Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 342 If you don’t push yourself, you will never know how good you are

On Saturday, August 4th, when countless actors who had received invitations to audition for Water Margin gathered at the ATV headquarters, the large office on the 12th floor.

Azhen looked curious and asked, "Boss, who is playing the role of Song Huizong? This character is a bit magical, isn't it... the historical Huizong is too outrageous."

"He and Ming God of War can be called the second general of Hengha. I'm quite curious who will play the role."

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "Such a small supporting role has not been individually contracted. It will depend on the situation and let the actors take the initiative to recommend themselves."

Song Huizong...well, when it comes to Water Margin, the first villain in countless people's minds is Gao Qiu, followed by Gao Yanei, but Song Huizong, Cai Jing, Liang Zhongshu, Tong Guan, and even great literary giants like Su Shi and Zhang Shuye All appeared.

There is also the matter of Fang La.

It's just that Li Xuejian's Song Jiang and Wei Zongwan's Gao Qi attract the audience's attention more.

China has thousands of years of history, and Huizong is the "top" talent among the emperors! As long as he is not an emperor, he is a seventh- or eighth-level worker in all other aspects.

Water Margin is not a real historical process, it is a world of famous novels. The main characters only need to send some audition invitations to actors, and the rest will be chosen naturally.

Li Jiaxin said, "In this version of Water Margin, are we going to introduce new luxury brands? Pan Jinlian's style cannot be promoted, but characters such as Li Shishi, Hu Sanniang, and Zhang Zhenniang can follow the trend, right?"

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while, "These recommendations can be promoted, but it is not convenient to define them as top-notch high-luxury limited editions. Just follow the definition of a bag of 10,000 Hong Kong dollars and promote unlimited editions."

"On the contrary, Ah Hong's Oriental series can promote a wave of wallets and belts of characters such as Wu Song, Lu Junyi, Lu Zhishen, etc."

In the current Five Thousand Years series, there are mainly three grades of bags. Unlimited editions such as Mao Qiang and Zhao Feiyan are priced at HKD 5,000 each, while limited editions such as Xu Pingjun and Empress Xu of Zhu Di’s family are priced at HKD 50,000 each.

Another example is the styles of Wu Zetian and Chenghua Wan Zhen'er of the Ming Dynasty. They are the most luxurious bags priced at 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, and they are also limited edition.

Since many famous ladies feel that 5,000 Hong Kong dollars a bag is too cheap and cannot highlight their figure and status, they have launched an unlimited sale of 10,000 Hong Kong dollars.

Water Margin is really not suitable for promoting high-end luxury women's bags.

Instead, male versions of heroes? If you search hard, you can always find some new brands of wallets and belts.

Don't expect Dongfang and Wuqianan to continue to make a fortune. Guan Jiahui's clay doll factory can also come to Liangshan to gather justice.

Ah Xin thought for a while and nodded, "By the way, boss, I have a new business idea. Do you want to help me correct it? Give me a rough idea and help me improve it."

Zhao Donghuai was stunned, "It's okay to give a rough explanation..."

Qiu Shuzhen was happy, "I'll listen too. Let's give each other advice and help each other."


A few hours later.

Zhao Donghuai sat steadily on the office chair, with a look of emotion on his face, "Ah Xin's business acumen is not bad at all. He actually thought of using Sakai Spring Water to create a brand new business brand for her?"

Wang Zuxian was very calm, "It's not surprising. Over in the island country, Miyake is the top fashion brand. It is both a brand and a designer's name. Takada is also a brand and a designer's name."

"So Izumi Sakai was eliminated by (The Voice of Asia), and started recording a single (Don't Give Up), waiting for it to be a big hit. Following the song and Sakai, she opened a clothing brand of hers. It is estimated that there will be many island countries. Guys buy it."

"Even if the Japanese Nikkei index collapses and the stock market goes bankrupt and shrinks a lot, if Sakai Izumi fashion is only defined as a few hundred Hong Kong dollars a piece, there are still many Japanese people who can afford it, especially women's clothing."

This was Li Jiaxin's new idea before, to open a mid-range clothing brand, not under the Five Thousand Years banner, but to open a new company casually, buy a clothing factory in the mainland, and focus on marketing to the island country market after production.

Clothes costing several hundred yuan a piece are comparable to those in Han Dynasty.

There is no hope of selling in Haowan, Hong Kong and South Korea. It only focuses on island countries, Europe, America, and South America. Because the commercial project is relatively large, Ah Xin had an initial idea, and Zhao Donghuai helped to correct and correct it.

Azhen is giving some inspiration and suggestions, filling in a little bit.

Now that they had spent too much brain power and energy, they went back to catch up on their sleep. When they woke up, they planned to talk to Sakai Izumi.

The Mandarin lyrics of "Don't Give Up" were sung by Zhao Donghuai and given to Chen Huilong. The Japanese version was written by Sakai. It will be broadcast in the future and chart on the radio. When it is broadcast on TV, it can also directly follow the rising star of ATV. Enter the island country market.

Chen Huilong's (notepad) has been recorded, but the good voice is still there... The internal PK of Tan Yonglin's team will be broadcast tomorrow night. Among the four team members of Allen, Lin Zhixuan won the semi-finals internally.

In the internal competition of the three male mentors, the three champions are Ren Xianqi, Yang Gangli, and Lin Zhixuan.

We just have to wait for Mei Yanfang's team to start the battle next week. If nothing unexpected happens, Han Hongbiao should be the winner.

At this point, Xiaoxian's eyes lit up, "Then I can also talk to Yang Gangli and fund her to set up a Yang Gangli fashion brand?"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Okay, this is normal. It is too common for European, American and island fashion brands to have brands with personal names. The Five Thousand Years and Oriental series also promote many historical brands."

"It's not inappropriate to open a new factory independently and promote modern people. If you wait to find a suitable garment factory in the mainland, you can regain a new life by investing in it. It's much faster than building a factory from scratch."

Just this year, the Li Ning brand also began to be established.

Xiaoxian happily quarreled with each other, mainly after cleaning and maintaining the tongue coating, and then ran to call Yang Gangli to make an appointment.

Ah Xin said that she would give Sakai 10% of the shares in promoting the Sakai Quanshui fashion brand, and Xiaoxian felt that she could just copy it.

When it comes to making money, idleness is nothing but idleness. Just chatting and talking about basic necessities, food, housing, and transportation. One more brand and one more kind of capital.


Two days later, ATV TV City.

When Zheng Zeshi arrived at the studio and saw Maria there, he immediately smiled and said, "Fat Mom, you also accepted the advertisement? Could it be that we are two partners?"

In the Hong Kong film and television industry, if we want to talk about obese big star actors, the male star must be Zheng Zeshi. At this stage, even Hong Yanbao is standing in front of Lao Zheng, and there is also a tonnage difference. Among the female stars, one is Shun Dianxia, ​​and the other is right in front of him. of Maria.

Maria, who is of mixed Portuguese descent, made her debut as a singer. Her first album won platinum sales in 1985.

Fat Mom laughed, "Fat Cat, how much did you charge? Why do I feel so weird? It feels like Qiu Guan and Long Ge accepted a Head \u0026 Shoulders commercial??"

Zheng Zeshi smiled brightly, "Of course I am willing to pay 2 million Hong Kong dollars for an advertisement. Mr. Zhao really paid for it!"

"By the way, what kind of commercial are you filming? Have you read the script?"

When Maria shook her head and was confused, Chen Musheng walked into the studio with several assistants. He greeted him politely before explaining, "Brother Cat, Fat Mom, your performance requirements are very simple. Under the Sunshine Sports lens, we show off the fashion of Miyake, an island country brand."

"The whole set of advertisements is like this. It takes about one minute. It will take pictures of the elderly, children, young men and women, only the backs, and the way they run and exercise, running in alleys, on the beach, on the side of the highway, under the skyscrapers. run."

"Dozens or hundreds of different group performances, just running, exercising, with healthy and uplifting background music with a brisk and bright rhythm..."

"Finally, you two put on the special Miyake brand sportswear. Let's say sometimes you will never know how good you are if you don't push yourself."

Zheng Zeshi and Maria looked at each other in shock, and were stunned for a while. Zheng Zeshi nodded, "I understand, those dozens or hundreds of different back figures, runners, body types??"

Chen Musheng nodded, "Of course I choose men like Li Ming and Zheng Yijian. Even if they are old people, they must be lean and lean like Qiu Guan and Zou Sheng."

Maria's mouth opened wide, "So wearing Miyake brand clothes and exercising for a lifetime, the two of us are like this??"

Her body shape is similar to that of Shen Dianxia.

Xiao Chen said, "The biggest brands in the island country are Miyake and Takada. In the field of fashion, serious discussion, Han Tianxia, ​​including European and American Armani, Givenchy, etc., are not as popular as Miyake, Takada and the like in the island country."

"So more waves of classic advertisements will be more conducive to the promotion of new brands."

In fact, the advertising case that Chen Musheng mentioned was originally a sports fashion advertisement that "you will understand after running" launched by Nike in 2013. The whole advertisement still sounds very exciting, cheerful and rhythmic.

Li Jiaxin is still running and investing in a clothing factory in the mainland. The two editions of Sakai Izumi and Chen Huilong (Don't Give Up) have just started to chart on the radio.

Even if different versions of the brand have not yet been established, let alone production... Well, in fact, production is not difficult. Among the existing public enterprises in the mainland, which province in the south and north of the country does not have a clothing factory? Acquisition, changing the production line or changing the brand image can be put into production very quickly.

If you copy the design and style of a certain Han Tianxia clothing and replace it with a new brand, it will be produced faster and more efficiently.

Anyway, that's what the clothes are like...

Zhao Donghuai doesn't mind if Axin and Xiaoxian copy the designs.

Before the official commercials of Yang Gangli and Sakai Quan Shui were filmed, it was not a problem to launch a sneak attack on Miyake. Sakai Quan Shui, Ren Xianqi and others PKed Team Ah Rong's internal champion in that period, because of her performance, everyone It has 40 million viewers in the island country.

It’s enough to witness how much ratings her (Don’t Give Up) Japanese version of the MV will get when it’s aired on TV!

The TV version of the MV can be a commercial for a new fashion brand!

After understanding everything, Zheng Zeshi nodded repeatedly, "I understand, it's not difficult, just sweat a little, as if you just finished exercising, and say a sunny and cheerful line, it's so easy..."

"This is 2 million Hong Kong dollars. Thank you Mr. Zhao for the meal."

God, "Sometimes you will never know how good you are if you don't push yourself." Do you want to invite Uncle Tianlin to come out and exercise with him? ? It is estimated that one advertising income can allow Wang Tianlin to open a small-budget film crew.

Miyake is indeed an island brand that was able to squeeze into the Paris Fashion Week in the 1980s, and it has an extraordinary appeal in the island country.

This kind of sneak attack is definitely not as powerful as Qiuguan's sneak attack on Procter \u0026 Gamble with Head \u0026 Shoulders.

But once you watch too much, it will be very brainwashing.

Thinking of this, Zheng Zeshi felt that the money was too easy, and suggested, "I have an idea, why not invite the five fathers and sons of the Ding family from (The Great Era) to wear Miyake or Takata to shoot some Ding Crab effects?" "

"If there is a Japanese version of (Big Times), would it be broadcast on ATV so that the Japanese audience can experience the magic of the crab, and then insert advertisements to promote it, in line with the current collapse of the Japanese stock market? It will definitely be powerful."

Xiao Chen couldn't help but look at Zheng Zeshi a few more times, "Brother Cat, you are right!"

No matter whether Hong Kong dramas in their original trajectory have achieved various high ratings in the island country, in this aspect, when the broadcast rights were sold for several rounds in the past, there were many dramas that set off big ratings in the island country.

For example (Meteor Garden) (Hong Kong Island Love Story) (Love White Paper) and so on, not to mention (Romance of the Three Kingdoms).

Chen Musheng is not sure what the ratings of (Big Times) were in the island country back then. It was still sold out at that time. The island country TV station bought it and broadcast it themselves.

But now that ATV has a real island channel, it is not difficult to count the number of viewers. By the way, he is not the big boss, so he should submit his ideas first before talking about anything else.

Big Era... The Japanese version of Big Era replay should be good. There are many beauties. Zhou Haimei, Lan Jieying, and Li Lizhen are all idols who have become famous in the island country and have countless fans. Not to mention Zhou Haimei's influence, Lan Jieying That was the representative of the thighs in the early years, and the appearance was responsible.

"Shaolin Football" starring Li Lizhen and Zhou Xingxing also swept the box office of the island country.


ATV Office.

Zhao Donghuai's eyes lit up after hearing Qiu Shuzhen's narration, "Big Times has a chance of becoming popular again in the island country. Let's arrange for Nakamori, Kudo Shizuka, Sakai Izumi and Nakayama Shinobu to help a group of beauties from the Fang family do dubbing. "

"Island people are definitely not interested in the grudges of old-time figures such as Hong Kong era detectives and drug lords, but they still have sympathy for the oppression of ordinary families by associations."

"They were also bullied by the ghost guys and the Yamaguchi group."

Azhen nodded. Currently, ATV recruits more female stars from the island countries, who are more famous. As for male actors... But it is not difficult to find professional practitioners from the island countries to dub.

The island country channel is one of the fastest established sub-channels after the South Korean channel.

(The Great Era) was only filmed after the 1987 stock market crash, but at this stage, with the Nikkei continuing to collapse, it is also very suitable for the situation!

Thinking of this, Zhao Donghuai said to Azhen, "Call Yang Gangli. I plan to arrange a Japanese song for her. Yang Gangli's personal fashion brand and Sakai Spring Water brand will be promoted together."

"It would also be nice to have a few more island version interludes in (Big Time)."

Yang Gangli does not understand Japanese, but for singing, ordinary people who do not speak English will not prevent you from singing one or two English songs. It is even better for mainlanders who do not speak Cantonese to sing a few Cantonese songs. too much.

This does not mean that you can sing casually and pass the test... it means that as long as you study hard and have someone teach you, learning a Japanese song is much easier than learning Japanese to communicate in daily life.

After Yang Gangli comes, let Sakai Quanshui take her.

The songs that Zhao Donghuai plans to give to each other are several masterpieces by Hamasaki Ayumi. This future queen of the island nation was once hailed as a mainstay in the pop culture of the island nation. What's more, some people even said that she single-handedly changed the island nation for an era. Music trends.

Ayumi Hamasaki's masterpieces... there are too many.

There are so many that you almost don’t know how to choose. There are so many big albums that have sold over one million or two million copies, and singles that have easily sold over one million or five million copies.

Just pick a few good songs with a lyrical, sad or rather painful tone, add them to the dubbing version of the island country (Big Time), and let the Japanese version of Sakai Izumi (Don't Give Up) also serve as the theme song.

This will make Japanese audiences like this TV series even more.

When Azhen ran to make a phone call, Zhao Donghuai said again, "By the way, I remember that (Big Time) was sold to TBS for one round of broadcast? Xiaoxian, please call again and ask about the real ratings data at that time. .”

Soon, Zhao Donghuai received a response.

In 1988 (the big era), the average ratings of TBS TV network in the island country were 5%, which converted into ratings points was 3 points...

Low? It's not too bad. After TBS purchases the broadcast rights, although it will also add Japanese dubbing subtitles, it is definitely not as careful as ATV's own dubbing version. Who is dubbing (Big Time) now? They are all top singers and stars from the island country.

There is also a saying that there are many TV stations and TV organizations in the island country, so the competition is naturally fierce.

It is known as one of the most classic Japanese dramas in the original track, (Tokyo Love Story). It is broadcast on the island country Fuji TV. The average ratings are just over 20%, and the finale only broke 30%.

This is really different from Hong Kong's local ATV or TVB's flagship programs which often get 80% or 90% ratings.

According to the ratings of 3 o'clock, it is actually not bad, representing millions of viewers, and the number of viewers on Hong Kong Island has exceeded one million, which is already a symbol of a popular drama.

It's just that the island country has a population of 120 million and only covers more than one million viewers, which is extremely pitiful.

After Yang Gangli arrived at the office, Zhao Donghuai also decisively threw out a few songs. One was "Seasons", which belongs to Ayumi Hamasaki's single that sold 1.36 million copies. This song has more lyrical content.

Add lyrics like "Another season has come and gone this year, memories are even more distant, and the ambiguous boundary between dreams and reality has become thicker"? Recalling the love story of Luo Huiling and Fang Jinxin in (The Big Era) is not super appropriate, but it is not inconsistent either.

That's it.

If it doesn't violate the rules, the episode will make the old TV series popular. These songs will sell millions of copies in the future. Naturally, there will be more people who just listen to the songs for free without buying them. The brainwashing melody is still very stable.

In addition to this song, Zhao Donghuai also found two other similar songs, both of which are million-selling, and try to match the lyrical and sad tone of the TV series.

"Have you finished the recording I gave you before (I tell you gently)? The next step is to practice these Japanese songs more. If you don't understand anything, go to Sakai Izumi and let her teach you."

Yang Gangli nodded excitedly, "Thank you boss, I will definitely work hard."

She has already made an agreement with Wang Zuxian. To create her own fashion brand, she only needs to sing well and maintain her image as a singer. Everything else will be left to Sister Xian. She does not need to worry about anything in the clothing factory, but she can account for 10% of it. Shares, including profit dividends.

As for the songs... Let’s not talk about how much popularity a song (The Voice of Asia) has accumulated for her. This is not the final battle yet. One good song after another is in her pocket?

This is really not an ordinary meeting with a noble person when you go out.

This kind of life is a huge change compared to when she first arrived in Yangcheng last year. It was not easy to have enough to eat. Yes, Yang Gangli was recommended to Chen Hong through the introduction of the song and dance troupe, and then took advantage of the opportunity to participate in The Voice of Asia .

But before that, she went to Yangcheng with her song and dance troupe teacher last year. In the early stage, she was a Yangpiao at the lowest level, similar to the Beijing type who lived in the basement.

After floating around for several months, Chen Hong discovered it and took it away.

Although Sister Hong has also hired a production team from Yangcheng to customize songs based on her singing voice, image, etc., isn't it that the results have not been produced yet? Just received the songs sent by the big boss again and again?

Xiaoxian smiled and handed Yang Gangli a glass of juice, "Don't be so nervous, just sing well. By the way, your name is a bit unfashionable. Do you want to choose a stage name?"

Yang Gangli nodded again, "It's all up to you, Sister Xian."

Her name does not match the fashion brand? But the stage name doesn't matter. Just like Cheng Long, the world's top kung fu superstar, his real name is not as catchy as his stage name Cheng Long.

After finalizing the matter, Zhao Donghuai said, "Let's arrange the announcement for the time-travel version (Ip Man 2). It's already August, and it will be over if we don't arrange the summer release."

The time-travel version (Ip Man 1) has achieved super brilliant results, with a global box office of US$410 million. The video tape market is also very hot so far.

But that won’t work in the second part of time travel. The first part has the background of the times. Countless factory owners in the United States have gone bankrupt, ordinary employees have lost their jobs, and have become homeless. It’s all a big wave of domestic products being squeezed and impacted by the island. Amei is on the island. Emotions are super boiling and explosive.

In that case, Gai is also one of the biggest supporting actors, turning into a super action star to kill Japanese soldiers...it's too exciting for European and American white people.

The second part is just Master Ye and Gai Gai and others running around Hong Kong, fighting with the Hong Kong community, and the Yalun ghost guy. This is not exciting to European and American audiences. It is estimated that there will be a wave of movie viewing because of Gai Gai's appeal. tide.

Chong Yuan Biao and Hong Yin Bao's skill appeal attracted a wave of fans.

It is impossible to reach 400 million US dollars worldwide, but there is still hope to hit more than 200 million US dollars. This can be regarded as the final ending of the Ip Man tetralogy.

It is not ruled out that other film and television companies will continue to pick up the IP of Ip Man in the future, but that will be similar to the Once Upon a Time routine...


Night falls.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Wu Zhenyu, Ouyang Zhenhua, Tao Dayu and others gathered at Ayu's house, with beer open and food such as peanuts and fried chicken fully stocked.

Lao Wu drank a small drink with an excited look on his face, "The production is finally completed. This is my first time playing the leading role. We have all read the script, and I hope it will have good ratings."

In two months, the production of 20 episodes of "Long Night" has been completed and is about to start broadcasting. Of course, today is the first round of broadcasting. TVB's programs, those who know the news in advance, have already locked in TVB and are waiting to watch.

Ah Hua put a few peanuts into his mouth before smiling and said, "Unknowingly, how long has it been since you waited for TVB to watch TV? Ha, I feel a little nostalgic."

Tao Dayu said nothing and just ate meat.

After waiting for a while, the commercial ended, and the first episode of "Long Night" began. It started with Zhang Chao, a former law professor at the University of Hong Kong and later a barrister played by Wan Ziliang, getting off the subway with a large trolley suitcase.

Then he was stopped by the security check, and he lied that there was a bomb in the trolley case, which scared countless pedestrians in the subway area and fled. The media, police, and bomb disposal experts came roaring over.

Hong Xin plays the female policewoman of the crime team. She easily tests and subdues Zhang Chao in plain clothes. The suspense and tension in the opening chapter are immediately high!

More than 40 minutes later.

As the ending song played, Wu Zhenyu looked to his left and right expectantly, "How is it? How is it? Does the senior inspector played by my buddy look like a decent person? Does he look like an old man?"

The plot of the first episode has a lot of suspense, thriller, and confrontation between police and criminals. Yan Liang, played by Wu Zhenyu, easily helped other police solve a beach burial case and helped others find the victim of the corpse. The person showed off his IQ.

In the police station, the policewoman played by Hong Xin interrogated Zhang Chao, who was involved in the case of dumping a body on the subway. The other party admitted in the interrogation room that he accidentally killed someone and then dumped the body... When the trial started, he provided a complete alibi. , to prove his innocence.

The news caused a sensation in Hong Kong, and Yan Liang was appointed to join the task force at the critical moment.

For the Criminal Investigation Bureau, this is a complete and excellent beginning.

Tao Dayu is the master killer who became famous thanks to the (Criminal Investigation Files) trilogy. At this moment, he couldn't help but nod and praise, "The beginning is very good, and the tone of suspense, police and robbers, and the reversal of confessions in court are all set."

"After watching one episode, I can't wait to watch it immediately. Don't worry, as long as the quality is up to par, this TV series will definitely become popular."

"Drink, drink, congratulations to Lao Wu, you are going to become famous with a positive image."

Wu Zhenyu was overjoyed, "Drink, let's move on to the next show after we've finished eating here."

If it weren't for watching in time at home, their gathering place would definitely not be as simple as at home.

During the filming process, Wu Zhenyu had confidence in the crew. They were all big stars and experienced actors. There were many actors who had been nominated for Best Actor. There was no doubt about the quality of the script.

But at this moment, he is still very happy that the finished product can be recognized by his peers. TVB has finally come up with a very popular drama, with a broadcast route of one episode a day. After watching the first episode, he can only wait until tomorrow night to continue watching. The second episode.

When a new day arrived, Zhao Donghuai had just sat down in the office when Qiu Shuzhen came over and said, "Boss, Shao Daheng's TVB aired the prime time show (Long Night) last night and directly won 60% of the ratings. No, It’s easy.”

"At the same time, this is the biggest rating that Shaw Brothers has not achieved for a long time? And many viewers who have finished watching it have called TVB, urging them to show more episodes."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "You also urged TVB to send the tapes of the complete series as soon as possible. We are going to produce South Korean, Japanese and Thai versions."

"Shao Daheng has already produced the Mandarin and English versions, right?"

It was indeed broadcast on TVB's Cantonese channel and English channel last night.

Thinking of this, Zhao Donghuai suddenly said, "Hey, why do I think (The Long Night Is Dark) might have super strong ratings in South Korea and island countries??"

Azhen blinked, "Yes, the biggest theme of this TV series is that the ghost man once dominated the sky in Hong Kong, the black capital chose the concubine for the ghost man, and the death and injury incidents occurred..."

Isn’t this too familiar to South Korean and island country audiences? It’s exactly the same recipe, exactly the same taste, and this kind of thing rarely happens in Hong Kong Island now, but what about those two places? Even in another twenty years, similar incidents will happen frequently.

This TV series is expected to generate massive ratings and influence in both places due to its strong empathy.

It is estimated to have bombarded the market more than the remastered Japanese version (Big Era).

Of course, this does not prevent Sakai Izumi's (Don't Give Up) from becoming the theme song of two TV series at the same time.

It is very common in the film and television industry for a good song to be used as the soundtrack for multiple movies or TV series. The TV series broadcast on Hong Kong Island naturally used the version with music composed by Zhao Donghuai, lyrics written by Huang Zhan and sung by Chen Huilong.

There is no need for radio stations to chart. With the popularity of the TV series, Chen Huilong, a contestant who has been eliminated (The Voice of Asia), has already made her singing hit thousands of households in Hong Kong.


time flies.

A few days later, with the broadcast of "The Long Night", TVB's prime-time ratings became higher and higher. During the TV series' broadcast period, it once had the momentum to win 80%.

The more this TV series is aired, the more it grabs people's hearts.

The performances of Wan Ziliang, Wu Zhenyu, Hong Xin and others in the opening chapter are naturally very exciting, but when Chen Derong, Zhou Haimei, Li Ming and Cai Shaofen appear one by one.

The couple Jiang Yang and Wu Aike are drawn into a flashback situation, telling Jiang Yang's comedy, love, and handsomeness in his youth, and what kind of bright future and ambition the young criminal prosecution commissioner of the Department of Justice has. future.

Then the case of Hou Guiping... revealed the ugly social pattern under the surface of peace and prosperity.


The original version of this TV series was basically very depressing. It was when Jiang Yang and Wu Aike first debuted that a big idol love story was laid out, and then they destroyed all the good things!

At TVB headquarters, Shao Yifu put down his glasses with a sad look on his face, "Hey, our TVB wants to be on the star list and is still queuing up. It's really..."

"If we can get to the stars, we can open up a smooth road in South Korea and island countries. There are some in Hong Kong Island, and there are also many in South Korea and island countries. The situations are so similar."

Fang Yihua smiled bitterly, "Sixth brother, the communication satellite used for commercial purposes in the Mainland, that is, the communication satellite used by Zhao Sheng, was so fast that it was launched into the sky. At this stage, how many provincial stations are also queuing up to wait for the launch of the satellite?"

A large number of provincial stations only started to launch satellite TV in 1997 or 1998.

This is already a few years later than the TVB star in the original trajectory. In this dimension, Shao Daheng has to wait slowly. Wiping his glasses, Shao Yifu suddenly said, "What do you think we make some anti-corruption dramas?"

"There are a lot of corrupt people in Gui Lao. We filmed The Dark Night. Making a modern anti-corruption drama can also trigger a certain ratings boom. It is the modern version of Bao Qingtian."

He has also reached an agreement with the Mainland China Broadcasting Corporation. The Long Night of Difficulties will be introduced to the Mainland through Yangma Broadcasting, and he will sell off the rights for multiple rounds of broadcasting for one million. Correspondingly, there will be advertisements inserted before and after the TV, and Shao Daheng's three-minute tea advertisement will be broadcast for free. .

One (Long Night) earned enough ratings, and Shao Daheng's relevant business thinking is not bad either.

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