Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 358 He felt another damn shock

It's another new day. Zhang Jiahui woke up in bedroom A on the 12th floor of Unit 2, Building 9, Huayuan Phase 3, and smelled the smell of disinfectant.

Then the pungent odor soon filled his nostrils. Ah Hui lost his composure on the spot and cursed at the family property, then grabbed two nose plugs and walked out of the bedroom. In the living room, Luo Dahua, who was having breakfast, winked and smiled, "Ah Hui, What time did you fall asleep last night?"

Zha Zhahui shook his head, "Is it still three or four o'clock? It was too uncomfortable for me to stuff up my nose and mouth and breathe. In the end, I fell asleep in a daze. I have to have diarrhea today."

"It's okay to stay up most of the night, but I'm tired after two in a row."

"If I had known, the late-night drama crew wouldn't have come back, or they would have gone to KFC and McDonald's to sleep all night."

Ah Fai used to rent a house in Kowloon Tong when he was a supporting actor on the ATV crew. However, later as a supporting actor, he met Luo Dahua and found out that he was renting a house in the third phase of Hua Yuan or sharing it...

Compared with the house he rented in Kowloon Tong, the modern mid-to-high-end residential community in Phase III in Shek Kip Mei is far superior in terms of accommodation comfort.

There is no elevator in the old tenement building. There are more than a dozen rooms in one corridor. The alleys between the front and rear buildings and the left and right are only one or two meters wide, and there is a serious lack of light.

Therefore, including the 1,000-square-foot three-bedroom and one-living room shared by three people, it was not far from ATV City and only two bus stops away. Ah Fai quickly gave up on renting a house in Kowloon Tong.

Living in the house was pretty good, until... Wu Zhenyu was cooking canned herring downstairs the day before yesterday. It was reported by the media yesterday.

Wu Zhenyu's house in the third phase of Huayuan is just above theirs. Old Wu rarely lives there on a daily basis. Luo Dahua often felt very sorry for him in the past. If he could meet Old Wu more often and get on well with him, that casual person would A little support will also save them a lot of detours.

Who knew that Lao Wu would suddenly engage in such a cool operation.

Although the air has been cleaned several times, the same thing still applies. After eating a mouthful of canned herring, your mouth will still stink a few days later. The stench of that thing is extremely difficult to remove.

Wu Zhenyu and his group wore gas masks and had a great time making canned food.

It really disgusted the people upstairs, downstairs, and the neighbors.

If the "roots" of Lao Wu's 11th floor are not removed, as long as there is wind, the extremely difficult-to-remove stench can be sent upstairs, downstairs, and to the neighbors at any time.

Currently, Buildings 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Huayuan Phase 3, with four units in one building, are all extremely hard-hit areas.

Luo Dahua found joy in his misery, "You should learn from me, drink some wine and sleep until dawn, then go out to work after breakfast and you won't have so much to worry about. I've been like this for two nights in a row."

"Why don't you follow Brother De's example? That guy fell asleep in the store after working two night shifts in a row."

The De Ge he was talking about was the third person in the group, but De was either an actor or a nightclub waiter. It’s not like he didn’t want to be an actor. As we all know, this is a new era where ordinary people want to make a class jump. The best channel to make a fortune.

There is almost no one left.

But Adelaide tried, passed several sub-act exams and was rejected. After playing a bit part for a while, there was no prospect. The main reason was that he was average-looking, which everyone didn’t mention, and he had no acting talent.

Just retreated.

The next moment, Luo Dahua ate an egg and said with a smile, "I heard that Wu Zhenyu wants every household to send hundreds of yuan in gifts to apologize? It hasn't started yet, and it probably won't be far away. Then, depending on the relationship, it can be Let him take us."

Zhang Jiahui couldn't complain, so he went to wash his hands in silence for a few minutes before he came out and said, "Instead of asking for this, why don't you go to Yin Tianzhao to have a relationship? You are classmates at the same time."

Luo Dahua is indeed a veteran. In 1983, he attended the ATV actor training class with Yin Tianzhao, Wu Tingye and others.

After 1983, Zhao Donghuai acquired ATV in 1984 and reorganized it.

Speaking of which, Li Ming, Zhang Min, Zhou Haimei and others are all Luo Dahua's junior brothers and sisters. Wu Yijiang, Wan Qiongdan and others are also his senior brothers and sisters.

But until 1991, Luo Dahua was still a free agent all year round.

He has appeared in dozens of TV series, and he is also standing on the street. It is easy for the citizens to feel familiar and know that he is an actor. Well, it is like Ouyang Zhenhua before his performance (No. 1 Imperial Court), but he The important roles I had received were far inferior to those of Ouyang Pangpang at that time.

Luo Dahua opened his mouth, a little speechless.

Just then there was a knock on the door. Zha Zhahui went to open the door and said unexpectedly, "Uncle Cai?"

Opposite is a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a stylish suit and leather shoes. He is the resident of B, 12th Floor, Unit 2, and the head of the family. His wife and children share three bedrooms and one living room.

He seems to be a real estate agent? ?

The day before yesterday, when a certain smell overcame people to death, Uncle Cai took them downstairs to check the situation. At that time, this person was so angry that he wanted to beat people up. He was the one with the most explosive temper.

Should real estate agents try to attract clients at low prices? Because of that, I work hard like a social animal, I am the head of the family, my wife has no special skills, my children are in school, I need money everywhere, and I still have a mortgage...

I finally got too drunk with my client the night before yesterday. Can't I get up and take a vacation the day before yesterday? Can I rest at home?

Only those who understand this kind of hardship of middle-aged people will understand.

Before knocking on the door of Wu Zhenyu's house, Uncle Cai was the most explosive. When he recognized it was Wu Zhenyu and Ouyang Zhenhua, he was the quickest to become gentle and patient.

The patience of middle-aged people is very social.

After being called out by Zhang Jiahui, Uncle Cai waved his hands quickly, "I've told you several times, Ah Hui, you can call me Ah Cai or Brother Cai, but I can't be called uncle. By the way, I heard that the higher ups are contacting someone. Can I ask someone? Who wants to beat Wu Sheng the most, but doesn’t dare to?”

"Ah Hui, tell the truth, do you want to beat him up? It seems that the top management of ATV paid us to beat him up to vent his anger."

"They also say that celebrities can't really enjoy great privileges. You can do whatever you want if you have money, but you can't be too immoral, right?? This kind of behavior is like going to a public toilet and throwing firecrackers to blow up people. It can't be done with just a few small coins. To settle things down, you need to get an education??”

"You are all from ATV, is this news really false??"

Following Uncle Cai's excited words, Zha Zhahui said in astonishment, "Is there such a thing?"

Luo Dahua, who was eating, came over in surprise, "Really or not? Are you getting paid to beat up Wu Sheng, or are you following the instructions from above?"

They are all from ATV, why didn't they receive such news? ?

Uncle Cai was stunned for a moment, "I just heard what property manager Xiao Liu said? Aren't our Huayuan properties also a peripheral part of Huazhi Construction Group? Huazhi's properties shouldn't be messed up, right?"

Although he thinks this matter is a bit bizarre, he believes in Huazhi's brand.

Zha Zhahui was eager to try, "Then let me ask Xiao Liu now?"

The thing that Old Wu did on the 11th floor is not a big hatred, just like a naughty kid making trouble... A naughty kid who acts like a monster will sincerely apologize after being a monster, and the public will rarely care about it.

He said that he would go door to door to apologize afterwards. With his attitude here, there is a lot that is acceptable, but? ? If you've been smoked for two or three days and still haven't gotten over it, when you're under this kind of biochemical attack at home, the anger will continue to build up.

If this was a game where anger could explode special effects, they would have maxed it out already, right?

When you were in the public toilet era, did you try to go to the toilet and be thrown by naughty children with firecrackers and bombs for two or three days in a row?

Uncle Cai nodded repeatedly, "Then go and ask. When Xiao Liu asked me before, he said that we have two options. One is to beat him and injure his skin. The other is to find a remote house with no neighbors." Yes, close the door and stew the canned herring in the pressure cooker, then shut Wu Sheng, Ouyang Pangpang and the last reporter in to enjoy."

"I still don't know how to choose."

"Hey, I felt like I could only endure it before. That guy is a big star. Not to mention some biochemical attacks, even if he demolished the load-bearing walls like some idiot and turned our building into a dangerous building, I could only endure it. "

"ATV is still very particular and thinks a lot about us ordinary citizens. I can't wait!"

Zha Zhahui's mouth opened wide, and he couldn't close it for a while. Can he still play like this?

Luo Dahua blinked and said, "This seems to be a hype for the announcement of (Wanted 2). If we play like this, will it not affect the further announcement?"

Uncle Cai nodded, "Yes, property manager Xiao Liu also said that we can sue Wu Sheng afterwards, and Wu Sheng can also sue us. The bigger the lawsuit and the more sensational it is, the better."

"It would be better to spark a nationwide discussion in Asia."

Luo Dahua was silent for dozens of seconds, then touched his chin and said, "Is this canned herring really made by man? Is it edible? I deeply doubt it. Who would eat this?"

This is not the era of Internet big data.

Before the day before yesterday, they didn't know that there were dark dishes like canned herring in the world. They didn't know enough about it, and they didn't even know where such things could be sold now.

At least tens of thousands of comprehensive retailers, including the Baijia chain, don’t sell this product.

It is true that since the singer from a certain province mentioned this plan on the 15th, Lao Wu did not do anything until the afternoon of the 17th. Not only was it a matter of whether he was moved and acted upon, but also the difficulty of finding canned herrings.

That thing is a Swedish specialty and a traditional national delicacy.

Sweden, with a population of only a few million, eats an average of 800 tons of canned herring every year, or one ton per 10,000 people per year.

A brother from a certain province in the province first searched for it on Hong Kong Island, but couldn't find it. He contacted several friends from the province who were studying in Sweden and found a box at their home before shipping it to Hong Kong Island.

Those international students have that stuff at home, and it’s not because they love to eat it. It’s just... they know the lethality of this stuff, so they bought it to trick people.

Officially, this stuff cannot be eaten indoors, but at the annual Herring Canned Festival, people eat these outdoors everywhere.

Zhao Donghuai had just started work yesterday morning and asked his contacts to do something. It was not until today that the real estate agent was looking for victims in this building. It was also because he found the finished canned herring after a whole day of searching. The origin was similar.

Some students studying in Sweden in Hong Kong or white-collar workers on business trips to Sweden have some at home, not just for food, but for fun and excitement.

Unit 2, Building 9, at the entrance to the first floor, Zhang Jiahui had just stepped out of the elevator when he saw Wu Zhenyu saying to a property security guard with an angry look on his face, "Xiao Liu, I know I was wrong, who did you find?" "

"Hit me, you can hit me however you want, but don't lock me in the room."

Ouyang Pangpang was similar, "We have fully realized our mistake. Brother, please help us. I'm used to being beaten and so on. I've long been used to it in beating scenes, so don't worry about us."

Wait for Xiao Liu to look at Zhang Jiahui and Uncle Cai and Luo Dahua who came down with them.

The few people looked at each other and exchanged eyes. Wu Zhenyu walked over decisively and grabbed Zhang Jiahui's fist, "Are you Ah Hui? I seem to have an impression. Come on, fight. I will never resist. After the fight, we will each find a lawyer to sue the other party. Things get done quickly.”

"There were absolutely no complaints afterwards."

He would pull Zha Zhahui's fist and hit him in the face, but Zha Zhahui froze in mid-air with an embarrassed look on his face, "Brother Yu, isn't this bad? I heard that you are not a Chinese version." Is (the hearing girl) a supporting role?"

“How can we make a movie if it’s broken?”

Ouyang Pangpang's eyes lit up, "Yes, Ayu can't be injured. I'm fine. I've finished filming (Emperor One 2) a long time ago, and the first round has been aired. As for the third season script, I haven't started preparations yet." .”

"It's still too early for me to start work next time. Just wait until you lock Ayu in a small dark room."

Uncle Cai suddenly realized, "Yes, yes, we can't delay the filming of Zhao Films' big project."

Wu Zhenyu was dumbfounded.

At this moment, there was a burst of laughter outside the building. It was a laugh that made people almost fall over. Without looking back, Ayu and Pangpang Ouyang knew that it was Tao Dayu.

Old Wu turned around angrily, "Damn it, why are you watching the excitement? Get out of here right now."

Tao Dayu laughed even louder, until he was tired of laughing, and then he walked in and said, "I just want to see why you are so talented."

"The big star who disturbed the people by cooking rice fields at home was on the legal channel? Today's newspaper also has expert lawyers discussing whether you have violated the law by doing things like this at home. There are legal provisions for disturbing people with noise..."

"But it's a bit dark for you to play this at home? What on earth do you think?"

Tao Dayu really feels like he has been alive for a long time.

Wu Zhenyu clapped his hands and said, "Damn it, that's right, this is not what I thought of. Is there a Ben Province singer? Where did he go? Damn..."

Ouyang Zhenhua was so excited that he started to call, "Yes, that one jumped on the street and couldn't run away. My wife is still unable to be contacted because of this. We were all tricked by Yu Chengqing."


Los Angeles time, January 19, 5 pm.

When Liu Dehua, Tan Yonglin, and Zhong Zhentao walked out of the elevator with Yang Yuying and Tai Zhengxiao, a few ordinary disciple-level players, a group of reporters rushed outside the door.

A group of white male and female reporters all pushed the microphone towards Brother Hua, "Andy, I heard that the actor who played the villain in (Wanted 2) actually cooked shit in his house on Hong Kong Island, triggering protests from nearly a hundred owners of the building? Is this true? Real or fake?"

"Andy, are all the actors you work with so courageous? Do they have any quirks?"

"Andy, what's the name of that actor? Did he have any previous works?"


You said something to me, and the elevator in the hotel lobby on the first floor was blocked and it almost became a press conference.

In the past, Hua Zai and the others had long been accustomed to this kind of situation. The Pan-Asian bodyguards were also responsible for daily maintenance and protecting people going out.

It's just that Liu Dehua's defense was a bit broken today? What's the meaning? what's the situation? Wu Zhenyu cooked rice at home, causing a large number of protests from neighbors?

Damn it, he has just arrived in Los Angeles for a day or two. He has just recovered from jet lag and is well rested. He plans to hold his first concert tonight. What is this, Old Wu? ? No longer alive? ?

That's not right. Even though I have played a lot of club bosses and villains in the past, my image is somewhat fixed, but Jiang Bao in Shaolin Soccer, Yan Liang in Long Night, and the deaf-mute brother in (Hearing Girl) , isn’t this a complete work of transformation? ?

Why is he cooking rice at home? ?

Hua Zai was like this, and so were Tan Yonglin, Zhong Zhentao and others. Everyone was stunned and confused, and their views were shattered.

What happened behind the scenes? No one on Hong Kong Island informed them because they didn't know the truth and were misled by the media like ordinary melon-eaters. Only in this way can they face the North American media with the most authentic reaction.

Their true reactions will make people in the media believe it even more.

As for Lao Wu’s name, honor, and image? ?

When Wanted 2 gets popular, why don't you just explain that it's just Swedish dark cuisine? If you don't believe it? If you don’t believe it, why don’t you buy a box of canned Swedish herring and try cooking it?

Maybe with the global sales of Wanted 2, Swedish canned herring will become a hot seller around the world as a super dark dish just like it did in the Internet era.

By the way, Lao Wu should contact Sweden in time and ask the canned herrings there to pay him for endorsements and advertising fees.

In the era of the Internet, canned herring has become famous in the dark food world, and JD.com and the like can sell the goods at any time. Isn't it just the Internet eating and broadcasting, coupled with the fame and sales brought by stars in variety shows?

After a period of time, he did not respond to other news. He just said that Wu Zhenyu’s masterpiece is (New World 3), which is equivalent to Asia’s (Godfather 3). If you are interested, you can check out the video. Hua Zai and others got into the nanny car, in front of the motorcade On the way.

Yang Yuying was so shocked that she almost went crazy, "Brother Hua, can't you? Are there really people who have such strong tastes? I am still shocked by Wu Sheng's performance in New World 3, and Inspector Yan Tong in Chasing the Dragon is also shocked. It's particularly disgusting, he...he is actually such a person in private?"

Tai Zhengxiao was also shocked and said, "Why don't you call back and ask? I can't believe that Ding Xiaoxie in (Big Time) has such a special hobby. Does he have a girlfriend? His girlfriend knows about this. Don’t you doubt life?”

"And break up?"

"Or are you experiencing life for a new movie or TV series?"

Liu Dehua picked up the phone and was silent for a few minutes before waving his hand, "I still won't call. I guess Lao Wu's previous number has been out of reach for a long time. If he doesn't change his number, gossip media from all over the world will probably be able to call him." Explode the number.”

"Old Wu... I have a good relationship with him, but this is a bit too scary."

The bodyguard and driver who was driving suddenly interrupted, "Brother Hua, do you think this news will lead to a surge in sales of the video tape of (New World 3) in Europe and the United States?"

"One thing to say, no matter how ferocious his performance was in (New World 3) or (Big Era), or how big-bodied he was, to us he was just a street kid, not worth mentioning."

"He dares to play tricks like this? I feel scared. You can't offend ruthless people. If I hadn't watched those movies and TV shows, I would be super curious about who he is, just like Huang Weiming performed a handstand in the early years. Lami Tian Gong.”

"That person was just talking and never dared to do anything real. When he was provoked by public opinion, he just bowed and admitted his mistake. Tuxiazai admitted his mistake and begged for forgiveness."

This bodyguard has been with Ah Hua for seven years since the release of "The Flying Tiger" in 1984 and became a global hit!

The first batch of elites who came out from the mainland have been leading the team to protect Ah Hua for seven years, and they are also Ah Hua's good friends in private.

Of course Brother Hua knows how capable and elite the opponent is. He said that the eldest brother or little godfather of the Hong Kong community is the eldest brother of the street kid, which is not worth mentioning. That is the fact.

Ah Hua just fell into silence again!


Time passed, and the European and American tour of Andy Lau and others went smoothly and was very popular. Wu Zhenyu was violently beaten by angry citizen Ah Cai and others, venting his anger at being "cooked shit" in the building.

Then Lao Wu asked a lawyer to sue Ah Cai and others for assaulting him. Ah Cai and others asked lawyers to sue the other party for cooking the rice fields, which was a biochemical attack and seriously disturbed the people. It made people almost depressed.

This series of news has made waves in East and Southeast Asia.

How would you describe the degree of breaking the circle? It beats the popularity of (Spider-Man 1).

Countless actresses who have worked with Wu Zhenyu have begun to be questioned and interviewed. For example, Li Lizhen, who performed in "Xiaoting Love" in the big era, was questioned and interviewed by reporters. When she and Lao Wu were working together, were they attracted by each other's true talents? , did you have any feelings outside the show?

Li Lizhen hurriedly said that Wu Sheng was a very good senior and collaborator, but the two only had a relationship in the movie, and they were the tragic lovers who were thrown to death by her own hands. Off-screen, the two did not talk to each other at all.

As soon as she turned around, a certain newspaper announced, "Li Lizhen strongly clarified the scandal. It is impossible for her to like a man who secretly likes to cook rice..."

In fact, since the broadcast of "Big Time", there have been no scandals like "Xiaoting Love" where the small-screen couple partners were transferred to real life.

But gossip magazines and newspapers finally had an opportunity to hype up celebrities, and naturally they went crazy. Not to mention the sensation (Big Time), even in the movie (Chasing the Dragon), Inspector Yan Tong, played by Lao Wu, Zhang Wenxi, who plays the role of Madame Chang, was interviewed.

The reporter asked Zhang Wenxi and Wu Zhenyu what it was like to play a husband and wife team on the big screen. Zhang Wenxi said that Wu Sheng is a very nice person, far from being as vicious as the images shown on the big screen, and he is a very kind person.

The newspaper turned around and announced, "Privately, Lao Wu likes to invite actresses to cook rice fields and date together, so he is almost an insulator to the opposite sex in the circle. Zhang Wenyi hates this."

As for hype, the louder the noise, the better. Since it was Zhao Donghuai who signaled his support for the hype, everyone had a good time.

This string of news spread from Hong Kong Island to the mainland, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, island countries, etc. Especially in the island countries, when the specially produced Japanese version (Big Time) was re-released, the peak ratings reached 20% Around 10 to 20 million viewers.

Izumi Sakai sang the theme song for it.

Lao Wu is very popular in the island country. He is so popular that it cannot be described in normal language.

Then everyone gradually learned that (Wanted 2) starring Wu Zhenyu was about to be released due to the offensive of news promotion, trailers, posters, etc. Many people couldn't wait to watch it.

Countless people are curious, what does the guy who cooks rice at home look like, and why is he so exciting?

Even when Lao Wu sued citizen Ah Cai and others, and Ah Cai sued Lao Wu, countless tabloids followed the lawyers for interviews, and the two lawyers... their fame skyrocketed.

Many citizens are curious. Is it illegal to cook rice in private at home? Does it count as attacking a neighbor? What will be the penalty?

It was under such circumstances that another kind of fluctuation occurred in Europe and the United States.

On January 22, the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, when the blond Jack walked out of the apartment and yawned to go for breakfast, the next door in the corridor also opened, and a handsome blond guy came out. Jack smiled and greeted, "Peter, Good morning."

Peter smiled at Jack and turned to leave.

Jack quickly went up and said, "Hey, have you seen (New World)? The (New World) trilogy in Hong Kong movies, Fuck, it's so cool. I stayed up late and watched it twice in one go. It's as great as The Godfather." s work."

"I didn't expect that in Hong Kong Island, the mafia gangsters would be so handsome and cool. They feel more fashionable and domineering than our mafia in Los Angeles!"

Peter said blankly, "You haven't seen it? What's wrong with you?"

Jack danced excitedly, "The big star Wu who cooked rice at home and caused disputes among the neighbors. His performance in the new world is really great. He is even cooler than Mike Corleone!"

"It's not that guy's weird news that amazes me. I really want to see what kind of person he is. I really haven't had the chance to see such a beautiful work from the New World."

The New World 1, 2 and 3 trilogy was completed consecutively in 1983 and 1984. This film sold very well in Asia and was Zhao Donghuai’s most famous film, but for the world’s film industry, Hurricane Rescue and Lone Tiger , Rapid Chase and more.

He is the representative of Zhao Donghuai's entry into the world film industry.

But even for the Hurricane, Flying Tiger and Manhunt series, they were all sold to Warner's Green Rose, with a wave of outright rights.

So far, the New World Trilogy has not been released in Europe and the United States. It has only been released on post-production video tapes, along with various Hong Kong-produced blockbusters.

But for works that have not been released and have not been announced later, it is really...mostly watched by diehard Hong Kong film fans or overseas Chinese. In the minds of most white movie fans, what is the New World? I do not know.

Even if you go to rent a video, you won't find a movie that's not well-known and doesn't have intense action, fighting, racing, or big special effects. It feels like an ordinary literary movie, and most of the time it just eats dust in a warehouse.

Really, Wu Zhenyu's social news came over. The reporters interviewed Hua Zai and asked what kind of person Lao Wu was. Hua Zai explained, and the news broadcast... became popular.

I'm just curious who is the guy who caused a sensation by cooking rice fields at home and disturbing the public? What does it look like? I'll just take a look and satisfy my curiosity.

And then conquered by the (New World) trilogy?

It's normal. The New World Trilogy influenced the makeup and look of dynamic social groups in Hong Kong and even island countries and South Korea.

Starting from 1983, if you are a member of the society and don’t even have a good suit, then it means you are low-class and not up to par, and you can’t even recruit a few underlings, right?

Monica Bellucci's father and the Godfather of the Mafia, after watching The New World on Hong Kong Island, his eyes were opened, and he called on the group to change from studying the two-part series "The Godfather" to studying the three-part series "The New World" Quite.

In the first part, Ah Fa commanded his men to put traitors into gasoline barrels, fill them with cement, and encapsulate the domineering and cruel template of the sea reclamation. It was really a model for countless big brothers on the road.

That scene, combined with the explosive music, was really a BGM, and the exclusive high-end big brother feeling hit his face. Jack watched it twice in a row last night, which was equivalent to watching six movies, and it gave him goosebumps.

He walked and danced while explaining, and couldn't stop praising how cool he was, which made Pitt even curious. Pitt is also a Hollywood beauty, and as an actor, Brad Pitt will still be famous in the future in his original trajectory.

Can it be greater than the (Godfather) trilogy? ? Whether it's Marlon Brando or Al Pacino in The Godfather, whose performance is not a textbook for Hollywood celebrities to learn from?

Peter is no longer in a hurry to join the cast. Anyway, he is not famous at this time. He will appear in "Thelma and Louise" this year. For a supporting role, his salary is only tens of thousands of dollars.

It wasn't until 1992 when he starred in "River Love" that he became famous on a small scale. In 1993, when he starred in "California Killer" and won the Best Actor trophy at the Venice International Film Festival, his popularity exploded.

Like Jim Carrey in his original career, he didn't start his career as a superstar until the mid-1990s.

After breakfast, Peter went back to the apartment to borrow Jack's video tape and ran home to watch New World.


While eating pizza and drinking boiled water, Pete's mind was filled with questions and exclamation points, "I still can't believe that such a godfather-level protagonist would like to cook rice fields at home? What kind of damn hobby and hobby is this??"

It was already afternoon after reading the trilogy, and he felt another damn shock in a daze!

In fact, at this moment in Europe and the United States, there are many, many people like Jack and Pete... Teacher Huang Weiming performed handstand rummy, which really deceived the audience several times and disappointed the audience many times.

This one is different. He has been on the legal news in Asia! It’s all in the legal news, so it shouldn’t be fake, right?


On January 24, one day before the release of "Wanted 2", Zhao Donghuai was sitting behind his desk, feeling Xiaoxian's witty remarks, when he saw Azhen coming over and said, "Boss, the video tape market in Europe and the United States, the new The World Trilogy video rentals are selling like crazy.”

"The popularity is on par with Police Story 3 and 4. We had to urgently ship a wave of video tapes from Asia to stabilize the market!"

Zhao Donghuai took a long breath and said, "So angry?"

The long-term total income from the rental and sale of a movie's video tape is basically the same as the movie box office. Police Story 3 has a global box office of more than 200 million U.S. dollars, and the fourth film has a global box office of 430 million U.S. dollars.

The next moment, Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "It's just a short-term pursuit, it doesn't mean much."

People work over time. After one, two, or three years, rental and sales are very stable. If you suddenly explode one month and then go off the market the next month, it means nothing.

As for the movies from 1983 and 1984, were they popular in 1991? Is it obsolete? It's definitely not out of date. The first one was copied from a 2010s movie by Zhao Donghuai, isn't it?

Azhen smiled sweetly, "Mo's side, Fox, also wants to spend money to buy the rights to the first and second trilogy, $6 million for the remake rights."

Zhao Donghuai was a little speechless, "I won't sell it."

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