Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 347 Brother Cai, do you think I still have a chance?

It’s a new day, September 4th.

Hong Kong Island is as prosperous as the entertainment age. It started on the evening of the 28th when a group of The Voice instructors took turns holding a solo concert in Hung Hom, inviting students to come on stage as guests.

Flights full of passengers are all migrating from island countries, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand like migratory birds. Even though many people come, they cannot buy tickets before September 15th.

But there are scalpers!

Even though professional scalpers are rare and are often beaten down and unable to play in this industry, rich fans, second generation and so on, go to the venue to catch the normal audience who bought the tickets in advance that night and charge a premium or double the price. , this is not a big deal.

Star chasing... Regardless of this era or later generations, star chasing is very crazy.

It was under such circumstances that Lan Nai had just opened the door and was shocked to see Fan Shaohuang standing in the corridor outside the door carrying a snack box, "Xiao Fan, what are you doing?"

Fan Shaohuang laughed, "Uncle Cai, if you hadn't supported me, how would I have had the chance to play the male lead in a big science fiction movie? My dad even shouted last night that he would continue to treat you to drinks. I thought that after we finished filming, he would I’ve had so many drinks with you.”

"I have to wait for a few days to nourish my stomach. I just bought some breakfast. You haven't eaten it yet?"

Lan Naicai shook his head and said with a smile, "You little naughty boy, since you bought it, I won't be polite. Come in."

After entering the room and looking at the clean living room furnishings, Fan Shaohuang quickly opened the food box to put breakfast. He also bought the most common Hong Kong-style morning tea breakfast, "Uncle Cai, you are so famous, you are one of the best in Hong Kong." A great director, his daily life at home is too ordinary."

Lao Lan laughed again, "Well, I still don't know what you monkey is thinking. Let me tell you straight, I don't want to take on the project (Taiping Wheel) because it was pushed by those guys. You want to star in it, I can recommend an ordinary character to you."

"But this is different from (The King of Power). The required acting skills are much higher. We can't give you such an important role."

Fan Shaohuang waved his hands hurriedly, "No, Uncle Cai, that's not what I meant. I'm not here to get a role. It's really not..."

Lan Naicai was speechless, "Eat, after dinner I will go out for a walk to avoid being harassed."

Lao Lan is a very interesting person. He started out as a small-time worker in Shaw Brothers movies. He was upgraded from a small-time worker to a photography assistant, and then to a photographer who worked for seven or eight years at a stretch. He relies on his unique sound, light, electric science fiction film techniques and special photography. Developing a highly stylized directorial line.

The original trajectory has always been to pursue comic adaptation, cult classics and niche.

Then because of a film (The King of Power) that was defined as a third-level film that was not romantic, he was so angry that he quit the film industry...

He is a cult, and there are no romantic and romantic scenes that are directly classified as level 3, which is really sad. After the original track left the circle, he became a photographer, went to a mountain orphanage to do volunteer work, etc.

He was only in his early 40s when he retired from the industry. He had good strength and ability. Once he retired, there was almost no news about him.

This is a man who is talented and wants to prove himself, but also values ​​his reputation from the outside world.

In this dimension, Zhao Donghuai has received too much... too many reputations and honors that he himself could not even imagine. So, for a great director who pays more attention to external reputation and reputation? When Xiang Laoshi, Xiang Shisan, Deng Yurong, Wang Yu and others came to him and asked him to sit in and shoot (Taiping Wheel)?

Lan Naicai's instinct was to refuse. Damn it, even though this was a big special effects movie and he knew how to do special effects, but a disaster war epic or something? He doesn't understand it at all, bosses.

Do you think he, a person who didn't go to school, was a small-time worker, and worked in the Shaw Brothers Film Studio, understands the meaning of those epic wars? Intertwined with national destiny, personal destiny, etc., such a heavy theme?

He knew he couldn't grasp it after reading the script.

Who recommended him? Isn't this meant to harm him? Good guy, a group of big bosses spent hundreds of millions, and after the filming was completed, the production was a mess. The great reputation he only gained following Zhao Donghuai, wouldn't his aura as a famous director suddenly be shattered?

What is the social atmosphere of Tai Ping Wheel in 1949? ? If this was filmed as a street gang fight, how many years would he be nailed to the pillar of shame? I will never be able to clean it in my lifetime.

Therefore, after all kinds of favors came and went, and more and more people came to ask him to come out and take charge, Lao Lan could not stay alone and could only reluctantly agree, but he said that he was only responsible for the production of special effects.

For example, making a model of the Taiping wheel, researching how to sink a ship, shooting special effects, etc., and not caring about anything else.

Then Wang Yu and others agreed happily, but when they turned around, it was said that Xiao Wu had never filmed a big scene before. How much more should you be patient, take care of Xiao Wu, and check for him more?

If he hadn't lived on Hong Kong Island and lived for 40 years, he would have run away with the bucket, okay? He had read the script that Wu Yusen had stayed up all night for almost three days and three nights without much rest.

Generally speaking...okay? From the Anti-Japanese War to that and so on, and then to that and so on, the love stories of several couples? Under the changing general trend, follow the national affairs and drift with the wind? Another shipwreck disaster? Parting between life and death?

The script is not complicated and seems to include everything, but after reading it in a hurry, it seems that no theme is highlighted and everything is rushed.

Have I finished reading? What did I watch?

He has seen the finished film about brotherhood, tear-jerking, and bloody heroes. It is also about the tacit understanding and sympathy between men, and about fighting the villain in a decisive battle for justice and law. Life is to fight for survival and take care of the weak.

But there is something wrong with the Taiping Wheel theme that Lao Wu brought out...

The biggest problem is that against the epic background of the national war of resistance and the bald-headed runaway war in the mainland, the love stories between the protagonists who appear one after another are difficult to resonate with him and cannot elicit empathy.

Can he directly criticize the script and ask Lao Wu to rewrite it? It wasn't appropriate. He didn't want to be a guide. He was asked to get into the car and was given a lot of money. There were too many acquaintances begging him for help.

Just say that when Wang Yu was the first-generation martial arts superstar in Shaw Brothers and TVB, he was still a little brother on the set, and Deng Yurong was not far behind.

Chu Yuan and Sun Zhong were both half of his masters, and those seniors also called to communicate with each other. What could he do?

I couldn't push myself into the car, and I wasn't very interested in the project. The main reason was that I wasn't sure that I would be able to shoot well, and I was afraid that my reputation would be ruined all at once, so I worked on it for three days and three days for Lao Wu to come up with the idea. For a director who stayed up all night to write out a script, it is difficult for him to speak too frankly.

He could only say, "The book is okay, but I feel that it can be improved even more. After all, it is a large project involving a multi-party joint venture with an investment of 100 to 200 million yuan." Then Lao Wu was driven back to perfect the script. Before leaving, he glared at him unconvinced.

Lan Naicai felt a little numb. He was not a pua, but he felt that the book was not very good, so he commented tactfully.

I hope Director Wu can provide a better quality script next time.

Now he was too lazy to explain too much to Fan Shaohuang. He sat on the sofa and ate his morning tea. Before he could finish a barbecued pork bun, there was a knock on the door. Outside the unclosed door, it was Zhou Runfa carrying half of a roasted pork bun. A whole lamb lunch box came over, "Brother Cai, are you eating such a vegetarian meal so early in the morning?"

Lan Naicai took a look at the eye-catching "Luck Good Luck Flagship Store Takeaway Meal Box". The pattern of roasted whole lamb was so delicious and delicious. He couldn't help complaining, "You gave me this so early in the morning?"

"I said Ah Fa, you should go find Director Wu. You are so familiar with each other. You both collaborated on "A Better Tomorrow" and "The Bloody Heroes".

Ah Fa walked in with a smile, "Look what you said, when I was filming (Jurassic Park 2), I didn't know how to shoot special effects without your guidance."

Ah Fa was not polite. He walked in, opened the box, and invited Fan Shaohuang to sit with him. They were all acquaintances who have known each other for many years. "Aren't Yongsheng, Ying Zhijie, and Wang Yu too ambitious this time?"

"Wanted, the Spider-Man sequence crew, there are too many action stars lining up to squeeze in, it doesn't matter to me at all, but something like the (Titanic) novel (Taiwan Wheel)?"

"Isn't this a lot of acting?"

"Brother Cai, do you think I still have a chance?"

Only then did Lan Nai see that the roasted whole lamb inside was all cut into pieces, and he picked up a piece and put it in his mouth, "Of course you have a chance, the chance is still great, so as long as Director Wu writes the script well and the special effects are created according to normal blockbusters , there is a lot of hope for a wave of blockbusters.”

Their friendship is not just from a movie (Jurassic Park 2). When Lan Naicai worked on the Shaw Brothers studio for ten or twenty years, he was no stranger to stars such as Ah Fa and Qiu Guan.

Ah Fa's eyes lit up and he said, "Brother Cai, I just want to ask, what is your evaluation of Director Wu's script? Judging from your experience in directing so many commercial blockbusters since you started in the industry?"

Lan Naicai thought for dozens of seconds before looking at Fan Shaohuang. Xiaofan naturally got up and went to the toilet. When he walked away, Lao Lan whispered, "He should have written an anti-war The theme uses different couples to make love, life and death super fragile when war and disaster come, and the vulnerable theme is used to resist war and highlight the tragic tone..."

"An epic war, natural and man-made disasters, displacement, portraying or sublimating the theme of love, the overall package is really complex and grand."

Afa blinked, "This sounds very good."

Lao Lan's voice was still very low, "I'm just going to comment this time. You can tell Xiang Sheng privately that Director Wu has integrated many themes and cores, but there is something wrong..."

"You were having a happy reunion dinner with your wife and children at home. Suddenly, bandits came and wanted to kill your children and steal your wife. They stole all your property and stabbed you several times. You resisted and fought off the bandits."

"After the bandits went out, they were blown up by bombs falling from the sky. Before they died, the bandits were still thinking about their girlfriends or wives, missing their beautiful love. It was so miserable..."

"Do you think this story is good??"

Ah Fa immediately sprayed it, "What the hell?"

Lan Naicai said seriously, "This is how I felt after watching the results of Director Wu's three days and nights. It's the same as your reaction now. What did I see?"

"So many people interceded and I took the money. You must tell Xiang Sheng seriously again that I don't know much about screenwriting and I don't know how to tell stories. I am only responsible for special effects!"

"Just like in the story I just told, I was only responsible for the special effects of the bomb that fell from the sky and killed the bandits when they were repelled."

"He is also a great director. He had a falling out with Xu Ke because he insisted on his own creative ideas. The friendship of so many years was ruined. I have never collaborated with him, so I can't say much. After all, it's like this He started the project.”

Afa fell into silence for a while.

Lan Naicai said again, "Besides, you can't say that there is no hope of this becoming popular. What if people outside like it? What if it explodes in Europe and the United States? I don't understand the mentality of those audiences. Titanic novel It was a best-seller, but the European and American version was not released.”

"What if a Chinese version suddenly comes out and attracts many book fans to watch the movie?"

"There is a complete story here, with various core elements. Once the special effects are completed, I dare not say that he will definitely lose money, but maybe he will make a lot of money?"

Afa was also said to be at a loss. Yes, when I first heard Lan Naicai's alternative description, I felt very abrupt, surprised, and messy, but there is a complete story here, with various themes foreshadowing, and it looks like a flower. The brocade, stars assist, counting stars can surprise the audience, and there are great special effects...

The essence of a hero is just a brotherhood. I will definitely get back what I lost, and it will be boiling with fire.

At first glance, I am eating a big meal and humming songs with my family at home, and a group of bandits come and want to kill me? Didn’t I fight hard and drive them away? Good thing.

There is an unexpected surprise here. I just repelled them, and bombs fell from the sky and killed them directly. It was completely solved. God is helping me? ? But what does it mean for the bandits to miss those past loves and sadness before they die?

He was stunned.

Lan Naicai took another mouthful of mutton helplessly, "It's too complicated, too much. How can it be like Wanted or Spider-Man? Good guys kill bad guys, and the killing is exciting and beautiful. It can be summed up in one sentence. You can see even the quick pursuit Killing, Lonely Agent, Rescue, and the Police Story series are all about this one sentence."

Zhou Runfa was speechless, "The more I hear you talk, the more mysterious it becomes."

He was almost confused and even thought that Director Lan had over-interpreted Director Wu's script? After all, he hasn't read the script yet. How can Lao Wu write such a colorful and beautiful thing, like colorful clouds covering the moon, that even Xiang Laoshi and Lao Shisan can't understand?


The (Taiping Wheel) project originally initiated by Wu Yusen and Xiang Laoshi attracted a lot of attention in the Hong Kong entertainment circle.

At the Peninsula Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui, Ando had breakfast and walked out of the hotel. Two figures walked quickly under the awning of the building. They bowed and said hello when they reached Ando's side.

"Your Excellency, Minister, I sent a reservation application to ATV, but it still didn't go through. However, these days, we are facing claims from Wanjia and Baijia Group, and we still...can only pay on a daily basis."

"Mr. Minister, those bastards from the mainland are so unruly. They obviously hired thieves to crush their own instant noodles at Wanjia and Baijia chains. The United Retail Group forced noodle bakers to buy the noodles to add to their own supply. After a surge in sales, do you still want us to compensate you?”


This is Nissin Ando and his team who have been in Hong Kong for more than ten days. The largest president of Nissin is undoubtedly the father of instant noodles, Momofuku Ando.

Minister Ando is Momofuku's youngest son and his only Japanese son. He is the current powerful minister and the next generation president in the future.

Faced with the sudden appearance of Wang Dashuo, he commanded the nanny to slander and slander the Nissin Group? Ando is in trouble. In Hong Kong and South Korea, Nissin's instant noodle brand is originally the second best in the market, only maintaining a 10% share of the younger brother.

They also tried every means to increase sales and market share, but their strength did not allow it!

What is Vanguard Group? Citizens' own retail stores start from retailing in thousands of households, and provide services to thousands of households. Just the golden reputation of Wanjia's signature brand, including Wanjia's instant noodles and mineral water, is enough for Wanjia Group to open. Wherever you go, you will dominate the retail market.

This brand image and appeal are really too strong and unshakable.

And you must know that before Wanjia, Nissin's instant noodles of Hopmi, Demae Itcho and other brands were the best-selling Hong Kong Haowan instant noodles with a 40% market share. Originally, there was a "Doll Noodle" brand of instant noodles on Hong Kong Island, which belonged to Hong Kong. The pride of the island's instant noodle field, the local light.

Then the company that created the "Doll Noodles" brand was also acquired by Nissin!

It's similar to Coca-Cola entering the mainland to acquire Tianfu Cola.

It was originally a great situation, not only sweeping the East and Southeast Asian markets, but also selling instant noodles to Europe and the United States. Since the rise of Wanjia... it has gradually collapsed to 10% of the market share.

In South Korea, in addition to Nongshim, there is also the Samyang turkey noodle brand, which was also suppressed during the rise of Wanjia.

Before Wang Dashuo made his bad move, after sweeping aside Wanjia, only Nissin Hewei and Nongshim Shin Ramen were still struggling, and the remaining brands were basically almost dead.

Will this not prevent the subsequent rise of other Chinese brands? ?

After taking a deep breath, Ando said, "The noodle maker group has been around for more than ten days, and the news is getting bigger and bigger. Now there are South Korean media yelling at us across the sea to the four islands, and we haven't seen it. Wan Jia came out and said something publicly."

"Amidst such media controversy, has the sales of Wanjia instant noodles been affected on Hong Kong Island?"

One thing to say, in most cases, the boss fights with the second child, and all kinds of breaking news and stunts are going on. All the attention of the public is focused on these two, and the other three and four will slowly die... …

Or the boss fights with the fifth child and beats the second and third children to death.

This is a very common development in the market.

so? ?

A certain man in a suit bowed again and smiled bitterly, "Sorry, I inquired before. The day before yesterday and yesterday, during the instant noodle war, the sales statistics of retail terminals showed that the sales of Vanguard brand increased even more. On the contrary, our Nissin Hewei and Demae Itcho , at a level close to zero sales.”

Ando, ​​"..."

Ando's face turned dark. Although he had not made an appointment to see Zhao Donghuai for more than ten days, he still had to pay bills every day. For example, the salespersons of Wanjia and Baijia Group did things to protect instant noodles and beat up noodle customers. It was a waste of manpower and energy. In this regard, Wanjia and Baijia asked them for the overtime pay of the employees on that day, which was regarded as compensation.

Ando gives it every day and waits slowly.

I just want to wait and see if two brands in a product field fight and kill other brands in the commercial war effect, but the result is... no effect at all?

A man in a suit hurriedly explained, "Minister, for example, when Power Beer and San Miguel fought, it might have been nothing at first. But as time went by, it almost killed Carlsberg, Budweiser, and Cordon Bleu. Later, Jianlibao did the same thing when it fought Coke."

"In economics, this is a head effect, which is called the scarcity of consumer energy. For example, the college entrance examination is once a year. Many people are familiar with the provincial top scorer and the national top scorer, but only a few people are aware of the second place and top pick."

"Countless people know about the world's highest peak, but they seem to have never heard of the second and third peaks. Huafeng Sanxian Yi Noodles and South Korean Nongshim Shin Ramen have been slandering us, although our three brands have been in the consumer market. , the fame skyrocketed.”

"In a certain period of time, almost all consumers are attracted by these three names..."

"But when they walk into Wanjia, Baijia surname, and want to buy instant noodles, they will immediately think, know, and understand what Wanjia brand is. Compared with Wanjia, even if our three brands have become famous, compared with Wanjia, But it’s like a clown!”

"Secondly, the two brands are competing in all aspects of the commercial war, including news advertising space and retail terminal sales containers. If other brands do not join the competition for advertising space and retail terminal sales containers during the war, they will be completely forgotten. disuse……"

"But again, retail terminals are owned by thousands of families and hundreds of families!"

Another guy in a suit also added with a wry smile, "From the Huafeng Sanxian Yi Noodles to the later addition of Nongshim Xin Ramen, we have been splashed with dirty water and slandered as clowns. As long as any consumer stands firm, In front of the container racks of Baijia Xing and Wanjia."

"When you see each brand, you will remember that we are clowns, and compared to Wanjia brands, we are like clouds and mud."

Notoriety is also fame, black and red are also red!

In the instant noodle war, this principle does not really apply to Nissin's Kaupei, Demae Itcho, and the doll noodles they bought.

It has been nearly 7 years since the first Vanguard supermarket on Hong Kong Island opened in 1984. What kind of reputation and image has the Vanguard Group established? The instant noodles and mineral water brands under his brand are really in trouble. They do nothing but control the retail terminal container shelves.

If placed together with other brands, it will be invincible.

They are all instant noodles with similar prices, but Wanjia's tastes better. Everyone who goes shopping in the supermarket enjoys the caring and super-high-quality service of Wanjia's employees.

No need to say which one to buy?

In comparison, "Nissin", which cannot beat legitimate competition in the market, hires bad guys to crush other brands of instant noodles, and wants to win through dirty tricks? ? It's really grandstanding and flattering.

Even if Nissin is being wronged at this stage, they can't explain it clearly and don't have many channels to speak out.

This is similar to one being a wealthy flower in the world like Da Tiantian, and the other being Sister Feng... What should the public choose? ?

This is why Zhao Donghuai doesn't care at all about Big Stone starting a war in this market. He just stands firmly on the shore and watches the show.

The man in the suit bowed again and said with a melancholy look on his face, "Minister, what should we do now?"

Ando took a long breath again and sighed, "Baga, if necessary, consider temporarily giving up and withdrawing from the Hong Kong Haowan market."

The guy in the suit was shocked, "Quit??"

Hong Kong's Haowan market is not super big, but it is indeed not small. What's more, it has to overlook the huge market of one billion people in the mainland?

Ando was very powerless, "Zhao, who is just and aboveboard, tried to cheat us, Nissin, and it's hard to defend himself. We can't stay here to help Sanxian pay the bills, but we can take a step back for the time being, and then we can watch Huafeng San" Fresh Yi noodles and Nongshim Shin ramen are fighting.”

"First move the position and cultivate the markets of Xingma, Thailand, Yinni and other countries."

"Even in South Korea, although Vanguard Retail Terminal is the second largest retail group, Vanguard's market share is only about 50%. Nongshim Shin Ramen may not sit back and watch Huafeng enter."

Many times, it is better to take a step back and endure the calm for a while.

Even in this passive battlefield, Ando became more and more angry as he thought about it, especially since his father was the father of instant noodles on the planet.

But what can you do if you don’t retreat? If Zhao Donghuai is fair and just, sit back and watch them compete with Wang Dashi, South Korea Nongshim, and do not take sides, then Nissin will naturally not be afraid of anyone and just roll up its sleeves.

Zhao Donghuai acted openly and openly, knowing who was doing the evil, but he asked them for the bill? ? Without Zhao Donghuai to uphold justice, it would be difficult for them to find even a media outlet in Haowan, Hong Kong to speak.

If you quit, at least you won't have to pay for the noodle-making group hired by Wang Dashiro anymore!


Also on September 4th, (Long Night) was still being aired on sub-channels in island countries, South Korea, Thailand and other sub-channels. Because it had reached the eighth episode, the unfolding plot was basically wrapped up.

The plot of the Three Musketeers of Politics and Law, composed of Jiang Yang, Zhu Wei, and forensic doctor Chen Mingzhang, constantly dealing with criminal groups in order to solve cases, is very exciting and full of martial ethics.

The performances of Lai Ming, Zhang Xueyou and Zhang Zhijian are also impeccable.

(Long Night Is Hard to See) has achieved a brilliant record of nearly 20 million viewers in the island country in just a few days. A group of figures, led by Mei Yanfang, are waiting to fly to Tokyo.

In the spacious waiting hall, a group of celebrity assistants and security teams all chartered a special plane with the stars.

At this stage, the tour concert held in Hung Hom is still dominated by Zhang Guorong, Andy Lau and Tam Wing-lin, supplemented by other singers, disciples and singing guests.

This time, the first person to fly to Tokyo to start the Tokyo tour was Mei Yanfang, led by Li Ming, Aaron Kwok, Beyond, Sakai Izumi, Nakamori Akina, Kudo Shizuka, Yang Gangli, etc.

Although this is not as powerful as the top three singing kings in Asia, it is a singer group from an island country, and it is also top-notch!

Not to mention that in the hit "Long Night", ATV understands the appeal of Li Ming, who plays Jiang Yang. When the passenger plane took off smoothly and landed in Tokyo, the exit channel had just been connected, and almost everyone could see outside. I heard the loud shouts of fans picking up the group.

"I love Li Ming, I love Dawn~"

"Nakamori! Nakamori!"

All kinds of cheers can almost run through half of the airport and terminal building.

As he walked out under the protection of his bodyguards, Aaron Kwok leaned in front of Li Ming and smiled, "Ah Ming, after all, we are the seniors. I didn't expect that two back waves would rush ahead of us and open a personal fashion brand. "

"Our concert tour this time also has the intention of helping Sakai Izumi and Yang Yuying's fashion to build momentum, right?"

Li Ming laughed, "Anyway, we are holding concerts, and it is a trivial matter to bring two young beauties. In the past, when we held concerts in Europe and the United States, Brother Ah Rong and Brother Hua also took us there. Those two were also honored no matter what." Brother, Brother Hua’s apprentice.”

Huang Jiaju also smiled and said, "Brother Cheng, you are so envious. You can also open a Aaron Kwok fashion brand. Don't you also have a factory in your hometown? It specializes in producing waist and knee pads for dance practitioners. Armor?? I heard they sell very well."

"You certainly don't lack this kind of capital."

As soon as the TV series "Long Night and Night" came out, Li Ming, who was originally with him in ATV F4 in film and television, suddenly jumped up to a celebrity status, seemingly leaving Cheng behind by a long way.

But there is one thing to say: Aaron Kwok's dancing skills in the music world, especially in singing and dancing scenes, are unmatched by 90% of famous singers.

His albums may not be more popular than Lai Ming's, but once a concert is held, the crowd of dance fans who flock to enjoy the singing and dancing are definitely the most enthusiastic.

Just for his own brand, he returned to his ancestral home and opened a factory of protective equipment such as waist protectors and knee pads for dance practitioners. The sales volume was really strong.

This kind of merchandise is so specific and iconic.

After speaking, Acheng shook his head hurriedly, "No, Jiaju, where did you go? I didn't mean that."

"It's not envy, it's emotion. There are so many singers and singers, with such a big momentum, they are promoting the fashion brands of two debutants. Even commercials like Issey Miyake have been aired in advance. It seems that the big boss is going to make a big move. Entering the island market??”

"I don't mean just a single fashion, but all aspects?"

Yang Gangli's name is not very fashionable and is not suitable for promoting a fashion brand, but she changed her stage name to Yang Yuying. At least in Aaron Kwok's mind, suddenly opening two brands and recommending them so strongly is not like what Zhao Sheng wants to do again. Are you charging two extra rooms?

Are these all newly opened subsidiaries of Sister Xian and Sister Xin?

It's not that Zhao Sheng wants to recruit people, but the formation is so grand. Didn't you see that Akina Nakamori and Shizuka Kudo came back to build momentum for Sakai Izumi?

On the contrary, the mainland of the island country...I heard that Kondo was also the role model for the king of music? Because he was too involved in the Ponzi scheme, he had plastic surgery and ran away to Brazil. He was still alive and dead, but his body was not found. I don’t know how many islanders wanted to dig him out and whip his body.

There were several others running away with Kondo.

The island country's singing kings and superstars are missing a few, and many have switched to Zhao's company. Is this a half-empty nest? Will there be another Hong Kong star cluster coming to bomb? ?

His words also made Li Ming, Huang Jiaju and others think thoughtfully.

Then the crowd continued to move forward steadily, and after gradually walking out of the passage, they were greeted by densely packed heads of people as far as the eye could see.

"Li Ming, Aaron Kwok, we love you..."

"Kudo's wife! Kudo's wife!"


There are men and women, young and old. Despite the advance publicity notice, there are really too many superstars, little kings and queens who came across the sea from Hong Kong Island in early September.

Even though it’s already September, Tokyo is suddenly very hot.

Even among the cheers of the waves, occasionally mixed with the shouts of fans of Sakai Izumi and Yang Gangli, they were quickly drowned by the huge waves.

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