Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 335: In fact, everyone is more afraid of poverty and having no money to spend, right?

On July 10th, it rained continuously.

Huazhi five-star flagship store in Tsim Sha Tsui, room 1205 on the 12th floor. Two middle-aged men wearing Hantianxia casual clothes walked out of the room. Instead of going downstairs, they knocked on the door of room 1209.

The moment the door opened, a middle-aged man in a suit from Han Dynasty smiled and shook hands, "Liu Chang, Hu Chang, are you up so early?"

The middle-aged man known as Liu Chang had a wry smile on his face, "The hotel arranged by Huazhi is too luxurious and grand, and I can't sleep well. I used to travel a lot on business, but at most I stayed at the Huazhi Express Chain. The Express Chain has already It’s very comfortable.”

"This time when I came to Hong Kong, I stayed in a five-star hotel. It was an upgrade too much."

Hu Chang also smiled and said, "Lao Yu, your White Cat Group will soon become a family with Huazhi. You must gradually get used to living here. We can't live like a family just yet."

Liu Chang and Hu Chang belong to the Shanghai Jiahua Group, and their brands like Maxam, Liushen Toilet Water, etc. have become one of the industry hegemons in the mainland, which is enough to prove that during this period, the overall team was still very strong and capable.

Regardless of whether there are moths in some mainland enterprises... or it is unavoidable that there are moths in large companies, but the one who can lead its own factory to establish an industry dominance will definitely not be the moth team.

The Worm Team doesn’t have the strength to dominate the industry.

Although on June 23 Hong Xin sent people to talk about investing in Maxam and Jingcheng Panda laundry detergent, and even on June 27, Bruce Willis's Rejoice shampoo advertisement had swept Hong Kong and South Korea.

But as of today, July 10th, this big deal of investing in shares is still going through the process and is being negotiated. Even if the rest is all process... it is not surprising that it has not been completely completed.

This is a big deal where Hong Kong capital invests in a mainland industry overlord and becomes the absolute majority shareholder. The deal was completed in less than a month, which is already super efficient.

This has been the super reputation that Zhao Donghuai and the entire Zhao Group have built up over the years, which has made many manufacturers in the mainland super trust Zhao's Capital. They are not afraid of being cheated. Basically, everyone will believe whatever the other party says, which is why it is so efficient.

Factory Liu and Factory Hu are here to sign the final contract and stay in Hong Kong Island to investigate what kind of internationally leading production equipment should be introduced for Maxam shampoo, or what kind of R\u0026D team should be hired to join the Maxam team, and research and development Better and more styles of different shampoos.

When they come to Hong Kong, they will naturally be received by workers at Hong Xin's workplace, who will arrange food and accommodation, and serve as tour guides.

People from the Beijing Panda Laundry Powder Factory are also here, but they live on the 10th floor.

And the person at 1209 on the 12th floor is the leader of Shanghai White Cat Group, which Zhou Huimin wants to invest in a joint venture. White Cat washing powder, detergent and Chinese toothpaste!

After speaking, Bai Mao Yuchang laughed and stepped aside, "Lao Wang is still taking a shower. Let's watch TV first and then go to the restaurant to have a buffet together."

In Huazhi's five-star flagship store, the double business room is quite spacious, with a practical area of ​​30 to 40 square meters, two large beds, a separate washroom, and bathroom facilities, including a sofa, table and chairs with a sea view for entertaining guests. district.

The layout here is the same as the double business suites that Liu Chang and Hu Chang stayed in. The only difference is that the window reception area of ​​Liu Chang's room shows the Tsim Sha Tsui street view instead of the sea view.

When a few people walked in, the large color TV was also on and playing the ATV Mandarin channel. The program was a beauty kitchen variety show hosted by Gao Lihong.

When Director Yu went to pour tea for the two visitors, Factory Liu of Jahwa Group watched a variety show for a few dozen seconds and said with a smile, "Good guy, just show me how hungry you are. Don't tell me, ATV's programs are interesting. This one Gao Lihong is also a big star, but I didn’t expect her cooking skills to be quite good.”

Hu Chang also laughed, "Her husband Hong Yinbao is a kung fu superstar, a big brother in the film industry, and the major shareholder of Debao, a listed group with a market value of more than 20 billion Hong Kong dollars. We can also watch this kind of wealthy family show off their cooking skills on TV ,not easy."

Just joking.

Advertisement is coming!

Huang Guangliang led a group of younger brothers, and to the classic soundtrack of "God of Gamblers", he showed off his looks, opened his mouth, and revealed a mouth full of black and yellow teeth, not to mention four missing teeth on the upper gums...

"Professional in building the Great White Wall, I choose Crest!"

Liu Chang and Hu Chang were stunned!

Even Yu Chang of the White Cat Group, who was walking over with two cups of tea, was also shocked to see that both cups of warm water were spilled.

The commercial ended, and the beauty kitchen variety show hosted by Gao Lihong and Cristiana Yeri started again. The show progressed for one minute. The contrast between Cristiana Yeri's dark cuisine-level cooking skills and Gao Lihong's chef skills was clear. .

It’s the awkward and stiff Mandarin of Cristiana Yeri and the fluent Mandarin of Gao Lihong. The contrast is also clear and very cute.

After all, both of them are beautiful women, and they are both young and tender.

This was supposed to be a very showy and limelight-stealing variety show, but several factory directors didn't even come back to their senses.

Until there were two snaps, the teacup in Yu Chang's hand fell to the carpet.

Yu Chang woke up with a start and touched his chin with a look of confusion, "If our Chinese ointment wants to go to East Asia and Southeast Asia, to Hong Kong, South Korea, island countries and Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, the most important competitors are Procter \u0026 Gamble's Crest toothpaste, And Colgate.”

"Including the island country's Lion Group, Lion Toothpaste..."

"Even if the top executives of Procter \u0026 Gamble are out of their minds, they shouldn't make such a commercial, right?"

When Factory Yu looked at Director Liu, he also had a confused look on his face, "I actually saw the Head \u0026 Shoulders and Rejoice shampoo commercials shot by Bruce Willis, Di Long, Zheng Shaoqiu and others last night."

"I was shocked at the time, but...it seems like it's been half a month since the incident happened, and P\u0026G hasn't explained it through the media??"

"I asked the hotel customer service department yesterday, and they said that no one from the P\u0026G Group has said anything about these commercials since ATV started broadcasting them last month."

"On the contrary, the news that P\u0026G Asia Pacific President Sam hired someone to assassinate Overlord Shampoo Zou Wenhuai and Zou Sheng is very popular!"

Director Yu sat by his bed and lit a cigarette. After taking two puffs, he said with emotion, "Although I can't understand it a little, it doesn't stop me from being shocked."

"The business war in the world of capital is a little bit different from the way we used to run around Tiannanhai in the mainland to promote our products."

Being able to take the White Cat Group to mix washing powder, toothpaste and other products to dominate the south of the Yangtze River and even look at the entire mainland market... Yu Chang is not ignorant of business wars. He is also sure that if their team wants to advertise Zhonghua Toothpaste.

Even if their brains were all wet, they would not ask Huang Guangliang to show off those looks and lineups for a commercial!

The advertising industry is a bit deep!

Director Liu of Jahwa smiled, "This is a good thing. ATV is a rising star satellite TV. I heard that the singing variety show (The Voice of Asia) can often generate tens of millions and two dollars in South Korea and island countries." Thirty million viewers.”

"Tens of millions of people watch ATV together, and that's just South Korea and the island countries. There will be many other stars, horses, and Thais combined."

"As soon as these ads are played, wouldn't it mean that your factory's Chinese toothpaste has gained a piece of the market for nothing? Crest will voluntarily withdraw, giving up a huge market."

Bai Mao Yuchang took another puff on his cigarette and complained, "No wonder we hired murderers to kill people! This time the Crest advertisement comes out, do we still hire murderers to kill people?"

"We have gained a lot of experience and learned a lot of new things."

The shampoo war could be that Bawang made those weird advertisements to deliberately smear P\u0026G, and the talented P\u0026G CEO hired murderers... The Bawang series did create Bawang toothpaste in these years, but its sales volume was far less than that of shampoo.

Yu Chang felt that when Zhou Huimin wanted to invest in China Toothpaste, such a commercial would be released? Broadcast on a large scale by Shengxing Satellite TV? ? A beautiful woman like Jay Chou can be so ruthless in business wars?

After all, the commercial has been released before everyone has even signed the final contract.

Will P\u0026G continue to hire murderers to assassinate Zhou Huimin?


It was noon that day, at a pier in Tsim Sha Tsui.

When Ah Ju returned on a fishing boat, Ah Zha took the elder Liu Ahan, the younger Liu Awei, and several other younger brothers. They walked forward with an exaggerated and enthusiastic look, and hugged the eldest young man while Ah Ju was dodging.

"Brother, ever since I heard about your accident, I haven't been able to eat well or sleep well. I'm so happy to see you back alive."

"Brother, listen to my advice and remember to bring a bodyguard with you next time you go out. You said you paid to hire one, but you don't bring a bodyguard. Aren't you asking for trouble? If they don't rob you, who will they rob?"

Under the seemingly concerned words, Ah Ju looked uncomfortable and confused. After all, he had already learned something from the kidnapper. The news outside was so big that the guy who defrauded Tokyo of more than 30 billion Hong Kong dollars actually... Is it Ah Zha? ?

If Zha hadn't often hung out with him, Ju Shao, and Te, who were unreliable, after returning to Hong Kong, those guys from Sumiyoshi would not have targeted Ju Shao.

Those Sumiyoshi-kai guys also investigated Te. It was unreliable, but when they learned that the debtor might have billions of dollars in debt... they immediately gave up all ideas.

Ah Zha defrauded more than 30 billion Hong Kong dollars from Tokyo and took away more than 5 billion. Sumiyoshi would not dare to confront Ah Zha and kidnapped him and extorted 300 million from Ah Zha?


Damage transfer is not a scam.

Ah Ju was in such a mess that he didn’t know how to describe it. Even if he wanted to scold Ah Zha, he didn’t dare. This was a case of teaming up with too many different characters to defraud more than 30 billion yuan. Before leaving, he even bombed several public toilets. thug villain.

Ah Zha saw that Ah Ju's expression was changing and he remained silent. He immediately put his arms around his shoulders and said, "No, brother, why don't you speak? Are you being abused by those guys? Don't worry, I will definitely do it for you." Tone!”

"Let's go, let's go. Brother will take care of the bad luck for you. Let's relax."

When he hugged Ah Ju and left, Ah Ju wanted to resist, but Liu Ahan and Liu Awei also came quickly, hugged him and ran away.

About the same time.

On several speedboats going out to sea, Xiao Wu and a group of capable men were all cheering each other crazily, "Brothers, those street gangsters from Sumiyoshikai extorted 300 million, and the blood debts owed by the archipelago country gangsters to our grandfathers are too much." It’s far from over yet.”

"Find them and send them all to reclaim the land. The 300 million Hong Kong dollars are ours!"

I just returned to Hong Kong on the 20th of last month. After a few days of fun, Xiao Wu and a few younger brothers returned to their hometown with a fortune of 50 million Hong Kong dollars each.

The original plan was to settle down in my hometown for a while.

Who knew Ah Ju would be kidnapped so soon...

Ah Zha continues to shake people? ?

Damn it, Xiao Wu and his two younger brothers took home 50 million each in less than a year? ? What kind of stimulation would this kind of thing bring to the various ruthless people in Shu Province? ?

It was a call to arms, and countless people responded.

On a speedboat, a certain bald man holding a walkie-talkie grinned and smiled fiercely, "Brother Wu, don't worry, that's 300 million. We are only brothers in our 20s? We can each get 10 million even if we divide it equally."

"That's 10 million. You guys must have the courage to fight with the big guns from the next town."

Not only did the bald man have a fierce smile, but everyone on the speedboats who had walkie-talkies and communicators in their hands were all very excited when they heard these words. If you do it, you can make tens of millions! !

This was 10 million in 1990. How many people would be crazy about it? What's more, after you defeat the other party, it's not illegal.

How can it be called illegal to steal a lot of money from kidnappers and still do it on the high seas?

The news they received was that a group of Sumiyoshikai gangsters had been floating on the high seas in a boat for several days. When Li Chao sent people to pay the ransom, all the money was sent. The Sumiyoshikai gangsters did not let them go on the spot, but clamored to let them go first. Get out of here whoever gave you money.

They sailed the boat for a few more times before randomly finding a fishing boat and letting Ah Ju go.

Now the people who voted to live in Jihui are fleeing to the high seas by boat. No one is willing or dares to take planes or passenger ferries from various places in Hong Kong to return to the island country.

Isn't it a bit aimless for them to chase out in the vast sea and not easy to meet? Pan Asia Group has provided an approximate coordinate and will update the coordinates from time to time in the future.

With the coordinates provided by Pan Asia Group, wouldn't this be stable?

Pan Asia General Manager’s original words: Although A Ju was kidnapped, he did not blame the bodyguards. In theory, it was indeed not Pan Asia’s fault. However, several island country guys kidnapped Pan Asia’s customers and extorted 300 million. Even if Li For the sake of the eldest son's personal safety, the copycat did not let Pan Ya do anything.

Pan Asia can't just pretend that nothing happened and let those devils run back to Tokyo with the money.

Ah Ju No. 2 was kidnapped. Today is the 10th. Li's men have already boarded the ship and paid the ransom. They are threatening Ju Shao to let the man's ship return first...

Was this process locked by people from the Pan Asia Group to Yoshihide's ship? ? It's not difficult at all to keep watching in the dark.

As for Pan-Asia Group, why didn't they become a few devils themselves and get the 300 million back? But to take advantage of Xiao Wu and others?

After a while, Ju Shao was kidnapped and extorted, and he paid 300 million. The policeman clearly did not need Pan Asia to work hard, lest there was even a slight accident and Ju Shao was killed. At this time, the kidnappers took the money and left, and Ju Shao was safe. Now, Pan Asia has kidnapped another kidnapper and brought the money back?

Do you want to give the 300 million back to Li Chao Ren? The other party didn't let them do that... Wouldn't it be a pain in the ass for you to do this? Even if you pay back the money, Mr. Li may not really thank them.

Then don’t pay back the money? Spend it yourself?

This is even more strange. It seems that in order to earn these 300 million, Pan Asia deliberately let the young man be kidnapped to make a fortune through illegal activities.

For a few individual bodyguards under the Pan Asia Group, 300 million is of course an astronomical figure, but for the Pan Asia Group as a whole, 300 million is just that.

At least the Guangzhou General Administration will not let Pan Asia Group suffer any stain on its honor and reputation for this small amount of money. Naturally, it will take advantage of Xiao Wu, a guy who has just arrived in Hong Kong.

One thing I have to say is that when Mr. Guang and Mr. He learned that Xiao Wu was the one who directly planted the bomb that bombed the public toilet, everyone was still very... surprised and fond of Xiao Wu.

There was another full-channel lecture on the walkie-talkie, and more than 20 people relied on a few speedboats to pull out a few waves on the water until they disappeared.

Do the Sumiyoshi-kai people have guns? Don't make trouble. After Xiao Wu arrived, he directly found a ghost policeman and easily equipped the whole team with the level of force that can fight a small village war.


The outside world is in turmoil.

In the ATV office, Zhao Donghuai learned that Wang Dashuo and Zhang Dashu were visiting, and he immediately smiled and asked the secretariat outside to let them go.

After a while, seeing Lao Wang handing out cigars and tea gifts with a bright smile on his face, he asked curiously, "Has the filming of the Peerless Twins been finished?"

Lao Wang nodded, "Fortunately, although this version has been greatly changed, it shouldn't be too bad. With Gu Zai as the time traveler, it should be able to attract a lot of box office, right?"

In May last year, Lao Wang filmed "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" with a big beard. The cast was luxurious and it was released in November. It not only earned hundreds of millions at the box office in the mainland, but also in Hong Kong, Haowan, East Asia and Southeast Asia. Earned tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars in income.

This all refers to the net profit pocketed.

Even now, the movie version of Jiao Enjun's time traveler, which took away all the opportunities and beauties of Gu Zai, Bai Gu Yang Guo, is still very popular in the video market. It's just that Cha Sheng is so angry that he constantly scolds Lao Wang, and again and again. Nor does he plan to let Lao Wang adapt his novel.

A Xu Ke, a Wang Dashuo and a bearded man are all people on the blacklist of Chasheng.

So after that huge profit, Lao Wang set his sights on Gu Long's peerless twins, but for a while he didn't know whether to make the movie based on the plot of the original novel, or rush towards the path of demon reform.

Going in circles... plus waiting for the relevant actors' schedules.

It has been eight months since November last year until July 10th, and it is expected that the production will be completed.

It’s still a work of magic!

Zhao Donghuai had read the script before, and he was happy to travel through time. When he time traveled, he was already Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque, and the two protagonists were adults. Then Bai Gu went to attack Palace Master Yao Yue and Palace Master Lian Xing...

Jiang Feng, the most beautiful man in the world of the previous generation, is a negative example of "when he was young, he didn't know how good his aunt was, and he mistook girls for treasures".

Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque are both adults. The two palace masters are naturally at the level of aunts. The palace master of the invitation moon is played by Lin Qingxia. In order to wait for Lin Qingxia's schedule, Lao Wang has to slow down the crew's efficiency. The palace master of Lianxing is played by Lin Qingxia. Liu Xiaoli.

Hua Wuque is Su Youpeng from the Little Tigers, Xiao Yuer is Tan Yaowen, Tie Xinlan is Li Zi, Jiang Biehe and Jiang Yulang are Miao Qiaowei and Zhong Hanxun respectively.

The development of the story is that after the time traveler Gu Zai met Hua Wuque by chance, he quickly became friends with Hua Wuque, and was recommended by Hua Wuque to Yihua Palace. By describing the true secret of the wedding dress magic, Yao Yue attracted attention. …

Then it’s time to slowly conquer Yaoyue.

In order to defeat Yao Yue, he also mentioned his own background, saying that he was from a famous family in Ouyang Ting's era and was killed by Ouyang Ting. He knew where the underground palace where Ouyang Ting created the Five Ultimate Magic Techniques was... Ouyang Ting was Yao Yue and Yan Nantian's predecessor. .

When that guy was at the top of his game in the martial arts world, both Yao Yue and Yan Nantian were just starting out.

The Five Absolute Magic Skills are also super powerful and can almost sweep the world after mastering them. In the original work, Xiao Yu'er learned the Five Absolute Magic Arts for several years before he could become a first-rate powerhouse. Bai Gu broke the news in advance in order to win over his aunt.

Outside, Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque's two hard-working brothers were fighting with Jiang Biehe, Jiang Yulang, and the Twelve Stars.

In Yihua Palace, time-travel guest Bai Gu falls in love with Palace Master Yao Yue played by Lin Qingxia.

As for the development of the story, the finale is that Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque finally get to know each other, learn the truth and get what they want. It’s a happy ending. Because of more than ten years of upbringing, Hua Wuque can’t find a way out. Asking the moon for revenge.

Bai Gu jumped out to appease Brother Xiao Yuer and regarded himself as an uncle.

And as the plot progresses, Bai Gu naturally becomes a super master with the help of the world's top masters and even rich women Yao Yue and Lian Xing... defeating Hua Wuque and Xiao Yu'er alone.

In the early days, Bai Gu didn't dare to do anything to Lian Xing when he conquered Yao Yue, but when Yao Yue became pregnant, things changed and he became more courageous.

This story makes no sense.

But Zhao Donghuai knows that as long as the filming is not particularly bad, there is a high chance that Wang Dashuo will make a fortune from this movie.

Isn’t the on-screen combination of Louis Koo, Lin Qingxia and Liu Xiaoli no gimmick? This was the time after Lin Qingxia's career reached a new peak with the help of (The Swordsman: The Unbeaten East), and it was also the time when Liu Xiaoli was known as the most beautiful woman in Hubei Province with the help of (The Queen of 5,000 Years).

Do you think this plot is confusing? In fact, the original version of the 1992 version (Peerless Twins) was even more confusing. That version was Lin Qingxia's Hua Wuque and Andy Lau's Xiao Yu'er, and then Hua Wuque was a real woman. A movie was about Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque talking. in love.

They fell in love, and Tie Xinlan could only take responsibility and walk away silently.

Even the 1992 version has a box office of more than 19 million Hong Kong dollars. Compared with Yuan Biao and Zhang Min's (New Blood Sword), which has a box office of more than 1.5 million, Lin Qingxia, Gong Li and others' (Tianlong Babu: Tianshan Tong) Grandma) More than 6 million box office?

This is the data that beats the latter.

Invite the Lord of the Moon Palace to show mercy to the Lord of the Star Palace? The two together are definitely more fragrant than Li Zi's Tiexinlan.

After briefly chatting for a while about the interesting things during the filming of "The Two Young Masters", Wang Dashuo smiled and said, "Sheng Zhao, I know there are too many good movies recently, and the time-travel version of Ip Man 2 has been so popular from a few years ago to now. Not on."

"I don't ask for a good schedule. It depends on your arrangement, but I am a little curious. You and Zou Sheng are doing business like that, and they have made P\u0026G miserable. Are you really not afraid of the other party's revenge?"

"The first time we hired a murderer to kill someone, it failed easily because of an accident, but what about next time? Isn't Zou Sheng afraid that he won't be able to eat well and sleep well?"

Big Stone is not stupid. Recently, there have been commercial wars between Head \u0026 Shoulders, Rejoice, Crest toothpaste, and a series of competitors, and Zhou Huimin and Hong Xin have invested in major mainland companies such as Hujiahua, White Cat, and Panda, etc. .

A discerning person will know at a glance that even if Zhao Donghuai is not the culprit, he is also the strongest backer of Zou Wenhuai, Hong Xin and others.

Da Shitou also has a thorough understanding of this kind of business warfare.

This is no longer the way that Han Tianxia, ​​Dongfang and Five Thousand Years of European and American luxury goods compete with each other to promote their status. Moreover, even if they competed with each other in the past, at least there was (Legend of Liu Xiu) (The Legend of the Sword) (Through Five Thousand Years) Major film and television works such as "The Queen of the Year" (The Legend of Concubine Wan Guifei) have taken the world by storm.

In addition to touching porcelain, the Han Tianxia series also has its own internal strength.

The competition in daily chemical and cosmetic products was such that they were aggressive against their opponents from the very beginning. The person in charge of P\u0026G was so angry that they bought and killed others.

Are you really not afraid of such a fierce and exciting business war?

Zhao Donghuai laughed dumbly, "Retaliation? The soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth. Who would dislike the river of cash in his hand?"

"No matter which product, when it is done well, it will be a stable and long-lasting river of cash. I don't believe you haven't asked me how much money Power Beer and Jianlibao have provided me every month for many years."

"If those funds were given to you, would you refuse? Are you afraid of retaliation?"

This was the 1990s when there were the most opportunities and the most money. Not to mention powerful people like Big Shitou, even those who were reckless could seize the opportunity and turn into dragons.

And there are so many brands that will be cheated by foreign companies in the future...

A little provocation to Wang Dashuo, so that he, who originally made his fortune from real estate or other resources, can become a national brand fighter? ? Not necessarily a good thing.

Wang Dashou was silent for a moment. Yes, he had really inquired about how much abundant cash flow ammunition Zhao Donghuai's 49%-owned large companies had provided to Mr. Zhao every year and every month.

As long as it sells well in Haowan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other places, all the money earned can be exchanged for US dollars!

The wealth and profits are huge enough, and there will be enough explosions. Are you afraid of revenge? ? Now Zhao Donghuai is just opening up a few more ways for people around him to make money.

Isn't it just buying a murderer to kill someone... Compared with countless wealth, who would be afraid of that? Compared with those, everyone is actually more afraid of being poor and having no money to spend, right?

The next moment he probed, "Zhao Sheng, the most popular instant noodles in the mainland at present should be your Wanjia instant noodles, as well as Zhushi Huafeng Sanxian Yi Noodles, Henan Province's Jingcheng instant noodles and other brands."

"You said that if I join a joint venture with Mr. Xiong from Zhu City to expand production, is there any hope of introducing Sanxian Yi Noodles into the markets of Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand?"

Zhao Donghuai was happy, "Okay, it's a serious business war. If you have money and foreign exchange, you can give it a try. As long as you are brave, breaking into the island country of South Korea is not a dream."

He originally planned to tease Da Shitou slightly, so that the other party would not be limited to real estate speculation, but he didn't expect that Da Shitou already had a target!

Zhushi is also under the banner of Guangdong. It is across the sea from Haojiang River and is very close.

As for Huafeng Sanxian Yi Noodles? It is indeed one of the earliest pioneers in the mainland instant noodle market. Before the rise of Uni-President, Master Kong, etc., Huafeng Sanxian Yi Noodles and its many imitators were the giants in the instant noodle market.

The advertising slogan "Eat Huafeng, all roads lead to each other" is the childhood memory of many handsome boys from eastern Guangdong.

Regrettably, Huafeng San Xian Yi Noodles, which was once popular all over the world, was acquired by Yinni Jinguang Group in 1992, and then Mr. Xiong, the founder of Huafeng San Xian Yi Noodles, was forced to retire.

After retirement, he was not willing to be idle like this, so he went to Shaanxi Province to start a new business, intending to create a new brand...

It was in the instant noodle market that when Uni-President, Master Kong and other brands were competing fiercely for hegemony, Mr. Xiong had a car accident and everyone died.

I really don’t know if this is just ordinary bad luck, or a dump truck driving like crazy in Amei’s business war. After all, he was the first leading godfather who came close to dominating the Chinese instant noodle market.

In comparison, the Henan Province "Jingcheng Instant Noodles" brand mentioned by Dashi Shitou is also a best-seller in Henan Province and surrounding provinces.

However, it is not as famous as Huafeng in the whole mainland. And in this dimension, even if Zhao Donghuai created the Wanjia instant noodles brand long ago...

Huafeng Sanxian Yi Noodles is still second only to Wanjia.

This market is too big. Even in 2022, not to mention Master Kong, Uni-President, Baixiang, etc., some instant noodles brands from island countries and South Korea will also enter the mainland market to grab money.

Da Shitou nodded excitedly, "With your words, my mentality will be stable. If I want to advertise and seize the market, I hope Zhao Sheng will be more accommodating. I am not competing with Wanjia for food, but Wanjia for meat. I think Have a sip of soup."

In fact, he also found out clearly that in the current East and Southeast Asian markets, apart from Wanjia being the dominant player, the largest instant noodle brands are Nissin, Nongshim, etc. In this market, there are not many dominant brands in Europe and the United States.

The competitors are island countries and South Korea...

The island country Nissin and South Korea Nongshim.

After Wang Dashuo and Zhang Dashu were sent away, Zhao Donghuai went to the screening room to watch "The Two Young Masters". It was a very unique movie-watching experience, and Director Zhao was filled with emotion after watching it.

Li Zi is a pretty girl, but at this stage, Li Zi is indeed easily overwhelmed in front of Lin Qingxia and Liu Xiaoli.

But this Ah Zi has indeed become a top-notch actress of the new generation through "Full House". Such a pair of peerless twins are not bad at making money. After all, Su Youpeng is still a team member of the Little Tigers and has also accumulated a lot of fans. .

Two martial arts movies in two years can really bring together hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars in cash flow for Da Shi. With this cash flow, he joins forces with Huafeng Sanxian Yi Mian. He really has a chance to do something big. Let’s see what happens to Da Shi next. Under the Wanjia Group, there was a business war with Nissin and Nongshim.

When Director Zhao took a sip of Xiaoxian's freshly squeezed orange juice, he saw Xiaoxian squatting down and looking for something, but he hadn't spoken yet.

Zhang Min, who came a few steps away holding a document, joked, "Xiaoxian, are you tying someone's flip-flops again?"

Xiaoxian shook his head, "I'll clean the tongue coating and take care of it."


A building in Tsim Sha Tsui.

An island guy watched the recorded commercial over and over again, as if he was addicted to it. This is when ATV broadcast the Crest toothpaste commercial, he ordered his men to record the TV commercial with a video recorder and transfer it to a videotape. of.

After more than a dozen times, Huang Guangliang's teeth were black and yellow, with four teeth missing on the upper gums. His smile, including the catchy advertising slogan, was all brainwashed.

The island guy sighed heavily, "The predators are coming! Heck, if the president of Unilever Asia Pacific hadn't suddenly said that he wanted to acquire a stake in China Toothpaste, they wouldn't have focused on the toothpaste brand so quickly, right?"

"Why doesn't that ghost Edward die?!"

How should their Lion Group resist? Lion Co., Ltd. is the largest century-old daily chemical brand in the island country. From toothbrushes and toothpastes to shampoos, laundry detergents, soaps, etc., it has captured the East and Southeast Asian markets.

In the past, there was only one Bawang series that competed with P\u0026G and Unilever. Their shampoos were already struggling, but relying on toothbrushes and toothpaste, Lion King could still live a good life in his childhood.

Now, he can't wait to get rid of Unilever Edwards!

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