Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 364: Dongpo flood control, everyone, follow me!

March 8th, Women’s Day.

Zhang Min and Winona Ryder were standing in the lobby on the first floor of the Good Luck Lai flagship store in Tsim Sha Tsui, greeting guests with the secretarial team. Today is the 22nd of the first lunar month, and the 21-day data for Hearing Girls has been released.

Mainland China had 150 million RMB in the first week, 260 million in the second week, 240 million RMB in the third week, a total of 650 million, Hong Kong had 79 million Hong Kong dollars, Thailand had 170 million Hong Kong dollars, South Korea had 210 million Hong Kong dollars, and the total figure exceeded 1.1 billion Hong Kong dollars. .

The performance of the European and American versions was not bad either. With the appeal of Winona, Al Pacino, Nicolas Cage and others, Europe, Canada and the United States earned US$180 million in three weeks, which is equivalent to 1.4 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The total data just exceeded 2.5 billion Hong Kong dollars.

This is directly catching up with last year's performance (New No Love), and the reputation is also very good. It is certain to be nominated for the Best Actress in the Hong Kong Film Awards. If it were not for the fear of being criticized for having a shady story, the trophy should be given to it.

Amin was in high spirits on happy occasions and stood on the first floor to welcome and send off the guests.

When Wang Jing walked into the lobby with Li Lianjie, Liu Xiaoli and other cast and crew members of "A Moment of Death", Fei Jing, who was a few meters away, clasped his hands and bowed, "Sister Min, congratulations, we are waiting for Sister Min to appear in major majors in the future." It won awards at the film festival.”

When Ajie was outside the crew, he was more restrained. He smiled, clasped his fists and said congratulations, but Liu Xiaoli took the hand of three-and-a-half-year-old An Feng and walked forward, "Sister Min, I will pay you more respect later." A few drinks, but if you need me to stop drinking, just say hello."

"Xiao Feng, say hello to sister quickly."

Xiao Anfeng expressed his congratulations smoothly and accurately, which made Amin laugh happily. He also asked for some small gifts from the secretarial team and gave them to her.

The secretaries of the ten-member group are prepared with a large number of hairpins, brooches, lipstick, lighters and other small gifts. The things are of little significance, but they are all big brands.

After An Feng took it again and thanked her, Amin looked at Sister Liu and asked, "Are you still used to going to kindergarten in Dakeng Village?"

Liu Xiaoli nodded, "It's good, it's really good. There are too many good people there."

Good guy? This is true, just like what Hiroko said in the future, when you become famous, there will be more and more good people around you, regardless of the environment and atmosphere in which Hiroko said those words in the original trajectory.

In this dimension, Zhao Donghuai has the Pan-Asia Group and the Hydra organization as the main force, as well as a large number of dynamic social groups. They have also made a lot of real wealth with him time and time again. A large number of big brother backbone groups are still following him to this day. Moscow trade wealth.

That's really...

The black and white two-way escorts are superstars, and they are also the cash cows of the ATV and Hong Kong Film Group!

When these cash cows become popular, there are not only many good people around them, but also many "honest people" in a certain sense.

Next door to Dakeng Village, the processing plant of some departments of Baicaotang Group is currently in the opening stage. It has recruited a large number of drug developers and also recruited many students from various traditional Chinese medicine schools in the mainland, including training some workers and using modern machinery and equipment. The assembly line produces proprietary Chinese medicine granules to cure high blood pressure.

This led to the prosperity of Tai Hang Village and Tai Po New Town.

Many vacant houses in the new community have been rented out and are almost full. Workers are being recruited to build factories and produce. Baicaotang Group has also established internal employee dormitories, but the employee dormitories are often four-person rooms, similar to university dormitories.

If you have the conditions to move out and live on your own, Dakeng Village would definitely be your first choice.

Zhang Min smiled, hugged An Feng, and said, "Did your (Taiping Wheel) filming go well?"

Liu Xiaoli nodded a little weirdly, "It went very smoothly, it went so well. My scenes were mainly to play some harmonious and beautiful scenes with Afa's family. Then I played the scene of being humiliated and killed by the defeated general. I felt that more than half of the filming was done, and it was very complete. ”

"I took Xiaofeng back to Shanghai before. I usually take Bingbing and Yuanyuan to film. After filming, I let Xiaofeng play with my two sisters. They got along very well."

An Feng is a few years younger than Bingbing and Yuanyuan, but being younger is sometimes another advantage. In addition, Liu Xiaoli's status is almost one of the most popular actresses in the first-class. I don't know how much she can beat Bingbing and Yuanyuan. Street.

It’s true that there are many good people and harmony is beautiful.

She is a little confused at this stage. She doesn't know in which direction she should train An Feng? She is already a superstar herself, has made a lot of wealth, and has opened a factory to achieve a class jump.

Is An Feng going to be a quiet second-generation rich man? Or bring her into the circle too?

Her thoughts are a little lost, but it's still so early, so it wouldn't be a bad thing to get her to know more of her brothers and sisters in the industry.

That is, the troubled Taiping Wheel project cost a lot of money from the Li family's Aju in the early preparations, but when the shooting actually started, Aju was kicked away? The project suddenly went so smoothly.

Not to mention that Liu Xiaoli was in a weird mood, Zhang Min was also speechless after hearing this.

At this moment, another wave of people came to the celebration banquet. It was Zhou Xingxing who came with Yuan Jieying, Chen Derong and other (Play Back to School 3) crew.

After a simple greeting period, Ah Xing went upstairs to the private room with Wang Jing and others. Of course, the main ones receiving these film and television group bosses in the lobby were Di Long, Wu Zhenyu and others...

Yuan Jieying stayed and said, "Sister Min, I received a strange book from Cai Ziming. It's called (Shanghai 1920). The salary I was given was HK$5 million. Although there were no other coercive techniques, I heard Doesn’t he have a simple background?”

Zhang Min said unexpectedly, "You are protected by ten Pan-Asian bodyguards who take turns to protect you every day. Are you afraid of this? Do you want to take this job?"

A Ying shook her head, "I don't want to answer, it feels weird. I heard that he came back from Europa? He was very popular there? Is it okay if he doesn't answer? That Cai Ziming is indeed willing to spend money, and I heard that he even invited him Zun Long will be the male lead."

Amin waved his hand grandly, "It must be fine. I'll talk to the boss later. No matter who the male lead is, as long as you don't want to act, you don't have to deal with them."

Cai Ziming is with Europa? So what? While filming (Spider-Man 1), Winona Ryder was kidnapped once, and then the kidnapper was still driving on the road, and she became a Hydra!

Europa is definitely not any more noble than Amei’s family.

Yuan Jieying is also a cash cow that Zhao Donghuai holds up, and she became famous both inside and outside the entertainment industry as a "virgin girl suspected of being lucky" who descended into the mortal world.

That was Fei Jing who made the list of the top ten beauties in 1990.

Under her words, Aying also breathed a sigh of relief and looked comfortable.


A moment later, Good Luck came to a private room on the tenth floor. As soon as Zhao Donghuai clinked glasses with everyone and took a sip of wine, Wang Zuxian came out of the private room and said a series of words to him with a smile.

Zhao Donghuai laughed dumbly, "Cai Ziming? Did you scare A Ying?"

Xiaoxian shook his head, "That's not true. I just heard that he is a crossing dragon who came back from Europa. I'm afraid that he doesn't understand the rules and won't abide by them."

Zhao Donghuai took another sip of wine and said, "Then call Aguang and ask someone from Pan-Asia to formally talk to Cai Ziming. This person may not have a big problem."

He had heard of Cai Ziming, who was shot dead in 1992 because of his involvement in Li Lianjie's contract. He had just signed Li Lianjie to make a blockbuster for him.

The news was also sensational.

According to legend, he and Ajie are good friends, and they hit it off like old friends. Ajie filmed the first part of Once Upon a Time, which was a huge hit, and the second part has already started filming. Jiahe still withheld the final payment from the first part. he.

When he stopped dating men in the middle to improve himself, and the fight with Jiahe became extremely tense, it was Cai Ziming who stepped in to smooth things over.

Moreover, after Cai Ziming's death, many people who had contact with him in the circle often spoke well of him when interviewed by the media, and almost all of them were positive.

He said that he understands the rules, gives money easily, is also very interested in the film industry, and actively contacts Hollywood to operate major movies. The new movie he plans to make for Ajie is in contact with Stallone, and he wants to ask Stallone to play a supporting role or double role for Ajie. main character.

It stands to reason that there will be many positive reviews after his death? Is he a polite person?

But this guy is not without his dark spots. Let’s talk about his first film in the industry (The Dragon and Tiger Club). There are many rumors. For example, Hua Zai was held at gunpoint to accept a movie contract. It was this film. .

And his new work in 1991 (Shanghai 1920)? Starring Zun Lung, Yuan Jieying and Li Lizhen, the whole movie...

What do you remember after reading it? Yuan Jieying’s Wangzi steamed buns? ?

At that time, Yuan Jieying was really confused and had sex on the big screen. It was strange and powerful. You must know that Aying had decisively rejected Wu Yusen's (Blood in the Streets) the year before because she didn't want to dissatisfy her boyfriend. , it will be Ah Wei who plays opposite her.

She refused to accept any kissing scenes or anything like that, but her boyfriend took the initiative and said he didn't mind, so he accepted.

It took less than a year to enter (Shanghai 1920) and it came to fruition? Is the boat scene very big? ? If you really say that there is no story in it, it would be inappropriate, right? ?

On the other hand, after the film was finished, it barely made any splash when it was released on Hong Kong Island. However, the film was sold in ports and sold very well, mainly because it made money in Europe and the United States. The investment of US$9 million was not lost.

The next moment, Zhao Donghuai also raised his glass and said, "Okay, tonight is Amin's celebration banquet. I won't go off topic too much. That guy should abide by the rules. If he doesn't, let Fan Ya teach him how to behave."

Starting from March, it really belongs to the booming period of the new year and the new year.

This night's celebration banquet was extremely successful. Not to mention Zhao Donghuai's good mood, too many people tried their best to squeeze into the celebration banquet and show their faces.

Don't worry about whether ordinary people have a chance to meet Director Zhao. As long as you come in, there are stars everywhere. If you look around, you may not find new opportunities.

Until, it’s another new day.

The Ajie version (Fang Shiyu) has started to massacre the topic circle again. In terms of publicity, Jet Li is still very serious and energetic. This is his first shot after establishing Sanfeng Film and Television.


On March 15, (Fang Shiyu) was released globally, even though it had a different schedule, it still achieved good box office performance on April 8.

In this version (Fang Shiyu), except for Ajie, the female lead was changed to Xiao Yingying, the most beautiful woman in the province. Almost all other characters are the original ones. The nine-door admiral Ordo is still played by Zhao Wenzhuo. In early August last year, Xu Ke thought After filming "The House of Gold and Jade", Zhao Wenzhuo developed.

The photos are really beautiful, high quality.

The box office of Hong Kong Island was more than HK$28 million in 21 days, which is not much worse than the original trajectory. The surprise is in Europe and the United States. After three weeks, the total box office in North America is 9.8 million US dollars and Europe is 7.73 million US dollars. After conversion, the box office is already 136 million Hong Kong dollars.

This is still three weeks. If it accumulates for one or two weeks, it will continue to increase a lot.

This is what surprised Li Lianjie as the boss. Without waiting for the box office to recoup the money, he directly gave the screenwriter Liu Zhenwei a big red envelope of 3 million Hong Kong dollars.

In the past, he received red envelopes after the fact and was given them by others. At this stage, his identity has been changed, which is completely different.

Following (Fang Shiyu) were Liu Xiaoli’s proposal to start filming (Yang Naiwu and Xiaobaicai) in September last year, Tao Huimin’s Xiaobaicai, and Liu Yijun’s Yang Naiwu.

After taking over from Fang Shiyu, the performance was mediocre, with 70% of the movie scheduled, the first day's box office on Hong Kong Island was 3.7 million Hong Kong dollars, and with the current scale of thousands of theaters, a movie is scheduled for 12 shows a day, and the maximum day box office for 70% of the movie scheduled is also 1134 Thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

The gap between the data of 3.7 million and 1134 is a bit too big.

Even if April 8th falls on a Monday, is April the off-season for movies? Too bad.

Fortunately, the performance in the mainland was not bad. A 2 yuan movie ticket was available in Wanjia and New Era Cinemas. The huge number of movie screens allowed the movie's daily box office to barely exceed 10 million yuan.

Needless to say, starting from the 2nd, the film scheduling rate has plummeted! He gave way to (Fang Shiyu) again.

Liu Yijun, a player with a background as a big idol, can no longer handle the box office.

Zhao Donghuai didn't pay much attention to this project. He was sitting in the office, looking at the master tape of the movie (Dongpo Flood Control), with mixed emotions on his face, "It took 7 months to make, and it's out?"

"Let's go and see how the film goes. If it's suitable, we can arrange for it to be officially announced as a blockbuster."

There is only one big special effect in the whole Dongpo Flood Control. Su Shi led Xu City's Northern Song Dynasty Xiang soldiers to fight against the Yellow River floods. That big special effect has been filmed. Others include the control of the West Lake, the control of the water ring in eastern Guangdong during the Northern Song Dynasty, the control of Danzhou in Hainan, etc. They are all real shots, just wear ancient costumes and follow the ancient water control model.

The special effects are not too big, not much.

Naturally, it can’t be said to be a truly great special effects movie.

The complicated thing about Zhao Donghuai's emotions is that according to the current pace, will it be announced and released in a week or two in April? Isn’t that the middle to late period?

The floods in East China that originally lasted for more than two months officially kicked off in mid-May. Anhui and Jiangsu have started the rainy season nearly a month in advance, and the rain has not stopped.

so? ? The movie probably hasn't been released yet, and it's directly connected to the 1991 floods in East China. We are not in a hurry to announce that we will directly donate the proceeds from the movie. We will wait until the floods come and cause huge destructive power.

Just announce the donation.

Besides, both he and the mainland officials have been preparing for this for so long.

I just hope everything can be safe inside and outside film and television.


On April 16, "Dongpo Flood Control" starring Liang Jiahui, Cheng Long, Hong Yanbao, Yuan Biao, Lin Zhengying and others has been announced for a few days.

Jiahui and Aaron have both talked several times on ATV's talk show about how difficult it was for the ancients to control floods and how flooding in the Yangtze and Huaihe River basins during the rainy season occurred.

Audiences in East Asia and Southeast Asia also used ATV, a rising star satellite TV, to generate great interest and attention in (Dongpo Flood Control).

On a certain crew in Kowloon Tong, as the filming of the movie ended, Wang Jingcai raised his loudspeaker and said with a smile, "Click, it's done!!"

The big crew cheered and boiled.

At the edge of the crowd, Luo Huijuan walked towards Wang Jing carrying a bucket of food boxes, "Thank you for your hard work, Director Wang. I heard that you like to eat roast goose. I brought it to you from Yong Kee. It's still hot."

Zhou Xingxing rolled his eyes and walked over, "Ajuan, are you okay?"

Wang Jing smiled and accepted the roast goose takeout, rubbed his hands and said, "My brothers and sisters are such virtuous people. Forget it, I won't argue with you. We will still be good brothers when we return to the company."

In fact, as Zhou Xingxing gets higher and higher as a celebrity and becomes more and more famous, he will occasionally get playful while working, or he will have creative disputes with the director and want to scrap a certain scene and reshoot it. …

Let's just say that the March 1990 proposal for "Play Back to School" was pushed backwards time and time again. As a result, in February this year, as soon as Ah Xing mentioned this, Wang Jing came up with a script that was more than 90% complete.

And according to Wang Jing’s style and the performance capabilities of Zhou Xingxing and others, even if the Chinese version and the white female protagonist version are shot together, it can be completed in a month at most.

It took more than 50 days from February 23 to today. Zhou Xingxing changed the script more than once on the set and Fei Jing also put a lot of thought into it.

Sometimes I still change it again and again.

Wang Jing thought it was okay, very good, but Ah Xing insisted on taking better results, and then? ? There was a quarrel, and Ah Xing's fighting prowess also made the crew noisy.

After a quarrel, who bows first? ?

Most of the time, Luo Huijuan, Jay Chou's virtuous girlfriend, runs around buying delicious food and giving good wine as gifts...

Juanmei is so virtuous, Fei Jing really can't help it, he feels like he has to stay angry, but it makes him, Old Wang, too petty.

Besides, he and Zhou Xingxing are not just co-producing a movie, but they are both major shareholders of 100 Years Pictures, and they can sit at the board table and vote together.

Ah Xing is sometimes very angry with Juanmei, and often bows her head on his behalf. However, some of Juanmei's words are also very straightforward, leaving him speechless. That is, on the set, basically he wins when it comes to changing scenes. He carried out his idea.

How can we start a company together in the future if you don't give in much outside the field?

Although his Tang Dynasty Catering Group, regardless of the ham sausages and peeing beef balls, are all best-selling foods in Hong Kong, South Korea and Thailand, compared with the behemoth of 100 Years Pictures, which has a market value of 30 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Not even close!

8% of 30 billion, who is not a group tycoon with a market value of 2.4 billion Hong Kong dollars? ?

Just as Wang Jing was complaining and expressing his generosity, a figure suddenly jumped out from the crowd, "Master Xing, I have been running for three months and the script of (The Grandmaster) is almost ready. Do you want to review it?"

This is Wang Jiawei.

The appearance of the sunglasses king made the atmosphere a little subtle, especially when everyone looked at the three pages of paper in his hand? ? Three sheets of A4 paper randomly stapled together?

Three months? !

Zhou Xingxing stretched out his hand, "It's been more than three months from January 8th to today, April 16th. That Jin Chengwu from Wan Province has been practicing Hong Quan for more than three months!"

When Wang Jiawei handed over the script, Zhou Xingxing was stunned. The first page of A4 paper was not even filled up, okay? !

When he took a closer look, he saw that during the Republic of China, Gong Yutian, the president of the Chinese Samurai Association and representing the Southern Chuan of Northern Quan, approached Ip Man to ask him to take over the New Hope of the New Wulin. In a duel, Ip Man won.

Gong Yutian's daughter Gong Er was dissatisfied and challenged Ip Man.

During the challenge, I developed a different relationship with Ip Man.

Then times changed. Ma San, Gong Yutian's eldest disciple, killed Gong Yutian. Gong Er decided to kill Ma San and took the Gong family's sixty-four Baguazhang to the south...

In troubled times, the love between men and women also seems to be drifting and insignificant under the drastic changes of the times.

Just write this on one page of A4 paper? ?

Zhou Xingxing read it in a hurry, looked up at Wang Jiawei, turned to the second page, and was shocked to find that there were several photos posted on this page.

Wang Jiawei then explained, "This girl's name is Zhou Xun. She is 17 years old. Although she is still in school, she has worked as a calendar model for many times. It was February when I found her and I thought she had good spirituality."

"I told her at that time to learn more about acting. If she can do it next time we meet, I will ask her to be the heroine of (The Grandmaster), the second palace... Master Xing, what do you think?"

Wang Jingmin looked at it for a minute or two, then nodded, "Okay, I can't say it's stunning, but it's very photogenic, and the eyes are very dramatic...the photos show different emotions."

"This is a discerning girl."

Zhou Xingxing looked at Wang Jiawei speechlessly, and continued to turn to the next page, which was still a photo. Wang Jiawei said happily, "This handsome boy is called Wu Jing. Although he is also 17 years old, he has already won three national martial arts competitions in the mainland, including boxing, spear, and If you are a knife champion, even if you are a junior champion, your martial arts skills are definitely not bad."

"Two years ago, I joined the Beijing Wushu Team and became Li Lianjie's junior brother."

Wang Jingle said, "Okay, Zhao Wenzhuo, whom Xu Ke discovered before, is pretty good. This...isn't this a little baby-faced?"

"At this stage, the global film industry is all adopting a tough guy style. I feel like this is a bit too much."

Zhou Xingxing nodded and said, "Looking for him to play Ma San? He's too young. His makeup skills??"

Wang Jiawei patted his chest and assured, "I met him in March and told him to study more on acting. If successful, he will be the next Ajie. There will be no problem in dressing up to look old."

"The role of Ma San still requires acting skills, especially since he surrendered to the sun and deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors when he was already middle-aged. He needs a sense of acting skills. Anyway, let's hang it for now. If he fails to achieve the goal by the time, he will have to hire someone. Someone else.”

Zhou Xingxing looked at Wu Jing's photo again and raised his head, "What about Jin Chengwu?"

Wang Jiawei also suddenly realized it, patted his thigh and said, "Yes, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me. Mr. Xing, please let someone inform you to let that Awu practice Bajiquan instead."

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly fell silent.

Everyone stared at Lao Wang with curiosity, Lao Wang was very natural, "That Awu man is good-looking and tall. He is one of the most handsome in the action star circle, right? He practices Hong Quan. Month, this experience.”

"It will definitely lay a solid foundation for him. He may be chosen by the action crew one day. What if he becomes popular? Without this foundation, no one will use him."

"Besides, the most handsome face in the last action star circle was Brother Hua. He was the younger brother of Summer Lucky Star Miley Long and Yuan Biao. If it weren't for his wonderful performance, there would have been an explosion of "The Lonely Agent". "

"Tell Awu that as long as he settles down, he will be the next Brother Hua, and he will definitely thank us."

Lao Wang said it so seriously that everyone was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say.

Wang Jiawei continued, "Master Xing, this is my work report for more than three months. If there is no problem, I will continue to visit the folk master. Next time I report to the company, can the settlement be faster?"

There's nothing wrong with him. He traveled all over the mainland to find folk masters, and he paid for travel expenses, food and accommodation, including gifts when you visit him, right? No gift, or even a bad gift, doesn't show sincerity. Without sincerity, why would you pay a frivolous visit? How do you get the knowledge and information you need from private experts? ?

This is all money!

Wang Jiawei's own monthly salary at 100 Years Pictures is far from enough.

Are you talking about director's salary? ? Sorry, since my solo career, except for (Carmen in Mongkok), which earned more than 10 million at the box office on Hong Kong Island, and earned more than 10 million from selling out of Hong Kong, other times... I won awards to compete for awards, but I didn't make any money.

(Days of Being Wild) is still sitting in the warehouse, just waiting for the opening of the Cannes International Film Festival in May. Can he get nominated for an award by running around? If he is nominated or actually wins an award, he will have a chance to get a red envelope. , and scheduled for release in East and Southeast Asia.

Lao Wang is very poor!

On the other hand, his friend Liu Zhenwei is very rich. From (Menggui Mission) (Menggui Academy) to (Gambler), who has not made a lot of money? After being sent to the hotel by Meng Gui, Lin Jianyue directly sent him a red envelope of a thousand-foot mansion in Tsim Sha Tsui!

It was Li Lianjie's first project after the establishment of Sanfeng Film and Television. It was also a script written by Ah Wei (Fang Shiyu). When it was released, he already received a salary of 1 million, and he also received a dividend of 3 million Hong Kong dollars afterwards.

How does this compare? There's no comparison!

Axing's settlement of bills here is a little slower, and his visit to famous people has slowed down a lot. Under his words, Zhou Xingxing looked at Lao Wang again, pointed to the first page of the script, "Just give me this A little bit of drama?? You still expect me to arrange quick accounting settlement for you??"

Lao Wang Can smiled and said, "Master Xing, please work hard for your role. I don't think so much. You should think about it more and then you can act however you want."

"Gong Er is a line, you are a line!"

"I only care about Gong Er."

Now it was Wang Jing's turn to nod his head and sigh, "That's right. No matter how many detailed scripts you prepare for Ah Xing's attack, he will object to you at any time. If you push back, Jiawei, you understand Ah Xing. "

But the next moment Wang Jing said suspiciously, "In more than three months, you have only written this little? Provided two photos of two newcomers? Are you sure you are not using the group's money to travel around and cheat on food and drink? ??”

Wang Jiawei suddenly blushed, "Director Wang, you are also a director, how can you slander people like this?"


April 19th.

(Yang Naiwu and Xiao Baicai), which has been in theaters for 11 days, has finally accumulated more than 80 million yuan at the box office. This is a project that is destined to be a flop, but it is also a project that has made a lot of money.

After all, the main male protagonist in the movie is Liu Yijun. When he accepted the salary project from an ordinary company, it was only 5 million Hong Kong dollars. Tao Huimin or Liu Xiaoli gave her a friendship price of 50,000 Hong Kong dollars, which was already very good.

During this period of release, Xiaobaicai's performance was far inferior to that of Fang Shiyu. Fang Shiyu originally took in 230 million yuan in the mainland in the first three weeks. It continued to accumulate for 11 days, and the total box office exceeded 300 million yuan.

Ajie's singles can be regarded as an example of great success. 300 million is not strong for the mainland's size, but it is definitely a huge profit.

Under such circumstances, with a full star cast (Dongpo Flood Control), after more than ten days of publicity, it officially landed in mainland Hong Kong, Haowan, South Korea and Thailand cinemas.

Mr. Wu from Zhushe is still in Wushi by Taihu Lake. Early in the morning on the 19th, he took two Wanjia movie tickets and took his temporary Dayangma girlfriend to watch a movie. Although there was a Dayangma foreign language teacher of comfort.

Lao Wu was still not in a good mood.

It’s one thing to know that the production cycle of big movies is long. It’s really going on. From September last year to now, more than 7 months have passed. The underground palace on the edge of Wushi is still being repaired. When will it be repaired? It depends on the weather?

What if the rainy season comes early next month and we have to stop work?

Teacher Dayangma made him feel very hurt.

However, he also had great ideas for something that was also not a small undertaking (flood control in Dongpo). He had wanted to do it for a long time, and finally he was able to do it. It was not easy.

Arriving at Wanjia Cinemas smoothly, I entered the cinema and started watching a movie.

At the beginning of the movie, with the appearance of the young version of Su Shi and Wu Qilong, the image of a young man from the Northern Song Dynasty who studied well, loved to make friends, loved food, and loved to play soon appeared in front of all the audience.

The young and handsome guy is studying and eating delicious food while shaking his head among the ancient buildings and mountains and rivers full of Northern Song Dynasty style. The texture of a big movie comes to his face.

Old Wu's eyes lit up when he saw it, not bad, isn't this the Thunder Tiger that they were planning? I didn't expect the acting to look okay...

Then, Lao Wu quickly sprayed Jianlibao.

"Damn it, why is this Su Shi a troll? He trolls everyone he sees? Why doesn't he have any emotional intelligence?"

"Hey, is Su Shi a big troll? How can he criticize his friends, close friends, and classmates who are taking exams together? Do all the teachers dare to criticize him?"


Many audiences in the big theater enjoyed watching it. What was their impression of Su Shi? A great writer, a super great writer, an expert in flood control, he did a lot of practical things for countless people in the Northern Song Dynasty.

After all, the (Dongpo flood control) project has been established for seven or eight months, and everyone is familiar with Su Shi's propaganda.

But not many people thought that Su Shi who appeared on the big screen would turn out to be a guy with low emotional intelligence, a straightforward personality, and such a bold and unrestrained personality. Even if you criticize the other person's shortcomings and flaws...

But are we all friends, classmates, and stuff like that? As for speaking so straightforwardly?

I did something wrong, so you can’t publicly criticize me?

A movie about growing up from a young boy to being admitted to Bianliang. The examiner Ouyang Xiu repeatedly praised his talent and became famous in Bianliang. In just ten minutes, the audience was immersed in the world of Su Shi's sarcastic remarks.

By the time Liang Jiahui came on the scene, he couldn't stand Wang Anshi's reform. He criticized this and others, and his rhetoric escalated seriously, and he was demoted from Beijing.

From the teenage version of Wu Qilong to the adult Liang Jiahui...

Everyone suddenly discovered that Su Shi's ability to quarrel with others had exploded and upgraded, and he was said to be devolved to Xu City as an official. Su Shi was looking for a pastor, and he saw the local soldier general Cheng Long. After walking around the camp, Cheng Long was suspicious. life.

When Cheng Long was confused about writing in classical Chinese and writing poems, he thoughtfully translated it into vernacular for Cheng Long...

Cheng Long was so angry that he was almost angered to death, but the military attaché of the Northern Song Dynasty? Don't make trouble. With Su Duandun's skill and reputation, Brother Long has to endure it even if he grabs a knife and chops Aaron, let alone yelling at people with his mouth.

Aaron was scolded for the first time, so he vowed never to see Shangguan again when he returned home. The next day, Su Dudun came to his door. While scolding him, he rolled up his sleeves and trouser legs to give him food, wages, and training.

Su Naonun bluntly said that Xu City has no dangers, but it is a place where floods in the Huanghuai River are frequent. Soldiers need to train well and go into battle against floods at critical moments.

Aaron was so repulsed that he was autistic and doubtful about life. He was also moved by this Shangguan who dared to give them food and wages. Then, the flood came...

Su Naitun still tied up her trouser legs and rolled up her sleeves to greet everyone, "Follow me!"

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