Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 341 Brother Song, when are you going to kill the tiger?

Temple Street, the filming location of "New Love", the crew hired by the Xu family finally appeased the fans who came after hearing the news... These fans mainly came here to chase Zhou Xingxing, the king of comedy.

Er Dongsheng was sitting behind the viewfinder, watching Xingzai and the others rehearse their moves, when he saw a figure hurriedly squeeze in and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Xu, Mrs. Xu, Director Er, I know I came at the wrong time. .”

"But something big happened to Brother Xiong. For a moment, I didn't know who to ask for help. I just wanted to ask Master Xing."

Such a big thing happened to Liu in the island country, and the melon-eating effect is enough to cause a sensation in Haowan, Hong Kong. Luo Chaohui, the "real estate prodigy", is more anxious than Da Liu's wife. After all, Da Liu is his god of wealth, because he is stronger in flattery, and Da Liu Liu Cai led him to make a fortune and become a billionaire.

It was also Liu who had been leading him to join the old wealthy circles.

That is his biggest backer in the market!

Of course Ah Hui knew who to turn to for help in such an accident would be the most practical, Zhao Sheng, but how could he be qualified to see Zhao Sheng? He could only come to beg Xingye.

Speaking of which, a while ago, Master Xing and Da Liu got closer. They went to sea together several times? Ah Hui didn't know what they were talking about or doing when they went to sea.

He only knew that Zhou Xingxing would have the opportunity to more conveniently ask to see Zhao Sheng.

Under Ah Hui's urgent words, Er Dongsheng waved his hands hurriedly, "It's okay, it hasn't officially started yet today, but I'm a little curious. That Liu Sheng of Da Liu is actually a drug lord? This development is a bit bizarre."

"I saw someone in the tabloids claiming that when Liu Sheng sold fans to North America, he was part of helping the Colombian drug lord to sell fans..."

Luo Chaohui almost vomited blood, "How is it possible? Which tabloid is writing this? Isn't this a bloody rant?"

Ah Heng laughed directly. When he laughed out loud, he found Ah Fai looking at him and waved his hand immediately, "No, I just remembered the scene between Ah Xing and Jim Carrey the day before yesterday. The two people's comedy talents are really strong. Some scenes still remain I can’t help but laugh a little bit.”

"I definitely didn't mean to laugh at Liu Sheng. It's really outrageous. How could he lose his fans?"

Jia Ling couldn't help laughing, but her acting skills were much better than Ah Heng's. She explained smoothly, "Yes, Liu Sheng is also a member of our Cantonese businessmen no matter what. How can a rising star lose his popularity?"

"That Zhang Wei who attacked and killed police officers at Tokyo Airport is the trouble."

Even as a few people were joking, Zhou Xingxing, who was still rehearsing, stopped and walked over, waving to Ah Hui from a few steps away, "Ah Hui, what's going on? Why did Liu Sheng attack and kill the police?" It’s the 1990s, and he’s still robbing the court?”

"Although he was robbing the island country's legal field... it is a misunderstanding to say that he has lost fans, but once the robbing legal field is revealed, even if he has no fans, he will be jailed."

"Isn't this too ridiculous?"

Ah Hui answered hurriedly, "I don't know either. I only know that Brother Xiong went to Tokyo to do business. It seems to be related to speculation in the Nikkei Index. Why are you so confused?"

"Those island guys are poisonous! Mr. Xing, please help me find out. Let's not talk about whether it can work. At least ask if Brother Xiong is still alive? I will take off to Tokyo today."

Zhou Xingxing was silent for a few seconds, then patted Luo Chaohui twice on the shoulder, "Be careful, I'll go find out about the situation later."

Luo Chaohui opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he remained silent and just nodded.

Axing looked around again and said to Er Dongsheng, Jia Ling and Mr. Heng, "Guys, I'm sorry, I'll go to the Pan Asia Group to ask Mr. Guang. This kind of trivial matter won't bother Zhao Sheng. Mr. Guang He At least they should know something inside."

His relationship with Liu Luanxiong was not close, but he was indeed a serious business leader. Liu also taught Ah Xing a lot about the stock market, including the Tang Dynasty Catering Group that would later belong to Ah Xing. If you want to go public.

What do you need to do, what should you be wary of, and how should you react when someone attacks you.

Liu Luanxiong often discussed business with him.

Jia Ling smiled and waved her hand, "It's okay. Ah Xing, you go do your work first. We can shoot Jim Carrey's version first."

Seeing Zhou Xingxing and Luo Chaohui leaving the set together, Jia Ling couldn't help but sigh, "That Mr. Liu can't escape the trouble of a lawsuit this time. It's really surprising."

Ah Heng nodded repeatedly, "A Xing is right. The fan defection was an accident. It was a misunderstanding. Once the robbery incident happened, it would be terrible... Didn't the newspaper say that Liu Sheng was shot? He must not have read it before going out. Almanac."

"By the way, who does Liu often ask for Feng Shui? You should avoid it when you go back."

Jialing, "..."


ATV Office.

After Zhao Donghuai arranged to give gifts to the second princess of Thailand, he quickly received the report that Xu Ke was here.

He didn't keep Xu Ke waiting for long. After Director Xu came in, he was simply polite and then took out a script and said, "Sheng Zhao, I plan to make a movie about food, called (The House of Gold and Jade)."

Zhao Donghuai said in astonishment, "Okay, but for such a trivial matter, you wouldn't have to come over in person, right?"

Planning a movie project? With the strength of Xu Ke Studio itself, you can easily decide on a major science fiction movie, just waiting to select actors and set a schedule.

Xu Ke smiled bitterly and said, "I mainly came to see you to inquire about the next schedule. After I handed over (New Dragon Gate Inn) at the end of February, I planned to restart the third part of Once Upon a Time. But after asking Sister Hong, she didn't want to act at that time... …Then there was no follow-up.”

"We'll restart it when she becomes interested one day and find another actress to replace her. I'm always worried that it will be difficult to break the audience's inherent impression."

"Then in late May, I chatted with Aaron about cooperating with him to make a Dragon-style comedy. The guy agreed well at first, but while we were chatting about script writing, he started to feel weak again. Story 4: After $430 million worldwide, Waterloo occurred.”

"He didn't explicitly refuse, but after I refined the script several times and sent it to him, the guy said he was almost interested and asked my studio to work harder and throw it away..."

"The Police Story series has pushed him to a new peak, but it has also become a bit stagnant. It made him afraid to make another big move easily. Now he is fine, and he is back to make a guest appearance (Dongpo Flood Control)."

"I thought about it and decided to make a food movie. After New Dragon Inn was released last time, didn't it lead to the best-selling of Roujiamo and roasted whole lamb for a while?"

"I want Ah Wing to be the protagonist in my new movie. The heroine thinks Yuan Yongyi can give it a try, but I'm afraid that after (The Voice of Asia), Ah Wing will take advantage of the situation and hold a series of concerts to praise his disciples and so on. By the way, I also found a new action actor from the mainland named Zhao Wenzhuo. This Azhuo looks good and his fighting skills are also beautiful..."

"In addition to worrying about Ah Rong's schedule, I also want to ask Sister Xian's good luck to help me find more real cooking masters. It is best to have someone who can handle state banquets as a technical guide."

Having said a lot, in fact, Ah Rong's schedule is very good, and Xu Ke's ultimate goal is to invite the master of state banquets to serve as technical guidance.

If you want to make a good food movie, how can you do it without a real boss directing it? He wanted to make a movie about kung fu and gourmet food, but he didn't focus on nonsensical comedy like Xing Zai's God of Cookery. He really wanted to make a movie that was good-looking and delicious.

According to the original track, Xu Ke only filmed this movie in 1995, but the earliest script was available in 1988. It was nothing more than a script published in 1988, and there were certain changes and changes from the final script in 1995.

Just like he said, it would be done by the end of February (New Longmen Inn) and planned to start Once Upon a Time. Chen Hong didn't want to film it at the time... What should I do? Damn it, just wait.

He contacted Hong Xin privately and asked her if she was interested in playing the role of the new Thirteenth Aunt. That Ah Xin looked like Director Xu, are you kidding me? She's not interested in grabbing Sister Hong's role. What should I do if she's unhappy if I take it?

Hong Xin didn't even dare to take the role, too lazy to cause trouble because of a role.

He went to find Xiao Yingying, Li Ruotong, and Cai Shaofen. He even had an idea for Liu Xiaoli. Although Liu Xiaoli was older, she had a rich charm, and they all shook their heads one after another.

In the sequel series, we couldn't agree on an original character and no longer wanted to play the role. Replacing the character in the next film is a very common operation in the film and television industry. It was just the role of Thirteenth Aunt in Once Upon a Time that became difficult to adjust.

As for (Double Dragon Club), Cheng Long had asked him three times in a row to work harder and improve the script. Lao Xu got angry and wanted to hit someone.

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Director Zhao took the script and read it briefly, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Actually, you can try this movie. It will be shot flying between Hong Kong Island and Thailand. Some retired master chefs can live in seclusion in Thailand's Chinatown." .”

"When the time comes, I'll take some pictures of Thai snacks on the street. It won't involve the final battle of the cooking competition, but it can be considered as publicity. Then I'll invite the second princess to taste more Chinese delicacies, and we'll win-win cooperation."

For those who like Chinese culture, Chinese cuisine itself is also a splendid cultural heritage.

If that person can enjoy some delicacies made by the state banquet master, it will work well. At least if that person can provide some music, Thailand Xuanfa will not worry at all.

She does not have too many works, but she does have artistic elements in literature, music, painting and some titles.

Xu Ke was stunned, "Second princess? Even if we go to Chinatown to film part of the plot and location, we may not be able to see her, right?"

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "It doesn't matter. If you can see me, I'll see you. If you can't, forget it. Then I can call Xie Sheng and Chen Sheng and ask them to act as intermediaries. After all, she helped my ATV. It’s a gift in return.”

This second princess is more...well, than the eldest princess of the Samsung Lee family. Thailand does not have an army stationed by the Amei family, and private or ordinary enterprises are not as rich as the South Korean consortium, but the royal family's wealth is really no worse than that of the chaebols.

Xu Ke nodded, still a little confused.

He knew that when Lin Zhengying's "Hurricane Rescue 3" was shot in Seoul, South Korea, Princess Li also took the initiative to make a cameo. She asked the crew to watch the movie and so on, so it was not difficult to get in touch.

But Princess Li, the eldest daughter, and the second princess of Thailand? There is really something different about it.

A title similar to that of Queen Yinglun and Crown Prince. She follows the great emperor in the eyes of the Thai people every day to do charity and visit slums to improve people's livelihood. The popularity and love of that person in Thailand is not on the same level as that of the Samsung Lee family. number.

The next moment, Xu Ke suddenly scratched his head, "Actually, I didn't pay much attention to it before. How is the box office of movies such as "The Two Prides" and "Xiaolin Boy: New Oolong Yuan" in Thailand?

There is no need for Zhao Donghuai to answer this. Qiu Shuzhen, who has been listening on the side, just said, "Water Margin" was released for 10 days, with a total box office of 32 million Hong Kong dollars, (Peerless Two Prouds) was released for 9 days, with a total box office of 47 million Hong Kong dollars, (laughs) Lin Xiaozi's New Oolong Court) is a lot worse, it only cost 12 million Hong Kong dollars in 8 days."

Xu Ke took a long breath, "So strong? If a truly sweeping blockbuster such as Jurassic Park 2 is released in a new theater, wouldn't it be able to break 100 million or even 200 million Hong Kong dollars per film?"

Azhen nodded, "No, Thailand's own population, plus tens of millions of tourists a year, the total is so huge. Even for the two of them, 47 million Hong Kong dollars only represents 1.56 million moviegoers."

"More than one million people have watched it. If we switch to South Korea, (Water Margin) has already had 4 million moviegoers, and the box office has exceeded 100 million."

Xu Ke nodded, "Then it's really worth preparing for the battle with all your strength."

Thinking back to the time when Zhao's Pictures won the South Korean box office and exploded, wasn't it because Chairman Lee and the eldest daughter of the Lee family came as guest stars to create a series of high-grossing blockbusters?

Zhao Donghuai also laughed and said, "Originally after (The Voice of Asia), not only did we have to promote a wave of new songs from the students and let them become debut singers, Ah Rong and Hua Zai also had to hold concerts one after another. In the singing world, please invite your disciples to appear as guests.”

"At this stage, there is just one more Thai market..."

How can I put it, in the Thai market, Leung Ka-fai's version of (Manslaughter) is the easiest to hit the box office there. Unfortunately, it was only a buy-out screening by the theater alliance, and the box office data was not transparent at all, and there were too many false accounts.

As for (Manslaughter 2) in the original trajectory? That's just trying to sell the movie like a sheep. In fact, you have to give the movie a brand new name. Don't mess with the audience popularity of the previous movie that was accidentally killed by marketing, and it won't receive a lot of bad reviews.

Putting aside all the messy stuff, I can only say that Manslaughter 2 was well shot. Among all the bad movies, it was actually a passable film, not too bad.

Just because of the crazy marketing, the audience went into the theater and saw, fuck...it's a plant, so don't blame everyone for criticizing it.

As for how many years in advance Xu Ke was filming "The House of Gold", he not only targeted Ah Rong, but also Yuan Yongyi, and even Zhao Wenzhuo was discovered? Yuan Yongyi now also made her official debut by playing a relatively large supporting actress role in "Long Night".

I have also finished my freshman year of Asian Opera.

Needless to say, Zhao Wenzhuo started participating in various competitions in the Mainland at the age of 12, and also won the national youth championship. It seems that he just entered the Beijing Sports University this year... He is not bad looking, and has good kung fu routines, so he is favored by Lao Xu. strangeness.

Ever since Jet Li, how many major directors have been eyeing those Kung Fu talents from the Mainland?


Shinjuku, Tokyo.

When Da Liu woke up, he couldn't help but let out a miserable groan, and a voice sounded not far away, "Brother, are you awake? Don't worry, getting an egg in your butt and having a lot of meat is a trivial matter, it will be over after a while."

"Brother, although I am young, I still know the rules. I have to be careful when I go out."

When Da Liu heard this familiar Northeastern accent, he looked like he was about to cry. He followed the police into the police station. How could a case that he could easily spend money and settle with a barrister develop to this point?

When Ah Wu fought his way out of the panicked crowd, he shot several shots in a row, almost all of which were headshots, and made the policeman who was guarding him run wildly. When Ah Wu tried to pull him away again, Da Liu instinctively resisted.

The fierce tiger who couldn't stand the trick helped Adong drive over and kill him. He called his good brother to come with him, and he was put into the carriage...

While the car was escaping, before the door could be closed, other police officers attacked from a distance. Da Liu was shot in the buttocks, and Awu was shot in the left arm.

This is already the day after the surgery.

Just when his words turned into sighs, a figure opened the door and walked in, "Awu, Liu Sheng, you are wanted. The Metropolitan Police Department has issued a reward of 30 million yen for you, Wu, Liu Sheng." You were offered a reward of 100 million yen."

Awu took a puff of cigarette and asked curiously, "How much is 30 million yen?"

Adong opened several bottles of beer and handed one over, "Not much, only 1.95 million Hong Kong dollars. Liu Sheng is still worth more. The reward is already 6.5 million Hong Kong dollars."

Da Liu wants to cry but has no tears. He has done nothing. The bounty is so much more expensive than A Wu? What kind of misunderstanding occurred? ?

Adong laughed again, "I honestly didn't expect that, Liu Sheng, you are still a rich man and a sniper in the stock market? Why don't you cooperate with our Tiger Gang to snipe the listed groups in the island country? As long as you are willing to play with us and make a fortune together." .”

"We are not unloyal."

"The two presidents of South Korea, Song Shibin and Jiang Eunhao, are very happy to cooperate with the Four Heavenly Kings Gang. We have similar partners here, but they are not as reassuring as those of our own people like Liu Sheng."

Da Liu opened his mouth but couldn't say a word. Did he fall into a wolf's den? Can you still run?

On the other hand, Ah Wu didn't think too much. He turned on the TV while drinking beer, tuned the channel, and quickly tuned to the ATV Mandarin channel, and watched the program... The one playing on it was (No. 1 Imperial Court).

This is a replay.

Da Liu feels that he really needs someone like Yu Zaichun to support him now!

While he was thinking about it, Awu suddenly said, "Hey, Brother Dong, I almost forgot to ask, is the person on the wanted notice wanted under my real name, or a pseudonym?"

Da Liu suddenly looked at A Wu.

Adong smiled lightly and said, "Whether you are wanted by your fake name and identity called Zhang Wei, or whether Liu Sheng is wanted by his real name, it all depends on the information on your visa."

"And the photo on the visa, to be honest, if you change your hair style, put on some makeup, and don't need to wear a mask when you go out, even if an ordinary patrol officer from the Metropolitan Police encounters you, it will not be easy to recognize you."

"Of course, your fake ID also needs to be replaced."

Awu was overjoyed, "That's great!"

Da Liu spat out blood.

Ah Wu was shocked, "Brother, what's wrong? What are you..."

Da Liu waved his hand, it's okay, it's really okay. No wonder they met for the first time on the plane. When they were introduced, this guy said his name was Chen Awu. You can call him Xiaowu or Zhang Wei?

Is that a false testimony? !

He now truly felt that he was more unjust than Li Chao. When Wang Dehui was kidnapped, Li Chao was an innocent disaster. He and Brother Hui were drinking tea and chatting before they were kidnapped together.

But he didn’t put up a wanted order in a foreign country for copying people! ! And got shot!

Zhang Wei? Why don't you call yourself Zhang San, an outlaw? Isn't Zhang San more casual?


It’s a new day, and thousands of families in Kowloon Tong are taking charge.

When Ouyang Zhenhua continued to walk in the daily necessities department store wearing a salesperson's uniform, several customers quickly spotted him, and then they all shouted the name "Yu Zaichun" and surrounded him.

After asking for autographs and chatting about other issues as usual, Ahua skillfully helped customers guide their shopping while chatting.

When the supermarket shopping was over, Old Liu, the manager of the second-level hall, came over and said, "Ahua, you are becoming more and more popular now. When will the second part of No. 1 Royal Court be launched?"

"I can't wait to see the sequel."

The first part of the series (No. 1 Royal Court) was launched on ATV at the end of June, with a total of only 13 episodes. One episode a day was finished in less than half a month.

Even if we replay it again, it will be very fast.

Ouyang Zhenhua nodded, "Sir Deng is still writing the script with the screenwriters. I will definitely take a long leave when the filming starts. Why are you anxious before the filming starts? There is no point in rushing."

The second part of Royal Court No. 1 has been put on the schedule by Deng Texi. Although the scheduled number of episodes is still not long, about ten episodes, making the script more solid is no small matter.

The thirteen episodes of the first part are thirteen cases, different lawsuits, and the second part will maintain this feature. Maybe there will be more different cases involved in about ten episodes.

Old Liu Dale, "I'm not talking about you. Ah Hua, you are also a star, but you still end up working as a salesperson or waiter in our supermarket? If it were me, you would have resigned a long time ago."

Is Ouyang Zhenhua a successful example of Wanjia supporting young people to realize their dreams and pursue their own new path in life after work? Of course not.

He had been in the industry for nine years before joining Wanjia.

Moreover, the filming of No. 1 Imperial Court was completed before joining the company, and this guy has not resigned yet, so he is considered an anomaly.

Of course, no one can deny that after the citizens learned that Ouyang Zhenhua often worked here, many people would come to watch the excitement every time he was on duty.

Ah Hua smiled bitterly, "Brother Liu, I can't help it. Aren't I afraid that it will be short-lived? What if I resign and the limelight is over and I am like before again, that will be very depressing."

At this moment, two more shoppers came quickly and called Yu Zaichun for an autograph.

After signing, a male customer said excitedly, "Yu Dazhuang, fan Liu is wanted in the island country. There is a reward of 100 million yen. How many years do you think that person will spend in prison once he is caught?"

Old Liu, the hall manager, was excited, "Hey, yes, I was actually shocked for a long time yesterday. I didn't believe that Fan Liu could be a drug lord and so vicious, but his accomplices did kill a few more people in order to save him." A policeman."

"Ahua, once you are caught there, how many years will you be sentenced?"

Ouyang Zhenhua said in a daze, "I didn't know, pretty boy, pretty girl, I just played a lawyer on the screen, not a real lawyer. Besides, the justice system in island countries is different from that in Hong Kong."

The male customer was still very excited, "Well, guess what number?"

Ah Hua is even more confused. Can this be guessed? Is it okay to make random guesses? After being speechless for a while, he tentatively asked, "Less than three years? Maybe he can be released on bail without going to jail? According to the news published in the newspaper."

"First of all, when it came to transporting fans, there was powder in Zhang Wei's suitcase, and there were no fingerprints or DNA remnants of Da Liu? Secondly, the robbery scene... Da Liu was passively taken away."

"Zhang Wei was also responsible for killing and injuring the Tokyo police? At least according to the current chain of evidence, Da Liu did not actively attack anyone, nor did he kill or injure anyone?"

The male customer looked surprised, "Damn it, is there a chance of not going to jail for such a big thing? I thought it would take at least ten years to start."

Ouyang Zhenhua was also surprised, "You have a grudge against fan Liu?"

The male customer shook his head hurriedly, "That's not true. It's just that he is much richer than me. When he sees a rich man being unlucky, he instinctively gets a little excited."

"By the way, what shampoo do you use?"

This topic jumps a bit, but Ahua quickly said, "I used to use Head and Shoulders, but now I use Maxam or Bawang."

The male customer nodded, "Then let me get a bottle of Megazolin."

After the man left with his female companion, Brother Liu in the supermarket touched his chin and said, "In our store, we have barely sold 20 bottles of Head and Shoulders in the past month."

"I'm not sure how many products are sold in those Baijia chain stores, but in our supermarkets, Head \u0026 Shoulders and Rejoice are really unsaleable."

There are only two Wanjia supermarkets in the entire Kowloon Tong, and these are matched by dozens of Baijia chain stores facing the street.

For a whole month, not even 20 bottles of various styles of Head \u0026 Shoulders were sold.

Ouyang Zhenhua laughed, "I'm more curious about who bought those dozen bottles. With a series of advertising effects, they can continue to use Head and Shoulders. I'm a super fan."

"I heard that many hotels originally equipped shampoo and bath products with P\u0026G and replaced them with other brands. Customers requested large-scale replacement."

Thinking of this, Ah Hua couldn't help but touch his hair. Fortunately, although he was not as handsome as Di Long and Qiu Guan, he had flowing hair.

Just like a certain senior brother in Shaolin Football, he has always been envious of the hair of Xing Zai and Uncle Da, "Hey, you said when (Shaolin Football) was released, why didn't the second Mediterranean brother played by Wu Yaohan come out and make a version? Advertisement?"

Even though (Shaolin Soccer) was filmed and released in 1987, countless fans still like to watch this movie so far. Wu Yaohan himself is also a very good actor, and his comedy effects are also very gratifying. Many movie fans miss him.

Brother Liu looked stunned, "Who are you asking me to ask? You are an actor, right? Besides, when Wu Yaohan played the role of Second Senior Brother, was he deliberately leaving the Mediterranean Sea for the movie? Is this considered a sacrifice for art?"

Ouyang Zhenhua was just about to say something when he heard the BB camera on his body beeping. This was already a new generation of Chinese display screen. "Tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the morning at ATV headquarters, I will be interviewing for the role of Wu Yong in Water Margin."

Ah Hua was surprised, "I have a new project again? The Water Margin has finally begun to be adapted into a TV series? But you are right, it seems that the Water Margin Film and Television City has been under construction for five months..."

"Even if it hasn't been completely built yet, it is estimated that a lot has been built. In addition, for this kind of adaptation of a famous work, it is normal for an actor to have to suffer for a year and a half for the role first, and then another year or two to film. It’s necessary to understand.”

Water Margin, when Zhao Donghuai went to Bianliang at the beginning of this year, when the leader there proposed to film Water Margin, he said that even for the roles of Song Jiang, Lu Zhishen, Lin Chong, Wu Song, etc., they would all go to actors like the 98 version of Yangma. Can be found easily.

From Li Xuejian to Xiu Qing, Zhou Yemang, Ding Haifeng, etc., all of them have already entered the industry.

The Water Margin Film and Television City has indeed been under construction for more than five months. Even the TV series (led by Mu Guiying) wants to shoot scenes...

So according to the original Yangma's practice of producing four famous works, it is true that the relevant actors must be gathered in advance to start working on the original Water Margin and prepare for the war. It can already be started.

The 1998 version of the original track also took more than three years to shoot! !

Without years of hard work, where would the fine products come from?

Let’s just say that the original Wu Song and Ding Haifeng have just finished their freshman year at Asia Drama. If you ask him to go directly to Water Margin, it will definitely be bad. But like the crews of Dream of Red Mansions and Journey to the West, who have been settling down for a year and a half and developed a Water Margin attitude, then about there.

Ouyang Zhenhua received an interview invitation, Wu Yong, and the actor who played Wu Yong in the original version also received an interview invitation. Who will be chosen in the end depends on PK competition.

Brother Liu came over to take a look and said in surprise, "Okay, Ah Hua. I think you can really resign. You are really going to become popular."

"Since you have been selected, even if you fail the interview, it means that you are on ATV's main training list. This is Zhi Duoxing Wu Yong. How big is the role?"

Ahua rolled his eyes crazily, "Wu Yong...that's it, right? On the contrary, I think it would be better if he could play Gao Yanei."

Brother Liu looked at Ah Hua in disbelief, wondering if he was out of his mind. On the contrary, Ah Hua had a good idea. He felt that the role of Wu Yong was indeed famous at first glance, but in fact it was not very valuable. , the key is that the character design is not very popular with modern people.

If you want to perform well, you have to put in a lot of energy and time. After the performance, you probably won't be very good. Among the heroes in Liangshan, there are many heroes more lovable than Wu Yong.

It's really better to just earn a role in Gao Yanei, but it will be easier to perform well.


About the same time.

In a dormitory of ATV, Ding Haifeng, who had just finished his freshman year and was still playing a small role, rushed back to the dormitory from outside. In front of Yu Hewei, he drank a bottle of beer like crazy and said happily, "Lao Yu, I'm going to be famous too. , I received an invitation to audition for the role of Wu Song in Water Margin."

"Haha, Wu Song, do you think I look like Wu Song?"

He and Yu Hewei are not only classmates and roommates, but also fellow villagers. After all, they are both from the three eastern provinces.

Yu Yu rolled his eyes and said perfunctorily, "Yes, you are Wu Songbensong, but Brother Song, when are you going to kill the tiger? Let's go to the zoo for a walk?"

Before Ding Haifeng could say anything, he complained, "My supporting role (Legend of Mermaid) has been completed for two or three months, and I'm just waiting for it to be broadcast. Am I proud?"

"You just received an audition invitation. Don't get excited. Stay calm. Go buy a copy of Water Margin and read it first."

"By the way, who plays Li Shishi and who plays Pan Jinlian? Who plays Song Huizong? Compared with characters like Wu Song, I still prefer beauties and handsome guys..."

"Hey, even if The Water Margin probably won't film Jingkang Shao and Five Kingdoms City, what about Li Shishi? Does it count as a loss of state-owned assets in the Northern Song Dynasty?"

Ding Haifeng was confused and confused. What is this?

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