Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 356 Isn’t it bad for you to deceive people like this?

The two brothers of the Xiang family were still hesitating and struggling. Old Wu held up a big cigar and puffed away the smoke and said, "Brother Ten, how did you decide to make a big investment (crazy Givenchy/big shot) back then? Isn't that also a global investment? A total box office of more than 1.5 billion Hong Kong dollars?"

"Brother Hua is an action superstar and the king of Asian music. His appeal is worthy of a big investment!"

"Cheng Long's Police Story 4 cost 430 million U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to more than 3.3 billion Hong Kong dollars. It was also because Aaron's action star and Bruce Willis supported each other, and it exploded. This made Zheng Jiachun make a lot of money. Zheng Sheng is the third shareholder of New World Pictures."

"There is also the Hui family's (New Love), which cost 200 million Hong Kong dollars and achieved a box office result of 2.5 billion."

"With so many examples here, why are you still hesitating??"

Don't blame Lao Wu for his arrogant pursuit of funding and making big blockbusters. After being banned for a few years, who doesn't feel resentful anymore?

He just wants to use Tai Ping Wheel to completely prove himself. Not only can he make money through the two parts of "The True Colors of a Hero" and "The Bloody Heroes", he will earn not much less than Xu Ke. Once he is given power and supported, he will also make money. Can surpass Xu Ke!

The True Character of a Hero is his masterpiece of "I will definitely get back what I lost" after squeezing out his resentment for several years.

(The Taiping Wheel) can also be more brilliant.

He invited Ah Fa, Liang Jiahui, Liu Xiaoli, and Zhao Yazhi. Isn't it just that the rich and famous ladies, handsome or beautiful, attract countless fans, and then let this beautiful love and family be destroyed in the disaster?

It’s not bad to add Depp and Winona.

Xiang Laoshi was confused and confused. He opened his mouth to refute, but for a moment he didn't know how to refute? ? Does Lao Wu make sense? If you want the European and American market, you have to add people. Let's just say (Big Shot) was released in Europe and the United States and sold out. In addition to the appeal of Andy Lau, the action star and the king of Asian music circles.

The white version of the actress who is friends with Andy in that movie is Nicole Kidman, which is a European and American version that sells feelings... Nicole and Andy were filmed together (Juno) as a couple.

The female star who was ruined by the second youngest son of the Li family, Zhang Yaoyang, was also Jennifer Aniston.

With the support of two blond men, Oga Mei (big shot) sold 115 million U.S. dollars at the box office.

Although this 115 million is not as high as the second week of (Spider-Man 1), it is really money! !

When Wu Yusen was about to open his mouth to say something, Xiang Shisan suddenly waved his hand and interrupted, "Director Wu, I know what you are thinking. In this case, you can let Brother Ten and I think about it."

"Even if you want to pursue capital, you have to inform Deng Yurong and Wang Yu, right? If you want to increase money, you have to discuss it with Mr. Li, right?"

"Also, please ask Depp and Winona Ryder to really seriously consider it. Don't even think about changing the boat. We have to respect the facts."

Just off the mark, a passenger ship with a displacement of 3,000 tons feels too small? Not visually impactful enough, not as big as the Titanic? If we really want to go on the Titanic, will we have to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in a large ship model?

They themselves were inspired by (Titanic), and of course they also explored and discussed how much it would cost to build a model as huge as Titanic...

The orders given by Zhao's Special Effects Base start at US$50 million!

How can we take pictures of Taiping? One ship is not enough, two ships collided and sank together!

If Wu had not already taken advantage of "The Bloody Duo" and proved that he could really make money, and "Tai Ping Wheel" had also taken this step, we would have officially started filming in a little while. Believe it or not, Old Thirteen would have thought How many times did you punch him?

You don’t deceive investors like this and make money!

Do you think their money is not money?

After he calmed down Lao Wu and sent him away, Xiang Laoshi said, "Do you really want to pursue funding? Ask Depp for 10 million US dollars, 78 million Hong Kong dollars? Even if the actress doesn't hire Winona, Asking Jennifer Aniston would cost three to four million dollars, right?"

Xiang Shisan shook his head, "Don't worry, even if we invite white male and female celebrities to come, it won't all be paid for by us? There are several investors, and we will be allocated up to 20 million Hong Kong dollars in pursuit of capital."

Old Eleven looked confused, "Twenty million is not something that cannot be considered, but what if we lose the money??"

Xiang Shisan was silent.

What should I do if I lose? ? The previous total investment was already around 200 million. How about adding an additional 100 million in salary to hire big stars? Lost? ?

Xiang Laoshi said again, "If we pay compensation, even if Wu is treated as a 007 movie machine like Chu Yuan, he won't be able to pay back. Besides, we don't have any theaters for bad movies."

Just then there was a knock on the door. When Lao Shi stopped talking and shouted to come in, he realized that Wu Yusen, who was slightly drunk, was back. Xiang Lao Shi smiled and said, "Director Wu?"

Lao Wu burped a little and said excitedly, "Brother Ten, Brother Thirteen, I thought of another idea. If we white actresses don't hire Winona Ryder, hiring the princess would actually be very effective."

"Didn't the princess like pop music and Michael Jackson? She even went to see Brother Ah Rong perform concerts and tours in Europe and the United States several times? If the princess was invited to be the white heroine through Brother Ah Rong, what would happen? A huge profit!"

"If you offer millions of dollars in salary to directly invite people, that would be a good intention to do bad things, and it will anger the other party. But if you say that the salary will be used directly as charity funds for charity, and then 20% of the box office will be used for charity afterwards. Doing charity is all charity done in her name.”

"That person may not be moved, right?"

Xiang Laoshi was stunned for another few dozen seconds and said uncertainly, "Faye Wong? That new female singer? Wang Jingwen?"

Old Wu shook his head quickly, "How could it be her? What kind of talent does she have? I mean the princess, Diana."

Xiang Shisan sprayed most of Director Wu's body with a puff.

Old Wu didn't mind. He wiped it casually and said excitedly, "The princess is still deeply affected by the Wenxiang Nephrite incident and is very passive in public opinion. The suspicion of cuckoldry against the crown prince is also very serious."

"How can it not be a sensation if we launch a big publicity campaign in the name of charity?"

Xiang Laoshi, "..."

His heart was shamefully moved, but what was even more damning was that the fire of gossip was burning brightly. After all, some hats were worth gossiping about. He is just a short mule, if he can eat that big melon...

Taking a long breath of cold air, Xiang Laoshi couldn't help but sigh, "You are so talented, Director Wu. It's not easy to contact us about this kind of thing, right?"

Old Wu was so excited that he was a little unsteady on his feet, "How do you know if you don't try? Contact Brother Ah Rong? I heard that Jackson and her are good friends. She likes music, and Ah Rong is also the King of Asia. There is really a way to contact her."

“Doing charity is a big plus!”

Xiang Lao Shi looked at Thirteen, who covered his heart and said, "You are a devil."

With such an outrageous and unreasonable proposal, why did he feel like he had a chance to be persuaded?

The crown prince for more than thirty years?


On January 8, as soon as Zhao Donghuai was sitting in the office, he saw Qiu Shuzhen coming over and said, "Boss, Ah Xing is here. He said he was undecided about something and wanted to ask you to check it out."

Zhao Donghuai was slightly surprised, but nodded, "Let him come in."

When he saw Zhou Xingxing, he smiled and threw a cigar over, "Isn't the dust settled on (New Love)? Your transformation masterpiece can be considered a success. At least both the film critics and the audience are impressed by your acting skills. Approved.”

"Is there anything else you can't decide on?"

(New Love) has made Jim Carrey and Jia Ling famous all over the world. In fact, Xing Zai has also benefited a lot. At least the audience really doesn't think he is just a comedian anymore. There was a lot of controversy when it was first released. .

Now that's all basically settled.

Ah Xing hurriedly thanked him, then sat down and smiled bitterly, "It's like this, that old Wang who likes to wear sunglasses wanted me to shoot Ip Man, the new version of Ip Man, and said that I can also become a kung fu superstar, with my martial arts With my basic skills, I don’t need to practice hard all over again to shoot this.”

"I have asked Brother Biao and Brother Sanmao, and they don't object to me setting up an Ip Man project again, but I'm afraid... Wang Jiawei is unreliable."

"Sheng Zhao, what do you think makes that person more reliable? I also admit that that guy is talented. (Carmen in Mongkok) was a good film and he gained both fame and fortune. (Days of Being Wild), although it is a bit nonsensical, is a waste film. He was able to make a watchable movie out of it, and he also took an artistic route..."

Zhao Donghuai was surprised, "He filmed Ye Man??"

(Second Biography of the Grandmaster's Palace)? This is really... This is really not a bad movie. It should be said that since Adam's version of Ip Man in the original track, so many film and television companies have launched projects on Ip Man. Leaving aside Adam, Ah Wei's Ip Man is the most famous.

Produced from 2002 to 2013? ?

That’s not right. From 2002 to 13, Lao Wang also led the team to make several other movies, but (The Grandmaster) had a more difficult delivery.

It seems that Lao Wang himself spent three years visiting more than a hundred folk Kung Fu masters across the country to learn from them? And made Zhang Zhen practice Bajiquan hard for three years?

Zhou Xingxing nodded, "I have decided on a name (Grandmaster), but there is no script. He also said that if I support it, it may take some time to research and compile the script. He is going to visit some folk kung fu masters. If he chooses an actor, he will needs time……"

"He also said that I can schedule other films at will, but if I need to appear, I can temporarily free up a small schedule."

"The entire (Grandmaster) staff divided schedules around me and changed the shooting plan at will."

Zhao Donghuai was dumbfounded, "Why didn't he shoot (Dong Xi Xi Du)? Instead, he used this bait to catch you?"

Zhou Xingxing smiled bitterly again, "He also wanted to film with the original cast of (Eastern and Western). Brother Hua said that you should talk to the actors yourself. After running for several days, you got a lot of rejections."

"You just came to talk to me about this..."

"I also know that this person is poisonous, so why don't you ask me to play a new version of Ip Man and create the image of a kung fu superstar? Even if I feel poisonous, doesn't it mean I can't give it a try?"

The King of Sunglasses still has a lot of skills in fishing, otherwise the original trajectory would not be catching celebrities one after another, jumping into pits again and again, remembering to eat but not to fight, and continue to be tricked.

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Since you already want to jump into the trap, why do you come to ask me? Anyway, the conditions he offered are not too bad, and your Hundred Years Pictures is not short of production fees for a movie."

"It's okay. Come on, wait until he has done the research and plans to start filming. It's not too late to adjust your schedule."

If a devilish person like Lao Wang had been running for three years to do research as in the original trajectory, then the entanglement of the stars in front of him would be completely meaningless.

I just don’t know how many actors will be tricked by him this time.

It can’t be said that they were all cheated. At least the original track (The Grandmaster’s Palace II), the finished film still looks good. The martial arts scenes are also different from the gorgeous action films of Adam Ip Man. He endured the martial arts. The atmosphere is still very good.

Gong Er also made a comeback with the help of this movie.

The movie's box office was not bad, and the awards were so good that it made my hands weak. Unfortunately, in the original track, Ah Wei was beaten by the second palace... The international chapter won a lot of Best Actress trophies, and Ah Wei's nominations were not too many.

You said that Wang Jiawei originally prepared this script in 1997, and announced the title and starring role in 2002. In this dimension? Ip Man's four-part series in this dimension appeared earlier. Ip Man 3 grossed US$400 million at the global box office.

Lid has become an international superstar, and it is normal for Lao Wang to be aroused in advance to be creative.

Once Upon a Time became a big hit, and many film crews followed suit and filmed Once Upon a Time.

Zhou Xingxing was overjoyed, "With your words from Mr. Zhao, I feel relieved. Then we will set up a project like this."

In fact, as Zhao Donghuai complained, when he asked this question, he was already very inclined to accept the filming, otherwise he wouldn't have explained so much...

This is nothing more than the original lack of confidence, lack of confidence, and fear of accidents. Find more people to ask and talk to, so that you can build some psychological security for yourself.

Based on the current size of 100 Years Pictures, and the wealth of Zhou Xingxing (Tang Dynasty Explosive Pissing Cow Pills) who has steadily sold more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars for several consecutive months, I am really not afraid that a movie will suffer a huge loss and cause strong negative effects. .

The movie (God of Cookery) was not only a box office hit, but also generated an exaggerated amount of revenue for his catering group. Even if the monthly sales exceed 100 million, the net profit may only be 20 to 30 million, which is still money.

Then, the news about director Wang Jiawei of 100 Years Pictures has been recognized by big stars that he is actually a cheat... but it is still super attractive to newcomers who are not well-known actors and want to seize the opportunity to rise.

Plus starring Zhou Xingxing? ?

As soon as this project spread, it bombarded the Chinese film and television industry after New Year's Day. Zhou Xingxing is not only the king of comedy, but also has kung fu movies (Shaolin Football), talking about acting and performance, (New Love) has exceeded 2.5 billion worldwide At the Hong Kong dollar box office, Ah Xing contributed at least more than 1 billion in appeal.

At least the mainland, Hong Kong, Thailand, and South Korea were all initiated by him.

When countless recommendation materials were rapidly flowing into 100 Years Pictures looking for opportunities, Zhou Xingxing called the Sunglasses King to his office and handed him a cigarette, "Old Wang, tell me everything. You can do research and visit Kung Fu masters." , plus how much time does it take to write the script?"

"Although (The Grandmaster) will change the shooting plan around my schedule, I must at least have a foundation."

Wang Jiawei scratched his head and extended two fingers to indicate.

Zhou Xingxing breathed out, "Okay, two months is just two months..."

As he was talking, he saw that Lao Wang's expression was a little strange, and Axing said in shock, "What do you mean?"

Wang Jiawei sneered, "I think it will take about two years, right?"

Ah Xing was immediately dumbfounded.

After he finally controlled his emotions and controlled his expression, he said in disbelief, "It took you two years to do a survey? Are you kidding me? Isn't it just to visit some Kung Fu masters?"

Wang Jiawei continued to explain with a smile, "Master Xing, it's like this. Although I haven't thought about this idea for a long time, it was inspired by the failure of the invitation (Ashes of Time). But filming the story of Ip Man, Kung Fu Master's .”

"Actually, I want to shoot group portraits and historical changes, and capture epic backgrounds such as national hatred and family hatred, and talk about the old and new heritage and feelings of the kung fu world."

"So I wanted to make a bigger picture, not only traveling all over the world, but also understanding a lot of past events. I feel that Ip Man, such as Brother Biao and Brother Sanmao, pays more attention to business, and the description of the epic changes is a bit superficial."

Zhou Xingxing took a deep breath again, "You should have said it earlier, you should have said it earlier..."

If you had told me earlier, why would he hesitate and go to Zhao Sheng for comfort? Two years of research and two years before starting a group?

Thinking of this, Ah Xing suddenly waved his hand, "Wait a minute, the two years you estimated...forget it, even if it really starts filming in two years, why do you want me to send out news to recruit actors now?"

Lao Wang scratched his head, "Master Xing, your own kung fu foundation is here, other actors may not be able to do it? In my ideal, it is not just about Wing Chun, it may involve Bagua, Xingyi, Tai Chi, etc."

"Now we're looking for actors and asking them to practice boxing for two years. Once I finish the script, we can start filming it according to your schedule, Mr. Xing."

Zhou Xingxing was dumbfounded again, "It's not good for you to deceive people like this, isn't it?"

Wang Jiawei hurriedly explained, "How can this be called cheating? Other actors really don't have the Kung Fu foundation you have, Mr. Xing. They can't cast Li Lianjie as a supporting role? I think someone named Zhao Wenzhuo can also give it a try."

"But he probably has some problems with his acting skills at the moment. It will take him a year and a half to learn acting, right?"

"Either regular actors lack kung fu skills, or those who are proficient in martial arts lack acting skills... So these two years have replaced the educational learning opportunities at martial arts schools or acting colleges."

When Lao Wang explained this, Ah Xing became suspicious. What Lao Wang said seemed to make sense? ? What is the significance of the existence of martial arts schools? What is the significance of Asian Theater Academy?

You want to just pick up a handsome guy or girl from the street and start shooting right away? It seems that the other party has won the first prize, but for those who have graduated from formal martial arts schools or professional classes, doesn't it mean that their studies have been in vain?

Even Ah Xing himself was in a regular TVB training class. After working as a supporting actor for a few years, he gradually worked his way up from the supporting actor role in "Super Body".

In this dimension, he also entered the industry in 1980 and took over the funny male policeman in (Super Body) at the end of 1984. It took more than four years...

After defeating Wang Jiawei's logic, he complained, "There are no candidates with good acting skills and good kung fu skills at this stage, such as Li Saifeng? Ah Feng is the heroine in (Wanted 2) and guest star (Spider-Man) 1) It’s also very red.”

At this stage, Ah Feng is 26 years old, which is also the age when a young lady is most capable of fighting. Her appearance and figure are not bad. The key is that she officially studied Northern Kung Fu for several years starting in 1986.

Studying under Xu Xiaoming also belongs to Nan Quan and North Leg, and I learned the essence of North Leg.

Wang Jiawei also nodded, "That's right, Ah Feng will definitely do it, but I haven't decided whether to invite her or not. If so, it won't be too late to wait until I finish the script before making an appointment. Like you, Mr. Xing, during this period I Are you slowly looking into casting other actors?"

Axing thought for a while and nodded, "Okay, then try to recruit new people during the inspection period. Try not to trick the already famous actors and stars."

Wang Jiawei nodded repeatedly, "No problem, you can rest assured that I will do the work."

Watching Lao Wang go again, Zhou Xingxing couldn't help but sigh. Forget it, let's practice boxing a few times to get a feel for it. He thought he could get it done in 1991 (a grandmaster). He was so happy and lonely. .


A few days later, the world's film industry was still under the full bombardment of (Spider-Man 1), and Zhao Donghuai took a car to the set of (Hearing Girl) to visit the cast.

This movie was filmed by two teams and shot in the same school. The heroine, a hearing girl, is in the period before taking the college entrance examination, and there are not many scenes in the school.

The filming location was a middle school in Kowloon Tong.

When he arrived at the crew, he waved his hands to the crew who had stirred up after hearing his arrival, indicating that everyone should just film quietly... When he arrived outside a certain classroom, he saw that a scene was being filmed where a music teacher was teaching a group of students to practice breathing and vocal knowledge. lens.

What we are filming now is the Chinese female lead version. As the protagonist, Zhang Min still has a lot of shots. And among a group of supporting students, there are actually Sakai Izumi and Yang Yuying? ?

He himself was a little surprised, but after thinking about it for a while, he felt that it was normal. (The Voice of Asia) A group of students and even famous singers came to guest star to play a supporting role for Zhang Min. Isn't it right?

Moreover, in the original version, it was a male actor who rehearsed singing and dancing with the heroine, and the love scene was fleeting and superficial. This version has deleted the love scene, which is the female partner, Zhang Min, and Winona Ray. De plays the role of bestie.

Of course there are male students in the classmate group. After all, the music class cannot only admit girls... Ren Xianqi was also there, but when his eyes fell on a handsome boy, he felt a little surprised again.

That was Jincheng Wu. The 18-year-old Ah Wu is also a good-looking boy. Although Ah Wu is a mixed-race Chinese and Islander and has always been an island national, he can speak Mandarin and English well, so he is a good prospect.

If he can cultivate a new idol like Sakai Izumi when he is preparing to attack the island country market, then it is not a big deal to discover Ah Wu and give him a chance once in a while.

Kanagi, who is from the island country, is paired with Izumi Sakai, and occasionally Shizuka Kudo, Akina Nakamori, etc., and they can be massacred in the island country by just acting in idol dramas. After all, Kudo and Nakamori started working together in 1987 (Prank Kiss) A guest star in an idol drama.

He was still thinking when the director in the classroom shouted "Ka". As soon as a group of actors relaxed, many people discovered Zhao Donghuai, and the scene suddenly...

Even quieter than during previous performances.

It was Amin who ran over and hugged him with a smile, "Boss, why are you here free?"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Come and take a look, it's nothing serious anyway."

After following him, he said to his left and right, "Okay, just do whatever you have to do, don't worry too much."

After he left the classroom with Armin, he finally became more popular, and then Winona Ryder appeared out of nowhere, rushed to him and said happily, "Boss, Sister Min's acting is so good. I was beaten down."

Let this kind of flattery go unnoticed, Zhao Donghuai said a few casual polite words, and Winona said, "By the way, Yongsheng sent me another film appointment before, saying that they wanted 5 million US dollars to hire me to star in Taiping Wheel? This project Isn’t it a little strange?”

Zhang Min was surprised, "Aren't all the people on the Taiping Wheel Chinese?"

Winona explained with a smile, "It seems, there are no white people on the Taiping ferry passenger list anyway, right? Depp was also offered a film contract there, worth 10 million U.S. dollars, and Depp has already accepted... I don't really want to act, Either the pay is lower than in Hollywood, or I think the movie is weird."

Zhao Donghuai is also speechless. The investment of Tai Ping Lun is really going to increase from 200 million to more than 300 million. One Depp is worth 78 million Hong Kong dollars in salary!

Lao Li and the Xiang family are really generous.

That is to say, Zhao Donghuai didn't know that Wu Yusen also proposed to build a model of a large ship like the Titanic, but was rejected by the Xiang brothers, otherwise he would have to wait in advance to see the big joke.

Please invite the princess, this is being discussed in secret, and I haven’t really dared to go directly.

Lao Wang and Lao Wu are really masters that investors cannot pursue.

The more I looked at Tai Ping Lun, the more serious the fight became. Afterwards, I suffered a huge loss and even if I dismantled Lao Wu, I couldn't get back my money.

After chatting and laughing for a while, Zhao Donghuai took Zhang Min to the custom-made RV, pointed to a three-layer food box on the dining table and said, "I have been busy for a few hours, let's add some food."

He came to visit the crew and also brought some food and delicacies to the crew. The bodyguards started distributing them when he got into the car. As for the food in the box, it was made by Zhao Donghuai himself...

It's not that he is deliberately showing off his skills, it's just that Guan Jiahui and Zhou Huimin's due date is getting closer and closer. The girl occasionally acts coquettishly and wants to taste his cooking, so she cooks it a few times. As early as 1984, he developed master-level cooking skills in the eight major cuisines. .

Later, he was upgraded to the master level. Even if he didn't do much cooking, he would still be no worse than the state banquet chef.

This kind of thing, several girlfriends know that he is a great cook, but he rarely cooks on a daily basis.

Amin was pleasantly surprised and walked over and sat in front of the dining table and opened the food box. Inside was a layer of rice, two layers of vegetables, and four dishes.

A portion of fried meat with lettuce, tofu and cabbage, fried eggs with green onions, and spicy and sour mung bean sprouts.

As soon as she saw it, her appetite was whetted, and she saw Winona Ryder getting into the car with a surprised look on her face, "Wow, boss, it smells so good, it smells so good."

(Hearing Girl) started shooting for more than a month. The two versions were shot together, and the actors were often compared with each other... For example, Di Long compared and observed Al Pacino's performance, and Wu Zhenyu studied Nicholas' acting skills.

Then to Zhang Min and Winona? She had already become familiar with Amin, and Sister Min's screams were so sweet.

Seeing her eagerness to eat, Zhang Min did not refuse. He invited her to eat together. She was not afraid of getting fat at all, so the amount of food Zhao Donghuai sent was still sufficient.

More than one box of rice weighs about one kilogram, and each of the four dishes plus vegetable soup weighs about half a kilogram. The total amount of soup, vegetables and rice is about three kilograms. She is not afraid of gaining weight and cannot eat it casually.

Then, Winona Ryder was soon eating to the point of crying.

She has never tasted such delicious food. It’s not that Chinese food can easily conquer the stomachs of white people. It’s Zhao Donghuai’s master-level cooking skills from the eight major cuisines. In order to take care of his girlfriend who is about to give birth, she chooses fresh vegetables and ingredients, including homemade secret sauces... …

These rice side dishes are common to every household. In fact, the more home-cooked the dishes are, the easier it is to distinguish the chef’s skill level.

Zhao's also has a batch of homemade oil, salt, MSG or chicken essence. Just like before Wang Zuxian's good luck came, Ah Hong opened a small factory of his own, specializing in the production of hot pot soup for the Zhao family to eat for themselves. Bottom factory.

These are carefully selected from the beginning to the end, and combined with Zhao Donghuai's cooking skills, that's it. The boiled cabbage served by the chef at the last state banquet may not be comparable to it.

Devouring food voraciously was like competing for food with Zhang Min. When she felt that she was full and a little bloated, she rubbed her belly and looked at Amin with a shocked look on her face, "No way, Sister Min, do you usually eat such delicious food?"

"That's not right. Sister Xin's place seems to be just ordinary delicacies. We don't eat together often, right?"

The daily chef of the Lucky Lai flagship store is at least a provincial chef. She is not short of money and has visited the flagship store frequently. She also orders takeout from the flagship store.

But she felt that these home-cooked dishes were not on the same level as the delicious impact she had had during previous meals.

Zhang Min ate the last spoonful of rice gracefully and then said with a smile, "It's easy for you. This is cooked by the boss himself. When I'm at home, I occasionally ask him to give me an extra meal and I have to waste my time."

Winona looked at Zhao Donghuai with a shocked face, and everyone went numb.

There is a saying that when a diaosi saw a goddess, she was praised for her good cooking skills, so her ambition increased sharply. She continued to study hard to learn cooking skills and continuously upgraded her certification level. After working hard for a year or two, she could cook for the goddess. Maybe the evaluation would be just good.

But even if a billionaire makes a fool of himself, he can still move the goddess to tears.

Zhao Donghuai is more than a billionaire? ! What's even more outrageous is that the food he cooks is really delicious. Otherwise, a person who deliberately maintains his figure and runs for exercise if he eats a little more would not have almost finished more than a kilogram of food just now.

She had eaten so much that it was enough to testify to how little she ate to maintain her figure, which made her stomach smaller.

Zhao Donghuai was a little speechless. He noticed that there was something wrong with Winona's eyes and emotions. Just as he was about to say something, there was a burst of noise and boiling outside.

He then shifted his attention and walked outside to ask at the car door.

The bodyguard quickly went to inquire.

A few minutes later, Zhao Donghuai received the report, "That Jin Chengwu, has received an interview invitation from (the Grandmaster)??"

The bodyguard nodded.

Zhang Mindu was surprised and said, "Yes, no wonder he is so happy. This Ah Wu seems to have been discovered by a senior agent from Wan Province. He has been visiting Hong Kong film crews recently for opportunities to play a supporting role."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Could it be that Lao Wang was interested in Ah Wu and asked him to practice Baji Quan for a few years, right? In the original trajectory, Pharaoh favored Ah Wu. Of course, Pharaoh favored Ah Wei the most.

Maybe he will find Ah Wei to play the role of a Bajiquan master? Are you looking for a character actor like Ma San when you look for A Wu? The original Ma San is also 17 years old, and is actually not far away from winning gold medals in Baguazhang, Spear and Sword at the National Games.

It's just that the original version has no acting ability now. Wang Jiawei probably has never heard of his name, which is wrong. What if Wang Jiawei heard Zhang Jin's name when he visited famous people from various places.

Zhao Donghuai could only say calmly, "Occasionally Lao Wang has shining points, and training actors is also good... this is an opportunity."

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