Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 330 Use Rejoice and Head and Shoulders, it’s so beautiful!

Following Qiu Guan's words, Di Long looked speechless as a boss, "I just filmed an advertisement, how can I let P\u0026G chase me?"

"Do you mind if I say this? It's a bit exaggerated. I'm almost bald myself. Bald people also need to eat. After all, I have a wife and children to support."

"It's a pity that I was born in the wrong era. If I were twenty years younger, I am confident that I would not earn less than Ah Fa and Wan Ziliang. There is no money to make now. I was unemployed in 1985. Now I am just a gangster." On."

"I'm still planning to buy a big house for my son."

In this dimension (The True Colors of a Hero), Song Zihao is played by Wan Ziliang, and Di Long did not become famous again after leaving Shaw Brothers... I am really short of money.

Zheng Shaoqiu was also speechless. He took a bite of the barbecued pork bun before speaking, "Actually, I am also very short of money. I also have to support my wife and children. After seeing your commercial aired, I regretted not agreeing to Zou Sheng."

"I have a hit TV show and I can earn money from selling goods, but I am also under a lot of pressure to support my family."

"It's quite profitable to sell classic characters from popular TV series, but since the industry situation has changed, the last time I had a big hit was Ding Crab in Big Era. That character was so toxic that ordinary citizens wouldn't dare to endorse the products Ding Crab endorses."

He divorced Shen Dianxia in 1985. After marrying his second wife, he just had his third daughter this year.

Di Long, "..."

Brother Di gave Ah Qiu a strange look before admitting, "Your character Ding Crab is indeed poisonous. I heard that Wu Zhenyu's Ding Xiao Crab made a lot of money selling his goods."

"If you regret it, you can ask Zou Sheng if he should continue to shoot commercials. Our two ace middle-aged and elderly stars are still very energetic if they push Head and Shoulders."

"No, I almost forgot, you, Aqiu, are still a singer. Singers make a lot of money selling records! You were the lead vocalist in the theme song of the Great Era. How many copies did you sell?"

Zheng Shaoqiu then smiled awkwardly, "East Asia and Southeast Asia sold more than 300,000 copies in total, and I only got a few hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars in my hands. Also, I have three daughters to raise."

Single records are cheap, a total of ten yuan, and in his hands, they only cost one or two yuan, but Zheng Shaoqiu is indeed a singer...

In the mid-to-late 1990s and after the turn of the millennium, he held many concerts to make money to support his family.

Thinking about the three daughters, it seems that receiving 20 million Hong Kong dollars to help Zou Sheng shoot commercials is not so resisting.

"By the way, you accepted the advertisement like that, and Zou Sheng also shot it like that? Are you really afraid that Procter \u0026 Gamble will sue you? You guys just bought a few bottles of Head and Shoulders in the market, just come as you like."

Di Long smiled and shook his head, "It's okay. Zou Sheng told me when he invited me that the worst case scenario would be a lawsuit. It would take four or five years. His Jiahe would come forward to admit his mistake, apologize, and pay millions in compensation. But in four or five years, After that, it’s hard to say how much market Head \u0026 Shoulders will have in Asia-Pacific.”

Zheng Shaoqiu finished a barbecued pork bun and said with emotion, "I never thought of making money like this before. Brother Long, ask Zou Sheng for me. I do regret it."


More than an hour later.

In the ATV office, Zhao Donghuai was a little surprised when he saw Hong Xin, "I'll show you a way to make money, and it's so slow?"

Hong Xin stuck out her tongue and said cutely, "Isn't this makeup? Boss, how can you help me make money? I'm so happy."

Zhao Donghuai was too lazy to comment on the makeup... By the way, the Ah Xin in front of him still looked the same even if he put on makeup. He was so beautiful that it made people feel soft but hard.

"There is now a trend in the mainland (of government-owned enterprises marrying out of state). Everything from cola to soda to cosmetics and cosmetics are all popular. You are also a Hong Kong businessman. If you go to negotiate a share acquisition before the handover, your reputation will be no worse than that of American investors. If you have money, you can try to acquire part of the equity in the joint venture Meganet."

"This is a company with great potential and strength. Last year, Maxam Shampoo occupied nearly 20% of the market in the mainland, with annual sales of more than 200 million yuan."

"In addition to shampoo, mousse, sunscreen, and hand cream, this year Megamax also launched a Liushen toilet water, which is also good to use."

"In addition to Maxam, you can also try investing in Panda laundry detergent in Beijing. There are Panda in the north and White Cat in the south. In the field of laundry detergent, the three major giants in the mainland are Panda, Shanghai White Cat, and Wushi Yizhihua."

"They are all companies with great potential."

"By the way, did you see the Head \u0026 Shoulders shampoo commercial shot by Di Long yesterday?"

Speaking of this, Hong Xin burst out laughing, "After looking at it, hey, although Dickson is endorsing an anti-dandruff and anti-greasy shampoo, it's too funny for Head and Shoulders to ask him to shoot an advertisement, isn't it?"

"When the wind blows, that hair style is awesome. I don't know if it will cause a psychological shadow to the audience. What did Head and Shoulders think? Ask Dickson to shoot the commercial?"

She encouraged Li Jiaxin to dress up like twins and run to take pictures of shampoo for Bawang. It didn't take long. Really, yesterday while playing mahjong and watching (Bao Qingtian), as soon as Di Long's commercial came out, it was really...

What has happened to the once handsome young man who has been tortured by life?

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "If you want to acquire half of the shares of Panda Laundry Detergent, you can get it for more than 100 million yuan. Do you have enough money?"

The original track was that Procter \u0026 Gamble acquired Panda and killed the brand, which means it spent 140 million to get 60% of it. The Panda factory was in a state of despair, and I don’t know how many people were laid off.

During the great layoff wave in the 1990s, foreign investors such as Procter \u0026 Gamble contributed at least half of the effort!

The Panda brand is dead, but P\u0026G used Panda's sales channels to let its Tide and Bilang invade the northern market. North Panda and South White Cat... including Vitality 28, a famous company in Hubei Province, were also acquired and stashed away. .

Let the secrets of Unilever come in.

In the 1990s, Vitality 28 entered the Central Government to advertise, enter Hong Kong Island, and enter the East and Southeast Asian markets. When it was prosperous, it paid over 100 million or even hundreds of millions in taxes to local governments every year.

As soon as foreign capital comes, it is dead... For this reason, working hard to develop P\u0026G is to do good and accumulate virtue.

Hong Xin nodded hurriedly, "More than 100 million? I have it, so who should I talk to?"

After all, she has starred in (Tricky Expert), and currently (New Half Category) is a hit in the Mainland, and she relies on her good looks to attract fans to watch the movie.

What's more, Hong Xin occasionally receives one to two million in advertising fees to shoot commercials.

Compared to the new generation of stars like Di Long and Zheng Shaoqiu who earned a monthly salary of more than 1,000 yuan to help Shao Daheng film until he fainted and went bald, they are so much happier.

A handsome guy like Qiu Guan became bald in his 30s. It's not because he was busy working on the TVB set and couldn't stop putting on the wig. As time went by, he started to have problems with his hair.

"If I don't have enough money to buy other things, I'll ask Sister Xin to lend me some. Last time I wanted to stay here and have a meal, but it didn't work. But last time I had a meal at Sister Xin's house, I succeeded. It's my expense. The delicacies made with all your heart and tongue, were snatched away by Sister Xin."

Zhao Donghuai coughed twice and said speechlessly, "In fact, after you acquire those big brands, as long as you advertise well, you can directly enter the Hong Kong and South Korean markets, and you can compete with Bawang Shampoo from the beginning."

"Of course, there is no need to fight with the overlord. Your collective opponents are P\u0026G and Unilever."

"Yesterday's Head \u0026 Shoulders ad was not shot by P\u0026G, but by Zou Wenhuai who spent money to buy advertising space from ATV."

Hong Xin was stunned and felt as if he had gone crazy. "Zou Sheng is not afraid of lawsuits?"

Zhao Donghuai smiled, "Let's fight the lawsuit for a few years and take our time. This will not prevent Overlord from conquering the shampoo market and eating up Head and Shoulders' share."

Head \u0026 Shoulders is also very amazing in advertising. At the turn of the millennium, it even spent a lot of money to have Hollywood shoot a 100-minute science fiction commercial for (Head \u0026 Shoulders) called "Evolutionary Crisis".

An alien meteorite landed at my sister's house. The reaction between the meteorite and the earth caused a crazy evolution. In just a few days, the most basic creatures evolved into flying dinosaurs, which competed with humans for the right to survive. Not to mention, Nima Advertising The special effects of the film are actually pretty good.

In the end, Head \u0026 Shoulders shampoo saved the world!

The protagonist is also a big star, a male protagonist who became famous with the help of (The X-Files series).

It can only be said that Procter \u0026 Gamble has a great business and is not short of money. After killing all the national brands in China, it can easily make tens of billions of dollars in wealth from the Chinese market in a year.

Hong Xin was also quite speechless. She was silent for dozens of seconds before she said in surprise, "Then after I invest in Maxamin, should I also hire someone like Dickson to shoot a shampoo commercial for Rejoice?"

"Head \u0026 Shoulders and Rejoice, P\u0026G's two top boxing products!"

"Can I ask Bruce Willis? His hairline is also close to the Mediterranean. He doesn't dare to comb his hair forward at all. He can only comb it back to pretend to have a slicked back hair, and he also needs some hair transplants...Police Story 4 It's really a bit miserable compared to Brother Bilong's flowing hair."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

He could only praise, "As long as you give enough money, of course you can. Now two different commercials will be aired during the popular period of (Bao Qingtian), and they can also be aired during the most important time period of (The Voice of Asia)." .”

"The Voice has passed the internal competition between the four major mentors and entered the finals. The ratings will definitely not be bad."

ATV has become a star, and singing PK programs are becoming more and more popular. South Korea and island countries have a viewership of between 10, 20, and 30 million.

Izumi Sakai's fans in the island country are still very strong.


A few hours later.

Hong Xin returned to the first phase of Huayuan excitedly, knocked on the door of Li Jiaxin's house, and worked as a hawker for a while before she said, "Sister Xin, lend me some money. Just lend me a few hundred million. You can lend me a few hundred million." I will pay you back several billion in interest, you know..."

Li Jiaxin said blankly, "What are you going to do?"

Ah Xin explained quickly, "Go back to the mainland to invest, and buy shares in some government-owned companies such as shampoo and washing powder. The commercial that Dickson shot yesterday was so funny, let's take advantage of the trend and make some money."

"I also want to ask Bruce Willis to advertise for Rejoice. It won't work without spending a lot of money. I have to let the superstar comb his hair forward and leave a flowing wave."

At this stage, Bruce Willis's hair is slicked forward, which is no better than 20-year-old Xu Zheng's slicked hairstyle with flowing waves.

But that’s the big star who broke into the white world with the help of the (Die Hard) series and (Police Story Part 3 and 4), an action star!

"Also, (Jurassic Park 2) will be released in July. Bruce Willis is the human male protagonist. His new commercial must be strong!"

Li Jiaxin recalled the psychological shadow caused by watching (Bao Qingtian) Di Long's hair style last night, and she couldn't help but shudder, "Axin, just be a human being, Bruce is a white superstar."

Hong Xin was very calm, "So I have to give him enough money! Zou Sheng asked Dickson to shoot a Head \u0026 Shoulders advertisement and gave Dickson 20 million Hong Kong dollars. If I hire Bruce, I should give him at least 30 million Hong Kong dollars? Or 40 million Hong Kong dollars?"

Shoot an advertisement that ruins your image like that? Li Jiaxin wanted to complain that even if you gave Bruce 50 million Hong Kong dollars, the other party might not accept it.

But after thinking about it, he still affirmed, "I will lend you 500 million now, and you will have to pay me back 50 billion in interest later."

Hong Xin hesitated for a long time, but still nodded, "Just pay it back, no one is afraid of whom."


A few days later, June 27th, Dragon Boat Festival!

(New Half a Category) has been in theaters for 12 days, and the box office in Hong Kong has exceeded 25 million. However, the 12-day data is almost the same as the total value in the original trajectory, which is 21 million Hong Kong dollars and more than 35 million Hong Kong dollars in South Korea.

But when looking at the box office, we still have to look at the mainland. After 12 days, there were 250 million yuan.

This seems to make Hong Xin's status as a female star rise again. After all, since her debut, she has not starred in a movie that has hit the market.

It's during the Dragon Boat Festival.

A filming location for an advertisement in ATV TV City.

Three middle-aged male stars, Di Long, Qiu Guan and Bruce Willis, came together. When they each took off their wigs or hats, the three big stars looked at each other, and they all felt a kind of sympathy for each other. It seemed that they had found a lot of things for a while. The feeling of a common language.

When the great director Chen Musheng came with several assistants and shook hands with the three of them one by one, Xiao Chen couldn't help laughing.

After holding it in for several times, Xiao Chen still couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud. After coughing loudly a few times, Chen Musheng explained, "Seniors, I'm not laughing at you. It's too outrageous for Zou Sheng. Fighting in the business war opened my eyes very much.”

"Don't worry, I'm used to filming all kinds of big idol dramas. I will make sure that the commercials I'm waiting for will be good-looking and handsome."

Qiu Guanzhang took a breath of cold air and said, "Oh no, I have been filming with a wig and headgear for so many years, and then I developed a problem with my scalp. Shao Sheng didn't compensate me, so I still have to rely on Zou Sheng for a living."

"Give it your all, come on."

Bruce Willis also nodded, ran to wash his hair, and combed his hair with a flowing hair forward. When he looked in the mirror, he looked like he was about to cry, "It's better to comb it backwards." , The hairline looks extremely dangerous with the slicked-back hair, but it’s still barely visible.”

When he grabbed a bottle of Rejoice shampoo, he adjusted his facial expressions and movements according to the lines, and stood at the door of a Porsche sports car like a hero, holding up Rejoice and smiling brightly, "Extraordinary softness, extraordinary heartbeat!"

Accompanying the lines was the gentle breeze blowing from the fan, and Bruce's hair was flying in the wind.

This is not the official shooting, it is just like the walking and rehearsal before filming. After observing the before and after, Qiu Guan on the side took a long breath again, "This person is famous as an action star, but his acting skills are really strong. "

Di Long also nodded repeatedly, "After all, he is also the male protagonist in (Pretty Woman), which has sold over 400 million US dollars worldwide. The explosive power of this literary drama is as good as anyone else's."


Two hours later.

After the three male protagonists finished shooting the commercial, Bruce Willis took the initiative to invite Qiu Guan and Di Long, "Brother Long, A Qiu, can I invite you to lunch and get together?"

"This money is so easy to make, I can't refuse it at all."

Qiu Guan, who put on his wig again, nodded happily, "It's not easy to raise a wife and raise a daughter. It's not easy even to work as a worker. I don't know how many people will envy us if we can earn tens of millions for a commercial."

As long as the money is enough, anyone will be useless.

In the final analysis, he has less hair and is Mediterranean, which may affect his image, but if you really don't care, that's all.

"I'm going to get a bald head later on. If necessary for filming in the future, I can wear a wig casually. When I have nothing to do in private, I'll keep my bald head. It's still refreshing."

Wait for these three to leave TV City.

In the ATV office, Zhao Donghuai was looking through the commercials that Hong Xin and Li Jiaxin had shot for Maxam shampoo. The quality was very good and beautiful.

This is a commercial on a big yacht, letting the sea breeze blow your hair.

Azhen came over with a smile and said, "Boss, the wave of Head \u0026 Shoulders returns has become even greater. It has affected tens of thousands of citizens on Hong Kong Island, and has also spread to Wanwan, South Korea and the mainland market. These days, Wanjia and Baijia chains, Head \u0026 Shoulders’ sales plummeted.”

"Tsk, Zou Sheng's hand was too cruel."

Speaking of which, they promoted Di Longxiu Head and Shoulders anti-dandruff and anti-greasy styles, without mentioning the issue of hair loss at all.

I can’t stand that Brother Long because his hairline is touching, but you still broadcast it like that after the opening song of (Bao Qingtian), it’s really...

Now Hong Kong Island has seen a wave of tens of thousands of returns, which is already because the advertising is relatively subtle.

If you are really cruel, let Bruce Willis and others shoot ads for Head \u0026 Shoulders and Rejoice anti-hair loss shampoo, that would be a huge fall.

At this moment, Gai and Ellison came to visit. After these two tycoons in the computer field came in and exchanged polite greetings, Gai couldn't help but exclaimed, "Zhao, are you going to fight with P\u0026G? Tell me in advance, so we can go short." Procter \u0026 Gamble’s stock price has made a small profit.”

Ellison also nodded repeatedly, "Yes, ATV's hair advertisement is subtly sniping at P\u0026G Daily Chemicals, shorting it in advance."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless. After taking a sip of tea, he nodded, "If you want to go short, it's not too late. However, if you want to make a fortune, it's best to try Murdoch's network. If Lao Mo is willing to work on the Fox TV Network Air these commercials...then..."

The lid slapped his thigh, "Yes, I heard that Bruce Willis also acted in commercials? I'm going to visit Murdoch later and do some public relations. Bruce has a lot of fans in Europe and the United States."

"If there's a lawsuit, I can ask my dad to represent Bruce in the lawsuit."

Ellison also said excitedly, "Zhao, aren't you also a member of South Korea's MBC TV network? Advertising is being pushed over, and there are island countries... Once the market shrinks in an all-round way, it will be a greater stimulus for P\u0026G."

Zhao Donghuai looked at General Hengha across from him and wanted to laugh for a moment. He suppressed his laughter and said, "You two shouldn't be short of this little money, right?"

Brother Gai hurriedly waved his hand, "How can there be no shortage? You and Wall Street are both shorting the Nikkei to make a fortune. We are far behind. In the future, when Microsoft and Oracle continue to soar, even if we can buy them back, it will be a huge amount." of cash.”

At this point, I felt a little resentful, "You made such a huge windfall in the Nikkei market, and you don't take me to play with you. You're not a friend enough."

"I heard that you even brought two South Korean boys with you."

In business war, one move affects the whole body.

A shrinking market means unsightly financial reports, which will affect the stock price. If you know this in advance, you can easily make a windfall that hundreds of ordinary families can only look forward to in their lifetime.

Zhao Donghuai didn't care about the small amount of money, but he was still very greedy.

Ellison didn't have the guts to complain openly, so he could only kindly remind him, "Procter \u0026 Gamble is not a bad person either. It has killed countless local brand companies in many countries during its global expansion. They will not attack you." Are you going to sit back and ignore it?”

Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "Don't worry, they can't make trouble in Hong Kong Island."


As night fell, Sam, the president of P\u0026G Asia Pacific, hung up the phone with a look of grief and anger. He kicked and threw the furniture in his home angrily before picking up the phone and dialing again. "Jack, how are you handling it over there?"

Jack quickly reported, "I have accepted all the products from Wanjia Supermarket series that are clamoring for returns. I have also arranged customer service and after-sales service, and tried my best to provide some comfort and compensation to the upset customers, and I am working hard to suppress this trend."

"Boss, we still have to hurry up...wait, boss, watch ATV (Bao Qingtian)!"

Sam had the TV on, but he was watching the English channel. He quickly grabbed the remote control and switched to the Cantonese channel, and then he was shocked by the advertisement on it.

That's Bruce Willis, with super sparse side bangs, driving a Porsche sports car to show off his driving skills, and recommending Rejoice shampoo while parking...

"Wang Defake!"

Sam cursed angrily and threw the Big Brother, and threw several wine glasses angrily before picking up the Big Brother, hanging up the call with Jack, dialing again, and after the number was connected, they inquired and communicated for a while.

He hung up the phone again and dialed again. This time, Sam said to the opposite party, "I was introduced by old Jason. I'll pay you 10 million US dollars. You can help me get someone. The other person is from Golden Harvest Pictures in Hong Kong." Zou Wenhuai."

"The person named Zou has a bodyguard from the Pan Asia Group. Do you know Pan Asia? This security group is very famous in East and Southeast Asia, so I will give you a high price of 10 million US dollars!"

There was silence on the other side of the phone for dozens of seconds, and then a deep voice sounded, "Hong Kong Island is not as convenient as my sister. There are some demonic gangsters there. My team can take this order, but the full payment must be collected in advance."

Sam was shocked, "Wang Defake, how can anyone pay the full amount in advance?"

The person on the other side of the phone said decisively, "This is my condition. If you are not satisfied, you can find another team to do the work. You also said that it will be done under the protection of Pan Asia Group."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Until then, the ATV Cantonese channel had started to play the TV series of Bao Qingtian. Sam sat on the sofa with a gloomy face, staring at the TV without talking. After a few minutes, he hammered the sofa and said, "Bruce Willie" Si is the male protagonist of Jurassic Park 2, Xie Te, and he actually helped Zou Wenhuai blackmail our P\u0026G..."

"Once Jurassic Park 2 takes the world by storm, the damage to the brand image is simply unimaginable."

How did Jurassic Park 1 take the world by storm three years ago? ? The global revenue is more than 600 million U.S. dollars. Although this is not as good as the performance of Wanted 1, the second part has been prepared for another three years. How many movie fans will run to watch the movie because of their feelings?

Sam is not stupid. As things have developed so far, it is Zhao Donghuai who is pushing him to do things. Are he going against Zhao Donghuai on Hong Kong Island? How many giants have admitted defeat? From Coca-Cola to fashion brands to pharmaceutical giants such as Novartis and Bayer.

Which industry is holding on? ?

He didn't dare to do anything against Zhao Donghuai. He just wanted to use some power from the underground world to get Zou Wenhuai. As long as he got Zou Wenhuai, he could go to the mainland to talk about the acquisition of Overlord like traditional business operations. .

Once the Bawang is acquired, it will be a drain on the bottom line. I believe that Zou Wenhuai’s children will not have the courage to resist the pressure of P\u0026G. His children are not interested in the film industry...

This is a basic operation to steal an official seal or poison someone.


A new day has arrived on Hong Kong Island.

It was just dark here in Aimee's home in Chicago. Will put down the phone again and rubbed his hands excitedly, "I got 10 million US dollars. This guy is really willing to pay the full amount in advance."

A hot girl next to Will frowned and said, "Going to Hong Kong Island to do something? Kill people? It's very dangerous. Ten million is a lot of money, but??"

Will looked at the hot girl calmly, held her in his arms and played with her. He also lit a cigar and said, "When we get the money, we can spend one million and outsource the project. There are so many gangsters in Chicago who can't get a job." The bad boy on the stage can just find a middle-level person in the club to work."

The hot girl was confused, "Outsourcing?? Can an industry like ours also be outsourced?"

Will waved his hands grandly, "Why can't we outsource? Real estate tycoons have outsourced too many projects. We need to learn from the advanced experience of other industries."

"As long as we outsource it, even if the assassination fails in the end, it means we have done something and it just failed. Don't you think so?"

Will is the boss of a well-known killer organization in the Chicago underground world, but because of his fame and connections, he understands that there is something magical and strange in Hong Kong Island.

As early as a few years ago, there was an endless stream of people who wanted to kill Zhao Donghuai and assassinate him. From the island country consortium to the A-mei family consortium, there were people who offered rewards for doing things, and then one by one they started working for Hong Kong Island Pictures. , dedicated their health and personal safety to the art of film.

Moreover, he was living in Chicago, and actually had a relationship with a certain Chicago mafia godfather. He had assassinated many enemies for that godfather, and he had a good relationship... The other party helped him make some very unique fortunes, such as shorting the Dow Jones Index, buying Microsoft stocks, etc. of.

Such a clean way to make money? Will has been in the killer world for more than 20 years and has never seen him before.

A certain godfather has privately hinted many times that a super tycoon took pity on them and took them to make a fortune together. If there is a suitable opportunity, the other party will recommend Will and try to see if he can join the organization.

Once you get in, you are a serious person...

What the other party said was a bit convoluted and vague, but he also pointed out that the organization is basically in Hong Kong Island.


On June 30, as July gets closer and closer, the announcement of Jurassic Park 2 has spread to every corner of Europe, America, East Asia and Southeast Asia.

Zou Wenhuai had just had breakfast and was about to take a bus to Jiahe when he received a call, "Zou Sheng, I am Ade from Chengzhai. I am in charge of a group of subordinates. Yesterday there was a guy who ran away from Malaysia. , contacted a younger brother of mine and said that he wanted to assassinate you, Zou Sheng, for 50,000 Hong Kong dollars."

"Although I, Ade, am a rat in the walled city, I also like Jiahe's movies. How could I do such a thing?"

"I'm calling this time to tell Zou Sheng that someone is causing trouble, and I hope Zou Sheng can settle it as soon as possible."

Zou Wenhuai was so shocked that everyone was numb with shock. His breathing was messy for dozens of seconds, and then he rubbed his forehead and said, "Fifty thousand Hong Kong dollars to assassinate me? Only 50,000 Hong Kong dollars?"

A man in his sixties was born in the 1920s. He was already 18 years old when the Anti-Japanese War was won. He had seen many storms and waves in his life. Zou Wenhuai suddenly learned that someone wanted his life, and his heart beat faster for a while. It got quiet.

What he couldn't believe was that 50,000 Hong Kong dollars would buy his life? ? ?

Chengzhai Ade was silent for more than ten seconds and affirmed, "It's 50,000 yuan. That's the 50,000 yuan price given by the wanted criminal in Malaysia."

"How about I do something to help Zou Sheng and you ask more questions??"

Zou Wenhuai took a long breath, "Then I'll trouble you, Ade. After you finish this, if the news is reliable, I'll treat you to a big dinner."

Ade laughed, "Then please Zou Sheng and wait for the good news."


In the big office of ATV headquarters, Zhao Donghuai had just had lunch and added some special drinks when he heard Wang Zuxian report that Zou Sheng was visiting.

Director Zhao said, "Please ask Zou Sheng to come in quickly."

Thinking of something Zou Sheng encountered in a certain simulation, he was really happy.

Zou Wenhuai walked in after a while. He just took a sip of tea and got straight to the point, "Zhao Sheng, I encountered something strange. First, there was a killer leader from Chengzhai Ade, who said that someone under his command had received an order of 50,000 Hong Kong dollars to assassinate me. ."

"Later, I caught the person who issued the order and a Malaysian wanted criminal questioned him carefully. I found out that the Malaysian boy also received the order from someone else, but he was given 200,000 Hong Kong dollars online to assassinate me."

"Da Ma Zai thought the risk was too great, so he subcontracted it to the rats in the Walled City."

"Da Ma Tsai has also been recruited. His online account is a ghost guy from Yin Lun. He committed a crime in Yin Lun and ran away to Hong Kong Island. He lives under the protection of his relative who is a high-ranking member of the police and is at the constitutional committee level..."

Zhao Donghuai made a cup of tea for Zou Sheng again, and said with a smile, "Calm down, calm down, you also hired Pan-Asian bodyguards, nothing will happen easily. Who do you think the financial sponsor will be? P\u0026G?"

Zou Wenhuai drank it all in one gulp before nodding, "I kind of doubt it's P\u0026G, but, 200,000 or 50,000 Hong Kong dollars to assassinate me? Does he look down on me, or does he look down on Pan Asia's security capabilities?"

Zhao Donghuai laughed even louder, "Do you want to consider asking the rats in the walled city, the wanted criminals in Malaysia, and the Yalun ghost man to be strung together one by one to testify against P\u0026G??"

He could see clearly in the simulator that Sam, the president of Procter \u0026 Gamble Asia Pacific, knew the difficulties of the Pan-Asia Group, so he offered $10 million to hire Amei's top team to work.

Ten million U.S. dollars shrunk to 50,000 Hong Kong dollars? ? This is much more ruthless than Zhou Chaoxian’s outsourcing project in Black Gold! Brother Zhou will kneel down.

There is no doubt that once this case is confirmed, it will definitely cause a sensation in the global legal community, and the news popularity will break through the circle.

In the simulator, Zhao Donghuai had already seen clearly that Will's killer group was still a member of his Hydra, a friend of a certain mafia godfather...

Use Rejoice and Head \u0026 Shoulders, it’s so beautiful!

This is almost enough to make a black humorous comedy movie.

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