Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 325 Allen and Principal Tan want to quit traveling

It's a new day and it's raining heavily.

In late May, Hong Kong Island has entered the rainy season. Although the peak period of typhoon heavy rain is from July to September, occasional heavy rain and light rain are also common in May and June.

When Zhao Donghuai walked into the ATV headquarters office, Azhen came over with a curious look on his face, "Boss, you smell wrong."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "What's wrong?"

Azhen smiled sweetly and said, "I won't even wash the tea scent. I'll wash it for you later."

Now there are three pregnant women in the Zhao family. Zhou Huimin is less than two months pregnant and has not yet opened the data. Jia Hui got it again before the package was stopped last time, which means it has not been stopped.

Monica Bellucci is due next week or the week after that...

The next moment, Azhen handed over a document, "Zou Sheng's advertising plan is to ask a big star to endorse Jiahe's shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste and other daily chemicals. Boss, you can just specify it as you like. In addition to the endorsement fee, the celebrity will ensure that the goods are stable. In addition to the share, there is also a signing fee of HK$100 million per year.”

Zhao Donghuai was stunned, "What's going on?"

Aren’t all celebrities selling their personal money and getting a steady commission?

Qiu Shuzhen explained, "Isn't it that Jiahe's (Havoc in Heaven) has finished the post-production and sent the finished product? I guess it's to pay some protection money. I hope you, the boss, can help him arrange the release of the film in European, American and Mainland theaters."

"This is also basic. Blockbusters such as Debao's Ip Man series, Xu Ke's Once Upon a Time, One Hundred Years of Shaolin Soccer, Truant Dragon, etc. can sell well in Europe, America and the Mainland and get a share of the box office, then It was you who pushed for it, but you have large shares in all those companies."

"You are the largest shareholder of those companies and studios, and you also account for the majority of the profits from the box office share recovered."

"Lian Yongsheng and Ying Zhijie's (Crazy Givenchy) also provided you with 60% of the box office profit."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Zou Sheng is interested, but there is no need, just follow the regular arrangements. When Cheng Long didn't leave Jiahe, I didn't ask for his 1, 2 or 3 police stories. This is how I feel as a Hong Kong Islander Filmmaker, please do me a favor."

Azhen is right. He has received money from many blockbuster movies. He is the major shareholder himself, but he also confiscated the blockbusters that Jiahe sold to Europe and the United States in the past.

Princess Jin can sell blockbuster movies that make some money, and he doesn't charge any fees. It's just a small effort to help. Although Princess Golden has only been supported by Huang Baiming and Mai Jia in the past two years, there have been few outstanding blockbusters and not much profit...

While the two were talking, Zhao Donghuai saw an advertisement suddenly flashing on the ATV channel on the color TV in the big office.

18-year-old Xu Zheng rode a bicycle from the road, his flowing hair blowing in the wind, revealing a cute face and smiling happily.

And then... Overlord Shampoo? ?

Director Zhao was surprised, "That Zou Sheng asked Xiao Xu to shoot a shampoo commercial??"

Qiu Shuzhen was stunned for a moment, "Ah? Is there any?"

When she looked at the TV, the camera was already showing Xu Zheng holding a bottle of Bawang shampoo in one hand and the other with the slogan "Bawang, the heart is soaring", the end of the period.

After watching it, Azhen was surprised and said, "Is this the six men who let the bullets fly? Xiao Xu? What's wrong with this advertisement??"

She felt that this advertisement was very average. As for Xu Zheng? He wasn't very famous either. If he hadn't been Zhang Min's hometown fellow in Shanghai and played the same role as Liuzi, Azhen wouldn't even be able to remember who he was.

Zhao Donghuai took a breath and said, "There doesn't seem to be anything wrong."

Has ATV been promoted? ? How many people will watch this kind of commercial when it is broadcast in different schedules? ? Cheng Long endorsed Bawang shampoo, but Bawang was finished. It was because of the unscrupulous media, which slandered a lot of Bawang shampoo as causing cancer...

Even if it is finally proven that it was slandered, the customer base has long since disappeared and dispersed.

This has little to do with Aaron himself.

But Xu Zheng? He didn't know for a moment whether he should remind Zou Daheng to quickly withdraw the commercial and replace it with someone else!

Xu Zheng once blew himself up. When he was in college, he was 20 years old. He lost his hair and looked like a Mediterranean man. One day while riding his bicycle on the road, while waiting for a traffic light, the wind blew his hat off. His hair style scared the passerby next door and made him fall. fall down.

Xiao Xu asked his biological father if this was hereditary? His father complained that he didn’t go bald until he was in his 40s, and you’re only 20? ? Did you commit some evil?

Xiao Xu's heart changed and he became bald from then on.

At this stage, Xu Zheng is only 18 years old, and he still has more than a year to maintain his beautiful hair. But if it is a formal arrangement, what big hit film and television drama project will he get? When it is a big hit, Golden Harvest is also pushing Xu Zheng's Bawang shampoo commercial?

Xu Zheng joined Asia Drama in 1986 and will graduate as a senior next month. After four years of study, he has acquired a good foundation, and even the crew is not interested in him. In the period after this year, including the first half of next year, he can The possibility of getting into a large resource project is very high.

He has a solid foundation and good looks. He is the same as Shen Tong and Wu Jing. Even though he is a rough guy with a plump middle-aged appearance in his forties, he was all a good guy when he was young.

The contacts and classmates that have been cultivated in the four years of Yaxi are also there, so the probability of becoming famous this fall and winter or next spring and summer is really high.

After becoming famous, Zou Wenhuai is taking advantage of the east wind to push more advertisements? ? Bald? ? What kind of dimensionality reduction attack is this?

More than a year later, he did not dare to think whether Zou Wenhuai would be so stimulated that he vomited blood and was hospitalized! This is much more exciting than the original episode in Wang Jiawei's Days of Being Wild where Deng Yurong vomited blood and was hospitalized.

After thinking for a while, he finally said, "Since Zou Sheng asked me to choose a star and get a signing fee of 100 million a year, let's choose Hong Xin."

He could only tactfully extend Zou Wenhuai's life. As long as Zou Wenhuai restarts Hong Xin's commercials, he will definitely promote new commercials with new stars.

It will automatically replace Bald Xu’s small advertisement.

He spends 100 million Hong Kong dollars a year as a signing fee. In order to prevent this money from being wasted, he has to promote new advertisements. That is all money.

He even had an idea, why not talk to Zou Wenhuai and let the current Xu Zheng endorse Head and Shoulders or something? ? Take the initiative to arrange a blockbuster movie for Xu Zheng, then get money to endorse Head \u0026 Shoulders, and then go bald...

This is definitely a heavy artillery attack.

The only problem was that he couldn't explain it to the outside world. How did he know that Xiao Xu had become bald after more than a year? It couldn't be said to be a curse attack.

Forget it, saving Zou Sheng once is enough, there is no need to help to that extent.

Qiu Shuzhen was stunned, "Axin? Hey, could it be that your daughter who has been in her house for 19 years became famous? I have heard that that girl is very energetic when looking for opportunities to get to the bottom of things."

Zhao Donghuai rolled his eyes, "No, my weakness is that I can't stand the challenge, but Monica will give birth soon, so I won't be so shameless."

"She just took advantage of her."

Azhen was excited, "Bite you? Monica doesn't mind. She also said that you have endured it for so many months."

Zhao Donghuai coughed loudly and said, "You arrange the advertising first. By the way, how is the opening of the South Korean channel?"

Azhen was happy and said, "It went very well. It just launched today. It aired the Korean dubbed version of "Full House" with some Korean commercials and variety shows. The ratings have been maintained at 30. %too much."

At first glance, the ratings of more than 30% are very low. Compared with ATV's flagship program in Hong Kong Island, the ratings of more than 80% and 90% are too low.

But don’t forget that there are KBS and MBC TV networks in South Korea. By the way, the SBS TV network was established this year, which will later be known as South Korea’s three major TV networks. Apart from these three, there are also various Separate TV station.

There is a difference between ATV only competing with TVB for hegemony in Hong Kong Island, and now that it has entered South Korea and competes with other powerful companies.

Also, what is shown on South Korean channels now are all old programs...

Both the Mandarin and Cantonese versions of "Full House" have a viewership of 7 to 8 million, which means many people have already watched it. Is it so strong to watch the South Korean dubbed version? Very strong.

We still have to wait until the second episode of (The Voice of Asia) is broadcast in the evening, and then we can hope that the ratings of the South Korean channel will be higher.


Building 5, Huayuan Phase 1.

When Hong Xin knocked on the door of Li Jiaxin's house in a fashionable outfit, Ah Xin came to open the door and saw Hong Xin outside the door, looking confused, "What's going on with you??"

It goes without saying that the two women are familiar with each other.

Jiaxin was confused because the girl opposite her was wearing exactly the same clothes as her, from shoes to hairpins, and the smell of perfume was the same.

Well, she just bought this outfit yesterday, when she and Hong Xin were shopping together. It was brand new. She was planning to dress up and pack it up to go to ATV, but it was raining heavily outside, so the process was postponed.

Is this because Hong Xin said when he was playing mahjong last night that he had something to do and stopped playing...and went out to buy a whole set?

In her surprise, Ah Xin put her face in front of Li Jiaxin, cheek to cheek, "Sister Xin, look, some people have said before that you and I are a bit similar. We look like twins from certain angles. Now that we stand together... don't we look alike?" Like twins?”

While talking, she also took out a mirror to find the angle.

Li Jiaxin was even more speechless. The twins are so stupid. How can they be similar? ? Even if there are occasionally similar outlines, is it just a coincidence caused by the uniformity of beautiful skins?

At this moment, the phone in Hong Xin's bag rang loudly. After she got through and communicated with her, she said excitedly, "Okay, okay, I'll go right away... No, I'll go when the rain lightens up."

Putting down the phone, she became even happier, "Sister Xin, Jiahe Zou Sheng sent a contract, saying that it was for advertising for Bawang shampoo and the like. In addition to the regular personal payment, there was also a signature of 100 million Hong Kong dollars a year. fee."

"Zou Sheng paid the protection fee and hoped that the boss would help him arrange for (Havoc in Heaven) to be released in theaters in Europe, America and the Mainland. The boss decided who would receive the money, and he chose me."

"I'm so happy, come and give me a kiss..."

Ah Xin pushed away Hong Xin who aimed at her cheek in disgust, "That's an advantage for you."

Hong Xin held her arm and smiled, "How about we go together? You haven't appeared in a film or television show for so long. The beauty of the most beautiful woman in Hong Kong should be shown off occasionally when it is time to show off."

"It's just to let the global audience know how beautiful you are, and then being hidden in the golden room by the boss will give people a sense of accomplishment."

"It's a plus for us twins to dress up and shoot any commercial."

Li Jiaxin was shocked again, and then she was said to be a little cautious.

It's been a long time since she's appeared in a film or TV show. It's not that she really likes acting or making appearances. It's just like Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min filming (The Queen of 5,000 Years), where taking photos of youth is more important.

After all, even if the other sisters are no longer in the spotlight, they will still be able to dig out classic works thirty years later to find the elegance of their youth.

She, Ah Xin, is just like a vase in Jurassic Park 1? ? It's still a supporting role, for Zhou Huimin.

"Then I can't be an advertising heroine. It feels a bit low-grade."

Hong Xin continued to encourage, "The advertisement is beautiful and it is a classic of the times. Find talents who plan advertisements and research more good ideas. The more classic the better."

After several attempts to get to the bottom of it, no success was achieved, so I could only make a fuss.

She planned to try the trick of binding Li Jiaxin's twin sister. After all, she also knew that this sister Xin would sometimes wear her clothes to compete with the big boss in martial arts.


On a new day, with the broadcast of the second episode of (The Voice), Hong Kong Haowan and South Korean star Ma Tai were involved in a huge wave of discussions about this singing variety show.

Although there is no real-time interaction effect in the Internet era, you can hear people discussing each other on the streets, campuses, and companies everywhere, discussing the top contestants of The Voice. From studying the contestants’ information and background, and then There is a lot of discussion about who has the chance to fight to the end.

The topic became popular among classmates, friends and colleagues!

ATV headquarters.

Zhao Donghuai looked at the people opposite him, then lowered his head at the notebook, with a look of surprise on his face, "How could you think of making such a TV series?"

Opposite me are Xian Zhiwei, Li Huizhu, Wu Jinyuan and other people who came from the Asian drama directing class, and they are all still young.

It was this group of young people who handed him a script for "I Have a Date with a Zombie"... a full eight years in advance! !

Talking about the TV series "I Have a Date with a Zombie", it's true that Ma Xiaoling's long legs have made countless SPs obsessed with them.

This is also the king of dramas in ATV's own trajectory.

It was originally supposed to be a third part after the first and second parts of Zombie Taoist Master, but Lin Zhengying suddenly left and disappeared, so we started filming a dating series around Wan Qiwen, Lin Zhengying's disciple in the original third part. .


Li Huizhu was a little excited and a little nervous, and quickly explained, "Sheng Zhao, originally we wanted to get together and make a zombie TV series similar to (Mr. Zombie) (Zombie Family). The background is also set in the Republic of China. Please Uncle Ying will be the protagonist, Taoist Priest."

"I just went to inquire about Uncle Ying's schedule, but there is no schedule there."

"Uncle Ying, Brother Biao and others are working hard to improve the scripts of the follow-up projects of Wanted, including various sequences that incorporate Spider-Man, Iron Man sequences..."

"Without Uncle Ying, this kind of zombie movie from the Republic of China always felt tasteless to shoot, so someone had the idea to shoot zombies, fantasy love and other stories in a modern metropolis."

"Then we slowly accumulated this book."

After all, it's all about money. Zhao Donghuai is too generous. As long as he produces a high-quality TV series, the director and producer will receive a red envelope of one to two million Hong Kong dollars.

You’ve already given the money, are you still afraid that the talents won’t work hard? ?

Compared with Wei Jiahui and Qi Qiyi, who are well-established ace directors and producers, Li Huizhu, Xian Zhiwei, etc. are the freshly emerged new generation of bubblers.

Li Huizhu herself is the director of the first and second series of (Jenny Yen's Fist of Fury) (Zombie Taoist), (Snowflake Excalibur) (Young Hero Fang Shiyu) (Detective Fang Mao) and other TV series with good ratings.

Even in the 2010s, she was not left behind. She was also the director of the big secret (Gong Suo Xin Jade), Zhao Xiaodao (Legend of Lu Zhen), including the xiaolongbao version (The Legend of the Condor Heroes).

It's just that those TV dramas later made Yu Zheng's reputation even bigger.

Wu Jinyuan's resume is also famous. He is not only one of the directors of "A Date with a Zombie", but also "Legend of Sword and Fairy" (Strange Hero Yizhimei) (Beauty's Scheming) (Step by Step Jingxin) (The Legend of Chu Qiao) ) Wait, this old Wu is one of the assistant directors.

These two are not well-known at first glance, but they are actually professional scalpers, similar to those in ordinary companies who work diligently and honestly, but whose reputation and credit are taken away by their bosses.

Xian Zhiwei, who has written, directed, and supervised many works in the original track, is only 22 years old this year, and is a recent graduate of the Asia Opera directing class. Wen Chaolun's (I'm Kind), he is one of the screenwriting works during the study period.

Unfortunately, he died of cancer in 2002 at the age of 34...

Of course, among these directors, the attribute of director is stronger. As for screenwriter? Next to them stood Chen Shisan, the one who later married Wan Qiwen.

Chen Shisan is the great screenwriter in the series of TV dramas called Zhengyue.

Although Chen Shisan has not many other works that have made him famous except for the Deadly Appointment series, but he married Wan Qiwen...

Whether it succeeds or not, then it is really a child, not a fish, and you will know the joy of fish.

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

The next moment he also smiled and said, "Okay, this project has been decided. You have to continue to improve the script. If you need anything else, just follow the process to promote it."

Although this version of the deadlock mainly has a story outline, the main line development, and not many details are filled in, but the outline is set, the original people get together and start things in advance, it will not be too bad.

"Do you have any suggestions for the starring cast?"

At this point, Li Huizhu smiled and said, "We have discussed comprehensively for the first heroine. We prefer Wan Qiwen, Hong Xin, Chen Huilong, and Cai Shaofen. We want someone who is tall and can look good in fashion."

"I want to use a soft type for the second female lead. In fact, Hong Xin is also suitable for soft, non-aggressive beauties. She is just a bit tall. I think Li Ruotong, Chen Derong, Zhang Yan can try..."

"The male leads Yin Tianzhao, Zhang Jiayi, and Zhang Zhilin all feel good."

"Others have not been considered yet."

Director Zhao thought for a moment and nodded, "Slowly push forward. Those you like will be invited to film and audition for acting skills."

That is to say, Zhao Donghuai arranged the TV program business, and the filming of the third episode (The Voice of Asia) has started again. This time he did not go to the scene. Watching the two episodes before was enough.

A few hours later.

When Tan Yonglin walked out of the ATV Variety Show Production Center with a 23-year-old young man, he sighed with a speechless expression, "Ah Chun, if there is no big leak in the back, I feel that my team will have to rely on you to save face."

The young man named Achun looked flattered, "I don't dare to take it, Brother Allen, I just signed up to try as if I was lucky, but I didn't expect that I was actually selected to come to the scene, and I was selected by you, hehe... "

While laughing and scratching his head, this one even looked like he was doing a little sibling dance.

His name is Chen Xiaochun, and he has been in the industry since 1985. However, he either entered the industry as a singer or actor, or he was a backup dancer. In the past few years, he could also work as a backup dancer at the concerts of Tan Yonglin, Mei Yanfang, Zhang Guorong and others. .

So, just try it with a dream and sign up.

Not only did he make it to live performances, but he was also selected by Brother Aaron? What a stroke of luck.

Tan Yonglin smiled and said, "Actually, your singing skills still have a lot of room for improvement, but you also have great advantages. You can sing and dance vigorously. Your dancing skills are unmatched by many contestants. When it comes to selecting the semi-finals, semi-finals and finals, The best thing for you is to be able to move, dance and sing that kind of song."

Chen Xiaochun was even more surprised, "Thank you, Brother Allen, for your guidance. I will try my best to perform well."

Tan Yonglin, he suddenly felt a little lonely.

What he wants to grab the most in this issue is the singer Ren Xianqi who sang the cover of "Sad Pacific". How can I put it, it's not bad for Xueyou to sing "Sad Pacific", otherwise it wouldn't have been a big hit that year.

But I feel that Xiao Qi's singing has a unique flavor. Unfortunately, he chose Zhang Guorong's team again, and chose Lin Zhiying from Liu Dehua's team. He is about the same age as Huang Bo, but he always feels that compared with Lin Zhiying and Huang Bo...

The bad boy named Lin is too dominant in appearance.

Of course, forget about the 16-year-old Lin Zhiying. What really makes Tan Yonglin feel distressed is that the 19-year-old Han Hong, who is an amazing soprano, did not choose him, but Mei Yanfang?

There is also a guy named Li Chunbo who is also good and has joined Liu Dehua’s team again.

Thinking about Huang Bo, and then looking at Chen Xiaochun in front of him, Allen, the principal Tan, wants to quit!

You don’t look down on veteran cadres so much.

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have joined as a mentor. We have only started filming three episodes of the show. Zhang Guorong and Liu Dehua already have five team members. He only has two kings on the third day? ?

In the next three blind audition programs, if he can't pick out talents, he will really be crying blind. His status in the music world will be thrown away by Ah Wing and Hua Zai in one program.

At this moment, a person suddenly ran up from the front and greeted excitedly, "Master, Master."

When Huang Bo ran up to the two of them, he looked at Chen Xiaochun curiously and said unexpectedly, "Master, is this senior brother?"

Xiaochun, "..."

Tan Yonglin smiled and said, "Why are you here now?"

Even if Huang Bo didn't practice singing or practicing his singing skills today, it wouldn't be strange if he came to watch the scene during the previous filming period, as long as he could get tickets, but you came here after the filming was over? ?

Huang Bo took a quick breath of cold air and calmed down, "It's like this. I was practicing singing with a few other brothers and sisters in the dormitory area. Suddenly someone came to us and invited us to shoot an advertisement. They said it was 10,000 Hong Kong dollars a piece. …”

"I just didn't know how to deal with this kind of thing, so I wanted to come over and ask."

"It's not against me, it's about Yang Gangli, Mo Wenwei, Huang An, Sun Nan and others."

Chen Xiaochun was shocked, "Is there such a thing??"

Tan Yonglin burst into laughter, "It's not surprising that this kind of thing happens. This is because the advertisers have bet in advance and asked you to shoot advertisements for 10,000 yuan each. Even if you are eliminated next time you play, the advertisers will not regret the small money. "

"But if you continue on and become popular with variety shows, then if I ask you to shoot an advertisement in the future, it will not only be 10,000, but even 100,000 or 500,000 Hong Kong dollars for an advertisement may not be able to attract you. "

This is the same as for an unknown newcomer who has just signed a contract with a big idol drama that has the potential to become a big hit. During the filming period, advertisers will come to you and ask you to shoot commercials at a low price.

After all, even the old Mainland Cao wanted to hire Li Ming and Hong Xin to shoot a car glass commercial for a non-exclusive endorsement. The commercial cost was one to two million, so forget Li Ming... Hong Xin was just accompanying him at that time ( Therefore, the Sword Loves Deeply) bombed East Asia and Southeast Asia, and it became very popular.

Thinking of this, Tan Yonglin said again, "Abo, Achun, if someone comes to you, as long as the price is right and it's a serious commercial advertisement, just take it and make the money first."

According to statistics from relevant organizations, the ratings of "The Voice of Asia" and the number of people it covers are more than 15 million in South Korea. The island country has a population coverage of more than 20 million. There are also tens of millions of people in Haowan, Hong Kong, and there are many stars, horses, and Thais. .

It has only been aired for two episodes, and it has already become one of the top variety shows in Asia at this stage. Especially in the second episode, there is an island girl Izumi Sakai. It is estimated that the ratings of the next episode will also skyrocket.

Under this situation, I am not very optimistic about the future of Huang Bo and Chen Xiaochun, so giving them some advice to make a little money would be considered a good relationship between master and disciple.

Huang Bo and Chen Xiaochun were both overjoyed.

After thanking him politely, Huang Bo encouraged Chen Xiaochun to go back to the Yaxi dormitory area together. There are still three periods before the real seventh period, which is the internal PK of each mentor team. No, the third period has just been filmed today. , if it is broadcast, it will have to wait until the weekend.

This almost means that it will take about a month before it is the instructor's turn to PK.

Huang Bo's family is not very wealthy. Although his father is a high-level leader, the salary in the current system is just that. Otherwise, where would the nationwide wave of layoffs and layoffs come from?

It's a great thing to have the opportunity to make some money. Although I could hang out with Sun Nan, Huang An, Wubai and other players before, get to know and chat with each other and train hard together, firstly, Huang Bo is really too young, and secondly, he is not the same person. A mentor is never as close as someone from someone else's team.

With the addition of brother Xiaochun, Huang Bocai feels that his life is more solid and he has a bright future.

As for Chen Xiaochun, he also came from a poor family. He dropped out of junior high school to work, and then worked as a backup dancer for five years. Even if it is a bet, 10,000 Hong Kong dollars for a commercial is still a great opportunity to fall into the sky.

When the two of them were outside TV City, waiting for the bus to go to Broadcasting Road, Chen Xiaochun asked curiously, "Abo, what company is asking you to shoot an advertisement today?"

Huang Bole said, "It seems to be clothing, right? I heard it's a new company. Although we are not qualified to be spokespersons for big brands like Han Tianxia and Lixin at this stage, shooting advertisements for ordinary new brands is also very beautiful."

"They would choose me to shoot a commercial, I'm so discerning!!"

Chen Xiaochun was happy, "Good guy, you are not petty, you still want to endorse Han Tianxia? But does this really conflict with Han Tianxia and other brands?"

Huang Bo explained with a smile, "To be clear, the advertisers who came here explained themselves. Hantianxia is positioned as a mid-to-high-end brand in Asia, and they are on the low end. For example, a top is priced at 80 or 90 Hong Kong dollars."

"Actually, in the ATV dormitory area, there are also many ATV students who are currently studying. They can also make some extra money through advertisements. There are students who are ATV students who come to help us explain. Although there are many stars in the 360 ​​line doing branding."

"But it is impossible for any of the 360 ​​rows to have only one brand."

"As long as the positioning is different, products from the same industry can be photographed casually."

Huang Bo himself didn't know that much, but there were many students in the Yaxi dormitory area. The students there were already well-known, and there were also many minor ones.

Everyone has quite a lot of experience in shooting commercials.

He, Abo, will definitely prove to the outside world that he can also launch a clothing brand!


A few days later, May 25th.

Xu Ke's (New Dragon Inn) has been officially released for one week and has made 14 million at the box office on Hong Kong Island, 16 million for Wanwan, and 31 million Hong Kong dollars in South Korea.

The mainland also made a box office of 190 million yuan. Although this is not as good as the Once Upon a Time series or the Invincibles of the East, it once again surpasses the movie starring Jet Li and Lin Qingxia, and its box office is strong.

After all, this time is not a summer season, there is no holiday, and it only took over the box office in one weekend. In the field of action movies, Ajie is a box office guarantee even in Europe and the United States.

Correspondingly, there are roujiamo and roasted whole lamb... The Good Luck Lai flagship store opened a roujiamo shop for external retail in the store on the first floor facing the street, which has become popular in Tsim Sha Tsui.

It's just roujiamo, not as big as a roasted whole lamb. It's a big meal that can't be finished by one person. Whether it's a white-collar worker or an ordinary wage earner, just a few for breakfast and lunch. The master chefs who are waiting in the queue are almost overwhelmed. .

Of course, there is no shortage of white-collar workers and petty bourgeoisie. Groups of small and medium-sized people order a roasted whole lamb on the first and second floors to feel the style of the desert.

Good Luck came to a suite on the third floor. Cheng Long once again ordered a roasted whole lamb with some cold dishes. He drank a glass of beer at Xu Ke and then smiled, "I heard that Good Luck Lai sold more than a thousand copies yesterday." Roast whole sheep, more than a thousand sheep."

"Director Xu, thank you very much."

When Aaron was discussing business with Xu Ke, he hadn't given any money yet, so he was convinced by face. At this stage, there is only one Lucky Lai flagship store whose owner specializes in eight major cuisines. One restaurant sells thousands of sheep a day. Of course, this includes takeout service. .

If it could be expanded to include Beijing, Shanghai, Wanwan, and South Korea...

How big a business is this for Aaron's ranch?

Xu Ke smiled and took a sip of wine, "You haven't contacted hotels in other cities? At this stage, it's good luck that this one is the only one that can cook a big meal."

Aaron shook his hair and said, "No contact, but it will be soon. I asked Sister Xian that she is planning to open a batch of eight major cuisines and Western food restaurants in Benbei, Seoul, Incheon, including Jingshang Yang." flagship store."

"The buildings are all under construction. Construction started in early February when Zhao Sheng returned to Anhui and Jiangsu to invest in major infrastructure."

"What are you planning to make in your next movie? We have to keep making delicious food."

Xu Ke laughed, "Aaron, why don't we work together once? I've worked with Ajie a lot, but I haven't worked with you seriously yet? I have an idea. In the new movie, you will play two roles. For the role, not only the fighting scenes must be exciting, but the literary scenes must also be shot better.”

Cheng Long was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Okay, that's easy to say, but who owns the copyright?"

Lao Xu was a little speechless, "Half and half?"

This Aaron is really not as easy to use as Ajie. After all, Ajie never asks about copyright.

Aaron smiled and cut a piece of mutton leg for Xu Ke, "It's easy to talk about. I wish us a happy cooperation! In the new film, we will no longer roast the whole lamb. We will shoot hot pot, fat beef rolls, and fat lamb rolls. The shots are beautiful and a little more greedy. ??”

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