Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 368: Taiping Wheel is finished and King of Power is released

On May 26, 1991, the heavy rain that lasted for more than seven days finally stopped. When the sun shone again in Bengbu, Cheng Long and Lu Huiguang stood on the Huaihe River embankment, filled with emotion, "Fuck, it's finally sunny."

"I'm really afraid that Bengbu will be flooded these days. Fortunately, the terrain of my pasture is pretty good. There are hills outside some low-lying areas. Moreover, the grass in the pasture is generally not afraid of short-term floods. Otherwise, it would only be planted in late March. The rye grass and the like are no longer available.”

It rained heavily for a week, and finally it cleared up today.

Aaron started building three ranches in August the year before last, one in Bengbu, one in Fuyang, and finally the Ludong Ranch. The ones in Xiang are all relatively north.

Lu Huiguang laughed, "Fortunately, Brother Long, you donated 200 million yuan of water control and water conservancy engineering equipment, vehicles and ships last year. The Huaihe River and Long Lake are the focus of treatment. The first batch of treatment, the water level rose before was really a bit dangerous."

"But I heard that some farmers' wheat has been drowned. It's a pity..."

Cheng Long sighed again, "As long as no one is killed, some property damage is not a big problem. Of course, that does not mean that the crops are not a big problem for us. It is such a big disaster. With official intervention, we can always help at critical moments." To people.”

Before Aaron walked onto the embankment again, he had already contacted some people on the phone and asked about the situation. Regardless of the situation in Hangzhou, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Henan, during the first wave of three plums and the first peak of plum rain in the rainy season, the disaster situation was ?

No one died, but people with problems such as dilapidated houses and low-lying areas were transferred to flood-resistant shelters built in advance in various places. The total number was tens of thousands.

More than 2,000 houses collapsed in the first wave, and more than 2,000 houses were concentrated in rural areas. There was nothing we could do about damage to crops. It was only May, and neither wheat nor rice had yet reached harvest time. .

The only good thing is that last year Wanjia directly let the large truck drivers of Zhao Logistics go to the countryside to collect vegetables, which benefited countless farmers in the two provinces and made them rich. The economic losses this time will definitely be It will make the people affected by the disaster sad and distressed.

But it can’t be said to be too fleshy.

Last year, the vast majority of farmers in the two provinces still had enough food and clothing. They were prosperous, and the floods in the first season were not enough to deplete their family resources.

Not to mention the three to four million Wanjia chain stores, thousands of Baijia convenience stores, and hundreds of Huazhi chain hotels that stretch over more than 100 counties in the two places. They all recruit workers from the local area. The jobs they provide are not just for the county towns. Young people of appropriate age, including rural areas!

These jobs will also drive a full range of industrial benefits. Again, the food, drink and shit of each employee group is a large industrial chain.

Another example is Cheng Long's two large ranches in Anhui Province, which also recruit workers from Fuyang and Bengbu.

The next moment Aaron smiled and said, "After this wave, I can take a little leisure for a week. The peak period of the second wave is from June 2nd to 20th, which will last for 18 days. I hope it will be sunny for a few days in the middle. "

"I really hope this super-calculated weather forecast is more accurate and better."

Lu Huiguang was speechless. At this moment, Aguang's eyes lit up, "Brother Long, Uncle Long is here, what is he bringing??"

When Cheng Long followed his line of sight, he soon saw an almost 80-year-old father more than a hundred meters away from the embankment, leaning on a cane and holding a pipe. He was followed by two men in their forties and fifties, and three men. Everyone is dressed somewhat decently and fashionably.

Cheng Long couldn't help but feel a bit of toothache, "Could it be my eldest brother and second brother, Di, I still feel a little weird, suddenly there are two more brothers??"

"I don't know how Qingxia accepted the news that she had a biological eldest sister in Yu Province."

Cheng Long is really... He originally thought his surname was Chen. It wasn't until he came to Anhui Province the year before to open a factory and build a modern ranch that his father told him that his surname was actually Fang, and he had two half-brothers in his hometown. .

He knew this the year before last, but he has never returned to his hometown in Wuhu, mainly because he didn't know what mentality to face it. He was also 35 years old the year before last. Whoever lives to 35 years old suddenly learns that there are two more people? elder brother?

Half-mother? This mentality...

You say he is a big star? ? In Jin Yong's The Legend of the Condor Heroes, Yang Kang is still a young prince.

However, his father also said that he just hopes that Aaron will recognize his ancestor and return to the clan and let his grandson be named Fang. As for his two brothers? He had already told the other party not to disturb Cheng Long and not to affect his career.

So far, those two brothers have not even called or sent him a phone number or a BB button. It seems that those two brothers are also kind-hearted people.

His father had told him long ago that the eldest brother was a post office worker and the second brother worked in a paper mill... What was the living standard of ordinary workers in the 1980s and 1990s? It's a real honor to be able to persist in not disturbing him even once for many years!

His father told him about this the year before last, but as early as the mid-1980s, he went back to Anhui Province to visit relatives many times.

He only learned the year before last that the reason why his father kept running to his hometown was because his two sons and more grandchildren lived here.

After a moment, after bypassing the bodyguards of the Pan Asia Group, Lao Fang smiled and said, "Aaron, don't blame me for bringing A De and A Sheng to see you without saying hello in advance. The two of them have nothing to ask for, they just know you." I have been in Anhui Province recently, and I have no other interest in meeting and having a meal."

At this point, Lao Fang's laughter became even brighter, "Your nephew from Brother De's family has already applied for a job in Wanjia Supermarket. He passed the qualifications and became a second-level employee. Previously, he was transferred and protected in time during the rain disaster. A batch of supplies was not damaged and was directly rewarded and promoted to level three employees."

"Already a small leader within Wanjia Branch of WH City."

Cheng Long was surprised and said, "Is there such a thing?"

His eldest brother Ade is 51 years old this year and has two sons.

Ade was also very happy when he heard this, "Yes, my eldest brother followed me into the post office. Your three nieces are all taking the post office exam. Our family is all employees."

"I originally hoped that the second child would become a teacher, but I didn't expect that he applied for Wanjia and got in directly. Good guy, the salary and benefits are much higher than those at our post office. The matchmaker who recently matched him has also passed the threshold."

"Wanjia in the urban area was built much earlier. It was far from Wanjia County last year, which was only opened for half a year. His work experience is more advanced. If he had to be transferred to the lower county at the end of last year, he might have been in the third level at that time and not go down. It’s good, now being a small leader in the urban area is much more comfortable than his brother and I.”

Cheng Long smiled and nodded, "That's good. Our hometown wasn't affected much by the continuous heavy rain, right?"

Ah Sheng shook his head, "No, it's been raining for a week and there isn't much water in the county."

He and the boss are not all in Wuhu because of the job transfer. He is a paper mill employee in Guangde. Their place is closer to Taihu Lake than the Yangtze River.

Before the three brothers met, they were definitely not in a calm mood, but when they started chatting along the topic, the conversation became smoother and smoother. In the final analysis, when A De and A Sheng had no need or desire for Cheng Long and never thought about getting rich by following their younger brother, Without desire, one is strong.

Especially when the two of them knew that Cheng Long had been working hard for a long time. To become famous was to risk his life... Shooting action movies again and again meant risking his life again and again. Maybe one day he would be gone. How did he achieve his current fame and status?

They are still very proud to have such a younger brother.

Apart from being proud of his younger brother, he had nothing else. The original trajectory was that it was not until 2008 that he disclosed his identity to the media in the hope of finding his father in order to contact his father who had passed away but they did not know and were not sure that he was dead.


ATV Office.

Qiu Shuzhen grabbed a printed document and said, "This flood in the Huaihe Yangtze River Basin is so terrifying. More than 2,000 rooms collapsed at once, and tens of thousands of people were moved into shelters?"

"If this were placed on Hong Kong Island, it would be comparable to the Shek Kip Mei fire in 1953."

After speaking, Li Jiaxin also exclaimed, "The major cities have not been flooded, right?"

Azhen shook her head, "There are many places with particularly low terrain in cities, such as train culverts. They were soaked in about one meter of water for a few days, and then the weather started to clear up. The drainage has already worked."

"However, when the heavy rain is approaching, people travel less, and they are notified in advance if they need to cross culverts, so it does not cause much impact."

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "That's enough. We've survived the first wave. It's time to see the second wave."

More than 2,000 houses, tens of thousands of people moved?

You must know that this is data from the provinces of Shan, Jiangsu, Henan, and Zhejiang. The original trajectory of this flood was that from May to July, more than 30,000 houses collapsed in Nandu alone, and two million people were left homeless on the Huaihe River embankment. Home can be returned.

The overall comparison is enough to prove how effective the early disaster-resistant construction was.

The heavy rain is about to begin, and the flood-fighting shelters are a haven for the victims. However, the weather has cleared up, and there is a safe, sunny or light rain period for about a week. The various tents, portable tables and chairs, and moisture-proof mats donated by Laura Fonna, Isabel· The mining lamps, flashlights, camping lanterns, etc. donated by Adjani can be donated to the disaster-stricken people in need.

By August 2, tens of thousands of people living in makeshift cabins can also try living in tents.

Why do you think we need tents when we have shelters? In terms of privacy, the cabins are just rows of boards like office baffles that separate the beds. There are no doors. This may not be a big problem for single young people without property.

But for groups like families, it is far less private than tents. Of course, this does not mean that the shelter victims must move out of the shelters and live in tents, but it is their own choice.

After discussing for a while, the topic among the group of people changed from the rainy season. Ah Xin asked curiously, "Are you really not going to let Hua Zai go to Europe and the United States to promote the movie (big event)?"

On the 21st, Zhao Donghuai and she had already watched the finished film (big event) and started promoting the film. The old routine was of course posters, TV commercials, trailers, and programs calling on fans to go to the cinema.

It would be safer to hold concerts and tours.

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "I won't be acting anymore. (The Voice of Asia) is more important. Without a tour, the box office will be short by tens of millions of dollars at most."

Ah Xin was speechless, "The last time something similar to this one (Crazy Givenchy) only cost 78 million U.S. dollars in North America and 57 million U.S. dollars in Europe, which is equal to 133 million U.S. dollars? How many tens of millions less at the box office??"

So far, that project is also the most profitable box office masterpiece for Xiang Laoshi and Deng Yurong's film company. Even if they provided 60% of Zhao Donghuai's money, the two still made hundreds of millions of yuan each, pocketing four to five thousand yuan each. Thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

After all, the final box office of that movie was HK$1.8 billion!

The remaining 60% is a lot of money.

This (big event) is Zhao Films' own project, and Liu Dehua will be allowed to promote it. He hopes to continue to be like the crazy Givenchy, and it will hit the box office of more than 100 million US dollars in Europe, Canada and the United States.

One thing to say is that there are many more scenes of Nicole Kidman appearing in "The Big Deal" than in the previous movie, and the scenes and characters are also much better.

"I also heard that Nicole has practiced a lot of singing skills in the past few years? Can she also be a guest at a concert? Hua Zai and she have played lovers on the big screen many times in a row. If they hold a concert together, they will More sensational, right?”

Hype film and television screen CP? This is indeed a very common routine and operation.

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "It's not necessary. Just arrange to land in Europe and the United States on May 30. The announcement is enough for nearly ten days. In addition to hosting the second season of (The Voice of Asia), Hua Zai might as well take the students to those Mainland cities that are not affected by the disaster are holding concerts to raise funds."

When China is in trouble, it is an old tradition for all parties to provide support.

Zhao's power is now waiting for the rains and floods to pass in late July to help a group of victims in rebuilding their homes. This is still coordinated by the government, such as giving vegetable seeds to farmers in Anhui and Jiangsu.

Taking advantage of the end of summer to diversify some fast-growing fruits and vegetables, Zhao's Logistics and Wanjia purchased them on the front line and put them on retail terminals all over the mainland and Haowan in Hong Kong.

This is the overall control.


June arrived as scheduled.

This June, starting from the 2nd, the Lianghuai and Yangtze River basins, which had been suspended for a few days, once again suffered a new heavy rain attack.

In the entertainment industry, all aspects of film, television and music are developing normally, with the momentum of "Fighting Back to School 3" overwhelming everything. However, the announcement of "The King of Scams", which is waiting to be released, is very low-key.

At this stage, ATV has sent many reporters to the front line to report on the floods in East China. The popularity of Hong Kong Haowan news has gradually been shocked by the floods.

The first ten days of June were fine, but starting from the middle of June, cities began to have accumulated water that could not be drained. Houses collapsed one after another, and the victims were moved into flood-resistant shelters in advance and in time...

ATV reporters went into flood-fighting cabins in various cities to conduct interviews, and the ratings were as high as those of top programs.

A group of soldiers rushed to the front line to transport supplies and provide timely disaster relief. This time, they were broadcast live or recorded, shocking East and Southeast Asia.

It is true that every time the soldiers appear on camera, fighting and rescuing from natural disasters, they attract the attention of the audience more than any blockbuster.

The police catch the thief and solve the case? Firefighters put out fires? A bomb disposal expert?

All kinds of police and criminal blockbusters, fire heroes and other big-screen heroes were all dimmed at this moment. Only the screen images of groups wearing camouflage uniforms full of dirt, fighting floods and rescuing people on the front line, shocked the audience. Citizens and spectators from all over the country were stunned.

Until June 22, many mainland cities photographed by ATV reporters began to clear up one by one, or the downpour turned into a gentle drizzle.

The social news that lasted for nearly 20 days has gradually come to an end. However, in the streets and alleys of Hong Kong, including South Korea and Thailand, conversations about certain things are still very popular.

How should I put it, the face is much more terrifying than in (Dongpo Flood Control). Floods countless times more terrifying are impacting the Huaihe River and Yangtze River basins on a large scale. There are a group of soldiers who are risking all kinds of dangers and running around. Go and rescue people everywhere regardless of danger.

It’s really a big impact on everyone’s minds! Big!


June 24th.

Zhao Donghuai continued to sit in the ATV office. When the secretarial team communicated with the mainland on the phone, after summarizing, he also got new data.

In Henan, Hu, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and other places, more than 500,000 victims have gathered in massive flood-resistant shelters. Basically, those whose houses collapsed in the floods have become homeless.

However, food, drinking water, medicine, etc. are all provided in sufficient supply, and the mood of the victims is often relatively relaxed, stable and even cheerful.

To put it bluntly, in the original trajectory in 1991, children from rural families could only eat instant noodles during the holidays, and they were even more happy to see meat. Even in this dimension, the people were much richer than in the original trajectory.

But it’s impossible to let children eat instant noodles, ham sausages, biscuits, candies, etc. until they get tired of them. That’s just a joke.

As for the more than 500,000 homeless disaster-stricken people, those living in makeshift cabins, Wanjia's various flavors of instant noodles, Tang Dynasty ham sausages, milk powder, canned meat, etc. were only donated by entrepreneurs headed by Zhao Donghuai. It can enable more than 500,000 people, from old to young, to eat three meals a day for three months for free.

It’s impossible to say that we really eat instant noodles every day, but there is also a collective canteen in the shelter. We buy vegetables, melons and fruits from all over the mainland, including Thailand, Malaysia and other places. Zhao’s logistics and warehousing center also cooperates with the official in a timely manner. Train transportation is auxiliary and transported.

Not to mention the more than 500,000 people who have no worries about food and clothing, the citizens, workers, and farmers from all over the country who are still at home and whose jobs are most affected also have guaranteed food and housing.

"A total of more than 60,000 houses have collapsed in various places. At this stage, there are still a large number of houses with water that is still lingering. People can only seek refuge in upstairs corridors, roofs, or neighbors' homes."

"But it's okay. There is no flood discharge area at this stage, which is good news. The economic losses caused by flooded farmland and factories can still be tolerated."

Today, the 24th, after four or five days of easing, the last third plum blossom in this rainy season is coming again. It will last from the end of June to the end of early July. It is also the most ferocious and terrifying plum rainy season in the entire rainy season.

More than 60,000 houses have been destroyed before, and more than 500,000 people have become homeless. When the Three Plum Blossoms arrive, it will be even more severe, but fortunately, everywhere...

In fact, it was mainly Anhui, Jiangsu and Zhejiang that built shelters half a year in advance. Other provinces did not build many. However, at this moment, the impact of rainfall was relatively small. Northern Hubei, Northern Hunan, Gan Province, etc. have also begun to build shelters despite the rain.

Even if we don't practice it, it won't work. The floods that have passed their two peak periods have already demonstrated their horror and horror through live television recordings.

Countless people are rejoicing at this moment. If not for March last year, Anhui and Jiangsu would have started major infrastructure construction. Mainly due to the crazy road construction and road construction, the whole people were busy building roads from top to bottom to maintain the situation. During rain and floods, large trucks can travel on the roads.

Starting from July last year, Mai Xunxiong wanted to film "Dongpo Flood Control", which triggered a series of wealthy celebrities to donate water control engineering equipment, and they also carried out nearly a year of advance dredging and large-scale water control, preventing all kinds of damage to the Huaihe and Yangtze Rivers. The river broke its levee.

This...without those preconditions, I am afraid that the number of 500,000 homeless victims would have to be doubled or tripled or even more!

End of June.

The attention and discussion on flood disasters in East and Southeast Asia had just settled down, and the heavy rain came again. Day after day, it was more violent and impactful than the first and second peaks.

ATV continues to broadcast a new round of flood relief efforts. In the entire East and Southeast Asia, this is the only voice left in the world.


July 14, ATV office.

Zhao Donghuai stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window, looking at the light rain outside, and breathed a sigh of relief. The preparations made a year in advance were really not in vain.

So far, floods have caused more than 1 million people to live in flood-resistant shelters, and 1 to 200,000 houses have been washed away. However, the death toll has exceeded 100 in more than ten provinces and municipalities.

We must know that 267 people died in the original locus of Heng Province and 164 died in Suzhou. There are more than 400 people in the two places, not to mention the data of other provinces and municipalities.

Such a huge disaster has affected more than ten provinces and localities, and the total number of deaths has been controlled to this scale. We have really tried our best.

It’s okay to be homeless and live in a shelter for a month or two. There are enough medicines and medical staff to prepare for the war in advance. There is no major epidemic after the disaster. The affected areas only need to control the subsequent public security issues.

Just waiting to resume step by step.

Zhao Donghuai took a sip of red wine and said to Ah Xin, "(Dongpo Flood Control) has a global box office of 2.36 billion Hong Kong dollars. Putting aside the theater split, taxes, etc., just donate it all. You will host the announcement to the outside world."

Ah Xin nodded, "How much should I donate?"

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "This cannot be morally kidnapped. Just be willing to do it. You can make your own decision."

Li Jiaxin thought for a while, "I didn't donate the engineering equipment for water control before, so I'd better donate 100 million like my sister Qing."

In fact, this catastrophe that swept the north and south, even though the impact of the disaster was too great and the destructive power was too strong, it made the mainland publicly ask for help from the world for the first time after the founding of the People's Republic of China. However, Ameijia, Madana, Yulun, and Australia , Hans Cat, etc. also donated, with a total donation of more than 50 million yuan.

Really... Hundreds of celebrities from Hong Kong's Haowan entertainment circle held a showbiz show that raised more than HK$100 million in less than a day.

Originally, an "urgent appeal for disaster relief" was issued on July 11.

Today is the 14th, and the mainland has no longer followed the original track. Dongpo Flood Control has been released in various parts of the world on April 19. The total revenue has exceeded 2.3 billion, and it has already been received one after another. The box office revenue of a movie is at least Can donate 800 million Hong Kong dollars.


No market.

At the Water Margin of the Three Kingdoms Film and Television City, after Zhu She Lao Wu and Zhu Yanping arrived by boat, they stood on the edge of the film and television city and asked in disbelief, "It's passed. Is it really past??"

A leader from Binhu sighed with rejoicing, "It's over now. Thank you Wu Sheng. Our urban drainage is the strongest in Binhu. During the nearly two months of heavy rain during the entire plum rainy season, the water level was only around 30 centimeters for six days." I really appreciate Wu Sheng’s help last year.”

"Now there is no more water in Loulan's underground palace complex and it has been completely drained. The additional funds to strengthen the construction of the palace complex have not been wasted money."

He didn't know that Binhu had also been living in urban areas half a meter deep for nearly two months. He only knew that Binhu had spent tens of millions on drainage repairs nearly half a year in advance, which was much better than other urban areas.

"The supercomputer has been deducing, and there will be no heavy continuous rainfall. Wu Sheng wants to shoot (Ci Ling), and the group can start today. Before inviting you to come, our expert team has already gone in to inspect and accept it. .”

“Build quality is okay.”

Old Wu from Zhushe rubbed the back of his head as if from another world and sighed, "Before, I only read about the floods in the news... I thought that the first half of the year was in vain. Even if it is strengthened a lot, such a big flood will destroy the underground palace."

"You really resisted. Don't thank me. Taihu Lake's flood control and drainage were dredged for so long in advance. The Taipu River was built ahead of schedule. The Wangyu River was also repaired for several months. It was widened and deepened a lot. A single backflow of Taihu Lake could destroy it. A lot of stuff.”

"I planned to shoot this in September last year. It's already mid-July, and we've experienced such a terrible rainstorm. We can finally start shooting."

The next moment, Lao Wu looked at Zhu Yanping, "I heard (Tai Ping Wheel) is finished?"

Zhu Yanping nodded, "Yes, it's finished, but it's still in the late stages of production, so we have to wait for the post-production period."

"I heard that Wang Yu and Ke Junxiong contacted Lan Naicai to shoot (The King of Power) in March last year. The filming was completed in November last year. It was only the post-production special effects that was completed in May this year."

"More than six months of post-production special effects, Taiping Wheel is probably about the same."

Old Wu said in a daze, "How is the release of (The King of Power) in North America?"

Zhu Yanping laughed, "It's a profit. Throughout June, they have been announcing that this is the scariest and bloodiest plasma movie in Europe and the United States. This is a gimmick to attract special movie fans. Although it is classified and viewing is restricted, in June Released on the 27th.”

"The first weekend was US$9 million, the second week was US$13 million, and the third week is just this week. Not counting today's Sunday, it was already US$15 million, more than US$37 million, that's 288 million Hong Kong dollars."

"European also took in 19 million US dollars, and another 148 million Hong Kong dollars in box office."

The box office in Europe and the United States has exceeded 400 million. Even if it was not released in East and Southeast Asia, Wang Yu and Ke Junxiong would have already made a fortune on paper.

The male protagonist of this version of King of Power is Fan Shaohuang, and the first brother of the warden is He Jiaju. However, the four kings in the prison have changed and become Richard Norton, Jet Binny, Zhou Billy and Oshima Yukari. The special effects are two versions stronger than the original version.

Not released in East and Southeast Asia...

So far, during the outbreak of the rain disaster, Wanjia Cinema has not had much operation. In the cinema, there is "The King of Deceivers" starring Wan Ziliang, Zhang Xueyou and others. This version of "The King of Deceivers" has been around since When the Azha team was still playing Ponzi scheme in Tokyo, they went to Tokyo to study.

The Ponzi scheme ended last summer, and Lao Wan and the others restarted their movie-making plans.

On the surface, I just knew the social news in Tokyo and adapted it based on that.

"The King of Scams" was released on June 7th without much publicity. So far, it has sold a total of 52 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office in Hong Kong, 190 million yuan in mainland China, 210 million Hong Kong dollars in Star Wars, and 310 million Hong Kong dollars in South Korea.

In comparison, the movie (Big Event) starring Andy Lau and Nicole Kidman has stronger figures. It was not released in East and Southeast Asia, but it was released in Europe and the United States on May 30. It has been released so far, with US$53 million in North America and US$3,300 in Europe. Ten thousand US dollars is equal to 86 million US dollars.

In Asia, due to the floods in East China, almost all flood relief news was on the small screen, which dominated the ratings.

Another big movie will be released on July 5th. Shanghai Film Studio's "Chang'e Flying to the Moon" was released. This animated film started production on July 20th two years ago. Two years ago, it was the same as "Kung Fu Panda" and "The Lion King". It’s about the same production cycle.

There is not much publicity, but now it accounts for 60% of the film schedule, and 40% is cheating.


One Hundred Years Pictures.

When Zhou Xingxing got off the car and walked towards the building, he saw Hua Zai walking towards him with his assistant. Ah Xing smiled and stretched out his hand to say hello. Ah Hua also nodded, "A Xing, there is something I want to ask you."

"That Ah Wu, how long are you and Wang Jiawei going to keep cheating him? I started practicing Hong Quan for more than three months in January, and switched to Baji on April 16. If it weren't for the second amateur blind audition of The Voice, he would have joined my team. , we communicated a few times and became familiar with each other.”

"He was too embarrassed to ask me to help him. It's been half a year. When will (The Grandmaster) start filming?"

It’s now July 14th from the beginning of January. After the floods, the follow-up post-disaster construction has just started, but the entertainment industry has been semi-resurrected.

Ah Hua will fly to the mainland with his team, attend a few concerts, and do publicity for (big events in Asia), and then donate all the proceeds from his concerts.

As for movie profits? Movies are a business project of the Zhao family. Zhao Donghuai donated about 800 million for one movie (Dongpo flood control). This is already a top-notch operation and cannot be more.

It's not that he can't afford the money, but it's inappropriate to pay any more. After all, Li Jiaxin, He Qing, Guan Jiahui and others also donated in their own names.

In the second season of The Voice, Hua Zai has accepted four disciples: Liang Yongqi, Zheng Xiuwen, Jin Chengwu and Wang Feng to support the scene.

Ah Wu was in the second blind audition of The Voice. After joining Liu Dehua's team, he was not very lively and did not dare to talk or contact him. The blind audition period ended and the seven earliest disciples began to PK each other.

After going back and forth a few more times, I finally asked Liu Dehua a little more.

Ah Hua was speechless at that time, let alone now. After finally catching Zhou Xingxing coming back from the mainland, he had to ask.

As he spoke, Xingzai stopped in place with an "Ah" and remained silent for dozens of seconds before complaining, "Yes, Wang Jiawei has been running away for another three months. I don't know where that guy is now. The last time I contacted him, it seemed like It’s in a certain county in Sichuan Province.”

"Brother Hua, first he (Days of Being Wild) deceived you for two years, and now (The Grandmaster) is just visiting famous people and setting a small goal of two years to finish the script. How about we get rid of him? "

Days of Life was not even nominated at the Cannes International Film Festival, and it is still gathering dust in the film library.

Liu Dehua, "..."

He was silent for a few seconds before saying speechlessly, "Forget it, just pretend I didn't ask."

He didn't deliberately talk to Zhou Xingxing about whether to fire Lao Wang, although Wang Jiawei was expelled once for this reason when he was working in Xinyi City in his early years.

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