you more." some opportunities.”

Fengzi looked aggrieved, "I won't do this again!"

After all, Feng Zai's father is still gambling under Deng Yurong, and his family is still in debt, and today is the home of Police Story 4.


Later, it was daybreak until the 17th, and there were still people staying at the Good Luck Lai flagship store to have breakfast. After all, there were many crews filming night scenes in Hong Kong.

After filming the night scene, I happily came over to eat Zheng Jiachun, how fun is that? ?

In the following April, Aaron's box-office hit (Police Story 4) swept the world. In its second week, the global box office was equivalent to more than 100 million U.S. dollars. In the third week, the total box office exceeded 320 million U.S. dollars. .

Even when April 30th comes, this big movie has only been released globally for 17 days. The hope of breaking $400 million is too great...

Well, when April 30th came, there was news from North America that a certain bank was unable to cope with the wave of runs. Not only did the stock price fall almost below the issue price, but it also began to file for bankruptcy protection.

When this happened, it added a new wave of fire to the police story!

April 1990 was really Cheng Long's April in this aspect of the film industry. The white world must be saying that this is April for Bruce Willis, the action star.


May 1st.

It was still in the morning, and the song "There is a Bao Qingtian in Kaifeng, who can tell the truth from the traitor to the traitor with a ruthless face" was once again circulated in the streets and alleys.

Marching along with the singing are groups of children, either not old enough to go to school, or playing truant...

The most popular beauties all imitate Bao Zheng in the TV series with dark faces and a crescent moon prop on their foreheads. The next most popular ones are all carrying exaggerated and huge dragon-head guillotines and tiger-head guillotines. , dog head guillotine toys.

Those toys are really big.

The biggest thing is not to mention that it is much bigger than the child itself. Even if you pull an adult over, press him in front of the guillotine, and put his neck under the guillotine, he can still do it without any violation, just like the real Bao Qingtian of Kaifeng Mansion. To guillotine the death row prisoners.

The biggest toy is exactly the same as the prop in the TV, restored one to one, with a plastic shell...

The plastic case is very light, and it looks like a super-sharp guillotine. It is also made of plastic. If you really want to press someone else under the guillotine and guillotine it, it will be fine if it belongs to the neck. The plastic case will be directly squeezed and deformed. , it will slowly regain its shape when it is opened again.

This is a big trend for Guan Jiahui to open a factory together with the stars when they return to the mainland. She ran back to her hometown to open a prop and toy factory.

The best props, such as the tiger-head guillotine, dog-head guillotine, and dragon-head guillotine are not only exactly the same as the real proportions shown on TV, but the soft deformation and restoration of shape are also top-notch, and the visual effects are also perfect. Toys like that cost several thousand Hong Kong dollars each.

If you want to collect all three guillotines of tiger, dog and dragon, it will cost tens of thousands of yuan.

There are also some toys that look bluffing and may break if you hit a friend's neck. Those are cheap, you can buy one for 20 or 30 Hong Kong dollars. They are purely for looks, and they are trying to gain publicity during the popularity period of (Bao Qingtian). .

There are also Zhan Zhao's sabers and plastic knives.

Regarding film and television peripherals and toy profits, I can only say that I understand them all!

By May, the first five units, 25 episodes, filmed by Jin Chaoyu, He Jiajin and others had already been aired in ATV's prime time slot in the evening.

As for the subsequent five units where the (Bao Qingtian) crew fought hard in Bianliang, 26 episodes (Bao Qingtian) are still in production.

The first five units were replayed in the morning.

But the ratings for the replay were also ridiculously strong. During the not-so-good time slot in the morning, the number of viewers who watched the first round of broadcast was 60-70%.

When many people watch it for the first time, they will miss it and not watch everything. Just wait for the reruns to make up for the episodes they missed before.

This round of replays has not only driven the sales of plastic toys such as tiger-headed guillotines, dog-headed guillotines, and guard sabers, but the black crescent on Bao Zheng's forehead is also a toy.

For children and teenagers, there are complete sets with equal proportions of official uniforms and the like. Adults are definitely not keen on this kind of role-playing games, but children and teenagers are still very happy. Do you think these toy products are too expensive?

In fact, this is the case in business circles all over the world. Transformers also has a routine of combining a set of small Autobots into a large Autobot.

If you let young people get involved in a game where they play the role of (Bao Qingtian), at least it is a positive education... Because Bao Zheng punishes evil and promotes good, and no good person dies under the guillotine.

In the first five unit plots, was there a bad guy who was guillotined to death?

It is really a good thing that this kind of gaming trend is sweeping the country, as it is both educational and entertaining.

As for whether the most high-end toys are too taxing on IQ? A set of three plastic guillotines can be sold for tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars? That's not for ordinary citizens, ordinary children.

Similar to the (Eastern) and (Five Thousand Years) series harvesting the pocket money of the famous lady Kuota, this is all aimed at the descendants of wealthy families.

It can be said that Zheng Jiachun held a grand wedding banquet to celebrate his success on April 16. The children of Hong Yanbao, Aaron and Lin Zhengying, who are the big names in the film and television industry, all had the best things to play with.

Feng Zai was beaten with a guillotine on his head. It was also a plastic guillotine toy costing several thousand dollars each.

It was in this case that the ATV office.

Guan Jiahui, who was just one month pregnant with her second child, walked in excitedly with a report form, "Brother Huai, this toy industry chain really has a lot of potential."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Absolutely, and this kind of toy doesn't stop just once. Depending on the film and television industry, whenever a big hit film and television project comes out, you can follow suit, similar to my Han Tianxia cultural shirt. Keep up with the trends.”

What are now on the market are (Bao Qingtian) props and toys, children and teenagers official uniforms, the previous (Full House) and the still popular (Police Story 4)? In fact, these are the latter two. There are no too prominent props and toys to promote.

Otherwise, it would have swept the market long ago.

When it comes to cultural t-shirts, even celebrities carrying goods, etc., other products have been promoted very widely. You just show your star image, such as personal Jianlibao, iced black tea and even Feijing's new monthly calendar and wall calendar, they are all products.

Therefore, not every blockbuster film and television project can promote suitable props and toys products.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Donghuai asked, "How is the production of (Feng Shen Bang) clay toy and doll models in your factory over there?"

Jiahui nodded, "I have stocked up on a lot of goods."

Zhao Donghuai smiled, "We can re-run the list of gods and promote the clay dolls. The list of gods involves too many gods and demons. If you have a collecting habit, you can make a lot of money with one set."

More than just Fengshenbang has the potential of this series of dolls? ? Other Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West, Water Margin, etc., there are a series of doll sets waiting for you to collect.

And the profit chain here is equally terrifying.

It is nothing more than this kind of clay doll sets that change series frequently. It is easy for a large number of competitors to appear. If you want to win over each competitor, you rely on the brand and various other marketing methods.

In addition to clay dolls, Guan Jiahui's factory is also involved in the field of figures made of other materials.

But in most cases, doll figures only have images in the fields of animation, mythology, and superheroes. Ordinary film and television characters cannot drive much figure sales.

Her props and toy factory can be said to be diverse and involved in many fields. It depends on whether you are prepared enough. After all, the factory started building in July last year and it will last until May this year before it is ready to attack the market in a big way.

It is so much later than Xing Zai and Fei Jing’s series of products, so they are super prepared for war.

In fact, at this time, Xianyu had no additional stable enterprise-level financial resources before, so what else could she do? She also entered the toy field, but Aqing did not target film and television projects, but built a building block factory.

Whether it is simple small square building blocks, or building blocks arranged in various shapes of buildings, small palaces, etc., they are all educational toys for children.

This thing is, if it gets bigger, it will make money.

At this moment, A-Zhen came over and said, "Boss, from One Hundred Years Pictures, A-Xing handed over a new script, saying that he was going to make a movie (God of Cookery)."

Zhao Donghuai suddenly asked, "How is the script going?"

Azhen smiled and said, "It feels almost done, just take a look."

When he took over the script and read it, he really found that this version (God of Cookery) already had a main story line plus 70% of the details. The plot... was similar to the 1996 version of God of Cookery.

Even the main character Stephen Chow’s Tang Dynasty Catering Group was first bankrupted by Wu Mengda’s Great Joy, and then re-emerged by relying on peeing beef balls.

The finale is when Stephen Chow becomes a catering tycoon again, carrying a beautiful double-knife turkey, standing on the roof of the Tang Dynasty Catering Group Building, overlooking the beautiful night scene of Christmas Eve.

On March 19th, Fei Jing directed (Legend of Mermaid) and asked the heroines to adapt to the mermaid suits and practice swimming in the swimming pool. Ah Xing decided not to rush into filming (Trucking Dragon 3) and to make a new version related to diet. 's book.

This is forty days of hard work, has the result come out? !

Realize the God of Cookery project six years ahead of schedule? This is not surprising. In the original version in 1996, the star boy no longer wanted to just rely on nonsense to make the audience laugh. He no longer wanted to be an actor and comedian. He wanted to become a director and capital.

Xinghui was founded in 1996, and he also completely broke away from the Yongsheng of the Xiang family and started over. You have to say how clever the plot of the entire (God of Cookery) script is, it is higher than the high-end atmosphere of (Sage of Gamblers) (Nine-grade Sesame Official) and so on. How many? That's a bit too much.

I can only say that the description of the script of God of Cookery is full of all kinds of capital, business wars to make money, etc. It is a very realistic business war, a very simple and unpretentious business war, including Wu Mengda's great joy and the collapse of the Tang Dynasty Film and Television Group... What tricks? ?

Trick him with smuggled beef! A customer got food poisoning from a steak.

His wife betrayed him, exposed his various marketing schemes in front of the media, exposed dirty information, and so on.

The original trajectory of Ah Xing wants to understand these business routines and the rules of business war. Even if screenwriters such as Gu Dezhao want to do it well and write better, they still need to learn a lot of things.

At this stage, they have already been capitalized and know a lot about business routines. Even watching and learning has opened their eyes a lot.

So when you really want to serve Zhou Xingxing’s own (Tang Dynasty ham sausage), it’s not difficult to hold it back in advance.

Is Zhao Donghuai surprised that this book still allows the protagonist to use (exploding and peeing beef balls) to return to the mall and rise, instead of ham sausage? ?

That's right. The dramatic peeing and exploding cow pills in movies and TV shows can cure anorexia. If you use a ham sausage to do that, it would be too outrageous.

On the contrary, it is just a split-shot script for the ending. Xingzi and the heroine stand on the rooftop of the huge Tang Dynasty Catering Group building, overlooking the harbor city, and have already sublimated the brand of his ham sausage factory to a very good level.

It's more sophisticated and softer than your hard-boiled ham product.

After reading it, Zhao Donghuai said with emotion, "Aaron has learned how to be a qualified corporate person, and now Xingzi is also slowly realizing it."

He, the King of Comedy, has a strong appeal, now? It's normal to show off. After this God of Cookery comes out, there is still hope that the sales of Tang Dynasty ham will increase significantly.


One Hundred Years Pictures.

When Chen Huirong, accompanied by her father, walked in, she was quickly led to Zhou Xingxing's office by her secretary, and the two met and chatted for a while.

Zhou Xingxing smiled and said, "Ah, last time I asked you to play the role of a female nurse in "Trucking Dragon 3", but it was unexpectedly rejected. This time you can try the role of a female reporter."

"My new project (God of Cookery) is still very exciting. Not only do I plan to continue to be the starring role, I also want to try my hand at directing behind the scenes. These are the general lines of the female reporter and the storyboard script."

Zhao Donghuai's split-shot script is of color comic quality and can be read directly as a comic, with Xingzi just like a stick figure with annotations.

Chen Huirong thanked her seriously and took it. After reading it, she was surprised and said, "Is this female reporter the same as the abbot of Shaolin Temple, Master Wet Dream?"

Zhou Xingxing explained, "Just treat it as if you were moved by the abbot's past stories. It seems to be emotional but also unintentional. It's very subtle, but there should also be a little bit of true feelings revealed."

At this point, Xingzi laughed and said, "Haha, you are 18 years old this year and have just grown up. In my impression, the person who plays the abbot is preferably an old man with white hair. It is best to experience the contrast."

"If a girl falls in love with someone who is decades older than you, there is a possibility of love."

The next moment he said to Father Chen, "Sheng Chen, do you mind?"

Chen Chongwei smiled and waved, "It's all acting, of course I don't mind."

Lao Chen doesn't have much standing in front of Xingzi at this stage. Let's just say that in February and March, the total sales of Tang Dynasty ham sausage in East and Southeast Asia could reach 20 to 30 million Hong Kong dollars, and he could save 200 to 300 million Hong Kong dollars a year. ?

Even if it’s only two to three hundred million a year, that’s still enough capital potential to go public!

A few years ago, Ruhuazhi was a real estate group with a market value of several hundred million, and his jewelry company was worth several billion Hong Kong dollars. In addition to being one of the outstanding filmmakers, Xiaoheng and Xingzi were also capital role models. .

In addition to expressing that he didn't mind, Lao Chen even smiled modestly and said, "Master Xing, I still have the same conditions. If I have the opportunity to show a frontal shot of my jewelry store, for example, if someone goes to my jewelry store to shop, I will make a comedy joke for two or three minutes. I will invest 20 million Hong Kong dollars in advertising fees for the drama."

"If there were no advertising on that scale, as long as someone showed up with my jewelry, I would have paid 100,000 Hong Kong dollars for one second of footage and one million for ten seconds."

Zhou Xingxing smiled and extended his hand, "Happy cooperation!"

In fact, there are many examples like Lao Chen, investors, but signing a contract is one thing, and whether he will shoot or not, and whether he will use it in editing afterwards is another matter.

The final advertising fee will be charged based on the final film.

He interviewed Chen Huilong twice, and it was not for the advertising money. Chen Huilong is a student of Asian Opera, one of her own, and she really has certain acting skills. This is the key point.

June will be next month, and it’s time for Chen Huilong to take summer vacation after finishing her freshman year.

After simply skipping the topic of the advertisement, Zhou Xingcai asked curiously, "Ah, I heard that you signed up for (The Voice of Asia)? Have you received a reply? Can you compete?"

Chen Huilong was even happier when she mentioned this, "It's over, I have already received a return call. The first issue of The Voice of Asia will be on May 10th. I will go there to try it out. I hope a mentor will take a fancy to me."

Zhou Xingxing thought for a while, "It's a way to promote and promote movies. Forget it, let's just perform normally and get on if possible. I don't dare to randomly recommend people to ATV's variety shows, but the people arranged by A Le and the others should be It is not necessary to investigate all the information of every applicant.”

"I heard that all the registration envelopes received over there filled up the first floor of the building. You must have passed by relying on your strength."

"Come on! I will go to the scene to cheer you on!"

Planning in early April, the first episode of (The Voice of Asia) will be held on May 10th? Soon, as Chen Baixiang said at the beginning, the big stage that had been prepared was simply decorated in the direction required by the variety show, such as turntables, chairs, etc.

Chen Huilong was overjoyed, "Thank you very much for your kind words, Master Xing. I will try my best and hope to succeed."

In this era, when singers enter the film and television industry, they start off at the highest point. The protagonists of blockbusters are supported by a group of movie stars. It is very common for singers such as Zhang Guorong and Andy Lau to hold concerts to boost the box office of a big movie. This is also a common practice. .

If you can have the opportunity to become popular in the music industry first, that would be a great thing.

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