Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 348 They even asked me to cheat on Zhou Botong

On September 6th, Huang Liyi moved into a new house, met with relatives and friends, broke ground and consecrated the house.

Zhao Donghuai was having lunch at Ah Xin's house in Huayuan Phase 1 when he saw Hong Xin carrying a bag, opening the door and walking in. He said with a face of surprise, "Boss, I'm rich."

"Xie Sheng from Chia Tai Lotus in Thailand paid me back the money I spent on Megamax shampoo last month. In August alone, he sold roughly 5 million bottles of 300g shampoo, with a retail price of 15 Hong Kong dollars, with total sales of HK$75 million.”

“This is also selling very well!”

"The sales volume in South Korea is similar, with sales of more than 60 million Hong Kong dollars, and sales of more than 100 million a month!"

Zhao Donghuai was dumbfounded, "The sales volume is indeed good. There are more than 54 million people in Thailand. For a family of five, there are 10 million families. That is equivalent to half of the families buying a bottle of shampoo within a month."

To put it simply, this is how the account is calculated, which is very powerful.

In fact, it's definitely not just that. For example, various hotels, bathing centers, gyms, and other places will provide shampoo to members or customers who enter, and they are all ordered in bulk.

Let’s just talk about Huazhi. It covers 100 Huazhi Express stores in Hong Kong and several five-star flagship stores. A single purchase of shampoo can supply at least tens of thousands of rooms. Your wholesale shampoo must start with at least a few thousand bottles.

With the tens of millions of tourists visiting Hong Kong Island every year, Huazhi wholesales hundreds of thousands or more bottles of shampoo a year just for tourists.

You said that many hotel accommodation, bathing, hot spring and other suitable groups in Thailand and South Korea did not open at the same time or purchase goods at the same time...

This is obviously due to the advertising effect of Zheng Shaoqiu, Di Long, Bruce Willis, including Chen Peisi and Zhu Shimao, which has been sweeping for several months.

Amidst the heavy advertising effects and the continuous broadcast on the ATV satellite channel, even the new P\u0026G Asia Pacific President Howard's hair gradually thinned and became bald. The guy at the news live broadcast even "got angry" and beat the reporter.

It almost turned the interview scene into a legal column.

Under the influence of multiple influences, whether it is Hong Kong Haowan, or tourism groups in South Korea and Thailand, they collectively change shampoos, and tourists are urging them to change shampoos...

Including those who have already bought P\u0026G shampoo, just discard it and replace it with a new one.

Only in this way can we achieve sales of 5 million bottles in Thailand in one month in August, and similar sales in South Korea.

As for Zhao Donghuai, he has never taken the initiative to attack Unilever since the beginning of the shampoo war? This is the normal manifestation of the head effect.

The eldest brother and the second child fought and beat the third and fourth children to death.

In an eye-catching event with endless halo, everyone only remembers the champion and easily ignores the third and fourth. Moreover, Unilever cannot squeeze the goods counters of Meganet at retail terminals in South Korea and Thailand.

Jiaxin, who was eating a big hot dog, glanced at her with a disdainful look, "Only sales of over 100 million, look at you, sales are one thing, can Luo Lian have a quarter of the net profit? "

Hong Xin was speechless. She was indeed speechless. The net profit from shampoo? That's definitely not as good as silk stockings, women's bags, etc. After all, the Five Thousand Years series of luxury goods are heavily taxed, and the tax rates are much higher than those in the United States and Canada.

But when it comes to net profit ratio, the Five Thousand Years series still easily outperforms MegaNet shampoo. There are too many. Do you dare to sell a pack for HK$100,000... How much does it cost?

Although you put aside the physical cost of manufacturing women's handbags, you have also added soft cultural marketing such as big idol dramas, big movies, Hong Kong Island Fashion Week, etc. to it again and again. That is also a cost, but those latter costs themselves are also profitable.

She could only say, "Shampoo sold 138 million Hong Kong dollars in Thailand and South Korea last month, and Panda washing powder also sold more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars. This is because the latter does not have such novel advertisements, just ordinary big stars. Shoot advertisements, sell personal money and bring goods to promote, plus Hong Kong Haowan.”

"The total sales last month exceeded HK$250 million. It's so easy to make money."

Even if MegaNet shampoo and Panda laundry detergent, the net profit in Hong Kong, Thailand, and South Korea is only one-quarter or one-fifth of the total sales. If you look at the figure of 250 million Hong Kong dollars, this is not small money. .

Who dares to say that this is small money? !

The next moment she didn't dare to say anything more, she opened the bag and took out the food box, "Boss, this is just taken from the state banquet master. It's just (boiled cabbage). Is it really that delicious?"

Ah Xin then put down the hot dog and came over with a curious look on his face, "When you go to those chefs to ask for delicious food, you want a dish of boiled water and cabbage??"

Zhao Donghuai was surprised and stood up and said, "This dish does not really use boiling water to boil cabbage. The essence is in the soup. Boiled water refers to chicken soup."

On August 2, Xu Ke wanted to shoot "A Man in the House". Of course, Zhao Donghuai supported it. Using the influence of the group, he sent invitations to national players for state banquets. Those who were free would naturally come quickly, and those who were not had time to watch. In order to save his face, he will basically come when he is free.

Those state banquet masters cannot stay on the set forever.

The general process is to start with the Good Luck flagship store, or hire some provincial special chefs from each province to teach the creatives such as Zhao Wenzhuo, Luo Jiaying, Zhong Zhentao, Yuan Yongyi, etc. knife skills and basic cooking skills.

Popular science has left behind some famous dish production processes. The actors learned from scratch. Want to learn from provincial famous chefs and state banquet standards? That may not be possible in a lifetime.

The real shooting method is to master the basic knife skills and know the basic processes, and then ask real celebrity chefs to cook, and only take pictures of the back or the cutting and cooking process with arms, shoulders, and uniforms exposed.

When the national players come to the state banquet, they continue to share some knowledge, comments, etc. to enrich the lines of the script. Those who come to Hong Kong Island to stay for a few days or a week or two then leave.

From August 2nd to today, September 6th, there have been seven or eight famous national banquet-level chefs who have come to Hong Kong Island. Every time one of them comes, there will naturally be a time for extra meals.

If it is convenient, Zhao Donghuai can invite the other party to cook some delicious food at the Haoyunlai flagship store, or invite him to the ATV headquarters, or invite him to cook at the Zhao family villa.

It’s inconvenient to just order food.

The one who came today is a famous Sichuan chef. Under normal circumstances, some of the famous chefs who come come empty-handed. Zhao Donghuai collects the ingredients himself for whatever he wants to eat, and some bring their own ingredients.

The same dish, the same chef and production process, but different ingredients will taste different.

When he came over and looked at a small bowl of boiled cabbage, he picked up the spoon and took a bite, then his eyes lit up, "As expected of a state banquet chef, you guys should try it too."

This dish can be honored as a state banquet, and the requirements for the soup base are really high.

The takeaway dish Hong Xin brought back was not just one dish. In addition to boiled cabbage, there were other dishes, all of which were famous Sichuan dishes.

After having a snack, Zhao Donghuai went to Building 1 to see Zhou Huimin. It was already September, and Amin was more than 5 months pregnant, which was still early before the due date. However, Zhao Donghuai's mother-in-law was more nervous and attentive than him and Amin. too much.

Recently, Amin has been living at home. The mother, daughter and nanny live in the top three-story duplex in Building 1 of Huayuan Phase 1. Zhang Bingqian had bought all the clothing and supplies for her newborn from under one month old to one or two years old months in advance. Now it was Amin's mother's turn to take Amin on shopping experience.

On the contrary, Guan Jiahui is much more relaxed. After all, Jiahui is already having her second child, and little Zhao An will be one year old by the end of this month.

Just as Zhao Donghuai walked out of Building 5 and on his way to Building 1, he unexpectedly saw Ju Shao talking and laughing with Liu Xiaoli from another road, two or three meters apart, as if he was jogging for exercise?

Ah Ju and Sister Liu? ?

Zhao Donghuai waved and shouted, "Aju, why are you here?"

At the shout, Ah Ju, who was joking, was startled and hurriedly ran over to say hello with a bright smile. Even Liu Xiaoli was the same. When he got closer, Ah Ju explained, "Sheng Zhao, I also bought a set in the first phase of Huayuan at a high price. Second-hand housing, it goes without saying that this is already the safest top residential area on Hong Kong Island, and living here is a sense of security.”

Just from Ah Ju's loose, relaxed and relieved posture, we can be sure that this guy is not lying.

It was only September 6th, and he was kidnapped by the gangsters of the Yamaguchi group on July 2nd and floated on the high seas for a few days. During those days of wandering, he was not severely tortured, but suffered ordinary skin injuries, beatings, and various injuries. There is still some kind of intimidation.

At this stage, according to the conditions of the Li family, you live in a large villa and have twenty or thirty bodyguards to protect and patrol day and night. It is not as stable and comfortable as living in the first phase of Huayuan.

Everyone who knows it knows that this is a celebrity community, from Building 1 of Zhou Huimin to Building 5 where Li Jiaxin, Hong Xin, Li Saifeng, Lin Qingxia, Christiana Yeri, Winona Ryder and so on are gathered.

It's really... Let's put it this way, some of the Pan-Asian bodyguards who make money, especially those who often follow celebrities to do activities and travel on business, have settled here.

The first phase of Huayuan in Nuovo University has a total of more than 20 residential buildings. Each building has three to five units. It is basically one unit, one staircase and two households. There are not only abundant green facilities in the community, but also landscape rivers and ponds. , small bridge rockery and small park.

Overall, the property guards, etc. are also at the elite level and are the top facilities in the Huazhi Group property company.

Celebrities here can exercise outdoors in the community without wearing hats and masks without worrying about being mobbed by fans.

Zhao Donghuai laughed dumbly, "It's good that you can get over the accident. It's good."

When he looked at Liu Xiaoli, Sister Liu also smiled and explained, "Good afternoon, Mr. Zhao. I also bought a house in the first phase of Huayuan, but I didn't live there often before. Recently, I mostly filmed in Tsim Sha Tsui, so I lived here."

"The crew hasn't started working yet today. I exercised after eating to stay in shape and avoid gaining weight. Li Sheng was also running outdoors in the community just now to keep fit."

Well, last time Wang Zuxian complained to him in private, saying that Sister Liu was a little too imaginative and actually sent An Feng to Dakeng Village Kindergarten... and bought a house in Dakeng Village.

But that does not prevent Liu Xiaoli from continuing to buy a house in other places, or she already owns properties in many places before buying a house in Dakeng Village.

A year and a half ago, the movie "The Queen of 5,000 Years" with a heroine was enough for Liu Xiaoli to earn tens of millions from selling goods, and then to (Truy School Dragon 2) (Crazy Givenchy/Big Shot) (ten thousand The Legend of the Imperial Concubine) (Peerless Two Prides) Wait, Sister Liu has made a lot of extra money this year.

Don't forget, in the list of the top ten beauties in 1990 launched by Fei Jing in order to sell celebrity calendars, Liu Xiaoli ranked third in calendar sales, second only to Yuan Jieying and Xiao Yingying.

With a smile, Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Did the filming of (The Mighty Mouse) go smoothly?"

In fact, after (The Queen of 5,000 Years) and (Peerless Two Prides), (The Greatest Heroes) is her new work as a heroine, (Crazy Givenchy/Big Shot) (Fighting Back to School 2) and (10,000). In "The Legend of the Imperial Concubine", this eldest sister is only a supporting role.

Concubine Wan Gui made Zhao Yazhi famous again. Liu Xiaoli played the role of Empress Dowager Zhou, the mother of Emperor Chenghua. She was a villain who had been suppressing Wan Zhen'er to prevent her from becoming a concubine.

(Crazy Givenchy/Big Shot) She is said to be the girlfriend of the action star Hua Zai, the Chinese version of the female lead, but she actually has very few scenes, even less than the female vase in many Lung action films.

Even so, at this stage, Liu Xiaoli can get a salary of more than one million Hong Kong dollars for just accepting a commercial. Who makes her start too high?

She started starring as one of the two female protagonists in (The Queen of 5,000 Years of Time). Not only did her box office explode all over the world, earning more than 300 million US dollars, but she also nominated several movie queens. She is mainly targeting the European and American versions of one of the two female protagonists. It's Julia Roberts.

But in East and Southeast Asia, she really jumped through the changes with the help of a movie.

Liu Xiaoli continued to smile brightly, "It went very smoothly. Director Wang and Ajie were very efficient in filming. I feel like it only took less than 20 days to shoot, and they are more than half finished..."

Zhao Donghuai was a little speechless, but after thinking about it, "Die Hard" is a routine film made to take advantage of Cheng Long's reputation. The plot setting is still the same as "Die Hard 1". The villain team controls a building and controls massive amounts of data. The hostages are taken hostage, and then the protagonist of the action movie goes in alone to kill the thieves.

The original version (Die Hard) was (Die Hard 3) released in Hong Kong in June 1995, and in the same year (Red Zone) became popular in North America, Fei Jing followed suit and started filming in June and released in July... ...Wang's Quick Gun has always been like this.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "As long as it goes well, Lao Wang's strength is worth looking forward to."

Ah Ju interrupted and said with a smile, "Sheng Zhao, I heard that Yongsheng, Ying Zhijie, and Zhushe want to make a blockbuster? Invest 100 million or 200 million to make (Taiping Wheel)? I wonder if I can intervene? They If you are willing to let me join the team, I can raise 100 million."

"This kind of blockbuster movie is definitely worth the big investment and big special effects. Faced with a disaster like a shipwreck, the worst we can do is sink a model ship. War disasters match love. I think Ms. Liu can definitely be a heroine. She definitely won't It will hold back large areas.”

"It should be said that if Ms. Liu is willing to act, it will add luster to the blockbuster."

Zhao Donghuai said in surprise, "I heard that Lao Li didn't invest in Baixiang? If you invest another 100 million, aren't you afraid of financial constraints?"

Liu Xiaoli said with a hint of confusion and a little joy, "Me? Such a major investment project? It's not appropriate for me to cause trouble, right?"

She really just finished her meal and went out for a run in the community to keep fit and avoid gaining weight. During the exercise, she met a young man who was also working out and chatted with her for a few words. By chance, she met Zhao Donghuai and came over to brush her face.

I really didn’t expect to be involved in such a huge project (Taiping Wheel).

Although (Taiping Wheel) talks about project investment, it may not be bigger than (The Queen of 5,000 Years), don’t forget that the entire Hong Kong Island Fashion Week was planned and launched for the promotion of the Queen of 5,000 Years.

When it comes to overall announcements, the Queen of Five Thousand Years is bigger than the Taiping Wheel.

That’s not right either. Taiping Wheel is obviously a marketing tactic (Titanic), whose novels have sold nearly 20 million copies.

Ah Ju hurriedly explained with a smile, "My dad has indeed invested in Baixiang. Generally speaking, he wants to invest in Baixiang's telecommunications industry and real estate. Starting from Mumbai, if everything goes well, he will spend billions of Hong Kong dollars one after another. Now and White Elephant and Mumbai officials are in good talks."

"But that kind of plan must be divided into many years and invested in installments. One or two billion in the initial investment is enough. And a huge project like (Tai Ping Wheel) will also be divided into installments, right? I also really want to be a good actor of."

Zhao Donghuai glanced at Ah Ju with a complicated mood, "If you want to vote, just go talk to Xiang Laoshi and the others. It is true that a big blockbuster project cannot be completed in a year and a half. This is very different from ordinary movies."

Ah Dawei said with great joy, "I know, I understand. The first and second Jurassic Park films basically took two or three years to come out. Spider-Man 1 has been more than a year and a half since the project was established. I will Let’s go talk to Xiang Laoshi.”

After saying that, he walked away quickly.

He also knows that if a behemoth like Sony acquires Columbia and wants to really get involved in big movie production, those who understand these skills will have to pay Zhao Donghuai US$150 million in protection fees to have the opportunity to learn.

He can easily get on board following Yongsheng's project...it's so profitable.

Even his father would be happy to have an extra drink if he knew about it.

Ah Ju left. Liu Xiaoli looked at Ah Ju's back and then at Zhao Donghuai. She was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say. The young man asked her to be the heroine of Taiping Wheel. Is there any follow-up?

Does she need to save time for a blockbuster film? ? Who to ask?

Zhao Donghuai saw Sister Liu's confused face and explained with a smile, "Ah Ju may have just meant it and said it casually. Even if he really invests in as an investor, he may not be able to decide on the heroine."

"Of course, if he really wants to recommend you, for such disaster blockbusters and shipwreck movies, both the male and female protagonists need to swim more and soak in the water to shoot scenes of shipwrecks..."

"When you exercise in the future, you can think more about swimming and fitness. Even if you really wait for filming to start and your role is not available, it is not a bad thing to do more swimming and exercise."

Liu Xiaoli nodded, "I understand, thank you Zhao Sheng for your advice."

Feeling that Zhao Donghuai was approachable and easy to get along with again, Sister Liu plucked up the courage and said, "Sheng Zhao, can I ask a question?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "You say."

Liu Xiaoli was full of curiosity, "It's like this. In order to maintain my figure, in addition to eating less and avoiding greasy meat, I also have to dance and run and exercise day and night. I don't dare to relax and stop at all. There are many actresses like me. "

"But I have occasionally heard people say that Sister Jiaxin and Sister Xian eat and drink lavishly and never live up to their food. It is rare to see them exercising outdoors for a long time. How do they maintain their figures?"

Now she was not only curious, but also full of greed.

Isn’t it true that people live in this world just to pursue enjoyment? ? Food is something that many humans pursue throughout their lives and don’t want to live up to it.

But getting into their line? Breakfast consists of a few small tomatoes, an egg and a small piece of bread. Lunch is basically a vegetable salad without any oil or salt. When eating hot pot, the bottom of the pot is usually plain water with very little dipping sauce.

Is this okay? No... I dare not stop doing daily fitness exercises every day.

This is really not a boast. In order to maintain her figure, Yuan Jieying almost suffered from anorexia in the early 1990s and lost weight for a time.

Seeing Sister Liu staring at him with serious expectancy, Zhao Donghuai was caught off guard and was almost pushed to the waist, "Well, they just exercise a lot, don't you know? Xiao Xian likes to play basketball very much, and Jiaxin and the others just make up two A basketball team.”

"The indoor basketball courts, badminton courts, and volleyball courts in my home or in various buildings are never left unused. If you want to be in good shape, you can only exercise more."

Liu Xiaoli couldn't help but be a little disappointed. She thought those people had some unique skills. She used to have no money in the mainland and the social environment was not very developed, so forget it. Now she is really rich and has become a rich and superstar class. The temptation of delicious food can be seen everywhere...

But they almost rarely dare to eat it.

Sometimes in public places, especially at various wedding banquets and celebration parties, when she sees those people who are not afraid of gaining weight eating Haisai, she is really envious. The next moment she seizes the opportunity and says, "By the way, Zhao Sheng, if I If you pay a director to make a movie, can you apply for it to be released in thousands of theaters under normal circumstances after filming?"

Zhao Donghuai was happy, "Do you also want to change your career and become an investor?"

Liu Xiaoli hurriedly explained, "It was just a temporary idea. A director asked my good friend Tao Huimin to shoot a TV series (Yang Naiwu and Xiao Baicai). Isn't that one of the most mysterious cases in the late Qing Dynasty? Amin was focused on it at that time. The development of Hong Kong Island has not been taken up."

"I think this subject matter is good. If there is a chance to make a movie, wouldn't it be good to let Amin play Xiao Baicai? Her acting skills are good."

Zhao Donghuai suddenly realized, that's it, isn't it? Tao Huimin's Xiao Baicai in the original track was filmed last year and aired this year. It also caused a big sensation in the mainland. Xiao Baicai started to become popular during that time.

Regarding this subject, there is really no shortage of remakes in the Chinese film and television industry. Not to mention, Guan Jiahui's father and Zhao Donghuai's cheap father-in-law Guan Shan have both been filmed and played Yang Naiwu, and that was in 1963.

In the original track 1994, Weng Hong also played Xiao Baicai.

After he was relieved, he smiled and said, "If you want to invest, you can try it. If you don't hire a big star, there won't be any big special effects, and the cost won't be high."

Thinking of this, he added another sentence, "Actually, you don't have to take the (Taiping Wheel) project too seriously. The chance of being thrown into the street is higher... You are from the mainland, so you should understand that you escaped from Shanghai to Bendong Province in 1949." Even if the passenger ship sinks, there will still be a love tragedy."

"The box office appeal in the mainland is also limited."

Liu Xiaoli was stunned, and then suddenly realized, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao, I will never tell anyone, otherwise I will be unable to lose another 30 pounds."

She was swearing very seriously... As an insider, the recent sensational project (Taiping Wheel) has attracted the attention of countless celebrities, and the momentum is huge. Just now Ah Ju just mentioned it casually, and she couldn't bear it. Stay excited.

Zhao Donghuai didn't refuse Young Master Ju's suggestion just now to invest 100 million? Now he suddenly said such a sentence? I really need her help to prevent her from falling into a trap.

Yes, from Wu Yusen to Xiang Laoshi, Deng Yurong, Wang Yu, and Ke Junxiong, based on their growth environment and mentality, it feels like the box office will explode when filming such a big ship. It is very appealing. Isn't that normal?

But what about watching the movie from the perspective of mainland audiences? ?

Even though this was the entertainment boom of the 1990s, without the support of mainland ticket warehouses, the profits of a blockbuster movie would definitely be huge.

At this moment, she really felt that Zhao Donghuai was a good man, and wanted to treat Zhao Sheng to a big meal to express her gratitude, but she was too embarrassed to ask.

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "Okay, as long as you know it yourself, you can continue running and I will go home."


After a while, when Liu Xiaoli walked back to her home of more than 100 square meters in Building 3, covered in sweat, Zhou Wenqiong, who was watching TV in the living room, glanced at her and said in surprise, "Sister, what good thing has happened to you? Are you so happy? "

Even Tao Huimin was surprised and said, "Sister Xiaoli, you are not in an ordinary happy state."

On the set of "Mouse Days", Liu Xiaoli took Zhou Wenqiong with her. Her first female lead and Zhou Wenqiong, the third female lead, took over the role of Yang Caini in the original version, and Tao Huimin also made a guest appearance as a supporting actress. On the other hand, the villain doctor The woman, the one whose actual weight belongs to the second female lead, is Chen Baolian.

For the convenience of filming, we all live together in the first phase of Huayuan.

Of course, the housing here is super temporary. An Feng is still in kindergarten in Dakeng Village, and school has started. Currently, Liu Xiaoli's mother is still taking care of him.

Sister Liu excitedly went to the refrigerator and opened a bottle of mineral water, "I didn't expect to meet Zhao Sheng before. I asked, can I invest a few million to try filming (Yang Naiwu and Xiao Baicai), and then you will play the role of Amin." Baby cabbage.”

"Once the filming is complete, we can arrange for tens of thousands of theaters and new era theaters in the mainland. There is no schedule this year, but we can find a release date next year. With the scale of the mainland theaters, it will not be difficult to sell tens of millions at the box office, right??"

"It's almost a guaranteed profit."

The two girls suddenly understood and became excited. Tao Huimin ran to deliver a towel to Liu Xiaoli, "Sister Xiaoli, you are so good to me."

After joking and chatting for a while, when Liu Xiaoli went to wash up, Tao Huimin blinked and said to Zhou Wenqiong, "Do you want to convey the call from brother-in-law just now to sister Xiaoli?"

Zhou Wenqiong was silent and smiled bitterly, "It's better not to mention it now. If you ask me later, you'll just say we forgot."

It was nothing more than Teacher An from the Mainland calling to talk to Sister Liu about letting An Feng return to Wu City to attend kindergarten.

They didn't know it before, but now they've been living and eating together for a year and a half, who wouldn't know?

The two couples were already at loggerheads before Liu Xiaoli became famous. After Liu Xiaoli became a role model for first-line actresses with the help of a series of works, the relationship became even more tense. In the final analysis, Teacher An wanted a second child, preferably a boy.

My parents-in-law over there have the same mentality.

Sister Liu doesn't want it.

For a year and a half, they all knew that the two parties stayed together for no more than half a month, and they spent the New Year last year separately.

Tao Huimin made a cup of tea and said with emotion, "There is no family planning in Hong Kong. Look at a big man like Zhao Sheng, who already has four children. Although there are still two unborn, by the end of January or early February next year, we will have four children." Four lively little cuties.”

"Even Zhao Yazhi has three children, and Hong Yinbao has four children."

Zhou Wenqiong shook his head, "Now it's not just a matter of planning or not. If my sister goes to have children during the most glorious period of her career, where will her place be in the past two or three years?"

"She wants to create a worry-free living environment for Xiaofeng to live in for the rest of her life."

In a year and a half, relying on a series of big movies and occasionally accepting more than one million Hong Kong dollars for commercials, Liu Xiaoli accumulated a fortune of 30 to 40 million. Instead, she returned to the mainland to open a factory. At this stage, her development is average. The richest man in Wu City is Didn't get it.

If this money is returned to the mainland to retire and start caring for the elderly, from the perspective of ordinary people at this stage, wouldn't tens of millions be enough to have food and clothing for a lifetime? Are there no worries, including descendants?

But from the perspective of Hong Kong superstars, this is far from it.

Arqiong knows that in this era, there are too many families that favor sons over daughters. Due to certain policy reasons, after families without boys give birth to multiple girls, various foster care and even more exaggerated things are not uncommon in the countryside.

Her brother-in-law himself can't be said to be a man-child, right... Arqiong feels that if the second child is a girl, he will probably be urged to have a third child, and the probability is not small.

No one can say anything about probability!


It was two days later, Saturday, September 8th.

(Time Travel Version Ip Man 2) has entered the final box office accumulation period, and the two movies (Bleeding Heroes) and (Prison Story 2) have been announced for several days.

(The Bloody Heroes) crew has also arranged a road show in the Mainland. The first stop will be in Beijing. Ye Qianwen will hold a concert tomorrow night, and the tickets are almost sold out.

Zhao Donghuai was sitting in the ATV office, looking at the master tapes of the film "Xin Bu Qing" sent by Carina Lau, Stephen Chow, Jim Carrey and others. His expression was a little dazed, "The filming was completed so quickly and the finished film has been released?"

"You must know that this film is scheduled for November?"

In mid-July, I gave the script to Xu Jinheng and Liu Jialing (Xin Bu Qing). At that time, Xing Zai himself (The God of Cookery) was finishing the script. He just relaxed. Even now, it has been 50 days since filming...

For a small-budget musical, love tragedy and comedy movie, the script is a split-shot script, with more than 80% of the details filled in. It was shot in 50 days and post-production was done, which is not an exaggeration.

But for the November schedule, if you work on it so quickly now, it’s useless to come out, right?

Now if you ask Jim Carrey to go to North America to promote the film, it would be a bit too early for a comedian like Lao Jin to come up with more comedy shows, variety shows and the like.

Liu Jialing had a wry smile on her face, "Sheng Zhao, I know there's no rush, but Director Er just pressed on and patted... just pat and it's over."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless. Forget it, in order to write this script, Dongsheng lived with a family of Temple Street singers or street performers similar to the protagonist group for three months before completely completing it.

Director Zhao directly took out the script of the film, which really saved time.

After all, Er Dongsheng was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Director in 1986.

Ah Xing said cheerfully, "It's a good thing to shoot faster. Liu Zhenwei also asked me to shoot the movie "The End of the World" produced by Wang Jiawei. He said he wanted me to try playing the villain, Ouyang Feng. I think I can give it a try. The main thing is to test the waters for transformation.”

Jia Ling also nodded quickly, "Yes, they also asked me to cheat on Zhou Botong."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless for a long time.

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