Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 331 Jurassic Park 2, dinosaurs are true love

July 1st, Sunday.

Zhong Hong got up early in the morning and started washing her hands until... At 7:12 in the morning, 30-year-old A Hong walked out of the bathroom grabbing a bottle of Head and Shoulders shampoo and said to Zhu Jiading who was making breakfast, "A Ding, You go buy me a bottle of shampoo, either Bawang or Megamax will do."

“But I don’t want P\u0026G, I don’t want Unilever.”

Zhu Jiading, who was wearing an apron, had a confused look on his face, and he was a bit confused about whether to laugh or cry, "That's not true, although the three commercials of Brother Long, Qiu Guan and Bruce Willis are a bit magical and make people addicted..."

"But this is just advertising. We are insiders ourselves. You still don't understand marketing?"

"Besides, Zou Sheng has only cheated Procter \u0026 Gamble at this stage, and he hasn't taken action on Unilever yet? You don't want Unilever either?"

Zhong Yanhong threw Head and Shoulders directly into the trash can and crossed her arms, "Are you going or not?"

Zhu Jiading decisively turned off the fire, "I'll go, I'll go. There is a Baijia convenience store at the door of the community. I won't use it for five minutes."

He and A Hong have been in a relationship for several years, and now they are both in the stage of discussing marriage. There is no problem with this kind of trivial matter. Zhu Jiading still dotes on this little sweet wife who is about to get married.

But after taking off his apron and going out, A Ding thought about it and couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Fuck on the street, I'm also in the advertising industry, and I'm also known as one of the New Four Talents. Facing Zou Sheng This kind of tycoon can only accept defeat."

He couldn't figure out how Zou Wenhuai had such an idea. What was even more outrageous was that even a white action star like Bruce Willis was not immune to this? ?

Is this what Zhao Sheng is pushing? ?

It seems to be the case. I heard that the Maxam shampoo that was just brought to Hong Kong for sale is already one of the properties of that pretty girl Hong Xin. Even if Hong Xin only holds 51% of Maxam’s shares, she is still half of the major shareholder. The largest shareholder.

At this stage, when mainland companies engage in joint ventures, they have long since lost the red line that the mainland must hold 51% of the shares. Otherwise, the original trajectory would not have gone from soda and cola to daily chemical products, all of which would have been deceived by foreign brands.

This is a brand that accounts for 20% of the shampoo market in mainland China and is used by hundreds of millions of people.

Taking the elevator downstairs and arriving at the Baijia chain store at the entrance of the community facing the street, A Ding decisively bought a few bottles of different types of Maxamin and ran back to give A Hong some use.

Today is July 1st. It is the release of Jurassic Park 2 after three years. It will be released at 8 o'clock. If he and Zhong Yanhong were not insiders, they would not be able to get tickets at all.

Moreover, it’s not just the two of them watching movies later, but also his eldest brother Zhu Jiaxin and his sister-in-law. His eldest brother is the boss of the special effects center of Zhao Films, whether it is Super Body or Jurassic Park series, or Wanted, Shaolin Football and more.

It's all the result of the big brother leading a big team and slowly attacking the difficulties.

Although if she wanted to, Zhu Jiaxin could definitely get a copy and invite the whole family to watch the movie together at home. Well, the boss's home is a large villa with a private screening room inside.

But when watching a movie, you still have to enjoy it with ordinary audiences, which is more exciting. The waves of audiences in the theater who will be shocked and amazed by Jurassic Park 2 are the best recognition of Zhu Jiaxin, a special effects master. and support.

The audience was satisfied, which proved that his work was not in vain.

At 7:40 in the morning, when Zhu Jiaxin, Zhu Jiading, Zhong Xianhong and their sisters-in-law gathered at a Wanjia supermarket in Mong Kok and went to the cinema on the fourth floor, they looked at the crowded audience, all waiting to watch Jura. Ji 2.

Zhu Jiaxin couldn't help but said excitedly, "It's been three years and it's finally done! I hope this second part won't disappoint everyone."

Zhong Yanhong was overjoyed, "Brother, everyone is here to see the dinosaurs. As long as the dinosaurs are realistic and just fill in the plot, it will pass the test. Besides, the second Jurassic novel has been sold for so many years."

"Everyone is familiar with the plot!"

Zhu Jiaxin was speechless, "You are right."

Isn't it? Whether it's the first or second Jurassic, the novel has been sold to the world through channels since 1984 and 1985.

The plot is familiar to everyone, it is similar to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms adapted by Yang Ma.

It's just that after the Jurassic Park island was deserted and closed, on one side were Bruce Willis, Isabel Adjani, Cameron Diaz and other positives, leading a team on a scientific research expedition.

On the other side is the CEO of the new group headed by Gai, who commands a poaching group such as Richard Norton, Jet Binney, and Billy Zhou. They want to hunt a live dinosaur on the island, transport it back to the metropolis, and control the exhibition to make money.

It's like putting tigers and lions in a zoo and allowing countless people to visit.

What they want is a dinosaur, a Tyrannosaurus rex!

Not only did he capture a big one, but he also captured a small one, and then... the Tyrannosaurus Rex made a scene in the city, and Gai waited for the villains to collapse.

The plot is that simple, everyone is waiting to see the special effects!

The Twilight Saga can rely on book fans to sweep up a series of fan box office, each one is more explosive than the last, and the Jurassic Park series is certainly stronger.

While several people were talking and joking, the voices of the crowd in their ears were getting louder and louder.

"Why is it not yet eight o'clock? I bought the tickets more than a week in advance!"

"Hurry up and open the door, we're waiting to see the dinosaurs!"

"I have been waiting for three years. Speaking of big special effects movies like this, you have to wait to see Zhao's blockbusters to be powerful!"


The crowd cheered and waited for the screening to start. When the time arrived at 7:50, the theater finally let the theater go. Groups of audiences poured into their respective screening halls like a tide to find seats.

Waiting to watch the movie.

At 8 o'clock, the big screen lights up.

The credits flashed, and a large luxury yacht appeared on the big screen. The yacht and sea view were displayed, and a family of three, Liang Jiahui, Gao Lihong, and Chen Hao, dressed in fashionable and sophisticated clothes, came out.

A family of three was having fun on the beach, and groups of handsome sailors in uniforms served the trio. The beautiful scenery, handsome boys, and pretty girls made many viewers dazzle.

"Haha, Brother Jiahui is still so handsome. Once he becomes serious, I still can't believe that he played the killer hero in (The Thirty-Six Strategies of the Supreme: The God of Change)."

"Gao Lihong is so pretty, she's so cheap to that damn fat guy Hong Yinbao..."

"Chen Hao is so cute..."


The audience was still talking and discussing. Chen Hao, who was playing at the beach, encountered the first mini-Eurognathus, and then was besieged by a group of Eurognathus.

The theater immediately went silent!

Two hours later.

With the end of the first movie viewing, a large number of people in the Wanjia branch in Mong Kok were scratching their heads with excitement and blushing as they discussed the plot and reminisced about the almost perfect movie viewing experience before.

Many viewers even directly called their friends and invited them to go to Tung Chung Theme Park together.

After the first movie was released in 1987, there was a craze for visiting Tung Chung all over Hong Kong. As time went by, everyone’s interest and passion faded. Occasionally, they would go with their families or couples, and it would be a large-scale amusement park. Just go there.

Now three years later, when we watch Jurassic 2, everyone suddenly feels that if we don’t play it, we will be sorry for the wonderful movie-watching experience.

Some people even passed by the first floor of Wanjia and went directly to some stores on the street that specialize in selling film and television peripheral items to buy dolls and toys.

Zhong Hanhong's family is not immune. When they see a set of colorful clay dinosaur dolls, ranging from Tyrannosaurus rex to Showognathus, etc.?

Ahong happily bought several sets and planned to give them away. She and Zhu Jiading had no children, but don't forget that she also had four brothers and sisters in her Zhong family.

In the first Jurassic Park, in addition to the various dinosaur protagonists, the human protagonist group includes three beautiful women, Zhou Huimin, Li Jiaxin and Naomi Watts. However, those who entered the theater basically ignored the beautiful women.

It was in the video tape market in the next few years that viewers who relived Jurassic gradually discovered the beautiful girl group.

The same goes for this second film. Isabel Adjani and Cameron Diaz also showed off many heroic looks on the big screen, but they just couldn't attract the audience's attention.

After watching a movie, who are the human protagonists? ? I can't seem to remember clearly...

Dinosaurs are true love!


A certain Wanjia supermarket in Kowloon Tong.

Huang Bo, Luo Lin, and Chen Xiaochun also bought one or two dinosaur toys each after watching a game (Jurassic Park 2), and happily took the bus to a pier in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Huang Bo was in the most exciting mood, "Hey, in 1987, I distributed novels to a group of people. I must come to Hong Kong Island and play Jurassic Park."

"At that time, I thought I would have to wait until I went to college and graduate to have the opportunity. I didn't expect it would be possible now."

"When you get to the place, you guys have to take more photos for me. When I go back after failing the semi-finals, I can show off to those guys."

Today is already Sunday. The top four PK of Zhang Guorong’s team was recorded on June 20th (The Voice of Asia). It ended with Ren Xianqi, Izumi Sakai, Sun Nan, and Chen Huifu winning. It was broadcast on Sunday night on the 24th.

What was recorded on the 26th was the top four PK of Andy Lau’s team. The winners were Yang Gangli, Tai Zhengxiao, Zhang Yu and Li Chunbo. As for Lin Zhiying and Huang An, they were eliminated. They will also face East Asia and Southeast Asia in prime time tonight. Viewers broadcast.

As expected, the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it will be Huang Bo, Chen Xiaochun, and Luo Lin who are the players of Tan Yonglin's team competing against each other.

According to the competition system, if you lose, you can pack your things and go home. If you don’t want to go home, you can try being a Hong Kong drifter for a while.

Huang Bo, Luo Lin and Chen Xiaochun are all likely to be eliminated, and they are waiting for the final rhythm. Under his words, Luo Lin rubbed his forehead with a wry smile, "Abo, you are too relaxed. Originally, You should be very nervous and apprehensive, but you guys still have the time to take us out to play?"

Watching the big movie (Jurassic Park 2) is a must-see.

After all, this is not only a sequel to the masterpiece three years ago, with extra points for its sentimentality, but it is also a science fiction masterpiece in the global film industry in 1990. They also like dinosaurs.

But after reading this, go to Tung Chung for fun? Then... people who have nothing to do can naturally play as they want, but they don't belong to the category of having nothing to do.

It was Chen Xiaochun who smiled and hugged Luo Lin's shoulder, "Relax, A Lin, just like what Brother A Lun said, we are all still young. Even if we lose this time, there may not be a next time. If luck comes, maybe we can win again." I can ask Zhao Sheng to compose music for you, a masterpiece that will officially make your debut in the industry."

"I heard that Zhao Sheng wrote a song (Don't Give Up) as a theme song for the crew of (Long Night). Huang Zhan was asked to write the lyrics, and the finished product was given to one of our contestants to sing. It doesn't have to be The winner, runner-up, etc., all depends on the tone, whoever is suitable will sing."

"What if we are a match? That would be a big deal."

Before Luo Lin said anything, Abo laughed, almost out of breath, "Brother Chun, I'm not trying to hit you. The music written by Zhao Sheng will never be our turn. Those guys are too strong, but I think that even if you lose, when you help Brother Rong or Master dance with them in their concerts in the future, you will be given a lot more camera positions."

"Maybe we'll even let you sing a song as a guest. This will make it worthwhile even if you are eliminated."

Chen Xiaochun said in astonishment, "What you said makes sense. I also think this is great."

Isn't it? Huang Bo lost and went home to continue studying. After all, Abo was too young, only 16 years old. He lost... After having this master-disciple relationship, he will dance with Brother Alen in the future and occasionally make guest appearances. Singing a song is completely different from before.

Isn't Tan Yonglin that Allen... the name of the principal the result of holding concerts in Hung Hom every day for dozens of days every year since 1984?

The trio chatted and laughed. When they arrived at the Tsim Sha Tsui Pier and were waiting for the ferry from Tsim Sha Tsui to Tung Chung, they realized that there were too many people going to Tung Chung like them, and many of them were bringing their families with them. .

They waited for more than an hour to get on the ferry, which ran every half an hour.

Huang Bo patted his thigh and sighed, "I should have gone there if I had known it yesterday, and stayed there for one night... You can also watch movies in Tung Chung."

This summer, starting from the 1st, the Jurassic dinosaur craze has once again swept the world, swallowing up mountains and rivers with great force.


In contrast to the noise and excitement of the outside world, P\u0026G Asia Pacific President Sam was obviously not in the mood to go to the movies. He just stood in the office and urged Jack to get statistics over and over again.

After recalculating, Jack came over with a look of embarrassment and said, "Boss, sales used to be calculated on a monthly basis, but now they are calculated on a daily basis."

"This is the third summary. Yesterday's sales of Head \u0026 Shoulders on June 30th were worse than those on May 30th, with sales shrinking by 60%."

"Compared to May 29 on June 29, there was almost a 60% shrinkage."

"We can't go on like this. Aren't we just looking for Mediterranean people with thin hair to shoot commercials? Bawang shampoo doesn't follow martial ethics. We can also find stars like that to shoot Bawang commercials."

Sam took a long breath, "Fuck! Is that a problem with the commercial? Then even if we film it, there won't be many TV stations to help us promote it!"

"At least in the Mainland and Hong Kong, I don't think any TV station is willing to charge advertising fees to broadcast advertisements!"

It’s been more than a week since Zou Wenhuai first attacked P\u0026G on June 22, but Di Long’s two versions of advertisements, one with Zheng Shaoqiu and one with Bruce Willis, have been aired on ATV in rotation. out.

Even if the product was promoted as an anti-dandruff or anti-greasy product, but not anti-hair loss and baldness, it still seriously damaged the vitality of Head and Shoulders and Rejoice.

How popular the ratings of (Bao Qingtian) are, how many people have watched those advertisements! Including the mainland market.

(Bao Qingtian) was produced by ATV at all costs, but it only received a buyout fee of 2 million yuan before giving it to China Central Television for broadcast. Although CCTV feels embarrassed about this aspect, as long as the advertisements brought by ATV are broadcast in the same time slot, the account will be settled.

Therefore, during this period of time, shampoo brands such as Head \u0026 Shoulders, Rejoice, Bawang, and Maxam, along with Bao Fuyin and Zhanweiwei, impacted the minds of more than one billion people in mainland China and Hong Kong!

They just calculated the sales rate on Hong Kong Island, and the daily sales plummeted by 60%? ? Maybe more in the future? The situation is estimated to be similar in other places.

Thinking of this, Sam was more than angry. His mouth was almost blistered.

Of course, everyone knows that Megamax is also super ungrateful. He is Bruce Willis recommended by Megamax, okay? But both Sam and Jack ignored Magazin for the time being.

Who asked Hong Xin to invest in Maxam? She has invested in Megamax, and there is a good boss behind her who is eloquent and insightful.

Let’s talk about getting the Bawang shampoo first, and then talk about other follow-ups.

At this moment, Sam was thinking about it, why hasn't a certain gang in Chicago done anything yet? ? All his money has been transferred, the full amount!

Just when Sam was impatient, there was a knock on the door and the office door was pushed open from the outside. Just as Sam was about to say something, he saw the female secretary who came in and said in a panic, "Boss, something happened. The police are here." You said you were involved in a murder case..."

Before he finished speaking, several plainclothes men with IDs on their chests walked in. The leader said in proficient English, "Mr. Sam, I am the Superintendent of the Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Headquarters. I now suspect that you hired a murderer to kill someone." ,..."

Along with the streamlined explanation, several plainclothes men showed off their handcuffs. Sam said to Jack with a gloomy face, "Call the people from the legal department over here!"

Fuck, the assassination failed? ?

Pan Asia Group's bodyguard is really not easy to mess with. He even failed to pay for 10 million US dollars. However, he is not afraid. After all, in addition to some process evidence for making payments, other evidence will not be complete when doing things.

Faced with such an arrest, Sam walked out of the office arrogantly, accompanied by several barristers.


A few hours later.

In an office of the West Kowloon General Administration, a big white man was staring at Sam with a strange look on his face, "Sir, the thing is like this, let me describe it briefly. A accepted a $10 million assassination order and did not do it himself. , keep 9 million dollars, and use 1 million dollars to hire B to do things."

"B spent 300,000 Hong Kong dollars to hire C, C spent 1 million Hong Kong dollars to hire D, D spent 200,000 Hong Kong dollars to hire E, and E spent 50,000 Hong Kong dollars to hire F..."

"F felt that the money was too little, the goal was too big, and there were elite bodyguards from Pan Asia Group around him, so he decisively confessed to his boss and stopped doing it."

"Now the police have caught B and know who A is, but because A is from Amei's family, Interpol is still wrangling."

Sam, who was drinking coffee calmly, suddenly widened his eyes, "Wang Defake? You said you only received 50,000 Hong Kong dollars for assassinating that person in the end???"

He spent 10 million U.S. dollars and 78 million Hong Kong dollars to do the work! After layer by layer, only 50,000 is left? ?

The white man took off his glasses and wiped them with emotion, "So far in this matter, although B has a testimony, he can testify that A took your money to assassinate Zou Wenhuai, but there is only his personal testimony. It doesn’t mean much.”

"I can bail you out today. If A is not arrested, your trouble will be very small."

"This group is also a group of attempted criminals, and no one even came to actually execute anything. The police solved the case... What you need to worry about is the issue of public opinion. If Zou Wenhuai explodes this topic in public opinion, your situation may be very dire. People sympathize.”

Sam was confused, "Sympathy?? Am I being sympathized with?"

In the case of a hired murderer, even if he is not in much trouble and can be released on bail, how can he, a hired murderer, be sympathized with?

The white man once again lamented, "Maybe someone at P\u0026G headquarters will think that Mr. Sam, you don't have a high IQ... and you are not qualified for the position of Asia Pacific President."

Sam directly covered his heart and let out a breath of moisture, "Wang Defake, I am the person who introduced me to that bastard William Johnson."

He indeed found out about Will, who had been in the killer business in Chicago for twenty years, from his old buddy William Jensen. At the beginning, William also guaranteed that Will's team had a good reputation and was reliable. As for William? That was a second-generation powerful person from Procter \u0026 Gamble Group.

Procter \u0026 Gamble is headquartered in Ohio, an important part of the Great Lakes region. Chicago is obviously the most prominent star city in the Great Lakes region and the third largest city in Amei's family.

Without the endorsement of such a person, how could he pay the full amount of US$10 million after just getting to know each other on the phone? Sanofibichi, the gangs in Chicago are so rude!

After Sam was bailed out of the police station and on his way back to the headquarters, he decisively called his sister's house. First, he called Will in Chicago, but found that the number could no longer be dialed. When he called William Johnson, he roared, "William, you idiot, what kind of mess of killers did you introduce to me?"

"I almost got mad at Will. Isn't this bullying an honest person? I gave him 78 million Hong Kong dollars in funds, and he gave him one package, two packages, three, four, five, and six packages, and the killer who did the last thing only got 50,000 Hong Kong dollars? Why not? Facing pan-Asian bodyguards??”

"I'm really not angry with Killer F. I took the initiative to report this matter to the boss."

"Ma's only has 50,000 Hong Kong dollars. Who would fight Pan Asia Group for this little money? William, you have to give me an explanation for this matter!"

After roaring, William on the opposite side also became angry, "I'm looking for that bastard Will, he ran away..."

"Don't worry, Sam. That bastard dares to play tricks on us like this. He's looking for death!"


Night falls.

Nicholas and Jim Carrey watched a movie (Jurassic Park 2), and both of them looked excited while walking and talking.

It wasn't until he was about to arrive at the hotel that Jim Carrey slapped his thigh, "I almost forgot, tonight is the eighth episode of The Voice of Asia. Hurry, hurry up."

Nicholas laughed dumbly, "Jin, you don't understand Mandarin or Cantonese, why are you in such a hurry?"

Jim Carrey laughed, "Listening to songs, this is listening to songs, music knows no boundaries, and there may not be anyone performing English songs by Leslie, Andy, and Allen tonight. The three kings of Asian music circles, themselves It was singing English songs that became popular in North America.”

"Tonight is the event for Andy's team to select the top four."

Soon, the two of them rushed back to the hotel during the exchange, and they seemed a little impatient. Although Jim Carrey had already played the role of Bill Guy's gangster in "The Night of the Dark", his role was not small, and he was the original character. The character corresponding to Li Jianguo in the play.

The New Territories Police suppresses the white-haired Chief Inspector Kim of Bai Xue Zhang Xueyou in the New Territories.

But there is no role for him today.

And so far, Jim Carrey has stayed in hotels during his time in Hong Kong and has not rented or bought a house on Hong Kong Island. He has been running in Hollywood for nine years. Although he has not officially become a big hit, he is getting better.

If you have some money, it is no problem to stay at the Huazhi Express Hotel on Hong Kong Island.

His original plan was that if he could make it as a Hong Kong drifter, he would try to take root in the Hong Kong film industry. If he couldn't make it, he would return to Hollywood.

Being able to get an important supporting role in "The Dark Night" is good news, but it doesn't make him too excited.

Back at the hotel, when the two opened beers, ate fried chicken and watched the show, the opening credits of (The Voice of Asia) flashed, with Bruce Willis showing off his sports car driving skills. After a set of cool shots, the white superstar leaned against the car door. , the rejoicing smile and the advertising slogan came out.

The only embarrassing thing is that when the gentle breeze blows on my face, the sparse front bangs are a bit too eye-catching! !

Jim Carrey and Nicholas stopped drinking, and the fried chicken no longer tasted good. After looking at each other for a few times, Nicholas suddenly ran into the bathroom, looked at it a few times, and decisively ran back to make a phone call, "Waiter, bring the shampoo in my room." , change it to another brand, anyway, I don’t want Rejoice.”

"No Head and Shoulders either!"

Although ATV already airs advertisements on other channels, they rarely watch Chinese costume dramas like (Bao Qingtian).

Or (The Voice of Asia) covers a larger and wider platform!

After he finished this and watched TV again, Jim Carrey complained, "After watching this episode, I have to change my shampoo when I go back to the room."

Having said this, he couldn't help but touch his hair, feeling very happy.

Nicholas also shook his hair and blew the ends of his hair, "Although it is an anti-dandruff product, it has already brought a psychological shadow to me. I will definitely not touch P\u0026G products again in the short term."

"FUCK, are all the P\u0026G advertising department stupid? I admit that Bruce is an action star, but asking him to endorse Rejoice? It's simply poisonous!"

Really, even if you invite bald heads to endorse Head \u0026 Shoulders and Rejoice, they will look much more comfortable than the Mediterranean.


The outside world is turbulent, and the ATV office is in chaos.

Zhao Donghuai was meeting with Mai Xuexiong, but after reading the new script that Lao Mai handed over, he looked a little surprised, "Your new movie, (Dongpo Flood Control)??"

Mai Xunxiong nodded excitedly, "Zhao Sheng, I have also been resting for a long time. As you know, since I finished filming (The Legend of Wang Wenxia) and (Memories of Murder), I have been very confused about what to choose for the new movie."

"When I was still watching the TV series (Bao Qingtian), I thought about the period of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty. In addition to Bao Zheng, Su Shi, one of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, also came to prominence. I originally wanted to make a romantic movie, filming ancient costumes. , such as Hedong Lion’s Roar?”

"But after I went to the University of Hong Kong and the Municipal Library to research Su Shi, I found out that this great master was extraordinary. He spent his whole life either controlling floods or fighting droughts, and he also did many great things. He was nothing more than the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties. The attributes of a literary hero are too prominent and eye-catching, so they are ignored by the world.”

"Su Shi controlled floods, built embankments to fight floods in Xucheng, then dredged the West Lake in Hangzhou, wrote water conservancy works, and then was assigned to Eastern Guangdong, Huishi, and Danshi in Hainan during the Northern Song Dynasty. No matter where he was assigned, this Su Shi was How can we fight against local floods and droughts?”

"I feel that filming these disaster relief films about ancient people building water conservancy projects and fighting on the battlefield is much more interesting than filming the lion's roar in the east of the river or party struggles."

"The main plot of the movie is that Su Shi himself was demoted all the way, and he was the calm leader on the road, fighting the Yellow River floods, fighting the drought in Hangzhou, and building the West Lake water conservancy..."

“From time to time, I’ll come back with some famous poems from time to time.”

"This is not a joke, but history is like that of Su Shi... I don't say that Dongpo Flood Control is a comedy or a tragedy movie. Although I have a bad official career and am often demoted and run around, I don't want to do that much. It’s a bad thing, roll up your sleeves and do it, the tone of fighting in heaven and on earth.”

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

After taking a sip of kung fu tea, Director Zhao nodded affirmatively, "The movie is good, let's start shooting. Don't worry about funding. Who do you want to choose as the protagonist?"

This kind of movie is really not an ordinary commercial production. It should be an inspirational historical biopic about rolling up your sleeves in the face of difficulties and fighting on the battlefield!

What's more, Zhao Donghuai himself has been preparing for the floods in East China that will start in May next year since the beginning of March. At this time, Lao Mai miraculously chose this subject to work on?

Not to mention, Su Shi was selected by the water conservancy system in 2019 and was one of the first batch of famous water control officials in China.

Between the two Song dynasties, only Su Shi was on the list!

Among the 12 famous figures in water control in history, the first one is Dayu! Su Shi's flood control was ranked after Dayu's flood control, Li Bing's construction of Dujiangyan and other famous people throughout the ages.

Mai Xunxiong was overjoyed, "I still want to use Jiahui. I won't write a love story in this movie, but don't the Oriental series also have wallets and other products? This time I will promote the Su Dongpo brand."

What can Zhao Donghuai say? Of course he was very supportive.

Thinking of this, he said, "Since Su Shi actually had a project to dredge the West Lake in history, and also to fight drought in Hangzhou, when you film the script, you can completely reproduce the scene one-to-one according to the ancient historical records, and you are not afraid of lack of money."

"The special effects of fighting floods are difficult to shoot. I guess some of them have to be shot in real scenes. You have to consult water conservancy experts."

After a few words, the new project was decided. Until Mai Xunxiong left, Zhao Donghuai was still a little... weird. After all, he couldn't find the old Mai who was filming (Lame Hao) (Black Gold) to go to ( Dongpo flood control) on Lenovo.

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