Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 353: Can that book be sold for HK$780,000?

Tuesday, November 20th.

After Zhao Donghuai was sitting in the ATV office, Xiaoxian came over and said, "Ah Heng and Jia Ling are here. They have been waiting outside for more than half an hour."

Director Zhao was surprised, "Why are they back? Isn't it Thanksgiving the day after tomorrow? This is the second week since the movie was released. Xuanfa will continue to run. The more runs, the more money you will make."

Xiaoxian nodded and said, "Jia Ling and Ah Heng are back, but the two-generation thigh era is still on the road."

"This time (New Love) is really a hit. It grossed 17.3 million US dollars in its first weekend. When multiplied by 3, it easily breaks 50 million US dollars. When multiplied by 4, it's even more. Isn't this movie promising? Europe, Canada and the United States add up. Breaking 100 million swords?"

"Once it breaks $100 million, it will be even more popular than (Edward Scissorhands)."

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "Let them come in. It will be 1991 in about forty days, and a movie can take in US$670 million at the box office in North America, which is actually not too explosive."

Based on the original trajectory, the North American box office alone exceeded 70 million? You couldn't even make it into the top fifteen at the box office in 1990.

Even Edward Scissorhands, with a box office of US$56 million in North America, is only 20th on the annual ticket list.

After Carina Lau and Ah Heng came in, the two bowed and thanked them as soon as they came in. They were so excited that they couldn't stop. Xuanfa gave it a try for 20 million US dollars. This is a great success. Everyone can see it at this stage. Well, it’s easy to break $50 million at the North American box office, and it’s even more likely to hit the $600-700 million level.

Plus Europa can really exceed 100 million!

Even if you calculate it based on $100 million, even if you pay taxes and other messy things, if you cut out $20 million, you still have $80 million that can be divided between Xu's Pictures and the theater chain.


We can only further express our gratitude to Zhao Donghuai. Without Zhao Donghuai, they would not have been able to release it on a large scale in theaters, let alone wait for the money back.

East and Southeast Asia? It is also booming and the road is smooth. Just for four days in the Mainland, it can easily exceed 150 million.

With this movie, Carina Lau was suddenly promoted from a TVB flower to a first-rate female superstar, similar to Julia Roberts after starring in "Pretty Woman".

This is even stronger than Zhao Yazhi, who became famous again with the help of "The Legend of Princess Royal", because Zhao Yazhi's movies have never been a hit in Europe and the United States.

Throughout the movie, before Liu Jialing died of cancer, she left a very classic sentence to the male protagonist, "If the worst thing in life is death, how can there be difficulties in life that we can't face?"

In this redemptive love movie, the last blank space is just the right amount of warmth and gentleness.

They did not come empty-handed. They brought a pair of antique porcelains, which were very valuable, but they were rejected by Zhao Donghuai.

Zhao Donghuai listened to the polite words for a while before interrupting with a smile, "Axing is still floating on the sea? You can call him to come back."

Carina Lau also couldn't help laughing, "It's time to come back. Yesterday, countless movie fans praised Jim Carrey crazily and criticized Ah Sing, saying that his acting skills were completely inferior and he was not worthy of playing the male lead at all. His version should be banned."

"This has completely angered countless star fans. Even many star fans who have not watched the movie at this stage also know that the movie is not a comedy, but a tragedy. There are still a large number of star fans going to the theater to watch the movie, just to make sense after watching the movie. Conflict with Jim Carrey fans based on evidence."

"I heard that Jim Carrey had already bought a plane ticket and was anxious to come back and apologize to Ah Xing in person, and also wanted to publicly support Ah Xing's acting skills. However, Ah Xing refused over the phone and asked him to continue traveling in Europe and the United States for promotions."

"The two of them actually have a good relationship, and there is a sense of sympathy for each other."

On November 15th, when the movie was first released, Zhou Xingxing not only went fishing with Simon Yam to relieve his boredom, he also drove a yacht and took his sister out to sea on the same day. He brought sufficient supplies and went to an uninhabited outlying island for vacation and leisure.

That is to say, there is a satellite phone that can be contacted, but most ordinary mobile phones cannot find the signal.

Of course, the following bodyguards and boat crew are also necessary.

Someone was also arranged to deliver a wave of supplies.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "His acting skills are not bad, but he is really overlooked due to the halo of the King of Comedy."

Does Zhou Xingxing have acting skills? No?

This is really a topic that can easily lead to discussion and debate, just like asking whether Cheng Long has acting skills or whether Jet Li has acting skills...

As for his current behavior, will it affect the filming of "Dong Cheng Xi Jiu"? Don't make trouble, that one has been filmed. You know, it was early September, and Wang Jiawei went to Andy Lau to propose it.

It's already November 20th, how could it be possible that the filming is not finished? The whole filming process was due to Zhang Guorong's schedule being difficult to arrange, so he made time to quickly shoot some of Ah Wing's scenes alone, and the rest had already been taken care of.

In this version of the film, among the male stars, Zhou Xingying replaced Ah Wei, among the female stars, Xiao Yingying replaced Wang Zuxian, and the rest were all original versions.

It is said that after Ah Wing finished filming the first season of (The Voice of Asia) at the end of August, he really started his concert tour from September to November.

As for Liang Jiahui's role, it was also shot by Jiahui on the crew during his free time after filming (Dongpo Flood Control).

(Dongpo Flood Control) has been officially started for 4 months now and has entered the late shooting stage. However, the special effects requirements for Dongpo Flood Control are definitely much higher and more difficult than those of ordinary comedy or gangster films.

After chatting with Jia Ling for a while, Zhao Donghuai waved and watched the two of them go away amid various expressions of gratitude.

After Director Zhao sat down again, Qiu Shuzhen came over with a stack of scripts and said, "Boss, tsk tsk, this TV series has great ideas and ideas. Take a look. Do you want to approve the project?"

Zhao Donghuai was a little surprised, but when he looked at the book, he thought (Heaven is affectionate).

After he hurriedly flipped through it, he put down the notebook with emotion, "What a talent. Let's just leave it on the shelf. Or we can ask the screenwriter to talk to Shao Daheng and see if TVB is short of scripts."

This is really the weird TV series that I remember (天如情), starring Zheng Yijian, a club boss, a homosexual, who drugged Wu Dairong and became obsessed with it.

In later generations, it may be able to generate a huge amount of traffic.

After all, in the 2020s, everyone understood everything, but at the end of 1990, this thing was too far ahead of its time.

The club boss played by A Jian wears a small suit, gold-rimmed glasses, and his hair is combed back. He really dominates the boss. Especially when he is rejected by others, he always talks coolly. He said, "You can consider the request I just made, but I want to tell you, no one has ever been able to refuse me."

There are basically no people who refuse him...either into boxes or land reclamation.

This is also a hard line to ask you to climb mountains and fish together.

When A-Zhen grabbed the script and was about to run away, Zhao Donghuai was stunned again and waved, "A-Zhen, wait a minute. I think it's a bit wrong to give this book to Shao Sheng. Contact Murdoch and watch his Fox Will the TV network film it?"

Azhen, "???"

Director Zhao thought for a while, "That's not right. What do you think of the reverse scenario? A female boss, a female undercover who deals with the police?? This should have good ratings in North America??"

In 1990, you filmed a scene in which a female undercover agent comes into contact with the boss of a dynamic female social group. It was a police drama. Isn't this necessarily a failure?

Azhen was stunned for a few seconds, "It seems okay?"

Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but sigh, "Forget it, just contact Lao Mo directly to sell the script."

Putting aside Tianruo Youqing's strange angles and outrageous orthopedics, this is a passable anti-gangster TV series. The undercover agent's efforts were a bit too great, and his boss suspected him of betrayal and was arrested, but in the end he was mentally ill for several years. , became a writer.

A group of people really can't accept this kind of plot!

Classes 2 and 3 probably won’t be able to accept it either.


A new day, ATV TV drama production center.

When the screenwriter Xiao Chen checked in and walked towards the screenwriting department, more than one person greeted Xiao Chen on the street. Many of the greetings contained a strange flavor.

After entering the big office, as soon as Xiao Chen sat down, he saw a big boss from the directing team waving to him, "Xiao Chen, come here."

Xiao Chen stood up in a hurry and went to the other party's office under the complicated gaze of a group of colleagues.

After he left, some colleagues immediately started a heated discussion, "I heard that his script (Tian Ruo You Qing) was sent to the big boss for review?"

"Isn't that right? The script is too hardcore. We are screenwriters, but we were still shocked after reading it. The leaders of the writing and directing team couldn't grasp it."

"Is this Xiao Chen stimulated by something? How could he write such a series of outrageous plots?"

"An anti-gangster police drama, a male protagonist spends ten years in jail, his wife runs away, one is beaten to death, and the other's anus is covered with bruises. He has been mentally ill for several years, and he becomes a gangster in Hong Kong Island and can only run around? Is this special? Isn’t it too exciting?”

"Didn't you see Director Huang's expression when he called Xiao Chen just now??"


The person who greeted Xiao Chen just now is really a veteran. He directed Zheng Shaoqiu's version of Chu Liuxiang in 1979, and made Qiu Guan, Wu Mengda and other seniors rise in the film and television industry.

Although Director Huang only served as Wang Tianlin's deputy and one of the assistant directors at that time, Wang Jingdu was only one of the screenwriters at that time.

Since then, Director Huang has certainly not lacked for other works. Xie Laosi's popular King of Kings, he is still Wang Tianlin's deputy and one of the assistant directors.

Therefore, everyone who knows about it knows that since Xiao Chen wrote the script of "Heavenly Love", this guy went from being unknown to becoming famous in the ATV scriptwriting department and began to spread throughout the TV drama production center.

The other screenwriters discussed for a while, and then one person suddenly said to another, "Zai Zai, didn't Xiao Chen treat you to a drink the day before yesterday? Didn't your anus hurt when you woke up?"

Wuzai was furious, "Fuck, you're in pain, don't slander people behind their backs like this. Xiao Chen's script is too hard-core to be outside the industry, but in fact she is a normal girl who likes her."

"The main reason is that the screenwriting department is too complicated. Many drama kings and dramas are basically novels and stories produced by the big boss and a few boss ladies. It makes us seem to have no sense of existence, so we use different tricks to wrap up the plot."

All of a sudden the other screenwriters...

Yes, you can’t blame Xiao Chen for finding another way? Who said that starting from "Meteor Garden", too many scripts were written by Zhao Sheng, even if it was "Prank Kiss" or something, who didn't know that Sister Hong was just in name?

Twilight, isn’t that also in name only?

They are the Gunners team!

If the outside world doesn't know, how can the Gunners themselves know?

The crowd was still silent and talking when they saw Director Huang's office. Xiao Chen walked out with a cheerful face and beaming expression. He was floating as he walked, as if he had won a lottery prize.

The writing team was a little confused at this time. They were so shocked that Wuzai stood up in a hurry, "Fuck, Brother Chen, did your (Tian Ruo You Qing) script pass? No, can you pass this one?"

Other writers had similar reactions.

When the crowd surrounded Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen nodded excitedly, "Yes, it passed, but it was not produced by our ATV, but the senior management helped me contact Lao Mo. The TV network over there bought the book for 100,000 dollars. buyout fee."

"They also asked me to go to the Fox TV Network to be a guide. It costs one hundred thousand dollars, 780,000 Hong Kong dollars!"

Isn't this just pie in the sky? No, is it like winning a lottery ticket?

Other sounds in the big office suddenly stopped. Everyone stared at Xiao Chen strangely and began to think thoughtfully.

Just that notebook can be sold for HK$780,000? ? this……

Did the ghost guy buy it? ? Is it so easy for a ghost guy to make money? ?

Isn't this the same story in Infernal Affairs, where Chen Yongren goes undercover at Ni's house, Ni Yongxiao likes Aren and is fascinated by Aren, the boss suspects Aren of betrayal, and finally shoots Ni Yongxiao to death, and Aren runs away to avoid mental illness for a few years, and then changes his job as a writer? ?

Can this be sold for HK$780,000? !

Do they not understand screenwriting or do they not understand North America? ?


Thanksgiving Day.

After Zhao Donghuai received the report, (Xin Bu Qing)'s development in North America was still going smoothly, and they were conquering the city openly, he put down the phone and said with emotion, "Ah Heng and Jia Ling have made a lot of money this time."

"By the way, how is the progress of the two big movies invested by Ju Shao?"

Azhen thought for a while, "It seems that Director Wu and Director Lan were having a very unhappy time on the (Tai Ping Wheel) crew. Director Lan has clearly withdrawn, and Director Wu has taken over the power and has successfully started recruiting the entire crew."

"However, the construction of the Taiping Wheel Reservoir Studio is also coming to an end. The delay of one or two months there did not affect the filming of the film."

At this point, Azhen laughed out loud, "Ciling is a bit funny. Now there are many underground drainage experts in Zhejiang Province. They are connecting the underground drainage network in Binhu District, dredging, strengthening expansion, etc. When these are completed, It will be more convenient to build an underground palace."

"After all, the Three Kingdoms Water Margin Film and Television City is also located in Binhu. In the past two months, Mr. Wu from the Bamboo Society has used a huge amount of money to carry out municipal renovations in Binhu."

Zhao Donghuai couldn't help being a little stunned, "Are you still reforming?"

Of course he knew that when Lao Wu took money to build underground palaces in scenic spots, the first step and the first difficulty was underground drainage. If you build Loulan Underground Ancient City and the palace complex as a tourist attraction, it would be really troublesome if the drainage is not done properly.

It may be flooded in any rainy season, and the whole palace is soaked in water? That's so inappropriate.

Let's just say that next year, the entire urban area without a city will be soaked in one meter of water for more than two months, and that still refers to surface water! !

Starting in July in this dimension, a group of big stars including Xiaoxian have successively donated one billion Hong Kong dollars of engineering vehicles and ships to dredge rivers and lakes, widen rivers, widen and speed up dam construction, etc.

It lasted four months and a lot of things have been done, including Taihu Lake.

But they have been strengthening the underground drainage in the Binhu District for more than two months, which is really a bit deceptive. After sighing, he said again, "Old Wu is an assassin in a movie!"

"However, there are successful cases of the Xu family (Xin Bu Lao Qing). I think it will be difficult for Ju Shao to jump out of this pit."

Next year, if no city is flooded and soaked for two or three months, will the citizens of the city be grateful to Ju Shao? No, they only know that the engineering vehicles and ships donated by superstars such as He Qing, Wang Zuxian, Cheng Long, Hong Yinbao, etc. are worth one billion in modern machinery and equipment.

They will appreciate the water team working with the equipment.

It is the underground palace, which is also being built by Zhushe Lao Wu and Zhu Yanping. Aju is just one of the investors who is mediocre and has not been publicized much.

Things have developed so far that Wu Yusen's version of (Taiping Wheel) has been settled. He relied on the success of "Blood Heroes" in East and Southeast Asia to forcefully squeeze out Lan Naicai. Of course, the main reason for his success is Lan Naicai's original talent. I didn't want to direct, so I acted in a scene with Lao Wu and quit to escape.

The way the script looks, there is no way it can resonate with mainland audiences.

The script of Ci Ling is quite reliable, but the pit is too big when digging for infrastructure.

At this moment, Zhang Min came over and said, "Boss, Yuan Kui and Li Lianjie are here. They seem to want to set up a subsidiary. Debao is invited to take 51% of the shares, and Ajie will hold 49%? Are they here to discuss this matter? of."

Zhao Donghuai was a little surprised, but he didn't feel any surprise. The original track Ajie became more and more popular. For example, after filming a few Once Upon a Time and The Invincible, he established his own film company.

Before that, he only got paid, and everything else had nothing to do with him. No matter how popular the movie is, box office and video revenue are none of his business.

Being your own boss is the only way to start your own company.

In this dimension, it's the same. More and more people are starting companies. Cheng Long, Hong Yanbao, Yuen Biao, Andy Lau, and Xing Zai are all movie tycoons. Ajie wants to start a business, which is a solid foundation.

But after he left Xu Ke, he chose to cooperate with Debao? ? At this stage, Debao Group has a market value of more than 27 billion Hong Kong dollars, and Zhao Donghuai is still the largest shareholder, holding 34% of the shares.

He couldn't start it without asking for permission.

After a while, when he saw Yuan Kui and Ajie, they greeted each other politely and humbly, and then stated their intentions. They not only wanted to open a company and invite Debao to take over a large share, but also had written the first chapter. .

(Fang Shiyu).

If everything goes well, it will be directed by Yuan Kui, starring Ajie, and written by Liu Zhenwei. Awei will help Wang Jiawei with the filming, and writing a new script will not be a big deal.

The two films starring Ajie and Fang Shiyu were written by Awei.

Just follow the process. The only variable is the name of the film company. The original track was called Zhengdong, but here it was changed to Sanfeng Film and Television. There's nothing wrong with it. When Lin Zhengying started her own company, it was called Dongzheng Film. One was Zhao Donghuai's Dongzi, and the other was Lin Zhengying's Zheng.

Ajie must not be able to trick anyone here...


Time went by, and on November 26, Ajie was working hard for his own film and television company and started recruiting people.

In a large villa in Deep Water Bay, Aju had just finished breakfast and was about to go out when he saw Akai walking out with a drunken look on his face, grabbing a newspaper and saying, "Boss, it's okay, (New Love) Second Week North American Box Office 2370 10,000 US dollars, Europa 16.2 million US dollars.”

"It's over 50 million US dollars in North America, and it's close to 30 million US dollars in Europe. Damn it, Ah Heng is making a lot of money!"

"Not only will this movie earn him a huge amount of box office and video revenue, but his wife will also suddenly become an international superstar. Next time she takes on a movie, her salary will be $1 million, right?"

Ah Ju happily grabbed another fried dough stick and took a bite, "This is the second week we got 311 million Hong Kong dollars? Add in the 234 million in the first weekend, which equals 545 million!"

More than 500 million, just got it like this?

Even in Mainland China, the box office revenue in the second week that just passed was 250 million yuan, and the total accumulation is equal to 400 million yuan. Zhou Xingxing has that kind of appeal.

Counting the box office in Haowan, Hong Kong, Thailand, and South Korea, the total box office of the entire love movie has exceeded 1.2 billion Hong Kong dollars!

It's only been released for two weeks? What a huge achievement this is?

Ah Ju was so surprised that he felt breathless and ecstatic. Although he was not Ah Heng, wasn't he walking like Ah Heng?

Akai walked over and said, "Taiping Wheel has already started filming. When will (Ci Ling) start filming? Don't just chase pretty girls all day long and ignore serious business."

"The Li family's money is half that of mine! Between these two major production crews, I can be half a major investor, right?"

Aju's face darkened, and he glared at Akai with a disgusting expression, "What do you, a kid, know about movies? How am I chasing after girls? I'm just pursuing my career. Go, go, have fun."

"I smelled of alcohol early in the morning, and I was too lazy to tell you, so I slipped away."

He actually wanted to pursue Meichen Amick through his status as a big investor. It was impossible to say that he was pursuing the purpose of getting married, but just for fun, wasn't it?

Unfortunately, these days, more than two months later, he had made several appointments with Mei Chen, but that person didn't even bother to flirt with him. Instead, he was happily visiting the crews of various Zhao Films and ATV TV stations.

I am deeply studying the production process of Hong Kong movies and TV series, and I am also very interested in the way to make money from all-star products.

As for who will play with her? Winona Ryder and Mai Chen Amick entered the Hong Kong industry with gifts, to thank "Winona quit playing (Edward Scissorhands), which gave her the opportunity to be a heroine". Meet Winona.

The two are about the same age, one is 20 years old and the other is 19 years old. They are both born and raised in North America. I heard that they have a lot of fun playing together and have a lot of things in common.

Anyway, it was embarrassing for Ju Shao to do it, but he was too embarrassed to tell anyone. As for what Akai said before, it is even more ridiculous. He asked his father to invest 150 million based on his ability. What does it have to do with Akai?

Brothers must also settle accounts openly.

Just like (New Love), does Ah Heng and Jia Ling have a total investment of 200 million Hong Kong dollars? Calculated based on 200 million, the box office profit can now be easily recovered.

It exceeded 1.2 billion Hong Kong dollars in two weeks. Even if there is a mess of tax payment and customs clearance, and 300 million is deducted, there will still be more than 400 million in small sums when divided with the theaters...

In order to get the money smoothly, even if you give Zhao Donghuai another 200 million, will you get your money back? ? From the third week of release starting today, to the next stage, the remaining box office is the net profit, and the video market is also the net profit.

Carina Lau is a big hit and an international actress!

Isn’t this more satisfying than Changshi Group spending one, two or three years building a community to make a profit?

This excitement made Ah Ju's heart beat wildly and he couldn't stop at all. It's just that the short mule of Zhushe Lao Wu was a bit awkward. When will the underground palace be built?

The same surname is Wu. Do you think Wu Yusen is so fast? ?


ATV Office.

When Zhao Donghuai learned that Ah Heng and Jia Ling were here again, he was waiting outside, rubbing his temples and complaining, "These two came to thank me again? This has always been a verbal thank you, and you don't feel tired of talking?"

Xiaoxian said happily, "Didn't those two bring antiques last time? You didn't ask for it, and they said they were very grateful to you, but I don't know how to repay you. As long as you tell them, they will definitely do it."

"But today is the day when the second week's data of (Xin Bu Qing) comes out, so it's time to come here again. 311 million Hong Kong dollars in Europe and the United States is a huge profit."

"But, they want to smoothly watch the money from various theaters return to their film and television company? How can it be possible without your support?"

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and was too lazy to continue complaining, "Tell them that if it's nothing serious, there's no need to see them and let them go back."

After a while, Wang Zuxian came back from outside and said, "It's really something. Those two want to follow the trend of (Fan Zhongyan's flood control)? Follow the trend of (Dongpo's flood control)? I want to ask if the copyright is suitable, and can I go to the special effects base to do special effects? such as."

"By the way, you rejected the antiques they sent last time. This time they said they wanted to donate another 200 million yuan of engineering equipment, vehicles and ships related to water control to help build the Taihu Lake embankment, repair the Taipu River, dredge and widen the Wangyu River, and dig deeper. "

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

He was a little speechless for a while. There are many things in the film and television industry that follow the trend, but following the trend (Dongpo flood control)? This is really a crooked talent.

Moreover, these two couples, even Zhao Donghuai, who has been silently supporting flood control, have their finger on the pulse.

That's right, there are some things he does that are not obvious, but it is not too difficult for someone who is a little smarter to detect the clues and secretly sense his pulse.

Let's just say that Xu's Pictures, which has always been unreliable and uninfluential in the film and television industry, why did it get Zhao Donghuai's (New Love) script? Just because Zhao Donghuai happened to meet Zhao Donghuai when he was traveling a few months ago and had a meal?

Isn’t that nonsense?

They want to shoot (with Mu Guiying in charge) in the film and television base built with Zhao's support? Will you also promote Dongfang and Wuqian Mu Guiying sub-brands? This reason must account for a certain proportion.

After all, Oriental and Five Thousand Years are the properties of Chen Hong and Li Jiaxin. Xu's Pictures' flattery will always have the effect of being a pillow.

But after they finished filming Mu Guiying in charge, it became a hit, and drove Dongfang and Wu Qianqian to sell a sub-brand like crazy and make hundreds of millions of profits. Only then did Zhao Donghuai reward them with a new love (新无情), which was more reasonable and logical. Bar? ?

As a result, before Mu Guiying took charge of the filming, the Water Margin film and television base was still under construction and no work was completed. They got Xin Bu Qing first, and the box office exploded into a mess.

Ah Heng may not have grasped this pulse yet, but Ah Heng and his father are not playboys, and Jia Ling is also quite clever.

After being speechless for a while, Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Let them film it. Commercials are following the trend. Most people can't afford to make such blockbusters."

Wang Zuxian nodded and asked curiously, "Fan Zhongyan also treated water? Is he the same as Su Shi?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "This big man is famous in history, and he is not just a simple literary giant."

Fan Zhongyan, Wen Zhenggong, once controlled floods in Suzhou. Since then, Suzhou civil servants have been imitating Fan Wenzheng in governing Suzhou in successive dynasties. Xiao Gui and Cao followed suit. For hundreds of years, Suzhou has been the center of Taihu Lake. , one of the safest cities.

Most people don’t know this, but Jialing has lived in Suzhou for 16 years!

During the plum rainy season in the south of the Yangtze River, it rains continuously for a while every year. During the plum rainy season, there is a lot of water in the city, which happens every year.

Not to mention Taihu Lake, which is next to Suzhou, is almost an above-ground lake. In 1987, the mainland approved the Taihu Lake Basin Comprehensive Management Plan and proposed a big plan to encircle the lake. However, the progress of the project so far is only step-by-step and far from complete. It's still too early to be completed. The inland is too big and there are too many things to be built.

The original embankment around the lake, known as the world's largest arc, was not completed until the end of 1996. It was one of the biggest contributors to the flood control along Taihu Lake.

Secondly, there is the Taipu River, which was originally planned to connect Taihu Lake and Huangpu River. It is also an artificial flood discharge and drainage river.

After the rainy season, it helps to drain Taihu Lake and flows into the Huangpu River and then into the sea.

However, the first phase of construction started in 1958, and in the spring of 1960, the second phase plan was interrupted due to some reasons. The artificial river has not been dredged to this day.

Taihu drainage, aside from the Taipu River, is the Wangyu River. It was built in 475 BC by Fan Li. It was used to connect Taihu Lake and the Yangtze River, and also facilitated the drainage of Taihu Lake in the rainy season.

But after so many centuries, the silt blockage of Wangyu River has become very serious. It was the 1987 water conservancy plan that started to restore everything and slowly repaired and dredged it.

It was only when Qunxing came to donate water control engineering equipment, vehicles, and boats that the construction of man-made rivers and dredging and widening of original river channels began to move forward at a rapid pace.

Flood control in Suzhou involves dredging Taihu Lake. Otherwise, the water that Suzhou could drain into Taihu Lake during the rainy season would flow back into the city due to the overhanging lake. This happened in 1991, 1998 and 1999.

When Fan Wenzheng governed Suzhou, he left a template, and countless descendants in the Southern Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties could easily control floods by copying the work.


After a while, when she left the ATV headquarters and walked toward the nearest parking lot of the building, Jia Ling couldn't help but smile brightly, "I said, it should be possible this time. Zhao Sheng actually has a good temper."

"It was a bit stupid to send antiques last time, but daddy helped us figure it out."

Ah Heng couldn't help but sigh, "Okay, I know I made the wrong choice last time, and I can just do things this way in the future. However, can (Fan Zhongyan control floods) really make money? I feel that movies like this about famous ancient ministers controlling water and fighting floods are not interesting. Son."

Jia Ling was speechless, "Logically speaking, with your background, even watching (Bao Qingtian) would be boring, right? Weren't you following the drama with gusto?"

Ah Heng was embarrassed, "This is different, how interesting (Bao Qingtian) is? Wait, Master Bao has also treated water, right? These Northern Song Dynasty literati are a bit beyond my expectations."

Jia Ling was happy, "Master Bao has really controlled water, but he only managed the Huimin River. The Huimin River became a flood and intruded on the people's livelihood in Kaifeng. It was mainly caused by the congestion of the river caused by the private construction of the powerful. He demolished all the illegal buildings. , it’s about fighting against the powerful and quelling man-made disasters.”

"It's not that simple to be famous throughout the ages. Maybe 100 years from now, Mr. Zhao will only have a few words in the textbook. We are not qualified to teach in the textbook."

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