Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 336 Nobel owes Will a Peace Prize

A middle-aged man from an island nation was still feeling grief, anger, and fear when he heard a knock on the door. When he calmed down and shouted at the door, a secretary came timidly, "President, Huang Guangliang is here. ”

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up and he laughed, "Quick... no, I'll greet you personally!"

When he strode outside, he saw Huang Guangliang looking around curiously in the secretary's room. The middle-aged man stretched out his hands, bent slightly and said in Cantonese, "Huang Sheng, it's a pleasure to meet you. I am Nagano, the Hong Kong branch president of Lion Group."

Huang Guangliang stretched out his hand to shake hands in confusion and said with a smile, "President Nagano speaks Cantonese very well."

Nagano's smile became even brighter, "Inside, please, inside, I have been working in Hong Kong for seven years. Speaking of which, the total time I have spent returning to the island country in the past seven years is less than 100 days. My wife and children have already arranged to live in Hong Kong. Read and go to school.”

"So he can be regarded as a Cantonese speaker. He has also witnessed the arrival of a new era in Hong Kong Island, and witnessed the rapid rise of our Asian film and television industry under the leadership of Zhao Sheng to catch up with Hollywood."

When the two of them walked into the office, Nagano asked his secretary to pour two glasses of red wine, and then said politely, "Huang Sheng, I take the liberty to invite you here this time because I have a business deal. If you are willing to help our Lion King shoot a toothpaste commercial, I can I’ll give you 10 million in advertising remuneration.”

Huang Guangliang was stunned for a moment, "10 million yen?"

President Nagano shook his head, raised his glass and shook it, "Hong Kong dollars!"

Lao Huang took a long breath, "Is it that simple? I don't believe it. What do you think? Try to be as straightforward as possible. And I just filmed a toothpaste commercial for Crest? Why are you still looking for me??"

President Nagano's smile was indescribably bright, "Yes, it's precisely because Huang Sheng used Crest to create such an image for himself..."

Having said this, he waved to his secretary, who quickly played the advertisement "Professional in building the Great White Wall, I choose Crest".

After a while, Nagano continued to explain, "If next time you use our Lion toothbrush and Lion toothpaste, you will open your mouth with a pair of neat, brand-new porcelain white teeth. The comparison between the two will illustrate our Lion King brand. Much better than Crest??”

Nowadays, the Huang Guangliang Crest advertisement has a mouth with black and yellow teeth, and four teeth are missing on the upper gums. The smile is so magical and brainwashing that it has made many people hate it and made many citizens look at Crest with suspicion.

Then after a while, when these images are fixed, Crest's reputation will be destroyed.

Huang used a pair of porcelain white teeth again to shoot Lion King Toothpaste? This is naturally a huge step forward for Lion King's brand reversal and boost.

After understanding this, Huang Guangliang took a deep breath again and said in disbelief to Nagano, "Your brain, your brain..."

"I understand. Thank you, President Nagano. I will convey this idea to Director Jay when I get back."

President Nagano, "..."

Nagano was confused for dozens of seconds, and continued to laugh, "Actually, I think that even if Jay Chou of Chinese Real Estate wants to promote the Chinese toothpaste that she has invested in, he will most likely choose a handsome man, a beautiful woman, a big singer and a big star to do it."

"The orthodox promotion method, paired with the Chinese toothpaste brand, is enough. The probability of using Huang Sheng is low."

"I originally wanted to explain that even if you agree and are willing to earn these 10 million Hong Kong dollars, we have to report to ATV and apply. If ATV does not pass, after the commercial is filmed, it is estimated that it will not be broadcast on Hong Kong Haowan TV Station."

This is the truth.

Even if we reach an agreement with Huang Guangliang today, if there is such a flip advertising effect, you still have to find a TV station to film it! Will ATV broadcast it for you? This is taking off by riding on the advertising effect of the previous Crest model, and it is also considered a hit.

If ATV doesn't broadcast it, TVB won't broadcast it either. Even Channel 3 won't broadcast it.

Because this is not a question of money, but a matter of you competing with Zhao Donghuai and Zhou Huimin to compete for business in the toothpaste market in Haowan, Hong Kong? ? How many people would choose to stand in the opposite camp to Zhao Sheng for a little advertising money?

Huang Guangliang took a deep breath again and was moved. He accepted the ATV commercial for "Crest Toothpaste" and received a salary of HK$500,000. Compared to Di Long, who received a salary of HK$20 million for the first commercial of "Head and Shoulders Shampoo". There is also a salary of 2 million, which is a huge gap.

But there's nothing wrong with it. Di Long's first advertisement had to pay for his "disfigured" image as a handsome young boy. The first time was naturally expensive, and it would be much cheaper to shoot a new version after the first time.

Qiu Guan can get 20 million, but that will ruin Qiu Guan's appearance...

What level is Lao Huang? One of the four villains, he can only play villains in big movies to scare people, and he is often the villain's little boss. He filmed a Crest toothpaste commercial for which 50 Hong Kong dollars was a lot.

How does his film and television star status compare with Di Long and Qiuguan? He is just a professional supporting actor. The latter two were popular for a period or two, and Qiuguan is still popular now.

In this case, a toothpaste advertisement costs HK$10 million? Or do you need to apply to ATV first? After ATV lets you film, you only accept the money to film? ?

Huang Guangliang couldn't help but take a sip of red wine to moisten his throat. Huang Guangliang still scratched his head a little, "Is everything you said true?"

President Nagano was overjoyed when he saw this, "Of course it's true. I've lived in Hong Kong Island for seven years, how could I lie to you about this kind of thing? If ATV doesn't allow you to come out and help our Lion King film commercials, I won't have the guts to do so." regulation."

Before the giant Chinese toothpaste entered the market, Lion King itself was suppressed by Crest and Colgate. The second-tier toothpaste was only better than Zou Wenhuai's Bawang toothpaste.

If China Toothpaste is overturned and the market of Crest and Colgate is destroyed, it would be good for Lion King to take a sip of soup during a big meal. Even if it maintains its previous market share, it is better than being hammered to death. ah.

He watched the TV set and watched the bright yellow Crest advertisements so many times, not for nothing!

Huang Guangliang took another sip of wine and said dazedly, "Let me think about it for a few days before I reply to you."

President Nagano's smile remained unchanged, "No problem, of course we have to consider this. By the way, these are a few Wanjia Supermarket shopping coupons, each with a denomination of 5,000 Hong Kong dollars. They will be used as a meeting gift for Huang Sheng to come to our Lion King today."

Wanjia's shopping vouchers can basically be spent as real money.

after a while.

Huang Guangliang stood under the office building of the commercial building and was in a trance. Cheng Kui'an, He Jiaju, Li Zhaoji and others gathered around him. Cheng Kui'an put his arm around Huang's shoulders and asked curiously, "What is the matter with the Lion King Group of the island country guys looking for you?"

Huang Guangliang received the invitation and was quite curious and confused before coming. In addition, he was already with the other three villains. As soon as the news came out, the four of them came together.

Lao Huang was in a daze for a while, and then he told President Nagano's idea... Li Zhaoji and Cheng Kui'an were still looking at each other, but He Jiaju's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and exclaimed, "Fuck, this guy has a bright mind, he is a good brand promoter. Chance."

"Ten million Hong Kong dollars is a lot of money, but he is taking advantage of the east wind, and it is not generous to pay like this. Previously, ATV set you on Crest's magical and brainwashing image, and made a lot of publicity efforts. "

"Next, no matter you switch to porcelain white teeth or which brand you shoot commercials for, you will always win and take off. Now you go to ATV to report, and then if possible, go to Zou Sheng. I guess Zou Sheng has always been Bawang Toothpaste, which has not made much progress, will also gain momentum, and the advertising fees Zou Sheng will give you will not be less."

Huang Guangliang said in a daze, "Is this possible?"

He Jiaju nodded affirmatively, "Of course you can, listen to me. Now go to ATV. If ATV doesn't object, then go to Zou Sheng and sell the idea to Jiahe."

Huang Guangliang smiled brightly and said, "Okay, let's go to ATV now. I'll treat you tonight and let's all have fun together."

The four villains are very familiar friends. The four of them all look extremely vicious, but in fact, He Jiaju is really very different from the other three.

In the original track, Ho Ka-Kui is known as the leader of the four villains. He has played a villain all his life. He is really evil from beginning to end, and the label has almost never been updated. On the other hand, Huang Guangliang, Li Zhaoji, Cheng Kui'an and others will occasionally play good guys or comedies. people……

But among the four of them, Ho Ka Kui is the one with the highest academic qualifications and the most profound knowledge. He was born in the Kowloon Walled City. In a dark place like the Walled City, he got into university by studying. He did not study because he had no money to pay the tuition. University.

Then he set up his own newspaper. In the 1970s, he made a fortune of tens of millions through business. Then he went bankrupt due to gambling, so he quit gambling and worked in the film and television industry as a translator, screenwriter, and agent.

He is an example of someone who came from a humble background but did not admit defeat. He did not let the bad guys show off, but relied on reading and knowledge to make a comeback. If he hadn't been hooked into gambling by the bad guys and lost all his fortune, he might have been a newspaper tycoon.

Therefore, in daily life, when the four-person group encounters something that is difficult to distinguish and make decisions, Lao He's words will basically be accepted.


July 12.

Near Taihu Water Margin Three Kingdoms Film and Television City, Zhao Donghuai was basking in the sun on a large luxury yacht when he saw Li Jiaxin coming with A Xin and said with a smile, "Boss, do you want me to apply sunscreen for you?"

"Although the temperature here is pretty good and you're not afraid of getting tanned, it's better to be prepared."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Okay."

He came back to the mainland this time to see how the large-scale infrastructure construction in more than 100 counties and county-level cities in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces was progressing. From the beginning of March to now, the infrastructure construction has been going on for more than four months.

For the vast majority of buildings that are only five or even three or four stories high on the ground, as long as there are sufficient manpower and financial resources, the speed of change is really changing with each passing day.

Zhao Donghuai was just in luck, with no shortage of money, no shortage of people, and no shortage of all kinds of large construction machinery. Let’s put it this way, with so many buildings in more than 100 counties, the main body of the building has basically entered the completion period, and the next few months will be various decorations on the exterior walls and interior rooms.

Four months have passed, and the construction of various roads and asphalt roads in Anhui and Jiangsu has been progressing smoothly. There is basically a two-lane cement road or a convenient two-lane cement road between counties and cities. Asphalt road.

After all, this is only more than four months. If you want to build a four-lane road, it is too difficult at this stage. A good two-way four-lane road will already be a national highway standard. In 2022, it will be the national highway standard in some great plains areas. It's only four lanes in both directions.

As for the two-way two-lane road, we are not talking about building it from scratch. That is a joke. Originally, there were roads between counties and counties and cities. They were nothing more than dirt roads, rammed earth roads, cinder roads, cement, asphalt roads, etc. , whether the road is good or bad, these four months are spent repairing the original road.

Realized the construction of all-cement roads or asphalt roads!

Zhao Donghuai was also very satisfied with this.

At this rate, in another six months or one year, it is estimated that the two-lane cement roads or asphalt roads leading to the villages and towns can be repaired to some extent, and that will be enough... If the floods come, it will be connected in all directions. The road is equipped with thousands of large freight trucks.

Coupled with numerous material centers and storage centers, it can basically ensure that disaster-stricken groups can receive timely rescue and delivery of materials.

As for the various tents, sleeping bags, etc. that are urgently needed in disasters? Laura Fonna, the number one actress in Europe, originally opened tents, sleeping bags, portable tables and chairs, including lanterns for outdoor outings in the mainland. She was targeting the European and American consumer markets.

But by next year, the factory is already there and the scale is not small. If you work overtime and urgently produce a batch of goods, you can have an emergency.

The plan to build roads to the countryside was originally proposed by Zhao Donghuai, and the proposal was approved. In Director Zhao's big economic plan, in the future, thousands of companies, including Zhao Logistics, will sink to the countryside and provide services to many vegetable farmers, melon and fruit farmers, Receive goods in Shimomura.

Then directly put it on the platforms of all Wanjia supermarkets in the two provinces.

If it is eaten, it will be digested internally by the two provinces. If it is not eaten, Zhao's logistics will transport the sheep to Beijing, including Hong Kong Haowan.

This is equivalent to cutting out all kinds of middlemen, Zhao's logistics and Wanjia retail platform, connecting farmers to consumers. This kind of business plan will greatly benefit farmers, people, retail terminals and transportation systems, Zhao Donghuai Everything is done, just need to build the road...

Such a great deed will of course receive full support.

The cost of grain and the harm to farmers no longer exist. The consumer market covered by Wanjia's retail system covers not only the whole of China but also South Korea. Don't forget that Zhao Donghuai also maintains an international transport flight team that connects Da Mao Xiong.

Since the beginning of 1988, international flights have made a lot of money transporting supplies to Mao Xiong, and they are still making money today.

The phenomenon of slow sales due to large-scale planting of seasonal fruits and vegetables will disappear under the air and land transportation teams he leads. After all, there are tens of thousands of large trucks and there is no shortage of refrigerated container trucks.

In this July, vegetable and vegetable suppliers from farmers in Anhui and Jiangsu have gathered in the countryside because of Zhao's logistics team to collect vegetables from vegetable farmers, fruit farmers harvest fruits, and transport them to thousands of supermarkets at the city level, which has made a large number of farmers earn money. Quite a bit, even more exaggerated than the normal fat years.

Director Zhao was still thinking about the business plan and the overall situation, when he saw Ah Xin grabbing sunscreen and pouring it on her body, like taking a bath...

The sky is clear and there are no other boats in sight on Tai Lake. In this season, boating on the lake is indeed a beautiful scenery.

Ah Xin said in surprise, "You are using sunscreen oil as essential oil."

During the conversation, she was not to be outdone and took the initiative to speak eloquently.

In the debate between her and Li Jiaxin, Jiaxin finally took control of the overall situation and gained a lot.


At Kai Tak Airport on Hong Kong Island, Sam, the former president of Procter \u0026 Gamble Asia Pacific, was wearing a hat and sunglasses, quietly pulling his suitcase towards the departure hall.

He was transferred back to the headquarters for retirement. Although he was a little sad, he was no longer responsible for the mudslides that P\u0026G encountered in Asia because of its lack of martial ethics. It was Howard who had a headache. Think about this matter seriously. , not too bad.

After all, if he stays here for a long time, even though he still has a high salary, Zou Wenhuai may become angry at any time and hire someone to assassinate him.

On July 4th, the Hong Kong media exposed the news that he failed to hire a murderer to assassinate Zou Sheng. Then he was invited by the police to drink coffee. Because the evidence was not sufficient, he was released on bail, and because he was a noble sister. People, even if they are suspected of murder, can leave Hong Kong Island while on bail.

When the matter was at its peak, everyone was paying attention to the news. It might not be convenient for Zou Wenhuai to hire assassins to assassinate him to fight back, but as time passed and the news became less popular, there was always a risk that he would be assassinated.

Today is the 12th...

With a little joy, Sam arrived at the first-class waiting area, ordered a glass of red wine and a cigar, and was smoking happily when several figures suddenly came in from outside.

"Mr. Sam, I am the Chief Inspector of the West Kowloon Headquarters..."

Facing this familiar scene, Sam stayed for a few seconds before putting down his cigar and cursing, "Shet, you have no evidence. This is a pure waste of taxpayers' money and a waste of my time."

The chief inspector grinned, "Mr. Sam, the killer you hired, Will, has been arrested. With the cooperation of Interpol, Will is already in the detention room of our West Kowloon Headquarters. Now the evidence is conclusive!"

Sam's body went numb and he instinctively retorted, "No way, this is definitely not true, you are lying to me!"

How the hell could Interpol do such a thing? It’s not like Will blew up the Black Palace. The boss of a white Chicago hitman team assassinated an Asian film and television tycoon.

For this kind of nonsense, as long as Will didn't turn himself in, let alone Interpol, even if the Hong Kong police ran over dozens of people, it would be impossible to catch Will.

Do you really think that the FBI and police on Amei’s side will allow Hong Kong Islanders to have law enforcement rights there? Do not make jokes.

However, the plainclothes officers from the West Kowloon Police Station did not explain anything. They grabbed the handcuffs, cuffed Sam and walked out.


at the same time.

Sitting in the tea restaurant area of ​​the Peninsula Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui, looking at the few diners on the left and right, the beautiful scenery outside the hotel was unobstructed. Will took a sip of tea and exclaimed, "Ross, I have a little brother to take care of this." I have convicted P\u0026G Sam, is it really okay?"

"Will the final boss of your organization really not blame me for my previous offense?"

Chicago Will could be the leader of a large killer organization in the underground world, targeting one person, a criminal villain, but it could also be a codename.

Sam just contacted him on the phone and transferred $10 million to his designated account.

So Sam has never met Will himself. He was introduced by William Jensen, the second generation of powerful people within P\u0026G.

It was only after the incident got big that Will, including Murdoch's Fox TV Network, the New York Post, and others published news of the assassination, that he was approached by Ross, the godfather of a Chicago mafia family who had a good relationship with him.

Ross said directly, did you send someone to assassinate Zou Wenhuai? Fuck...tired of living?

Will is numb, co-author, the target of the assassination this time, and the man behind Ross's back is as smart as the sky, mainly because he can easily take Ross and a lot of them to Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Miami, Hawaii, etc. , related to a huge organization where many mafia gangs make money together.

This is really numb.

Ross is just a member of a certain organization, a very ordinary member, so who is Will?

Having offended such a giant, Ross said bluntly, if the big boss wants to find you, you can't run away even if you dye yourself from white to black, not to mention plastic surgery and go to South America or Eastern Europe.

Will shivered even more.

After all, he has been on the streets of Chicago for more than 20 years and has helped the old Ross family assassinate a large number of opponents and enemies...

It was when he was extremely confused and panicked that Old Ross said bluntly, Fortunately, you only threw away 1 million dollars. The assassination order was subcontracted through layers of subcontracts. The front-line killer who finally came forward felt that the money was too little and the risk was too high, so he took the initiative to self-destruct. work.

Otherwise it would really be over.

Make amends now.

First, let Sam, the culprit, be killed. This kind of death could be by directly assassinating him and confessing his mistake to Zou Wenhuai, or by sending a younger brother to come forward and bear the name of "Will Killer A" and testify against him in court.

At worst, you can take out the $9 million in cash you received and use it as a way to avoid disaster.

Ross did not report to his superiors, but only did things after seeking approval from his superiors. The two finally chose to have a younger brother come in to take over.

Because, it is not difficult to assassinate Sam directly. A few bullets and a few brothers have great hope. But Zou Wenhuai and Procter \u0026 Gamble's shampoo business war, you failed to assassinate me, and you were killed a week later? It is too easy for outsiders to think that this is Zou Wenhuai's counterattack.

Doesn't this discredit Zou Sheng?

Therefore, "Will", who received 10 million US dollars and then subcontracted the order, came to Hong Kong Island to surrender. He was already in the bureau, just waiting to rely on the chain of evidence to kill Sam.

The real Will is still worried on the peninsula.

Under his words, Rose smiled very relieved, "Don't worry, Will, there is a high probability that everything will be fine. In fact, if you look at the before and after, you will find that this is really a business war for shampoo brands."

"As long as P\u0026G Sam is beaten to death in court, the news will shock the world. After all, you killers are so cool. The order of 10 million US dollars was subcontracted through layers of subcontracts. In the end, it only cost 50,000 Hong Kong dollars, which is 6,410 US dollars." knife."

"Ten million and more than six thousand dollars!"

“Both P\u0026G shampoo and Bawang shampoo will become a sensation around the world, which is definitely not a bad thing for their brand promotion.”

"It's not a bad thing, so your trouble isn't that big."

Will looked at Rose sadly again, "I hope it goes as you said, Fuck."

Sam has never met him in person. William Johnson, the second generation of powerful P\u0026G, has met him and had many business dealings with him, but do you think William will help Sam testify in court on this matter? The killer A who went to testify in court was not Will himself? is fake?


It's a new day.

The citizens of Haowan, Hong Kong had just woken up and taken to the streets, and one after another, their screens were once again flooded with the news of the new day.

Kowloon Daily, "Shocking! P\u0026G Sam spent 10 million US dollars to hire a murderer to assassinate Zou Wenhuai. The killer circle subcontracted layers of contracts. The killer F in Chengzhai only received 50,000 Hong Kong dollars, 6,410 US dollars. This is What kind of killer group?”

Oriental Daily, "Profoundly deciphering different groups of killers, the commissions of these killers can make all capitalists cry!"

Daily Daily, "When Jiahe Zou Sheng first heard about the assassination, he was instinctively furious. Am I only worth 50,000 Hong Kong dollars? It's okay now. It turns out that Zou Sheng is worth 10 million US dollars!"

Ming Pao, "Nobel owes Chicago Will a Peace Prize!"


Countless citizens in Haowan, Hong Kong, have been completely refreshed by the killer operations. Seeing the number of subcontract commissions, the assassination fees paid by Sam, and the money that the killers who actually do the work can get in the end...

The man is silent and the woman is crying!

Then, from Sam, the hired murderer, to the six killers A to F, not only became the hottest and hottest topic among the citizens, but also the judicial circles on Hong Kong Island, Yin Lun, and A Mei, one by one. The barristers are all on them.

This case is a bit weird, and the topic is too out of the ordinary. Who can perform well in this case, such as helping the criminal suspect avoid going to jail as much as possible, and the jail time is short, or you can do the opposite and directly put the criminal suspect People were beaten to life or executed.

This is definitely the most outstanding resume in the lawyer circle.

The killer circle can capture women to this extent, it is really a big circle!


It was when the big news of Sam hiring a murderer to kill people further spread and spread throughout East and Southeast Asia, impacting the outlook of a large number of people.

July 14, Beijing.

A young man wearing sunglasses walked out of Wanjia Supermarket, stood on the roadside and lit a cigarette. When his eyes instinctively scanned the suspicious people on the street, the BB machine on him rang.

When the young man caught him and took a look, he said, "If there is an emergency, come back quickly, Xiaoguang."

The young man threw down his cigarette and quickly disappeared into the surging crowd. It was summer vacation in July, and it was already 1990. At this stage, Beijing has really entered a period of rapid change.

More and more people are coming to the capital from all over the world to seek life.

Half an hour later, the young man arrived at Datongpu Sanwu Hotel, and a figure walked out of the hotel and said excitedly, "Brother Daguang, I just inquired about the news that a strange case has occurred on Hong Kong Island."

"A ghost guy paid 78 million Hong Kong dollars to find a killer to assassinate Jiahe Zou Wenhuai. Unexpectedly, the killer subcontracted and outsourced. Finally, he became a wanted criminal in the walled city. He only received 50,000 Hong Kong dollars to do the job. He also suspected The money was small and the difficulty was too great, so I reported it directly to the boss who provided the money.”

"Fuck, this is too cool. Brother Guang, you are our number one killer in the Northeast. If such a good thing happens to you, wouldn't it be easy to make a fortune?"

"Fourth Master is in trouble, so many big brothers have gone in, and they might be waiting in line to get the shot. Why don't we go to Lugang Haowan and try it?"

In the original trajectory, on August 10, 1990, the Qiao Laosi gang in the three northeastern provinces was wiped out, and all the key leaders fled. It was not until 2002 that they were brought to justice.

Under this plane butterfly effect, as early as early 1988, when countless Hong Kong brothers went to Moscow for international trade, Qiao Laosi and his group also noticed the financial path in Moscow.

Da Guang was among the first to lead his brothers to Moscow to investigate the situation.

It was determined that going to Moscow to do international trade would be really profitable and make a fortune...Qiao Laosi and his group did not completely give up their original business in Harbin and other places, but maintained their previous business.

At the same time, they were going to Harbin and other parts of the Black Province to grab goods, and take trains to transport them to Moscow to make a lot of money.

If the matter becomes more serious, it will be dealt with in advance.

After all, the big brother and the backbone group at Hong Kong Hao Bend spend US dollars to buy goods and train skins. They can supply them in advance and in time without doing anything extra. Qiao Laosi and his group don't have that many US dollars, and they don't want to Spend the big bucks and bid slowly.

They used some ruthless tricks similar to those used by Xia Xia Ba Ba during their demolition.

Things got serious, and their gang was defeated at the beginning of this year. It still followed the same trajectory as before, just a big guy ran away with a few close confidants...

After all, Daguang is one of the few highly educated people in the entire gang.

At this stage, not only Da Guang, Xiao Guang, but also several other confidants are all wanted criminals on the wanted list. It is only because of the lack of information in this era that they have been free until now.

Following Xiaoguang's words, Daguang said with a surprised look, "Where did you hear the news?"

Xiao Guangle said, "ATV programs cannot be received in ordinary places, but they can be watched in some foreign hotels. I heard this from a white-collar worker who works with a Hong Kong businessman. The information is absolutely reliable."

Daguang thought for a while and nodded, "As early as 1988, when the Moscow trade was so profitable, I persuaded the Fourth Master to make a comprehensive transformation... Unfortunately, it didn't happen."

"It's time to find an opportunity to sneak to Hong Kong Island. If you can't get to Hong Kong Island, you can go to South Korea. We are Koreans."

"If we stay in the mainland, even if we can be free for a while, sooner or later we will still be shot like Fourth Master and the others!"

As he spoke, Daguang lit another cigarette and complained, "78 million Hong Kong dollars to kill a person? Damn, the ghost guy is too rich!"

Xiaoguang couldn't help laughing, "It's not that the ghost guy is too rich to burn, but Jiahe Zou Sheng is not only a film and television tycoon, but also hired four elite bodyguards from the Pan-Asia Group. If you fail to assassinate him once, you will just stir up a hornet's nest."

"How capable is the entire Pan-Asia Group?"

"I honestly didn't expect that the killer team in North America would be so cool. They took 10 million dollars, but they still paid the full amount in advance, kept 9 million for themselves, and then turned around and took 1 million to outsource. Tsk..."

"What a talent! No wonder he is from North America!"

Daguang, "..."

As the number one killer under Qiao Laosi, he was once the most respected eldest brother in the entire circle. When he heard about such a bizarre case, he was speechless.

After being silent for a while, Daguang said excitedly, "Let me tell you guys, eat well and drink well in the next few days, don't be pity on the money in your hand, spend it when you need to, as long as you can find a way to Hong Kong Island and successfully sneak across... we're here This is a place where we rely on craftsmanship to make a living!”

The original trajectory was destroyed by the Qiao Laosi Group. After carrying the wanted order, he was still able to wander between the capital and the Northeast for more than ten years with his young men, and continued to commit crimes. All we can say is...

Da Guang doesn’t even know now that more than ten years after his original trajectory of shooting guns, the South Korean film and television industry will make a movie (Crime City) based on him. The box office is quite strong, with 6.81 million viewers in South Korea alone. Movie attendance is calculated based on the current HKD 30 for a movie ticket in South Korea.

That is South Korea alone, which grossed HK$204 million at the box office.

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