Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 323 There are really more and more big fish being blown up.

Mother's Day, May 13, Tsim Sha Tsui, Zhao's Financial Building.

Song Shibin and Jiang Enhao each came in a hurry with two secretaries and assistants. After they saw Li Minghui, they exchanged polite greetings. Song Shibin couldn't help but said in surprise, "Li Sheng, it feels a bit strange."

"In more than four months, the Nikkei Index has fallen by more than 12,000 points, that's more than 12,000 points!"

"Lao Jiang and I entered the game late. By the time it ended, it had already dropped by six to seven thousand points. At this stage, each of us had only made a billion Hong Kong dollars. But how did I find that in the island society, there was no big movement about such an avalanche situation? Woolen cloth?"

"Why haven't we seen hundreds or even thousands of people jumping off buildings and into the sea to their deaths?"

Li Minghui was shocked, "..."

He was not shocked that the Nikkei fell so much. This was what he had been watching and witnessing. It was said that since 1984, when Zhao Sheng was a stock market glove and quietly acquired Hong Kong Electric, six years later, Ah Hui was no longer the little glove he was back then. Poujie Stock Broker has long been the financial center of the Zhao family, and Li Sheng is in the hearts of countless people.

After all, they have always been activists since the 86 Japanese Yen foreign exchange speculation.

He was shocked by Chairman Song's slogan, "Are you going to fight?" Hundreds or thousands of people died?

Jiang Enhao couldn't help but nod, "In the 1987 stock market crash, before it fell by 10,000 points, there were dozens of news about the island country going bankrupt and jumping into the sea, and even more were not reported. This time it plummeted by 12,000 points. There’s not much news about people jumping off buildings and into the sea.”

"There are still horses running and dancing in the market? Is it so weird? It seems that everyone is turning a blind eye to this intensity?"

Three years have passed since 1987, when we started cooperating with the Four Heavenly Kings team. Chairman Song Shibin of Miracle Era Club is no longer a small figure with a total market value of just over 2 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Three years later, he is already a man in charge of real estate, tourism, and catering with a market value of more than 20 billion Hong Kong dollars, as well as a certain amount of newspapers, magazines and print media.

He has risen from an ordinary little rich man to a man worthy of being ranked under several major plutocrats.

The same goes for Kang Eun-ho of Lesheng Club.

The industries owned by the two presidents are basically bigger than Li Chao's in Hong Kong. At least Li Chao doesn't have the media industry at his disposal.

After Zhao Donghuai bought Jie Tian Retail, the two of them grabbed the order and used their own money to help the South Korean Wanjia chain renovate and renovate it for free.

They also joined forces to develop in the media industry, such as TV stations, etc., they will definitely not be able to get involved, but in the field of print media, the two of them together are second-rate tycoons, and the second-rate is less than the first-rate.

Therefore, they really looked at the news from the island country published by the newspaper and magazine group. Starting in 1990, the Nikkei plummeted by nearly 6,000 or 7,000 points in a month or two. They realized that something big had happened and came to Hong Kong Island for consultation...

A sharp drop of six to seven thousand points in one breath, which is directly chasing the 87 stock market crash. How can it be explained by the "technical adjustments" and "short-term shocks" promoted by the island country's official officials?

That's right, people like Wang Zuxian have basically never paid attention to the stock market or the Nikkei Index of the island country, so it's not Zhao Donghuai who said that she didn't notice that something big happened again in the island country.

As a South Korean across the sea and a member of the media, we still have to pay more attention to it. After all, the Nikkei fell by six to seven thousand points in one fell swoop. At its peak, it was only over 38,900 points, and it fell by six to seven thousand points in one fell swoop.

Which expert can still trust the "technical adjustments" and "short-term shocks" he says? If you continue to believe those nonsense, you might as well just jump off the building.

President Song and the two visited Zhao Donghuai in February, then handed the money to the financial center to hold investments on their behalf, and ran to short the Nikkei.

Although it ended late, I started to make a lot of money! This is from the initial drop of 32,000 to 3,000 points, and it has continued to drop to a position of more than 26,000 points...

The two of them are very happy to make money. What they can't understand is how the island country has managed to seem peaceful on the surface in the past few months.

With such a magnitude of decline, if you didn't jump off buildings and into the sea, killing and injuring hundreds or thousands of people, would you be worthy of such a huge shock? ? But in the news, we really don’t see a few tragic news. What we see more are various official efforts to announce a bailout, and the market will soon pick up with the policies.

Wait, wait, the experts and professors said.

There is also the singing and dancing promoted by the island country's media, and the market is beautiful and harmonious.

The two presidents couldn't understand and came to consult again.

In fact, it was around 1992 and 1993 that the vast majority of people from the island nation gradually discovered and accepted the concept and reality of a comprehensive economic collapse and recession in the island nation.

Starting in 1993, talents in each island country stepped out of the frenzy of mass production and consumption of crazy manufacturing and buying. It also started in 1992, and countless middle class people in island countries no longer dared to buy all kinds of luxury goods.

Instead, they took out all their luxury bags, shoes, clothes, etc. and sent them to second-hand stores to be sold for profit. This also triggered a craze for countless people from all over the world to fly to the island country to buy second-hand luxury goods.

In 1990, the Nikkei fell from 38,900 to below 20,000 points in ten months...

The impact is really not that big, not as obvious as the 1987 stock market crash or the 1997 financial crisis.

reason? One is the information cocoon room. In the era of the Internet, there are still information cocoon rooms. In the era of television and print media, as long as the government is playing tricks on you and does not pay attention to or report on various tragedies, just pretend that they did not happen and hide them. That is natural. It will make countless people who don't pay attention to the Nikkei Index or the stock market think that the world is peaceful and continue to play music and dance.

After plummeting so much in one breath, a group of experts and professors are trying their best to restore the public's confidence. Technical adjustments and short-term shocks are no longer credible. Is there no other vocabulary? For example, it has fallen by 12,000, it has hit the bottom, and it is about to rise again!

We can now wait for the bottom to rebound, hold on!

Bounce back now!

Coupled with the various bailout policies launched by the government, peace can always be achieved. As for the poster, do you want to expose it? Stop making trouble, now let it be revealed that if all the people of the island country evacuate the stock market, whose leeks and whose money are they going to cut?

Where do you think the stock market crash that lasted for two and a half years and more than 270 billion US dollars in wealth came from? In the 1987 stock market crash, the entire A-Mei family’s stock market losses were only US$800 billion.

It’s just that less than one-third of the losses in the island country’s stock market bubble this time.

This is not just a false image of peace by the officials of the island countries, but various capitals in North America and Europe are also accomplices. The whole world is false, so why can’t it be false and a layer of drunkenness and wealth?

Secondly, the real estate bubble at this stage has not yet burst, and real estate prices are still very high. Therefore, those who own a house will feel that their real estate is still very valuable, and they are not afraid of the decline in the stock market.

Then last year, Sony moved into Colombia and bought one of the Hollywood giants, which provided the islanders with unlimited national morale and confidence.

Until 1991, there were still island rich people who bought the Empire State Building in New York!

What is the Empire State Building? It has maintained the title of the tallest building in the world for 41 years, a New York landmark, one of the most famous attractions in New York, and a national historical landmark of Amei’s house...

There are wealthy people from Taiwan who are planning to buy the Empire State Building like that. Will it be successful next year?

This also means that Amei’s family is helping the people of the island to build their confidence. Otherwise, is the Empire State Building a question of what money can buy? This also helps cover up the problem.

As for the Nikkei's decline, although it plummeted by more than 18,900 points in ten months in 1990, in 1991 due to various struggles, bailouts, etc. by the Japanese government, it still rose, fell, struggled, or recovered for a year and a half.

This is why it was not until 1992 that a certain broken plate shocked the world. In April 1992, the Nikkei Index fell back to 14,300 points, benchmarking the 1985 level.

Therefore, in the first half of 1990, in May, the decline of the Nikkei Index was comparable to the losses of the 1987 global stock market crash for a single island country.

However, in the middle of the situation, the officials worked hard to maintain peace and information, and Tokyo barely maintained its prosperity and vanity.

Three years ago, the global stock market crash was so severe, and Amei's family suffered such outrageous losses, but the island country was the first in the world to recover. The comparison with the stock market crash also gave countless island people a certain false confidence.

Chairman Song and Chairman Jiang want to see hundreds of thousands of news about island guys jumping off buildings and jumping into the sea now, but it’s still early!

Following the questions from the two presidents, Li Minghui was speechless at the beginning and began to smile calmly, "I can't explain this to you at the moment, but it has dropped by 12,000, do you still need so many explanations? Everyone, please wait. If you want to be happy and get rich, just collect the money."

"Zhao Sheng has set the tone. Keep going. I will notify you when it's time to harvest."

"Don't you have confidence in Zhao Sheng?"

Song Shibin immediately waved his hands, "Of course not. We are very grateful to Zhao Sheng for his willingness to support us and bring us to make a fortune together. I came here this time because I want to wait for the opening of this summer's fashion week and order tens of thousands of Han Dynasty costumes, as well as some Oriental and Five Thousand Years series products.”

"Take it back as a reward and give it to my staff team to wear."

Without Zhao Donghuai, how would they have the status of being the most eye-catching handsome boy among the five major chaebols in South Korea today? ?

Although at the beginning of their fortune, they united with the Four Heavenly Kings to kidnap the chairman of a listed group according to the goals provided by Song Shibin and others. Song Shibin and others then sniped at the stock market and grabbed the industry.

But to really stabilize everything, I helped Zhao Sheng renovate the Wanjia Group for free. Only then did I have the courage and confidence to be truly stable and not afraid of being beaten to death!

Chairman Song said again, "I will definitely promote my media group to publicize the glory and pride of Han Tianxia, ​​Dongfang, and Five Thousand Years as our Asian brand to every city and village in South Korea."

Jiang Enhao blushed and nodded, "Me too, me too!"

After Zhao Sheng made a fortune and returned to South Korea, Chairman Lee of Samsung would look down upon them, as well as the congressmen, prosecutors and friends behind them. Zhang Minggao and others from the Four Heavenly Kings Gang were already members of Pan Seoul, Incheon, etc. The largest socially active group in the metropolitan area.

His surname is Song and his surname is Jiang. In South Korea, they are many times more powerful and domineering than the four detectives in Hong Kong in the 1960s and 1970s.

Putting aside real estate, tourism, transportation and other industrial enterprises, their media group does not have a TV station, but William the Ghost and others control the MBC TV network.

Everyone wears the same pair of trousers, doesn't this mean they live together? ? This is why Zhao Donghuai did not bring anyone from outside to make a fortune in Hong Kong, but instead let Song Shibin and Jiang Enhao make quick money.

With their media power, these two have different levels of influence. They are the best guide for China Entertainment and China Commodities to enter South Korea.

after a while.

When Song Shibin left the Zhao Financial Center and stood under the awning of the building, he lit a cigarette and took two puffs. He still frowned and muttered, "Lao Jiang, I still feel something is wrong. For such a big event, there are not hundreds or thousands of people." The ghosts of the island country jump off buildings and seas, which feels a bit false and unreliable."

Jiang Enhao thought for a while, "It must be an official cover-up to deceive the public. It's so funny and outrageous. It can be seen with the naked eye that it has dropped 12,000 points in more than four months. If you look at the data comparison, it is clear at a glance. It cannot be more clear and straightforward. "

"For island countries, it is at least comparable to the 1987 stock market crash, when more than $600 billion in wealth was evaporated."

"This ability to cover the pot is too strong... If we hadn't acquired a media group with so many reporters, we definitely wouldn't have been able to discover the truth in February."

"Axi, you all misbelieved the nonsense of those experts and the official ability of the island country to rescue the market. Otherwise, we would have ended when we fell by three or four thousand points, and we would have made hundreds of millions more. "

Song Shibin laughed and said, "Just be content. It's not that Zhao Sheng pulled us out. You don't even have the investment bank to open leverage for you. How about those geeky investment banks and financial consortiums? Will they be willing to let us earn money easily?"

The next moment, Lao Song threw away his cigarette and said, "The beasts and horses under our club are cheap. Let's go and order 20,000 sets of uniforms for Han Tianxia first."

When Zhao Donghuai was doing something big for the first time, he had to call William, Smith and other good friends from Goldman Sachs and Lehman Investment Bank to develop them into members of Hydra, so that he could buy CFDs to open leverage when shorting stock indexes. , that is investment banks paying for high leverage.

Not to mention what Song Shibin and others should do if they want to make a fortune.

It’s not that you transport the money to the financial center and hand it over to Zhao Donghuai’s people. You can’t even buy a CFD with your banknotes.

There is no CFD, so I can only buy futures contracts? How much do you earn? Now the billions they earned will shrink tenfold.

Jiang Enhao looked around and said bitterly, "In the season when cherry blossoms are blooming all over Tokyo, there are not hundreds or thousands of ghosts who jumped from buildings to stain the streets with blood. I always feel that something is missing..."

Song Shibin looked at his old friend more or less silently, and then said, "How about you spend some money and ask the Eagle Gang to do something? Do you want to dye the soundtrack?"

The cherry blossoms all over the city are indeed more beautiful when dyed.

Why doesn't anyone dye the cherry blossoms? Too inappropriate and inappropriate for the occasion.

Jiang Enhao's heart skipped a beat, and then he suddenly explained seriously to everyone, including his assistants and secretaries, "Don't misunderstand me. I'm not a natural-born killer. I don't have any special hobbies."

"The Great Depression in 1929 and the global stock market crash in 1987. How many people died? If there are no relevant reports on such major events, it will always make people feel guilty and unreal."

"Let's go, let's go back to the hotel. Since I'm here with my family this time, let's go to Tung Chung to see and have some fun."

"Whether it's the Jurassic theme park or the newly developed (Kaifeng Government Office) project, I'm very interested. You two are also on paid leave."

It’s May 13th.

The dozens of acres of Kaifeng government office built in Dongchong since February 12 has really been completed. Or is it a one- or two-story building with no shortage of manpower, material, and machinery? ?

Very tidy.

Even if many of this projects require mountain rocks, wooden lofts, and special bricks to construct, is there no shortage of materials? Bianliang itself is planning to rebuild Kaifeng Government Office, Songhuang City, etc., so that they can respond to the tourist flow in a better way.

All the various building materials originally prepared in Bianliang were brought to Dongyong for Zhao Sheng to use.

Then, until 9 p.m.

Song Shibin, who had been playing with his wife and daughter in Tung Chung for a long time, just after dinner, turned on the color TV in the hotel and watched the ATV program, and saw the first recording of (The Voice of Asia).

He watched it purely as a variety show, but his wife and daughter quickly became fans of the show and became fans of Yang Gangli and Chen Huifu respectively.

It's not that they don't chase male idols, it's that the two male singers who joined the mentor team in the first phase are too ordinary in appearance...

While his wife and daughter were discussing who was more beautiful, Yang Gangli or Chen Huilong, who sang better, and who had a chance to reach the finals and become popular, Song Shibin burst into laughter, clapped his hands and said, "Do you like these contestants? That's easy to say."

“The Voice is blindly auditioned by mentors. When the mentor decides on the top four teams, it is the mentor’s decision. However, in the final PK of the champion and runner-up, in addition to the mentor’s scoring, there are also a jury composed of multiple media who vote, which can also play a certain role. .”

"If nothing else, the daily sales of its newspapers are around 1.2 million copies. They are members of the media jury. When the time comes, give your favorite contestants a few more votes."

Since Zhao Donghuai has defined the program as The Voice of Asia, not only media groups such as Hong Kong magazines and newspapers can come in and form a member of the media jury, but also invited some media groups from Wanwan, South Korea, Taiwan, Star, Malaysia and Thailand to vote.

Of course, the people he brought in were naturally friendly and obedient.

South Korea currently has nearly 70 daily newspapers. The largest and strongest are Chosun Ilbo, Dong-A Ilbo, JoongAng Ilbo, etc., with daily sales ranging from 1.5 million to 2 million copies.

Then it wasn’t until 1995 that all of them sold 2 million copies a day.

The next-class newspapers owned by Song Shibin and Jiang Eunhao have daily sales of between 1 million and 1.5 million. Those with less than 1 million copies are all second-class newspapers.

The island country... The island country has many high-ranking officials and congressmen. Who doesn’t have a few familiar newspapers? Gen Murakami is about to start a new Yamaguchi group. Is it appropriate not to buy a newspaper and let white gloves hold it for him? You can't think that Gen Murakami is not as good as Bai Fenma's vision twenty years ago.

Xingma Tai agrees.

Hydra is so developed.

Even the mainland has invited a few media, but he has no interference with the mainland media and allows them to express themselves freely, including food, accommodation and air tickets... After all, there are only a few media in the mainland, so no matter how freely they express themselves, they can't get out of the big framework.

Chairman Song's eldest daughter looked surprised, "Dad, this Yang Gangli definitely has the qualifications to be one of Asia's new generation of beauties. Her singing is so sweet. As long as she has suitable and good songs, I feel that she will not be much worse than Teresa Teng in the future."

Lao Song waved his hand, "Then I'll listen to you. I'll ask the newspaper to announce in the pages of the newspaper tomorrow that the new generation of beautiful queens is about to rise. We will collect all the songs in our country and give her the copyright."

It was originally a program for ATV to praise new talents. He, who was a peripheral boy, naturally wanted to praise him. He was sensible, and his daughter happened to have a favorite singer?

Praise it, you can achieve multiple things with one stone.

One thing must be explained. After ATV is upgraded to a star, families with TV sets in East and Southeast Asia will also need to purchase satellite receivers or satellite antennas in order to watch.

There are 20 million people and millions of families in Wanwan. Zhao Donghuai paid for it himself and hired people to deliver it to every household for free and help with installation. Therefore, the first big project after becoming a star (Full House) can be easily done in Wanwan. It attracted millions of viewers.

It’s free, and you can watch it by tuning the channel. It’s so easy to become popular.

South Korea has a population of more than 40 million and millions of families. Song Sebin, Kang Eunho, the Four Heavenly Kings, etc. donated a sum of money to provide free installation to every household.

In the island country, the Tiger Gang, Yamaguchi-gumi Gen Murakami, or some big congressmen pay for free installations, so that they can quickly reach millions of viewers.

So Song Shibin also knows that the first episode (The Voice of Asia) aired tonight will also arouse extremely strong ratings in South Korea. Apart from other things, you can watch Zhang Guorong, Liu Dehua, Tan Yonglin and others on TV. Variety show performance.

This is a real win for their fans!


a new day.

The first recording of The Voice of Asia has aroused strong discussion and attention on the streets and in the ATV headquarters office.

Zhao Donghuai was also surprised when he received the new ratings survey report, "South Korea covers nearly 10 million viewers? The island country also has more than 20 million viewers?"

"Tsk, the ratings are stronger and more explosive than I originally expected. After all, it's only the first episode!"

In the first episode, countless viewers are definitely going to Zhang Guorong, Liu Dehua and others. This requires long-term viewing of each episode to allow the rookies to cultivate their own growing fans.

Asia's three kings appeared on TV, singing in variety shows...

The appeal is so strong!

Zhang Min couldn't help but smile, "This is also a good job for South Korea and the island countries who sent satellite antennas and helped install them for free."

You don’t have the equipment to receive the channel, so why are you talking about ridiculous ratings and points?

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "It's a good thing that I brought Lao Song and Lao Jiang to make this fortune, they are smart people."

They sent satellite receivers and satellite dishes before they entered the short-selling Nikkei Index! Although on January 19, the day ATV was promoted, the Nikkei Index had already fallen by one or two thousand points, the total value was a large amount of 38,900 points.

When it only dropped to about 37,000 points, the "technical adjustment" and "short-term shock" officially announced by the island country were still very deceptive.

Those guys in Daohan started arranging installation projects on the 20th and 21st to enter thousands of households.

The next moment, Qiu Shuzhen took a few faxed newspapers and said, "Boss, the people in South Korea are really good at it. Yang Gangli just came on stage and sang a sweet song."

"President Song is going to tout her as the successor of the new generation of Asian singing queens? Wow, the last one to be the queen was Sister Min, right?"

"After Sister Min, how can anyone dare to take over as the beautiful queen?"

"President Jiang's newspaper is boasting about Chen Huilong, saying that she is obviously a rich and beautiful daughter, but she has to rely on her strength to make a name for herself in the music world. They boast that she is the most beautiful daughter in the Asian music scene."

"A major newspaper that sells millions of copies a day, and several small newspapers that sell two to three hundred thousand, three to four hundred thousand copies a day, compliment each other, argue, and even cause a war of words?? The routine is too familiar."

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while, "How are the preparations for the South Korean channel? If a sub-channel can be opened, the program team will also record good voices in South Korean, at least with South Korean subtitles, to test the waters."

ATV wants to open a South Korean sub-channel? It’s not a big deal. Yuanjie Laomo took over Li Ershao’s STAR TV and opened Hindi, Tamil, Bengali and other sub-channels in the White Elephant Kingdom.

Including channels covering South Korea, Thailand, Australia and other regions.

At this stage, ATV only broadcasts Chinese-language idol dramas with English subtitles on Mandarin and Cantonese channels. It currently has a coverage of 6 to 7 million or 10 million people in South Korea. This is because The Voice mainly listens to music, and it has only just started. High-viewing groups...

Listening to music doesn’t have that big of a language restriction.

Just like future mainland fans, not knowing Japanese and English will not prevent them from listening to Japanese songs and English songs.

(The Voice of Asia) During the singing, it is definitely not possible to translate the songs into South Korean for the singers to sing, but adding South Korean subtitles is not a big problem.

ATV’s big idol drama is even mainly advertising! These must be translated into South Korean. Once such programs are translated, such as TV series such as "Full House" and "Bao Qingtian", there is hope that they will be followed by 15 to 20 million people. Ratings up.

Once this situation stabilizes, Zhao Donghuai will have a new TV network on his own, and he will join forces with MBC such as William and others to have more fun.

Qiu Shuzhen nodded, "It's coming soon. Even if it can't be started these days, it will be available next week at most. On the contrary, the Japanese channel and the Thai channel are not that fast."

"The main thing is... the South Korean entertainment industry is so cruel, it's like hell compared to ours, so many front-stage actors and stars who were doing well in South Korea are willing to come to Hong Kong to do dubbing."

"They themselves have also taught themselves a lot of Mandarin and Cantonese. They may not be able to speak it well, but they understand the meaning and use their South Korean skills to dub, and the effect is very strong."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Then just wait a little longer. It's not too far away. We can get it all done this year."

At this moment, Zhang Min put down the phone and said, "Boss, Wang Jing said (Legend of Mermaid) is finished filming and finalized. Even if there is still post-production, it will be completed around the 20th at most."

Director Zhao was stunned, "So fast??"

The book (Legend of the Mermaid) will appear on March 10th. It’s only May 14th.

After all, the two versions of the heroines, Zhu Ying and Jennifer Aniston, have to adapt to learning to swim in mermaid suits.

The indoor swimming pool doesn't matter, that one was completed quickly, but there were indeed a few scenes of swimming in the sea to save people, and it was completed in less than two months?

Fatty Wang’s efficiency...

Okay, think about it seriously, in fact, in this movie, swimming in a mermaid suit is difficult, the acting? ? The male protagonist, Ijian Cheng, Zhu Yin, and Aniston, who among them are not old people who have been in many film crews and have gone through many qualifications? ?

My acting skills are up to par and there are no accidents.

Swimming in a mermaid suit is not as difficult as expected. After all, the underwater shots of sea water always feature multiple Pan-Asian female bodyguards, wearing frogman suits and oxygen tank goggles, who are always ready to help you outside the scope of the camera. .

When he was considering various blockbusters for this year's summer season, he didn't include "Legend of Mermaid". Instead, he included "The God of Cookery" by Xing Zai.

Zhao Donghuai was speechless for a few seconds and nodded, "Let him do the post-production, the schedule is easy to decide."


Two days later.

ATV Variety Center, when (The Voice of Asia) was promoted on various media platforms, it became more and more popular.

This episode also started the filming of the second episode of the first season. Zhao Donghuai still came to watch, but when he saw the opening of the show and the first contestant came on stage to interact with the host and introduce himself, he almost burst out laughing. .

16-year-old Huang Bo? ?

This is really...

Yes, although in the future, Huang Bo's line "brand, Baleno" in (Crazy Stone) began to sweep the fashion industry, film and television industry.

But when he was a boy, I can't say he was handsome. He was not ugly either. I could only say he was fresh and unique. This guy was in middle and high school. He stayed in a dance hall, formed a band, and came to the mainland. Went on tour.

16-year-old Hiroko, you can't immediately think of him as black-skinned, "brand, Baleno"!

Ah Hong, who accompanied him to watch the scene, was surprised, "What's wrong? This child??"

Although Zhao Donghuai restrained himself from being surprised when he unexpectedly encountered Huang Bo on a big stage like (The Voice of Asia). He didn't say anything or did anything, but Ah Hong still noticed something strange.

Director Zhao waved his hand, "It's nothing. I was chosen to be on the stage before I was an adult. This is not summer vacation or weekend. I'm not sure whether we should set a rule that minors cannot participate in the election..."

Ah Hong suddenly understood and said with a smile, "If you can become famous and earn foreign exchange for your hometown, a few days of vacation will not matter. Just like Gong Li and I did back then, the company or school will take the initiative to give you a vacation and send someone to escort you to the interview. All expenses will be paid." .”

"If you choose, you're lucky. If you fail, it's like traveling for a few days."

While he was talking, Huang Bo on the stage started singing. This guy chose a Cantonese song, which was the theme song of the TV series (The Great Era) (Times Are Ruthless), Qiu Guan's song. When the song was coming to an end, Tan Yonglin turned around.

In the end, only Brother Allen turned around.

Huang Bo joined Tan Yonglin's team and became his first disciple.

Ah Hong couldn't help but be happy, "This is Allen's first episode of the program with zero gains, so I need to lay a foundation for myself in the second episode, lest I get zero points again and look disgraceful??"

Huang Boneng will be a professional singer in a dance hall in the future. He has formed a band for many years, which only shows that he still has some singing skills, which must be higher than the normal KTV level.

But in a show like the 1990 version of (The Voice of Asia), being picked up by the instructor as soon as you appear... it may not necessarily be without the factors Ah Hong mentioned.

He is only 16 years old and is still in the boy's voice-changing stage!

When the second player came on the stage, Zhao Donghuai, "..."

This is Sun Nan. At the beginning of Wang Jie's (One Game, One Dream), several tutors were almost startled and fell into a serious state. After five or six sentences, starting from Zhang Guorong, the four tutors started to speak one after another in the following time. Turned around.

Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but sigh. (The Voice of Asia) started fish frying in May 1990, and more and more big fish were fried.

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