Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 374 I’ll spend 10 billion to play with you, but you think I’m just air

In early December 1990, Jim Carrey got the comic book "The Stranger in Disguise" and planned to turn it into a movie to prepare for a big special effects movie. The early stage special effects models were slow to work on.

It wasn't until this year that Wang Jing finished filming "Truy School Dragon 3" and "Truy School" was released. On May 21st, Fei Jing was still thinking of signing Zhang Weijian to star in "Super School Bully".

However, by mid-June, all the preparations that needed to be made were completed, and "The Stranger in Disguise" was officially launched. Fei Jing, Jim Carrey, Cameron Diaz, etc. were also busy again.

The big villain in that movie was Richard Norton, a club boss who was killed by his subordinates in rebellion. He killed him and became the ultimate villain. The one who also stole Loki's mask was Gary Daniels.

Gary Daniels is the white gangster who followed Richard Norton to rob the Fuki Maru in Cheng Long (City Hunter).

The filming started on June 15th, and today is November 5th. The crew of more than 4 months is close to the completion period. It is nothing more than the early start of the filming. Information about the floods in East China in the mainland drowned everything, and East Asia and Southeast Asia were all focused on the disaster.

That crew seemed very marginalized.

Zhao Donghuai took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "Shao Sheng, you are getting an advantage by hiring Jim Carrey to film now. When his film "The Stranger in Disguise" is released, the salary will not only be 5 million US dollars."

Shao Daheng's eyes lit up, "Are you very confident in his movie?"

Without waiting for a reply, Shao Yifu smiled again and touched the floor with his crutch, "I was negligent, yes, although (Geek in Disguise) is imitating the style of (Various Star Lord), and Ah Xing's Variety Star Lord It didn’t sell well in Europe and the United States.”

"But that's because it's almost entirely produced by Chinese people. The popularity in Europe and the United States is already low. It has a white creative team. So as long as Jim Carrey has 70% of Ah Sing's comedy skills, the box office will not be bad."

Zhao Donghuai was also happy. Jim Carrey has Ah Xing’s seven successes? Well, with different development trajectories, in this plane, the identity of Lao Jin’s second-generation Ah Xing cannot be escaped.

Even in terms of age, he and Zhou Xingxing are both entertainers and stars born in the same year.

Shao Yifu said again, "Speaking of which, I'm afraid that Ah Xing won't like (Invincible Lucky Star), and it's not that I can't afford the money. It's that Zhou Xingxing is already a capital boss at this stage, and his book is not good enough, so it will be difficult to impress him. .”

"To hire Jim Carrey now is equivalent to a salary of HK$39 million, which is much more expensive than hiring Ah Sing himself!"

If you go to invite Zhou Xingxing, who is not Zhao or a subsidiary of Zhao, you can't do it for 10 million Hong Kong dollars, but you can't do it for up to 15 million Hong Kong dollars?

In the current Chinese entertainment industry, no one can earn an outrageous salary of more than 15 million Hong Kong dollars. On the contrary, white celebrities, not to mention the sky-high salary of Depp, but also the sky-high salary of Jim Carrey.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Lei Sheng's filming of (Summer Lovers) cost him 218 million yuan in salary. Judging from the results, he still made a lot of money."

After the example of Summer Lovers, Kochisen and Huang Baiming also became famous. After all, they are directors and producers. Similarly, this movie also made the original comic author Gui Zhenghe famous. In the past, Gui Zhenghe was only a famous figure in the Japanese comics industry. Great God.

At this stage, his popularity in Europe and the United States is also overwhelming.

I heard that many Hollywood giants have taken their sights on Gui Zheng and other works, and also want to adapt them for film and television production.

After he and Shao Yifu chatted for a while, Wang Dashuo, who had been waiting outside for a long time, quickly came to say hello.

After being polite, Wang Dashuo smiled and said, "Sheng Zhao, I'm here to deliver the master tape of (The Legend of the White-Haired Witch). It's not easy to wait until now for this movie to have a better schedule."

(The Legend of the White-haired Witch)? This is a project that was saved when Dashou came to visit on February 17, the third day of the Lunar New Year. Director Yu Rentama, after the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, took Zhang Guorong, Lin Qingxia, Wu Zhenyu, Lan Jieying and others to shoot.

It will be completed in May.

At that time, "Play Back to School" and "Dongpo Flood Control" were scheduled to hit the Asian film industry successively. What was the box office performance of those two blockbusters? As long as I'm not crazy, I won't let my project conflict with those two movies.

Then in June, (The King of Scams) was silently lying in theaters during the floods in East China. After the floods, in addition to the release of (Big Event) in Asia, Wanjia and New Era Cinemas strongly promoted the movie. (Chang'e Flying to the Moon) by American Film Studio.

It will be followed by blockbusters such as (The Final Battle 1) and (King of Power) (Summer Lover).

At this stage, "Summer Lover" has been released for a little over a month. Zhang Guorong is still on tour with Liu Dehua, Tan Yonglin and others with his disciple group, so it is a good time to release "The White-Haired Witch".

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "Then let's release it and let Ah Rong mention a few words during the tour. It will be released in theaters on the 7th the day after tomorrow."

Wang Dashuo smiled brightly, "I feel that the box office of Hong Kong Haowan, Star, Matai, and South Korea will not be much higher. Just like Ajie's (Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng), they are tired of aesthetics and have been left out, but I don't have a big appetite." , I will be satisfied if I make a small profit of HKD 30 to 40 million.”

"I paid Ah Rong and the others' remuneration in RMB, so the cost can be ignored."

What Da Shitou said makes people want to beat him up, but it is a fact of this era. All his remuneration is settled in RMB. After all, Zhang Guorong, Lin Qingxia, Wu Zhenyu and others also have factories in the mainland, so they don't have to worry about lack of space. flower.

Those RMB can be treated as wages in the factory, and there is no need to worry about spending them.

When calculating the profits of the movie, Big Stone Hong Kong Island will definitely not make much money. It is estimated that it will only earn a few million Hong Kong dollars. But if you add up multiple locations, the profits will always accumulate.

Zhao Donghuai also remembers that in the original track, the box office of "The Legend of the White-haired Witch" in Hong Kong was more than 7 million higher than Ajie's "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng".

Da Shitou smiled again and said, "By the way, I have to thank Zhao Sheng, otherwise how could The Final Battle achieve such a high box office? Its box office really shocked countless people, including the main creative team."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "It has nothing to do with me. It's just that the soldiers are too cute."

In fact, in the original track, the first part of Armageddon was also released on Hong Kong Island. It took 1 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office in 14 days of release, but that was released in March 1993...

The schedule doesn't work, and the announcement doesn't work.

In this dimension, Zhao Donghuai never interfered in the creation and production of Armageddon, but he was able to make the movie accumulate more than 50 million Hong Kong dollars in box office in thousands of theaters on Hong Kong Island.

Xingma Taiga South Korea and Benzhou have also accumulated a total box office of hundreds of millions.

Why is the gap so big? ? Because in June and July, ATV broadcast live broadcasts of too many scenes of soldiers rushing to the front line to fight floods and provide disaster relief, and then fell down and fell asleep on the road.

This kind of quality as a soldier shocked the island country of Hong Kong and South Korea.

Compared with the current soldiers from various countries, the quality of the soldiers from the mainland is really shocking. There are still many warlords in Thailand. Everyone knows the chaos in the Golden Triangle. What is the quality of the soldiers from South Korea and island countries?

I am really afraid of comparison in everything!

The popularity of "The Showdown" in thousands of theaters in the mainland is getting more and more exaggerated day by day. Coupled with appropriate publicity and vigorous promotion, it will rise from the original trajectory of more than 1 million Hong Kong dollars to more than 50 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong Island.

Of course, compared with the original trajectory of Hong Kong Island, hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong drifters from the mainland are also a major contributor to the box office. Millions of white and Latin mixed-race Hong Kong drifters were curious after watching the news about the Bingge Tiantuan's flood relief efforts. They are attracted to see how their predecessors fought.

It also contributed a lot to the box office.

There are also a lot of tourists!

In its original trajectory, in 1992, Huaihai: The Final Battle 2 was quite good. Huaihai was divided into two parts, which were released in theaters on Hong Kong Island in turn. The two parts accumulated more than 5 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office.

Huaihaili's classic line "800,000 vs. 600,000, the advantage is mine" is still a famous joke in the 2020s.

Now, the box office revenue of Battle 1 and Chang'e Flying to the Moon has been settled one after another to the mainland. The video distribution is also operated by the Zhao family, and the revenue is settled monthly.

That's a profit settlement of hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars... One is the Bayi Factory and the other is the Shangmei Factory. With this efficient and fast money settlement, the power of Zhao Donghuai and his friends in the mainland has risen several levels.

Donating five-axis linkage CNC machine tools and supercomputer is a kind of friendship, and leading the mainland to make money and make a fortune based on their own strength is another kind of friendship.

The next moment, Wang Dashou suddenly smiled a little obscenely, "Zhao Sheng, can I go and watch the crew of Mai Jujie, Ajie, what futon? This film seems inappropriate to be released in Wanjia and New Era, right?"

Zhao Donghuai groaned in his heart, what kind of futon is turned on?

It seems to be right. The original track was to be released on November 30, with a box office of more than 18 million Hong Kong dollars, ranking fifteenth in the box office rankings of Hong Kong Island in 1991.

He honestly didn't expect that Ajie would take this path. Wei Yangsheng and Tie Yuxiang were photographed. The Tie Yuxiang who impressed Zhao Donghuai the most was Lan Xinyan.

After sending Wang Dashu away, he said to Xiaoxian, "Ajie has started filming (what futon)? Who acted in it?"

Xiaoxian ran to investigate and then came back and said, "Wu Qihua was originally chosen as the male lead, but Wu Qihua didn't want to play the role after learning that it was a romantic film. Later, Wu Dairong was cast, and the female lead was Ye Zimei, but A Mei didn't work. .”

"Amei is the kind of person who still holds her pipa and half-covers her face..."

Zhao Donghuai listened to the explanation and nodded one by one. Compared with the original work, this version of Wei Yangsheng only changed three people. Wu Dairong is the male lead, and Xu Jinjiang is not there. The person who replaces Lao Xu is Shan Liwen.

Luo Lie is not here either, and his replacement is Luo Dahua.

There are many romantic movies in Hong Kong with a long history, but Wanjia has never released those. Mak Xuexiong and Mak Xujie must know the rules.

He was a little surprised. How could Lao Mai, who had filmed "The Legend of Wang Wenxia" and "Dongpo Flood Control", still be a producer and make this kind of movie... He was short of money?

Xiaoxian smiled broadly, "You want to see it? Then find someone who can't help but take it back and take a look at it first?"

What she was talking about was one of Ye Yuqing's masterpieces, Original Track, Current Plane. Sister Ye still made a trilogy. The first part was released just ten days ago, and she made a lot of money in Jiahe Cinema.

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "You are looking down on yourself."


In a private room of Lucky Lai hotpot restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui, Lao Wu looked excited and in a daze, and raised a glass of wine gratefully, "Ah Zhen, thank you so much, it's all in the wine, it's all in the wine, I'll do whatever you want .”

Zhang Jiazhen waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no, Brother Sen, you are talented. The defeat of Taiping Wheel was an accident."

"However, (Armageddon 1) finally took home a box office of 1.35 billion yuan in the mainland, becoming a new highest box office record, surpassing (Wanted 2) by more than 70 million yuan, and the total box office in East and Southeast Asia exceeded 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, which is enough to show that the modern war The movie is actually very popular.”

"As long as you shoot well, you will make a lot of money."

"When you go to Vietnam to shoot "Blood on the Streets", you will be very motivated to shoot more big scenes of war scenes."

As early as the 15th of last month, the Zhang Family Array interceded with Wang Zuxian and persuaded Zhao Sheng to speak out, allowing the Xiang Family to let Old Wu go, and used Akai's 10 million Hong Kong dollars to buy out the contract.

It's been 20 days...well, when the ten-year director contract was voided, Xiang Laoshi couldn't help but beat Lao Wu again. He just recovered from his injuries and was able to come out today.

Now Good Luck came to the private room, and there were only two people, Lao Wu and Zhang Jiazhen, but this meal was really not just for two people. Lao Wu also called Liang Chaowei, Zhang Xueyou, Li Zixiong, Simon Yam and others. Those were all Lao Wu's breakfast Just consider good candidates.

On the contrary, he hasn't chosen the heroine yet.

The director and producer came early? This is the feeling that Lao Wu has been holding back for so long and having suffered so many sins. He feels free and can't wait to spread his wings and fly high.

After he drank a glass of white wine and listened to Zhang Jiazhen's words, he couldn't help but nod, "Yes, yes, my original concept was still about a movie about brotherhood. Although there are not many scenes describing the war, it is still inferior to the final battle. Too far……"

"Since Mr. Li has invested, we will make it as a blockbuster and make it loud and powerful. It will definitely be good. This movie will definitely be creatively explosive."

In the current entertainment industry, there are examples such as "Taiping Wheel", "Chilling" and "Summer Lover". Who doesn't know that the Li family is also a very generous investor?

Summer Lover is a negative example? Aju has become Akai, so the situation will definitely be different.

Pouring another glass of wine, Lao Wu said excitedly, "Among all the actors, Jack Cheung has the highest salary, about 5 million Hong Kong dollars, Simon Yam can get away with 2 million, Ah Xiong can get away with hundreds of thousands, and Ah Wei is even cheaper. He has been receiving Shao Shengfa's monthly salary from TVB, which is less than 10,000 yuan."

"If the number of female celebrities invited is not that big, the total investment in film remuneration can be completed within 10 million, and the rest will be made into real investment, and the film will definitely be successful."

"The production capital of 40 million will definitely not be bad."

After speaking, Lao Wu raised his glass again, "Ah Zhen, I won't say any more, it's all in the wine!"

Zhang Jiazhen came over in a hurry, "Brother Sen, please don't be too polite..."

Lao Wu was so moved that he cried, "Do you know how I spent these nine months? Xiang is such a bastard, he beats me at every turn..."

He, a great director, was about to be beaten as a punching bag for nine months. Is it easy?

Zhang Jiazhen was dumbfounded again and took the initiative to change the subject, "By the way, who do you plan to use as the heroine?"

Old Wu nodded, "I want to invite Yuan Jieying. After all, she is already popular enough and has good looks, but after calling her once, she offered 8 million Hong Kong dollars, which is a bit too expensive..."

"What do you think of Li Lizhen? She only has 1 million."

Yuan Jieying has been winning big prizes for a certain period of time. She has won various prizes in Hong Kong and Haowan, including island countries and North America. She has been labeled as a lucky girl descending to earth. Her performance in the film and television industry is not weak either. 3) Soup Judy.

This is one of the hottest star girls out there.

The asking price of 8 million Hong Kong dollars is also the most high-end and first-class in the female star circle. However, whether she takes the role or not depends on her interest. The main reason is that she earns a lot from selling goods.

She was labeled as a virgin who was lucky enough to descend into the mortal world. She was one of the top ten beauties in 1990. Too many people wanted to take advantage of Yuan Jieying's luck as the God of Wealth.

Zhang Jia was speechless. He really didn't expect that Yuan Jieying's salary would soar to 8 million Hong Kong dollars for a movie. It still depends on her mood to accept the movie.

After a while, when Zhang Xueyou, Liang Chaowei, Li Zixiong and others came one after another, they saw Director Wu who was already drunk, and Zhang Jiazhen who was red-faced and a little heady.

Xueyou and others looked at each other in confusion, but Ayou finally spoke, "Zhang Sheng, are we late?"

Isn't it late? !


A few days later.

(The Legend of the White-Haired Witch) has already entered the theaters under the promotion, and the box office trend... is indeed slightly better than (Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng), and it does not occupy too much film schedule.

In the first phase of Huayuan, Zhao Donghuai walked out of Building 3 and planned to go to Zhou Huimin's house in Building 1. He accidentally saw Li Ruotong running and exercising in sportswear. He immediately said hello with a smile, "A Tong, how are you doing?"

Li Ruotong immediately stopped and walked over panting. Can smiled and said, "It's good. Thank you very much, boss, for supporting me and allowing my whole family to live a good life."

In 1991, A Tong was already 25 years old, but this dimension was much better than her original trajectory. There was a TV series (Gong Suo Yushu), which was equivalent to the popularity after filming "The Secret Palace".

There is also a version of the movie starring Goo Jai and Jiao Enjun (The Legend of the Condor Heroes). The little dragon girl in the big movie with a fluttering white dress... is indeed beautiful.

In addition to this, she played mostly supporting roles and made guest appearances in other TV series or movies. She cannot be considered a masterpiece, but she still makes a lot of money from her continued sales.

The dozen or so members of the Li family are indeed living a good life.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "That's okay, I'm just passing by, you can continue to exercise."

Li Ruotong nodded and was about to continue running, but Zhao Donghuai suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

When Xiao Longnu stopped again, Director Zhao stepped forward and circled her twice, then stood directly in front of A Tong, "Open your mouth and let me take a look."

Li Ruotong was a little confused, but instinctively opened his mouth and let Zhao Donghuai look at him.

A minute later, Director Zhao said speechlessly, "In the future, if you want to lose weight, try not to induce vomiting or pick your throat to vomit. Otherwise, if you do it too often, you will easily develop anorexia."

He has a keen knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. In the early years, he was rewarded with various simulators. Not only his cooking skills in the eight major cuisines, he was a master-level chef who was not inferior to any state banquet chef. When it comes to the field of traditional Chinese medicine, Zhao Donghuai is also a master-level chef.

He can see most diseases of normal humans.

He met A Tong by chance and saw that this girl looked a little off. After careful inspection, he determined that a few hours ago, she must have pressed her fingers into her throat to induce vomiting after eating.

Don't think it's an exaggeration. In order to maintain a good figure and look beautiful for the camera, celebrities Yuan Jieying suffered from anorexia. She suffered from repeated attacks for many years and wanted to commit suicide more than once.

That is accumulated over a long period of controlling eating and constantly pressing the throat to induce vomiting.

Li Ruotong was shocked, "Boss, can you see this? Isn't it amazing?"

Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "I'm talking about health with you, do you remember?"

In the original track, Li Ruotong did not have anorexia, but because of being dumped and broken up in love and the news of his father's death, he suffered an emotional breakdown and suffered from depression, and almost committed suicide.

In the celebrity circle, A Tong is one of the best role models for love.

A Tong nodded weakly, "Remember."

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "Then go and get busy."

When he started walking towards Building 1, Li Ruotong did not continue running, but started walking slowly behind Zhao Donghuai, and followed him into Building 1...

When Zhao Donghuai turned to look at him with confusion in his eyes, A Tong smiled awkwardly and said, "My new home is on the third floor of Building 1."

As she was talking, her stomach rumbled, and Li Ruotong became even more embarrassed. She clutched her stomach and ran to the elevator with her head down.

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and said, "Come on, follow me to the top floor. I was originally going to serve Amin to cook a meal, so I gave you an advantage and let you eat."

Li Ruotong was overjoyed, "Really? Thank you boss, I will help you later as a dishwasher."

Zhao Donghuai's cooking skills are top-notch, which Winona Ryder boasted countless times after having a meal during the filming of "Hearing Girl".

They all live in Huayuan Phase 1 frequently. Not to mention the question of whether they like playing mahjong or not, she has heard about running events in the community from time to time. She has heard about them running together more than once.

As for Zhou Huimin’s three-story duplex on the top floor? There is a separate elevator.

After entering the special elevator, Zhao Donghuai complained, "Although it is true that you look good when you lose weight, you just need to eat less and exercise more. It is really outrageous for you to stage picking your throat to induce vomiting."

Li Ruotong blushed and retorted, "I can't lose weight like Sister Min and Sister Zhen. I can't go through the back door, I can only go in the wrong direction."

She has a good relationship with Qiu Shuzhen and Zhang Min. During the filming of "The Queen of 5,000 Years", she also played the role of Azhen's bestie, replacing the very weak love scene in the original version with bestie love.

The next moment she hurriedly changed the subject, "By the way, boss, a producer over there has sent me a film appointment and wants to ask me to star in a TV series (A Fairy Wife). Is this project reliable? I heard it's still the same Wu Is this your first time writing and directing?"

Zhao Donghuai said in astonishment, "Besides giving you an appointment, who else did you invite?"

Li Ruotong said quickly, "The first male lead is Zhang Jiayi, the second male lead is for Jiao Enjun, and the second lead female lead is Ge Weiru. I heard from Sister Weiru that Wu Sheng wanted to film it at the end of last year, and a TV station also invested in him."

"But the first time he wanted to hire was Xiao Yingying. After waiting for more than half a year, Xiao Yingying couldn't reach an agreement because of scheduling issues, so he gave up Xiao Yingying and chose Ge Weiru."

Zhao Donghuai suddenly understood. He said that he remembered the original story of the Fairy Wife at home. It had been broadcast on Wan Provincial TV Station in April this year. Why did he ask Li Ruotong now? It turns out that in the director's mind, the most beautiful woman in Ben Province was delaying his schedule.

"Since so many people have made appointments and discussed filming issues, it should be reliable. If you want to go, you can go."

Is there a fairy wife at home? ? How many people have childhood memories in their hearts? A classic? Director Wu is still good. Not only does he have a fairy wife in his family, but the films "Pink Lady" and "Double Boom" around the millennium also brought back memories of an era.

While talking and laughing, Amin arrived at his house. When he brought Li Ruotong in, Amin who was taking Zhao Zheng was surprised and said, "Why did you bring Xiao Longnu here?"

Zhao Donghuai complained, "I'm crazy about losing weight. Since I'm here to help you cook, let her have a delicious meal. You can play first and I'll cook."

At this stage, Zhao Zheng is only 9 months old. He can barely stand holding on to the wall and is curious about the whole world. Amin has no shortage of people at home here. Not only her mother lives here, but also the female nanny and There are eight wet nurses.

It’s not that Amin’s own output is small, but...

Li Ruotong first said hello to Zhou Huimin, and then looked at Zhao Zheng variously, "Second Young Master, this is too cute..."

"Sister Min, can I tease him?"

Amin shrugged and told her to feel free to do so. After all, when she lived here, she had met Li Ruotong who lived on the third floor more than once.


On November 20th, Zhao Donghuai was sitting in the office. He had just taken a bite of the grapes Xiaoxian handed him when he saw A-Zhen coming over with a script, "Boss, A-Xing has released a script for Mermaid. What do you think?" Sample?"

"If it works, he will start filming."

Zhao Donghuai said in surprise, "Is it out? The time is not short."

When he took the script and flipped through it, he quickly read it. It was really similar to the 2016 version of the mermaid in the original track. At least the plot was 80% similar.

Zhou Xingxing of the original track is one of the great screenwriters of (Mermaid). He is not the only screenwriter, but he is at the core of the creation, responsible for producing, supervising, directing, and screenwriting.

The biggest difference from 2016 is that if this version starts filming, Zhou Xingxing will be the leading male lead.

He even saw the line "I gave you 10 billion to play with you, but you thought I was nothing, and actually went to pick up a fish." The original version was 30 billion. It is only 1991, so real estate wealth will naturally shrink.

"Two heroines, who does Ah Xing want to choose??"

Azhen explained, "The information reported over there seems to be the Chinese version of the mermaid heroine. He wants to continue using Chen Derong, the rich female character who is chasing the leading male lead. He is still hesitating. One is Liu Xiaoli, the other is Xiao Yingying, and Li Zhi is also an option. The white version of Mermaid wants to use Naomi Watts instead of Jennifer Aniston to avoid a collision with (Mermaid Legend)."

"The rich white woman has considered showing off her big heart. It seems there aren't many that are big enough? Fortress props?"

Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but fell into silence. It seemed that he had graduated from Asia Opera at this stage, or was signed to Zhao's Pictures? ? Although Jennifer Connelly is great enough, doesn't this already belong to Zhao Donghuai's private collection?

As for the second female lead having to show off her domineering figure like Zhang Yuqi originally, Xiao Yingying and Liu Xiaoli can do it, but Li Zhi is brutal.

Who among these three can play the role of a domineering woman wearing a tight black leather suit? ? Not too small anyway.

"I feel like Cameron Diaz can do it. She just wants to show off her good figure in (Monster in Disguise)."

Azhen nodded, "Okay, I'll ask someone to recommend it to 100 Years Pictures."

Last year's version of Ekin Cheng's (The Legend of Mermaid) grossed more than 50 million U.S. dollars at the box office in Europe and the United States, which is equivalent to more than 400 million Hong Kong dollars. Now Zhou Xingxing is working on his version (Mermaid). Once it is completed, he will only make more money. .

The former stars Jennifer Aniston and Winona Ryder, while this version stars Naomi Watts and Cameron Diaz, which is really not bad.

Besides, starting from Shaolin Soccer, star-style comedies will also be released in Europe and the United States. Even if the box office performance is not good, a single film will usually cost 8 to 9 million US dollars in North America, and the better ones will break 10 million US dollars.

But after accumulating for so long, the number of audiences who can accept his nonsensical dramatic performances will only increase. Maybe one day it will accumulate and explode?

By the time Jim Carrey's "The Man in Disguise" is finished with post-production, and enough comedy fans have gathered after its release, and there will be some interaction and mutual promotion, there is no hope that the project will become a hit.


A few days later, 100 Years Pictures.

When Jin Chengwu and Wu Jing arrived outside the building at the same time, they looked at each other for a few times, and Wu Jing said happily, "Are you Jin Chengwu? The disciple of Brother Hua in the second season of The Voice?"

Awu smiled and nodded.

Wu Jing suddenly took a few steps back. After looking up and down, he asked suspiciously, "Have you ever practiced Kung Fu? What did you practice?"

This year, he won the spearmanship and sparring championships in the national martial arts competition again, so Awu, who has also practiced boxing for 10 months, can feel a little bit of the martial arts style when he walks.

A Wu instinctively cupped his fists and saluted, "Baji, Jincheng Wu."

Wu Jing's eyes lit up, "How about some practice?"

After saying that, without waiting for Ah Wu to refuse, he jumped out and punched him, and then...crack, anyway, the two of them fought very excitingly and it was very nice to watch.

They are all routine boxing, and Wu Jing is also the national sparring champion!

After playing for a minute or two, Wu Jing lost interest. He had already figured out that Ah Wu was a rookie. On the contrary, Ah Wu was very excited to play, and the more he played, the more energetic he became. It is hard to find a good player who can compete so well with him and have so much fun. ah.

Just when Ah Wu switched from defense to offense and unleashed his full force, a figure who had just got off the car in front of the building shouted directly, "What are you two doing..."

Wu Jing then quickly retreated after punching each other twice, and looked at Xun Sheng with joy, "Zhu Zhishan?"

Chen Baixiang was speechless, where did this naughty kid come from? He looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a young face. As for Jin Chengwu, he recognized him. He was also one of the hosts of The Voice.

When he walked forward without saying a word, he said, "Awu, what are you doing here?"

Jin Chengwu scratched his head and explained, "The crew of Star Master Mermaid notified me to audition for a role. They also said that as long as my performance is not too bad, the role is mine. If it is really bad, then I will play a supporting role."

Chen Baixiang, "..."

Old Chen sighed helplessly, "Wang Jiawei's attack on the street was really evil."

Eighteen-year-old Awu is also a handsome guy who can spar with Bai Gu and others, but he was deceived by Wang Jiawei into practicing boxing for 10 months?

When he looked at Wu Jing, Wu Jing also hurriedly explained, "I was also notified by the Star Master Mermaid crew, and what I said was similar to him."

Chen Baixiang suddenly realized, "Oh, you were also fooled by Wang Jiawei? When did he last see you?"

Wu Jing looked around and asked uncertainly, "March this year? More than eight months ago?"

Chen Baixiang blinked, "I told you to learn acting in March, but I haven't seen you for the second time yet?"

Wu Jing shook his head blankly, really not. If the crew of Mermaid hadn't suddenly called him and asked him to come to Hong Kong for an interview, and also included air tickets, food and accommodation, he would have really suspected that meeting Lao Wang in March was a dream.

Chen Baixiang had a stern look on his face, "The old man who fights on the street doesn't care about human affairs!"

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