Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 369 Is this the case in just my sophomore year? Is it still possible to graduate from senior

Monday, July 15th.

Hong Kong's Haowan entertainment circle, which had been dormant for two months, has really begun to come back to life. Countless citizens took to the streets early in the morning and were flooded with entertainment-related information.

Kowloon Daily: "Andy Lau returns to Europe and the United States, and the popular action blockbuster (big event) grossed US$86 million, a total of HK$670 million at the box office!"

New Territories Chinese News: "Do you still remember that in January, Huayuan Phase 6 privately smashed the load-bearing wall on the third floor with the intention of murdering hundreds or thousands of people? (Big event) See you on July 19th."

Oriental Daily: "Following (Kung Fu Panda) and (The Lion King), Shangmei Film Studio's new masterpiece (Chang'e Flying to the Moon) is coming!"

Today's horse racing newspaper: "In four days, the box office in North America was US$17 million, and in Europe it was US$11 million. (Chang'e Flying to the Moon) even surpassed the mark in the first weekend! Showing off the power of my oriental mythology!"


Citizen A casually grabbed a newspaper from the newsstand, took a look at it, and exclaimed, "Has the big movie based on a certain sand sculpture been finished? Is it even released? It has a box office of HK$670 million in Europe and the United States. Damn it, it's so exciting. .”

Another citizen was surprised and said, "That doesn't matter. Brother Hua is a global action star and the king of Asian music. Plus, Nicole is a pretty girl. It's less than 100 million US dollars in Europe and the United States. It's nothing. What I'm curious about is, (Chang'e How come "To the Moon" only had $17 million in its first weekend?"

"The total gross revenue in Europe and the United States is only 28 million U.S. dollars. You must know that when (Kung Fu Panda 1) was released in 1987, the opening weekend in North America was 31 million U.S. dollars."

"That was four years ago!"

Citizen A looked at him speechlessly, "How can it be the same? Pandas are national treasures, and many foreigners like them. Kung Fu and pandas, and Cheng Long and Bruce Willis are also dubbing them. Of course the momentum is different."

"Now (Chang'e flying to the moon) is a pure Chinese myth. How many foreigners know about Chang'e?"

"I've seen it in the cinema before, and it was so beautifully shot!"

The citizen who was trolled was shocked, "Is it good to watch? It has already been released?"

At this stage, "Chang'e Flying to the Moon" has already been released in Haowan, Hong Kong for its tenth day. It is on July 5th, which is actually nearly a week earlier than the July 11th release date in North America.

In the previous ten days, there was no publicity and distribution, and all efforts were made to report on issues such as flood relief and post-disaster reconstruction, attracting public attention and discussion.

Nowadays, the vigorous promotion and distribution is really a way to earn foreign exchange for the Shanghai Film Studio. In many cases, no matter how much money you donate directly, it is really better to help the mainland animated films straighten out the promotion and promotion, and let them make money on their own. It makes my friends even happier.

From the 5th to yesterday, ten days equaled the first weekend plus the following week. Even without much publicity, Hong Kong Island still took in a box office of 12 million Hong Kong dollars, saving 11 million Hong Kong dollars.

Europe and the United States had to frantically publicize it to get a box office of 28 million U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to 218 million Hong Kong dollars.

This is what makes Shanghai Film Studio and its leaders who have vigorously supported animated films since 1987 the happiest thing.

It is said that since the three major universities, Beijing Film Academy, China Theater and Shanghai Theater, began to expand their enrollment in 1987, the first batch of freshmen that year, a thousand students from the three major universities combined, have officially graduated this summer!

Regular graduate No. 1,000, just about to enter the society? ? With a two-year production cycle in the Mainland (Chang'e Flying to the Moon), it took in a box office of HK$218 million in Europe and the United States during its four-day opening weekend. Is there any more surprising and gratifying news than this? ?

Not to mention that mainland theaters can also sell box office tickets in RMB, which is not a small amount of money.

If we can grasp this pulse, it is not unbelievable that with the potential of the mainland, we can compete with Disney in animation.

Rebuilding after the 1991 East China Flood required too much money. Shangmei Film Studio, which could make a lot of money, would naturally become a big contributor.

About the same time.

In a hotel suite in Kowloon, there was a fierce quarrel, discussion, and all kinds of throwing things and swearing.

There was so much movement in the suite that it could be heard by the people waiting in the corridor outside... His face was expressionless, he had long been used to all this.

It wasn't until Akai, who won a string of awards at the Cannes Film Festival this year, angrily opened the door and walked out, then closed the door tightly. Director Chen cursed a few words, "insulting to gentlemen" and "unbecoming of a human being", and stomped on the wall a few times. go.

Director Chen walked away.

Liu Xiaoqing grabbed a few newspapers and walked into the private room, "I mean, Xiao Jiang, what about you? How many times have you argued with Director Chen over a script?"

When the floods first hit on May 22, because Jiang Wen asked the screenwriter to save the script (Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin), Director Chen was very unhappy at that time and wanted to have a good chat with Jiang Wen and the screenwriting team. .

To further artistic creation.

Nearly two months have passed? The script, which was originally planned with more than 40% of the details, is basically finished.

Jiang Wen has already started spending money to build the Qin Palace. Anyway, it was Zheng Jiachun and Cheng Long's Hundred Years Film Company who funded it. For the rest, whether it was chatting with Mei Zhi about the production of clothing, war equipment, and funerals in the late Warring States period, etc. wait.

Everything has begun.

Fight with war horses and cold weapons, and arrange to recruit brothers...

Just yesterday, Jiang Wen said that since the script is complete, can the main actors be recruited? Group started? ? If an actor doesn't understand, he has to learn riding again?

Director Chen was furious and quarreled with Jiang Wen again. The quarrel has become a daily routine for the two of them until today.

Lao Chen is also very angry. It has been almost two months since one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. He completely disagrees with the idea of ​​forcing the tone of all the scripts to be reset. Jiang Wen is so stubborn now that he doesn't care about his opinions at all.

He's even more domineering than the seniors who controlled him on the set of "Farewell My Concubine"!

He has expressed this movie more than once. If it continues like this, he will stop filming, and he will stop filming. Then Jiang Wen began to calm down and persuaded him, if you don't make it, I will be the director to reshoot it, or ask Zhang Yimou to film it... …

Are you sure you can produce a version that completely surpasses ours in terms of reputation and box office (Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin)? Can it be guaranteed? You won the Palme d'Or in Cannes, and he and Zhang won the Berlin Golden Bear more than once.

Lao Zhang also won the Oscar for Best Director with the help of (Juno).

If you are not sure that you can produce a script that surpasses ours, then you have conceived and thought about Jing Ke's assassination of Qin so many times before, and just don't want to do it? Are you willing to give it up? ?

Anyway, Jiang Wen is really not bad at tormenting people.

Director Chen was almost tortured to death.

Liu Xiaoqing, including Zheng Jiachun, who heard that they were quite controversial and quarreled fiercely, and who would come out to dissuade them at first, are now... at peace.

Just a casual word of advice, I don’t expect these two stubborn donkeys to calm down at all.

Jiang Wen didn't care. He grabbed a few newspapers and read them. He was silent for a while and then sighed, "We are indeed speeding up production. Shangmei Film Studio. The animated film took in 218 million Hong Kong dollars in Europe and the United States in its first weekend. box office."

"If disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction rely entirely on animated films, how can we live-action actors and directors have the nerve to enjoy all kinds of big-star treatment?"

Liu Xiaoqing cleverly said, "Yes, yes, it's time to speed up."

In such a special time period as 1991, when the floods were so horrific, many people from all walks of life would contribute, but when it comes to the film and television industry...

What if their huge group of real-life celebrities is not as good as an animated movie in terms of making money? It's so embarrassing.

Compared with superstars like them who have become popular, what are the daily luxuries of food and accommodation? What about the behind-the-scenes production staff at Shanghai Film Studio? What level of food, accommodation and enjoyment are there behind the scenes? ?

If the gap is too big, no matter what anyone says, a proud and talented person like Jiang Wen will not be able to pass the psychological test.

Especially since he is just a director and actor, even Andy Lau has started to bring four newcomers, four apprentices from the second season of The Voice back to the mainland for tour, and all the concert proceeds will be donated? ?

He really felt that Old Chen was too speechless.

The script they spent nearly three months working on, why didn’t it work here or there? We have to find someone else to put pressure on Lao Chen.

"I called Director Zhang and asked him if he was interested..."

In fact, in the original trajectory, Akai first came up with the idea of ​​Jing Ke assassinating the King of Qin in 1992, and fooled the screenwriter into spending five years writing the script. In 1999, he produced the finished film and planned to release it. He also wanted to make A Mou with this theme. , and then helplessly created (hero).

What is the hero about? A group of Zhao assassins assassinated the King of Qin.

Jiang Wen has also worked with Director Zhang. They have been bickering and fighting with each other for quite a while. Of course, they know that Director Zhang is really interested in certain things.

When Jiang Wen was looking for Big Brother, Liu Xiaoqing said helplessly, "Actually, there's no point in being anxious. The Qin Palace has just started to be built, and it's still too early to wait for it to be completed."

Jiang Wen was also a little speechless. After all, in this era, whether it was the Xianyang Palace of the Qin Dynasty or the Weiyang Palace of the Han Dynasty, the ten-year cycle of archeology, excavation, protection, and research on the ruins had just ended. It was really necessary to rebuild Xianyang, the city of the King of Qin. Only in the palace can there be a place to shoot (Jing Ke assassinating the King of Qin).


In the ATV office, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said to Jiaxin, "Tell the film side to let the channel broadcast (Kung Fu Panda) in prime time. Although (Chang'e Flying to the Moon) is far less well-known by movie fans around the world than pandas and lions, we can only Promote the production team and brand of American Film Studio."

"But as long as more people watch Kung Fu Panda, more people will be curious about Chang'e's production standards and go to the cinema to watch it."

Li Jiaxin nodded and said curiously, "I really didn't expect that the film (Chang'e Flying to the Moon) filmed by Shangmei Factory would have this kind of story development. At first, I thought Chang'e secretly took the elixir to seek immortality, and she betrayed her husband Hou Yi. Woolen cloth."

Zhao Donghuai was dumbfounded, "There are many versions of the story about Chang'e flying to the moon. What you said is also one of the widely circulated stories. But if you really follow this development, it will be over. What else do you expect at the box office? It will probably be criticized by others. Cursed to death.”

In myths and legends, why did Chang'e fly to the moon? How did you fly to the moon?

There are really many related versions, and the development of the story chosen by Shangmei Factory is that ten days passed in the sky, the earth was roasted into scorched earth, Hou Yi shot the sun for the survival of the ethnic group, after shooting the sun, Chang'e was afraid of Emperor Jun's revenge, and suggested Hou Yi to go to the Queen Mother of the West. Ask for the elixir.

When Hou Yi asked for the elixir, he wanted to choose an auspicious day to enjoy it with Chang'e. However, after he left the elixir and went out, Hou Yi's disciple Pang Meng took the opportunity to force Chang'e to steal the elixir. In order to keep the elixir, Chang'e He had no choice but to swallow it himself, and then flew into the moon palace.

After Hou Yi returned, although he killed Pang Meng, he could only grieve and be heartbroken when facing his beloved wife who had entered the moon palace. He could not go to the moon palace himself.

Then Chang'e entrusted her with a dream, saying that every August 15th, Hou Yi could make moon cakes and worship the moon in the yard, and then Chang'e could return to the human world for a day and reunite with Hou Yi.

Let’s not talk about which version of the myth is more popular and widely known. The version produced by Shangmei Factory is obviously easier for the audience to accept the plot.

Wang Zuxian laughed and said, "I have also heard what you said, but if we shoot like that, let alone 12 million Hong Kong dollars in ten days, I probably won't be able to get 5 million, and I will be scolded. It's pretty good now. It will cause some controversy and discussion, but this version is obviously more acceptable, and it is also associated with eating mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival."

"The myth of Hou Yi shooting the sun has also been incorporated into it. Anyway, I think it looks pretty good."

"Boss, do you want to make a big movie with real-life special effects? I feel like it would be quite interesting if the special effects could be done."

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and said, "It would be very difficult to produce this kind of special effects before the millennium. Even if it was produced, it would have to be after 1995."

There are so many traditional mythological stories in China, either there are no suitable stories to make movies, or... if you think about it, even "The Wandering Earth" can be so exciting and the special effects are strong enough, but until he traveled through time, there were not many that could. Mythical blockbuster movie.

There are too many people competing to show off.

"Let's arrange for a few directors from Shangmei Factory to appear on ATV programs for promotion. As long as the promotion is strong enough and can keep up, its box office potential is worth exploring."

"But if you want to make it into a TV series, the special effects requirements are much lower, so you can give it a try."

This is indeed the case. At this stage, we have entered the stage of reconstruction after the floods in East China. The Hong Kong film industry has launched a big promotion, saying that early in the morning newspapers published the news that (big event) (Chang'e Flying to the Moon) was a blockbuster in Europe and the United States.

In addition, in the afternoon, the director of Shangmei Factory led several production teams to talk about production, story conception, and how to choose a story from multiple different versions of The Legend of Chang'e Flying to the Moon? ?

On July 15, Chang'e to the Moon took in HK$3 million at the box office on Hong Kong Island. Compared with more than 12 million in the previous ten days, and an average of 1.2 million per day, it more than tripled.

When the content of this version of the story of Chang'e flying to the moon conflicts with the story of Chang'e flying to the moon in many people's minds, it will trigger more people to discuss and discuss, and the topic will rise. How do you feel about this version of Chang'e flying to the moon? Naturally more people are interested.

On the 16th, even though it was a Tuesday, Chang'e Flying to the Moon once again took home more than 3.5 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office, because it was a summer release! !

In previous years, the summer season usually started to explode in mid-June. The situation is different now. The popularity has been delayed, but it still has a strong power to attract money. When the paper media group headed by the Kowloon Daily, it is very important to the citizens. A poll was launched.

I would like to ask citizens, if a live-action version of Chang'e flying to the moon was made into a TV series, who would be the best candidate in your mind? ?

The heat was instantly heightened.

There may be many versions of the story of Chang'e flying to the moon, and there are discussions and disputes, but the concept that Chang'e is a super beautiful beauty is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

Beautiful beauties each have their own characteristics, who is the most popular? ? You must know that in 1990, in order to sell calendars, Fei Jing created a list of the top ten beauties and the top ten handsome men. In January, his calendar factory went crazy in Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other places. Sales volume reached HK$500 million.

In the later Internet era, commenting on beauty lists and the like have always been a cross-fertilization of the East and the West. Whether it was Xiao Ma who personally acted as an online beauty to attract male customers to sign up in the early days of the company, or whether it was A Mei's family's Lao Ma who established Facebook by commenting on beauties from various universities. It started by attracting users.

As long as there is controversy and attention, the popularity will explode!

On the 17th, the animated movie Chang'e to the Moon once again made more than 3.8 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office. It made more than 12 million in the first ten days, and exceeded 10 million in the following three days.

The movie that became as popular as Chang'e Flying to the Moon (The King of Scammers) starring Wan Ziliang, Zhang Xueyou and others was released in Hong Kong from June 7th to July 14th, and it took 37 days to get it in Haowan, Hong Kong. 52 million Hong Kong dollars.

But when Chang'e Flying to the Moon sparked the trend of people going to movie theaters to watch movies, many viewers who didn't know about her release discovered the blockbuster movie by Wan Ziliang and Zhang Xueyou? Just take a look?

After watching it, I was hooked and shocked!

After all, this is adapted from the Ponzi scheme case that occurred in Tokyo last year. I heard that "citizens" of Tokyo were defrauded of five to six billion Hong Kong dollars. It is definitely the largest case in the world since the beginning of the 1990s. Five to six billion Hong Kong dollars Hong Kong dollars.

You wouldn't be able to get so much money by robbing a bank, and you wouldn't be able to extort so much money by kidnapping Li Li's family. But cheating? ?

It’s simply beyond imagination. How could this deceive so many people?

The villain starring Wan Ziliang, the big liar behind the scenes, perfectly explained to the audience how to cheat, absorb savings at high interest rates, tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall, and bribe relevant senior officials to act as his protection. , the top brass of the police department, and then the top brass of the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

The money I defrauded was shared with everyone. I ran away with the title of a big liar and a wanted warrant, and my whole appearance changed, while the umbrellas happily shared the money.

Only a piece of chicken feathers was left...

The real case occurred in Tokyo. Whether it is the media in Tokyo or the media in Hong Kong, they all know that last year's deceiver Wang Tiantuan successfully escaped.

Therefore, in the movie "The King of Scams", Man Tsz-liang also successfully ran away. The scenes showed Hong Kong residents jumping off buildings and jumping into the sea one by one. However, Wan Tsz-liang wore a brand new face and walked on the beach in Hawaii with A group of pretty girls play beach volleyball.

The current film scheduling rate is 40% for "The King of Liars" and 60% for "Chang'e", and the upcoming film starring Andy Lau (big event) will be released on July 19th.

Chang'e's box office revenue exceeded 10 million Hong Kong dollars in three days, and the scammer also took advantage of the trend to take over 8 million Hong Kong dollars. At least on Hong Kong Island, the total box office exceeded 30 million.


July 19th.

As night fell, on Floor 12A, Unit 2, Building 9, Phase 3, Shek Kip Mei Garden, when Zha Zhahui walked home with a bunch of lunch boxes, he saw Luo Tat-wah who was watching TV in the living room. Ah Fai said curiously, "Little Ma" Woolen cloth?"

I think a month ago, before Wu Zhenyu turned into the man behind the scenes, the house they rented was Zhang Jiahui and Luo Dahua, and there was a nightclub waiter, De Ge.

It's July now? Brother De ran away and stopped renting. I heard that he picked up a dancer at a nightclub and became a pretty boy. Brother De was very average-looking and ordinary. He could not help but talk nicely, was gentle and considerate, and had good skills. He just deceived a certain dancer into wanting her. Be kind.

I made a lot of money and paid the down payment to get a loan for my own house.

Now I am sharing a house with my girlfriend.

A new tenant came to their house, Xiaoma, who was admitted to the Asian Opera the summer before last. I heard that he was an outstanding student who scored more than 730 points in the Pengcheng College Entrance Examination.

That’s outrageous…

Zhang Jiahui is 27 this year, Luo Dahua is also 27, and Xiao Ma has just turned 20, a junior.

After speaking, Luo Dahua glanced at a certain bedroom and said, "He is still playing BBS in the room. I don't know what's so fun about that."

Zhang Jiahui walked to the coffee table in the living room, placed a lunch box, and joked, "The world of academic masters is different from ours. I heard that his biggest hobby after entering Asia Drama is to teach himself computer knowledge?"

"Such a smart person will definitely do better than us in the future."

After placing three cold dishes and three portions of rice rolls, Zhang Jiahui shouted to a certain bedroom, "Xiao Ma, it's time to eat!"

Luo Dahua went to the refrigerator to get beer.

When Xiao Ma, who was wearing black-framed glasses and had a fair and elegant appearance, walked out, Zhang Jiahui couldn't help but joke, "Computers are so expensive, but you buy them to play with. It seems that your family has a good foundation."

Xiao Ma hurriedly smiled and said, "Brother Hui, please stop teasing me. I am from a civilian background. Didn't I save a little money by accepting a few advertisements before?"

"By the way, BBS said that ATV is planning to develop a live-action version of "Chang'e Flying to the Moon". Brother Hui and Brother Hua, we don't want to focus on the protagonists and supporting characters. We can find opportunities to play more supporting roles."

Luo Dahua came back with a few bottles of beer and said in astonishment, "Can you find out about such a thing on BBS? Who is the director?"

Xiao Ma took the beer and opened the lid with a smile, and helped the two big brothers pour the wine, "It seems to be Director Liu Shiyu, the junior brother of Director Wang Jing. He has filmed many costume dramas, and the filming of Chang'e Flying to the Moon seemed to go well. If martial arts is changed to mythology, the special effects will be better and more beautiful."

"It is said that it is based on the story of the animated movie, and the protagonist and villain are Hou Yi and his disciple Pang Meng."

"I heard that there are many people who want to play Chang'e. Even Liu Xiaoli, Xiao Yingying, Chen Derong and other beauties are competing."

Zhang Jiahui was dumbfounded, "Are you so well-informed?"

Although in order to publicize and hype the animated movie (Chang'e Flying to the Moon), the Kowloon Daily did launch a survey among citizens to ask who the most beautiful Chang'e was in everyone's mind, senior insiders like them did not know this information.

Xiao Ma is a student of Yaxi. He has finished his sophomore year and will start his junior year after the summer vacation.

But after two months of renting together, I heard... I heard Xiao Ma himself say that he actually couldn't let go in the acting class. He regretted signing up to take the exam, and his daily studies were poor? Are you not familiar with your classmates? ? Xiao Ma blew himself up.

After two months of renting together, Ah Hui and Ah Hua can really feel that Xiao Ma is a reserved, low-key and slow-moving little brother.

Xiao Ma still smiled gently and said, "No, I found it all by looking at BBS and flipping through posts. Brother Hui, Brother Hua, if you have money, you can also buy a computer and go online more. I feel that computers develop with the times, and technology Development will definitely change many people and many things.”

“Even if you don’t know who the netizen who posted the message is, you can still have a great conversation.”

Luo Dahua immediately shook his head, "Forget it, I'm not that good. I feel dizzy when I see you typing. I practice finger meditation myself. It's too difficult. Hua Teng, instead of spending your spare time online all day, why don't you Why not follow us more and run around with the crew."

Zhang Jiahui also gets a headache when he mentions computers, "We won't learn that anymore. By the way, Magnum Pictures, directed by Li Xiuxian, wanted to make a movie (Descendants of the Dragon) as early as the beginning of the year. The plot is about playing billiards. I just wanted to ask Mr. Xing to star in the film, but I was rejected even though he was offered a salary of 15 million yuan.”

"The project continues until now, intermittently. After we have dinner, will you come with me to visit Director Li?"

At this point, Jiahui touched his face and said, "I have to say, you are so polite, your face is actually more suitable for being a niche than the two of us."

Xiao Ma was stunned, "I'm going to audition for the leading role? Is this appropriate?"

Zhang Jiahui patted Xiao Ma's shoulder grandly, "No one knows whether that project can be done or not. I can't afford to hire Mr. Xing, so Director Li still wants to find someone who can imitate Mr. Xing's style. "

"Anyway, he hasn't found the right one after months of searching. Let's go try it?"

Xiao Ma thought for a moment and nodded, "Then let's try it after dinner."

He really regrets it now. He should have known that he should not have signed up for the Asian Opera on the spur of the moment. He should have followed his original idea and majored in electronic engineering and computer science.

Unfortunately, since the mid-1980s, more and more Hong Kong blockbusters and TV series have swept the world. As a teenager studying in Pengcheng, would it be good to watch ATV directly when I get home? ?

And as early as 1987, even the CEO of Microsoft like Gai came to Hong Kong from time to time to make guest appearances and star in a movie. You know, Xiao Ma, who secretly likes to play with computers, once regarded Gai and Ellison as Iconic.

My mind got excited and I gave it a try, and I actually passed the exam? ? He came to study happily. After two years, he really felt that he was wrong.

It's a pity that time cannot be turned back...

Zhang Jiahui patted Xiao Ma on the shoulder again, "Don't be discouraged, Xiao Ma. Although your character may not be suitable for being an actor at first glance, in fact, Master Xing used to have a similar personality to yours in private. It was very boring. I feel In terms of normal communication, you are much easier to get along with than Master Xing before."

"As long as you let go and act, what if you succeed??"

"As long as you become successful and famous, you will be able to make a lot of money and achieve a class jump easily. Before Zhao Sheng came, ordinary citizens' families wanted to get rich, become wealthy, and become rich? It was not that easy."

Xiao Ma listened and took it to heart very seriously.

The environment at his home is not as simple as he said, and he is not an ordinary civilian, but if he has the opportunity to make a way out on his own, he is very willing and has a lot of fighting spirit.

It’s true that he doesn’t have many friends in Asia Opera, and he doesn’t know many of his classmates well, so he can’t let go of performances, etc… But there’s one thing to say, in terms of mastery of acting theory, Xiao Ma has beaten many of his classmates and seniors. They are here!

Now it's a restriction and obsession that I can't let go of.


A few days later, July 29.

(Big Event) was released very quickly. Liu Dehua held many concerts in the mainland and ran a lot of road shows. Although Jiangsu, Hunan, Zhejiang and other places are still undergoing post-disaster reconstruction and their performance is very poor, the box office in other cities is still Very impressive.

The box office grossed more than 90 million yuan in the three days of the first weekend, and more than 190 million yuan in the second week. It also accumulated 300 million yuan in ten days.

Hong Kong Haowan is even more explosive, with a box office of more than 79 million Hong Kong dollars in ten days, 210 million Hong Kong dollars for Stars, Matthai, and 160 million Hong Kong dollars for South Korea. Adding in the 86 million dollars that have already been drawn in Europe and the United States, it equals 670 million Hong Kong dollars.

This has also exceeded the total box office of 1.4 billion Hong Kong dollars.

On his way back to ATV from the villa in Dakeng Village, Zhao Donghuai passed by ATV TV City and saw Li Xiuxian sitting in the director's seat filming. He casually looked at it a few more times and almost got angry.

I read it wrong? It seems that in the film and television industry, there have indeed been actors who are somewhat similar to Xiao Ma? ? The butterfly effect isn’t that outrageous, right?

After a few more glances, Zhao Donghuai returned to the headquarters building without a word.

When he saw Azhen, he said, "What movie is Li Xiuxian filming now? Is it filming in our ATV TV City?"

Azhen thought for dozens of seconds and nodded, "It's called (Descendants of the Dragon). The main character is an Asian drama student who just finished his sophomore year. What's his name? It should be Tenglai?"

"Just like Wang Jing, too many directors want to find a new successor to Ah Xing."

Zhao Donghuai's expression is hard to describe.

Azhen was amused, "What, do you know that new guy?"

Director Zhao shook his head, "I don't know him. I just feel that he has imitated Ah Xing's three-point level. He has some potential. He is just like this in his sophomore year. If he graduates as a senior, can he still be worse?"

Well, first-class talents are never only found in the film and television industry. With Xiao Ma's strength, he can't be considered a self-made man, but the difficulty of starting a business is at least much more difficult than building a career, right?

Can such a person be capable of acting if he lets go and puts himself at risk? ?

Azhen seemed to have thought of something. She grabbed her eldest brother and went out to chat for a few words before exclaiming, "He is indeed a talent. He scored 739 in the college entrance examination? A perfect score of 750? He is a super academic."

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "No, the full score in Guangdong Province that year was 900 points."

Azhen was stunned and said in relief, "I see, I thought the full score was only 750, and he was almost full, but that's pretty impressive."

Zhao Donghuai didn't refute this. With a perfect score of 900, you can score 739, and you are also among the top few hundred academics in eastern Guangdong.

When Lao Ma from Hangzhou was still working as a translator, Xiao Ma came to read the Asian opera? Everything is possible. Under the leadership of Zhao Donghuai, the current Asian entertainment industry, based on Hong Kong Island, is the easiest channel to achieve sudden wealth and class transition.

It is the most friendly and friendly promotion channel for ordinary people.

The three major universities have expanded their enrollment to include thousands of animation professionals, and graduates are lining up to enter the major film studios. If they are assigned, even if they cannot take the lead, they will follow the animation production veterans of the major film studios and directly become the backbone of the project.

This is the stage where (Chang'e Flying to the Moon) has begun to make a lot of money around the world and earn back the Shanghai Film Studio!

Xiaoma dares to risk everything. With that ambition, he can let go. With his level of shrewdness, he can reach 40% of Ah Xing's level after finishing his sophomore year? ? That is at least funnier than the earlier performances by Zhang Jiahui, Zhang Weijian and Ge Minhui.

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