Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 338 Isn’t the mini version a big project?

One Hundred Years Pictures.

Stephen Chow, who was adjusting his next shooting plan, heard a knock on the door. When he shouted to come in, he realized that it was Juanmei who walked in. Ah Xing asked curiously, "Why are you here free?"

Luo Huijuan smiled brightly, "Hey, Brother Xing, it was Liu Jialing who called me earlier and said that Zhao Sheng sent a book to her film and television company, a small-budget love tragedy movie, and she is the leading female lead, so let me ask you , whether to play the male lead or not.”

"Although it is not a comedy but a love movie, the book feels quite touching. She said that the investment cost of the movie is very low, but there is still hope for awards. After all, the book is produced by Zhao Sheng, and the director will invite Er Dongsheng. "

"If you take the role, it will be regarded as Jia Ling repaying the favor you have given her several times in the past."

Zhou Xingxing's expression suddenly became very strange.

Zhao Sheng sent a notebook to Liu Jialing's company? This is too... you have to know that when he asked Wang Jing to help him, Lao Wang refused to do anything.

He himself felt guilty and was too embarrassed to do anything with his own hands.

How could you think of it now? ?

"Zhao Sheng's script is definitely guaranteed, and the literary and romantic movie is also very exciting. It is very stable without rushing to the box office and winning awards. I really don't want to be defined as a comedian all the time. The question is, how can Jia Ling get it?" Is it from Zhao Sheng’s script?”

Luo Huijuan laughed and said, "The couple wanted to flatter each other, and it worked. Xu Jinheng said that he wanted to make a big TV series (led by Mu Guiying), a costume drama. If it is good, it will be broadcast on ATV. If it can be broadcast on ATV, The ratings of TV series such as The Female Medical Saint (Gongsuo Yushu) and The Queen."

"This is the best sales promotion masterpiece for the Oriental and Five Thousand Years series."

"Although this will also promote Liu Jialing as the heroine. If she plays Mu Guiying, as long as she becomes a big hit, her status will definitely be promoted. But this will be more helpful for luxury goods sales. A new Mu Guiying model will be launched. Luxury."

Zhou Xingxing suddenly realized, no wonder!

Thinking of this, he nodded, "Then make an appointment with Jia Ling, and then the two of us will go meet the couple. If the script is good, we can give it a try."

He really wants to try areas other than comedy.


About the same time.

A Ling was also reading the script of "New Love" in the company over and over again. The more she read, the more amazed she became, "Brother Heng, Zhao Sheng's script is great, and the heroine's character is also top-notch, cute, innocent, and beautiful."

"An optimistic and playful girl full of positive energy met love, but also encountered a terminal illness. Her optimism and bravery lit up the decadent and frustrated life of the male protagonist..."

"If Ah Xing is willing to play the male lead, this movie will definitely explode at the box office based on his popularity. That means word-of-mouth and box office take off in both directions."

Ah Heng nodded repeatedly, "I don't know much about this, but I know what level Zhao Sheng's strength is in East and Southeast Asia. As long as Ah Xing is willing to act, the box office will not be bad, and the income will be ten times or dozens of times." The translation."

Liu Jialing blinked and suddenly smiled, "Brother Heng, have you ever thought about using this book to impact Europe and the United States?"

Ah Heng was stunned, "Is it impossible to hit Europe and the United States? Even the best-selling classic comedies of Ah Xing often add up to more than 10 million US dollars in box office in Europe and the United States, and most of them are contributed by overseas Chinese. of."

"The number of white or black fans he has accumulated in Europe and the United States is pitifully small, far incomparable to Cheng Long, Jet Li, and Yuan Biao."

Jia Ling smiled broadly, "Look at (The Beginning), (Legend of Mermaid), etc., there are all kinds of versions with white female protagonists, and they often sell well in Europe and the United States, as well as (Xiao Lin Boy). White female protagonist version.”

Ah Heng suddenly realized, "You said that if A Xing is cast, you will find a white female lead?"

A Ling waved her hand, "No, I mean to find a white version of the male protagonist, and I will be the female protagonist."

Her ambition is very big.

She also knows very well that the appeal of male stars is actually greater than that of female stars in the market. If a white male star acts as a voice actor for her, does a good job in publicity and filming, maybe a big movie can win her over. She went from second-tier to first-tier international superstar.

By then, she may be more popular in the world than the famous actresses Zhou Haimei, Li Ruotong, and Li Zi.

Romance movies... don't forget Bruce Willis and Julia Roberts. A love drama (Pretty Woman) directly hit the box office with more than 400 million US dollars. This is what Cheng Long has been working hard for so many years to get from The police story is one, two, three, four, and it is the foreshadowing of the four-part series. In addition, in reality, Xiao Chen sued the head of a bank in California for cheating on him.

The movie connected with reality and almost bankrupted a bank in California before finally achieving a global box office breakthrough of more than 400 million US dollars.

Ah Heng blinked and didn't react for a moment. He was silent for more than a minute before curiously asking, "Who do you want to find? If it's too expensive, we can't invite him."

Jialing thought for a while, "Please, you can save a lot of trouble when announcing the announcement, but like Bruce Willis or Bill Guy, our company is not a part of the Zhao family, so we have to follow the announcement of Yongsheng and Yingzhijie." Appointment method.”

"It's estimated that hiring them would cost tens of millions of dollars!"

"Hiring someone who is cheap but has strong acting skills? For example, Nicolas Cage or Jim Carrey. Cheap is a bit cheap, but if Xuanfa doesn't spend millions or tens of millions of dollars, he won't be able to cause too much trouble. "

"Why don't you go back and ask dad?"

Ah Heng wants to think about not hiring a white male star? Not filming that version? But after thinking about it, he nodded, "You can ask dad."

Anyway, after being in a relationship for so many years, Carina Lau has often played couple roles with others on the small TV screen, and she has also made other contributions in movies...since he has no objection to his wife's invitation to Xing Zai to play the male lead.

It feels pointless to oppose this white male version.

Jia Ling still has a keen eye for reading the script, and she explained gently again, "Actually, from a reputation and image perspective, this heroine is really a white moonlight. She uses her life to illuminate the defining image of her other half. If she performs well, let alone have a chance." Winner of the Academy Award for Best Actress."

"If the white male protagonist does a good job, he will have a chance to compete for Hollywood's Oscar winner and best actor."

"At the box office, although the second half of it is a tragic story, the production cost is 30 million U.S. dollars. As long as the box office can bring in 300 million U.S. dollars, it is a profit. Even if the total box office is 300 million U.S. dollars, it will ultimately fall into our hands. There is only 120 to 30 million dollars in it, which is also a profit of 300 to 400%."

"If we look at the video tape market in the long term, there will be corresponding benefits."

"Not to mention, if I have the opportunity to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress or an Oscar for Best Actress, and I still have such a perfect and beautiful personality, then if I represent our Xu family's luxury home and commercial building, it will boost our family's image and profitability, and it will also boost our family's image and profitability. It’s no small matter.”

Ah Heng opened his mouth and was speechless for a moment, "You dare to think of 300 million US dollars? Isn't that too exaggerated?"

Carina Lau, on the other hand, is very calm, "If (Pretty Woman) from a few years ago was released now, it might have a global box office of $500 million, and the mainland market could provide tens of millions of dollars."

Ahern scratched his head again, "I know Bruce Willis, Guy, and Nicholas. Who is Jim Carrey??"

Jia Ling was stunned for dozens of seconds before she smiled and said, "Jim Carrey is from the cast of (The Long Night Before), and he plays a very important role as a gangster villain. I haven't been to that TV series, but I heard from some friends that Say, that guy’s acting skills are great.”

"I also like to imitate the acting skills of other stars. There is a saying. Since the rise of Ah Xing, Director Wang Jing has more than once tried to find a successor to star-style comedy and to promote the next generation of comedy king, but so far there has been no result. "

"But both Tony Leung and Ng Chun-yu have said that Jim Carrey's acting skills are very strong, and he even imitates Ah Sing's comedy to bring laughter. It's simply... ridiculously strong."

"The more important thing is that he is cheap, much cheaper than Nicholas."

Speaking of which, Tony Leung is also very busy. He not only played the role of Hu Yilang, Qin Pei's gangster in "Long Night", but also guest-starred as the petty abbot in "God of Cookery".

Now that the TV series and movies have not been finished, Mai Xunxiong is waiting for him to film (Dongpo Flood Control).

Ah Hengdu exclaimed, "So strong? Can he even excel in comedy imitating Ah Xing? This is a bit..."

Jia Ling nodded, "I'm quite interested in finding Jim Carrey to play the white version of the male lead in (新无情). Just to use his words, it will cost a lot of money to advertise in the later stages. It will really cost a lot of money."

Ah Heng nodded, "It's not a problem to spend a lot of money. As long as there is a chance to make a profit, it's not difficult to make huge profits like that. Dad is also the vice chairman of the board of directors of HSBC..."

"Not to mention that Zou Daheng once spent 10 million US dollars to promote the first part of Police Story. Even Zhushe's surname Wu dared to spend 10 million US dollars to promote (Xiao Lin Boy). Our family does not Will be stingier than them."

He doesn't understand scripts or film and television production, but he believes in Zhao Donghuai's reputation and ability, even though Director Zhao said he might make a small profit when he first talked about this script.

But what Zhao Sheng said about making a little profit, could it mean the same thing as what normal people mean by making a little profit? Zhao Sheng has made more than 100 billion Hong Kong dollars in the Tokyo stock market again. This is the third time in five years.

Even his father often laments at home that Tokyo is almost becoming the Zhao family's own money printing machine! In just five years, with three billion-dollar money-making efforts, this has already surpassed the total assets of the top ten richest people in Hong Kong Haowan.

Now the Xu family's shipping business has been completely sold out, and their assets are mainly commercial center office buildings, villas and luxury homes in Central, Wan Chai and other places, including the equity interests of various large groups.

For a long time, many people have complained privately that he is a representative of the tiger father and dog son, and he has no ability and strength to inherit the family business... Otherwise, the original trajectory would not have said that he had to marry Jia Ling, and the family would have been threatened with a loss of financial resources. , no more love.

However, if we are running a film and television company now, if we can really make (Xinbuqing) operate into a business with an investment of 30 million US dollars, the box office will be able to make back 120 to 30 million US dollars. Video tapes will continue to make money like this, and there will be good news. Ling's overall popularity increased dramatically?

This is definitely a more profitable project than building two office buildings in Central.

Just when Ah Heng suddenly felt that he might be okay and could prove that he was not a wasted young man from a wealthy family, Jia Ling suddenly smiled and said, "Actually, this movie can also bring goods, if it quietly promotes Maxam shampoo and Chinese toothpaste ... I just want to show my goodwill to Zhao Sheng, and when the time comes, we can take advantage of the theater chain and other promotions."

"But if we promote Zou Sheng's and Lei Sheng's products, we can attract a lot of sponsorship fees."

Ah Heng's eyes lit up, "I still have to moisturize my things and quietly recommend Megamax shampoo, Chinese toothpaste and Han Tianxia..."

"As long as Zhao Sheng sees our sincerity, even if we fail this time and don't make that much money, we might still have the opportunity to make good movies and make phone calls next time."


Two days later, on July 18, the release date of the three movies (The Little Boy in the Laughing Forest), (The Legend of the Water Margin) and (Peerless Two Prides) is getting closer and closer.

People in Hong Kong and Mainland China are gradually experiencing the intensity of the promotion of three new films. Sitting on ATV, Zhao Donghuai asked in surprise, "The Hui family has hired Jim Carrey to play the white male lead? The Chinese version?" Is the male protagonist Xing Zai?”

Xiaoxian nodded, "Yes, I heard that those guys all got together and talked a lot the day before yesterday. When they got excited, Jim Carrey even imitated him (Sage of Gamblers) (Nine-grade Sesame Official) and so on in front of Xing Zai. Some of the comedy stuff in the movie.”

"I heard that the stars were all shocked, including Wang Jing, who has been looking for the successor of Xing Zai. Yesterday, he took the initiative to go to the set of "The Long Night", watched Jim Carrey's performance, and even treated him to a late-night snack. The two chatted It’s been a long time.”

"What can I say about Jim Carrey? He is very good at acting in serious dramas. He plays a gangster policeman who is not inferior to Jiahui and Zhenyu. He is also a school of his own when it comes to being funny and funny."

Zhao Donghuai's expression was a bit hard to describe.

From the perspective of future generations, global comedy performances in the 1990s, Hollywood Jim Carrey, Hong Kong Island Chow Star... there are many fans of the two discussing who's comedy performance is better. That can be discussed and makes the other party want to go. I'll chase you with the network cable and chop you.

Well, now the two of them are starring in a movie at the same time, but it's just targeting different movie fans.

This is a really good guy.

Xiaoxian asked curiously, "I heard from Jia Ling that if this movie is finished, it can potentially earn US$300 million worldwide? Is it true?"

Zhao Donghuai felt relieved, "There is hope. It will be a white version. Please hire more white supporting actors and supporting actors. Xuan Fa will do a better job. There is indeed hope."

(New Love) is not like other TV dramas about love idols, which are sensational, tear-jerking, and hysterical when encountering cancer. In fact, the later stages of this movie mainly highlight redemption. The heroine uses her optimism, strength, and cheerfulness to redeem her amnesia. The heart of a decadent male protagonist.

Even if the heroine dies, she only leaves a classic sentence, as well as the hero's face and expression that are half clear and half blurry in the shadows...

There are no wailing scenes that are too superficially sad.

This kind of theme, love and redemption, music and dreams, can be used in the Western world.

When this movie was released on its original track, it beat Cheng Lung's (City Hunter) (Crime) and Jet Li's (Fang Sai Yu) (Fang Sai Yu's sequel) (Once Upon a Time in the Lion King), including overpowering (Truy School: The Dragon) Celebrating the Year of the Rooster), it ranked third in the annual box office in Hong Kong Island.

In the era of double Monday Chengjia Ajie's rule, Liu Qingyun, Yuan Yongyi, Er Dongsheng? ?

It’s really a super dark horse!

Now Jim Carrey plays a white male protagonist, and then recruits a few beautiful white women from the female protagonist's circle of friends and relatives, and then recruits beautiful white boys to serve as supporting actors.

If the scenes are a little 50/50 and more stable, it won't be a problem if it sells well in Europe and the United States. Anyway, even Ah Heng doesn't have any objections to this, so naturally he won't say anything more.


At the Huazhi Express Chain in Tsim Sha Tsui, when Jim Carrey knocked on Nicholas' door happily and saw that this guy was still learning Mandarin by himself, he immediately smiled and said, "Nicholas, I have accepted a great movie project, the male lead."

"Would you be interested in making a guest appearance?"

Nicholas was stunned, "Then you want to rent a house? Now that you have the leading role in the movie, you should try to live in Hong Kong Island for a long time."

Jim Carrey was stunned.

Nicholas asked curiously, "How much salary did you get?"

Jim Carrey said happily, "For half a million dollars, my previous role in (Vivid Colors) definitely increased my reputation a lot."

Nicholas nodded, "If you want me to make a cameo, I'll do it for $200,000."

He is very interested in learning Mandarin, and hopes to make more money in future Hong Kong movies, so that he can maintain his various weird hobbies and a high-quality life.

But don’t we still have to wait for big projects? Like Spider-Man 2!

Jim Carrey was speechless, but he nodded, "You're not a big talker. After all, Spider-Man 1 will be released during the Lunar New Year this year. By then, your and Johnny's popularity will definitely explode."

"I even feel that the box office of Spider-Man 1 may not be able to catch up with Jurassic Park Part 1 or 2, or Wanted 1. If that happens... If this literary love movie is released later, it will really take advantage of your popularity. Now, Xuanfa is much easier to fight."

Nicholas's eyes lit up, "You're right, then just ask me to make a cameo for $500,000. If you want, that's the price. It doesn't matter if you don't. Anyway, I want to wait for Spider-Man to explode and make more money. "

"I had an idea before. I wanted to build myself an underground palace similar to the tombs of ancient Chinese emperors. A mini version would be fine. I'm not sure whether to build it in Asia or return to North America. If I go back to North America, the labor cost will be much higher. …”

Jim Carrey was stunned and speechless.

He wanted to ask, why did Nicholas have such a weird idea?

After dozens of seconds of silence, Jim Carrey coughed slightly and said, "By the way, the movie I'm going to star in this time has a male protagonist who is a depressed and frustrated musician. He has many ex-girlfriends and ex-friends. A talented and very good musician and singer.”

"The main heroine is a talented singer who comes from a family of street performers. The theme is about music, love and career."

Nicholas's eyes lit up, "Hearing what you said, I seem to be a little interested. I have also been the lead singer of a band, and I have also starred in musicals."

"But the role is interesting, so if you should add money, you still have to add money."

Jim Carrey was speechless. He thought they were good friends after playing together for a few months, but he didn't expect this guy to be so desperate for money.

He originally came here not only to share the good news with Nicholas, but also to invite friends to make free guest appearances. It would be even better if he succeeded.

However, it suddenly occurred to me that Nicholas was considering returning to North America, or building a tomb of an ancient Chinese emperor in his home on Hong Kong Island? ? Isn’t the mini version a big project?

Forget it, when I communicate with Ah Heng and Jia Ling next time, I will casually mention whether I would like to invite Nicholas or not, let’s see what the other side means.

Nicholas is different from him. He has long been nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor and has played the leading role in many Hollywood blockbusters.


About the same time, West Lake in Hangzhou.

When Cheng Long arrived, he saw that some modern engineering equipment, driven by professionals, was dredging the silt and vines in the West Lake with modern efficiency.

Similarly, Mai Xuexiong, with the help of a group of water conservancy experts, organized a hundred people to dig out mud and organize aquatic plants using tools and equipment standard in the Song Dynasty.

After watching for a while, Aaron walked towards Mai Xunxiong and took off some of his disguise. Soon, various exclamations and greetings sounded nearby.

Even the hundreds of manpower teams that were working started to put down their work and come to surround Cheng Long. This is Cheng Long. Not to mention it is far away. It will be released in April (Police Story 4), and it has already been released globally. In the end, this big movie ended up with a global revenue of 431 million US dollars.

This is US$431 million, equivalent to HK$3.3618 billion!

To this day, Aaron is on the verge of being crowned the number one Chinese Kung Fu superstar. Although (Wanted 1) is a low-end movie worth $781 million globally, (Wanted 1) Miley Long is also the number two male actor.

It's hard to tell how many fans around the world go to theaters to watch movies in response to Aaron's call.

Excluding Wanted 1, the time-travel version (Ip Man 1) starring Yuen Biao, Hong Yinbao, Bill Guy, etc. also grossed US$410 million globally.

Then Yuanbiao's (Mr. and Mrs. Smith), together with Laura Fonna, also made a total of 360 million US dollars worldwide. Calculating it this way, it feels like Cheng Long's current status in the action field is about the same as Yuan Biao's? ?

Li Lianjie's Once Upon a Time series is definitely a notch behind.

Faced with this besieged situation, Cheng Long, with the help of Lu Huiguang and others, quickly stabilized the order, signing the signatures where needed, and taking photos where needed.

After completing this process, Aaron walked up to Mai Xuexiong and said with a smile, "Lao Mai, how did you come up with this subject? It's really..."

Speaking of this, he also looked at the scene of modern dredging of the West Lake in another direction, and then asked curiously, "There are a lot of muddy aquatic plants in the West Lake now?"

Mai Xunxiong nodded, "Not just the West Lake, but also various inland lakes and rivers. As long as they exist, silt, weeds, water plants, etc. will be born regularly every year."

"He Qing, the proprietress who donated 100 million engineering equipment to accompany my movie project, actually took the lead in dredging in the West Lake. The place is almost complete, and it will be along the Qiantang River, Laolong River, ancient canal, etc. Just maintain it.”

"By the way, Brother Long, why do you have time to come here? Do you want to make a cameo in my movie?"

Aaron nodded, "I have this idea. In fact, as you know, I don't want to be limited to action movies. I want to try a track other than action movies. Last year's (Miracle) was just an attempt. It failed. Let's talk about it. Well, Police Story 4 was so successful that I don’t even know what to make in the next movie.”

"No matter what you make, as long as the box office is less than $100 million, it will be like Waterloo."

"But 100 million dollars, how can it be so easy to break through? Police Story 4 is a series, with many years of preparation, and there are fans of the series. I talked about an idea called (Double Dragon Club) with Director Xu before, but it was also Filming hasn’t officially started yet, so I don’t feel confident.”

"So your project (Dongpo Flood Control) feels quite unique. It belongs to a very rare subject area in the film and television industry. Is there a supporting role? Give me one, even a supporting role."

Mai Xingxiong has a weird look on his face, Dongpo flood control, the theme is quite unique. At first Zhou Xingxing mainly wanted to make a guest appearance, just a small supporting role, but now Cheng Long also wants to come? ?

He felt a little sore for a moment.

But after thinking about it seriously, he still said, "Su Shi fought against the Yellow River floods in Xu City. He led the local garrison to fight the floods and build dykes. Are you the boss of the garrison? The great writer came to Hangzhou to dredge the West Lake and also hired thousands of people. Thousands of people work together... It seems good for you to be the boss of the military attache?"

"This is also an action movie, but it's about fighting nature!"

Aaron's eyes lit up, "Okay, okay, such a role is great!"

The next moment he asked curiously, "I heard that in addition to Boss He's wife donating 100 million yuan of equipment, vehicles and ships for water control projects, even the Xu family's Ah Heng and Jia Ling also donated 100 million yuan of equipment to Jiangsu Province? Are they all influenced by this movie? Is the movie exciting?"

Mai Xuexiong was confused, "You can't say I'm exciting?"

Aaron patted Ah Xiong's shoulder calmly, "Who else is it if it's not you? I also investigated some things before coming here. In my hometown, there have been many disasters in the Huai River. Ah Heng donated 100 million. I can't be stingy, so I donated 200 million engineering equipment and equipment to dredge the Huaihe River, including Chaohu Lake."

"I hope it can play some role. After all, the 75 Plan Huaihe River control project is still being steadily promoted."

"I heard that the country is preparing to build a series of very large Yangtze River dams. We have made a fortune, so we can contribute to some extent."

"With these things in mind, I feel more confident when I come to film the role of military commanders who control floods and fight against floods."

The global box office of Police Story 4 is HK$3.36 billion, and there will be ample video profits in the future.

Let’s take a look at the performances of He Qing, Xu Jinheng and Liu Jialing? As a superstar born in Anhui Province, he, Aaron, can definitely set an example.

It is "Shuren Milk Powder" owned by Aaron. The dairy cattle ranches where the milk powder comes from were all built in Anhui Province. Many Chinese people think of dairy and beef cattle ranches and instinctively think that the prairie province is the best and most suitable... …

In fact, Anhui Province, Shandong Province, including Shu Province, are also home to the largest dairy and beef cattle ranches in China, which is no worse than the prairie provinces.

Aarondu has opened two large pastures in Anhui Province, one is dedicated to raising dairy cows, the other is beef cattle, and only the pastures for raising mutton sheep are located in Shandong Province.

In the midst of emotion, Aaron suddenly said, "Since Dongpo is controlling floods, there are many places where the Northern Song Dynasty military generals need to cooperate with Mr. Dongpo. So, do you think Brother A Biao and Sanmao would like to make guest appearances?"

"The three of us brothers have collaborated on many modern films. Plan A is still a collaboration in the late Qing Dynasty, but I have never tried this kind of costume drama. They come as guest stars and can play military attachés and generals with the same nature as me, following Mr. Dongpo to fight against the world. Well."

"A Ying can also come in and try."

Mai Xunxiong was a little numb. He initially just wanted to shoot a large-scale historical flood control biopic and a disaster relief movie. How could he be so confused that the three brothers Sanmao, Aaron, and Abiao were coming to a gathering? ? Including Lin Zhengying?

Cheng Long still smiled brightly, "As I said before, we are all a bit confused now. We don't know how to shoot the new work. If we don't shoot well, it will be Waterloo. Instead, we will go back to ancient times to be military generals, and we will not be with people. Fighting is about fighting floods and fighting against the sky, which feels quite exciting."

"Not to mention that according to historical records, they were all successful in fighting floods! It means winning!"

"We don't need any remuneration for this movie. If appropriate, all the box office proceeds will be donated and used for flood control. My ancestral home is Wan Province, A Biao's ancestral home is Su Province, and Sanmao's ancestral home is Zhejiang Province. , Aying’s ancestral home is Shanghu..."

"These areas are the Huaihe River, Yangtze River, large lakes and water network areas with dense rivers. They have always been places prone to floods."

"Donating something to do something practical will help our milk powder and other products sell more in the future. This is considered charity advertising."

This is true. When they encountered a period of career confusion and did not dare to make plans for the next movie, Lao Mai's film (Dongpo Flood Control) suddenly illuminated a very strange route for them.

When you become a super policeman or a superhero, no matter how good you are in fighting and how powerful the villain is, can you still cause serious floods and floods? ? Aaron had been chatting with Xu Ke (Double Dragon Club) in late May, but now the filming has not officially started in July. In addition to working hard on the script and telling the story, there is also the factor that Aaron is more and more afraid of Waterloo.

Mak Yuen-hsiung brought the trend. He Qing was also a great beauty from a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. Suddenly, she was touched by the script and wanted to do something. She took the lead in donating 100 million engineering equipment, vehicles and ships. Ah Heng and Liu Jialing imitated, and Aaron followed suit. ? ?

Times make heroes, and it is estimated that next year, with director Mak Hung-hsiung and actors, superstars will be elevated to minor altars.

Mai Xunxiong was speechless for a while before he spoke, "Aren't Brother Sanmao, A Biao, and A Ying working on the script settings for Wanted 3?"

Aaron laughed, "Those superhero movies are already in development. Various models and props in the early stages have to be prepared for a year and a half. Besides, it is impossible to start them before Wanted 2 and Spider-Man 1 are released."

In fact, Hong Yanbao is the one who should be most interested in such "action movies". Apart from the Five Lucky Stars series and Fortune Train, he has almost no strong masterpieces in the action field.

Ip Man's several films were all supporting roles for Ah Biao. Although Ip Man's first and second films were actually originally planned, arrested and supervised by Hong Yanbao... But when it comes to the actor's image, the weight is much lighter than that of Ah Biao.

He is Debao's major shareholder, a rich man, and a big brother in the film industry. But no matter how you get into this industry, you still need to have stable masterpieces that hit the market in order to prove that you have not been eliminated by the times.


July 21.

(Jurassic Park 2) has been in theaters around the world for three weeks, with a total box office of US$570 million.

In the ATV office, Xiaoxian took a big sip of milk and almost choked. After she ran to the washroom to calm down for a while, she walked out gracefully and said with a smile, "Boss, I heard that Aaron, Brother Sanmao, and Abiao They all also followed Sister Qing and donated engineering equipment, vehicles and boats to their hometown for water control."

"I have to go to the (Dongpo Flood Control) crew to act as Liang Jiahui. Do you think I should also donate a bunch of cars, boats, excavators, etc. to my hometown? It will also help promote the official Huaihe River Control Project."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

He also didn't expect that things would develop to this point. One after another, he would donate about 1 billion vehicles, ships and excavators to Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places a year in advance this year? ?

Coupled with the Lulutong, Wanjia material centers and transportation channels promoted by Zhao Donghuai, this is really becoming more and more promising!

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