Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 354 Can the war between real estate developers be so simple?

The hit movie "New Love" continued until December and was still bombarding the world's film industry. In its third week, it took in US$19.8 million in North America and US$15.5 million in Europe.

In three weeks, the North American box office has officially exceeded US$60 million, and the European box office has exceeded US$44.5 million, which is equivalent to the official US$100 million in Europe and the United States, which is 821 million Hong Kong dollars, and the mainland has earned a total of 590 million yuan.

Hong Kong Haowan added up to 77 million Hong Kong dollars in three weeks, South Korea 250 million Hong Kong dollars, Thailand 210 million Hong Kong dollars, that's all, the total box office has exceeded 2 billion Hong Kong dollars!

Selling port? 50 million Hong Kong dollars.

However, Li Guoxing chose 70% of the Jim Carrey version to be sent to island countries and India, Filipino maids and other places, while 30% chose Zhou Xingxing's version.

Jim Carrey... exploded!

As soon as he returned to Hong Kong from a promotional tour in North America, a Hollywood producer asked him to make a new movie with a $5 million salary contract.

And he couldn't get a new love interest before, and he only had a salary of US$500,000. As for Hollywood (Vivid Color)? A key criterion for whether a show is popular or not is whether there is a sequel.

(Vivid Colors) has no second part. You must know that Bruce Willis starred in (Blue Moonlight Detective Agency) and it lasted for five seasons.

The last $500,000 was already a figure that increased his salary after he became popular with "Long Night".

In the original track, his salary increased to US$7 million only after he took over the filming of "The Man in Disguise". Of course, 1994 was also the year when Jim Carrey originally established himself as the king of Hollywood comedies. $100 million in box office.

Following (The Man in Disguise) with a global US$351 million, (Dumb and Dumber) with a global US$247 million... In the same year, this film hit a box office figure of US$700 million.

In this dimension, it can only be said that Zhao asked him to play the villain in "The Long Night", which broke out four years in advance.

Not only has Jim Carrey's salary skyrocketed, but his popularity has also skyrocketed. He has also been invited to the Golden Globe Awards, waiting for him to attend the ceremony in January 1991.

There is no such thing as Jia Ling...

In the first phase of Huayuan, when Jim Carrey walked into a commercial house and walked around with the agent, he became more and more satisfied. The agent smiled and said, "Mr. Jin, if you are interested, buy it as soon as possible. We are not overthinking it." To make money, to be honest, among all the Huayuan projects, the first phase is the most valuable and has the fastest appreciation.”

"There are more than a dozen buildings in the entire community, and there are almost no ordinary citizen owners now. Not only is it safe and reliable for you to live here, but you also have many colleagues, so you don't have to worry about being surrounded by fans."

Jim Carrey also laughed, "That's true. If it weren't for this reason, I wouldn't want to buy a house here. What's the current price?"

The agent's smile became even brighter, "The market price is HKD 23,000 per square meter."

Jim Carrey clicked his tongue and said, "I remember when I came to Hong Kong in March, the house price in Tsim Sha Tsui was only 18,000?"

In just over half a year, the price has increased by 5,000 yuan per square meter. This is really stupid. The agent even laughed bitterly when he complained, "In April 1988, when the first phase of Huayuan was handed over, it was still 14,000 yuan per square meter. The price has increased by nearly 10,000 yuan in the middle of the year.”

"Don't think it's expensive. If you think it's expensive, you can go to Kwun Tong or Tseung Kwan O. They only cost NT$10,000 per square meter."

It’s so outrageous. Today is the end of the year. The average house price in Kowloon is 1,480 per square foot, which is close to 15,000 per square foot. But that’s the average price. The average price represents 20,000 in the core area of ​​Yau Tsim Mong. Tseung Kwan O, Ciyun Mountain is ten thousand.

The first phase of Hua Yuan is a super high-quality community. It is usually more than $3,000 more expensive than the ordinary area in Yau Tsim Mong.

The first person to pay money to buy a house in the first phase of Huayuan was just built. It has only been four years, and the house price has more than doubled. How can you buy a house here in 1986 and need tens of thousands of square meters? At that time, it was six to seven thousand yuan per square meter.

Regarding housing prices, it cannot be said that Zhao Donghuai has not worked hard. Under his control, large-scale development in the New Territories has become more and more popular. More than a dozen new communities such as Dakeng Village have been built, and more are under construction.

But housing prices, this thing is because Hong Kong drifters are many times more than in the original track. There are tens of millions of white tourists a year, and those who stay and work on a three-month visa are also in the millions, three Just renew after a few months.

In the original trajectory, in 1990, the permanent population of Hong Kong Island was only 5.7 million. Even if there were no black households and black workers, 5.7 million was already very crowded. However, according to last year's statistics, there were stable and permanent white people working in Hong Kong with three-month visas. There are more than 1.1 million floating.

Those who work for a week or a month and go home without coming back for a while are worth several million.

The number of Hong Kong drifters from the mainland is also in the hundreds of thousands.

Liang Zaihui is able to select groups of white and Latin pretty girls in batches!

Prices are naturally...

Next, Jim Carrey signed a contract with the agency. The total price of a house with a shared area of ​​more than 130 square meters is about 3 million. He can buy it after paying taxes on the remuneration received from the crew of "Xin Bu Qing".

Although it is a second-hand house, the first landlord has only lived in it for two years. Regardless of the community or the buildings, they are all new.

After agreeing on the purchase of a house, Jim Carrey just walked out and saw Fei Jing standing outside the door waiting. He was suddenly surprised and asked, "Director Wang??"

Fei Jing smiled brightly, "Look at the script. I plan to ask you to star next year. If you have any ideas, please feel free to mention them. Let's study more."

Jim Carrey took the comic and was even more confused, "A weirdo in disguise?"

What Lao Wang gave him was a comic from Dark Horse Comics (Geek in Disguise), but speaking of it, this comic actually had a dark heroic style. When the Hollywood director originally planned to adapt the comic, he thought of making it into a horror film...

Before Jim Carrey could say anything more, Wang Jing smiled and said, "Have you seen Ah Xing's (The Variety Star)? If after the New Year, when we start filming, the story should be closer to the style of "The Variety Star" .”

It's already December 4th, and the filming of "The Stranger in Disguise" will have to wait until after the New Year. After all, it takes a lot of time to prepare various models in advance for a big special effects movie.

Of course, Wang Jing himself has never read the comic "The Stranger in Disguise". He came here because of Zhao Donghuai's suggestion, and the copyright has been obtained from Dark Horse Comics.

As for why they didn't film "Planet" first, there's one story. "Planet" was able to earn a global box office of US$100 million, all because of Jim Carrey's acting skills. Strictly speaking, it's a bad movie...

It's not an exaggeration to say it's bad, it's similar to Zhou Xingxing's ordinary-level comedies such as "The Thief".

After Jim Carrey said that he would read the comics carefully and read "The Variety Master" a few more times, Wang Jingcai continued, "You have been staying in Hong Kong for almost a year. How do you make money by helping Zhao make movies? You take this , the remuneration is 2 million Hong Kong dollars, do you understand?"

Jim Carrey laughed, "Understood, when I accepted "The Dark Night" it was only 200,000 Hong Kong dollars, but without "Long Night Dark", where did "New Love" come from? Now in East and Southeast Asia, the sales of my personal products seem to be the same. very nice."

"If it continues for years and months, it won't be a small amount of money anymore."

The remuneration offered by Hollywood is very high, already 500 US dollars is equal to 39 million Hong Kong dollars per movie, but he did not resist Zhao's film contract with 2 million Hong Kong dollars.

The way to make money is different. As time goes by, making movies on Hong Kong Island is more stable and more profitable.

To put it bluntly, it was the first film (New World) in 1983, in which Zhou Yunfa went undercover and became the new leader of the Pan-Asian Group. It was broadcast several times on the ATV movie channel. On the same day or the next day, Hong Kong, Haowan and South Korea , Thailand, Zhou Runfa’s income from carrying goods may be hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars a day...

It’s higher than Ah Fa’s total salary when he took on this movie!

This is day entry! !

After all, the range of goods he carries is too large, from soda, beer and instant noodles to clothing, shoes and hats, shampoo, and laundry detergent. When put together, the whole thing is too huge.

When the feeling of the new world has passed, if you put your heroic nature aside, you may earn hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars more per day the next day.

Wang Jing laughed, "As long as you understand, let's go. When you finish this house, let's go to the celebration banquet of Xu's Pictures? Good guy, we finally made a blockbuster with a total box office of over 2 billion Hong Kong dollars. The Xu family can't Crazy happy.”

“It’s also appropriate to hold more celebration banquets.”

Today is the 4th, after the time difference, when the total box office has just been calculated, the Hui family's Ah Heng is not only crazy about joy, he is about to explode. This is to prove to the traditional wealthy circles in Hong Kong that he, Ah Heng, is not a dou A masterpiece.

On the surface, this is a total investment of about 200 million, resulting in a business masterpiece of more than 2 billion Hong Kong dollars! As for how much Aheng donated for this purpose in private, it is not enough for outsiders to know.


ATV Office.

When Zhou Huimin came to deliver the soup with a big belly, she asked curiously, "Brother Huai, (the hearing girl) has turned on the phone?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Yes, it's turned on. The white version is Winona Ryder. The Chinese version is won by Zhang Min. She has the best acting skills and the best sign language."

Three months later, the two creative teams originally selected by (Hearing Girls), not only Zhang Min is extremely good at learning sign language, but Di Long and Wu Zhenyu are also not far behind. A quick look at them really makes them sign language and deaf-mute Communication with people is no problem.

Di Long and Lao Wu really found some deaf-mute people to live, eat and live with, and the white versions of Al Pacino and Nicholas were similar.

I wrote the script in early September and started shooting in December. I estimate that it will be almost completed before the Spring Festival. There are still more than 70 days until the Spring Festival.

Amin then smiled and said, "That Amin is indeed good at learning. It's almost New Year's Day, and it feels like time flies so fast."

Zhao Donghuai nodded and said nothing. 1991 is coming. There will be many major events in the world in 1991. First, the real estate bubble of the island country collapsed, completely bringing out the Heisei era of fat houses.

Things started to get uneasy on the other side of the bay, with floods in East China, and then the big furry bear...

By the time Zhao Zheng is born, it will probably be over on the other side of the bay.

Also, the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Pengcheng Stock Exchange are about to open for business one after another. This month, it is time for Ah Xin and the others to hold shares and buy some stocks, and then make a wave first.


Starting from December 3rd, the posters of "The East Comes the West" have been distributed all over East Asia and Southeast Asia. The movie was originally scheduled to be released on the 7th. From the 7th to the 23rd, there is a money-making period of more than half a month. That's it.

On the 24th, it’s (Spider-Man 1)’s world.

I won’t say that (Spider-Man 1) is 100% scheduled for the film, that would be too exaggerated, but (Dongchengxijiu) will definitely be suppressed and tremble when the time comes.

The same is true for Hong Kong Island in this regard...

Hollywood superheroes and other large-scale special effects movies began to take the world by storm in the 1990s, and it was only in the 2020s that they gradually showed signs of weakness and were weakened step by step.

What the Hong Kong film industry can do now is to mix in as many Chinese-funded productions as possible, and also promote its own superhero series to compete with them.

It turns out.

(Spider-Man 1) is really an explosive superhero blockbuster. It was released in Europe and the United States on Monday the 24th. It was released at midnight and lasted until the weekend of the 30th. In its first week of seven days and seven nights, the box office in North America exploded to 63 million U.S. dollars and Europa 3900. Thousands of dollars.

Breaking 100 million in the first week!

After the news swept the world, it was a global sensation. Even in Hollywood, there had never been a blockbuster that broke $60 million in the first week before.

Not to mention 60 million US dollars, there are no 50 million US dollars. Films shot in the Hong Kong film industry in the past (Jurassic Park 1) (Twilight Saga), etc., broke more than 30 million US dollars in one week, which is already super strong. .

Regardless of the Star Wars series, Raiders of the Lost Ark, or Back to the Future, etc., they all fell to their knees in front of the horrific record of (Spider-Man 1).

And you must know that the original track was also the original version in 1993 (Jurassic Park 1), which achieved a record of 81.7 million US dollars in the five-day opening weekend.

This is a white version of a superhero that has exploded in the appeal and sales of the original Jurassic series. It is normal. Spider-Man 1 in 2002 also grossed more than 800 million US dollars worldwide, only one less than Jurassic Park 1. Billion dollars.

From this time period, white stars such as Johnny Depp, Winona Ryder and Nicholas also took off completely.


January 1, 1991, New Year's Day, was supposed to be a holiday, but Andy Lau was entertaining Yuen Biao and Li Saifeng with red wine at 100 Years Pictures.

After taking a big sip and pouring half a cup into his own cup, Ahuadu exclaimed, "Although there are also Wanted 1 and Jurassic Park 2, which have global sales of 6 to 7 billion US dollars, but this super Hero blockbusters are too scary.”

"More than 60 million U.S. dollars in the first week, including Europa, is directly equivalent to 800 million Hong Kong dollars, and it's only one week..."

"Can we compare with Wanted 2? Can we chase or not??"

Seeing the ridiculous earning power of such blockbusters, Liu Dehua suddenly felt that many of the ordinary movies he had taken on were no longer good.

In Spider-Man 1, he, Yuan Biao and Li Saifeng also appeared in the movie, and their scenes were not small. When Spider-Man first transformed into a spider and gained super powers, they helped give guidance, so they were both teachers and friends.

In the finale, there is also a scene where the trio helps fight the Green Goblin and maintain order. Take the carnival scene, which attracts everyone's attention. There are countless tourists and passers-by on the streets of New York, and the Green Goblin rides a flying machine and kills until the building collapses...

The three wanted super-powerful killers are savior-like characters, stealing a certain part of the scene from Spider-Man. They are not the protagonists, but they are indeed great supporting actors.

This is also in disguise. With Spider-Man 1 bombing the world and becoming familiar with the global audience, Hua Zai is not ignorant, but 103 million US dollars in Europe and the United States in one week is too outrageous.

Yuen Biao's smile remained unchanged, and he clinked glasses with Andy, "You just get used to it. I can only say that movie fans around the world are getting richer. We Wanted will be released at the end of February and occupy the Lunar New Year slot before the Spring Festival. The results will definitely not be too great." Difference."

"Just talking about the mainland, there are more than 300 theaters in more than 100 counties in Anhui and Jiangsu, and there are almost 2,000 more big screens!"

"Tsk, I heard that the people who wanted to pay Winona Ryder $2 million to film a movie have now changed it to $5 million or $6 million. The salary increase is really scary."

Li Saifeng smiled and said, "And Johnny, someone in Hollywood paid him a salary of nine million US dollars, which is really scary... If there is no share of the stars bringing goods, few companies here can really pay him. Are you going to film a movie with him?"

Six million U.S. dollars is 46.8 million Hong Kong dollars, and nine million U.S. dollars is 70.2 million. I don’t know, but it’s scary. Now if we look for them to shoot Spider-Man 2, it will cost more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars for two people. .

In comparison, projects like Wu Yusen's Taiping Wheel and Bamboo Society's Lao Wu Ciling are just sprinkling water.

Now Yuan Biao and A Hua are both major shareholders of the film and television company, and are deeply involved in film and television investment and production. They both feel a little bit worried about the sky-high remuneration.

The next moment, Hua Zai said with a smile, "Let's go talk to Depp? That guy also likes music and has played in a band. For the announcement of Wanted 2, we still need to invite him to come to more concerts."

If you want to make a lot of money, you have to be busy.

The tour originally started in September and ended in early November, but (Wanted 2) is approaching, so it's natural to start the tour again.

Yuan Biao sweated furiously, "It's okay to eat, but I can't help you with the tour. I can only hope that you guys will travel more. I'll treat you. We can eat whatever we want. I can even treat you for a month."

He studied Peking Opera, so he has no problem doing martial arts, but singing or pop songs? This really doesn't work.

It’s not that he has never sung before. As early as when he was filming (Bo Niu) (New Shushan Swordsman), he sang the English version of the theme song for both movies. But singing... a good voice needs maintenance. Yes, you need to practice.

If you haven't practiced for a few years or if you keep smoking or drinking, your voice will become weak. He hasn't practiced for too many years.

The best representative is Wang Jie, or someone who plays heavy rock and breaks his voice. Even Wang Toufeng finds it increasingly difficult to sing high notes as he gets older.

As for Lao Wang who often said after the millennium that he was poisoned, his voice was so poisoned that he could not sing those popular classic songs? There is a certain probability that that is a kind of hype. Even in 2022, how can there be a singer who is so poisonous that his voice cannot sing good songs, but it does not affect your speech and other poisons? ?

Every time that person talked about this matter, he was often inconsistent, saying that the types of poisons often mutate.

Also, he took the initiative to reveal that his throat was poisoned, saying that the time of poisoning was 2006 or 2007. What time period was that so outrageous? That’s when all the Fengzi from the Xie family got married and had children...

Feng Zaidu retired from the music scene for three years, focusing on film and television as a star and a tough guy.

You can't say it was Milk Tea Lun who did it.

Do you think the 2006 rising singer is blocking the way? A bit weak.

Following A Biao's words, Hua Zai didn't object. He grabbed the wine glass and said depressedly, "Leave aside (Wanted Order 2) for now, what Wang Jiawei put together (Ashes of Time) is quite sad. Brother Biao, please help me. Give me some advice."

"Should I make this (Ashes of Time)? After all, in order to prove that he can make good movies, he directed (Ashes of Time) by producer Liu Zhenwei, which was also a box office hit."

"Although it is being suppressed and lackluster now, the Hong Kong box office took in 29 million Hong Kong dollars and saved 31 million, which is 60 million."

"The mainland also broke 300 million yuan, which is really super profitable."

Ah Biao was speechless. He looked at Li Saifeng. Ah Feng shrugged and said don't look at me. Yuan Biao then rubbed his forehead and explained, "Leave aside Liu Zhenwei's own talent. Dongchengxi has such achievements. How many of them are due to Ah Rong?" , Ah Xing, Jiahui and the others were attracted to the theater??"

"You can't say it's the director alone. With the help of Zhou Xingxing and Liu Jialing's (New Love), the new comedy film starring the two of them can just dilute the tragic ending of (New Love)."

"Anyway, I think this is not Wang Jiawei's credit..."

Ah Hua once again fell into entanglement. As a relatively righteous and loyal person, now is he really? ? Faced with Lao Wang's entanglement about filming Dong Xi Xi Du, he was too embarrassed to refuse.

Li Saifeng then spoke, "If you want to use Dongxiexidu to make things happen, just use the original cast members?? Even if you are Brother Hua, you have a lot of face. The original cast members don't have more than half a year to cooperate with Director Wang, right?? How many people are waving checks and so on? In line with the schedules of big stars?"

Hua Zai, "..."

Okay, no need to worry.

Even Ah Heng and Jia Ling have produced a version of (New Love), and the final global box office is equivalent to 2.5 billion Hong Kong dollars, 200 million for 2.5 billion, only a few months!

Not to mention Lin Jianyue, who entered the industry a few years ago, how much did Zheng Jiachun earn? ?

At this stage, there are really Chinese rich people around the world, including many white rich people. How many of them are greedy for the huge profits in the film and television industry? ? The main reason is that the cycle is fast! Is Wall Street ready to make a move?

As a superstar who has already become famous, it’s really not like you gave me face with just one sentence, but you muddleheadedly reserved half a year’s schedule for you. What to film and what stories to tell? have no idea? ?

Liu Dehua’s reputation is already huge, right? It would be annoying to ask for it again, "Afeng, you are right, I don't need to worry about it. Lao Wang wants to film Ashes of Time, okay, he can find new actors by himself..."

"If he's not a superstar, he can do whatever he wants."


On New Year's Day, Zhao Donghuai also had a holiday. He was taking care of someone at home in Building 1 of Zhou Huimin Huayuan Phase 1 when he heard the BB machine ringing.

When he caught her and took a look, he discovered that it was a message from Ah Xin, saying that another Hollywood group had offered Winona Ryder a film, the title of which was "Sisters Are Crazy", and the salary was $6 million.

Zhao Donghuai went directly to Ah Xin's house in Building 3. After getting to know the situation in depth, he said, "Since the schedule is around the summer of 1991, she can take it if she wants. (Hearing Girl) will be filmed before the Spring Festival, and it will be filmed after the New Year ( Mermaid) or (Play Back to School 3) will not affect the schedule after summer."

"If she doesn't feel safe then, just send a dozen more Pan-Asian bodyguards to follow her."

The previous two times Winona turned down Hollywood offers for Zhao Films or Chinese-owned films, he didn't know that it was only this time that he had the compensation version (Hearing Girl).

This time he told me in advance and asked about the rough script and story outline, and he remembered that (Sisters Are Too Crazy) is a project promoted by Touchstone Pictures, a brand of the Disney Group.

This movie was released in 1992 and cost US$139 million in North America and US$230 million globally. It was still a major female lead. It tells the story of a nightclub singer who accidentally got involved in a murder case and was hunted down. She was hidden in a convent by the police to save her life.

Then the heroine couldn't stand the ascetic life in the monastery and reformed the choir.

The original heroine was a black actress... but the script was written in 1987. The original screenwriter was targeting a white female singer in Hollywood. It was only when the big singer rejected it that a black actress emerged.

The heroine plays the leading role, the comedy film grossed US$230 million worldwide? ? It is an important part that can be written on your resume.

The salary alone is 46.8 million Hong Kong dollars!

The bombing power of (Spider-Man 1) is evident.

When Zhao Donghuai returned to Building 1, he saw Zhou Huimin walking over and said, "Brother Huai, something strange seems to have happened. The property manager didn't know how to deal with it for a while."

Director Zhao asked in surprise, "What's the matter?"

Amin explained, "It is Huayuan Phase 6, a community in Kowloon Tong. It is a 30-storey residential building facing the street. The shops on the third floor are rented out. The current tenant insists on asking the decoration team to help him remove the load-bearing wall. , and then was caught by security.”

"Now, how to deal with it??"

The people of Zhao Donghuai are confused. Is there such a thing? ? After dozens of seconds, he said uncertainly, "Island people, or CIA? MI6? But it doesn't make sense. If they want to do something, they should do it to me or the building where you live."

"What are you doing to harm people for no reason??"

"First send someone to the police station and charge him with endangering public safety or intentional murder, or... let the unruly police have a trial?? This is a bit nonsense."

If it was the CIA or the island guy from Amei's family who caused trouble to retaliate against him, this... this would not harm Zhao Donghuai himself. In Phase 6 of Huayuan, not to mention that his girlfriends are unoccupied, and ordinary celebrities rarely live there.

If you have the ability, do you come to Huayuan Phase 1 to do this kind of thing? See if Huazhi’s property team will beat the shit out of you?

In a building over 30 stories high, you demolish the load-bearing wall on the third floor? Aren't you looking forward to the collapse of the building? And this is not a problem of one building collapsing. Even if the Huayuan Community has internal green belts and garden squares, the distance between buildings is not too dense.

But a 30-story building suddenly collapsed, and several nearby buildings are in extremely dangerous condition, okay? What if the next door collapses when it collapses? What if the next door collapses and we continue to smash the next door?

Once that thing is successful and the building cracks, there is no other way but to quickly demolish it and rebuild it before the typhoon season comes, okay? Reinforcement? Any typhoon can make you collapse.

Amin frowned, "It seems that he is a nouveau riche who just came to Hong Kong from the Mainland. He said that after renting and renovating, he opened a Western restaurant. He was scolded by the decorator when he started to build equipment for demolishing walls, and was discovered and controlled by the property management."

"The result of the preliminary review is... not too complicated?? It's just a nouveau riche who wants to do things according to his own ideas. The decoration team he invited is also irregular, but some people in the irregular team also advised him that the load-bearing walls cannot be demolished, but he If they don’t listen, they beat and scold them to make them do things.”

Zhao Donghuai was a little suspicious, "Is it that simple? It doesn't make sense..."

"Otherwise, you ask the owners of that building, mainly those who have been carrying mortgage payments for 20 to 30 years, to recruit a group of male owners to help with the review."

"He can rent a floor and open a Western restaurant. I don't believe he would be so stupid."

It’s better not to bother the police now and let the enthusiastic citizens do something on their own. One thing to say is that this kind of thing happened in the first phase of Huayuan. There were many celebrity owners. It really created a dangerous building and involved the flow of hundreds of millions of wealth. .

Celebrities can easily afford it, and the worst they can do is move out and live in a hotel or other properties.

Those who have spent the first half of their lives saving, finally paid the down payment, owed the bank debt for 20 to 30 years, worked hard to repay the loan, what if they suddenly learned that...the house was going to be lost? Who can withstand this sinkhole?

Let’s say that Jim Carrey bought a house in the first phase of Hua Yuan. It cost HK$3 million with more than 130 square meters of shared space. It is a luxury house in Tsim Sha Tsui, but the house price in Kowloon Tong is not much worse than that in Tsim Sha Tsui. Kowloon Tong is also far below the average price. Up.

TVB and ATV were both there before, and now ATV New TV City is also there!

The Regal Villa Street in Kowloon Tong also appeared around the same time as Repulse Bay, Deep Water Bay, etc.

Amin nodded, and after she walked out to make a phone call and told the property company of Huayuan Phase 6, she came back and said, "What if at the end of the trial, you are just a fool?"

"Is it possible to make a movie or TV series about this? There are millions of households, most of which require several generations of a family to provide one house. If one person has a bad idea, it will be ruined."

"That's unreasonable."

"If the property management company hadn't been reliable and stopped the losses in time, the 30-storey building would have been completely destroyed. It would have been demolished and rebuilt and then returned one by one according to the original owner's list. It wouldn't be a big loss for Huazhi. After all, the land money would not be used. I’m repurchasing, but what about the renovation costs for each household?”

"That kind of setback is a bit big, and it can easily affect other buildings and owners in the same community."

The first phase of Huayuan was handed over in April 1988, and the sixth phase of Huayuan was not too late. The houses were only handed over at the beginning of 1990. The fastest owners moved in within half a year. After all, decoration takes time and even more money. Money for decoration!

Which house should not require more than 100,000 yuan in renovation costs? ?

Before she came to report for the first time, she had repeatedly asked the property management company. The first and second preliminary reviews there were 90% sure that the tenant was a fool...

It's not that Hanhan can't do this kind of thing. He spends so much rent to prepare to open a restaurant. If you directly demolish the building into a dangerous building, he won't be able to open his own restaurant. He will also face a collective lawsuit from hundreds of owners and a huge sum of money. Claim.

Zhao Donghuai immediately suspected that the CIA or MI6 were trying to cause trouble to disgust him, or that the islanders were taking revenge on him? This is also the reason.

All the construction machinery used to smash the load-bearing walls were hoisted from the streets. Really... the only thing that was missing was the start of the construction. If the decoration workers hadn't objected, were scolded and almost beaten, and were stopped by the property management in time? ?

Zhao Donghuai fell into silence for a while.

After dozens of seconds of silence, he spoke, "Made into a business war movie? For example, Wang Dehui's real estate sold well, and a terminally ill patient who was ordered to take the money by someone else went to do things like this, with Lao Wang's real estate?"

"If it weren't for the fact that he was terminally ill, collecting money and waiting to die, and it was related to the business wars between tycoons, and it was really a naive protagonist doing things, I'm afraid no one in the audience would believe it?"

"What do you think, Amin?"

Amin held his stomach and took a long breath, "Can the real estate business war be so simple?? If the people hired are more professional, it can really be done."

"Old Li's Cheung Kong still has several commercial buildings in Central and Tsim Sha Tsui, otherwise the market value of Cheung Kong would not have risen to more than 20 billion."

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