Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 355 Viagra, are you still here?

As night fell, Ah Wei happily rushed to his home in Huayuan Phase 6 after his shift. He was a very ordinary young man. He grew up in the Mainland when he was a child. He smuggled himself to Hong Kong to live with his relatives when he was 18 years old. Fortunately, at that time, 1979 , you can get your ID card when you arrive on Hong Kong Island.

I started running a taxi business with my cousin in the early 1980s. He owned his own car and had his own license plate. It can be said that my cousin was already doing very well. He was just using the name of a certain society and the money he earned had to go to the society. One serving.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to keep your license plate!

In the early years, with food, housing and a job, Ah Wei gradually became a veteran driver. Later, he joined New World Passenger Transport and became a glorious and respectable New World employee.

That was Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min's earliest industry, and they are now one of the overlords of passenger transportation on Hong Kong Island.

The salary, salary, leave and benefits are all very good. Generally speaking, Ah Wei is on vacation today on New Year's Day. Didn't he finally buy a house in the sixth phase of Huayuan with the down payment?

After renovation, the monthly mortgage of 3,000 yuan will be repaid for 20 years.

But in his job as a taxi driver in the New World, as long as he works diligently, he can earn a monthly salary of more than 15,000 yuan. If he is more relaxed and lazy, he can earn a minimum salary of more than 6,000 yuan. The mortgage loan of 3,000 yuan is not stressful at all.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have renovated the house.

Ah Wei, now 29 years old, is an ordinary migrant worker with real estate and a high-paying job. He can occasionally go back to his hometown, pick up his parents to live in Hong Kong, try to pick up girls, and even go there for the purpose of getting married.

Just say that he occasionally goes back to his hometown... The matchmakers who come to visit can line up from the entrance to the end of the village. He can choose any handsome girl from anywhere in the world. There is nothing wrong with him. He has a Hong Kong Island ID card and a house!

The official work of New World is eight hours a day, with as many holidays and weekends as the employee groups of thousands of comprehensive supermarkets!

And the salary is much more than 5,000 yuan for a first-level worker in Wanjia.

This is not because Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min wanted to catch up with thousands of families by making welfare. In fact, with tens of millions of tourist passengers every year, there are too many taxis!

The huge number of tourists has benefited many passenger transport operators. On windy and rainy days, when you pass by the streets or near some shops, there will be customers grabbing 50 or 100 bills to tip you, adding money to grab taxis. .

As we all know, Hong Kong Island has typhoon season from May to September!

If you work the night shift and open a rental business, specifically responsible for the nightclubs in East Tsim Sha Tsui and Wan Chai, waiting to attract customers, you will make more money.

Of course, the main reason why Ah Wei can afford the down payment, renovations and loans to buy a house is that in 1986, Zhao Donghuai led the citizens of Haowan, Hong Kong to attack the island country's Japanese currency appreciation, and distributed welfare benefits to let Ah Wei and his old cousin invest together. Car, I made hundreds of thousands lying down.

Only Ah Wei could afford the down payment, so he didn't get the first and second phases of Huayuan, etc. Even the ninth and tenth phases of Tung Chung Huayuan, which were launched in 1986, he didn't grab.

The sixth phase of Kowloon Tong is truly the most valuable asset he has striven for in his life, and the most important guarantee for him to live a solid, smooth and secure life.

With this house in hand, let alone going back to his hometown in the Mainland to randomly pick beautiful girls for blind dates, he can still stand upright even when walking on the streets of Hong Kong Island when picking up girls!

It has been 11 years since his illegal immigration struggle in 1979, and he feels that his life has really not been in vain. Just as Awei was walking home happily, a young man in uniform appeared in a chain store named Baijia on the roadside. Suddenly shouted to him, "Viagra, are you still here? Someone is going to demolish your house."

Ah Wei was startled, turned his head and glanced a few times, then cursed, "Fuck, Yun Zai, we are familiar with each other, we can't make such a joke."

Yunzai, who was wearing a Baijia Surname uniform, scratched his head and said, "How dare I make such a joke? Don't you live in Unit 3, Building 5, Huayuan Phase 6?"

Ah Wei nodded, "Yes."

This place is only a few hundred steps away from the sixth phase of Huayuan. There is also a Baijia chain store on the street. However, he has been driving a taxi for many years, so he is not very familiar with the environment near his home.

Sometimes neighbors would ask him for help when they needed a taxi in an emergency.

Yunzai then spread his hands and said, "That's right. I heard that there is a tenant in Building 5 who rented the entire third floor facing the street to open a restaurant. He used tools to hoist some wall-removing machinery and equipment to remove the load-bearing wall. "

"Do you think, once the load-bearing wall on the third floor is demolished, your No. 5 building will not immediately become a super dangerous building? Next year's typhoon... No, today is New Year's Day. If a No. 8 typhoon signal comes randomly from May to September, how can it withstand it? live?"

Ah Wei was stunned and confused, "Demolish the load-bearing wall on the third floor? Hiss... is this really true? Who wants to take revenge on society, or on someone else?"

He is a taxi driver and doesn't know much about architecture, but he also knows that if you tear down a layer of the load-bearing wall of a skyscraper, it will affect the overall situation.

He also spent more than 100,000 yuan on renovating his own home. He borrowed some money for the renovation and has not yet paid it back.

Yunzai came over and said, "Then I don't know. If the decoration workers hadn't quit and said that the load-bearing walls could not be demolished and the machines had been transported up, how fast would the work have been done? Fortunately, during the quarrel, the property manager went to take him Catch him, otherwise he will be in danger..."

Ah Wei stared at Yunzai for dozens of seconds before he said in a daze, "Is this really happening? Are you kidding me?"

Yunzai was also confused, "Damn it, I said I wasn't joking, it was true!"

Ah Wei's face turned red all of a sudden, "Wori!"

Cursing loudly, he ran home like a 100-meter sprint. That was his house. It was the wealth he had saved after eleven years of hard work. It was the guarantee that he would get married and have children in the future.

It is also his greatest honor every time he returns to his hometown.

A few hundred steps away, Ah Wei ran back to the gate of the community in one breath. In fact, it was still far away, but his heart was entangled. He saw that the entire building of Unit 3 of Building 5 facing the street was still intact and quite new. pretty……

He felt somewhat relieved.

He ran all the way to the entrance of the community. He was not in a hurry to go home. He rushed into the security room at the entrance and said as soon as he entered, "Someone wants to demolish the load-bearing wall on the third floor of my house??"

In the security room, two uniformed security guards nodded together.

Ah Wei suddenly collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath for dozens of seconds, and then hurriedly grabbed a folding stool, "Where's the person? Where is that person? What the hell... Nima..."

A certain security guard then came over with a smile and handed over a cigarette, "Don't worry, Viagra. Let's have a cigarette first. After all, the matter is under control. The decoration workers know what's appropriate and insisted not to move when they found out it was a load-bearing wall."

"The tenant himself didn't know how to operate the machine."

Ah Wei carried the folding stool and shouted angrily, "You shouldn't have let him hoist the machine up. If he gets there a little later, who will come with him if something goes wrong?!"

There are three units on the 33rd floor of Building 5. Each unit has one staircase and two households on each floor. There are less than 200 owner families in total. After all, some of them are double-story duplexes.

Any small house costs about 3 million, and a double-storey duplex is naturally more expensive.

The security guards were not annoyed at being sprayed. They were just from the property management company, and it was owners like Ah Wei who collected property fee services. He could only explain, "At first, the bad guy said that non-load-bearing walls would be demolished and some more would need to be built." Private room.”

"Viagra, you also know that the three units in Building 5 are connected together in one building, and the three-story shop is very large."

"When the man said he wanted to renovate, we had already provided the architectural drawings, and the owner who bought the three-story shop was not in Hong Kong and had gone back to the mainland to do business..."

Ah Wei's eyes were still red, "I don't care about this. Where are the people? Where is that guy? Who is this guy? Is he tearing down the wall? He is tearing down my life!!"

It’s not that the decoration workers knew that some walls couldn’t be demolished, but if they were struggling with the tenants, and the property owner was delayed, the home would be lost!

Once the demolition is completed and the wall cracks, what next? His house is on the 20th floor, can he still live in it? Still dare to live? Can it be sold?

Is the hundreds of thousands of renovation money completely wasted? Even if the furniture can still be shipped, what about the 20-year mortgage? Will the bank forgive him, a stowaway from 11 years ago?

When he mentioned this, the security guard nodded, "He's still in the shop on the third floor. More than thirty owners have already gone to greet him... Viagra, you must have come back late. After all, it's New Year's Day and many people are resting at home."

Ah Wei turned around and ran away. It was impossible to tell that he had just sprinted several hundred meters and was running faster than the athletes in the sports school while carrying a folding stool.

There are more than 100 owners of Building 5. Many of them are resting at home on New Year's Day, but many of them are traveling or returning to the mainland.

There are also many people like Ah Wei who work overtime or adjust their off-duty hours.

Anyway, when Ah Wei arrived at the third-floor shop facing the street in Building 5, what he saw was someone screaming like a slaughtered pig, crying and begging not to fight, he wanted to call the police, he wanted to see a doctor... …

Ah Wei carried a folding stool and walked towards the hall. Several familiar male owners also saw him and immediately greeted him, "A Wei, you still have the tools? But you are late, I guess there is nothing wrong with you."

"If I fight again, I'm going to have to rush to the white car."

Another owner also wiped his sweat and said, "It's just New Year's Day today, so he gave me such a great new year celebration. I was sleeping, and it almost scared me out of my mind. Fortunately, the decoration team he found was not very good." It’s regular, there are a few illegal workers from the mainland.”

"But those black workers also know the importance and proportion..."

Ah Wei gritted his teeth and nodded, not in the mood to respond to the neighbor's greetings. He just leaned in. When the crowd finally separated, he saw a few tough men greeting someone with fists and kicks. Anyway, they were beaten quite badly.

There are also several real estate agents on the side who explain on the spot where to fight and where not to be ruthless, as it is easy to cause life-threatening lawsuits.


The police have come several times, and they have all been invited to drink tea by the property owners and property owners. After all, you can say that today’s incident is a deliberate endangerment of public safety, or it can be said to be a wanton destruction of a major event for hundreds of Hong Kong Island citizens. private property.

The same goes for deliberate and malicious murder!

What specific crimes do the police have to interrogate even if they arrest someone? Considering that the police force at this stage needs to pursue the quality of the police force? ? It is better to let the owners work.

Ah Wei continued to move forward, raising the folding stool to strike harshly. A property manager hurriedly hugged him, "Viagra calm down, you can easily kill someone like this."


On January 3, Zhao Donghuai drove Xiaoxian on a two-lane highway in Anhui Province. The road conditions were very good. When they entered the county town, they saw the landmark-style five-story Wanjia comprehensive retailer from a distance. overtake.

He couldn't help but sigh, "After nine months, we finally got it done. We can still arrange a wave for Wanjia Cinemas before the Spring Festival."

Xiaoxian nodded excitedly, "With so many workers taking turns to work, it's been half a year of major infrastructure construction in the two provinces. The wages are sufficient, and the people in the county are eager to visit Wanjia."

In the past, when winter came, young men and women in county towns or rural areas wanted to go on blind dates, go shopping, etc., and the best experience was to go to the city or provincial capital.

No need now. This winter we can let Wanjia Cinema and Huazhi Chains bloom all over the county level. Even the primary and secondary school teaching buildings they donated have been erected just waiting for the students to move to new homes. .

Of course, the teaching building does not have floor heating and air conditioning. After all, the nature is different.

The Wanjia and Huazhi chains are for-profit, and they can rely on their profits to pay the electricity and heating bills. The teaching building donated by Xiaoxian and the others is just a sum of money for building the building. It is inappropriate to say that they will help pay the heating bills and summer bills year after year. air conditioning electricity bill.

There are more than one hundred counties and county-level cities, three to four million Wanjia buildings, Zhao's logistics parking lots and office buildings, and the buildings of Huazhi chain. They are just furniture...whether they are wooden tables, chairs or metal folding Chairs, etc., have added a wave of large sales to Xiaoxian's furniture factory.

Zhao Donghuai will come back today, just to run around and feel how the road conditions are like after fighting for more than half a year. In more than four months, the East China flood in 1991 will come, no matter how hard we build water conservancy projects and dredge rivers and lakes.

The current cement facilities and drainage channels are still unable to withstand the heavy rain that has lasted for more than two months. At most, the hazard level of the disaster can be reduced by several levels.

So when rain and floods break out, tens of thousands of large trucks are rushing on the road, which is very meaningful for timely rescue and assistance.

He got off the plane from Nandu and drove himself all the way. It took more than a day, and the road was already very smooth, and it was a good road with two lanes in both directions.

At least the drive from Nandu to Shucheng is very convenient.

Zhao Donghuai also drove a large car, a specially customized RV. The two of them rested in the RV last night. When the curtains were drawn and the lights turned on, there were not only two sleeping positions, but also good kitchen and bathroom equipment.

There is only a single-story RV, and there is a dedicated single-table dining room for rest and experience. It can be said that this RV looks ordinary on the surface. It is just a large black truck with a bus-like body and a body length of more than ten meters. rice.

But the interior structure was extremely superior and comfortable, and there was a door leading to the car behind the driver's seat. After all, that was about a year before Amin became pregnant.

Amin's mother wanted to see more of the mountains and rivers in the mainland, so Zhao Donghuai planned to customize a RV for a year or two. With his financial resources, what kind of RV couldn't be built? ?

This RV has six wheels instead of four. Zhao Donghuai is so tall that he has to jump to reach the roof when he stands in the carriage. The sound insulation quality is also top-notch.

There are a total of ten such RVs.

In the past, the road conditions in the mainland were mediocre and not suitable for traveling to counties and villages. Now I am experiencing a self-driving tour in the early 1990s. It is more comfortable than the self-driving tour in the 2020s. Now the roads are narrow, but there are fewer cars!

There is naturally no shortage of vehicles in Nandu, Jingcheng, Shanghai, Yangcheng and other major cities, but after he drove across the Nandu Yangtze River Bridge and drove all the way, what he saw the most were the large trucks of Wanjia Logistics.

Taxis and private cars are still rare.

Seeing that it was almost dark, Xiaoxian said happily, "Will you stay in the car at night?"

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "Okay, after all, Huazhi and Wanjia haven't officially opened yet."

In more than 100 counties and county-level cities, the progress is still fast or slow. In some counties, not only the buildings have been completed and the water, electricity and floor heating have been connected, but the decoration has also been completed, and many are still under decoration.

If you really want Wanjia and Huazhi clusters to open, it will have to be the end of January or early February.

It is normal for such a large car to bring its own spare fuel tank and backup power equipment. The self-driving experience is very good. The only test is the driving skills and road recognition.

After all, this is not an era where mobile phone navigation is turned on and one can run from Tiannan to Haibei without getting lost.

After he asked Xiaoxian to put on a mask, hat and sunglasses, he got out of the car and walked around the Wanjia Supermarket waiting for its opening for a few times before going to the logistics and transportation center to inspect with satisfaction.

This kind of inspection also asks how the roads from the county to various villages are being constructed... The situation is very good. The asphalt roads or cement roads between counties and villages are also repaired with two lanes, and they are complete and well-connected. To the countryside? It is not yet covered by cement roads, but it can be guaranteed by compacted rammed earth roads.

This involves more than 3 million supermarkets in more than 100 counties, purchasing rice, vegetables and fruits directly from farmers!

Without middlemen, farmers can earn more, and everyone is not stupid. Many of them bring their own dry food, or the village pools their own money to hire large trucks to crush the rammed earth roads.

In the past, if they grew good vegetables, melons and fruits, they had to drive or hire a car to bring them to the county town to sell on the streets, or sell them to the vegetable market...

We have to walk anyway, not to mention the cost on the way. Some emergency fresh vegetables and fruits may be squeezed and damaged. Wanjia's fleet goes directly to the village to collect. How much errand time, energy and manpower are saved for farmers?

And the price they paid for it was better than renting a car yourself and setting up a stall in the county to sell it. It is related to the personal welfare of countless farmers in the two provinces. You really don’t have to wait for county and township leaders to allocate money to build roads. The villages themselves are eager to raise funds.

The construction process of rammed earth roads requires the use of manpower other than machinery. Many people in the same village work together to do the work.

You can't say that it took more than half a year to build so many roads out of thin air. Again, repairing the original county roads, township roads, and village roads is not a two-way four-lane or six-lane model all at once. , just two lanes.

You can really do a lot in 9 months.

By the time he left the RV in the parking lot of Nandu Zhao's Logistics Center and flew back to Hong Kong, it was already the 7th.

On the 7th, the second week data of (Spider-Man 1) also came out, with more than 75 million US dollars in North America, which was a lot more than the more than 60 million in the first week. This is a lot of big movies. It's hard to accumulate 70 million dollars in this era.

For example, (Edward Scissorhands), the North American box office was only over 55 million US dollars... The Winona Redgar-Jennifer Aniston version (The Mermaid), the North American box office ended up being just over 33 million US dollars.

Spider-Man's performance of $122 million in the next week once again shocked the world of cinema.

Because Monica Bellucci is the largest shareholder of Marvel Group, she was suddenly sought after by countless capitals, lobbying her to support the listing of comics!

How many superheroes does the Marvel Group have when a Spider-Man is such a loser in the first movie that he has no friends? In the Marvel Universe, Spider-Man is just a kid, okay? ?

Even Monica, the godfather of the Mafia, began to become a guest of Wall Street tycoons. In 1992, Soros severely sniped a handful of pounds, and he only made 1 billion US dollars.

How much box office revenue does the first Spider-Man film have to earn? How much revenue does it earn from video tapes, and how much does it earn from selling peripherals? ?

Johnny Depp, who is still filming the second season of Friends, has reportedly received a $10 million film offer from Hollywood.

Depp has not directly signed the contract, but Murdoch has already sent people to snap up the broadcast rights for the first season of (Friends), not only the Fox TV network in North America, but also his Star TV in Yanlun, adding up to 500 Ten thousand dollars, Zhao Donghuai sold it very happily. After all, with the popularity of the TV series, this is creating stars for the Hong Kong film industry.

It would be so cool if Depp could lead three Chinese stars, Law Jialiang, Chen Jinhong, and Xiao Yingying, to become popular in A Mei's family, including Yin Lun.

The broadcasting rights are not expensive, but the advertising placement is stable. The protagonist group performs sitcoms every day, and the food, clothing and drinks are either from the Han Dynasty, the East or Five Thousand Years, or they are selling many products from East Asia and Southeast Asia.

The audience has seen too much, do you want to buy it?

Even if there are bans from groups such as Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, there may not be middlemen who will try to bring a wave of products back for sale.

It was under such circumstances that Zhao Donghuai got the script of the police action blockbuster (big event). This big event had nothing to do with the 2004 version starring Chen Huilong, Zha Zhahui, and Ren Xianqi.

This is a new commercial district building built by Wang Dehui Commercial Group. The sales were so popular that Lao Li arranged for people to demolish the load-bearing wall on the third floor, resulting in a super dangerous building. Wang Sheng's carefully built real estate project collapsed. Chinachem's market value plummeted. Lao Li took the opportunity to buy the bottom. , Snake swallows sheep, Cheung Kong swallows Chinachem's business war blockbuster!

All it takes is a terminally ill patient to rent a certain floor with money, the shop is being renovated, deal with the property management team, quietly pull the equipment upstairs, and hire a decorator to remove the load-bearing wall.

Then the police came. They were faced with a situation that caused the walls of more than 30 floors of a prosperous office building to crack and crack more than 20 floors. The tenants ran away in fear. Only the commercial building owner group was left crying without tears and bleeding. Even if a lawyer sued, The wall demolishers are also pushing two, five, and six.

Anyway, I have no money, so you can sentence me however you want... There is no death penalty on Hong Kong Island. I am in prison in the late stage of terminal illness, and you still have to help me treat my illness.

It’s just the collapse of the Chinachem Group.

Of course, on the surface it was a self-renovation incident by the tenant. After a private investigation by the police and detectives, Lao Li was eventually found out and sent to jail.

It's half-cop police solving crimes, and there's a lot of courtroom drama...

After watching (the big event), Zhao Donghuai looked melancholy, "So, whoever went to Building 5 of Donghuayuan Phase 6 is really a fool?"

Qiu Shuzhen had a messy look on her face, "From the 1st to today, the 7th, I have been interrogated many times, and there are still many enthusiastic citizens. It is really a swindler who ran Moscow's international trade and made a fortune."

"Even though he has made tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars, he still eats Western food in Moscow. However, he still likes the environment here on Hong Kong Island and came to invest in opening a Western restaurant. He also hired several chefs from Moscow, specializing in furry bears. cuisine, but the chef also knows some French and Italian dishes.”

"It's doing pretty well."

In seven days, we continued to trace all the way, not to mention a certain tenant himself, even up to two generations in his family, everything was clear and traceable.

Zhao Donghuai also has many friends in the mainland.

As for Azhen, her siblings own one of the largest decoration companies in Hong Kong. Faced with such a script, she was also surprised and felt that her views were challenged.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Then call Lao Wang and let him play his true character like in Police Story 3. You can choose Lao Li's role as you like. The same goes for the police and tenants."

"This project...it's really a bit weird."

He doesn't know what the film will look like, and whether it will be a hit at the box office. Even if it is released after filming, the audience will suddenly realize and discover a new business war model after seeing it? ?

The special effects still need to be done well. The special effect of cracking a wall dozens of stories high is actually very easy to do. It is really not difficult to just find a building and apply a little black paint on it to create the visual effect of cracking.

It's as easy as the special effect of an actor facing the camera to show off a few missing teeth. You can do it by wearing black dental stickers and doing some post-production.

Just show the facts to the public, real estate developers are fighting and demolishing buildings? He even showed the gangsters that they could not only use bombs, bullets, etc. to extort and kidnap, but also demolish buildings? Can you also blackmail the rich? ?

Serious decoration companies and groups will definitely not accept this kind of business. They really need those illegal workers to listen to the boss's instructions and do things.

Will this change the working mode of gangsters in reality? ? After all, it doesn’t seem to cost much to hire people with terminal illnesses to do work.

Just get the things done, send them to the corresponding place, and wait for the construction to start... Call the super owner of the commercial building and ask for money? If you don’t give it, then tear it down? It's a lot of money once you take it apart.

This method has no specificity for ordinary residential areas. For example, the authentic Building 5 of Huayuan Phase 6 has more than 100 families and more than 100 owners, and many of them are burdened with mortgage loans? You simply can't do precise blackmail.

Only large groups such as Cheung Kong, Chinachem, and New World Properties that own commercial buildings in prosperous areas can afford ransom or extortion money.


Yongsheng Movies.

Wu Yusen knocked on Xiang Laoshi's door with a high-spirited look. At this moment, not only Lao Shi was inside the door, but Thirteen was also there.

Seeing Lao Wu, the two brothers Xiang were very happy and greeted him warmly. Lao Shi also took the initiative to pour wine and light cigars for Lao Wu. After all, the last movie (The Bloody Heroes) really made hundreds of millions of yuan in box office profits. , you can also look forward to the video tape in the future.

What's more, the Taiping Wheel blockbuster is also in steady progress...the script has been finalized, and the reservoir studio, including the scheduled boat, is getting better and better, and the actors? ?

Lao Wu took a sip of wine, puffed on his cigar, and said with a smile, "Brother Ten, Brother Thirteen, (Spider-Man 1) earned US$103 million in Europe and the United States in the first weekend, and US$122 million in the second week. Tsk, it took 225 million in two weeks." Billions of dollars."

"East Asia and Southeast Asia are also experiencing explosive lawlessness. The mainland has 450 million yuan, South Korea and Thailand each have about 200 million Hong Kong dollars, and together with Hong Kong Haowan, it has exceeded 1 billion Hong Kong dollars."

"You said our Taiping Wheel, can we invite Depp and Winona to star?? These two Spider-Man couple partners, joining the Taiping Wheel would be too appealing..."

Xiang Laoshi, "..."

Item Thirteen, "..."

The two brothers looked at each other for a while, and then Thirteen said, "Director Wu, the salaries of those two people have exceeded 100 million, and our company is not a subsidiary of the Zhao family. Even if they want to invite Mr. Zhao to become a shareholder, they still don't like it."

You have a good idea. Recruiting celebrities such as Ah Fa, Jiahui, Zhao Yazhi, Liu Xiaoli, etc. is already a huge salary expense. Which man doesn't have tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars? Although the woman is still in contact, the number is still between four and five million.

We haven’t invited Ah Wing and Andy yet. Lao Wu wanted to invite them, but those two were not available.

Old Wu smiled kindly, "We can pursue capital. Anyway, the Li family's banner is here. As long as Mr. Li dares to pursue capital, what do we have to fear? There were also white people living in Shanghai who got on board in 1949."

Were there any white people on the sunken terrarium? It doesn’t matter, I can adapt it for the sake of art.

"Since Mr. Zhao agrees that we can take advantage of Titanic, can we ask Depp to play the role of a poor boy who falls in love with a rich white man? We don't have to be as unrestrained as in Titanic, but be more reserved. Mixing love and disaster will make it more interesting." It’s easy to impress people.”

Xiang Shisan instinctively felt that something was wrong...

Lao Wu hurriedly explained, "European and American box office needs Depp. Now even (Friends) has begun to be broadcast on Fox TV Network and Star TV, taking North America and the United States by storm."

Item Thirteen, "..."

He heard that Winona has signed a Hollywood film contract with a film contract of 6 million US dollars, and Depp has also received a contract with 10 million US dollars, 16 million US dollars for two people? ? 124 million Hong Kong dollars.

Coupled with Ah Fa, Liang Jiahui and others, Ma's salary exceeded 150 million? ?

This is too outrageous! Robbers robbing banks are not that outrageous.

Lao Wu continued to drink, "It's only been two weeks, and Spider-Man 1 has already grossed more than 2.7 billion Hong Kong dollars at the global box office. This does not include the island country market, because it is sold out of the port."

"If Wanjia really enters the theater chain of the island country in the future, I think it won't be too long ago. Even if the island country also gets a share of the theater chain?? By the way, do you want to add a love scene between men and women who are prisoners of war from the island country? For the sake of the market. "

Xiang Laoshi frowned, "Isn't this inappropriate? I usually don't watch romance movies. It's not appropriate to have too much romance in a disaster movie, isn't it?"

He suddenly felt that without Director Lan in charge, Lao Wu was a little distracted.

Lao Wu continued to raise his glass with a smile, "For the sake of the market, Brother Ten, Brother Thirteen, look at a Sakai spring water that can double the ratings of (The Voice of Asia) in island countries. Isn't this making money from the market? Let's invite her If you play an island girl, the box office of the island country will not be bad."

"Also, I think the originally planned ship with a displacement of less than 3,000 tons is a bit too small. It doesn't have as much visual impact as a large ship like the Titanic."

Xiang Laoshi and Thirteen looked at each other again.

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