Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 352 I invested 100 million, and it’s been two months and it hasn’t started yet?

A new day, ATV TV City.

When Luo Jialiang and Chen Jinhong drove in and parked their cars, they also saw Johnny Depp getting off the car in another row of parking spaces.

Luo Jialiang greeted with a smile, then walked over and punched Depp in the chest, "Fuck, I heard you are going to nominate the Golden Globe Best Actor? That's the Golden Globe Best Actor!"

"It feels like everyone is in the same situation when we are acting in a TV series together. You are such a silent person. Not only did you have a hit movie in the film industry, but you also became a Golden Globe Award winner? Damn it."

Since we started filming the first season of "Friends" in March, Luo Jialiang, Chen Jinhong, and Johnny Depp are good buddies, good friends, and besties in the TV series. They actually have a good relationship off-screen.

Depp is an actor, but his biggest hobby in private is music... Law Jialiang? Luo Jialiang is a serious singer! In 1984, he participated in Wireless's Rookie Singing Competition and made his debut. He was recognized by Lu Guozhan and joined ATV.

Then he saw Dongfeng in 1985, applied for Asia Opera, and successfully entered the actor training class, but he also practiced singing skills during the training class.

Before he really became popular with the help of the (Criminal Investigation Files) trilogy, he sang theme songs for some ATV TV series with the support and promotion of Lu Guozhan.

It is necessary for the plot of Friends and they have the same hobbies. Among the three male groups in Friends, Luo Jialiang and Depp are ferromagnetic good brothers.

The two even seriously discussed whether to form a band together, like boyond. One of them is 28 and the other is 29, so they are both about the same age.

But now? Luo Jialiang is really a little envious of Depp, who is famous in Europe and the United States. After "Edward Scissorhands" was released at the end of September with "God of Cookery", entering November, it has accumulated 50 million U.S. dollars in box office in North America.

The trend is stronger than Jennifer Aniston and Winona Ryder's "The Mermaid". "The Mermaid" has only been released for half a month and has taken 17 million U.S. dollars at the box office. In the long term, it is estimated to be more than 30 million U.S. dollars. knife.

Golden Globe Best Actor nominations... The Golden Globe Awards are usually held in January every year to award awards, followed by the Oscars in March, and rumors of the nominations have already spread.

After all, the Fox Group is behind (Edward Scissorhands)! It’s Lao Mo’s media empire!

Now, the three of them came at the same time, so it was natural that the second season of (Friends) was about to start filming. They received the script and prepared for the start of filming.

Depp smiled brightly and was a little bit shy, "It's a fluke, a fluke, but you're not bad either. The day will come soon."

Chen Jinhong complained, "Look at you, but you do have the capital to show off. (Spider-Man 1) will be released on Christmas and New Year's Day, and then it will bomb the world, right? Man, you really want to It’s on fire!”

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that with Zhao's huge special effects production capabilities, the original comic (Spider-Man 1) has been shot seriously and has accumulated countless fans in Europe and the United States. This live-action superhero movie has not yet been officially launched.

But Depp and Winona Ryder are really about to take off completely.

Depp's smile became even brighter, and he quickly smoked, "Hey, Xu's Pictures said that they will include air tickets, food, accommodation and red envelopes, and invite me to be a guest singer at the (Thigh Era) concert. Ah Liang, will you go?" ?”

Luo Jialiang was stunned, "I didn't receive the invitation?"

Depp patted his chest and said, "If you want to go, let's go together. We still have the ability to cover a few old songs."

Luo Jialiang was silent for a few seconds, then hugged Depp tightly, "Good brother, after I receive the script today and finish the reading meeting, I'll treat you to a group."

after a while.

When a few people arrived at the office, they discovered that Aniston, Courteney Cox, and Xiao Yingying had already arrived and were chatting animatedly. When they saw them, the director also greeted them with a smile.

After a brief courtesy, the director explained, "The main plot and shooting mode of the second season are the same as those of the first season. At most, the story is a little different."

"But starting from this season, our crew will also usher in another mode, which is celebrity guest appearances."

"Your classmates, childhood friends, and friends who are starring in the roles can all be candidates among the stars. In sitcoms, it is also a fun gimmick to find big stars to guest star. If you have any suggestions or good candidates, you can speak freely. "

"Then we will contact each other and negotiate the schedule."

Luo Jialiang's eyes lit up, "Okay, I can find Tao Dayu, Dayu will definitely give me this face."

This is not just a matter of face, but after the airing of Friends, the response to the first season was still very good. It cannot be said that the crowds were empty at the same time, dominating and sweeping, but it also maintained first-class ratings and managed the crowd. .

In big TV series, inviting celebrities to come as guest stars also gives those celebrities a good opportunity to appear and promote themselves to the audience.

Jennifer laughed and said, "I have already sent a message to Winona. She said that the schedule is OK and she can make a guest appearance at any time, but she hopes she can play a deaf-mute person."

The director was confused for a moment and nodded, "It's not a big problem, just change the script a little bit."

Xiao Yingying also responded enthusiastically, "I want to try to call her Sister Xiaoli. I have a good relationship with her since we started filming "Trucking Dragon 2". She has also been very busy recently and has been waiting to star in "The Taiping Wheel". But the Tai Ping Wheel script hasn’t even been finished yet.”

"I don't know which month it will be before filming actually starts."

With each other's words, the (Friends) second season project has officially kicked off, and now it's time for the six leading actors to show off their connections and friend circles.


(Friends) When starting a new journey.

Zhou Xingxing strolled to the Good Fortune Lai Kowloon Tong branch. After finding the corresponding door number, he knocked on the door and walked in. When he saw Liu Yijun, he immediately looked at the house number suspiciously, "Ajun, why are you here?"

"Did I go to the wrong door?"

Of course he knows Liu Yijun. After all, he made his debut in a major idol drama and is a new generation idol after F4, but the person who asked him today is not Ajun.

Liu Yijun stood up quickly and said with a smile, "Master Xing, it was Sister Qian who helped me make an appointment with you. Sister Qian went out to choose ingredients and will be back soon."

Seeing how sweet he was talking about Sister Qian, Ah Xing couldn't help but complain, "Are you and A Qian together? Big news, wow, A Qian actually eats young grass? It's not nice."

As soon as these words landed, with the exaggerated ending of a star-style comedy, a curtain of water flew directly outside the door and slid down more than a meter beside Ah Xing, "Who are you calling old, damn Ah Xing?"

This is Zeng Huaqian.

Zhou Xingxing apologized decisively, "No, not at all. Did you hear wrong, was it Ajun?"

Liu Yijun nodded hurriedly, "Yes."

Ah Qian glared at Ah Xing angrily for a few times, then walked over and said with a smile, "Originally I wanted to ask you to get acquainted with Jim Carrey, but you are too venomous. Now I don't even want to invite you to dinner."

Zhou Xingxing blinked and looked at A Qian and A Jun. He was not angry at all and said happily, "Please Kerry, this is simple. I will help you set up a connection when he comes back from Hollywood."

He knew that A-Qian and A-Wei broke up as early as 1988. To be precise, A-Qian and A-Wei started dating in 1982, and they separated and got back together for six years, too many times...

It is common knowledge in the circle of friends that these two cannot get together and it will be difficult for them to stay together.

In the original track, even if Jia Ling robbed Ah Wei as her best friend, a few years later, Jia Ling and Ah Qian appeared on the same show, and they still acted indifferently and looked down upon everything.

This plane?

Zhou Xingxing took the initiative to sit down and make tea, and asked curiously, "How did you two meet? I haven't heard that you have ever collaborated?"

Ah Qian was very happy when she heard this, "Can't we just find a good book to film together next time? No more nonsense, today I invite you because I really want to get to know Jim Carrey. Ah Jun wants to buy a movie adaptation of a best-selling book in North America." Quan, called Dahe Lian."

"He also wants to turn Da River into a film and television project. He wants Jim Carrey to play the lead role. This is an immortal classic in the North American literary world. I feel like it can have a good start."

Ah Xing, "..."

Zhou Xingxing looked around doubtfully, "Dahelian? I've never heard of it."

A Qian said happily, "It's a movie about fishing and showing off fishing skills. A Jun thinks that he can use the movie to promote his series of fishing gear products. Seriously, it's a large-scale advertising film."

"However, this novel is selling very well in North America, and the adaptation rights are asking for US$2 million. Even if the production is successful, the box office may not be very good, and it may be a loss."

"But as long as Jim Carrey sells fishing gear and the like in East and Southeast Asia, he won't lose money. This is the same as your (God of Cookery) promoting Tang Dynasty beef balls that explode with pulp and pee."

"You've made a lot of money from your beef balls this month, right?"

Zhou Xingxing suddenly realized and said in disbelief, "Do you know each other from fishing? I know that in the circle, Brother Dahua is famous for his love of fishing. I have never heard that you, Aqian, also like fishing. Can you be patient? ?”

He asked, how did A Qian and A Jun, who had basically no basis for cooperation, get together? Even though Ah Qian has been single for a long time, she is still from Bai Fumei, a 25-year-old eldest sister who eats the tender grass of a 20-year-old...

Now it’s settled. In order to promote the fishing tackle series, this outrageous idea is to buy a movie adapted from a best-selling book in North America, just to promote a commercial?

According to what Asing knows, there are many celebrities who can fish. The one who truly takes fishing as a hobby and is a professional fisherman is Simon Yam.

Simon Yam and Ah Qian? It's an old partnership.

A Qian looked full of desire to complain, "Can your focus be more serious?"

Zhou Xingxing was even more curious, "The thigh era is reorganized, and the movie (New Love) is promoted with a wave of emotions. It's normal that Jia Ling and Gao Lihong didn't go, and you didn't go either. The co-writing is about falling in love."

Ah Xing is now a pure melon eater. Of course, he didn't mean to laugh at Ah Wei's jokes. There was no need. Ah Wei himself was not lacking in women, and he spent a lot of money. Just after breaking up with Ah Qian in 1986, Ah Wei quickly found a new love, Li Meixian.

After dating A-Xian for more than a year, I dumped A-Xian again and I don’t know how many times A-Qian and A-Qian got back together... After that time they got back together and then broke up, and then they completely separated.

Then he collaborated with Ah Xian in two TVB TV series.

At this stage, Ah Wei is still a TV drama niche that TVB's Shao Daheng strongly promotes. It's just that he is unknown in the film industry. He has appeared in some film projects, but they are basically one-week or two-week tours in theaters, and there is no drama.

It's just that (The True Story of the Mad Man) and (The People's Hero) are a little bit reliable.

When Ah Qian was so angry that she wanted to grab the toilet paper and hit someone, Ah Xing winked at Liu Yijun and said, "Young man, I don't know how good my sister is when I'm young, and I mistake my sister for a treasure. You've earned it."

Ajun, "..."

Ah Jun was teased by Ah Xing the whole time and didn't know what to say. He was more introverted and low-key than Ah Wei in this regard. He has always been open-minded in front of his male classmates and good friends, but after studying at ATV for several years, he was the type who would blush when talking to pretty female classmates.

Yaxi teachers often worry about how to make their debut.

When Ah Qian really smashed the toilet paper and came over, Zhou Xingxing hurriedly poured tea and promised, "Don't worry, I will introduce Lao Jin to you, find more good actors, and make this fishing gear promotion commercial."

"Since my (God of Cookery) was released at the end of September, in just one month of October, Tang Dynasty's peeing beef balls have also generated sales of more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong, Thailand, South Korea, island countries and other places."

"The popularity has not dropped much at the beginning of this month. Making a movie in order to sell products is worth doing."

"What I'm curious about is, can a fishing gear promotional novel like "River Love" also become a bestseller in North America? The adaptation rights for US$2 million haven't been negotiated yet? Isn't it too expensive?"

"Instead of making such a big movie, why don't you invite Brother Dahua and Brother Jiahui to come out and remake a commercial about wearing helmets for fishing, and then Brother Jiahui will strangle Brother Dahua with fishing line or something, and then Prove it to the audience.”

“If you wear a helmet and a high-quality fishing rod and line in time, you will no longer have to worry about missing Liansheng!”

Liu Yijun's eyes lit up, "Yes, Master Xing, your idea is great, why didn't I think of it before?"

A Qian patted him directly and said, "Don't call him Xing Ye, call him Xing Zai, otherwise how will my seniority be calculated?"

Ah Xing was speechless and cast a self-seeking look at Ah Jun. Ah Qian was beautiful, but she had a big personality and was difficult to take care of.

There was nothing I could do about it, after all, she was born in Bai Fumei. Compared with the lower-class commoners like them, she was far superior. She was pampered like a little princess by her parents, brothers and sisters since she was a child.

In countless Hong Kong film and television dramas, the descriptions of the common people changing their origins and achieving class jumps all hope to train their children to become lawyers or doctors... A Qian's father and two brothers are both famous doctors.

In 2022, relevant information reports that the average annual salary of doctors in Hong Kong is more than 1.4 million Hong Kong dollars. Yes, the average annual salary is more than 1.4 million Hong Kong dollars! The monthly salary of an intern is 30,000 yuan, which ranges from 60,000 to 100,000 yuan after becoming a full-time employee. Just after the internship period, you may have an annual salary of one million yuan.

In the 2020s, it was common to have an annual salary of more than one million. Now in 1990, doctors are also super-collar workers.

Aqian's two brothers are less than 30 years old and belong to the young and strong group. Her father is a famous doctor. As early as the early 1980s, he was earning hundreds of thousands a year just like playing. In the early 1980s, Ah Xing was still earning more than 1,000 yuan. I can live on a monthly salary.

Are you saying that she is unruly, willful, and unreasonable? No.

But having a strong personality and being difficult to coax is a must.

The next moment, Ah Xing suddenly said, "A Qian, I heard that my uncle joined the Baicaotang Group and became a pharmacist leading the group?"

A Qian nodded, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Ah Xing laughed and said, "Congratulations, no wonder you can go wherever you want to shoot movies and TV shows recently, and Shao Sheng doesn't care about you."

"Instead of continuing to negotiate copyrights with North America, it would be better to make commercials as soon as possible."

An ordinary wealthy doctor is nothing to Shao Daheng, but joining Zhao's Baicaotang and becoming a pharmacist in charge of projects alone is extraordinary.

Ajun nodded, "Thank you, Brother Xing. I'll meet up with Brother Dahua later."

He has a very good relationship with Ren Dahua... Because he has been in the celebrity circle for many times, Dahua likes fishing the most and also likes to bring friends to go fishing together. Isn't this the best person to bring goods to the fishing gear factory he opened in Chang'an?

Axing said happily, "It's better to choose the day than to hit it. Now call Brother Dahua and let's get together. I haven't played with him for a while."

More than half an hour later, when Simon Yam arrived, he started to complain as soon as he came in, "Fuck the street, Wu Yusen contacted me a few months ago and said that he wanted to make a gangster film that was shot in Vietnam, and he wanted to ask me to be the boss. supporting role."

"In the blink of an eye, I ran to take pictures of (the Taiping Wheel). It was a serious waste of my emotions."

The original track (Blood on the Street) was released in August, and the first movie (Blood on the Street) took so long to wait for a good release. Although it was a big hit after its release, even Xiang Laoshi was pleasantly surprised. mad.

Not to mention Lao Wu.

But Lao Wu was also completely blinded by the big project (Taiping Wheel), and he had long forgotten (Blood in the Streets).


November 5th.

In the ATV office, Zhao Donghuai was having lunch when he saw a picture flashing on the TV that was originally playing the replay wheel (I Have a Date with a Zombie).

The picture shows Liang Jiahui and Simon Yam sitting together by the river, each holding a fishing rod and talking.

Switching between close-up and long-shot, Liang Jiahui's magical voice rang out, "I'm thinking that our club only has one talker, which doesn't seem to be good. Most clubs outside have two, and some have four. ."

"To put it bluntly, if something happens to one of them, the other one will be there to support him."

Liang Jiahui's gurgling laughter was full of stupidity, and the close-up view showed a large camera focusing on Yam Dahua's side face, where Dahua's temples were gray, and he snorted with both mockery and energy, which was full of funereal atmosphere.

When Jiahui continued to nag, Ren Dahua raised the fishing rod and caught a fish. While responding calmly to Liang Jiahui, he smashed the fish's mouth with a cruel iron hook.

On the other side, Liang Jiahui was still cursing about not being able to catch any fish, while Ren Dahua had already abandoned his fishing gear and fish, walked towards Jiahui, and even lifted a stone.

A classic scene in the movie (Underworld) was about to take place. Liang Jiahui, who was squatting to collect fishing gear and bait, quickly pulled out a helmet buckle from the side of the pony tie and said, "Pushing A Le, I know if you want to ask me to go fishing." With good intentions.”

"You didn't expect that, did you? I'm wearing a helmet. I'm determined to sit in the stadium with Lian Sheng."

Seeing this, Ren Dahua, who was holding the stone, still held up the stone to hit Jiahui ferociously, while Jiahui grabbed the fishing rod and swung it.

The fishing line directly wrapped around Ren Dahua's neck, "You have rocks, and I have mosasaurus fishing rods. You may be better than me at fishing, but you are far behind at PK."

At this point in the commercial, Liang Jiahui proudly made a scissor hand gesture, and the TV station also re-entered the (rigorous appointment) TV series.

Zhao Donghuai was stunned for a moment, then put down the steak, "Talent, is this an advertisement for Liu Yijun's fishing gear brand?"

Ah Zhen went directly to make a phone call. After some communication, she smiled and said, "Yes, that Ah Jun was still very ambitious at first. He wanted to buy the remake rights of a North American Dahe novel and ask Jim Carrey to make a fancy movie. It’s a fishing movie.”

"The cost was really high. Just to change the copyright, the asking price reached 2 million US dollars. Ah Xing just persuaded him to make a series of Simon Yam fishing commercials."

Zhao Donghuai said in astonishment again, "Filming Dahe Lian? You really have an idea..."

How does Dahe Lian write about fishing? Fancy fishing? of course not.

The fishing gear brand advertisements that have been flashed before are much cheaper. Indeed, this advertisement is to create a joke in the minds of the audience and movie fans. It uses blockbusters to promote the brand, and there is nothing novel about it.

At least in terms of cost, efficiency, etc., it is much better than shooting a movie about "Da River Love" to show various fishing techniques.

As for the fishing gear market in Haowan, Hong Kong, which big brands dominate the market? Zhao Donghuai has never researched this aspect. He is not in this business, but Liu Yijun's Mosasaurus fishing gear commercial was still broadcast in such a drama king-level project.

It will definitely have a certain impact on the market.

Azhen explained with a smile, "Originally, in the fishing gear market in Haowan, Hong Kong, the brands from island countries were relatively strong. Shimano and Bentin were sold more. There are also Pacific fishing gear brands in Bendong Province, which are more popular."

"My second brother likes fishing, and I only know a little bit about it."

"If they want to promote this brand, they might as well use public relations to get the (gangster) movie to the movie channel for free broadcast for several rounds, and then cooperate with this advertisement, the impact will be stronger."

"If we hold a fishing competition, give the first place a bonus of RMB 100,000 to 80,000, create a lot of hype, and invite a few celebrity friends to compete with citizens to fish, it will have a very good promotion effect without spending much money. "

Zhao Donghuai looked over in surprise, "Okay, Zhen, you have a very flexible business acumen."

Jane said calmly that her mind is not just flexible in business.


On November 15, at a beach in Western District, Ren Dahua sat on the shore holding a fishing rod. He skillfully baited and tossed the hook, and then he began to wait quietly. When he saw Zhou Xingxing missing another rod, he burst out laughing. He said, "Axing, you are so patient."

"I've helped you make nests, but you haven't caught any yet?"

"Are you going to join the Air Force if you follow me?"

Three big fish have been caught in the fish bucket next to Da Hua, which is enough for a table of lunch. As for the small fish? Da Hua basically caught the fish and found it was small, so he released it back.

On the other hand, Zhou Xingxing could see the fish float sliding and swimming from time to time while sitting here. It seemed that there was bait biting the hook, but when he pulled the rod, it was all empty.

Following Da Hua's words, Zhou Xingxing lit up a cigarette and complained, "The air force is the air force. I can't calm down. Hey, (New Love) is released today. I'm tremblingly waiting to be scolded." "

Brother Dahua was stunned and laughed again, "It's not like that, it's not like that."

Ah Xing shook his head, "Why not? They are all moviegoers who go to see comedies because of my reputation, but the result is a tragedy, tsk~"

"I can now imagine how the newspapers and magazines will scold me tomorrow. The newspapers will still refrain from scolding me. If I really appear in front of the audience, I'm afraid someone will beat me."

Ren Dahua laughed loudly, laughing a little, "Then just get drunk, sleep for two or three days, and you'll be fine when the limelight passes."

"No matter how the situation changes, it's impossible to be like Jim Carrey in (Long Night), where a patrolman almost pulled out a gun and aimed it at him, right?"

No wonder this guy suddenly came to him to fish, it turned out to be a way to avoid the limelight.

The beach in Xihuan where the two of them were at the moment was indeed very remote. No matter how big the movement was, they were not afraid of being discovered and surrounded.

Zhou Xingxing didn't mind Da Hua's smile. He took another long breath of smoke and complained, "If the situation on my side is to be reversed, I guess I have to wait for Jim Carrey's box office performance in Europe and the United States to be reversed. I I really want to find a place to hide for a few days."

"But now (New Love) is also being released in Mainland China, Benzhou, South Korea, Thailand, etc."

He couldn't find a safe haven.

Ren Dahua laughed again for a moment. He wanted to say that Ah Xing's reaction was too extreme, but he still didn't say it out loud. The other party's emotion was only temporary. Let's talk about it. It will be released with "New Love", a love tragedy movie, which may make people sad. Ah Xing's reputation was affected and he was criticized.

But with the fan base accumulated by Ah Xing's previous movies, as long as the movies are not too bad, they will really be tolerated.

Moreover, when this movie was announced in East and Southeast Asia, it was never said to be a comedy. It was just a normal poster with Zhou Xingxing as the protagonist, and newspapers announced that Xingxing's new movie was about to be released.

It’s really not advertised as a comedy.

This kind of publicity method... After the big name starring Shen Pain swept the Internet, if you go to the cinema and see it, you will find that Shen Pain is the only one with more conscience, right? ?

And it’s not a new love movie, it’s really not bad!

The original track was to double Monday's Chengjia Ajie. When the Hong Kong film industry was suppressed, Liu Qingyun's starring role could rank third in the annual box office. That was Liu Qingyun in 1993, not Ayun in 2003.


About the same time.

On the bank of Taihu Lake, next to Wuxi, and adjacent to the Water Margin of the Three Kingdoms Film and Television City, I was wearing a safety helmet and looking at the bustling scene of large-scale infrastructure ahead.

Ah Ju said with a sad look on his face, "Brother Wu, how long will it take to build this underground palace and underground palace building?"

When Mr. Wu of Zhushe wanted to film "Chilling", he came up with the idea on September 11th. We talked about the project and the starring cast. The script has naturally been perfected by now.

But the underground palace complex of the ancient Loulan Kingdom has been under construction for more than two months now? Ah Ju actually invested 100 million Hong Kong dollars.

The money he asked for from his father has not been heard for two months? ?

Old Wu of the Bamboo Society laughed loudly and flicked his cigar ashes, "Young Master, big projects have their own ways of doing things. It was only after I started working here that I realized that building on the bank of Taihu Lake has its advantages, but it also has disadvantages."

"The advantage is that once the underground palace is built and our movie is released and becomes popular, it can be used as an attraction in the future to attract many tourists, similar to Tung Chung Jurassic Theme Park, not to mention it is next to it. Where is Zhao Sheng’s Three Kingdoms Water Margin Film and Television City.”

“There is no shortage of tourists here every day!”

"Look at the Water Margin crew. Didn't they also build a film and television studio for 8 months? Is Zhao Sheng anxious? Ju Shao, I'm not telling you. When doing business, you have to keep your composure."

Ah Ju was sprayed with a few words before he took a deep breath and said, "What's the disadvantage?"

There was also a hint of helplessness on Lao Wu's face, "The disadvantage is that this is the bank of Taihu Lake and a place with dense water networks in the south of the Yangtze River. Once there is a heavy rain in summer, it is easy to flood..."

"The buildings on the ground are easy to say, but the underground palace will be ruined if it encounters a flood. So despite the fact that there has been a lot of construction and groundbreaking in the past two months, they are actually repairing underground drainage. The official palace has not been built yet."

Ah Ju couldn't help but his eyes widened, "What are you talking about? I invested 100 million, and it's been two months, and I'm still repairing drainage?? It hasn't officially started yet??"

Old Wu also wanted to wipe away his cold sweat. He originally wanted to build an underground palace, but suddenly he thought of building it near Zhao Sheng's film and television base to get close to the traffic. He really... asked the relevant units and expert groups to study it.

Only then did I learn that building an underground palace in this area would be a joke because the drainage is not good.

Drainage is definitely a huge project!

Fortunately, the experts provided suggestions. When the plan was made, Ju Shao had already grabbed 100 million in funds and was waiting. With Ju Shao's 100 million, he could build as much as possible. What if the money was not enough? Chasing capital.

The Li family, which is so big, and the Li Chaoren Group, which acquired Hutchison Shetonxiang in the late 1970s, how could they be short of money?

Old Wu smiled and patted Young Master Ju on the shoulder, "Young Master Ju, don't worry, how could I trick you? Our crew has already gone to the northwest to shoot location scenes."

"Filming of scenes in other big cities will also start. The protagonist of Hu Jun is the male lead in (The Legend of Concubine Wan Gui) and the villain in (I Have a Date with a Zombie). How popular is A Jun? Do you know?"

"Merchen Amick is also the number one female lead in (Edward Scissorhands), which grossed more than 80 million US dollars worldwide."

"You came here with 100 million yuan, and I asked the screenwriter to write a supporting role for you."

"Also, (New Love) is released in North America. Once the box office explodes, it will be the best reflection of your investment in the film and television industry."

Ah Ju took a long breath and resisted the urge to hit someone, "Yeah, it won't be new, it just depends on its performance in Europe and the United States. Ah Heng spent 20 million US dollars on promotion!"


On November 15th, New Love will be released worldwide.

The box office in North America was US$2.1 million on the first day, US$3.2 million on Friday the 16th, US$5.3 million on Saturday the 17th, and US$6.7 million on Sunday the 18th.

The opening weekend grossed $17.3 million in North America and $12.8 million in Europe.

There are 30.1 million U.S. dollars in the two places, which is equivalent to 234 million Hong Kong dollars.

The data was transmitted back to Hong Kong Island through various media, causing a sensation in Hong Kong and the entertainment industry. It's not that Hong Kong Island movies have never had such an outstanding opening weekend in North America, but... this is not a big action movie, not a big science fiction special effects movie , no superstar effect.

Strictly speaking, it is a low-budget love movie, but it is also a tragedy. A group of people gathered together in the Temple Street area and completed it in a month.

Europe and the United States took HK$234 million in the first weekend?

What a success!

What? One of the leads is white actor Jim Carrey? Countless Banana and Colonial movie fans began to crazily pursue Jim Carrey, boasting that Jim Carrey beat Zhou Xingxing countless streets.

Originally, the movie was released in East and Southeast Asia. After watching the movie, countless Xingzi fans cursed and expressed disappointment. However, when the colonists and banana people stepped on Xing, the real Xingzi fans were annoyed and angry.

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