Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 357 Let’s stay calm these two days

A few days later, on January 15, (Spider-Man 1)'s performance at the global box office continued its previous glory, with US$126 million in the third week in Europe, Canada and the United States, and the total figure for three weeks was already US$351 million, which is equivalent to 2.737 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Zhao Donghuai was lamenting the lethality of this blockbuster when he heard Xiaoxian reporting that Sony's President Sakamoto was here.

Director Zhao was slightly surprised and said, "How much box office has the island country accumulated?"

Wang Zuxian smiled and nodded, "It's 3.9 billion yen for three weeks, which is just over 32 million U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to 253 million Hong Kong dollars."

Quite a lot. At this stage, although the island country is no longer the largest vote bank in Asia, the mainland is. After all, the island country only has a population of 120 million, while the mainland has more than one billion.

In three weeks, the mainland box office has exceeded 510 million yuan, which is 600 million Hong Kong dollars after conversion. The box office data of the island country is similar to that of Thailand and South Korea...the ticket prices of thousands of theaters in those two countries are more expensive.

South Korea and Thailand do not have as many moviegoers as the island countries, but their total box office is in a stalemate.

Zhao Donghuai laughed and said, "Are you here to get a share? This is not the right time."

When he initially cheated on Sony's investment, what he said and the contract he signed was indeed that Sony would invest US$50 million in each of the trilogy, totaling US$150 million. Don't expect extravagant profits from the versions and peripherals.

But you can share Spider-Man's 10% box office share and video tape profits. Of course, this is definitely not a gross profit share, but a 10% share of the net profit.

As for letting people from Sony follow the crew to learn and observe the production process of big special effects movies? Sony sent people there, just a few people who were sent there. They were treated so comfortably that they drank three meals a day and never managed to reach the set.

(Spider-Man 1) The actual filming period took half a year, and the learning results were zero...

Don’t feel cheated. Sony completely bought Columbia. Wouldn’t it make you feel cheated? Yes, I bought it. The white management, including the production team, did not let Sony interfere with their operations at all.

On the contrary, Colombia can let Sony repay the huge debt it has borne. If it lacks funds for making movies, it can also ask Sony for it.

Compared with the huge pit in Columbia, Zhao Donghuai's place is much gentler. At least the people sent by Sony to the crew said after their return that they drank a lot of wine and ate a lot, and the people responsible for receiving them spoke nicely.

It's completely different from Columbia, which only shows discrimination and suppression on its face. At this stage, Columbia is like Sony spending huge sums of money to buy a big man.

A moment later, President Sakamoto entered the office and bowed at a 90-degree angle in excitement, "Zhao Sheng, you are so great. The first movie (Spider-Man 1) is really a super blockbuster that swept the world. It is the glory of us Eastern filmmakers." ah."

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand to interrupt, "Okay, no need to say any polite words. If you come here just for the box office share, it's too early."

Sakamoto shook his head hurriedly, "No, please don't get me wrong, Mr. Zhao. Of course we know that it's still in theaters around the world. It's too early to talk about that. I'm here to ask, when will (Spider-Man 2) start filming?"

"If filming starts, we would also like the director, photography and other teams to come to the set to observe. As long as they can get in, it is not impossible to pursue funding."

It is precisely because they have witnessed the brilliant money-making power of blockbusters around the world that Sony has to jump into it even if it knows there is a pitfall. The last time it was three meals a day, it didn't make sense.

This time they arranged for a few more Dionysians... there is always a chance to learn, right?

Although Zhao's Pictures previously produced a trilogy together and wanted all the US$150 million in production fees in the contract to be spent quickly, Sony was not really stupid and only invested US$80 million one after another. .

It's like Zhao Films took Sony's 80 million U.S. dollars in production fees, and then spent tens of millions of U.S. dollars from their own pockets to produce this version of Spider-Man.

The total production cost is indeed more than 100 million U.S. dollars, close to 150 million U.S. dollars.

Filmmaking effect? There is definitely a gap compared to the 2002 version, but at this time the level of special effects is no worse than (Terminator 2), or even better.

Talking about various model productions, none of the many eighth-level engineering masters hired by the mainland is weak. The cameras are arrayed to shoot bullet time special effects, but they are expensive...

Expensive has its value, at least this version (Spider-Man 1) continues to show off bullet time special effects to movie fans around the world after (Wanted 1).

Yuen Biao, Liu Dehua, and Li Saifeng are three super-powered killers. When they snipe the Green Goblin gang and Spider-Man, the bullet special effects are so cool.

Precisely because the 150 million was not fully invested, and knowing that filming of Spider-Man 2 had not yet started, Sony wanted to continue learning, and lowered its posture to ask for help. Isn't that what white-skinned ghosts have long been used to?

Now I just want a new father who masters the most advanced special effects shooting technology.

And on the surface, it seems that they can expect a share of the global box office of Spider-Man 1? ? 10% of the net box office profit is not a small amount of money.

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

After thinking about it, he said, "The schedules of Depp, Winona and others are still lined up, and the second part is also based on comics, so new villains are needed, and the production of special effects models is not a trivial matter."

"It's January 15, 1991. If we start preparations, it will be good to start filming by the end of 1991."

Sakamoto looked excited, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao. Please let us know when the filming will start. Our team has been waiting eagerly for a long time. Of course, if you are short of money, you can always tell us."

"Then I won't disturb you. Zhao Sheng is busy."

When he walked backwards and left the office, Zhao Donghuai couldn't help complaining, "This attitude is really low enough."

Xiaoxian also said in shock, "Are you going to continue to trick them?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "It's a scam. Why don't you cheat when it comes to you? The first film ostensibly paid Depp 3 million U.S. dollars, Winona 2 million U.S. dollars, and Nicholas 3 million U.S. dollars, but Bruce Willis and Isabelle Adjani is expensive.”

"On the surface, these two are getting $8 million and $10 million."

"Yuan Biao, Andy Lau and Li Saifeng also received HK$10 million, HK$10 million and HK$6 million for their cameos."

"Tell me, the bigger the bill, the better."

In the actual process, everyone received very low remuneration. For the scenes shot by Zhao Films, the guest star A Biao and the others each received HK$100,000.

Not to mention Ajani, she didn’t get paid for her friendly guest appearance, but she just talked to Zhao Donghuai a few more times about international import and export trade.

But when it comes to accounting, the remuneration account can be very large, and this is still the first film.

According to the current market conditions, the second film can bring the film's salary bill to more than 40 to 50 million US dollars.

Filing taxes? Of course, the tax returns are real accounts, and the tax authorities are all real accounts. After all, more than 90% of the scenes in Spider-Man were filmed and produced in North America, the extras were hired in North America, and so are all the expenses.

When filing taxes, many people have to deal with Amei. Even though there are Hydra members in the IRS, Zhao Donghuai doesn't want to deal with the trouble of playing a yin and yang contract with the IRS.

He doesn't need a Yin-Yang contract to produce his own movies.

This account was made separately for Sony.

Do you think Sony will bribe the IRS to find the real bill? It is possible to do it, as long as you spend enough money, the IRS will not be unable to get in, but Hydra will stand on the front line and block a few waves.

Even if Sony finds the real bill and doesn't admit it, is it possible that the IRS members who issued the bill to them can be invited to serve as witnesses in the lawsuit?

Remuneration is a kind of bill, such as props, etc. It's better to do it.

Let’s just say that the clothes Isabelle Adjani wears are works of art. It’s not expensive to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a random costume, right? That is Adjani, the world's number one female superstar, number one actress, and French national treasure.

She plays Aunt May in (Spider-Man 1), and the treatment cannot be bad. For example, she must live in the presidential suite of a five-star hotel, drink mountain spring water flown from France every day, etc...

When it comes to meal plans for the entire crew, a meal per person rises from $20 to $50. It doesn’t look like much, but there are so many people, and what about the half-year cycle? That's not small money anymore.

Another example is special effects production. If a supercomputer is turned on, how much will the software production cost? Didn't he say it himself?

The billing is very fancy, and the film and television industry is full of such talents.

There is really no shortage of such talents in Hollywood. When Zhao Donghuai first started filming (New World 1), weren't the newly formed behind-the-scenes team, from the scene handlers to the lighting master, all waiting to trick him? They are all eager to try this new guy and look forward to it.

How could it be so easy to make a movie without crowdfunding supporters and enthusiastic citizens such as Xiaobawang and Hongscorpion and other acting teachers?

The original Hollywood production in 2002 was said to have cost $139 million to produce. In fact, just listen to it. A mere $10 to $20 million is considered a small amount. With such a big crew and a big team, there will always be little experts who can make money. .

In the original trajectory, Zou Wenhuai invested 100 million to produce the (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) animation, with a global box office of 1 billion Hong Kong dollars, but did not make much profit. It was also cheated by Hollywood. Zou Sheng invested in three (Ninja Turtles) movies in a row.

It's all about having a bright appearance on the books, but actually not making any money, and that's why I gave up on developing in the field of major animated films.

Generally, no one messes around in Zhao Donghuai's big movies. This is not only because of his high status and the production team dare not provoke him, but also because of his grand and open attitude of handing out red envelopes afterward.

His crew’s post-event red envelopes were not only for the leading actors and supporting actors, but also for the set lighting and props technicians, etc. Who didn’t receive a red envelope?

This version (Spider-Man 1) invested nearly 150 million dollars in production, which is a real amount of money spent. His actual investment here is 150 million, which can easily give Sony a production fee of 300 million U.S. dollars.

Of course, if you throw out 300 million, Hollywood will probably say "well done", and they also want to learn from it...

He doesn't lack this little money, he just causes trouble.

Will reputation be affected? If it weren't for the simulator and the mysterious power, he would have died countless times.

Since the first time in 1985, when he took his girlfriends alone to speculate on the appreciation of the Japanese yen's foreign exchange, some gangsters from the Hong Kong government wanted to freeze his money and move it away. Since the stock market crash in 1987, when he shorted the Nikkei, there were also times when related gangsters wanted to freeze his money and move it away. Go, is it just because of the tens of thousands of Hong Kong Haowan big brothers wandering around that they don’t dare to freeze?

Reputation in some quarters means nothing at all after what happened.


January 15th is already the 30th day of the 11th lunar month, and tomorrow is the first day of the twelfth lunar month. Spider-Man is still very popular, but the announcement of the big movie (Wanted 2) has also begun.

(Wanted 2) was scheduled to be released on the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month. When relevant posters were plastered all over the subway, bus bodies, and bus stops, Wu Zhenyu went out wearing a hat and mask. When he arrived at the door of Ouyang Zhenhua's house, Lao Wu suddenly stopped.

At this moment, there were two or three hesitant passers-by standing in the corridor in front of Ahua's house, all looking at Ahua's house suspiciously.

When the people standing saw Lao Wu, someone said directly, "You were also attracted by the smell, right? Upstairs or downstairs?"

Wu Zhenyu was wearing a mask. It was not a professional medical mask. It was just an ordinary face covering to protect against cold. It could still provide a certain barrier. He took a breath and smelled a stench? ?

Smells like shit?

Old Wu's expression immediately turned a little cruel!

The passerby who was the first to speak was also confused and said, "I remember, isn't this Yu Zai Chun Yu's Dazhuang's house? I've met him several times before and even asked him for his autograph. Why is the smell of rice fields so strong?"

Another passerby also nodded and said, "Yes, this is Yu Dazhuang's family, right? Is he cooking rice at home? He can't be so cruel, right?"

Wu Zhenyu took out another mask and covered himself with double layers of protection. Then he walked over and knocked on the door. After knocking on the door a few times, Ouyang Pangpang's cheerful voice also sounded inside, "Coming, coming..."

Wait for the moment the door opens.

In the small living room with two bedrooms and one living room, the smell of durian being steamed in an electric pot in the living room? It surged out all of a sudden.

Wu Zhenyu almost got smoked while wearing a double-layer mask. When three passers-by saw Ouyang Pangpang with a stuffed nose, some of them immediately vomited.

Old Wu was stunned and said, "Holy shit, what are you doing? A biological and chemical attack?"

Pangpang pointed at the young man sitting at the electric cooker table and said, "I was deceived. That guy's name is Yu Chengqing. He rented a room in this building. He is a provincial singer. When he met me, he gave me durians to eat. , I was tricked into taking a few bites, and I thought it tasted pretty good.”

"He said it tastes better when steamed. I don't believe it..."

A passerby who had already vomited a few times stood up while holding on to the wall, "Come on, Mr. Yu, don't think that just because you are a big star, you can attack our neighbors like this."

Ouyang Pangpang hurriedly apologized, "Sorry, I got a little carried away for a while and forgot about this, but everyone can try it together. It's really delicious. Come on, come on. Put on the nasal plug. If you can't smell it, it'll be fine. Eat in The taste in the mouth is still very good.”

While talking, he took out several props specially designed to stuff noses, and enthusiastically invited the neighbors who were attacked by biochemicals, including Wu Zhenyu, into the house.

The only one here who doesn't wear nasal plugs and only occasionally covers his nose is Yu Chengqing.

After the door was closed again, there were six men in the room...

At first, they were looking at each other a little bit, but Yu Chengqing quickly divided the steamed durians and gave them to everyone. "It's also delicious when stewed in a pressure cooker. You can try it if you have a chance."

Wu Zhenyu has taken off his mask and used a prop nasal plug instead.

He was also recognized by three passers-by. No one was in a hurry to eat durian, and it took a while to sign autographs and take photos.

After all, Lao Wu's various previous images tended to be that of the godfather of the society, the leader of the society, etc. He was very fierce and ruthless, and often scared the gangsters away from him. However, Yan Liang, the detective in the film "The Night of the Night", was still regarded as Come out with a rich new image.

After going through the process, everyone hasn’t officially started eating yet.

There was another knock on the door.

When Ouyang Pangpang went to open the door, standing outside were uniformed policemen, reporters, and several women covering their noses.

"Yu Zai Chun Yu's case? Someone reported that someone was suspected of cooking rice at home, and it turned out to be you? And Yan Liang??"

When the door opened and the smell hit the outside, a certain gentleman in military uniform covered his nose and looked inside the door with a shocked face. The reporter... the reporter was also shocked, which did not prevent him from taking pictures quickly.

After another period of commotion.

A reporter finally stayed, but the police and the neighbor woman ran away. After all, they found out that they were steaming durians, not boiling rice fields. What happened? ?

Ouyang Pangpang apologized many times and promised to finish eating as soon as possible, and then find air cleaner to disperse the smell. He also stated that he would visit each of them one by one afterwards to apologize.

When the crowd was eating durian with stuffed noses, a reporter asked curiously, "Wu Sheng, I know you are the villain of (Wanted 2). Today, you are deliberately hyping up the rice fields at home to promote (Wanted 2)." Hair?"

"Yu Dazhuang, you have already acted in two dramas (Imperial Court No. 1). It has become a big hit recently. Do you want to use this to get on the legal channel??"

"The smell is definitely disturbing. If someone sues you, it will be a bit troublesome, right?"

The first part of Royal Court was launched in early July last year, and the ratings were very high. It is a first-class drama. Director Deng Texi also spent three months working hard on the script for the second part. Filming started in October, with a total of fifteen episodes and ten episodes. Five cases.

It started broadcasting in early January.

Today, the 15th, is a two-day broadcast with two episodes. The second part is the finale. Ouyang Pangpang has further deepened his title and signature of Yu Dazhuang, and he has also resigned from Wanjia.

The ratings for two consecutive series are so popular... He is sure that he no longer has to struggle in the Wanjia system and can be a real niche student.

Ouyang Zhenhua's eyes lit up at the reporter's words, "Yes, Ayu, you can go back to your own home to cook or steam durian. It tastes great."

Yu Chengqing's eyes lit up, "Yes, Wu Sheng, if you want more excitement, you can try canned herring stewed in a pressure cooker, that one is better!"

Ouyang Zhenhua was dumbfounded and said in disbelief, "Is there anything more exciting than steamed durian??"

Yu Chengqing nodded, "Yes, of course there is. Scientific testing shows that if the odor index of stinky tofu and durian is 420 AU, then the odor index of canned herring is as high as more than 8,000 AU, which is 20 times that of durian and stinky tofu!"

"In other words, if you steamed this at your house today, it attracted neighbors, upstairs and downstairs, and some people called the police. So what if Wu Sheng stewed canned herring at home?"

"Wu Sheng, where do you live? How high is your building?"

Wu Zhenyu was also dumbfounded, "I have houses in the first and third phases of Huayuan. Building No. 5 of the first phase of Huayuan has a total height of 9 floors. There are double-storey duplexes on the first and second floors, which are garden houses. The houses in the third phase have 30 It's multi-storey, and it's only 1,000 square feet including the public stalls."

Yu Chengqing patted his thigh and said, "Great, go stew the canned herring in the Phase III pressure cooker. This news will definitely be a sensation, at least in Asia."

Old Wu shook his head wildly. He couldn't commit suicide like that. When he took off the mask and stuffed his nose, he also smelled the smell of steamed durian. How terrifying was the attack? The odor index of canned herring was 20 times higher? ?

Ouyang Zhenhua blinked and said with evil intentions, "Old Wu, you have to be honest. You see, Brother Hua's concert tour is about to start again, and he is taking his snow friends and Principal Tan to Europe and the United States. How tiring that is. ah."

"Isn't this just for box office publicity? How dare you hide at home and do nothing? You are not good at singing and dancing, so you must have some exciting news."

A reporter nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, this is called winning big eyeballs with a small cost. I think it will work. Maybe European and American audiences will come to contribute to the box office just to see what kind of person you are, Wu Sheng." Woolen cloth?"

Several passers-by suddenly joined in.

"That's right, Wu Sheng, how can the thing announced for the movie be called a biochemical attack? Your neighbors in the third phase will definitely understand."

"Come on, Brother Yu, you are the little godfather of the Ni family in the third part of the New World, Ding Xiaoxi in the big era, and Yan Liang in the long night. Why are you hesitating about such a small thing?"


As the saying goes, I was attacked once, so I can't just let myself suffer, right? ? Invite more people into the water to experience it. Having fun alone is not as good as having fun with everyone!

Is the odor index 20 times more terrifying than steamed durian? It's so cruel, it's exciting just thinking about it.

Wu Zhenyu stood up and left, "Don't come here, I won't be incited by you to commit crimes."


Half a day later, Ouyang Pangpang sprayed the house with alcohol, disinfectant, and air freshener for the third time. After spraying again, his girlfriend unlocked the door and walked in. She was first stimulated by another smell. one time.

After his girlfriend also took a deep breath, she covered her nose and stared at Ah Hua in shock, "You cooked rice at home while I was not at home??"

Ouyang Zhenhua also said in confusion, "You haven't rinsed it off yet??"

Ah Hua's girlfriend was even more shocked, "You actually cooked rice without telling me? Ah Hua, it's like I'm meeting you for the first time today!"

"I never thought you would be such a person! Please let me calm down. Let's stay calm for the next two days."

After saying that, she turned around and ran away.

This girlfriend is a hairstylist, stylist, and behind-the-scenes person whom Ouyang Pangpang met when he was working in various supporting roles in the industry. She is also half an insider in the industry. After all, there are many behind-the-scenes workers.

He originally planned to propose this year...

After his girlfriend disappeared, Ouyang Zhenhua came to his senses, "Damn it, Yu Chengqing jumped on the street and hurt me. I didn't cook rice!"


January 18, Friday, Huang Liji will get married, travel, and buy a house.

Zhao Donghuai was sitting behind his desk. He just grabbed a cup and took a sip of tea when he saw Qiu Shuzhen walking over in shock, holding a newspaper, "Boss, something big has happened. Something really happened. I'm going. It's incredible. I didn't expect Wu Zhenyu to be like that." How could someone with thick eyebrows and big eyes do such a thing?"

Zhao Donghuai was a little surprised by A Zhen's expression and tone, and waited for him to stand up and take a glance.

Kowloon Daily, "Shocked! The famous star Ng Chun-yu actually cooked rice at home, triggering protests throughout the building, and the frontline police officer who was responding to the call was almost fainted!"

Kwun Tong Industrial News, "Ayu boils shit? Some bad guy wants to demolish a load-bearing wall? What's wrong with this society? Why are innocent citizens always injured?!"


Zhao Donghuai saw the two newspaper headlines, sat down and picked up the phone. When the call was connected, he asked in disbelief, "Ayu, what aroused you? Why is your taste so strong? You are tired of living, and you want to Let’s get to know you again upstairs and downstairs??”

On the other side of the phone, Wu Zhenyu said quickly, "Zhao Sheng, hype, Ouyang Pangpang mistook me and hurt me. I just want to contribute to (Wanted 2), and I'm not like Brother Hua who can gather a group of friends by himself." Go to Europe and the United States to hold concerts..."

"It was Ouyang Fatty who instigated me to make the news. Don't worry, Mr. Zhao. After the hype, I will visit all the neighbors one by one and send hundreds of yuan in gifts to each family to apologize."

"There were also reporters from the Kowloon Daily who encouraged me. If they weren't doing it for fun and excitement, they definitely wouldn't have gone to this extent. The Kowloon Daily newspaper office should have reported it to you, right? It should be that the matter was too small, and the film's publicity was an insignificant part, so it didn't end up being final. Report to you."

Zhao Donghuai fell into silence after hearing this.

After dozens of seconds, he asked, "Did you really cook shit?"

Lao Wu hurriedly explained, "No, it's canned herring stewed in a pressure cooker..."

Zhao Donghuai was almost dumbfounded. That thing is more outrageous than boiled shit, okay? No wonder so many people protested and called the police in a residential building over 30 stories high.

People who have eaten it describe it this way: eating a bite of canned herring is like a mixture of rice field smell, fishy smell and dead rat smell. The Swedish government has even publicly legislated that opening canned herring indoors is prohibited.

Legislation cannot be opened! This kind of can usually has instructions on it, please inform people around you before opening it to avoid accidents... Many national airlines explicitly prohibit passengers from bringing canned herring on board.

Ordinary people eat it once, and the bad smell in their mouth is difficult to eliminate even if it has been several days.

In the era of the big Internet, there are also many people who challenge eating and broadcasting. There are many people who eat and vomit during live broadcasts. What do you say?

Money is hard to make and shit is hard to eat? Dogs can’t change from eating shit? This thing can scare the dog away if you put it in front of it.

Are you so outrageous that you stewed it?

After silence, Zhao Donghuai asked curiously, "How many cans have you opened?"

Lao Wu also quickly reported, "They encouraged me to open a box and put it in the pot to stew. I was wearing a gas mask at the time. Now my house will probably have to be empty for a few months..."

"Previously, Pangpang Ouyang steamed durians at home and used disinfectant, alcohol, air freshener, etc. several times. After a few hours, his girlfriend came home and smelled the identity of the poop cooker. She was frightened. He ran away, couldn’t get through to the phone, and no one responded to my phone calls.”

"He can't explain it clearly. We are still calm with each other. I was wronged. They were the ones who tricked me."

When he ended the call, Zhao Donghuai leaned back in his chair and fell into deep thought again. He was really speechless. Old Wu was so wicked.

For the sake of publicity, you can't torment innocent people like this? Isn’t this a lack of great virtue? More maddening than a naughty child.

Azhen came over curiously and said, "That Wu Zhenyu really has such strong taste? Isn't he too perverted?"

She read several newspapers, which were full of eye-catching publicity stunts. The focus was on describing the interviews, reactions, etc. of the citizens of Huayuan Phase 3 who were attacked by biochemical attacks.

As for what Lao Wu cooked? Didn't say...just misleading and boiling shit.

Even the patrolman who was almost fainted at the scene was interviewed. The patrolman cried and complained to the reporter, saying that the smell would be something he would never forget.

People who don't experience it will never know what it feels like.

Just a gimmick and a hype.

Because of Zhao Donghuai's control in this dimension, major media groups do not break celebrity gossip, love affairs and other gossipy news at all, and most of their marketing is positive.

Therefore, there are countless fans and gossips among the people who rarely enjoy the pleasure of eating celebrities' big melons. They have no chance to eat them.

All of a sudden? ? So exciting!

Zhao Donghuai shook his head speechlessly again, "No, they are wearing gas masks and oxygen tanks, cooking canned herrings at home, one box at a time, how immoral!"

Azhen was shocked, "Canned herring? What kind of fish is that? Is it so scary?"

She was not only shocked but also very curious. The main reason was that she didn't understand a building with a height of more than 30 stories. How could so many residents be tortured by sexual harassment on a certain floor?

Upon seeing this, Zhao Donghuai held down Azhen decisively, "Azhen, I advise you to be kind and calm, and never try anything out of curiosity."

Curiosity killed the cat is not an empty saying.

Also, damage transfer... If someone survives a biochemical attack, they probably want to enjoy themselves alone rather than enjoy it with everyone? This is so toxic.

Azhen blinked, "Okay, how about this? Find someone who deserves a beating and let him open a box without knowing it? I'll watch the reaction from a distance?"

"The main reason is that I'm too curious. There are quite a lot of people in Wu Zhenyu's building who were smoked."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Who do you think deserves a beating?"

Azhen continued, "Like the dragon and tiger martial arts masters or acting teachers you specially recruited before?"

Director Zhao was even more speechless, "What about the innocent citizens who were harmed? Wu Zhenyu also planned to send hundreds of yuan in gifts from door to door to apologize. I still remember that this is not only immoral, but also wrong."

"You'd better stop making trouble. Citizens are already very tired from running around every day. There is no need to suddenly suffer because of your curiosity."

The thing about Lao Wu was that he didn't know about it beforehand, and he should have reported it below. After all, it was related to the announcement of (Wanted Order 2), but as Wu Zhenyu said, his current career is so big, and there are millions of people who directly eat with him. There are more people than the entire permanent population of Hong Kong.

If the serious secretarial working group thinks it is a trivial matter, they will not report it to Azhen and the others.

In the past, the reports that Azhen Xiaoxian and others reported to him were those that had been screened by the working group.

Otherwise, he would not agree to such a coquettish announcement.

It is said that I got a few hundred yuan in gifts after a biological attack, but if you can buy a house in Huayuan, who is short of your hundreds of yuan in gifts?

This is as immoral as throwing firecrackers into the neighbor's latrine.

Thinking of this, he said, "Just because Lao Wu is a star, you can't treat him like he has privileges. You find a few residents of the third phase of Huayuan who are sulky and dissatisfied with him but dare not vent their anger."

"beat him."

"This is the method he chose to publicize. He has to carry it when he gets into trouble. Tomorrow, he will continue to publish news saying that the citizens can't stand it because he cooks shit. He has exerted an iron fist of justice, found people, and distributed money to do things."

Qiu Shuzhen was shocked, "What a beating?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Ask the Pan-Asia bodyguard to let go. After Lao Wu was beaten, he told him that it's okay to use bizarre stunts for publicity, but don't base it on accidentally injuring ordinary people. A few hundred dollars of gifts went from door to door to apologize. It looked like a bit of sincerity." ."

"Actually, when he had this idea, his butt was already crooked."

Azhen blinked, "I'm not speaking for him. If you find an angry victim, instead of beating up Lao Wu, you should ask them to cook a pot of canned herring in person wearing a gas mask, and then lock up Lao Wu and Ouyang Pangpang." Get in."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

After a few seconds of silence, he spoke, "Let's let the victims choose. Even if they choose the method you mentioned, they have to arrange abandoned factories or abandoned uninhabited houses on outlying islands."

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