Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 324 Who knew he was the only one!

After watching the filming of the second episode of The Voice of Asia again, Zhao Donghuai looked a little happy when he left. He did not expect that a future Japanese singer, Izumi Sakai, would emerge.

This great singer will die prematurely from cancer at the age of 40, which is a pity for the island country's music scene. Mainland fans may not be familiar with her name, but they should have a lot of impressions of her songs.

(Slam Dunk) (Dragon Ball GT) (Little Master of China) (Detective Conan) and other animation cartoons often use his songs as theme songs and ending songs.

A great singer who released singles or albums in the 1990s and frequently sold one or two million copies on the island. She is officially recognized by the island country as the number one female singer in the 1990s. She is also a talented woman. Many of her best-selling songs are hers. Write your own lyrics.

But now she has just debuted. Before the competition, she was a real estate company clerk turned model. She sang a cover of Zhang Guorong's English song on the stage and directly joined Ah Wing's team.

Although the record department of Zhao Films has already included female singers and stars such as Nakamori and Shizuka Kudo, and has contributed a lot in sweeping the music scene of the island country, but it is purely from the Asia Good Voice track that it really belongs to this level that Zhao will praise. The future singer?

In the future, Sakai Spring Water can be raised step by step and airborne into the island country's music scene.

Huang Bo, Sun Nan, Izumi Sakai, Liu Ruoying, and Huang An, these are the five contestants selected for the second phase (The Voice of Asia). It’s funny to mention Huang An, because it was filmed in advance (Bao Qingtian), and the theme song is Zhao Donghuai I also copied it, including (New Mandarin Duck and Butterfly Dream).

But when copying, he gave this song to Li Ming to sing... Don't forget that Li Ming himself is one of the four kings of the music world, and in the original track, the title of the four kings of the music world was behind Aaron Kwok There are people who try to raise Lao Guo's position in order to get rich.

Only then were they tied together with Li Ming, Liu Dehua and Zhang Xueyou to engage in marketing.

Before this, Lai Ming, Liu Dehua, and Zhang Xueyou were known as the Three Musketeers of the Hong Kong music scene, and there was no such thing as Aaron Kwok.

Therefore, Li Ming's singing skills were quite good when he sang one song (New Mandarin Duck and Butterfly Dream). He didn't expect Huang An, an original, to suddenly sing it again... and then joined Andy Lau's team.

Liu Ruoying joined the Mei Yanfang team.

After two episodes of Good Voice, Zhang Guorong has already recruited four team disciples! He is worthy of his reputation as Asia's No. 1 King. Whenever players can choose a mentor, most of them choose Ah Wing, followed by Liu Dehua.

At this stage, Mei Yanfang's team includes Mo Wenwei and Liu Ruoying.

Poor Tan Yonglin, Principal Tan, he accepted a 16-year-old Huang Bo as his disciple after two periods of changing his voice.

After returning to the office, Zhao Donghuai quickly figured out the music and composition of the song "Don't Give Up". This is Sakai Izumi's masterpiece and one of his sweeping works. It was directly included in the high school music list by the island guy. In the textbook.

The original work was composed and arranged by Takeshi Oda and Hayama, and the lyrics were written by Izumi Sakai. It was born against the backdrop of the collapse of the stock market and real estate in the island country, and the society was in a period of collapse. This encouraging and motivational song appeared to encourage people not to admit defeat.

Zhao Donghuai has copied it now... Well, this does not prevent him from happily making money from the stock market crash with OMI Capital. As for the words?

If there are no corresponding Chinese or English lyrics for him to copy, then send them out and let Huang Zhan and others try to write the lyrics.

After filling it out, we asked a Chinese female singer to sing a version, and then asked Izumi Sakai to fill in a wave of Japanese lyrics and sing together? ? Consider this one of the prizes for the first Asian Voice.

South Korea's entertainment industry has become Chinese, and the island country's entertainment industry will gradually become Chinese after the collapse of various bubbles. This Sakai spring water is one of the sharp weapons.

As for who will win the first episode of The Voice? It's really mysterious. He originally thought that this season's king would be Ren Xianqi, and Xiao Qi would be the big winner? Or Yang Gangli?

But it’s hard to say now…

But you asked Zhao Donghuai to reward him with his work afterward? It really doesn't matter. Xiao Qi will give him a song when he wins (too soft-hearted), Yang Gangli will give it to her (I don't want to say it), or (tell you gently)?

Similar to Don't Give Up and Izumi Sakai.

Very stable!

When Zhao Donghuai handed over the composition to Azhen, he warned, "Tell Huang Zhan, I don't want a love story in this song. Give me something inspirational and uplifting, like a man who should strive for self-improvement."

Azhen nodded happily, "No problem, it doesn't seem to be difficult for this pair of great talents."


ATV Variety Show Creation Center.

When Huang Bo followed Tan Yonglin out of the building, he looked left and right excitedly, and finally whispered, "Master, what should I do next?"

When Wanjia first entered Qingshi, Huang Bo studied by himself at Wanjia Supermarket every day, watched videos every day, sang and danced, and wanted to visit Hong Kong Island more than once.

Now it really comes true.

He was 16 years old and was a rebellious wild child in front of his family back home, but he actually came to ATV to compete and became the disciple chosen by an Asian singing king like Tan Yonglin? Even if he is only a disciple during the competition period, it is still fate.

Even if he is eliminated later and passed through halfway, it will be enough for him to become the new light of Qingshi after Chen Hao.

Tan Yonglin has no problem talking in Mandarin at this stage. He looked at Huang Bo dumbfounded and had a headache. It has been two periods. After two periods, he has only recruited a disciple like Huang Bo. Does he, the Third Heavenly King, have no face?

After feeling melancholy for more than ten seconds, he smiled and said, "Who is Aboyou following in the competition this time?"

Huang Bo immediately said, "My dad asked for leave to accompany me, as well as a vice principal of the school. They are still at the Huazhi Express Chain Store, which is the branch closest to ATV TV City."

Principal Tan suddenly understood and said, "From today on, you will eat, live and practice your singing skills with other players. Although you have entered the team, to be honest, compared to other team players, your singing skills are the weakest."

"I don't ask you to reach the semi-finals and finals. That's unrealistic. Just don't be eliminated in the semi-finals when you are a 7-to-4 team. But don't be discouraged. You are only 16 years old. With this opportunity With your resume, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.”

"I will send two assistants to follow you back to the hotel later to meet with your elders, and then they can go back. When you are eliminated, there will be staff to take you home."

Huang Bo, "..."

Do you think so little of him? But he didn't dare to say anything more.

Tan Yonglin said again, "In fact, there are many actors and stars who were born in Shandong Province, such as Gong Li, Chen Hao, Bing Bing, Jiao Enjun, etc. When you arrive on Hong Kong Island, you are all fellow Shandong people. You can go and hang out with them in your free time. It’s also a good thing to get to know each other more.”

While the program team is still preparing for the competition, many things have been decided. All contestants selected for the team will be arranged to live and eat in the Yaxi dormitory area for three months from May to August, and will also be taught by professional vocal teachers. They improve singing skills.

All are provided with free food and accommodation, and wages are also paid. The tentative monthly salary is 2,000 Hong Kong dollars.

And people are not machines. After training, I can go around Hong Kong Island, go to Tung Chung to have fun, meet with fellow students from Asia Opera, etc. It’s all casual. If you have money or connections, you can do whatever you want.

Principal Tan himself doesn't have much confidence in Huang Bo... It's just like Chen Hong guessed at the beginning. If he finds a player with good foundation, he should grab it first. Others don't care much. He is really afraid of being beaten like the first round. Refresh zero and get a guarantee.

Who knew it was the only one!

Huang Bo nodded excitedly, "I understand, master. Thank you very much, master."

Allen, "..."

After looking at Huang Bo melancholy again, he grabbed his mobile phone and contacted his assistant. Handsomeness or not is one thing. There is indeed a huge gap between Abo's singing skills and those of Sun Nan, Yang Gangli and others.

At this moment, Zhang Guorong came out from behind. When he saw Tan Yonglin, he smiled and said, "Alan, let's get together for lunch first? As for arranging dormitories and the like, just let the staff do it."

"Ha, I wouldn't even know it if I didn't tell Quan Shui. She also participated in the Hong Kong Island Fashion Week last year and was a model on the catwalk."

"I have already called A'lu and Wubai. Let's get acquainted with our four mentors and the selected disciple team first. You will be each other's competitors in the future, but you can all become friends off the stage."

In order to take care of players from the mainland such as Huang Bo and Sun Nan, Ah Rong also speaks authentic Mandarin. He studied Peking Opera for half a year last year, and his Mandarin is now very standard.

Tan Yonglin said in astonishment, "That's okay. Abo, please call your dad and the vice-principal. Should we eat hot pot or vegetables at the flagship store?"

Zhang Guorong said with a smile, "Let's make the hot pot. You can choose the seasoning according to the taste, and everything will be taken care of."

At this stage, this is no longer just members from Hong Kong Haowan and the Mainland. Didn't you see that the water from Sakai Spring jumped out? Ah Rong is really happy about The Voice of Asia. She feels that her new disciple’s singing skills are not bad. In fact, she has not received any professional vocal training.

Sakai Izumi's singing skills are not so good that she was overtaken by several instructors, but her voice is clear, soft and powerful, and has her own characteristics. What a singer fears most is not whether you pay attention during training or whether you apply hard work, but that your voice has no characteristics. , too flowing...

A very distinctive tone, and with a little formal training, it is a good seed that can hopefully become popular after encountering a good song.

When Mei Yanfang came out with Liu Ruoying, the crowd became even more lively.

At this moment, Kudo Shizuka walked out of the building, arrived beside Sakai Izumi with a smile, and chatted happily for a few words. Mei Yanfang enthusiastically invited Kudo to have dinner with her. For the female singer who is developing in Hong Kong Island, explain.

Nakamori is more famous, but Mei Yanfang and Nakamori have an average relationship... who made both female singers deceived by Kondo.

Kudo is different, this one? This is also the most popular Japanese singer at this stage. She went solo in 1987. Last year alone, her total sales of albums in Taiwan were more than 40 million US dollars, which is equivalent to more than 300 million Hong Kong dollars!

It was once hailed as the last miracle of the island country’s idol group.

While joking, Kudo discovered that Sakai Izumi could also speak a little Mandarin, and it was convoluted but still understandable, so he said in Mandarin, "By the way, how is the country recently? Is it still peaceful? I haven't been back for more than half a year, so... I want to find out a little bit about what’s going on with you.”

Sakai Izumi was stunned, "Peace?? What do you mean?"

Even Zhang Guorong, Tan Yonglin and others became curious. After all, you use the word "peaceful, not peaceful" to describe the society of the island country? Isn't this a little strange?

Kudo looked stunned and said, "From January to now, the Nikkei Index has plummeted by more than 12,000 points, which is more terrifying than the 1987 stock market crash. Can it still be calm? Nothing happened?"

Sakai Izumi was even more surprised, "How could such a thing happen?? I vaguely know that the stock price of Daiichi Real Estate, where I worked before, has dropped a lot, but it's not a big deal."

Before she debuted as a model, she worked as a receptionist and receptionist at Daiichi Real Estate in Shinjuku for many years, but she didn't know much about the stock market.

Zhang Guorong was stunned, "No way? It fell more than the stock market crash in 1987? This is..."

The 1987 stock market crash was just three years ago. At that time, there were many people jumping from buildings and seas to commit suicide, and people were bankrupt and unemployed. It was indeed a turmoil for the social ecology.

Regardless of whether the Ah Rong in the original trajectory knew about the stock market or business management, in this dimension he was one of the shareholders of Wanjia Comprehensive Supermarket, and although he founded Debao, 100 Years Pictures, etc., he did not join when they first developed .

But in the two film and television groups that went public, he also bought some shares, either at internal issuance prices or through acquisitions after the listing.

His situation is similar to that of Zhao Shizeng. He holds 2.5% of the shares of Debao, which cannot be said to be a major shareholder. He holds 3.1% of the shares of 100 Years Pictures, which cannot be said to be a major shareholder, but the two together are more than 5 %.

So after these stocks soared, he paid close attention to them and learned how his wealth grew.

Inexplicably and confusingly, another stock market crash occurred in the island country? ? Is it more serious than the 87 global stock market crash? ? Not impressed at all.


May 18th.

Xu Ke's (New Dragon Inn) officially landed on the big screen after a week of announcements, when Xu's martial arts action films once again swept East and Southeast Asia.

Zhao Donghuai looked at Ah Xing who was sitting opposite him with a little surprise, "The island country's stock market has indeed been in decline for several months, and I have made a lot of money from it. However, a public figure like you, Ah Xing, is not suitable for making such announcements." Big fortune."

"Once you do it, your box office appeal there will be decimated."

He also didn't expect that Zhou Xingxing would suddenly pay attention to the bubble collapse of the island country's stock market, and wanted to ask if he could stop by and make some money? Even Ah Xing asked. At this stage, the Japanese stock market Nikkei has dropped from its peak of more than 38,900 points to more than 26,000 points.

Will it really bottom out as the island country officially announced?

So when you want to make a fortune, should you go short or go long? ?

Zhao Donghuai could only tell him with a little regret that it would be easy for a king or movie king with truly powerful appeal to make such a fortune and be resisted.

Not only will their film and television works be boycotted when released in the island country, but even Tang Dynasty ham sausages will be boycotted if they want to be sold in the island country in the future.

I think back when Zhao Donghuai was working in the simulator and made a fortune during the 1987 stock market crash. In order to take revenge, one of Azhi's top executives vigorously promoted in the media and public opinion in the simulation that Zhao Donghuai had made a fortune during the stock market crash, and that he had made money from the blood and tears of countless islanders. of evil capital.

Afterwards, both the Han Tianxia series and Zhao Films were stubbornly resisted and rejected by the citizens of the island country.

He asked the CIA to do something in advance, but the Toshiba Kagawa family was too timid to do it, so there was nothing that would cause his film and television group to be boycotted in reality.

How much money Zhao Donghuai made in the 1987 stock market crash is known to European and American Wall Street and other capitals, as well as Sony and Toshiba, but the citizens of the island country do not know...

This stock market bubble collapse, coupled with the housing market collapse? Once it is exposed and is deliberately guided to publicize and establish him as a leader, it will also trigger all-round resistance.

Why don't you think Zhao Donghuai is afraid? Isn't this a simulator?

The enemy has the opportunity to attack one by one. If anyone wants to cause trouble, kill them in advance. Then find a random target and throw it out in advance, so that the bloody island guys can focus their hatred on the target, and everything will be fine.

Ah Xing? ? He is an ordinary and carefree person, so let's forget it.

Under the words, Zhou Xingxing's eyes lit up, "What Zhao Sheng means is that more than 26,000 points will continue to plummet? Tsk, that's true. Before the 1987 stock market crash, the Nikkei Index peaked at only 26,000 points. In just three years, Soaring to nearly 39,000 points..."

"This is three years of false data, and it's going to plummet all the way."


"I'm not worried that my movie won't be a hit in the island country, but I'm still counting on Tang Dynasty Ham Sausage to shine in the island country market."

It’s not a boast, except for the occasional rise of individual works, the box office sales of Ah Sing’s films in the island country are usually mediocre. He regrets that this box office is not something he can give up in the ham sausage market.

The next moment, Xingzai scratched his head again and said, "By the way, Mr. Zhao, Liu Luanxiong and Mr. Liu also want me to help ask, will the Nikkei continue to fall, or will it bottom out? Do you want to tell him?"

"Should a stock market sniper like him not be afraid of future troubles? The condition he gave me was that the entire group would steadily purchase my Tang Dynasty ham every year."

"As long as it's his company and his employees, even if they can't eat enough to give away, each employee can be guaranteed 365 pieces of Tang Dynasty ham sausage a year, and they order the goods for ten years. If it weren't for this condition, I would really I won’t ask for him.”

Zhao Donghuai spat out the kung fu tea he just drank. How could he still make such conditions and explore business secrets? ?


He asked curiously, "How many of Liu's men are eating with him at this stage?"

Zhou Xingxing is also very direct, "There are less than 10,000 people. He is a sniper in the Hong Kong stock market. He goes back to the mainland to build commercial housing communities for overseas Chinese businessmen, and builds big hotels, etc., which involves a lot of real estate." Industry subsidiaries and employees.”

"Even if we continue to expand in the future, based on 10,000 employees, 3.65 million ham sausages a year is still a good sales volume. In fact, the retail price of a ham sausage is HKD 1.2, so 3.65 million ham sausages is not expensive."

"But he said that he still has friends in the business circle, such as Li Chaoren, Wang Dehui and others. He helped me negotiate. As long as everyone can have accurate psychological preparation and know that it will fall, then other people's group companies can also do this. Help me sell ham sausages."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "You can ask Liu to buy down, but it's better to have someone buy up..."

Director Zhao is so cheap to Liu? No, it is very important for you to tell the other party whether it will rise or fall next, but it is not important for the truly rich.

Because you know the rise and fall, it is not difficult to make a small amount of money. If you want to make a big amount of money, you have to find an investment bank willing to advance funds for you and open a CFD!

If you can't find an investment bank to advance the investment, you can only take out 100 million in cash, and after the price drops by a certain number of points, you will earn 100 million. If you can find an investment bank to advance the investment, you can only take out 100 million in cash, and after the price drops by a certain number of points, you will earn 1 billion.

It's not that Zhao Donghuai looks down on Liu Luanxiong and others at this stage. In this feast, their current cards are not qualified for international investment banks to advance funds for you to speculate on the Nikkei Index.

Goldman Sachs, Lehman, etc., do you think they really have spare money in this feast where the Western world joins forces to conquer the entire island country, why don't they open a small account for their family or friends to raise funds? ?

Just like the speculation on the appreciation of the Japanese yen's foreign exchange, global capital joined forces to cut the meat. People like Li went to HSBC, but they couldn't get leverage... You can make some pocket money, so you can use high leverage? Are you kidding me? Isn't that a fight with HSBC?

Xingzai's eyes lit up, "You can try this."

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "Forget it. There is little hope of cheating someone. He can ask HSBC for information. It's a pity..."

Zhou Xingxing thought for a while and said nothing, but his eyes lit up and he thought he could give it a try.

Each employee in Liu Luanxiong's group gets 365 hams a year. It's not a big order, but it's more stable than anything else. It takes ten years to order.

But Liu has a circle of friends, and he will pull more people into the trap. Once it is stable, it will not be a trivial matter.

Let’s not say that much now. Let’s go back and ask Liu Luanxiong if he can fulfill the conditions for cheating and copying people, and then decide whether to release the news or not.

After a while, after watching Xing Zai go, Zhao Donghuai just took a sip of tea and grabbed a document when he saw Wang Zuxian commanding several staff members to bring in a golden, buttery and crispy roasted whole lamb. .

After placing it on the table in the reception area, Xiaoxian walked over quickly and said, "After seeing Director Xu's (New Longmen Inn), I was greedy for the meat buns and roasted whole lamb. Fortunately, Cheng Long's Ranch Here, there are not only cows but also sheep.”

"In addition to raising dairy cows on his ranch, the mutton rolls and fat beef rolls produced by beef and beef sheep are also the main source of ingredients supplied to the Good Luck Lai hotpot chain."

"We are lucky enough to have a chef in our flagship store. Boss, would you like to try it?"

In addition to being a super classic martial arts action movie, the biggest difference between this dimension (New Dragon Inn) and the original is that it shows off a bunch of delicious food.

The roasted whole lamb, the roujiamo from the northwest, and so on, were all very tasty and delicious, although I’m not sure what the level of the chef was when the crew went to film the movie.

But when it comes to making the finished food look beautiful in a big movie, does Xu Ke lack that skill? If there is no lack of skill, then even if the chef's cooking is not delicious, it is not difficult for the actor to act out the "too delicious" state.

There are not many scenes showing food. For a 90-minute movie, the total scenes showing food are less than 5 minutes. But Xu Ke’s skills are there. You will feel hungry after watching the movie. It’s so basic.

Why does such a variable occur? You have to ask Cheng Long how he talked with Xu Ke. Up to now, using movies to promote products has long been a routine process with involution. Aaron’s ranch is so big. In addition to milk powder, it also develops beef and mutton. It's readily available.

Zhao Donghuai walked over with a smile, and while Xiaoxian was helping him cut the meat, he said, "It's good luck that the flagship store has chefs and enough employees. If you deliver food, I guess the food delivery business will not be bad for a while."

"While the (A Bite of China) variety show is finished filming, you can seriously consider taking out food delivery service."

At this stage, only Zhao Donghuai understands what kind of big dish delivery food is.

In this era, it is impossible for you to operate a behemoth like Meituan, but delivering only a few kilometers around the flagship store is the icing on the cake.

Wang Zuxian's eyes lit up, and then he said, "I was just about to say that in fact, more than one Lucky Lai hotpot restaurant has been asked by customers whether they can deliver hotpot takeout..."

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "It doesn't make much sense to deliver food from a hot pot chain. When you order, you don't have much money. Don't forget that it mainly relies on good service to charge premium fees. People who really want to go home and cook hot pot by themselves should go to Wanjia Supermarket. , what ingredients and sauces can’t be bought?”

At this point, he laughed and said, "Even if you bring back some classic snacks from Bianliang, Chang'an, Jingcheng, Nandu and other places, and deliver snacks for takeout, the plates will be much bigger than the hot pot takeout plates delivered by Good Luck."

Wang Zuxian thought for a while and nodded, "That's the truth."

The lunch lasted three hours.

When Zhao Donghuai was full of wine and food, and even washed his hair, he received a call to report that the president of Motorola Asia Pacific was here.

Zhao Donghuai was a little surprised, but he happily invited the other party in.

The Asia-Pacific president said a few simple words of courtesy, then laughed and said, "Zhao, I'm here to bring you business. Didn't you want to be the OEM manufacturer of Motorola mobile phones before?"

“Training workers from scratch, purchasing production equipment, and more…”

"This cannot be done in a moment, but now, our group has launched a Chinese display BB machine, which can directly display Chinese characters. This OEM is much easier."

Director Zhao was overjoyed, "Yes, this is good business!"

Pacific Manufacturing was established in November 1988. A year and a half after the start of construction, Pacific Manufacturing won the largest order, the Sony CD Walkman, which has already conquered the world.

The Motorola mobile phone manufacturing contract has also been signed, but various industrial production lines have been purchased and workers trained, and the production period has not yet entered.

Is the Han Display BB camera coming? This is really good news. Compared with the original track, it is one year ahead of schedule. Before this, BB machines in East and Southeast Asia were digital machines. Commonly used words, surnames or short sentences, please call back, come back if you have anything, etc. were all 000, 200. Waiting for the digital code.

Most people who only have a BB phone need to carry a code book with them.

The Han display BB machine is equivalent to the text messaging function of the mobile phone era in a really compact and exquisite way!

For those who often encounter poor mobile phone signals when going out, the SMS function of Han Display is very practical.

The president of Motorola Asia Pacific smiled and sent him a few finished products for him to try... and follow the process to log in and open an account.

Although it is not as convenient to use as typing and sending text messages on a mobile phone keyboard, it is indeed much more technological.


Western District, Hong Kong Island.

Liu Luanxiong took several models, including white, Latin mixed-race and Chinese models. When they were sailing on a yacht, fan Liu walked up to the second deck with two glasses of red wine and handed Zhou Xingxing a glass.

When the two touched each other, Da Liu took a sip and frowned, "We can buy the profitable ones, but how can we trick Lao Li into buying the losing ones? It's difficult."

Axing opened his mouth and laughed silently, "Of course it is difficult. If making money is not difficult, what else is difficult? Liu Sheng, actually, I don't plan to end this matter, so as not to make such a windfall. Later, the islanders boycotted my ham sausage."

"I'm just conveying my will now."

"If you find it difficult, then don't make this fortune. Can you find an international investment bank to open CFDs and leverage for you? If not, how much cash flow do you have?"

Liu Luanxiong opened his mouth and was speechless.

International investment banks like Goldman Sachs and Lehman, the top financial groups? His fan Liu is really out of reach.

If no big guy gives you leverage, then how much cash flow do you really have? At present, Liu’s apparent wealth is tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars.

But with a net worth of tens of billions, how much cash can he use? ?

After thinking silently for a while, he smiled bitterly, "Even if I borrow money and go to a few more banks, I can only collect a few hundred million in cash flow at most."

It was Zhou Xingxing's turn to be stunned, "So few?"

Talking about cash flow, Xing Zai can earn hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars in profits from just one hit movie in a few months. Even if he has to share it with many people, it is not difficult for him to make 100 million Hong Kong dollars from a big movie, so with the If the equity is used as collateral for loans, it can generate a cash flow of two to three billion Hong Kong dollars.

He really didn't expect Da Liu to have so little money...

Liu Luanxiong was speechless. He didn't know how to explain it for a while. Although he made a lot of money by sniping on Hong Kong Island, when a lot of wealth was invested in building real estate communities and hotels in the mainland.

For real estate projects, it often takes one, two, or three years to get the money back.

After being speechless for a few seconds, he could only say regretfully, "If I had more money and couldn't deceive Lao Li, it would definitely not be difficult to deceive Xiao Li. I would spend several hundred million, say I had inside information, buy a loss, and persuade Xiao Li to do it together." ."

"I'm making more than a billion dollars on my backhand. I can cheat people by spending a little money, but isn't it because I don't have enough money?"

In fact, Da Liu had a good relationship with Lao Li before. They were fellow villagers, and Lao Li was more appreciative of the younger generation. However, after the Li family lost power in the past few years... that is to give you face and call you Lao Li, but not to give you face. I call you an adult.

Xingzai's eyes lit up, "Then I'll pay for you to become famous? Try it??"

At this moment, Ah Xing's pride was rising, and he had the courage to overlook the bends of Hong Kong. After all, Liu is also a rich man who has been famous for many years. When it comes time to need money, there is no star like him, Ah Xing, who was born in the slums. Is he rich? ?

Money makes a man bold.

He is not suitable to do things in his own name, but what if Liu Luanxiong acts as his black glove? Da Liu looked at Zhou Xingxing seriously and was speechless for a moment.

I remember that in 1987, he teamed up with Lai Sun Group's Lin Jianyue to attack the Kadoorie family's Peninsula Hotel Group. Summarizing the results before and after the attack, he made a net profit of more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars.

What's more, he became famous because he dared to attack white families like Kadoorie. How glorious was that time? ? Now……

Standing in front of Zhou Xingxing, he seems to be compared to his younger brother? ? ?

Taking a long breath of cold air, Liu Luanxiong asked, "Can you ask Mr. Zhao to help us make a price difference? Only when we get the contract can we make a lot of money. If we don't get the contract, it will be too little. We will lose hundreds of millions over there, but we will make one or two dozen here." 100 million, the loss expense must also be taken into account.”

Zhou Xingxing touched his chin, "You can ask, but you need to do something. You can't take advantage every time. We have to do something useful and something that can make Zhao Sheng shine before we can ask shamelessly. .”

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