Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 321 Can there still be some sincerity between people?

It’s a new day in Hangzhou.

Nicholas grabbed an umbrella and just walked out of the gate of Huazhi flagship store when he saw a young man walking quickly from under the awning and greeted in English, "Good morning, Mr. Nicholas, are you alone?"

Nicholas smiled and nodded, "Jim Carrey and Robert Downey Jr. are so drunk that they probably won't wake up before noon."

"The weather is not very good today, Ma. If you are busy with other things, I can just go around by myself."

Although the other person spoke in English, Nicholas responded in awkward Mandarin. It was really awkward. After getting familiar with his personal style, I still had to guess and barely understand.

Young Ma smiled and shook his head, "It's okay. It's my job to be your translator. It's raining today. Where do you want to go?"

Nicholas thought for a while, "Is there that kind of wooden boat, similar to the wooden boat from the feudal era in the movie and TV series (The Legend of the White Snake)? I want to take that kind of boat and swim in the West Lake on a rainy day."

"Maybe, what if we can find mermaids in the rain? Oh my God, I have been looking for them for a month since I saw the report about those two mermaids."

That's right, in mid-March there were mermaids in the West Lake, which created a certain tourism trend, which lasted until May. Some rich people from Hong Kong and South Korea, including some rich people from Europe and the United States, who were not short of money, were visiting It's running around the West Lake.

Nicholas did not come alone.

He was in Hollywood and saw the Mermaid news broadcast on the Fox TV network. He became interested and flew to Hong Kong Island. He went through all the procedures to come to Hangzhou. During the takeoff, he met Jim Carrey and Robert Downey Jr. on the plane. an actor.

Those two were also emerging actors in Hollywood. Among them, Robert Jr., like him, flew from Hollywood to find mermaids.

Jim Carrey is wandering in Hong Kong himself. He has been hanging around Hong Kong Island in February. I heard that this guy accidentally watched (Various Star King) (Shaolin Football) (Playing Back to School Part 1 and 2) (Wan Province) Linglingqi) After watching a series of movies, I feel that his acting style is a bit similar to that of Zhou Xingxing...

I specially came to Hong Kong Island to find stars to learn my acting skills, but I just haven't had time to achieve this goal.

Jim Carrey himself is currently in Hollywood, a comedy TV series (Vivid Colors) that aired in April, which has increased his fame.

Before that, he appeared in various movies, imitated celebrities and other programs, which could only be regarded as a period of silent efforts to build a foundation. His fame is really not that big at this stage.

In other words, an actor who is not too young and has good acting skills, but is only averagely famous, wants to find an opportunity to compete with the accomplished comedy king Zhou Xingxing? This requires opportunity.

How many white and Latin mixed-race people are floating around in Hong Kong Island? One more Jim Carrey is not surprising.

Mainland Hong Kong drifters like Zhang Zhijian need a talent like Zhang Guorong if they want to get ahead.

The best white male stars in the Hong Kong film industry are naturally Al Pacino and Bruce Willis, including Bill Guy, Richard Norton, Jean-Claude Van Damme and others, as well as the great directors Robert and Barry · Levinson also mixed well.

But this is not the current stage. Jim Carrey is still far from those big names.

We met by chance on the plane and found out that we were all fellow actors with the same purpose. We got to know Nicholas and other talents along the way, and we have been living in the Huazhi flagship store since we arrived.

As time went by, the relationship became more familiar.

Following his words, the young man couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, "Nicholas, you can speak English."

The awkward Mandarin sounds really much harder to understand than English. After all, Ma Fu Bao is also a very famous figure in the entire Hangzhou translation community. If he hadn't adapted to Nicholas' style in a month, such communication would be really difficult. Very troublesome.

Nicholas was stunned and laughed, "It's okay. The most important thing to learn a language is to dare to speak and open your mouth. If you are integrated into the larger context, you will learn it faster."

"Chinese is really difficult to learn, but in order to make money, I still want to learn it."

It has been nearly ten years since he officially debuted. Although he has his own arrogance and talent, he does not want the outside world to mistakenly think that he is relying on his uncle to rise in the film industry. He is a very stubborn person, but he is still very motivated to make money. .

In July last year, the crew of (Spider-Man 1) asked him to play the Green Goblin and back Johnny Depp. Isn't it because of the money and how much he was given?

Similarly, he is not blind in recent years. Hong Kong's various action blockbusters and science fiction productions have become more and more powerful, hitting the European and American markets again and again, making so many stars famous and making so much money.

Then he is also sure that when big productions in Hong Kong need more white actors and leading and supporting roles in the future, if he can master Mandarin, he will naturally be ahead of many people.

Jack Ma then said depressedly, "Okay, let me ask you to rent a boat. It's not difficult to find such a boat. It just depends on whether there are any spare ones."

As a local snake who has been living in Hangzhou for so many years, he certainly knows that since the first hit of "The Legend of the White Snake", many mainland tourists have come to Hangzhou and like to take the same kind of rides as in movies and TV series. Take a boat and experience the feeling of going downstream to the West Lake.

Therefore, when it comes to the tourism industry in Hangzhou, not to mention small wooden boats that can be supported by just one boatman, there are also numerous Qinhuai River painting boats from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

It depends on whether there are many people coming to play at the same time and whether there are many tourists.

Unfortunately, after the news about mermaids broke out in mid-March, more and more people from all over the world come to visit the West Lake. As for the five-star hotel Huazhi Flagship Store, the rooms are never available.

Every Huazhi express chain store is also packed at every turn.

Of course, in addition to the hotel industry of Zhao Donghuai and Zhou Huimin, Hangzhou itself does not lack other Hong Kong businessmen to invest in building hotels. I visited Zhao Donghuai a few days ago and wanted to sell Liyuan Songcheng in Litchi Kok, Hong Kong Island to Zhao Donghuai for one Hong Kong dollar. Qiu Degen.

That old Mr. Qiu also came to Hangzhou to invest in and build hotels in the early to mid-1980s, including donating money and working with Hangzhou officials to build a Songcheng in Hangzhou.

That Xiaoqiu "tiger kid", after five years of being on the run from a lawsuit, became the king of a three-star hotel.


after a while.

By the West Lake.

While standing on the shore, watching a young boatman wearing a straw raincoat and a bamboo hat, rocking a wooden oar to bring a small boat to the shore, Nicholas walked over excitedly, "Hello, there are other raincoats like yours." Is it? I want to buy one to experience..."

The young boatman looked at Jack Ma blankly, "What did he say?"

Jack Ma translated with a wry smile. After the translation, the young boatman immediately nodded happily, "Yes, I have a spare. Hey, it's 50 yuan a piece. Ask him if he wants it."

Jack Ma just screamed, "Are you too dark? You can't kill people like this. Ten yuan for this thing is too expensive, right?"

It’s only 1990, you’re trying to steal money!

The young boatman immediately said happily, "Okay, just 10 yuan, that's it."

Jack Ma looked messy, but Nicholas's eyes lit up, "It's only 10 yuan, I'll buy one."

During the conversation, he also took out a ten-yuan foreign exchange coupon. Although his Mandarin was very convoluted, his listening ability had improved a lot.

What this boatman said is very close to standard Mandarin. There is no way, it is all because of money. Since the first broadcast of the legend of the White Snake, most tourists from the mainland still need to speak Mandarin to communicate. .

As for tourists in Haowan, Hong Kong, this is even more true.


After some time.

Nicholas was wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat on his head and was boating on the lake while shaking the wood pulp. The young boatman smoked a cigarette with emotion on his face and complained, "I really hope those two mermaids will show up more. From that time on, these good days will The more you go, the more delicious it becomes.”

Obviously he is a hard worker.

Now let alone selling straw raincoats and bamboo hats, customers like Nicholas take the initiative to learn to paddle and row in order to experience the fun, which is so exciting.

At this moment, if someone looks down at the entire West Lake from a high altitude, he will find that there are all kinds of things on the water of the West Lake, such as painted boats on the Qinhuai River in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, or small fishing boats shaking with small wooden pulp, at least hundreds of them.

It's still a rainy day.

Jack Ma complained to the boatman again, "It's so easy for you to get this money from me."

Nicholas shook the wood pulp and laughed, "It's not called cheating, it's not called cheating. After living in a modern metropolis for a long time, everything in our daily life is automated and mechanized. It is a good thing for us actors to occasionally experience other lives. learning and improvement.”

"Although I haven't made any appointments for this kind of ancient drama about rowing and rowing, it is also a kind of experience and knowledge to store up."

For many real actors, experiencing life is a very important means of accumulating acting skills.

It's not like he doesn't have such opportunities in Hollywood, but it's not a bad thing to travel to West Lake and experience the beautiful scenery firsthand.

The young boatman was confused again, "What did he say? Is it our Mandarin? Why does it sound so strange to me..."

Jack Ma was speechless.

At this moment, a boat sailed in front. On the deck of the boat, someone was grabbing Big Brother and talking excitedly, and more and more people were getting excited.

Nicholas was surprised and asked, "What happened over there? It seems that he is getting happier and more excited, and there is an expression of can't wait to fly somewhere???"

He couldn't hear what was being said over there, but he could vaguely see the communication and shouting accompanying the big brother and the big man. More and more people gathered around him, and the crowd's mood... was just like what he described. .

As a professional actor, observing other people's emotions is a basic skill!

Jack Ma hurried to the cabin, wrote a string of words and ran out. He stood on the deck of the small wooden boat and held up a large cardboard while shouting and shaking it. There were red letters on the cardboard, "What happened?!"

When I was 26, I was jumping like a gangster.


After a while.

The large painting boat passed by the small fishing boat, and someone on the deck excitedly shouted to the small fishing boat, "The mermaid has appeared. In the section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, near Taihu Lake, someone captured it!"

Jack Ma and Nicholas all looked messy.

The young boatman looked shocked, "Damn it, why did you go to Taihu Lake again? This is too far, can you swim like this?"

"No wonder it lasted so long. It's been a month and a half and no one has discovered them again."

The straight-line distance from West Lake to Taihu Lake is one to two hundred kilometers!

However, it's only been a month and a half. Even if you ask an ordinary person to walk on two feet, it's not like he can't walk 200 kilometers, so I'll give you 400 miles.

45 days? ? The average distance is less than 10 miles a day, which is nothing.

When the wind and rain subsided and it didn't matter if he didn't hold an umbrella, Nicholas walked to the shore excitedly. He was about to go back to the hotel and called Jim Carrey and Robert Jr. to go to Taihu Lake to watch the excitement.

Jack Macai asked curiously, "Nicholas, do you really believe that there are mermaids in the world? I remember there was a (mermaid) movie in Hollywood. Was it an act? Special effects? Props?"

He was also full of surprises, doubts and puzzlements about this issue.

Nicholas waved his hand, "I don't know. Anyway, I am idle. Go and have a look. What if you are lucky enough to meet one? If not, just treat it as a trip and have fun."

Although Nicholas also likes money at this stage, it is far from the time when he went from being a famous actor to a nearly bankrupt homeless man.

Young, rich, and time... isn't life just for fun?

Not to mention the month of traveling to West Lake, the beautiful scenery, delicious food, etc., which he enjoyed quite a lot. People who have fun are just for fun.

"By the way, can I rent a speedboat now? It's either an ancient wooden ship or a gasoline-diesel-powered speedboat. It's the fastest to chase it all the way down the river, right?"

Jack nodded, "No problem."

Anyway, these guys spend foreign exchange coupons. In the normal ship-hiring business, foreign exchange coupons are also the most popular and competitive.

A certain young man was right about one thing. Since the mermaid incident, he, a rising English translator in Hangzhou, has been receiving a steady stream of business orders.

For example, in Nicholas's group, Nicholas could understand what others said in Mandarin without too many obstacles. It was just that his words were very awkward and he didn't know Chinese characters very well. Little Robert was blinded when he left the interpreter.

Jim Carrey isn't much better.


Taihu Water Margin Film and Television City.

The film and television city, which has been under construction for two months, is in full swing under the construction of a large team of infrastructure. The flow of people and mechanical power are showing off the surging creativity on May Day.

This film and television city already has a future.

When Zhao Donghuai copied his homework, he naturally copied it according to the homework pattern. Apart from the two parts of the movie (Red Cliff Part 1 and 2), he also shot scenes here and built some landscape features.

The land area of ​​Water Margin Cinema is several hundred acres, and the water area that can be used for shooting is a full 1,500 acres. The theme can be divided into three major areas: Zhouxian, Jingcheng, and Liangshanbo.

Of course, if the real (Water Margin) is filmed, the scenes will be shot in Bianliang, but the new version (Water Margin) will also be shot here, with a lot of scenery.

The roads and water traffic around the film and television city are also expanding rapidly. This time, it was not only Zhao Donghuai himself who helped Qu Ying and Yao Peifang take mermaid photos, but also Fei Jing.

Although Hong Kong's "Mermaid Legend" has been secretly started and filming for a while, it is not a big deal to have Fei Jing come over to film some real-life mermaid appearances.

When the big yacht gradually approached the film and television city, looking at the huge landscape buildings, Fei Jingdu said with emotion, "The mainland is still rich in resources, and the construction of the film and television base is spectacular and efficient. If I had known that Hua Zai's Water Margin should be built in the film and television city Later, the scene was shot here.”

Andy Lau's movie plans a few years ago were one (Water Margin) and one (The Thirty-Six Strategies of the Supreme Being).

This was decided on January 24th.

And today, May 2nd, the filming of both movies has been completed, finished, and they are just waiting to be released. Among them, "Changing the Day" was directed by Fei Jing, who finished filming before the filming of "Trucking Dragon 3" began.

The schedule has also been set, and it will be released on May 4th (a day-to-day change), which is Youth Day. It also avoids Cheng Long (Police Story 4). By the 4th, Police Story 4 will have been released for 21 days.

Zhao Donghuai burst out laughing, "That kind of film is just for quick bucks. We don't expect it to be a classic. It only needs box office and sales, and the video tape will make money slowly."

"But on the 4th, movie fans will be attracted to the theater by Hua Zai and Jiahui, and they will probably be irritated. Once Jiahui lets go in comedy, he is really good."

Up and down, front and back.

This is Tony Leung Ka Fai's unforgettable history. It is more famous than the famous scene of slapping someone. With his and Andy Lau's status, it is no problem to get a box office of about 20 million Hong Kong dollars.

The original track paid 17.91 million, but in the original track, neither Andy Lau nor Leung Ka Fai's salary can be compared with the current stage.

Even Meng Na, one of the heroines, has a stronger influence than in the original track. In this version, only the heroine has been changed from Zhong Liti to Zhu Yin, and the villain has been changed from Yin Zhiqiang to Wu Yijiang.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Firstly, Zhu Yin is no worse than Chung Liti. Secondly, that little Zhong has just been discovered by Shao Yifu and is still being trained in the second generation thigh era. He has not officially debuted in the film and television industry, so he will naturally be ignored.

Nonsensical comedy is only about Leung Ka-fai's performance, which can still make people laugh after watching it, even if it is revisited ten or twenty years later.

Wang Jing couldn't help but laugh strangely, "Yeah, I never realized that Liang Jiahui can be so funny before. If A Le can act in a comedy, he can stand up to the stars. Jiahui's sense of comedy is In front of Ah Le, he’s not bad at all.”

"I feel like we can try a partnership between Liang Jiahui and Ah Xing next time. Maybe we can create different sparks."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

It is true that Zhou Xingxing did not collide with Tony Leung Ka Fai in comedy in his original trajectory, but Fei Jing's suggestion seems to be a good one.

The next moment he still smiled and said, "It's not difficult to bring together Liang Jiahui and Ah Xing. Isn't God of Cookery about to start filming? Give Jiahui an outstanding role, and that guy won't disappoint."

Wang Jing's eyes lit up, "Yes, actually there are many outstanding characters in God of Cookery, such as the Master of Wet Dreams, and the dish tyrant Goose Head..."

Tony Leung Ka Fai plays a particularly cautious abbot? It was probably easy for him to pick up.

Liu Yida's performance in the original version was also good, but he is not as famous as Tony Leung Ka-fai.

At this moment, another yacht rushed out of the waters behind Taihu Lake. There were people on the deck waving at it. Zhao Donghuai was stunned, "Why is she here?"

It was Hong Xin who came.

This time Zhao Donghuai returned to the mainland. One of them was to arrange the second operation of Mermaid, and the other was to inspect the progress of major construction teams from various places. He saw that he didn't plan to live in the mainland and return to Hong Kong the same day he came.

So I didn’t bring a girlfriend with me.

Wang Jing was also happy, "Then I'll hang out with a few models first."

After a while, after landing on the shore, Hong Xin also walked over from another yacht, carrying a box of gifts and said, "Boss, I was inspecting the stockings factory in my hometown before, and I accidentally learned that you had returned to the mainland. A group of elders... The folks chose some souvenirs for me and said they were thanking you for your help there."

“It’s just gourmet local products and nothing else.”

Zhao Donghuai was speechless.

Isn't it? There are actually a lot of well-informed people in the mainland. He used this mermaid planning copy to promote the movie... and he should have quite a lot of followers.

He laughed a little, then nodded, "Okay, just put down the gift."

Seeing Wang Jing and others walking away, Ah Xin smiled brightly and said, "Boss, I have a 19-year-old sister, and I really want to get to know you."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "You are only 19 years old, where did you get a 19-year-old girl..."

As he talked, Zhao Sheng was confused.

What a sin.

Ah Xin pointed to the water, "She's on the yacht. She's a little shy. If you don't believe me, boss, come back with me and have a look."

Zhao Donghuai slapped his forehead and said, "You almost led me astray. Hey, is there really your 19-year-old sister in there? Why didn't I see it?"

He thought it was Ah Xin who had a fever, but was she on a small yacht at the moment? The yacht that Zhao Donghuai took before was brought back by Qiu Shuzhen last time. It has three decks. In addition to the cockpit, the various cabins are also large and comfortable. After the last time he came back to experience the yacht, he stayed in Suhang.

After all, he has so many employees in the mainland, and more than a million people have eaten with him. It's a small matter to arrange for someone to take care of the yacht. He will come back many times in the future. There will always be times when he wants to continue to see the lake view and river view, so he can't always start from the same place. Departing from Hong Kong Island and driving back.

But this small yacht that Ah Xin rode on before? It has a single deck, and there is only one cockpit on the deck, with four windows that are fully transparent. Standing on the shore, you can see two young women driving the boat inside.

Seriously sailing.

Also, with his super strong eyesight, hearing, smell, etc., he didn't find any traces of camouflage in A-Xin such as a rapid heartbeat or an unnatural expression. Even if he didn't turn on his super-sensory state, his eyesight was still very strong. He was performing alone. Or do your true feelings show on your face?

He is a professional director!

As long as Ah Xin is not too radical, he will still give face to the other party.

When he walked towards the small yacht, and as soon as he got on board, he heard the sound of falling into the water behind him... When he instinctively went into the water to save others, he realized that he had been attacked by a sneak attack. This Ah Xin could swim after falling into the water.

Can there still be some sincerity between people? !

What he was most confused about was, when did she have such outrageous acting skills? ?


Ten minutes later.

The drowned Ah Xin was taken aboard Zhao Donghuai's big yacht by two Pan-Asian female bodyguards. Director Zhao also went back to the master cabin to change his clothes, and then said to the soaked Ah Xin speechlessly, "When did your acting skills become so good?" Are you ready? Why don't you change your clothes? Are you waiting to catch a cold?"

Less than a minute after the two fell into the water, two Pan-Asian female bodyguards rushed out of the cockpit and jumped into the water to save them.

It was just that Zhao Donghuai asked them to wait on the big yacht first, and he himself sent A Xin to the edge of the first deck before boarding the ship.

On May day, Ah Xin only wore a dress, and her drowned rat look was too white.

Ah Xin said excitedly, "I'm going to be impressed by Shibie for three days. Boss, is my interview a success? Your daughter will be born soon, at the end of this month, right?"

"Why don't you celebrate your 19th anniversary with a wedding ceremony?"

Zhao Donghuai felt helpless. Ever since that time when he was playing mahjong, he had accidentally tilted his bottom line a little bit. This girl became more and more bold, "Don't talk so much, go back to Hong Kong."

Ah Xin blinked and said, "Boss, I bought a private jet to fly to Hong Kong Island. It is now parked at Shuofang Airport. I flew here from my hometown on it. Why don't you give it a try? Please comment on your aviation experience. ?”

Director Zhao couldn't help but ask, "You bought a private jet? Are you rich?"

He didn't even buy a large-scale aircraft that spans geographical areas. At most, he bought a luxury private helicopter, a yacht or something like that. As for the cargo airlines he bought from Big Bear, they were always transport planes, not flights for passengers.

Hong Xin nodded, "It's not that I'm rich, it's that planes like those at Big Bear are cheap. With just a few modifications, they can be converted from a cross-border flight to one for the private use of rich people. It doesn't cost much."

"And it's not just me. Fen, Winona Ryder and others have all pooled their money together. Whoever needs it can fly it. As for the route application issue, after we returned to the mainland to open a factory, many people took the initiative to help apply."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Okay, let's go and have a look."

Ah Xin said again, "I took over the filming of Xu Guanwen's (New Half a Category) a while ago, and I feel that the cold-faced comedian is still very capable, but he is a bit young and cannot keep up with the times."

Director Zhao thought about it for a while, and what A Xin said was not wrong. There was no world affected by his time travel in the original trajectory. One of her biggest masterpieces is (New Half Category). The box office in Hong Kong Island was more than 26 million Hong Kong dollars, and it was sold out of Hong Kong. good.

It belongs to Xu Guanwen's last glorious afterglow.

Of course, Lao Xu's peak in the 1990s was the movie "The God of Fortune". He dragged Li Ming into the battle, and with the help of the appeal of the Four Heavenly Kings, the movie "The God of God" cost more than 36 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong, which is almost as high as The pattern is set on every two weeks.

Then, nothing more.

"I've heard of this movie, and it should be pretty good. It's a sentimental movie. As long as your performance is up to par, you'll be a hit."


On May 3rd, the announcement of "Thirty-Six Stratagems of the Supreme Being" has basically spread across the Mainland, Hong Kong and South Korea. The combination of Hua Zai, Liang Jiahui, Zhu Yin, and Li Wanhua is strong enough.

Although this movie is said to have something to do with gambling, the most important plot is that the con man cooperates with the prison film to fight back and take revenge, so it has been reviewed and can be released in the mainland.

Zhao Donghuai was sitting on ATV and received a report from Azhen Xin that the filming of (Joking about Zhengde), which had been filming for almost three months, was completed.

"Now that it's finished, let's arrange for it to be broadcast on a prime time slot at night. (Bao Qingtian) Units 6 to 8 have also been edited, but there's no rush."

"The crew of (Bao Qingtian) will be given scripts for five more units, and after (playing about Zhengde), ten units will be aired in one go. These costume dramas still have to take turns to gain ratings."

After all, it is the pioneer of drama TV dramas. It can be regarded as the originator of Pig Princess and Prime Minister Liu Luoguo, Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan, etc.

This kind of TV series really has no shortage of ratings.

(Bao Qingtian) The crew is still filming the ninth and tenth unit scripts one after another? Five more. If two hundred episodes are filmed and replayed in one go, the effect will be much stronger.

Zhao Donghuai is even considering whether to film another one (Young Bao Qingtian). After all, even with Shao Bao, the ratings are very strong.

Do you think it’s too old-fashioned to film so many costume dramas continuously after ATV became a star? ? It’s nothing. Didn’t this come first (Full House), and Deng Texi’s (No. 1 Royal Court) is already being filmed? Imperial Court No. 1 is a series with several parts.

It’s longer than Tao Dayu’s original (Criminal Investigation Files) trilogy.

Combined with the first episode (The Voice of Asia) which is about to start recording, it can easily sweep the audiences in East and Southeast Asia this summer.

The first episode of The Voice was filmed and broadcast on the 10th? We still have to wait a few more days for the broadcast. After all, this is not a live variety show, it is a recorded broadcast!

When Azhen ran to do things, Xiao Xiancai came over holding a magazine and said, "It's a bit outrageous, boss. Look at this issue of Europa's fashion magazine. It's recommending Asia's top ten supermodels. I'll go. Why are there all such strange photos? Styles??”

"It's already May, and Hong Kong Fashion Week will be held next month. Now they're ranking Asia's top ten supermodels. Why are there no names like Qu Ying, Yao Peifang, Wang Siyi, Zhang Ruizhu, etc. On the contrary, they haven't heard of these. Whoever has passed will take over?"

Zhao Donghuai took the magazine and took a look at it. It was a bit eye-catching. Damn it, this is another traditional demon and ghost making trouble.

This top European fashion magazine, which used to have a lot of fame and reputation in the fashion industry, ranked the top ten supermodels in Asia in the 1990s. They all had squinty eyes, flat noses, and bad mouths.

Just fucking blowing this is the most beautiful Asian girl in the eyes of white people, with a high-class face.

There are many famous designers commenting on the top fashion clothes they designed, which are created for these famous models.

He has traveled through time, but he still encounters this kind of thing? ? Really fucked up.

Zhao Donghuai was a little angry, but he said calmly, "Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while, and see if any monsters jump out, and then beat them to death with a stick."

This should be one of the commercial counterattacks of big Western luxury brands against the rise of Hong Kong Fashion Week. If the bullets fly for a while, the losers will slowly pop out to show their embarrassment.

The ghost guys always do things like this. What makes people's teeth hurt is that there are too many bananas and colonists, and they are like leeks.

Xiaoxian nodded and asked curiously, "When the time comes, what stick method will you use to hit people?"

Zhao Donghuai looked at Xiaoxian speechlessly. Xiaoxian smiled and squatted down, "Your shoelaces are untied."

Qiu Shuzhen, who had just finished her work and came back from giving some instructions, said in surprise, "Xiao Xian, you are really good at martial arts. You can tie people's flip-flops, your skills are superb."

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