Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 373 The fourth king of Asian music is beyond? !

October 15th.

In Shek Kip Mei Garden Phase 3, Jin Chengwu was wearing a mask when he went out to buy breakfast. As soon as he walked out of the gate, he saw a crowd of people surrounding the newsstand at the entrance of the community.

From time to time, some people exclaimed.

"Damn it, this Beyond band is going to be popular in Europe and the United States? It has played more than ten shows in a row, and the stadium with tens of thousands of people is packed every time? Is this going to choose who the fourth king is? But this is a band with a total of Six people?”

"How do you choose this? The fourth king of Asia is beyond?!"

"That's Depp sucking the flow, okay? Good guy, (Summer Lovers) will earn $39 million in North America the next week? How much money is that!!"

"The US$130 million from Europe, Canada and the United States in two weeks is still too much, right? It's already exceeded one billion Hong Kong dollars, right? The boss of Li Chao's family has a problem with his vision. He's just blind!"

"It's so funny that he was kicked out of the crew before filming started. Did that giant lose more than a billion in one breath? Hurry up and sell Cheung Kong stock. It's strange that Cheung Kong can develop with such a successor."


Various voices were discussing the performance of the Beyond band and (Summer Lover) in Europe and the United States.

While Ah Wu was listening, he felt a hand appear from behind and was about to slap his shoulder. Ah Wu instinctively leaned back and bumped into something with his back. He even grabbed an arm with both hands and tried to throw it over his shoulder.

Halfway down, a panicked cry rang out, "What the hell?!"

Hearing the sound, Jin Chengwu turned and exerted his strength while continuing to fall, causing Wang Feng who was originally going to be thrown to the ground... but he still fell to the ground.

After all, he had only practiced Hong Quan for more than three months and Baji Quan for four or five months. I practiced from January to mid-October, which is quite a long time, and it’s really not a short time, but Awu can only play a few times in the amateur circle.

When Wang Feng screamed, he sat up on the ground and rubbed his waist. He also pulled down his mask and took a deep breath.

A Wu smiled bitterly and squatted down, "Brother Feng, I'm sorry, I have developed some instinctive reactions from boxing practice. You also know that I... I just postponed some boxing training when I followed Brother Hua to the concert."

"But after I was eliminated from The Voice, I still practiced every day."

"Although Director Wang Jiawei of 100 Years Pictures is a bit unreliable, Brother Hua did say that whether I am practicing boxing on a daily basis, preparing for action movies in the future, or learning acting and maintaining singing skills, it is all for my debut. prepare for."

"It's equivalent to the daily life of those students who are currently studying in Asian opera."

After all, they are disciples of the same Brother Hua team and have been touring together for about half a month for charity. A Wu and Wang Feng are relatively familiar with each other.

They are the disciples of the second season of The Voice. Not only are they familiar with the same generation, but they also have contact information with the disciples under Brother Hua from the first season of The Voice and have gotten together several times.

Wang Feng suppressed his screams in depression and glared at Jin Chengwu angrily, "I think you just want to murder me. Are you jealous that my singing skills are better than yours? Damn it, do this to me so early in the morning, it really hurts!"

"I curse you for two more years of training, and Director Wang won't turn on your computer!"

Jin Chengwu's face turned green, "Brother Feng, you can't do this, fuck..."

He was really afraid that this guy's crow's mouth would be effective. After all, everyone knew how many people Wang Jiawei's previous film Days of Wild had deceived. He spent two full years filming this and that, with many interruptions.

Wang Feng stood up, moved around twice, put on his mask again and said with a smile, "You idiot, if I weren't afraid that I wouldn't be able to beat you, I would really want to beat you up."

He, Lao Wang, is also a 20-year-old young man with a strong physique, but he has really never practiced. How can he compare with A Wu, who has learned boxing for eight or nine months? I feel really guilty.

At this moment, Lao Wang suddenly looked into the community and asked curiously, "Hey, isn't that the pony who lives above Wu Zhenyu?"

When Jin Chengwu turned around, he took a few glances and nodded, "It seems to be Xiaoma, do you know him?"

At this stage, because in January of the year, Wu Zhenyu became famous all over the world for his role as a "shit cook" in Huayuan Phase 3. The houses in Huayuan Phase 3 are indeed selling like hotcakes. Everyone knows that celebrities come and go here. There are many green leaves who work as part-timers renting here.

It was also because of that that Wang Feng stayed here to rent a house after the second season of The Voice ended, and Jin Chengwu moved in when The Voice was airing.

Shek Kip Mei is not far from ATV TV City, just two bus stops away.

In the same neighborhood, there are always people who have seen each other so many times that they know who they are and their faces are familiar, but they have never formally communicated with each other.

Zha Zhahui and Luo Dahua, and later Xiao Ma, were all hotly discussed... because when they saw them, they would be reminded that Lao Wu cooked canned herrings and got them drunk for a long time.

Well, Xiao Ma has not been drunk, but it is easy for passers-by to take over the instinct. He is also one of the victims of the herring can. Not everyone knows that someone changed the lease during the period.

Wang Feng shook his head, "I don't know him, but I heard that this guy is a talent. He took over Li Xiuxian's (Descendants of the Dragon) movie. Halfway through the filming, Director Li had to reshoot a round because his acting skills improved during the filming period. Too fast."

"Such a talent is amazing!"

Ah Wu's expression also became weird. He stared at the pony walking out in the distance. When the pony felt that he was being noticed, he also looked at it.

Everyone stood together for a moment, then Xiao Ma gave them a middle finger and ran away, surrounded by two masked men? Everyone is male and likes women, but he is not in a good mood.

Because recently, Lee Soo Hyun has once again considered the idea of ​​reshooting (Descendants of the Dragon).

It’s been almost three months, and I’ve already re-filmed it. Are you going to do it again? ?

Many directors in other crews were a big mistake, but in the (Descendants of the Dragon) crew, Li Xiuxian and others found that Xiao Ma was the big one.

The increase in acting skills is too visible to the naked eye, and it can be extended but not closed... Director Li has asked him to hold back more than once or twice, and not to overdo it, so as not to create a sense of separation between the front and rear camera scenes.

But Xiao Ma, who is making rapid progress, wouldn't he? His acting skills have improved, so he should be more restrained and act more leisurely? He is still at the stage where he can release and retract freely. If he can retract and retract freely, then... not everyone can do it.

It's like Jin Chengwu has been practicing boxing for eight or nine months. When he encountered a surprise attack and was about to throw Wang Feng, he found out that it was his senior brother. He wanted to hold back a little and let Wang Feng land safely and stand up, but he couldn't do it!

When encountering such a bad thing, Xiao Ma was certainly in a bad mood.

Wang Feng was even aroused by the dangling middle finger, "Damn it, how dare a person be so arrogant? Ah Wu, catch up and beat him!"

Jin Chengwu rolled his eyes crazily, "Brother Feng, don't you like rock music? Beyond has become popular in Europe and the United States, and is about to be hailed as the Fourth King. Why don't you quickly learn from Beyond's songs?"

During the previous familiarity period, Ah Wu also knew that Brother Feng graduated from the Mainland Alto Middle School and was influenced by Luo Dayou, Li Zongsheng and others. He had tried to create music as early as 1988.

If he hadn't been selected for the Asia Good Voice stage this year, he would have actually applied for the alto undergraduate class this year.

To put it simply, Ah Feng is also a player who can write, arrange and sing.

Ah Feng's attention was diverted, "Yes, transcendence suddenly showed off in this way? I never thought that it could be played like this before."

"I will buy some old songs and go home to study. You can continue to practice your Bajiquan. I wish you practice for another three months and Director Wang will ask you to practice Taichi again."


after a while.

At ATV TV City, when Xiao Ma arrived at the scheduled filming area, he walked outside the studio and saw Yuan Hua joking with Hong Yin Bao.

Xiao Ma was about to say hello when San Mao took the initiative and asked, "Are you Xiao Ma? You are now a junior at Yaxi?"

Xiao Ma hurriedly walked up to say hello and asked curiously, "Brother Sanmao actually knows me too?"

Sanmao laughed and handed the cigar, "You are such a handsome boy, which made Director Li think about reshooting for the second time. You are also a real talent. Good guy, he was unknown in school and seemed like a transparent person, but he actually joined the crew and became the protagonist. , have accumulated a lot of experience??"

"Are you interested in joining my crew as a supporting role?"

Xiao Ma was happy, "Yes, that will definitely work, but I haven't practiced much in acting? I'm afraid I won't be able to meet your requirements, Brother Sanmao."

Major students also have physical training courses for actors, but that is not the same as being a star.

Hong Qianbao shook his head, "I won't let you resist. In that regard, Debao has no shortage of good talents."

He will appear here because he plans to make a new movie. What exactly will he make? One choice is (Flying Dragon) and the other is (Dragons Playing with Phoenix). I haven't decided which one yet. Anyway, they are both scripts written by Situ Zhuohan and Huang Bingyao and based on Tun Debao.

Situ Zhuohan is also one of Hong Yanbao's generals. He has been one of the screenwriters from Good Fortune, Summer Lucky Star, Lucky Star, Mr. Zombie, Mr. Fantasy, etc.

He is not as famous as Huang Bingyao. The main reason is that the fatal scissor-footed rogue director played by Lao Huang in a cameo role (played by Captain Weilong) touched the audience's brains.

If "Flying Dragon" is to be filmed, it will be a blockbuster film in which he reunites with Cheng Long and Yuan Biao. The original villain is Yuan Hua. Wait until Lao Hong asks about Yuan Hua's schedule?

Yuan Hua said speechlessly that there was a strange person on their crew who dragged him on the set of (Descendants of the Dragon). It had been almost three months, and the director actually considered reshooting for the second time.

Does Sanmao still have such talent? Came over to have a look out of curiosity.

If you are new to the industry and your acting skills improve by leaps and bounds, it is difficult to say whether you are born to eat this bowl of rice and God rewards you for eating. But for a regular major student who has completed two years of Asian Opera?

It can only be described as a matter of accumulation.

A moment later, when filming of Li Xiuxian's script started, Hong Yinbao stood next to Director Li and watched Xiao Ma's acting skills. He was also quite speechless. Xing’s baby face is so cute.”

"But his image is not bad, he is a good prospect."

Yuan Hua also smiled, "Then have you decided which movie to film?"

Sanmao thought for a while, grabbed his big brother and called Aaron. After contacting him for a while, he hung up the phone and said, "Let's film (Dragon Plays with Phoenix), Aaron is planning (Police Story 5), good guy, he Is it a series that will eat you to death?"

The character of Hong Kong policeman Chan Ka Kui is really going to die from the series? ?

Yuan Hua's eyes lit up, "Who do you plan to use, heroine?"

Sanmao thought for a while, "Please give Li Zhi a try? The heroine is making pancakes, but the waves are surging. Although it is said that you can choose other people to compete with props and artistically process them, it is not as realistic as the original ones."

Yuan Hua asked this because there were certain settings in the script.

He thought for a while and couldn't help but nodded with emotion, "This works."


ATV Office.

Zhao Donghuai looked at the visiting middle-aged man and asked curiously, "You want to help Wu Yusen terminate the contract, so come to me to negotiate? Isn't it inappropriate?"

The middle-aged man opposite immediately bent over, his face turned a little pale, "Sheng Zhao, I'm just asking for a favor on behalf of Old Wu. The Xiang brothers are not honest in their work. The ten-year contract was signed while Director Wu was drunk and unconscious. He was the one who cheated on his signature, and now he is still hiding from him."

"Hit him at every turn...Old Wu is really miserable."

While he was talking, he secretly glanced at Wang Zuxian, who was his secretary, and begged Sister Xian to intercede with his eyes.

This middle-aged man is Zhang Jiazhen, a senior filmmaker in his 40s. He has worked in Jiahe, Debao, Xu Ke Studio, and Mai Xuexiong...

He has solid seniority, but the one he has the best relationship with in the film and television industry is Wu Yusen. It was he who took Wu Yusen to Hollywood to develop in the original trajectory and created a series of works (Ultimate Target) (Broken Arrow) (Face Changing) , pushing Lao Wu to become a great director.

Then (Windtalker) came! !

Then he took Lao Wu back to the mainland to develop, and Yuan (Chibi Shangxia) came.

Even in the 2020s, this old man will be very active in the industry. He helped Huang Jingyu become a resource star for a while, and also inserted Wang Chuanjun into the crew of "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

Are you talking about Zhang Jiazhen and Wang Zuxian? He has been one of the producers of the Chinese Ghost Story team since the second part of A Chinese Ghost Story. He worked for Xu Ke, and he was also the producer of Chow Yun-fat and Nick Cheung's version of "A Chinese Ghost Story".

Today, the secretarial team received a request to visit the Zhang Family Formation. They originally refused, but Xiaoxian mentioned it, so Zhao Donghuai chose to meet and give him a few minutes.

With a pleading look, Xiaoxian rubbed Zhao Donghuai's shoulders and said with a smile, "Xiang Laoshi is indeed a bit unruly, and it's too deceiving. Producer Zhang is also pretty good, why don't you give him a chance?"

"I heard that he contacted Akai of the Li family and planned to use 10 million to buy out Director Wu's old contract. Akai also planned to invest 50 million to support Director Wu in filming (Blood on the Street)."

Zhao Donghuai glanced at Xiaoxian in surprise, nodded and looked at Lao Zhang, "Okay, Xiaoxian will speak for you, then you can take Akai to talk to Xiang Laoshi."

50 million to shoot blood on the streets? You are so talented, why don’t you just drag Lao Wu and remake Red Cliff or Tai Ping Wheel!

Blood on the Streets was also a project that suffered huge losses for Lao Wu.

But there is one thing to say, Blood on the Street is actually a good film, a high-quality movie. The big disadvantage is that it was released together with The Gambler in the original track, and it was defeated miserably by the Gambler. It feels a bit like a crime other than war.

In the same period, there will be a head-to-head confrontation with (The Gambling Saint). Who will die if you don’t die?

What Zhao Donghuai is now slightly curious about is, with a sponsor father like Akai, will Zhang Jiazhen and Lao Wu pursue funding, pursue funding, and pursue funding again, and make the bloody streets look like assassins...

It should be said that the greater the pursuit of capital, the more uncertain Wu Yusen will be. That movie also showed a lot of the chaos of the Vietnam War and the sense of the era in troubled times.

What if, under the stimulation of (The Final Battle), Lao Wu wants to continue to expand this project? ? 80% will make Akai cheat him to death.

In the original track, Lao Wu's "Blood on the Street" was released on Hong Kong Island after 30 minutes of his various self-expressions were cut.

The film company kept asking for funding again and again because they didn't want money, so they suppressed the filming. This is exactly the same as Brother Kai who made "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin".

After the Zhang family thanked him ecstatically and left, Zhao Donghuai rubbed Xiaoxian and said, "Why do you want to intercede for them?"

Xiaoxian stuck out his tongue and said cutely, "Hey, I'm just a soft-hearted person, just like when I recommended Bingbing and Azhi to join the Asian Opera as replacements..."

Director Zhao was also speechless. Was it because he was the proprietress of Lucky Lai? When he walked around and met some people, he knelt down to beg for mercy? Recommended for a soft heart?

Forget it, Wu Yusen doesn’t have the chance to take pictures of Red Cliff Up and Down and Tai Ping Wheel in this dimension anyway.

Xiaoxian grabbed a script from behind and changed the subject, "Hey boss, I had nothing to do and was looking for stories to read in the script warehouse of Zhao's Pictures. I found this book called (Changing Face) which is very good. Do you want to read it? ?”

"Although there is only an outline, the creativity is very interesting."

Zhao Donghuai almost looked at the expression of the old man on the subway while looking at his phone, (changed his face)? How come there is such a strange script in the company? ?

When he steadied himself and took the script, he read it hastily and couldn't help but nod, "It looks really good."

It’s really Wu Yusen’s original trajectory into Hollywood and the face-changing script that grossed US$245 million at the global box office in 1997! At least looking at the outline now, the direction of the outline is the same.

The screenwriters are two ghost guys, one named Mike Webber and the other named Michael Corari.

He also remembered that the two foreign screenwriters came up with the idea for Face-changing after watching two different movie videos in 1990 and wrote the script for Face-changing.

One is a movie about a gangster who does all kinds of evil, with crazy crimes and police shootouts, and the other is about a secret organization that specializes in helping the rich with plastic surgery, allowing them to change their faces and start a new life.

The two movie ideas were blended together, and there was the 1997 version of the big movie script (Face Changing). The original trajectory was that the two guys wrote it intermittently from 1990 to 1996, and then invested it in Paramount, a giant Hollywood group, and then Paramount pushed it into a movie.

This is only October 1991? ?

If they only had an outline, it would be too slow if they didn't even know the outline after more than a year.

Zhao Donghuai asked curiously, "Are there many screenwriters at Zhao's Pictures submitting scripts at this stage?"

By the way, how long has it been since he has been to Zhao's Pictures, which is also at the ATV headquarters in Kowloon Tong, for a long time? ? There is still a six-story dilapidated house with only security guards and cleaners left.

The last time the six-story building of Zhao's Pictures was rejuvenated with the new year, it was the year before last (Wanted 1) that the finished film was edited and a trailer was released. It was originally scheduled to be released at 0:00 on February 6, the first day of the Lunar New Year, with Hong Yinbao, Zhou Xingxing, etc. Can't wait, want to see it in advance.

That old building has gained a lot of popularity. Many film and television practitioners, including the wealthy group, watched it in advance.

Wang Zuxian smiled and said, "It's not that many. Although all screenwriters who know it know that you are stationed at the ATV headquarters and the scripts are sent to the ATV headquarters by mail, but there are also many laymen who mail the scripts to the Zhao Films Building. Then After all, it is the ostensibly public headquarters of the film industry.”

"After accumulating scripts over there for a while, they will also take the initiative to send them to ATV headquarters."

"I was shopping there a few days ago with Sister Jiahui. Sister Jiahui lamented that she took photos in the studios on the first and second floors at first. The first-generation girl group, in order to increase sales for your Kowloon Daily, it's so useless. Subdued."

"When I got there, I looked around and learned that some screenwriters often mailed scripts to the film industry building. I read dozens of them. This one (Face Change) is the most eye-catching."

"That's it...is this outline worth 200,000 US dollars? I already have an idea, and I can find a bunch of talents to fill in the details myself. Isn't it bad?"

That's right, the two screenwriters mailed the outline of (Change of Faces), and the offer was $200,000 before they could provide the complete script...

Is it outrageous? It’s not too far-fetched. Hollywood screenwriters have launched five screenwriter industry strikes from 1960 to 1973 and then to 1981, 1985 and 1988. The screenwriters’ strikes in 1981 and 1985 were already aimed at asking for damages. Cable and video are divided into.

The writers of various popular TV series, such as The Tonight Show and Variety Shows, need to be divided year-round.

Another example is Shane Black, a top name in the screenwriting world. In 1987, he wrote (Lethal Weapon) and sold it for $250,000.

(The Ultimate Soldier) will be released in December 1991. Shane Black is not only the screenwriter but also the producer. The script sold for 1.75 million US dollars.

Of course, (The Ultimate Soldier) was definitely a hit. The global box office was less than 60 million, but Bruce Willis took away 10 million US dollars in salary alone.

In 1996, Shane Black's script (The Secret Service) sold for $4 million.

The industry master is so crazy that his salary as a screenwriter is much higher than that of many kings and queens of the Hong Kong entertainment industry in his original career.

Of course, that refers to the top level in the industry. Most ordinary screenwriters still earn a few hundred dollars a week. Those who earn a weekly salary are the mainstream.

After thinking about it, Zhao Donghuai nodded and said, "Since it has been handed over, let the professionals contact the screenwriter and talk about normal business negotiations. We can get the full copyright for 200,000 yuan, which is not expensive."

No matter how little attention was paid to screenwriters in the Hong Kong film and television industry in their original trajectory, and how little attention was paid to screenwriters in the mainland entertainment industry in the future, they will be rewritten at will...

The great screenwriters in this area are also very popular. Liu Zhenwei wrote (Fang Shiyu). He didn't receive much beforehand, but afterward he received a big red envelope of 3 million Hong Kong dollars!

At this stage, he is a genius like Huang Bingyao. Once the book he writes becomes popular, there will be red envelopes ranging from one to two million Hong Kong dollars afterwards.

The only thing Zhao Donghuai is struggling with is, will he change his face this time? How to shoot?

A classic duel between two heroes. If one of the two male protagonists is white and the other is Chinese, it will be more likely to be a hit in Europe and the United States. However, if you do this, you can only change your face. You have to paint the skin!

Two Chinese male protagonists? Arrange a European and American superstar as a wife for the police protagonist? In the script, there is very little room for the heroine to play, just like a vase,

After thinking for a while, he said, "Xiaoxian, please talk to Amin and let the six-story Zhao's business building be rebuilt. It will be built with more than 30 floors. Whether you live in it or not, you can rent it out." .”

Wang Zuxian was very happy, "Is it really bulldozed? Not to mention that Sister Jiahui fought hard there, and you were also busy, right? The first time I met you was in that old building. I wanted to reminisce about it after it was demolished. What, we can’t go back to our old place again.”

Zhao Donghuai laughed dumbly, "That's not easy, just feel it now."

The six-story old building where ATV was originally located on Broadcasting Road is now idle.

Recalling the past, Director Zhao lamented that the built-in suites in the big office were too small, and the bed for resting was like a single bed in a hotel. It was less than ten square feet and included a bath, toilet, etc. in addition to the bed.

At first, Azhen and Zhang Min lived a hard life there.

Of course, in the early stages, the two girls were both under 18 years old, and the most they could do was give him massages. It was still the era when Guan Jiahui called them adults to do things, and the little brats quickly walked away.

What Zhao Donghuai didn't expect was that the memories of suffering and sweetness in a small bed lasted for more than a week.

October 24, frost comes.

When he returned to the ATV office, he said to Li Jiaxin, "Go and tell your sister Jiahui to let Zhao An live in the old community of Sham Shui Po for a period of time, so that he can experience the living environment of a normal child from an ordinary family."

Ah Xin said in astonishment, "Zhao An is only two years and one month old. What can he experience now? He won't have this memory when he grows up."

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "It is said that he grows old at the age of three, and his development is much faster than that of a normal child. Now he is almost the same as a three-year-old child. It is time to train him seriously."

I'm used to things going smoothly, but it's definitely not going to be too smooth.

He doesn't want Zhao An to become someone like the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. With the simulator, the probability of that is low, and in modern society, Zhao An has so much real estate to inherit, so he can lie down and be comfortable and relaxed for the rest of his life.

But what should be cultivated and taught must be done.


November 5th.

At Kai Tak Airport, when Huang Jiaju, Huang Jiaqiang, Depp, Luo Jialiang and others got off the plane, they were escorted by bodyguards and left the airport.

Jiaju has an unreal sense of magic.

During the month-long European and American tour, their beyond reception was really explosive.

Because he and Depp took turns to be the lead singer, countless white fans who went to Depp's concerts in the early days had no idea who he was. However, after a month, many fans got to know him and remembered him.

In the current European and American music scene, beyond is really a strong current, deeply injected into it.

While walking, Huang Jiaqiang touched Jiaju with his elbow and said with an excited smile, "Brother, after one month of tour, I heard that many media in Hong Kong have begun to call us beyond the fourth king."

"When the new album also comes out with a full English lyrics version, if it can sell a lot of sales in Europe and the United States, then it will be a real success."

"Perhaps I will ask you to be a mentor in the third season of (The Voice Asia) next year."

Huang Jiaju was speechless, the fourth heavenly king turned out to be beyond? ? A band? The situation is a bit outrageous, but there is one thing to say: at least in terms of creativity, Huang Jiaju is really much stronger than Ah Wing, Hua Zai, Mei Yanfang and others.

Being led by Depp to take off, it became a big hit, but it is still a fire. When Andy Lau broke into the music scene, it was because Zhang Guorong's "I WANT" single became a hit in Europe and the United States. After it became a hit, Hua Zai recorded it with Zhang Guorong. "AS LONG AS YOU"? ?

Who took advantage of the east wind that Zhang Guorong had blown and entered the European and American music scene?

They are taking advantage of Depp's popularity, so there is no problem.

(Summer Lover) has been released for a little over a month, and it has already accumulated US$260 million in box office in Europe and the United States. This movie is also very strong in East and Southeast Asia. The total so far, including the mainland, has reached US$180 million.

The box office in the Mainland is more than 600 million yuan, which is a contribution of tens of millions of US dollars.

Coupled with his brilliant achievements in the music industry, Depp is already well-deserved for accepting movie contracts at this stage, with US$15 million, and there are no other conditions.

While he was still speechless, Luo Jialiang came over and said, "Brother Ju, work harder and record the Cantonese, Mandarin and English albums as soon as possible. We are really going to become the fourth king."

"Playing in a band can make people famous. It's not much different from being a solo king or queen."

At this stage, Luo Jialiang is the little guy in the band, but the little guy is in charge, and he is also taking off. He is still a seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister. He is a supporting role in (Summer Lover), and he has more than 400 million US dollars in the world. Knife!

What kind of distinguished resume is this?

This is no longer the beaten-up villain in (Wanted 1), but a true match for the protagonist's gay and friendly colleague.

If the film industry gives him another film contract, as long as it is a company outside the Zhao Group, it will have to spend millions of Hong Kong dollars to hire him to star, right? ? This is a real benefit.

A group of people walked and talked. When they arrived outside the airport, the group of fans cheering for the band name "Beyond" to pick them up almost blocked the traffic outside the airport.


ATV Office.

Zhao Donghuai looked at Shao Yifu and Fang Yihua who looked expectant. Coupled with the project they mentioned before, Director Zhao was a little speechless, "Shao Sheng, are you sure?"

"Having Depp or Jim Carrey as the leading actor is not that expensive. Jim Carrey is slightly better, with an external script costing around US$5 million, while Depp's salary is US$15 million."

Shao Yifu nodded, "I want to give it a try. If I ask them, they won't suffer too much. As long as Zhao Sheng is willing to help me, I still want to fight in the film and television industry."

He came here this time to express his intention to invite Jim Carrey or Depp to make a love movie. It is not a new movie, but a remake of the 1983 movie (Seven Days of Love).

The old version (A Wrongly Love Story for Seven Days) did very well, not only taking in HK$15 million at the box office, but also winning Ye Tong the Academy Award for Best Actress.

It is also the famous work of Zhang Gambling and Drugs. With this great success, that guy became popular.

You must know that the box office of 15 million Hong Kong dollars in 1983 was amazing. The box office champion that year was Zhao Donghuai's New World 1.

Thinking of this, Zhao Donghuai coughed and said, "Shao Sheng, you saw that (New Love) and (Summer Lover) were a hit, and you want to make love movies to make money. I understand, but I still suggest you make a better love movie. script."

"TVB has so many talents, so it won't be difficult to write a good script, right?"

Shao Yifu sighed, "Okay, I also found a book. It's a project of Chen Youchan. I went to Jiahe before and was not picked up. It's called (Invincible Lucky Star). This book has a stronger comedy style, and the male protagonist I can only invite Jim Carrey or Xing, but I’m afraid that Xing won’t like it..."

"If you want Jim Carrey, the heroine should be Courteney Cox? This ghost girl is much cheaper. You can spend two to three million Hong Kong dollars, right?"

"Please take the opportunity to invite Beyond to make a cameo??"

Zhao Donghuai said in his heart, "Good guy, Jim Carrey has really become Ah Xing's successor. Isn't this one of Ah Xing's masterpieces in the original track?"

That's good, at least there's no need to remake it (it shows the wrong love for seven days), so as not to make Zhang Gambling's drug more popular. It's very common for Hollywood to remake classic Hong Kong movies. He was really not sure whether the remake (which showed a wrong love for seven days) would make Shao Yifu a lot of money.

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