Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 339 Two to three thousand yuan a month, what are you doing with your life?

On July 24, it rained heavily.

At around six o'clock in the morning, a car drove into ATV TV City. After parking under the headquarters building, Liu Dehua, Wang Jing, Zhushe Lao Wu, Zhu Yanping, Wang Dashuo, Zhang Dashu and others all got out of the car. , standing under the awning, rubbing his hands excitedly and scattering smoke.

Da Shitou first helped Hua Zai and Fei Dingdian to light up their cigarettes, then said with red eyes, "Brother Hua, Director Wang, your movie (Water Margin) was released yesterday, how was the box office in Thailand? You don't have the means to contact them there?"

Fei Jing smiled bitterly, "If there were channels who took the initiative to contact and ask for data, Ahua and I wouldn't have gotten up so early to come to ATV to ask for news. It was a theater chain given to Zhao Sheng by the Zhengda Xie family, with a 600-piece big screen. "

"Because before (Jurassic Park 2) (new half a catty) was sold out and went to other scattered theaters, this time (Water Margin) was released in Thailand. It is regarded as the first film for thousands of theaters, with 100% of the film schedule. , this is not comparable to Hong Kong Haowan.”

"Thailand has a population of over 54 million and is one of the four Asian tigers. We can look forward to it at the box office."

During the three days from the 23rd to the 25th, movies such as "The Legend of the Water Margin" and "The Legend of the Marsh" will be released one after another. These movies are considered small productions, especially for a big company like 100 Years Pictures, "The Legend of the Water Margin" They are all ordinary movies that Hua Zai shot for more than a month.

Originally, the company didn't pay much attention and just followed the process casually.

It was released on Hong Kong Island yesterday, and only got 50% of the film schedule, and then (Jurassic Park 2) was reduced to 40%, and (New Half Category) is still in theaters with 10%.

However, Hong Kong, Mainland China and South Korea, that is, 50% of the day. Wang Vanke's "The Two Prides" will be released at 8 o'clock this morning. "The Two Prides" will start at 30%, and then "The Water Margin" will be 30% , (new half a catty) completely failed.

Hua Zai laughed and said, "Yesterday, 50% of the film schedule in Hong Kong Island only took in 920,000 Hong Kong dollars in box office in one day. It is definitely profitable. As long as the total box office exceeds 10 million, the province, mainland and South Korea will not be far behind." , selling the port is also a big money."

“But there is another Thai market, so we can look forward to it!”

On July 15th, Hong Kong Island Commercial Bank Chen Youqing brought Chia Tai students to theaters to pay protection fees. This is indeed super good news for the Hong Kong film industry.

This is the same as when Wanjia invaded South Korea.

Before Wanjia entered South Korea, no matter how much box office Hong Kong movies sold there, it basically had nothing to do with the producers. They just collected the total port fee. The second generation Li Guoxing could collect one-fourth and five-fifths of the box office profits.

Even less!

Because before the theater chains entered the theater chain, there were too many scattered theater chain alliances that falsely reported and concealed box office revenue, made false accounts, and delayed the accounts for a year and a half without giving you any money.

But Wanjia has entered South Korea. If a movie sells more than 40 million Hong Kong dollars in South Korea, it can return about 20 million Hong Kong dollars and flow into the film production company. It is open, transparent, timely and stable.

This is an extra profit of 10 to 20 million!

Is this true in South Korea? What about Thailand? South Korea, with a population of 42 million, is one of the four Asian tigers, and Thailand, with a population of 54 million, is one of the four tigers!

The next moment, Hua Zai was also slightly excited and said, "The box office in Hong Kong Island was 920,000, but (Water Margin) took in 2.77 million Hong Kong dollars in one day in South Korea, which was almost three times the number in this city. That's still 50% of the film schedule... "

"I heard that Mr. Zhao is also running the Wanjia Comprehensive Supermarket in Xingjiapo. There are 3 million people in Xingjiapo, which is half less than that of Hong Kong Island. If Wanjia opens 20 stores, 20 theaters will be able to fill it, right? ?”

South Korea’s box office is three times that of Hong Kong Island? First of all, the population of South Korea is more than six times that of Hong Kong Island, and secondly, the ticket price is twice that of Hong Kong Island.

At this stage, South Korea's entertainment industry is completely in ruins. When Lee Young-ae studied in Hong Kong from South Korea and became a new national idol after becoming famous, it is really...

No matter how many fans Hua Zai has in South Korea at this stage, he thinks that Li Yingai is the second female lead, and the Korean fans who buy movie tickets for Miss Yingai are extremely fierce.

It was windy and rainy outside the awning of the building, but now it could not stop the fiery hearts of Hua Zai and the others. Old Wu was excited, "If we can win Malaysia and the island country together, it will really be a huge source of wealth. Overall, The box office power is stronger than in North America."

"I heard that there are more than 17 million people in Malaysia, and Chinese account for a quarter. The total number is not less than the Chinese in Sing Kapo, but more. The Chinese in Malaysia and Sing Kapo combined are more than the total number of Chinese in Hong Kong Island. population.”

"Xing Ma Tai, Xing Ma Tai, once we win Xing He Tai, how can we lose the horse? Doesn't that look down on the big horse?"

The fat on Wang Jingxiao's face trembled, "These days, Zou Sheng, Lei Sheng, and Shao Sheng are all building relationships and entertaining guests. They are running as pioneers to operate Xingjiapo Cinemas and Supermarkets. If I really do it well, not only the movie, but also my monthly calendar can be spread all over the retail terminals, preventing those second-hand dealers and middlemen from making so much profit."

In one sentence, Lao Wu, Da Shitou, Hua Zai and others were all speechless.

After being speechless for a long time, Da Shitou dropped his cigarette butt and asked curiously, "Director Wang, you have been in business for 10 months. How much has the calendar factory made in total?"

Don’t forget Feijing’s calendar factory. Between December last year and January this year, its monthly sales could exceed HK$200 million or HK$300 million.

Fei Jing's smile became even brighter, "From the opening of the factory to June, we sold a total of 1.17 billion Hong Kong dollars in sales. But don't think that with such a huge sales volume, I can really earn as much as I want. Let me give you an example. , the island country sold 210 million Hong Kong dollars in sales, paid tax, customs, transportation, second-hand dealers, retail entities, etc..."

"The 210 million Hong Kong dollars from the island country can return to me 50 million Hong Kong dollars? This will also deduct the printing costs."

"If the island country sells it for 210 million, my net profit will be 30 to 40 million. Of this net profit, 25% will be distributed to the staff team and management."

"I really make very little money, just a little bit of money."

Wang Dashou, Hua Zai and others all rolled their eyes wildly. It's not that they don't believe the numbers Fei Jing said, but it's all about picking up money. You pick up 20 to 30 million from an island country. What about Thailand, Xingjiapo, and Malaysia?

Not to mention that in the Bendong and South Korean markets, you don’t have to pay second-hand dealers. For a 12-yuan calendar, you only need to pay Wanjia 3-yuan channel fee.

Printing costs? ? Doesn’t that mean paper is imported from the paper mill?

This is the same as when Zhao Donghuai sold strong beer and Jianlibao. A bottle of strong beer was priced at 1.8 Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong. Putting aside production costs, celebrities’ personal commissions, transportation channel fees, taxes, etc., Zhao Donghuai earned 1 Hong Kong dollar per bottle.

But if a middleman like Lao Wu transports goods and sells them to Wan Province, he can only make 50 cents from selling a bottle of Zhao Donghuai! When Wanjia establishes a new province, even if there is an extra layer of tariffs, he can still earn 80 cents or 90 cents for each bottle sold. There is no need for middlemen like Lao Wu to extract profits, and there is no need to pay for retail terminals.

They all came because the cinema chain had broken into the Thai market, and they were anxious to see the results. But Fei Jing and Hua Zai were really different from Lao Wu and Wang Dashu. They also had wall calendars and bicycles. Business!

The group arrived at around six in the morning...it was not until seven in the morning that they entered the building and went up to the waiting area on the 12th floor.

eight thirty……

Met Zhao Donghuai.

In the big office, Hua Zai took the initiative to serve as the boy who served tea and water, and everyone arranged a round. Director Zhao smiled and said, "You are quite impatient, but it is understandable. Yesterday (Water Margin) won the first prize in Thailand 4.1 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office.”

"It's higher than that in South Korea."

Although there are no moviegoers in Thailand who go to theaters to buy movie tickets for the second female lead, Lee Young-ae, Thailand has more than 10 million people more than South Korea. It belongs to the peak era of the Four Asian Tigers, and Thais are not short of money. Movie tickets are also 30 Hong Kong dollars each.

More importantly, in the past, Thailand did not have a unified overarching theater chain, and it was still a loose theater alliance. Most of the movie-watching experiences in the alliance were actually similar to those in the new era of mainland China.

On a hot day, there is no air-conditioning or air-conditioning, which is very basic for an old-fashioned cinema.

The newly opened Wanjia is also located in the Lotus Supermarket of the CP Group. It is fully air-conditioned and provides a superior movie-watching experience.

This is the time when Zhao Donghuai decorated the first Wanjia comprehensive store, copying the large shopping malls in the late 2010s. The theater chain also copied the layout. At this stage, Lotus Supermarket also copied the layout of Wanjia.

An epoch-making experience in advance.

Speaking of this, Zhao Donghuai said happily, "(Water Margin) got 4.1 million, which is an average attendance of 40%."

"After all, this is a 600 big screen, and this movie is 100% ranked. The movie that was sold out before (Jurassic Park 2) is still showing in the old theater alliance due to contract issues. I heard Xie Sheng said Jurassic Park 2 Yesterday, the box office revenue was more than 1.8 million Hong Kong dollars."

Wang Jingdu was shocked, "The average attendance is 40%, and the box office is 4.1 million Hong Kong dollars in one day? This is a screening that starts at 8 a.m.? Eight hours less, at least four less screenings??"

Zhao Donghuai nodded without explaining much. After all, this was Thailand in 1990. The average GDP per capita was five times that of the mainland, and the population was more than eight times that of Hong Kong Island...

The box office of 4.1 million is equivalent to more than 130,000 Thai people watching the movie.

Of course, just listen to the GDP per capita or average salary. The real level varies greatly, but Lotus Supermarket itself is densely located in the most important cities such as Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and Pattaya.

Another point must be noted. In this era, Thailand is also a tourist destination for tourists from many countries. The tourist flow is very large. Tourism is one of Thailand’s five major economic pillars!

The tourist wave itself can also be converted into an audience of movie fans. From 1974 to the present, transvestite shows have been one of the biggest money-drawing waves in Thailand's tourism industry.

Accounting for 20% to 30% of the business in the traveling performance industry.

Then custom attracts money...

At the current stage of the Hong Kong film industry, in the original track, movies with a box office of 30 million Hong Kong dollars for 25 Hong Kong dollars were all priced at 15 Hong Kong dollars. Only with Hong Kong citizens and tens of millions of tourists a year can the box office continue to be maintained at 3,000. Ten thousand levels.

One can imagine how much tourists spend in Thailand, one of the five major economies in the tourism industry.

(Water Margin) This kind of ordinary movie, if Hong Kong Island gets 70% of the film schedule support, it can earn more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office in more than three weeks. Now it is only 50% a day, and then it will be changed to 30% or less in the long term. Maybe it will be lowered. Only 12 million to 15 million box office.

But in Thailand, even if three movies were released within three consecutive days, each with a 33% screening rate, it would not be surprising if a single movie could earn HK$40 million.

A movie with a box office of 40 million Hong Kong dollars in Thailand is equivalent to more than 1.3 million people watching it once. Thailand has a population of 54 million plus a tourist wave of tens of millions!


Although it is a windy and rainy day today.

But after all, there is no typhoon. The streets of Hong Kong Island are still full of traffic and horses, and many pedestrians are walking around holding umbrellas.

On the streets of Tsim Sha Tsui, Daguang stood on the edge of a building square with an umbrella, smoking a cigarette and complaining, "Xiaoguang, I just feel that your idea is not very reliable."

Xiaoguang smiled and continued to hand Daguang a new cigarette, "Brother Daguang, let's try it. What if it works?"

Another younger brother, Ah Hua, also said, "Yes, yes, the former Asia Pacific CEO of Procter \u0026 Gamble spent 10 million US dollars to hire a murderer to kill Zou Wenhuai. He was stupid enough to pay the full price first, but now he is wronged and caught by the police. Isn’t it reasonable for us to find the new president and continue asking for money to do things?”

"Tell him then that if he goes to the headquarters to apply for 10 million U.S. dollars in assassination funds, we will give him a personal kickback of 5 million U.S. dollars, and then we will not do anything. We only need him to tell us when the headquarters asks him about his situation. Accept this $10 million bill."

"I just acted like a fool and didn't do anything. I picked him clean, added two to one and made five, each with five million US dollars. That's 40 million Hong Kong dollars. Even if you rob a bank, you may not be able to get that much!"

"By the way, what is the name of the new president?"

Xiaoguang said hurriedly, "Howard?" I watched the press conference he held on ATV before. He announced to the public that hiring a murderer to kill Zou Wenhuai was entirely Sam's personal grudge and private enmity. It was Zou Sheng who cheated on Sam and stabbed him. His daughter has nothing to do with the Procter \u0026 Gamble Group..."

"Zou Sheng seems to be suing Howard for defamation!"

"It's so rude. Zou Sheng is over 60 years old. As for framed and slandered like this? Gui Lao is really shameless."

More than a week ago, Xiaoguang, Daguang and others planned to sneak into Hong Kong, and they actually came.

Up to now, they are still undercover. If they are interrogated by the police, they may be arrested and deported to the mainland. However, it is actually 1990. With the current situation on Hong Kong Island, the Hong Kong police rarely investigate illegal immigrants from the mainland. There's a blackmail problem.

Everyone knows that Zhao Donghuai and his 11 girlfriends, down to marginalized starlets such as Hu Jun, Chen Jinhong, Lin Jiadong, etc., have all opened factories in the mainland to make a fortune.

This huge profit chain has actually tied together countless people in Hong Kong and folks from all over the mainland.

There are also big brothers and key members of the society who have made a fortune in Moscow’s foreign trade business. The security problems in the market have improved more than ten times compared to the years of 1984 and 1985.

Therefore, you are really a stowaway. Walking around on the streets of Hong Kong Island, there are very few police officers who randomly check your identity card. Even if you are identified, ordinary stowaways are rarely deported.

It was precisely because they learned this after arriving illegally that Daguang and others dared to show up and wander around on the streets so casually.

Now Xiaoguang, Ahua and others are suggesting that Daguang, the big brother, find an opportunity to talk to Howard, the new president of Procter \u0026 Gamble, about how your predecessor spent 10 million US dollars on things in a daze and was tricked by a group of gangsters and killers.

Now that he's been arrested and awaiting trial, why don't we continue to plan the assassination of Zou Wenhuai? We don't kill people, but we work together to defraud the headquarters of the public relations fees reserved for you. You take 10 million US dollars, split 50-50 and do nothing.

The headquarters will hold you accountable and throw us out to take the blame. How happy would you be? ?

With Daguang's highly educated IQ, he doesn't quite agree with this. He thinks the new president of P\u0026G won't be that stupid, because it would be too weird to pay the full price before doing anything.

What he said about not being able to stand up to Hua is correct. If it were 50/50, they would get 5 million US dollars, which would be 40 million Hong Kong dollars. Howard may not be able to suppress his greed for 5 million US dollars.

Robbing a bank may not bring you so much profit.

Try it? Forget it if you don’t succeed, what if you succeed? Isn't it just to find Howard and talk to him?

While Daguang continued to smoke sullenly, Xiaoguang once again took out a newspaper from his pocket. It was from Tiantian Daily. The headline on the front page was the ghost Howard holding a press conference, saying that Sam's assassination of Zou Wenhuai was a personal grudge. News unrelated to Procter \u0026 Gamble.

Xiaoguang also wrapped this newspaper in transparent plastic to prevent it from getting wet.

"Look at this ghost guy, he looks like this. P\u0026G's Asia Pacific headquarters is in this building. As long as the ghost guy comes, we can recognize him and chat with him without wasting any time."

Ah Hua nodded repeatedly, "Yes, we will stay here. As long as he is working, we can always guard him."

After finishing smoking the Daguang cigarette again, he threw it into the rain to soak, and then sighed, "Forget it, you guys have pushed me to this point, it's okay to wait for him around here."

"The worst case scenario is that if he doesn't cooperate with us, we'll kidnap him and extort tens of millions of dollars for 50 to 50 cents."

Daguang's bottom line is very flexible. He also went to Moscow to do business and has seen the world. So even if he thinks that the trick of asking Howard to split the money is not reliable, he still has a guaranteed option, which is to kidnap Howard for blackmail. …

As an important general under Qiao Laosi, the number one killer, and one of the most ferocious men in Harbin City and Heilongjiang Province, he has no shortage of ideas for flexible employment.

The three of them waited from morning to night.

At around 9 o'clock in the evening, Da Guang squatted on the side of the road and threw away a lunch box. He stood up and walked around a few times before returning to where he was and complaining, "Damn, that ghost guy didn't come to work today, did he? We rely on newspapers for news." Know he works here, know what he looks like.”

"But whether he goes to work or not, and where he lives is not reported."

Xiaoguang looked tired, but his eyes were still full of energy, "It's okay, make money, don't be embarrassed, if you become successful, you will be a rich man, I'm waiting for an hour, I can't wait until tomorrow, what do you think, Brother Daguang?"

Ah Hua didn't say anything, and was still squatting on the roadside making lunch.

When Ah Hua stared at the entrance and exit of a certain building and took a few more mouthfuls of lunch, his eyes suddenly lit up and he hurriedly said, "Come out, it's that ghost guy."

After 9 pm, it is the time when Hong Kong Island's nightlife begins to get busier, but that is often when places such as Bar Street and Temple Street are active. In the office and business districts in this area, the number of pedestrians and vehicles has become much sparser.

The lights on the first floor of the building where P\u0026G's Asia Pacific headquarters is located were on, and there were lights under the awning of the building. When the big light and the small light turned around to look, they saw Howard walking out with two ghost followers, a man and a woman.

When they arrived under the awning of the building, the male attendant seemed to be going to pick up the car, leaving Howard and a black-haired blond man waiting.

It can be seen that Howard looks unhappy...

Da Guang was so excited that just when he was about to start, Xiao Guang screamed "Fuck!"

Da Guang was also shocked. From a corner of the awning of the building, a figure suddenly rushed out. It was a man wearing a mask and carrying a travel bag. He grabbed a hammer and rushed towards Howard. He knocked Howard over with one hammer, and then knocked him over with another hammer. The black-stocked horse screamed.

Then Daguang, Xiaoguang and Ahua were dozens of meters apart, and watched helplessly as the masked man took away Howard's wallet, watch, belt, and even his coat, suit and leather shoes under the awning, including the female Ocean Horse's coat. , watches, women's bags, high heels, stockings...

The place was busy and cheerful. The ghost guy who had gone to pick up the car came back. When he parked the car, he shouted angrily in English. The masked man who was taking off his clothes grabbed a hammer and ran away with a travel bag on his back.

After he ran away, two security guards slowly rushed out of the building. They were Chinese security guards.

The white man driving the car, his face red with anger, squirted at the two security guards, but the two security guards were obviously perfunctory.

Daguang patted Xiaoguang's arm, "Don't be stupid and leave quickly, otherwise the police will come and chase the masked man just now."


After a while, after all, he was the eldest brother and the number one killer on the road. Xiaoguang and Ahua were also his most capable confidants. The three of them rode bicycles that came from the roadside and caught up with Xiaoguang, who was also fleeing on bicycles. The masked man blocked him in a park.

When he found that he was blocked, the masked man stopped the car and flashed the hammer in his hand, "Brothers, what are you doing? Brother, I am not a vegetarian when it comes to planing."

As soon as the other party spoke, Daguang and the other two looked at each other again, feeling so familiar from the Northeast.

After being speechless for dozens of seconds, Daguang also said in his hometown dialect, "I saw you robbing me just now, grabbing bags and taking off watches, but I understand that you also took off Yangma's stockings???"

When the masked man heard the accent, he felt a lot more relaxed. Looking at the Daguang trio, they were not very aggressive, and he immediately said happily, "You don't know this, top luxury goods such as Five Thousand Years, Chanel, Givenchy or something like that, just a pair of stockings costs a few thousand Hong Kong dollars."

"You said this is second-hand... You don't know that sometimes second-hand goods are more popular. I just don't have a camera, otherwise thieves will be easy to take advantage of."

Daguang, Xiaoguang, and Ahua looked at each other in confusion, and then asked in confusion, "Don't you know the identities of those two ghost guys just now?"

The man with the mask shook his head, "I don't know. Anyway, I work in a skyscraper and I wear very nice clothes. I'm still a ghost guy. I don't care about him. He rushes up and digs the adze, knocks it over, and runs away. If you're lucky, you can wear second-hand goods." Selling for tens of thousands of yuan."

"You can also attack the islanders and South Koreans, but distinguishing them is not as easy as distinguishing the white ghosts."

Da Guang was speechless. He took a step forward and found that the masked man immediately clenched his hammer, and then spread his hands, "I am from Harbin, and I just arrived in Hong Kong illegally the day before yesterday. I used to be called Brother Guang with Fourth Master Qiao on the road to save face. If you don’t give me face, call me Yakuza.”

"Brother, where are you from?"

The man with the mask was so shocked that he almost dropped his hammer, "Holy shit, are you Brother Ha Shiguang? The one on the wanted order? Sorry, I'm from Chuncheng. My surname is Chen. They all call me Xiao Wu."

"I am 21 years old this year. I have been detained many times since I was 16 years old. In 1987, I was sentenced to 7 years for intentional injury. It just happened that I just got out this year and accidentally disabled another person, so I had to run away."

“I didn’t come to Hong Kong until June.”

As he talked, he came closer to watch the big light. He really recognized that this was one of the most famous big brothers on the black provincial road. He immediately dropped his hammer in excitement, took off his mask, and looked like a fan meeting his idol. a feeling of.

He, Ah Wu, has been a frequent visitor to the Bureau since he was a teenager. The five brothers in his family were also known as the Five Tigers of the Elm Tree. They were famous bullies, but compared to the top killers like Qiao Laosi and Da Guang from Heizhou Province, they were still far behind. .

After all, the backbone of Qiao Si's gang are all lining up to be shot, and Daguang's wanted order is not in vain.

The next moment, Chen Awu quickly got to know Xiaoguang and Ahua, and then he excitedly invited the trio to dinner and supper. He also rode a bicycle to find a gang that sold stolen goods, and quickly swindled Howard and his Yangma gang. The things that were stripped from Silk Nvmi's body turned into reality.

After leaving the stolen goods gang, Awu waved a wad of thousand-yuan bills in his hand, his hair flying, "Look, the two brothers Guang and Hua are just going to pick up some things. This is more than 200,000 yuan." I got the Hong Kong dollars."

"This is because gangs that sell stolen goods usually only give us 20 to 30% of the market price... Usually the things they rob from bank jewelry stores are 40% of the market price, but 20 to 30% of these second-hand goods are pretty good."

Daguang's expression was hard to describe, and Xiaoguang couldn't help but tremble, and patted Chen Awu on the shoulder, "Xiaowu, if you kidnap that ghost guy, you have the chance to extort tens of millions, and maybe even a beautiful knife."

Awu was stunned. After dozens of seconds, he scratched his head and said, "Kidnapping for ransom? I'm not professional. This involves contacting the victim's family, collecting money, avoiding the police, etc. It's too troublesome."

"If you ask me, it's better to use an adze instead of a thief. Watch the business center's off-duty hours, preferably around 9 to 10 pm. When you see the target, run over and give it a beating, and everything will be solved."

Seeing Awuhu's annoyed look, Daguang couldn't help but cover his forehead, "Have you ever considered that committing crimes like you do will soon make the patrol police officers in the places you frequent and at certain times very soon? increase."

"It was fine the first few times, but next time you try to run away, you are surrounded??"

Ah Wu scratched his head, "It's okay, I run fast, and I'm even faster on a bicycle. There are many small roads and alleys on Hong Kong Island. Next time I will go to Central..."

Daguang was speechless for a moment. Of course, he didn't know that the Awu in front of him looked very young at only 21, but he was also in the mid-to-late 1990s, fighting in Chuncheng, Ji Province with a handful of hammers and short axes. He has a terrible reputation.

Once, within a few months, he carried out dozens of robberies and killed more than a dozen innocent people, including a pregnant woman. Almost no one in Spring City dared to go out alone at night.

In the classic movie (Crazy Stone), Heipi, played by Huang Bo, often shouts harsh words: Why does he care so much? I go up and get it done with a hammer, and run away after doing it... That Heipi is talking about, this Awu That’s what really makes people crazy and inhumane.

The next moment he smiled again and said, "Brother Guang, let's go have supper. You are my idol. We won't come back until we get drunk."

"More than 200,000 yuan, I never dreamed before that it would be so easy to make money."

Seeing him showing off the stolen money of more than 200,000 yuan, Daguang, Xiaoguang and Ahua couldn't help but fell silent. Howard's watch is worth more than 1 million Hong Kong dollars. I heard that the secretary's handbag is also from Chanel, which costs tens of thousands. Hong Kong dollars.

Not to mention, they are quite experienced. They have lowered the prices of watches, belts, wallets, etc., including the several Wanjia supermarket vouchers in Howard's wallet, and those with denominations of 5,000 were all reduced to 4,000 Hong Kong dollars. One piece.

After all, the voucher thing is basically a one-to-one exchange for real money, and it’s not anonymous.

But Awu actually gave 5,000 Hong Kong dollars for the stockings he took off from Dayanma's secretary, which was outrageous!

After being silent for a while, thinking as he walked, Daguang couldn't help but ask, "What's going on with those Chinese security guards? Did you bribe them?"

Awu smiled happily, "No, no, I don't have the energy to do that kind of thing. When they come out to do things, I just give it a try. If they don't come out, it will save me trouble. If I don't come out this time, I estimate that it will only cost two to three thousand yuan." The salary is not worth risking your life."

As we all know, Wanjia Supermarket offers high salaries and benefits. The monthly salary of a first-level worker is 5,000, which is basically twice the average salary on Hong Kong Island.

Even if you are a security guard in an office building... you earn more than a street sweeper, but not much more.

Two to three thousand yuan a month, what are you doing with your life? Besides, other people don’t know, and the security guards of that commercial building don’t know that it’s the P\u0026G leadership who just spent a lot of money to hire thugs to assassinate a local tycoon like Zou Wenhuai. .

Serious Chinese security guards, who would risk their lives for them?

Procter \u0026 Gamble's Asia Pacific headquarters only rented a few floors of office buildings in that commercial building. The entire commercial building has more than 30 floors and houses many different companies.


On July 25, early in the morning, Zou Wenhuai was eating porridge when he saw the housekeeper hurried over and handed him a newspaper. Zou Sheng was stunned by the headlines on the front page.

Howard, P\u0026G's new Asia Pacific president, was attacked outside an office building at 9:30 last night? When the hammer fell, the secretary was not spared either?

He was indeed an ordinary robber, and his pants and belt were all taken away! This is not at all the work of various ruthless gangs that once roamed Hong Kong Island, South Korea, and other island countries!

Zou Wenhuai was silent for a few minutes, took another sip of porridge, and ordered, "Call the police station and ask if this is the first similar robbery case in Hong Kong, or has it happened many times before??"

"Fuck him, who did it? Doesn't this give P\u0026G an opportunity to continue to slander me? Fuck him, I'm over 60 years old, and you're actually slandering me for what I did to Sam?"

"As much as I want to say it's a great job, but..."

As Zou Sheng complained, the housekeeper quickly went to get information. Before the housekeeper came back, He Guanchang walked in and said with a happy face, "Zou Sheng, Howard has been punished. Haha, he was robbed in the head."

"I consulted last night. Howard and the female secretary are both awake. They just have a slight concussion, not serious injuries. This has been the sixth robbery case in more than a month since the middle of last month."

"The victims of the six robberies were all ghost guys. They were all in the core business district of Tsim Sha Tsui around the same time after work. Howard was lucky. One of the six robberies died directly. The hammer used by the gangster was unusual. It had a small square end. The hammer has a very flat end, like an ax blade, and can be used to plan wood and lift bricks."

"The dead end was flattened and knocked down all at once. When the ambulance arrived, the brain could be seen with the naked eye..."

Zou Wenhuai's face was a little dark, "Where did this special bitch come from? There are no Chinese victims?"

He Guanchang took a sip of tea and nodded, "Xinji's collection team is collecting the prisoners. We told him for the first time that if we attack foreigners, island countries, and South Koreans, we won't have much trouble, but if we attack compatriots, we will be in big trouble."

"I don't know how to complain. The third time he got seriously injured Gui Lao, he was still a Chinese executive disguised by MI6. After he was sent to the hospital, the company boss went to visit and found that Gui Lao's briefcase was full of trade secrets. There are also eavesdropping devices..."

"I went back to check and found that four or five mini bugs were installed in the boss's office and bathroom."

Zou Wenhuai was so messed up that he could hardly breathe.

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