Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 343: Did the local audience react too fiercely?

Showing a beautiful and pure love to the world, and then destroying it in front of everyone, this is the love between Jiang Yang and Wu Aike in "Long Night".

Li Ming is a big idol who played a leading role in F4 and debuted. Cai Shaofen is the most popular female child star in the Chinese film and television industry. This child star has finally grown up.

Then Liu Yijun, who is equally sunny, handsome and handsome, plays Hou Guiping and Zhou Haimei as a couple, destroying it again. The first victim who was played to death by capital and ghosts, Weng Meixiang, was also Zhongshan Ninja...

As August goes by, both Hong Kong and mainland China are really being slaughtered (Long Night Is Not Bright), and the topic is spreading all over the country.

Especially in the Mainland, this is really exploding.

In the past, many TV dramas from Hong Kong entered the mainland, but many of them were real idol dramas, from Meteor Garden to Blue Life and Death, Destined to Love You, Mischievous Kiss, etc., Love Love Love, Boss Fall in Love Cinderella.

It tells the story of handsome men and beautiful women, romance, car accidents, cancer, etc., combined with the story of top-notch luxury goods, it tells the story of life and death.

But this film was also broadcast on Yangma at the same time (Long Night is Hard to Watch). It bombarded TV sets in China except Bend Province, and the sensational effect it caused was not just as simple as emptying out the streets.

Whenever it is broadcast, every TV set is crowded with viewers. There are so many people watching, but most of the viewers are watching, crying, and throwing cups and TVs in anger. few.

Li Zi, Guan Lijie, Jim Carrey, including Liang Jiahui, countless people gritted their teeth watching the brutality of the gangster police and dynamic social groups and their oppression and bullying of ordinary people.

It was they who allowed Jiang Yang to get closer to the truth again and again, find clues, and destroy the hopes of the protagonists again and again.

If, if it were like the original version, there would be a realistic ending, such as the protagonist group going to jail and the bad guys... then it would be really unclear.

It is estimated that all the viewers who can hold it down will be breathless.

But the ending of this version still brings some hope and sunshine to people. After all, the difficulty of understanding in the long night can mean not being able, not being able to do it, or not being able to understand, but it can also be interpreted as a very difficult and difficult coming. The light.

The trend of this TV series is the latter. Although it is difficult and tortuous, it is clear.

Li Mingdu has ushered in a new career in his career, proving that he is the boss of F4 and the handsome young man in the group who can best beat him.

For a long time before, F4 had a solo career, including Guan Lijie's (Xin Qiji: Po Zhenzi). Although the explosion was far less popular than (Red Cliff Up and Down) or (The Legend of Wan Guifei), it was still able to gross 200-300 million in box office in the mainland.

Not to mention E-Jian Cheng, the (Twilight) male protagonist made him popular in Europe and America.

In the later development of F4, it is really that Lai Ming and Aaron Kwok are slightly different in film and television. They have also appeared in other idol dramas, but if they act in more idol dramas, problems such as greasiness or other stereotypes will become more prominent.

The only good thing is that Lai Ming and Aaron Kwok have developed well in singing and dancing. They ask normal producers to find songs for them and release albums. They are doing well in the music scene, far behind the popular celebrities in Europe and America such as Zhang Guorong, Andy Lau and Tan Yonglin.

But in the Hong Kong Haowan area, you can also chase Zhang Xueyou, Wang Jie and others, and try to challenge the position of the true fourth heavenly king.

At this time, there are really more and more competitors for the fourth king of Asian music.

And this version (Long Night) is the one that brought Li Ming the aura of a leading actor in a serious drama. For fairness and justice, he lost his love, career, health, and threw himself into prison. Finally lost in the noose.

What he has been fighting and insisting on, and what he wants to get back, is the innocence of an old classmate who is almost like a stranger.

When Ge Li, the victim played by Yuan Yongyi, who is a "psychiatrist", appears in the drama as a donor who can provide bone marrow transplants for her son with leukemia at any time...

The story about her is many times richer, more delicate and more cold-blooded and cruel than the original version! Yuan Yongyi may be a little unrepresentative in her beauty, and a little featureless in her beauty, but the girl's appearance and acting skills are really not bad at this stage.

It was also the worse for her.

The more tear-jerking it becomes, the more indignant the audience becomes, as if there is a fire burning in their chests!


On August 14, Jim Carrey had just finished his day's work on the set of "New Love" and returned to the downstairs of his rental house. He saw two figures rushing towards him from the left and right. He just shouted, "You are... who?"

He was caught in a sack.

When a burst of fists and kicks came down, Jim Carrey began to scream for help.

He is the first-line criminal policeman under the biggest criminal policeman Guy in The Long Night. Guy and Ellison are both big bosses in villains, but the two of them have much less scenes than Jim Carrey.

In the end, what the TV series presented to the audience was basically Jim Carrey, Tony Leung Jiahui, Guan Lijie and others doing evil on the front line and doing all kinds of bad things.

When the patrolmen rushed over and the people who beat Jim Carrey disappeared, he cried to the patrolmen with a bruised nose and face, "Wang Defake? I didn't recruit anyone."

He just kept being honest with the crew and filming scenes with Carina Lau, Ah Xing and others. But when one of the two patrolmen recognized him, someone immediately said "fuck" and wanted to grab a gun from his waist.

The old patrolman was so frightened that he hurriedly held down the young man's arm, "Are you crazy? That's a TV series! Do you really treat the actors as villains and scum?"

When this scene was reacted to, it was photographed by a reporter who happened to be passing by. After it was published in the newspaper the next day, it caused a sensation in Hong Kong...


ATV main office.

When Zhao Donghuai saw a certain news, he started to laugh and cry, "I heard that Jim Carrey traveled to the mainland for a few months before? Fortunately, he traveled before the long night."

"Otherwise it would be so much fun."

This is the new generation king of comedy in the white world. Although Liang Jiahui has also done a lot of evil in TV series, he has already performed many masterpieces.

From the Dark Knight series to Speed ​​of Life and Death, and then to The Legend of Wang Wenxia?

Even if Leung Ka-fai really appears on the streets of Hong Kong Island, citizens who see him will probably be able to easily separate the image of the dynamic gang brother in the TV series from Leung Ka-fai.

The most you can do is scold Brother Jiahui a few times. Your new role is really a scumbag.

But Jim Carrey's level of lying down is really miserable.

Xiaoxian also put down the newspaper and couldn't help laughing, "What should we do? Write a column for him to clarify?"

"This TV series has only aired for 9 episodes. There is still some time before the finale. If there is a big surprise, it will be over. No wonder I heard that Wen Chaolun was on the run for more than three months after starring in (Intolerance). Only then did I dare to return to Hong Kong."

Zhao Donghuai was also speechless, "Send him two Pan-Asian bodyguards. A column of clarification is indeed needed."

Wen Chaolun and Tao Dayu are both portrayed as villains, and they are hated by the people who cause harm for a while. However, the patrolman almost drew his gun when he saw Jim Carrey. The intensity of the harm is a bit too hard-core.


Still the crew of (新无情).

When Jim Carrey arrived on the set with a panda eye and a bruised face, Zhou Xingxing, Carina Lau and others also looked at each other.

After being silent for a while, Zhou Xingxing took the initiative to give Jim Carrey a cigarette and said thankfully, "Carrey, think on the bright side, this can only prove that you really brought that character to life, and it is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that you can be like this." Accident."

So far, Jim Carrey's Cantonese and Mandarin are still poor. At most, his listening ability has improved a bit. However, Zhou Xingxing speaks English, and his English level is not bad. This is to make his movie better. All over the world, they have studied hard.

Jim Carrey rolled his eyes and complained, "I used to think that I was a comedian, and I started out as a comedy show actor. I was a little too limited. Only after this experience did I realize that it's good to just do comedy."

"At least I've been a comedian for so many years. I won't be beaten when I go out, let alone someone who almost pulls a gun on me."

When he said this, Zhou Xingxing couldn't help but wipe away the cold sweat and felt happy.

comedian? Everyone wants to laugh when they see you, which is actually quite good... After all, Jim Carrey is not the only one who suffers, and it cannot be said that the audience is too fussy. It is really just the emotions of loving or hating the house and the black are vented.

And in "Long Night", too many beautiful people and things were destroyed and destroyed!

The more handsome men and beautiful women have a good image, the stronger the anger and madness you will bring to the audience when you destroy them one after another.

There are many viewers who can separate the characters in TV series from the actors themselves, but when they are angry, reason comes a little later, and the anger becomes a little more intense? If you drink a little more wine and get a little drunk, it will be even more lively.

At this moment, Ah Heng suddenly came up and said, "Isn't that Gai? Is he here to visit? We here... By the way, it's hard to understand that Gai and you, Kerry, are partially cooperating."

When Zhou Xingxing and Jim Carrey looked over and took the initiative to greet them, Gai Zi, accompanied by four bodyguards, walked over with a cold sweat on his face, "Wang Defake, this is all acting, do you want to be so crazy?"

"Carrie, were you really close to pulling out a gun? So I'm a little unsafe. Fortunately, the movie I'm starring in (the time-travel version of Ip Man 2) will be released tomorrow."

"With the Ip Man series, my good guy image is more prominent."

Gai doesn't appear in too many scenes in the TV series, but his image... Whether it's destroying Weng Meixiang, Ge Li, or destroying Li Xue played by Chen Derong, the second brother of the police force like Gai is the ultimate enjoyment.

The scene cannot be too straightforward, but after the beautiful women were brought to dinner by Huang Mao, for example, when the door was closed, the characters played by Huang Mao, Guan Lijie, Liang Jiahui, Jim Carrey and others closed the door and left...

They are mazai.

Gai's second brother in the police department and Ellison's second brother in the legal department are the ones who stay in the door and smile evilly at the victim.

Inflicting serious violent injuries.

In the plot, the second brother played by Gai also gave Ge Li a child, which was equivalent to his illegitimate child. He cruelly imprisoned Ge Li in Qingshan Mental Hospital, and the good girl who was not sick was tortured into mental illness.

Just waiting for the day when the child with leukemia needs a bone marrow transplant, we will provide a donor.

As soon as today's news came out, I was so frightened that I broke into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, he is a rich and famous star. Not only does he hire white bodyguards for his daily activities at Aimei's house, but his father and mother mobilize the network to find them for him. Pan Asia also sends a wave of bodyguards for his daily activities in Hong Kong. Bodyguards, guarding the perimeter.

After complaining for a few words, Gai Gai said to Zhou Xingxing, "Axing, are the local audiences reacting too fiercely? He is just playing a bad guy, but he is not really that bad or so heartless. By the way, there are people in the film and television industry Is there a real case that is more exaggerated than Kerry?”

In a word, let alone Zhou Xingxing, even Heng Shao and Jia Ling were questioned.

Or director Er Dongsheng suddenly scratched his head, "It seems that there really is one. He Jiaju, one of the four villains, is over 40 years old, and he still can't find a girlfriend. It's because he plays a bad guy. There are too many scumbags and villains, and there are so many women." I’m scared when I see him.”

Brother Gai, "..."

Even Ah Xing was silent. Is He Sheng so miserable? It's not his fault that he looks fierce, but you can't say it's his fault that he's good at acting.

Gai suddenly tapped Zhou Xingxing on the shoulder and said, "Axing, next time you have a suitable role in your comedy, send me a copy. We have been working together happily since (Shaolin Football)."

He's not superstitious or anything, he just makes a cameo as much as possible to improve the image of the president of Microsoft, a super conglomerate.

As the leader, he still pays more attention to his personal image. Fortunately (Long Night Is Difficult), at most it will be popular in East and Southeast Asia. It should not be popular in Europe and the United States, and there will not be much of a viewing market.


Mainland, somewhere in Jiangsu Province.

(Dongpo Flood Control) The crew shot the scene, looking at the hastily renovated feudal-era earth city walls, and the river outside the city that rose from time to time.

Liang Jiahui, who had changed into the attire of a scholar-official from the Northern Song Dynasty, carefully adjusted his momentum before walking to the earth city wall and sighed, "Along, when the filming officially starts, the upstream gate will be opened to release water, so we can only try our best to shoot under the impact of the flood. ."

"You and your team must be prepared for war."

Starting from July 1st, Mai Xunxiong will prepare for the war (Dongpo flood control). Today is August 15th, and the crew can finally shoot.

How did you shoot the scene where the flood hit the city wall and the dam was built to fight the flood? This is a team of assistant directors, rushing to the Huaihe River, Yangtze River and even the Jiangnan water network, looking for cities with heavy rainfall during the rainy season. They hope to use reservoirs and modern dams to store water in advance and open the gates at the right time...

A shooting location for artificially created small flood landscapes.

There are actually many such places.

In the Huaihe River, Yangtze River, Qiantang River and other water bodies, including near several large lakes, there are heavy rains in summer, and dams are relied on to adjust the water volume, so it is very easy to find a location.

The difficult part is to find a feudal city wall from the Northern Song Dynasty. It is almost impossible to find a perfect one. If you find some similar walls and modify them, the difficulty will plummet.

The Dongpo Flood Control crew, Xu City's fight against the Yellow River floods, could only be filmed in segments. They filmed some scenes where Su Dongpo and Cheng Long, played by Jiahui, looked at the floods from the city wall when the floods were about to come, and then filmed the floods. There is an urgent need to repair ancient embankments.

As for the various gentry in Xu City who want to escape and abandon the city, they can just go to the film and television base for filming.

Under the words, Cheng Long looked calm, "Don't worry, even if the flood comes, don't be afraid of accidents. There are so many rescue teams watching."

He plays the role of a general of the Xiang Army in Xu City during the Northern Song Dynasty. He has a lot of abandoned soldiers under his command. The main generals must be the backbone of the Cheng Jiaban and Hong Jiaban, and most of the supporting roles are still recruited from the Bing Ge Ge. Have experience in flood fighting and disaster relief.

It's nothing more than replacing Brother Bing, who is used to fighting floods with modern mechanical tools, to fighting against floods at the level of movie props.

Although it is said that the gate is opened to release water, it has been calculated and studied.

But for the sake of safety, in addition to inviting a large number of soldiers to use traditional methods to fight floods and take pictures, they also hired a group of soldiers to bring modern equipment, vehicles and boats, ready to carry out rescue operations at any time.

When the computer special effects industry is not very sufficient and powerful, we can only shoot like this.

At this moment, Liang Jiahui suddenly looked a few steps away. A young man over 1.7 meters tall wearing the uniform of a Northern Song Dynasty soldier said, "Why do you keep looking at me like this? Do you want to hit me?"

"Is it possible that the character I starred in (The Dark Night) is too hateful and makes your fists itch?"

That was also a guest appearance by Brother Bing, who was still adapting to the shooting mode of Dongpo flood control.

After being asked by Liang Jiahui, Brother Bing scratched his head in embarrassment, "No, no, why would I even think of beating you? Brother Jiahui, you are a big star. I remember you playing the role in The Legend of Wang Wenxia, ​​which made me cry." How many times..."

"Let me just say one thing, Brother Jiahui, your performance this time in (Long Night Is Hard to See) is really excellent. Can you hold back your performance next time?"

In the Mainland, Yangma broadcasts (Long Night and Difficult to Watch), and the crowds are empty. If they are in the base and being trained, it is hard to say whether they can watch the most popular and popular TV programs in time.

But they were all transferred out and joined the (Dongpo Flood Control) crew.

During the study period and preparation period, it is not difficult to watch TV series.

Brother Bing rarely has close contact with big stars. Is this really close today? ? He admitted that his previous vision was a bit like a knife-edge, but Leung Ka-fai has played many outstanding roles.

That kind of knife-man feeling comes suddenly and is quickly suppressed by reason.

Liang Jiahui smiled, "In the first movie I played (Underworld), the villain Big D was also very fierce and crazy. Do you think who is easier to get beaten than this time?"

Brother Bing was stunned for a few seconds and waved his hands hastily, "No, Big D, that street kid, is not fierce and bad, he feels quite stupid... When it comes to the level of beating, he is really not as good as one-tenth of Hu Yilang."

The next moment he asked curiously, "It is said that the TV series "The Long Night" was adapted from real events? Was there really such a thing in the New Territories back then?"

Liang Jiahui was also a little dazed, "Yes, there is actually no shortage of them in Kowloon... It's not just the ghost guys. Among us Chinese, the four major detectives and the big brothers of various societies have done a lot of these immoral things."

It's not just ghosts who push good families to the sea. Even in the long night, the black capital played by Qin Pei and the eldest brother of a dynamic group like Hu Yilang are also very important promoters and accomplices.

Cheng Long couldn't help but sigh, "In the past few years, the arrogance of the society did have a sense of lawlessness. It is only these years that Zhao Sheng has come out to uphold justice that things have gotten better and better."

"Don't think I am a Kung Fu superstar. In fact, I was chased and chopped by my big brother ten years ago. I had to run away to avoid the limelight."

A certain soldier’s brother, “…”

At this moment, Mai Xunxiong suddenly led several figures from the bottom of the city tower and greeted Aaron, "Brother Long, Yang Sheng from Wan Province came to visit the class, mainly to visit you."

Cheng Long was surprised and walked over to greet him. After a polite exchange between the two parties, Yang, who was in his early 50s, smiled and said, "Brother Long, my film and television company wants to cooperate with 100 Years Pictures to make a film based on your fame and popularity. For a big movie, Director Wang asked me to do the pre-war."

"I hope that where there are misunderstandings and disputes, Brother Long can be more generous and don't argue with us."

"Of course, if Brother Long is willing to cooperate, this can also be mutually beneficial."

Cheng Long was stunned, "Taking advantage of my fame and popularity? The script that Fatty Wang thought of? What kind of script?"

Yang Sheng smiled and handed over a check with one million US dollars on it, "The book is called (Mouse Dan Long Wei). I hope Brother Long can forgive me for any offense. I am not a person who doesn't understand the rules. This million It’s the tea fee, and if the movie’s announcement later creates a huge gimmick, the audience will go into the theater to watch the movie.”

"Brother Long, you can also come out and clarify at the appropriate time. If we join forces to promote it, we hope to trigger a good wave of movie watching around the world."

Cheng Long was stunned for a few seconds and then said with a smile, "What if I don't agree?"

Although I haven’t read the book yet, a rat gallbladder with the word “dragon” for dragon power? He already felt that this book contained a lot of prank elements.

Yang Sheng's smile remained unchanged, but there was just a hint of regret, "Then we definitely can't shoot like that. If we force ourselves to do it, it will be a pity that we will make a lot less money."

Cheng Long felt like vomiting blood, Sister Ni, you put it so bluntly...

After thinking about it, he asked curiously, "Why doesn't Fatty Wang come and talk to me in person?"

Yang Sheng's smile became brighter, "Director Wang is in Nandu, looking for top-notch food. If Brother Long is willing to talk, let's go back to Nandu for a few drinks in the evening? As long as Brother Long is willing, let alone the one million tea fee, the box office afterwards , video tape profits, the three of us can also split the profit."

Cheng Long was speechless for a moment.

At this point, is he really? Three points? ? It's not that this is out of the question.

In the original track (The Great Mouse), whether it was just after it was filmed or released, or later in the Internet era, countless media were hyping it up. This was a movie about Cheng Long being ridiculed by Fat King and Chi Guoguo. In fact, ...it's almost like treating it as a marketing campaign.

The original track was that Aaron finished filming (Red Zone) and officially entered Hollywood. In addition, (Die Hard 3) was released and sold all over the world. Bruce Willis became famous with the help of the series of movies.

Mouse Danlongwei said that I would touch porcelain two at a time!

It relies on public opinion and hype to sell box office, although... it only sold 11 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office on Hong Kong Island, and the total box office is not as much as Li Lianjie's personal salary.

But the global box office is more than 60 million yuan, and in the video tape market, that's where the big money will be made. Ajie's video has a strong sales power.

How many years in advance did this plane appear? There's nothing wrong with it. How popular is Police Story 4? 431 million US dollars worldwide, Bruce Willis is also one of the male protagonists of Police Story 4.

In addition to joining the Police Story series halfway, he did film two films (Die Hard). Although the box office did not exceed 100 million in North America, the video market sold well.

Everything you need to know about Pengci marketing.

It’s nothing more than the original track. Wang Jing compiled this script. As a director, he only earns the money of ordinary directors and screenwriters. It is impossible for Lao Yang to share 3.3% of the profit with Aaron. Just kidding, Lao Yang is the gambling king and entertainment industry tycoon in the northwest of the province. , Tiandao boss.

Also, the director of Rat Hard is Fei Jing, but there is also Yuan Kui who is Wu Zhi. What is the relationship between Yuan Kui and Aaron? Seven Little Blessings Brothers.

And in "Mouse Hard", Jacky Cheung, Ajie, Qiu Shuzhen, and Yang Caini are all Hong Kong stars playing a police hero? ? Who is the male protagonist? The biological son of Lao Yang in front of me...

The second-generation representative in Tiandao over there in the province.

Aaron had a good relationship with Lao Wu and Wang Yu in the Bamboo Society, but the Lao Yang in front of him was one of the founders of Tiandao. His original trajectory was that he was imprisoned again for gambling in July 1990, and he was soon released from prison with money. This position It seems he didn't go in again...otherwise he wouldn't be here trying to do it now.

But over there, even Lao Wu was able to spend a lot of money to get out of prison early.

It is not uncommon for one of the founders of Tiandao to spend money to repair the earth for free on Green Island. This is the period when various real-life plots in (black gold) movies are being released in real life.

Night falls.

In a big hotel in Nandu, Cheng Long finished reading the script of "A Hard Man" and was so angry that he wanted to punch Fatty Wang a few times. Fatty Jing smiled and drank two glasses of beer in succession, "Brother Long, money, don't you like money?" What?"

"Your Police Story series is so profitable, but you are hesitant about the next one. Isn't it because you are afraid of Waterloo? I'll use your fame first to trick the audience into spending money, and then you can come out and explain it later."

"Originally, I planned to shoot (Fight Back to School 3) with Xing Zai in March, but Xing quit and went to film (God of Cookery). After filming (God of Cookery) and (New Love), I directed ( "The Legend of Mermaid" was also completed in May, and the finished film is still gathering dust in the warehouse waiting for its release date."

"After thinking about it for several months, I came up with a book like this. I guarantee it will not be bad at the box office."

Lao Yang was also drinking with a smile, but he was drinking white wine. "Brother Long, I really want to be in the film and television industry. It would be a pity not to take part in such a good book. Come on, let me toast you again. I Do it as you wish."

In fact, Lao Yang also knew that for a guy like him, who was one of the Tiandao bosses, to get such a project was to act as a low-key middleman for Wang Jing, mainly to serve Aaron's mood.

In his original trajectory, he has a high status and is one of the main forces in Hong Kong's film and television industry. He has supported Ajie in the Fong Shiyu series, The Five Shaolin Ancestors, etc., as well as Li Xiuxian's barbecued pork buns, Public Servant 2, etc.

TV series are not weak either. The Chinese Ghost Story series, Ren Xianqi's Xinchu Liuxiang, Zhang Weijian's The Monkey King, including After the Millennium, directed by Fei Jing (the best in the world), are basically invested by Lao Yang.

But now, he feels that being the person in charge of emotions is already a very good treatment. After all, if Fei Jing is also a film and television tycoon, he is not willing to be too low-key and petty when it comes to taking care of emotions. It would not be his turn.

A huge marketing push is about Aaron's international popularity.

Cheng Long, with a dumbfounded look on his face, had a drink with Yang Sheng, and complained to Wang Jing, "You are such a good guy, you are not so aggressive!"

When "Mouse Hard" was released, many fans in Hong Kong and internationally were discussing whether it was a movie that satirized and ridiculed Aaron. Aaron's own response was also very thought-provoking. He just responded, he In fact, sometimes we use body doubles when making movies...

That's just because Lao Yang's status as a gambling king and his status as a Tiandao boss can't be offended. Li Lianjie also wants to be Lao Yang's son's partner in the movie.

After a while, after drinking a few more drinks and the scene relaxed, Aaron looked at Fei Jing curiously, "International Jewelry Exhibition, the most valuable jewelry of the Saudi royal family? A blue diamond worth tens of millions of dollars? Fuck, Fatty. Do you even dare to eat the melons of the two royal families?"

"Thailand is now one of the major vote bases in Southeast Asia."

Aaron is of course talking about the major international case that happened last year. A Thai worker stole 30 kilograms of jewelry from a prince's estate and flew it back to his hometown in Thailand...

Then this year, they announced that they had solved the case and returned 80% of the jewelry. It turned out that they were all fakes. You can easily identify the fakes and you can confirm that they are fakes. It just seems too perfunctory.

This is no longer a question of tens of millions of dollars but more money and less, but face!

Investigators who were sent to Thailand to solve the case died one after another, including a certain police officer in Thailand who was investigating the case. They also died mysteriously.

Originally, in 1988, there were 50,000 to 60,000 tourists from Thailand. This year, the number has plummeted to a few thousand.

Wang Jing was also a little dumbfounded, "When I wrote the script, the incident of Zhengda Xie Sheng giving Zhao Sheng 100 theaters hadn't happened yet. At that time, there were only a few box offices there? They were all from the island countries of Star, Malaysia, Taiga, Indians, Filipinos, etc. Packed.”

"It's okay. At worst, it will be changed to jewelry from the Yinlun royal family or the Big Bear Czar era."

"I just feel that it's a pity to change it. I can't take advantage of the east wind to make money at the box office. No,... I'd better forget it and save it for the sake of the overall situation."

If it were not changed and the jewelry of the Saudi royal family was used, it would definitely be a bigger gimmick in Europe and the United States. After all, the New York Times reported on such a huge case, so many people would pay attention.

But if we don’t change it, it will easily affect Zhao Sheng’s overall layout. I heard that the new project Xu Ke wants to shoot (The House of Gold and Jade) will have to go to Bangkok for filming. If we really don't change it, Wanjia Cinemas, which is easily influenced by the royal family, will not be able to continue to operate smoothly.

At this point, Fei Jingdu raised his glass again, "I heard that a certain queen is known as the woman who is the best at wearing jewelry in Thailand. Rumor, gossip... everyone will forget it after hearing it."

Yang Sheng from Tiandao couldn't help but sigh, "I feel that doing business in Thailand is more convenient than in Benzhou now."

As a gambling king and entertainment tycoon in the northwest of the province, he can only lament that he has learned a lot.

Thinking of this, Lao Yang suddenly said, "Director Wang, actually my son also likes acting. Do you think you can give him a chance in a new project? I don't dare to ask for a big supporting role. Just give him a small supporting role with lines and scenes."

Wang Jing was stunned for a moment and nodded, "Of course, no problem, you are also one of the investors."

If you want a big supporting role, of course he won't give it to you. Small roles don't matter. After all, after writing the script, he has already thought of the main roles including the lineup. It will be the Chinese version of the heroine and the white version of the heroine.

Even as the main villain, Jet Binney, Richard Norton, etc. are also included.

Otherwise, how can it be convenient to sell box office in Europe and the United States?

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