Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 340 Do you call this studying abroad? ?

July 25th is the day when (Laughing Forest Boy: The New Oolong Courtyard) will be released. The film "The Two Young Masters" released yesterday has already taken 3.4 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office in Thailand.

Both "The Unparalleled Heroes" and the second day's "Water Margin" have 50% of the film schedules, but "The Two Heroes" is 3.4 million Hong Kong dollars, while "Water Margin" is only 2.7 million Hong Kong dollars.

I have to say that the costume martial arts movie starring Lin Qingxia, Liu Xiaoli and Li Zi seems to be more attractive to Thai people than the Water Margin starring Andy Lau, Mo Shunjun and Li Yingai alone.

In the big office of ATV, Zhao Donghuai was watching the news from behind his desk that Howard, the new president of P\u0026G Asia Pacific, was knocked unconscious with a hammer and was robbed last night. He was also in a daze, "Who did this? Are you doing this in a big city?"

He traveled through time as a post-90s generation who lived until 2022. Occasionally, he can learn from some film and television works how wild the mainland was in the 1990s. For example, motorcycle gangs and Yangcheng were among the hardest-hit areas. Riding motorcycles to grab bags and mobile phones, etc. …

As a result, motorcycles had to be banned in big cities.

There are also some racing gangs in Hong Kong who grab bags and gold and silver jewelry, but those were more common in 1983 or 1984. Nowadays, in the past few years, those with skills and courage have long gone out to other industries. .

Qiu Shuzhen, who was walking over with a few tea eggs and a glass of milk, glanced at the newspaper and immediately stuck out her tongue in a cute way, "This method doesn't look like Zou Sheng's counterattack."

"Although it's too much for an old man in his 60s to be slandered like that by Howard. It's not like he attacked with a hammer. Phew~ even the female secretary's stockings were stripped off. It's too..."

The description in the news was very straightforward, and there were photos. When the ambulance arrived, Howard was only wearing a pair of boxers, and the female secretary's high heels and black stockings were gone. Of course, the one who did the work didn't go any further. Take off clothes.

Zhao Donghuai was convinced, "If Zou Sheng did this, he would only hit Howard with a few hammers, and it shouldn't affect a little secretary. His skills in stripping off clothes are too impressive."

After he grabbed a tea egg and cracked it twice casually, the egg shell was broken into pieces, leaving only a smooth tea-flavored egg. Xiaoxian came over and said, "I asked Pan Asia before, and they said it was a multi-tasking egg." On the sixth day of the month, a fugitive from Ji Province named Chen Awu did it."

"Xinji is very dirty. He has ordered that he cannot attack Chinese people. He can only deal with ghosts, island guys, and South Koreans."

Director Zhao took a bite of the egg and looked confused, "If this continues, Gui Lao should start filming the white version of The Long Night, wouldn't I become the biggest villain?"

"This won't work. It's too immoral. Let Pan Asia do something and send him to study in an island country."

Xiaoxian said in surprise, "Ah, are they really sent to Tokyo?"

Zhao Donghuai finished one tea egg and continued to eat the second one, "We always have to take care of the tourists and the white people's mentality of drifting in Hong Kong. This is for the sake of the tourism industry in Hong Kong. We can't make money from white tourists while also asking them life."

"It's better to send it to Tokyo. It's more suitable for demons to dance around there."

"By the way, has Murakami Gen's new Yamaguchi group been established?"

Xiaoxian was also excited when he mentioned this, with a gossipy expression on his face, "It's been established, it's been established. Some of the big brothers and team leaders in the Lao Yamaguchi group that he doesn't deal with have many debts that were cheated by the Ponzi scheme. They also know that Murakami Yuan also made billions of Hong Kong dollars from the scam and asked him for money."

"That guy didn't talk about martial arts and just wanted to invite everyone to dinner. He just had a banquet at Hongmen, and blood flowed like a river."

"Afterwards, he provided 3 billion Hong Kong dollars in funds to higher-level bosses. After the new Yamaguchi-gumi was established, not only his own subordinates, but also some of the lower-level members of the original Yamaguchi-gumi, Sumiyoshi-kai and even Inagawa-kai were crazy about job-hopping."

"This guy's current overall strength is not as good as the Sumiyoshi Kai and Inagawa Kai, but he is already stronger than the Lao Yamaguchi group!"

"The Tiger Gang is also expanding crazily, issuing work visas to some strongmen in the mainland, and they are all visas for high-quality talents with a three-year visa."

Everyone who knows about Azana’s Ponzi scheme finally raised more than 30 billion Hong Kong dollars. The Tiger Gang and the Eagle Gang each took several billions. Gen Murakami took several billions. There were also congressmen and others who took tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars. .

Really high-level people understand that the greatest wealth is shared by the higher-up bosses behind the Yamaguchi-gumi.

They have already taken away tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars. Gen Murakami opens a new Yamaguchi group and provides another 3 billion Hong Kong dollars? No wonder he succeeded! This is a negative example of why Heliansheng Big D cannot afford a new Heliansheng.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "When Wanjia drives into Tokyo, he will be a living Bodhisattva who saves the suffering..."


Two days later.

At Kai Tak Airport, Liu Luanxiong was queuing up with his suitcase to check in. A soft voice suddenly sounded behind him, "Young man, you have so little luggage, can you bring one for me? My suitcase is very small. It’s very light, and I have to carry the baby and unpack the suitcase, so it’s a bit busy.”

This is a female voice in Mandarin.

The male voice who was called handsome smiled and said, "Okay, sister-in-law, I like to help others the most."

"By the way, sister-in-law, where are you from? Mandarin is a bit convoluted..."

The soft female voice chuckled, "I am an overseas Chinese in Thailand, and I am taking my daughter to travel to the island country."

The handsome male voice was a little surprised, "You are raising your daughter alone. Come to Hong Kong Island first and then go to the island country. You are not afraid of being tired."

The two of them just talked to each other, talking behind Da Liu. Occasionally, a little girl's voice would be heard, but it was in Thai, and Da Liu couldn't understand it.

After a while, he was almost in the baggage check-in line. Da Liu couldn't help but scan his eyes backwards. What he saw was a handsome young man about 20 years old, chatting with a beautiful young woman in her twenties or seventies. vigorously.

Da Liu rolled his eyes and ignored it.


Half an hour later, the flight to Tokyo was about to take off. Liu, who was sitting in the first class cabin and drinking water, was surprised to see that the nice guy who had helped the stranger to check the luggage also walked into the first class cabin.

He suddenly spat out saliva. The young man who walked in looked at Liu Luanxiong in astonishment, then looked around, took his ticket and sat down, sitting next to Liu Luanxiong.

After sitting down and thinking for a few seconds, the awesome guy said, "Brother, do you know me? Or do you discriminate against me?"

Da Liu hurriedly shook his head, "I'm not, I'm not, no, little brother, did you really help a stranger check in your luggage before? Do you know if there are any prohibited items in there?"

"If you find out, you will be caught by the police..."

He was a little doubtful for a moment as to how this young man could afford to fly first class with his intelligence. When it comes to issues like airport or customs clearance, do you dare to help strangers casually?

He admitted that the young woman who asked this young man for help before was a bit pretty and very attractive. You can't help with everything. If there is powder in the other party's box, even if it is hidden deep and disguised well, once it is found out, then It's a felony.

Even under the laws of Hong Kong and other island countries, the death penalty is rarely imposed, and if it is, it will basically be converted to life imprisonment. You will be sentenced to life imprisonment because you were soft-hearted for a moment and did a stupid favor? Who can I talk to to reason with you?

Da Liu has witnessed this incident and can testify that this kid is indeed not very caring and is just doing others a favor, but there is no need for him to wade into such muddy waters. Why should he help testify? Did it anger the fan team?

What would he, a rich man, have to do with those barefoot people?

Of course, the presence of powder inside is a matter of probability. Maybe they are all legal items? But when it comes to probabilities, why should you risk your future on a vague and uncertain destiny?

The good boy was stunned. He stared at Da Liu for dozens of seconds, then slapped the back of his head and said, "Yeah, damn, I'm in trouble. Damn it, I'm going to the airport to explain."

Da Liu grabbed the other person's arm, "It's too late now, but you are a first-class customer. You can explain to the flight attendant that the box you picked up before was stained with fingerprints, and the checked items were also registered in your name. Next, I hope you have a safe journey."

"Don't worry, I am also a bystander. If you have any questions, I can help you testify."

Liu would not wade into such troubled waters unless he suddenly became his seatmate in first class. Of course, even if he said he would help testify now... that would be perfunctory. He should be reassured first.

After the plane takes off and lands in Tokyo, who will know whom?

The good boy was stunned again, and after a minute he said seriously, "Thank you, brother. I have never seen anything like this before. I have encountered all these troubles. Damn it, I remember it. By the way, my name is Chen Awu. Brother, just call me Xiao Wu, of course, you can also call me Zhang Wei."

Da Liu smiled and said a few more polite words, feeling in his heart that this guy was sick, Chen Awu was just Awu, right? What the hell is Zhang Wei? He called the stewardess over and ordered two glasses of red wine, "What are you doing in Tokyo?"

He observed Xiao Wu again and found that this guy had fair skin and decent clothes. Even if he was not a wealthy man, he probably had a good family background, and his watches were all Rolexes.

He is just a bit straight and a bit reckless.

Awu then smiled and said, "I'm going to study abroad."

Isn't it? Originally, he was doing well in Hong Kong Island. He made a windfall of more than 200,000 yuan a few days ago, and he also met his former idol Daguang, but Pan Asia suddenly came forward and asked him to study abroad in Tokyo.

He has to go even if he doesn’t want to.

Later, Zou Wenhuai sent someone to visit him and gave him some decent clothes and 200,000 Hong Kong dollars, saying that he had given Howard those hammers. Zou Sheng was very happy and saw him off. of.

Liu once again complained about his IQ and went to Tokyo to study? There are indeed many universities in Tokyo that are relatively famous, and their international rankings are not bad. Forget it, it’s just that young people are not scheming and have little knowledge.

But this guy speaks Northeastern dialect and comes from a big family in the Mainland? ?

If he was from a big family in the mainland, second or third generation, etc., Da Liu would think that he could have a close relationship with him. Afterwards, Da Liu started to have a lot of tests during the conversation.

He still has the art of conversation.

Then he found that this person didn't seem to be a member of a big family. Anyway, when he asked him what his family did, he directly changed the subject, very abruptly.

This guy seems to have no real knowledge.


A few hours later.

At the Tokyo Metropolitan Airport, when Liu and Awu went to pick up his salute, while they were queuing, a young woman holding her daughter came out and greeted Awu warmly.

Awu's performance was a bit beyond Liu Luanxiong's imagination. The young man who originally thought he was very shameless and stupid could still keep his face straight, as if he didn't know anything, and continued chatting with the young woman.

The two also left their BB phones and contact phone numbers with each other.

Until a young woman got the trolley suitcase she had checked in and said she was going to buy Awu some gifts from the airport store to thank him and would come back to him later.

At the same time, Liu also noticed that some islanders in plain clothes were surrounding them from several directions, and Liu Luanxiong hurriedly got out of the way.

Ah Wu acted as if he didn't notice it, and gradually waited for his suitcase. It was really his suitcase, just a small box containing a few changes of clothes.

After this box appeared, the small box that a young woman asked him to help transport also appeared, appearing together.

Liu Luanxiong dodged away faster.

In his eyes, three of the plainclothes men approaching the siege came within five meters of Awu, and then "Fuck!!"

Under Liu's own witness, Awu opened the suitcase, grabbed two hammers, and counterattacked to the sides of the two plainclothes men. He simply slashed one of the hammers toward their faces, and slashed the other man's throat with the other.



After quickly knocking over the two men, Awu squatted down to touch the corpses, grabbed two revolvers, and fired two shots into the sky amidst the screams and screams of others. The entire luggage area of ​​the airport was in chaos. !

This is the Tokyo Metropolitan International Airport. There are a large number of passengers picking up luggage and serious aviation service teams coming and going here.

Liu Luanxiong squatted with his mouth open, waiting for the chaos to end. A plainclothes man from the island nation quickly knocked him over, and handcuffed him behind his back with a flash of handcuffs.

"Damn drug dealers, scum..."

Why did it really happen? Why was it that nothing was found in Hong Kong Island, but was found in Tokyo? This is nothing more than a matter of luck, and when the first-class cabin explained to the flight attendant that a certain piece of luggage was not Awu's, as soon as the flight attendant contacted her, Tokyo would conduct a more in-depth and strict search.

Da Liu did not dare to resist and explained in English crazily, "I am not a drug dealer. I want to hire a lawyer. I am a rich man..."

That's right, he just once worked with Zhou Xingxing to see if he could deceive people's children into speculating on the Nikkei Index, but they didn't succeed. And if you can't do this, you can't expect a big boss like Zhao Donghuai to help. You seek investment banks to provide you with leverage.

If you can't use leverage, how can you make a fortune by speculating on the Nikkei? Da Liu plans to come to Tokyo by himself and look for opportunities. If he hopes to find an investment bank willing to help him leverage, that will be a huge amount of wealth.

Before him, some secretarial assistants and other teams came over in advance to arrange accommodation and other issues, and also contacted the investment bank bosses to invite them to dinner.

If nothing unexpected happens, his secretary assistant is already waiting for him at the airport exit.

Fuck, what’s going on!

How could that stupid Awu be a drag on him? Also, he couldn't for a moment connect the big boy who got on the plane, sat in first class, wore nice clothes, and had a bright smile, with the murderous man who was violently throwing a hammer and skillfully grabbing a gun and shooting.

Did these plainclothes grow up eating shit? The two of them fell to their knees instantly under Awu's surprise attack. Since you really found fans in a certain suitcase and came to arrest them...you didn't have any sense of defense? ?

What the hell is this about studying abroad? ! You call this studying abroad? grass!


Outside Tokyo Metropolitan Airport.

Adong, who was smoking while leaning against a Mercedes-Benz, suddenly turned around and looked at the vast airport terminal, "What's the sound?"

South Korean translator Li Zhixiu glanced uncertainly, "Sounds of gunfire? Is the airport so lively? It's become more and more chaotic recently..."

Adong and Li Zhixiu were the first members of the Tiger Gang to cross the sea to the island country. Although they were really translators at the earliest, it was during the period when Brother Dahui, Brother Dajiang, and Brother Lei couldn't understand each other's languages. Channels of communication and microphones.

But the Tiger Gang has been established in Tokyo for two and a half years!

This is already a behemoth in Shinjuku City. After two and a half years, there is almost no weak person left alive. The weak ones have been eliminated by the jungle of the jungle.

In the current Tiger Gang, Li Jixiu is also Xiu Ge, the boss of the South Korean members of the Tiger Gang. As for Adong, the former top student, he is no longer a 996 in Hong Kong and can no longer afford a social beast who spends his money on his girlfriend...

The two of them came to pick someone up this time.

Or a brother from Hong Kong Island Xinji contacted Brother Dahui and said that Pan Asia sent an overseas student from Northeast China, who played a bit hard in Hong Kong Island and was not suitable to stay in Hong Kong Island and continue to be a white man.

What's your name, Awu? ?

The last one named Brother Wu was the ruthless member of the Brother Pao gang who bombed public toilets!

Brother Xinji introduced A Wu and acted as a middleman. A Dong became interested and wanted to see how good the newcomer was.

While the two were confused, there were more and more gunshots in the terminal, screams were like a tsunami, and more and more pedestrians were running out of the terminal.

Adong and Li Zhixiu looked at each other for a while, but they still signaled to the boy who sent them here to raise a Chinese character banner welcoming Awu to travel to Tokyo.

after a while.

A tall young man wearing a mask and sunglasses rushed over from the panicked crowd, "Are you here to pick me up? I'm Awu."

Adong took a sharp breath, "Do you smell like your blood type?"

When Ah Wu heard the familiar Mandarin, he immediately said with joy, "Damn, I was tricked by a bitch. I was surrounded by policemen when I got to the ground. I killed a few policemen with my backhand and grabbed a few guns. Let's go quickly."

A Dong and Li Zhixiu looked at each other again.

The two of them were used to big scenes. The Tiger Gang had made billions of Hong Kong dollars in windfalls in the Ponzi scheme. They called Awu to get in the car. When the car started, Awu suddenly said, "Brothers, I'm sorry, I It seems that a big brother has been implicated, please wait for me, I will save people."

At a certain exit of the terminal, several Japs wearing body armor and carrying guns were pressing the fan Liu in front and pushing him forward. There were also Da Liu's secretaries and assistants who wanted to help get close to Da Liu, but they were quickly shot. He was so smashed that he stepped back again and again.

There were still a lot of cluttered crowds between those people and the car, but Ah Wu still saw it. He couldn't deceive Brother Liu.

That's a good guy!

Besides, if he wanted to clear up his grievances, he was counting on Da Liu to help him... Shit, he almost forgot that he had already killed the policeman.

This mud is stuck to my crotch and cannot be washed away.

Adong was confused, "How many more times do you want to kill?? Save people?"

A Wu trembled with excitement, "It's a joke, I found that these Japanese policemen are just that strong, and they are not as ruthless as the armed fighting in our hometown."

There’s nothing wrong with that. Huang Langwei, the eldest brother of 14th Duong, was once taken to the Mainland to gain experience. He was really frightened by the scenes of fighting. How could he help Zhao Donghuai start hacking a big brand like San Miguel Beer? He was fearless and faced the difficulties. charge!

Where is Awu? How do you think their family of five brothers, the Five Tigers of Yushu, got their name? Also, at the age of 16, he was frequently taken back to the police station, and at the age of 18, he was sent to prison for three years of hard training as soon as he became an adult.

They were just released this year, and they were crippled and ran away south.

He is reckless, his personal strength is really not bad, but his real strength is not, and he was disabled long ago when he was in Hengxing Township.

Ah Wu nodded heavily, "Rescue people, it wasn't Brother Liu who reminded me. I'm still confused. Maybe I got caught out of nowhere, and I won't be able to prepare with all my strength and fight out."

"I am a bastard and I am a bastard, and it is impossible for me to let down those who are kind to me."

"Now there is chaos and riots at the airport. You can be more confident in what you do in the chaos. If it gets quieter, I won't be able to go to the police station detention room to rescue Brother Liu. The latter is too difficult."

Chaos is the biggest cover for Awu to escape.


August 2nd is coming.

(The Voice of Asia) is about to start recording preparations for a new round of competitions. This is already the battle between Andy Lau and his team to determine the championship among the top four, and the championship battle between Zhang Guorong and his team was broadcast last weekend.

The ratings are ridiculously strong, reaching more than 40 million viewers in the island country alone.

After all, Zhang Guorong’s team is composed of Ren Xianqi, Sakai Quanshui, Sun Nan, and Chen Huilong competing against each other. Sakai Quanshui, the island country’s diva...

The entire island country currently has a population of only 120 million, and Izumi Sakai managed to attract 40 million viewers, even though her single album (Don't Give Up) is still being recorded, even if Izumi Sakai lost the championship battle.

Zhang Guorong’s team won the championship with Ren Xianqi and advanced to the next round.

But Izumi Sakai's fame and popularity have skyrocketed, at least in Japan's entertainment industry. She has been hailed as the country's strongest new idol since the 1990s.

The most beautiful singer in Heisei!

Today's battle between Yang Gangli, Tai Zhengxiao, Zhang Yu and Li Chunbo obviously excited countless fans. Huang Bo ran out of the dormitory early in the morning and rushed to the scene.

Just as Huang Bo was running away, he just passed a newsstand and heard countless citizens exclaiming and talking.

"Holy shit, is this true or not? Why is Liu on the island country's wanted list? A drug lord? Shooting to kill police officers? Are you kidding me?"

"Isn't Liu a stock market sniper? He dared to snipe at the Kadoorie family's Peninsula Hotel and made tens of millions. Why is he a drug lord?"

"Is this Liu hiding so deeply? It's a bit outrageous."

"Baguan, sharp, I still can't believe that Liu can be such a ruthless person? With his drug trafficking partner, he managed to escape through a hundred policemen at Narita Airport by fighting through it?"

"Even though Da Liu has been arrested once, his accomplices came back to rescue him? Damn it, isn't this the equivalent of an ancient tribulation court?"


Huang Bo gradually stopped and went over to watch the fun, "Here's a newspaper. It's about a rich man turning into a drug lord and a gangster..."

When he fought his way out of the crowd again, while he was grabbing the melon, Chen Xiaochun also ran out of the dormitory, put his arm around Huang Bo's shoulders and said, "Abo, what are you looking at?"

Abo shook the headline, "It's a bit strange. The Hong Kong stock market sniper and stock tycoon turned out to be a hidden drug lord. Although the suitcase where the drugs were found was not Liu's, the guy who transported the drugs, the whole Hang Cheng had a close conversation with Da Liu."

"Jie the law field to save people!"

"Aren't many couples so loyal to each other anymore?"

Chen Xiaochun gradually turned into a charlatan, and the fan Liu's reputation was also at a certain period of time. He was very famous, and he was still the idol of many people and the stock market leeks. For a period of time, as long as Liu speculated in that stock, the investors would know it. They will buy like crazy together.

The most famous Peninsula Hotel Group in Hong Kong has been attacked by him and he made a lot of extra money.

He really wanted to say that this must be fake, right? Gossip and hype? But... this is news from Tiantian Daily. Tiantian Daily belongs to Lei Juekun Lei tycoon. Can you joke about this kind of thing?

After being stunned for a while, Ah Chun rubbed the back of his head and said, "Da Liu's little brother is indeed upright. When the boss was arrested and policemen wearing bulletproof vests detained him, he rushed to save people. Tsk tsk, husband and wife are birds of the same forest. A disaster is imminent. Let’s fly each other.”

"What's the name of the murderer in the newspaper?"

Abo nodded, "The name given by the island country police is Zhang Wei. Damn, this name is too... just following the crowd. How many people in China are named this?"

There is nothing wrong with it. Pan Asia said that Chen Awu should go to Tokyo to study, but Awu is a gangster in Hong Kong Island. Although his wanted order in Kyrgyzstan is not big, after injuring and maiming people and running away, the wanted level against him is far less. Da Guang and several people under Qiao Laosi.

But if you want to take a flight from Hong Kong Island to Tokyo, you can only use a fake ID.

The name Zhang Wei is really even more outrageous than Zhang San and Li Si. Zhang San and Li Si knew immediately that they were fake names, nicknames, etc. Zhang Wei? ?


A few hours later, the sun rose three poles high.

Zhao Donghuai just walked out of the small suite and sat on the office chair with a fragrant fragrance. He almost got angry when he saw today's newspaper.

"What the hell?"

Xiaoxian knelt down to tie his shoelaces again, and while tying them, he explained, "That Zhang Wei was the one who helped Zou to vent his anger and gave Howard a hammer. He was cheated on his way to Tokyo to study abroad."

"He outrageously checked in the luggage of a strange woman he met for the first time, and it was in the name of his fake ID. We didn't find it when we went through the security check on Hong Kong Island, but the island's airport found two kilograms of powder..."

"He and Da Liu are sitting next to each other. Da Liu must have been hit by mistake. If he can enter the police station smoothly and find a lawyer to file a lawsuit, he can come out fine. The bad thing is that A Wu goes back to save him."

"While rescuing him, he killed and injured several more police officers."

"I heard that they were each shot once, and the Tiger Gang arranged for underground doctors to perform surgery and remove the warheads."

This is the fact. Da Liu was really caught and brought to the police station for interrogation. With his financial resources, he should be able to prove his innocence quickly. He is really A Wu's seatmate. Even other people in the first class cabin, including the stewardess, can prove that he and A Wu are the same. It was a good conversation on the way.

It was just a chat between the neighbors during the long-distance passenger transport.

The suitcase in which fans are hidden has nothing to do with Liu. There are no fingerprints or anything like his. Plus, he... makes more money from being a fan than he does from sniping this and that in the stock market!

It is really not difficult to go to the police station and hire a lawyer to prove your innocence.

The bad thing happened at the Awujie Dharma Field, and it was successful!

Qiu Shuzhen came up and complained, "The Tokyo police's combat effectiveness is a bit poor. It is probably about the same as the South Korean police's combat effectiveness. How can a hammer player be so rampant?"

Zhao Donghuai rolled his eyes speechlessly. Do you think he was just playing with hammers? In 1990, he was a 21-year-old young man from the Northeast...

What kind of gun didn't you play well when you were growing up? It's true that in this day and age, if you want to be a big brother in society, the skill requirements are not as complicated as usual.

As for such a ruthless person in society, who unknowingly helped a stranger check in his luggage, and was tricked into becoming a fanboy and a wanted criminal? This is really a group of monsters hurting each other.

At this moment, Azhen changed the subject again, "By the way, boss, the news came back from Thailand. I hope to send a movie to you, and I will reserve 20% of the Mandarin version and 10% of the English version."

Zhao Donghuai was stunned, "I understand the English version. After all, it is a big tourist country. It wants 20% of the Mandarin version? Who said it?"

Azhen stuck out her tongue coquettishly, "It seems to be the second princess. Wow, Xie Sheng and Chen Sheng said that the second princess speaks Mandarin very well and knows a lot of Chinese characters. She is also a writer and is a candidate for the crown prince who is qualified to inherit the throne in the future."

"She alone set off a wave of Chinese cultural craze in Thailand. Her favorite movies and TV series are (Red Cliff) (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) and even (Xin Qiji·Po Zhenzi) (Female Medical Saint) (Gongsuo Yushu). She has always They all recommend the original version to surrounding people.”

"Xie Sheng said that our ATV satellite TV receivers, satellite dishes, etc. secretly pounced on Quan Tai. The second princess even pushed her. She really likes Chinese culture."

Zhao Donghuai suddenly realized that it was her, so it was not surprising. He remembered that in 2009, some departments launched the "China Fate·Top Ten International Friends", and the second princess of Thailand was one of the top ten friends.

Who is next to her? The first one is Bethune...

She is also the first member of the Thai royal family to visit China since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and she went with the title of Queen Princess.

Her second brother was crowned crown prince in 1972, and she became queen prince in 1979. In the end, she failed to defeat her second brother. And their mother's evaluation of him? He is a good student and a good boy. The problem is that women like him and he likes women more.

The one who publicly ignored monogamy for the first time in 2019 and directly made a concubine other than the queen.

The original trajectory of the second princess began when she received an honorary doctorate from Peking University in 1991. In the following ten years, she almost received a bunch of honorary doctorates and professorships from mainland universities.

"Okay, it's a good thing that the royal family has such a person, so let's order the 20% Mandarin version."

"By the way, let's make some arrangements and give more gifts to the second princess. The Thai royal family is famously rich and cannot give luxury goods. Instead, give some four treasures of the study. It's best to give some manuscripts of precious works..."

"You let Jiahui and Monica make a real version of House of Cards or the Harry Potter manuscript."

Is the Thai royal family rich? These are the royal families that truly have power in their hands in the 20th century and even the 21st century. The current king is also called the Great Emperor by the people. He is richer than Yanlun and even many many Arab royal families.

They are better than South Korea's Samsung Lee, and they are still justified.

Azhen said in astonishment, "Making a manuscript?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "This can't be called cheating. As we all know, those two are the most talented writers in the white world and the Chinese world. The manuscripts written by them are the original manuscripts."

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