Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 365 There are many people who like farming style.

As we all know, the Chinese language is broad and profound, and "everyone, follow me" and "everyone, come to me" are absolutely one word different, and they are thousands of miles apart.

Who is Su Dongpo? The literati and literary giants of the Northern Song Dynasty, although they were big talkers and did not speak well, they were also role models in the literary world. They passed the B subject in the palace examination and were awarded the title of Jinshi. That is Jinshi!

The era when a good man was called a good man outside the Donghua Gate was the most glorious moment for the scholar-bureaucrats in the Song Dynasty. Many Xiang soldiers were called thieves and other soldiers. That does not mean that all Xiang soldiers were thieves and soldiers, but at that time The social trend in China is an unusual emphasis on civility over martial arts.

A scholar-official like him actually summoned Cheng Long and Aaron's many soldiers to follow him when the flood came? ?

The shock of that scene definitely exceeded the psychological limits of countless soldiers. They were confused, and as soon as their brains got hot, they followed Su Shi to fight the flood. They urgently built embankments in the face of the increasingly high water, just to protect their backs. The ancient city of Xu City.

At this point in the movie, a big special effects shot also appeared. The shot was taken on a rainy day, showing the rushing river making waves like a dragon, crossing a river and ending up on an embankment at a certain point. The roaring water submerged an area as far as the eye could see. Good farmland.

In the footage, there is an ancient feudal village. The earthen buildings collapsed quickly under the impact of the flood and were submerged. Some people jumped on the roof of the brick wall and climbed to the top of the tree to take refuge. Some people were unable to escape and were submerged by the flood.

The advanced special effects shocked the theater into silence.

After a few dozen seconds, when the camera moved to the city of Xu City, Su Dongpo was also on a rainy day, covered in mud and water, no matter how messy he was, leading a large team to race against time and against the flood to build a dam. The audience was really anxious watching it. Terrified.

Even though everyone knows that Su Dongpo was successful in fighting floods in Xu City.

But... when such a scene is shown on the big screen, it still scares many people and makes them tremble. Many people want to ask how the special effects were filmed. The filming is too real and scary.

Some of the shots are aerial shots of the river flowing straight down in the flood, impacting and submerging everything. Some shots are shot directly facing the overwhelming water, as if brought into a first-person perspective.

The smooth switching made many people tremble in their hearts.

These cost a lot of money.

First of all, during the rainy season, the upper reaches deliberately close the gates to store water, and then open the gates when necessary, making the river run like a flood. The scenes of breaking through the dams were all deliberately dug up and temporarily set in hundreds of acres of farmland. , built a village with a Song Dynasty appearance.

The ones jumping on rooftops and climbing trees are, of course, actors.

Washed away by floods? That's a prop dummy.

There are not many special effects in the whole film (Dongpo Flood Control), and Xu City is the largest in flood control. The special effects base naturally wants to be the best. The real-life content plus post-processing supercomputer rendering and processing will naturally become more grand and scary. .

While the audience was tense, the camera focused on the city of Xu City. Many squires and clan dignitaries who wanted to escape early were standing in the rain with umbrellas being held to protect them from the rain.

Most of these are supporting roles, but there are also gold medal green leaves who are very familiar to the audience.

After all, there is no shortage of supporting roles in the big drama cast including Tony Leung Ka-fai, Cheng Long, Hong Yanbao, Yuen Biao and Lin Zhengying.

Many veteran green leaves had complicated faces and complicated moods. They stared at the picture of Su Shi and the soldiers fighting floods and repairing dams in front of them. As they watched, a squire finally took an example. He raised his arms and said to the left and right, "Fellows, Come on, Su Zhizhou is fighting floods and building embankments on the front line, isn’t it to protect us people in Xu City??”

Another fellow, Xian, also waved his arms and roared, "Children of the Liang family, come on! Help Su Zhizhou!"

They all yelled to come up to me, which made the people of Xu City feel a little weird when they heard these orders. Look at the "country squire and sage", and then look at Su Dongpo who is following me in front of him?

The contrast is really too strong!

However, Su Shi was indeed helping the people of Xu City fight floods! He is Zhizhou! Can they all do this? What are you waiting for?

Next, groups of people from Xu City, strong men, rushed out of the city wall in the rain, shouting slogans and fighting the flood together.

Until the emergency dam was finally built, although the rainwater gathered in the city rose higher, the dam still firmly locked up these water dragons.

One night passed, a sunny day came, and the sun shone on the embankment and the Xushi city wall behind it?

Countless able-bodied men of the common people are smiling happily, their faces are all pretty, and their clothes are tattered, but that kind of stable and safe spirit is really...

When the camera shined on Cheng Long, a military attaché covered in dirt, Aaron strode decisively towards Su Dongpo. When he arrived, he knelt down on one knee and clasped his fists in salute, "Thank you, Zhizhou, for all the people in Xu City..."

Before he could finish his words, Su Shi interrupted with a laugh and pulled him up, "I still liked the way you were trembling and a little unruly at the beginning."

Aaron's face was confused and confused.

When Su Shi got up and walked down the embankment, the soldiers and the common people also knelt on the ground. Some of them knelt on one knee and clasped their fists in salute, and some knelt on both knees and shouted thank you for Zhizhou Baojia's life-saving grace.

Su Dongpo didn't say much along the way. After walking down the embankment, he greeted Cheng Long, "Wang, from now on, eat less food and drink less soldiers' blood. Go back and rest for a day. Come out of the city with me tomorrow for disaster relief!!" "

A large group of soldiers looked at Cheng Long, and Aaron looked disgusted and uncomfortable again.

Even if I'm eating empty wages and drinking soldiers' blood, are you really qualified to say it so openly? As the boss of Xu City's Xiang soldiers, can't he have a little face?

The guy named Su has such a bad mouth...why isn't he spanked to the end?

Why? Just because he has a good brother?

Sunshine always comes after the storm. Xu City successfully fought floods. As the magistrate of the state, Su Shi quickly left the city and led a large team to provide disaster relief. The scene was shot in a particularly sunny, bright and healing way.

(Dongpo Flood Control) The first Gao Dynasty came to an end like this. Next, Su Shi was transferred from Xu City, and countless people sent him off spontaneously. At this time, Lin Zhengying came and joined Su Shi as his servant.

After the Wutai Poetry Case broke out, countless people who had long disliked Su Shi, mainly those who had been scolded by him, tried every means to kill him, and even broke the Song Dynasty tradition of not killing scholar-bureaucrats. I want to kill Lao Su.

At the critical moment, my good brother saves my life...

The movie progressed to about 40 minutes, when Su Shi took Lin Zhengying and other servants south to Hangzhou to serve as officials for the second time. Lin Zhengying, who took the lead along the way, privately sighed more than once, "Master, such a good literary star has come to earth. , why do you have a mouth?"

Along the way, plots such as famine, plague, and drought began.

Thanks to the hard work of the extras, thanks to China Infrastructure's ability to build everything very quickly and beautifully, and the dedication of the Green Leaf supporting cast with acting skills.

Su Shi used methods such as disaster relief, epidemic relief, and work-for-relief in Hangzhou, and he cut through the chaos with a sharp knife.

When Su Shi comes, there will be peace!

After overcoming the famine and difficulties, Su Daunai went online again, pulling Hong Yinbao, the military attaché from Hangzhou, to lead the team in the great cause of managing the West Lake.

Hong Xinbao suffered the same fate as Cheng Long, and he was constantly criticized in life. This time Su Shi criticized him not for free money and soldiers' blood, but for the lustful red fat man... He wrote poems to criticize him, made up nursery rhymes to criticize him, and after the criticism, he still wanted Sanmao. Do practical things with him.

After the high court scene in the second act of the movie, it was Su Shi who used his mouth to get into trouble. When he got into serious trouble, he couldn't get it right, so he called his good brother from the air for help!

Until Danzhou, Hainan, Yuan Biao was criticized here. In fact, Yuan Biao didn't have many black spots. Hainan in the Northern Song Dynasty was the final place for exile. A Biao was here because he was afraid of his wife, and then he was ridiculed by Su Gezhong in front of his face. Ironically, he was juxtaposed with Chen Jichang.

At the end of the movie, Su Shi, who is in his 60s, is in Danzhou. Dongpo Village, Dongpo Well, Dongpo Field, Dongpo Road, Dongpo Bridge, Dongpo Hat and so on have been handed down.

It was like taking certain areas of Danzhou that were desolate and developing something orderly like the Nanniwan construction project.

The last plot is about building something big from scratch.

At the end of the scene, Liang Jiahui, who had put on old age makeup and had age spots on his face, stood in the endless paddy fields and laughed up to the sky.

The movie does not describe the scene in which Huizong vindicated Su Shi after he succeeded to the throne, granted him amnesty and died on the way to the north. That was not necessary. The last scene, in which a happy old farmer looked at the joy of the crops on the ground that was about to mature, was enough. .

After watching a movie, Zhushe Lao Wu walked out of the theater with Dayangma's temporary girlfriend Melissa. He thought about it for a few minutes before he said, "Melissa, what do you think of this movie? Just say you are the most intuitive How do you feel?"

Melissa also speaks authentic Mandarin, "It's very funny and fulfilling."

"Although there are no shootouts, drag racing, handsome men and beautiful women like in police movies, it is very joyful to watch Su Shi yelling at people. When he yells at someone he can't afford to offend, it's very fun when the guy asks his brother for help."

"There are also many people who are criticized by him. They look like they want to beat him up and kill him, but they have no choice. It's so funny. It's a comedy."

"But on the other hand, whether we won in the initial flood fight, or in the mid-term drought fight, disaster relief, and dredging of the West Lake, we also won. In the end, we even opened up wasteland and created a new world. I feel like I won again!"

"This feeling of winning continuously is so special. I don't know how to describe that feeling..."

If Melissa had seen the future Internet writing community, she would know that it is the joy and pleasure of farming.

Many people also like farming style, and it’s fun to watch. In essence, this is another form of narration. If you put in effort, you will gain something, and if you work hard, you will be rewarded. It is the same as the inspirational chicken soup feeling mentioned by (Hearing Girl) of.

It is nothing more than (Hearing Girl) a script, a theatrical presentation.

But this one (Dongpo Flood Control) is basically copied from historical facts, with light changes and artistic processing.

Wu Yangtian, the boss of Zhushe, sighed, "You can say so many things, which proves that (Dongpo Flood Control) is going to be a big hit. Jiahui has another outstanding masterpiece."


a new day.

Zhao Donghuai was sitting in the ATV office when he saw Qiu Shuzhen walking over happily, "Boss, it's so popular. (Dongpo Flood Control) broke 80 million box office in one day in the mainland yesterday. This is definitely the strongest one after (Wanted 2)." It’s a blockbuster movie.”

"Yesterday was Friday, today is Saturday and tomorrow is Sunday. Isn't it possible to exceed 100 million in a single day??"

Director Zhao burst into laughter, "Normally, the Dongpo flood control movie was a huge hit, and countless viewers and fans went there because of the appeal of Cheng Long, Yuan Biao and Liang Jiahui. As long as the reputation does not collapse and continues, it is not impossible to become the second largest in the mainland." A movie that hit a billion-dollar box office."

Azhen smiled and put down a stack of newspapers, "Not only does the reputation not collapse? The reputation of this movie is so good."

Zhao Donghuai glanced at it and saw that they were all film review articles praising the movie from Kowloon Daily, Tiantian Daily, Sing Tao Daily, etc.

"Shocked, I never thought that Su Shi could be that kind of Mr. Dongpo!"

"Liang Jiahui's sense of comedy is getting more and more shocking. Congratulations to Jiahui for reinterpreting an unprecedented new image of Su Shi after (The Legend of Wang Wenxia)!"

"Liang Jiahui suppressed the Seven Little Fortunes alone!!"

"Brother, save me?! Wan Ziliang faces such a brother, and spending his whole life trying to catch him is so disrespectful!"

"This is definitely not the second of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties in my impression!"


After a quick tour, one after another praised Liang Jiahui's acting skills and praised the book (Dongpo Flood Control) for its excellent quality!

In fact, before this, no film and television project had ever described the great writer Su Dongpo. It was only in 1995 that a mainland actor appeared in the TV series (Su Dongpo), which told the public the story of the Northern Song Dynasty writer.

On the contrary, in the story of Su Dongpo's life of insulting people, Chen Jichang, who was criticized, was famous as the Lion Roar of Hedong. There were related dramas as early as the Ming Dynasty!

Really, a big movie (Dongpo Flood Control), the comedy atmosphere is explosive, the farming experience is full of harvest, and the chicken soup smell of reward for hard work comes out of the screen.

A group of stars also have acting skills and charisma... including Wan Ziliang, who guest-starred as Su Che, who also saved his younger brother from his younger brother, and performed more than a dozen different mentality, expressions and journeys time and time again.

If this were the age of the Internet, Wan Ziliang's emoticon package would probably be sweeping the Internet the next day.

This movie is still a good hit in East and Southeast Asia.

However, at this stage, East Asia and Southeast Asia sell ports... There are no longer Malaysia and Xingjiapo. In July last year, Thailand's CP Group Xie Sheng sent 1 million theaters for the first time, followed closely by Zheng's Central Group added 100 stores.

Zou Wenhuai, Lei Juekun, etc. also started calling friends and building connections in July last year. Zhao Donghuai himself is not idle either. Although he has never been to Malaysia and Xingjiapo, he has developed some Jiutou over the distance. It’s not difficult to be a snake member.

With a few more Hydras at key locations, things would be much easier to handle.

Up to now, 15 Wanjia integrated shopping malls in Xingjiapo and 50 Wanjia integrated shopping malls in Malaysia have been built.

Including 65 brand new theaters, but these 65 theaters are all eight-hall theaters! It means that Zhao Donghuai has 520 more big screens in the two places, but Malaysia and Xingjiapo only have half of the big screens in Thailand? ?

The permanent population of Xingjiapo is 3.1 million, while that of Malaysia is 18 million. The total population is less than half of that of Thailand. The total number of Chinese in Malaysia and Xingjiapo is more than 7 million!

The current population of Hong Kong Island is only 5.8 million Hong Kong people, excluding illegal workers and illegal households, plus nearly 2 million permanent practitioners who come to Hong Kong and want to join the entertainment industry.

There are 60 theaters in Hong Kong, which are seriously overflowing for moviegoers!

It was in this episode that Dongpo flood control began, and Xing Matai was finally captured.

According to statistics from Wanjia System, the first day's box office revenue in the Mainland was more than 80 million yuan, Hong Kong Island's box office was 5 million Hong Kong dollars, Province's box office was 4.1 million Hong Kong dollars, stars, horses and Thais combined, 16 million Hong Kong dollars, and South Korea's 7 million Hong Kong dollars!

It's the first day!

In the first weekend, the mainland has a total of 318 million yuan, Hong Kong Island has 16.7 million Hong Kong dollars, the province has 12.2 million, Stars, Malaysia and Thailand have more than 52 million Hong Kong dollars, and South Korea has 26 million Hong Kong dollars!

Hong Kong's Haowan star Matai Ka South Korea, 106.9 million Hong Kong dollars in the first weekend!

The Xingma-Taiwan market is so much more popular than that of South Korea. That’s because more than 7 million Chinese people have joined the movie-watching market!

There are also important factors. After Yuen Biao (Wanted 2), Cheng Lung (Police Story 4), and Lin Zhengying (Wanted 1), this is the first time for the three of them to appear on the big screen. .

The appeal of several action superstars is here!

Big movies have swept the world, and Zhao Donghuai is also very busy, busy helping Azhen, Xiaoxian and Axin control the water.


On April 22, Good Luck Hot Pot in Yau Ma Tei, when Aaron opened the private room door and walked in, he saw Hong Yanbao, Yuan Biao, Lin Zhengying and others, and he nodded happily and greeted them one by one, "Good guy, I am such a good guy. "

"It's only been three days, and the mainland has exceeded 300 million. Hong Kong, Haowanxing, Mata, and South Korea have reached 106.9 million. Who would have dared to think of this ten years ago!"

Hong Qianbao rolled his eyes crazily, "Why are you bringing up such distant memories? How can anyone open a cinema to Xingjiapo and Malaysia without even looking at it?"

"Our Wanjia Group is really becoming more and more prosperous. There are more than 7 million Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia, not counting the more than 10 million from other ethnic groups. This is a rare and large market."

Lin Zhengying took a sip of tea and picked up a pair of chopsticks for the beef roll shabu-shabu, "Actually, the box office in Europe and the United States is also good. With the appeal of Aaron and A Biao, the opening weekend in North America was US$16 million and Europe was US$9.8 million. These are all I went to the movie for you."

"But I heard that after reading it, the reviews were very good."

Police Story 4 grossed US$430 million globally. A series of Police Stories has accumulated one after another. A Biao's Wanted 2 also grossed over US$500 million globally. Because there was no white main character, the box office in Europe and the United States was halved in the later development.

It's hard to stand up to the huge profits in the mainland market. With that terrifying figure of 1.28 billion yuan, it still ranks first in the mainland box office list!

Even if the box office in Europe and the United States was cut in half compared to the first film, which can be considered a Waterloo, it still cultivated a lot of fans for A Biao.

So fans are eager to see their new work, and a lot of them went to paint (Dongpo Flood Control). 16 million US dollars in three days in the first weekend? The white female protagonist version of "The Mermaid" starring Winona Ryder and Jennifer Aniston only grossed US$32 million at the box office in North America.

Aaron sat down excitedly and grabbed a beer to drink. "So, we are considered a big success this time? I am the second male lead, which is also an important resume and medal."

Abiao ate the tofu skin and said, "The movie is indeed a big success. Not only is it a strong box office performance, but the key is that it has a very good reputation and will not collapse in the future. However, I heard that there will be floods in Jianghuai, including Zhejiang Province, this year." The possibility is very high??”

"Isn't this a bit of a coincidence?"

When mentioning this, Sanmao put down his chopsticks and said seriously, "Since around the Spring Festival, the supercomputer has performed more than 20 billion operations per second, and it has been deduced that there may be rain disasters this year, and this is already in late April."

"Continuing to use supercomputer deductions, the scale of the rain disaster will become increasingly clear."

"Originally, we donated a wave of water control engineering equipment, vehicles and ships last year, and thought that dredging, management, widening and deepening and other projects a year in advance would be able to stop it... But supercomputer predictions are not optimistic."

The closer the time is, the supercomputer team has joined forces to deduce the rainfall situation during the rainy season, and it is becoming clearer and clearer.

The news is indeed not very optimistic.

In this regard, Sanmao is also someone who understands and has a sense of the overall situation, "How about we quickly save up a new book and donate all the box office for disaster relief this year?"

Abiao looked at Senior Brother, scratched his head and said, "The time is a little rushed, I guess there won't be enough time. It's better for our milk bottle, water bottle and cup factory to turn on the power to produce more water cups, and then donate materials."

"During heavy rains, homeless people face difficulties in finding food, clothing, housing and transportation in the wild, but the biggest problem is water sources. Clean and drinkable water, thermos cups and plastic water cups are very useful."

Aaron became serious, "Okay, my ranch has been providing fat cattle and mutton for Good Luck, and also provided beef for Ah Xing's Tang Dynasty Catering Group to make peeing beef balls. Now, contact a large cannery to make more Canned beef is more appropriate than making a movie and donating the box office."

"Water bottles, cups, and milk powder can also help adults temporarily satisfy their hunger. Canned meat. Zhao Sheng will definitely donate instant noodles and mineral water by then, right? Wait until I ask A Xing, he will buy a wave of ham sausages and peeing beef balls... …”

"As long as the people affected by the disaster can eat and drink stably, the situation will be much better!"

Sammo Hung nodded, then slapped the table, "I'm sorry, two of your ranches are in Shan Province, and they are in areas hit by rains. It's better to go back and prepare in advance."

Aaron, "..."

When the rain comes, this thing is really going to be washed away, and that thing is going to be washed away. Will his beef cattle, dairy cows, etc. be washed away too? The loss is too great. We really need to go back in advance to check the situation. If we can take shelter from the rain, avoid it. If not, we can transport it to a safe area in advance, or just kill it and make cans!

Sanmao sighed again, "I have to go back in advance to prepare for the war. There are too many things that can easily be soaked and washed away in the carton factory."

Several of the factories they opened in their ancestral hometowns are all flood-stricken areas in supercomputing simulations, and some are located in the worst-hit areas.


ATV Office.

It was rare for Ah Qing to leave her legend here today. While she was singing and dancing, the phone rang. It was Zhao Donghuai's eldest brother.

No one cared. An hour later, Zhao Donghuai called back, "Old Wang? Do you have anything to do with me?"

Opposite him was Wang Dehui. Old Wang said straightforwardly, "Sheng Zhao, the copycat came back from Baixiang and wanted to steal the house. Your Wanjia Group is getting more and more prosperous. He actually went to Baixiang and bought ten yuan in Mumbai." The land is being used to build a building.”

"Forget it if he wants to build new Watsons and Parknshop supermarkets, including convenience stores like 711. He also has 10 cinema chains in his plan."

"He went so far as to say that the investment was too big and he couldn't handle it alone. He wanted to drag me into trouble? How could I be that kind of person? Mr. Zhao, this kind of behavior must be educated."

"Who doesn't know that you are the godfather of Asian cinema? When he advised me, he was very straightforward. Mumbai will invest in 50 theaters, and New Delhi will invest in 60 or 70 more. With a population of nearly 900 million, White Elephant will It’s the next ticket warehouse for mainland theaters!”

Lao Wang's tone was like giving a report to the boss about his colleagues. Zhao Donghuai had a toothache when he heard it, "He has no money?"

Wang Dehui quickly explained, "Lao Li's market value is only 20 billion, and he also holds more than 20% of the shares. Because HSBC also took more than 20% of the shares to support him, he has been able to maintain his position. With a market value of 20 billion, he can save more than a billion in cash." The flow is huge enough.”

"What's more, his boss has lost hundreds of millions? Even if the land in Mumbai is very cheap, the government is very biased towards him. Ten sites and ten buildings for retail stores are the limit. After all, there will be a big construction in the future, and he will recruit a team locally. .”

"To complete this big plan, if it is on Hong Kong Island, we must spread the news to the market and let investors pay the price. When the stock price rises, we can then mortgage the bank loan and carry out subsequent operations."

"But he wants to take advantage of the white elephant market. It is impossible to announce any plans to investors at this stage. Otherwise, the stock market will rise again and he will not have the money to increase more than 20% of the stocks to 30% or 40%."

"He just wanted to defraud me of my money, and then keep some in his hands to secretly absorb more shares of Changshi."

Zhao Donghuai laughed dumbly, "Okay, I know about this. The water over Baixiang is a bit deep. You can't control it, Lao Wang. Just don't invest. Just sit back and watch Lao Li go to other places to cheat money." .”

Or 50 in Mumbai and 60 or 70 in Delhi? ? Those places are all metropolises with a population of more than 10 million. On the surface, they can support so many branches. In fact...

You have almost invested in the construction, and it’s time for the white elephant to take action! ! That is the white elephant that is killing the big bear at this stage!

When Zhao Donghuai ended the call, Ah Qing smiled and said, "Brother Huai, Adjani is here. It seems that she is talking about this year's Cannes International Film Festival."

At this stage, Adjani is already one of the vice-presidents of the 1991 Cannes Film Festival. She has a strong voice. In the Hong Kong film industry, at this stage, she can compete for awards...

There are not many masterpieces that can compete for awards, because the process of the Cannes Film Festival is that only films that premiere at their film festival can compete for awards. This suddenly blocked a large number of blockbusters, and Oscars, Hong Kong Island Film Awards, The Golden Horse Awards and so on are quite different.

A moment later, when he saw Adjani, the French beauty was full of enthusiasm and kindness, "Zhao, director Chen from the Mainland (Farewell My Concubine), as long as he operates normally at this stage, he can be given a Palme d'Or Grand Prize, he has almost no rivals at Cannes this year.”

"Leslie's side originally only proposed one Best Actor nomination. If he is willing to go to Cannes more, I am 80% sure that he can win the trophy."

The film festival started in early May. After many films were sent for review, it may have been revealed whether there were any nominations, but getting a trophy? ? This is Zhao Donghuai’s own influence on Cannes.

Director Zhao looked in a daze, "A-Rong has been to many film festivals, and he deserves to win a Best Actor trophy. He has paid a lot for this movie. He studied Peking Opera for more than five months in advance the year before last, and it was filmed last summer." Just came back to host The Voice Asia.”

It’s okay for Ah Wing to win an award, but how about winning the Palme d’Or again for (Farewell My Concubine)? This movie is really good. After winning Cannes, it has also been nominated for next year's Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film, the South Korean Blue Dragon Award for Best Foreign Language Film, and the Island Film Critics Association's Best Foreign Language Film. Trophies...

To put it simply, Akai is a god!

He did not complete the movie alone. There were many people who were suppressing him. Without any other messy expression of desire, he became a god. A group of great people supported Akai. No one will suppress him in the future. It took him a lifetime to make it. prove……

Ah Kai wouldn't follow Wu Yusen's example and go straight to "The Promise" after filming "Farewell My Concubine", right? ? Shouldn't it be that big of a step? ?

After falling into a trance, Zhao Donghuai asked curiously, "I heard that Wang Jiawei's Days of Being Wild has also been submitted for review? How about his film?"

Lao Wang is also a talented person. He used to rely on Carmen in Mong Kok and Days of Wild to win trophies in Hong Kong and other places. It was not until Ashes of Time that he broke into the three major European film festivals for the first time.

(Ashes of Time) Nominations only.

It was only in "Happy Together" that I won the Cannes Best Director trophy!

In this dimension, everyone should not fall into the trap of "Ashes of Time". Even if Hua Zai said, if you can't hire big stars yourself, you can find newcomers...Wang Jiawei felt that it was boring to shoot unknown newcomers, so he ran to fool him. Photographed by Ah Xing (Grandmaster).

Adjani shook her head, "It doesn't make any sense, he's still barely there."

In other words, not even a single nomination?

That's right. In the original trajectory, Zhang Guorong really stayed with him through it all. In this aspect, he added it from the many scenes that were cut by Andy Lau, and made up the finished product.

Forget it, let him just film the Grandmaster.

The original track was that Lao Wang tricked Zhang Guorong and went to film Happy Together. Ah Rong immediately fell ill and almost died in South America. They all started to explain their funeral arrangements.

Akai’s (The Promise) is not as bad as (Happy Together).


Chinachem Headquarters.

Wang Dehui finished smoking a cigar and drank a cup of coffee, then walked around the office in a daze, "It doesn't make sense, Mr. Zhao can be so calm about such a big thing? Ordinary?"

"That person surnamed Li has already negotiated with Mumbai. They can open a cinema chain. There are 50 cinema chains in Mumbai and 60 or 70 in Delhi. If they are rolled out little by little, they will become the next mainland, with 900 million people!"

"Why do you feel like something is weird?"

From the 1990s until 2022, companies from Europe, America, and Asia have settled in Baixiang one after another. Even though many of their predecessors have been tricked by Baixiang’s tricks many times, there are still some who don’t believe in evil and think that I’m having sex with you. also.

Maybe there are enough people in the White Elephant Pit, so it’s time to pay attention to your eating habits? Won't you trick me again? Is it possible that they are already wealthy and still don’t care about their image?

Why are so many companies succeeding one after another? Isn't it just a fluke, coveting the huge population market? And there are successful precedents from the Mainland in Asia!

So at this moment, Wang Dehui felt that he couldn't figure it out. If you can't negotiate to open a theater in Baixiang, the officials there won't let you open it casually. The first one to try it out will be the first one to try it.

But Lao Li has already talked about it. If he can go in and open a comprehensive retail store and a theater chain, why is Zhao Sheng still indifferent? This is unscientific!

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