Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 377: Harry Potter filming starts, what’s your level? What's my level?

A few days later, the ATV office.

Zhao Donghuai plans to go to the mainland for a trip, mainly to see how the filming progress of (Water Margin) is going and whether it goes well...

The TV series "Water Margin" promoted by the ATV editor started to send out invitations on August 2, 1990. For example, Ding Haifeng received an interview invitation from Wu Song during the summer vacation after his freshman year.

After one round of interviews, he immersed himself in the role for three months. In the second round, he finally selected Wu Song, as did Xiu Qing's Hua Rong, but in November 1990, (Water Margin) still hadn't started filming.

It was after the floods in East China in 1991 that the original director Zhang was recruited and went to the Taihu Water Margin Film and Television City in Wushi, Jiangsu Province to start filming. From August last year to April this year?

This time is not short.

Zhao Donghuai had never been to the set before today. He only contacted by phone and directed from a distance. The filming of more than 40 episodes of Water Margin should be in the middle and late stages by now. The main creative actors have struggled from August 1990 to now, one year and eight years ago. months.

As soon as Zhao Donghuai walked to the door of the big office, he saw Wang Zuxian walking out of the small built-in suite and said in surprise, "Boss, are you going out?"

Zhao Donghuai stopped and said, "I'm going to see the crew of Water Margin. What's going on?"

Xiaoxian then came over and said, "Then shall I go with you? It's not a big deal. It's just that in more than two months, Bingbing will graduate. She graduated from Asia Opera when she was only 11 years old? For normal children, at this age Just entered junior high school?"

"She asked me what to do next? At this stage, there aren't that many opportunities to use child actors in movies in our industry, right?"

He Qing, who had returned to the mainland with Director Zhao, said in astonishment, "Yes, so many child actors have been recruited. When will (Harry Potter) start production?"

"I graduated from Asia Theater at the age of 11. If I don't get many appointments in movies and TV shows, why should I go back to a normal school? Apart from simple basic mathematics, Asia Theater does not teach any physical and chemical knowledge. Is it too late for her to go to a secondary school on Hong Kong Island now? Can she study with her? Can you get on?"

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and was no longer in a hurry to go to the Water Margin crew. He walked back to his desk and asked, "How is the relationship between Bingbing and Azhi now?"

Xiaoxian was a little speechless after hearing this, "It's not very good, it's very awkward. Hey, I really didn't expect that a character in the two-part series (Laughing Lin Boy) could make them so awkward."

"Do you have a project for her??"

Director Zhao nodded, "I just remembered an idea, something similar to (Home Alone)."

Xiaoxian's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Can you follow Home Alone? That's a big project. The trilogy has grossed 1 billion US dollars at the global box office, although it is not as good as (Spider-Man) and (Jurassic Park) (Wanted) ) series, but it is also a well-deserved super IP."

He Qingdu asked curiously, "Do you need a kid partner who has a good relationship or a good understanding of the performance?"

Xiaoxian suddenly realized, "Among the child stars who are about the same age at this stage, Bingbing has the best relationship with Gao Yuanyuan. They are almost like a pair of biological sisters."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Then let's use Bingbing and Yuanyuan, but for Azhi... don't say I won't give her a chance. I'll also give her a book to try. If it works, there's nothing we can do if it doesn't work."

"You go meet those little girls first and let them be mentally prepared."

When it comes to big movie series starring child actors, children or teenagers, the most eye-catching one in the world is the (Home Alone) series.

But in addition, in 2001, Hollywood itself also had a movie (Agent Prodigy) or translated as (Very Little Spy), which tells the story of two top agents, a man and a woman, who get married, retire, and have children.

Then when a son and a daughter reached the age of about ten years old, living and working in peace and contentment and learning a lot from their parents, the pair of old agents unexpectedly discovered that their former partners disappeared one after another, and there seemed to be a conspiracy against them. unfolding.

When they went to investigate, they also disappeared.

Next, a pair of agent siblings, about ten years old, armed themselves and saved their parents. The original intention of the creative team of (Agent Prodigy) was to create a comedy series that the whole family can enjoy and suitable for watching with children.

The result... the film received average reviews and was considered a film with ordinary special effects, but it also took in a box office of US$115 million in North America and more than US$200 million globally.

In the original movie, there is a template of one sister and one brother, and two children, but if you directly assign them to Fan Bingbing and Gao Yuanyuan, there is nothing inappropriate.

Because of the box office success of "The Prodigy 1", Hollywood has also released the second and third parts. In order to replicate the miracle of the Home Alone series, it has obviously failed. Each one is worse than the last.

Now Zhao Donghuai's magic reform? Then the plot needs to be changed to make it better, so that it can last longer.

In addition to this, what he plans to arrange for Azhi is a movie called "Little Ghost Thief" or "Rock Climbing Girl". Rock Climbing Girl is a Nordic movie released immediately after "Secret Agent". It tells the story of a girl whose father runs a business. At a racing track, he was suddenly paralyzed due to illness.

After her family and life collapsed, and faced with her father's high medical expenses, the girl took two friends with her to rob a heavily guarded bank where her mother was the security director.

This movie was a huge box office success in Europe, and Hollywood immediately bought out the rights and remade it. It was obvious that they wanted to continue the glory of "Prodigy" and replicate the miracle of "Home Alone".

The main story lines of the Hollywood version and the Nordic version are the same, which can be called the juvenile version (Mission: Impossible). The heroine is still Kristen Stewart who was only 13 years old during the filming period, and then she fell into a mess without any regrets.

Azhi is 12 years old this year, she is one year older than Bingbing. Try "Little Ghost Thief" or "Rock Climbing Girl", there is no big problem. It's nothing more than a "robber" template for robbing banks. The Hong Kong film industry is very experienced in making this.

The family has undergone tremendous changes, the originally beautiful life has collapsed, and I have to do something to save my father... The main plot is here. The script outline is written and handed over to the screenwriter team for perfection, in a comedy style.

After writing the outline of the script for "Little Ghost and Thief", Zhao Donghuai looked at Qiu Shuzhen curiously, "Who are the male actors in Asian dramas who are around 10 years old now?"

As for male child stars, Lu Yi was actually the first to join Asia Drama. After studying for several years, Lu Yi has already graduated. However, he is 16 years old this year and is obviously not suitable...

Azhen thought for a moment, then picked up the phone and called Yaxi to inquire, and then said, "There are Huang Xiaoming and Deng Xiaochao who graduated in the 1990s. They have studied for two years and are considered good talents. In terms of acting and literary drama, teachers said that they are better than Lu Yi is good, but he is better than Feng Zai."

"Fengzi is just someone who can endure hardships."

Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but fell silent, acting? Huang Xiaoming? In future generations, who can say that the leader has no acting skills? If you look down on his acting skills, he will immediately slap you in the face with his acting skills, and then quickly fall into making bad movies, but Xiao Ming is a guy with mixed capital.

You can't watch him as an actor alone.

Deng Xiaochao is also one of the representatives of the acting school.

Good guy, he wouldn't have known it unless he asked, but these two have become classmates.

In the past, he felt that there were too many female child stars of the right age, and few male child stars could find suitable ones, so he kept saving for the (Harry Potter) project. At most, he would ask the special effects base to make special effects models in advance. In terms of shooting, he was really Wait, meet.

Now that Xiao Ming and Xiao Chao have studied for two years, and Feng Zai is about to finish his junior year, would it be okay to make a film (Harry Potter 1) to try the waters? ?

"Then it's okay to film Harry Potter 1 now. Let's arrange an audition for the actors. You call Xiaoxian and ask her to call Bingbing over and try out the role of Hermione."

This plane (Harry Potter) was a variant version from the beginning. For example, London was changed to the base camp of Hong Kong Island, but the character names were still English. Initially, it was hoped that the series of books would sell well in Europe and the United States.

The protagonist's name is basically the same as the original one.

Azhen's eyes lit up after hearing this, "Hey, doesn't it mean that Sister Jia Hui is going to play the Chinese version of the principal? The role of the greatest wizard in the world? As early as the 89th Asian Opera Expansion to recruit suitable child actors, she She just said that when Harry Potter starts filming, she will play the headmaster."

"Then Monica and her go to the west and the east, and the original author plays two versions of the principal?"

Former Headmaster Albus Dumbledore? The old man in the original novel? A relatively small number of readers of the Harry series believe that Albus Dumbledore, the greatest wizard, is based on the wizard Gandalf in the (Lord of the Rings) series.

Long hair, big beard, old man...

The principal of the magic school revised by Zhao Donghuai was initially positioned as a woman. The principal's name is no longer Albus Dumbledore, but Rowling. The image of the principal is more prominent, such as knowledgeable, bookish, and wise.

After all, he also considered letting Monica play the role of the principal back then. Monica has not made any official big-screen contributions since becoming a super-body. So, in the film and television adaptation of Harry Potter, Monica could play the wisest and most powerful character. The great wizard principal is not a big deal.

After considering those things, the name Albus Dumbledore was naturally not suitable for the new headmaster.

Rowling is fine.

Monica Bellucci is 28 years old this year, and Guan Jiahui is already 30 years old. Even if she doesn’t pretend to be older, if she wears suitable glasses and enough makeup, the image of the headmistress and the great wizard can be achieved. world cinema.

Of course, Harry Potter is the male protagonist and Hermione is the female protagonist. This is very fixed. Harry Potter’s inseparable good friend and best friend is also a male character. Just choose two male child actors.

As for the child who is a mortal enemy of Harry Potter and whose parents are Death Eaters, it can be either male or female. Zhao Donghuai still prefers to use female child stars because there are too many European and American child stars available. Among the 89th class is Jessica Alba. Eva Green, Class of 1990 and Miranda Kerr.

Choose one to be the European and American white version of the female lead, and another one to be the villain? ?

European and American version of Harry Potter? There seems to be no European and American white boy stars of the right age...

After a while, when Xiaoxian and Bingbing arrived at the office, 11-year-old Bingbing started talking with a string of nice words, as if she had been specially trained countless times. Zhao Donghuai couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Okay, don't say those meaningless words." .”

"I'm calling you here because your sister Xian is asking you what to do after graduation. Although she has already written a script called (Agent Prodigy), she would like you and Yuanyuan to star together."

"But when it comes to the film version of Harry Potter, you play a scene as Hermione."

"Here is the script. You can choose a section to act. I will give you half an hour to prepare. If you can pass it, the Chinese heroine version of Hermione will be yours."

Don't blame Zhao Donghuai for favoring Bingbing, mainly because among the post-80s actresses, Bingbing is not only famous, but she also has real acting skills.

The big secret of fellow post-80s actresses, Shishi, Tangtang, etc., which acting skills are comparable to Bingbing? ? Even if it eats dust, it can't catch up with the car's taillights.

Even Yuanyuan, who is older than Bingbing, has been in a vase her whole life and has no acting skills to brag about.

It's a pity that I was cheated by capital.

In this dimension, there is definitely no need to worry about this problem.

Half an hour later, after Bingbing performed a performance, Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Yes, the role has been decided. As for which one to start filming first, there is no rush."

Harry Potter is a series of many movies, and Bingbing has grown up over time. On the other hand, the first movie (The Prodigy) made a lot of money at the box office, but the follow-up movies were just bad movies. .

Bingbing smiled happily like a flower, "Thank you boss, I will work hard and do things with my heart."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Has your mortgage been paid off?"

Bingbing smiled even happier, "Yes, thank you boss for giving me a chance. Otherwise, if I had stayed in my hometown, I would only be able to eat Wanjia instant noodles during the holidays."

After starring in the two-part movie "The Little Mermaid", she also appeared in a series of movies, such as Andy Lau's "The Big Affair", where she played the daughter of Di Long and Hu Huizhong, and "The Taiping Wheel" where she played the daughter of Zhou Runfa and Liu Xiaoli.

It doesn’t matter if the salary increases or not, if you want to improve your image, you will have more opportunities to appear on camera, and your income from selling goods will easily explode. In this regard, Chen Hao, who joined Asia Drama just a year before her, is also the best example. After starring as the smart and heart-wrenching little daughter in "Manslaughter", there is really no shortage of people to hire Chen Hao as a supporting role in film and television projects. .

When I returned to Qingshi, I helped some companies in Shandong Province shoot advertisements and endorse their products, and I made a lot of money in RMB.

After chatting for a while, Zhao Donghuai said, "Although being an actor does not require very high formal academic qualifications, you are still too young to graduate now, so studying more is still of great use."

"It's okay if you don't go to a formal middle school, but you need to hire professional teachers to give you private training and make up classes."

Bingbing was stunned for a moment, and then quickly pretended to be pitiful, "Boss, studying is so hard...but I am willing to listen to your arrangements."

Zhao Donghuai rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Okay, go back, I will send you the script of (Agent Prodigy) later, so make more preparations."

"The Secret Agent Prodigy is a movie for you and Gao Yuanyuan to star in together. I heard Liu Xiaoli say that Yuanyuan is a bit inexperienced in acting and looks like a piece of wood. Please help her more."

Bingbing then secretly rejoiced and said with a hint of pride, "Don't worry, boss, I will definitely take care of Sister Yuanyuan more often. She is one year older than me."

Zhao Donghuai nodded and said no more.

This April, three major projects (Harry Potter 1) and (Prodigy) and Thief are being launched one after another. Harry Potter may be the fastest.

Three years ago, when the Asia Drama Enrollment Expansion began, Harry's film and television prop models and various special effects production methods were prepared for the competition.

It will be three years soon. It is estimated that a lot of model props for the second and third parts have been produced.

It has been more than 4 years since the first novel (Harry Potter) was published in February 1988. The first volume has sold more than 40 million copies worldwide, the second volume has sold more than 30 million copies, and the third volume has sold more than 30 million copies. , the fourth volume has sold more than 20 million copies.

The four-part series has sold more than 120 million copies.

The first part is going to be made into a film and television, so the fifth part can also be published, right? ?

After handling these matters, Zhao Donghuai returned to the mainland with He Qing and Xiaoxian. He is gone, but Harry Potter is about to officially start filming, and there are two other movies starring child actors about to start? This news suddenly bombarded the film and television industry.


On a new day, a lucky man came to a hotpot chain store in Kowloon Tong. When Lao Fan went out after getting off work, he saw Husband Yongzheng not far away carrying a few bottles of good wine. He was still thinking about whether to say hello...

Beard Yong came over with a big smile, "Brother Fan, I'm just waiting for you to get off work. Come on, I've saved a few bottles of good wine, all of which are Lafite from 1982!"

"How about we brothers get together together? Just when good luck comes?"

Lao Fan had a messy and suspicious look on his face. He and A Yong used to have a really good relationship, especially when they found out that their daughters were of the same age and both were so beautiful that they could play together. In the same year, they were also married to the big boss Sister Xian. Appreciation, promoted Ya Xi to be a transfer student?

There was a period of time when the two of them were so good...

Forget it, let’s not talk about the specific details. Anyway, everyone knows about the brotherhood between men. From the beginning of the interview (Xiao Lin boy), the Fan family is getting better and better, and they can easily achieve financial freedom, relying on Bingbing’s salary and income from goods. , buy a large house of 133 square meters in Huayuan, Kowloon Tong.

In the beginning, I still had a mortgage, but within two years I was completely free.

At this stage, Lao Fan has his own car...after work, he is a full-time driver for his wife and children.

When I’m on vacation, I can take the family on a self-driving trip. It’s so beautiful.

Beard Yong became less and less interested in seeing him. Many times he asked the other party to hang out with him, but he would always push him, or avoid it if possible. He also called and sent pagers on the BB machine, but no one responded to him.

Did he think about saying hello just now? ?

Confused, Huo Yong pulled him into Good Luck. When the waiter greeted Lao Fan, Huo Yong quickly waved his hand, "Open a private room for us. We are all old employees of the same group, so there is no need to greet us."

Beard Yong is really proud and feels that his day of success has finally come. After all, his baby Azhi has received the script of (Little Ghost Thief), the leading female lead!

Just like in the past (Home Alone), if you play it well, you will be the next Cai Shaofen and Cameron Diaz.

How big a chance is this? ? Even if the project in preparation also has a version with a white female protagonist, it doesn't matter. At this stage, Cai Shaofen also has a certain degree of popularity and fame in Europe and the United States. After all, with the video tape circulating, not just one or two fans will be curious about how the Chinese version will be.

After entering the private room and ordering the food, Hu Yong opened the bottle and poured the wine. He was too lazy to sober up and so on. He poured himself a glass first, raised his glass and said, "Brother Fan, I was really envious of you in the past year or two." My family got rich too quickly."

"My Azhi is so unsatisfactory that I don't want to see you or play with you."

"I was wrong, it was all in the wine!"

After saying that, he drank a glass of wine in one gulp, and his face quickly turned red, "The 82-year-old Lafite is really strong. Although it doesn't taste like a high-end drink, it is expensive."

"What we drink is the feeling of drinking money!"

Lao Fan was speechless, "I heard that Azhi has had little income in the past two years? Where did you get the money to buy such expensive wine?"

In the current child star market, male actor Feng Zai is the most popular. Suitable movies and TV series are basically for Feng Zai to play a minor role or as a supporting role. For females, Chen Hao and Fan Bingbing are the most popular, and Yuanyuan who plays with Bingbing is gradually becoming more popular. Certain market.

So Azhi? ? Azhi also has a large group of competitors such as Jessica Alba, Wang Ou, Eva Green, Miranda Kerr, and Zhang Meng. They are all of the same age group. Although Azhi is not bad in appearance, she is It's far from beautiful.

If Azhi hadn't been hand-picked to play the role of "Little Ghost Thief", it would have been really difficult. I don't know how long it would have taken for him to come out.

Hu Yong laughed and poured another glass for himself and another for Lao Fan, "I borrowed the money! Don't worry, it won't be long before I can buy a house and live in the same community as you."

Lao Fan's eyes widened, "You can borrow money so confidently?"

Beard Yong raised his glass, "Here, let's touch it. It's just a loan. It doesn't matter. I used to be a professional gambler. The money I saw on the table was gone."

Lao Fan almost vomited blood, "Forget it, I paid for the drinks, but when it comes to moving together, our family plans to sell the house in Kowloon Tong and look for a chance to go shopping in Tsim Sha Tsui Phase 1 to see if there is still a chance."

"Phase 1 is the favorite place for celebrities who have become famous to live. Even several proprietresses have houses there."

"Not only does Jay Chou of Huazhi have a three-story duplex in Building 1 of Phase 1, but downstairs is Director Chen of the Oriental Series, and Director Li of the 5,000 Years Group is in Building 3... If you find an opportunity, feel free to shoot for Oriental and 5,000 Years. A commercial, that’s what makes it so popular.”

Over the past few years, Dongfang and Five Thousand Years Group have become the most top-notch luxury brands in Asia, and not everyone can be their spokesperson.

Those who can shoot advertisements for these two brands must be ranked according to their seniority.

For example, Hong Xin has promoted Xu Pingjun's styles and has her advertisements and endorsements. Zhao Yazhi has starred in The Legend of Concubine Wan Gui and she can endorse Wan Zhen's style. Also because Zhao Yazhi has starred in Empress Xu in (Gongsuo Yushu), she can also endorse that style. payment.

The male stars are Chen Daoming who represents Zhu Diqian, Liang Jiahui who represents Su Dongpo, Li Ming who represents Han Xuan Emperor Liu Xun, etc.

Just like the Chinese spokesmen for the top European and American luxury brands in the original track, whoever is the most popular is qualified to join. Dongfang and Five Thousand Years insist on being super big brands, but the Han Tianxia series is not good in this regard.

Han Tianxia mainly promotes the mid-range market.

When Hushu Yong heard this, he said happily, "Okay, you can pay for the drinks, but what are you waiting for? After dinner, let's go to the first phase and ask if there are any citizen owners who are willing to resell, or celebrity owners who have empty houses in their hands, let's Add money and buy a set.”

"Nowadays, if you don't have enough money, you go to the bank for a loan. The Chen family's Hong Kong Commercial Bank has always been very friendly to the loan business of celebrities. Whether it's Zhao Sheng, Cheng Long, or Hong Yinbao, they have been cooperating with them since 1984. "

"It's just that without the right to issue banknotes, the Chen family's Hong Kong Island Commercial Bank is only one level behind HSBC. Otherwise, it would have been the largest bank with the strongest capital."

Lao Fan, "..."

He was a little speechless for a moment. He originally wanted to wait for his daughter to slowly bring the goods and accumulate enough money before buying a house. But as Hu Yong said, in 1984, Zhao Sheng himself, Cheng Long, Hong Yinbao, and Yuan Biao Their group of film industry tycoons and major shareholders of listed groups continue to take loans for development? ?

After dozens of seconds of silence, he spoke, "That's right. Bingbing has already won the role of Hermione in (Harry Potter), a multi-part series. The first four books have sold more than 120 million copies. I bought it with a loan." A room? It doesn’t seem difficult??”

Beard Yong puffed out half the red wine on the table, "What's going on? Your Bingbing's script also has a Harry Potter heroine?? Isn't it said that it's the same as my Azhi? It's also a new work imitating the Home Alone series? ?”

Lao Fan then smiled modestly and proudly, "Hey, Zhao Sheng is so grand. I just asked Bingbing to beg Sister Xian and ask her how she will develop after graduating from Asia Opera at the end of June. Please give me Sister Xian's guidance." The heroine of the series.”

"If this is performed well, he will be even better than Cai Shaofen back then!"

The Harry Potter tetralogy has sold 120 million copies. Isn’t this much better than the Twilight Saga back then? ?

As long as the movie is not too bad and book fans buy movie tickets, it can create a brilliant box office. Twilight fans can also make Twilight box office exceed 300 million US dollars in a single movie.

Hu Yong slammed the red wine glass on the table, "Diao Mao, I don't want to play with you anymore!"

Lao Fan laughed even louder, "Fuck, how old are you? Are you still so childish? I'm not telling you, are you stupid? The precious daughter of our family is not interviewed one by one like normal students. Chosen again.”

"This is what our big boss, Sister Xian, sent to Yaxi privately. She starts with a related household!"

"How is it possible that there is less development? As long as we work hard in Lucky City, we will always be Sister Xian's employees. Old employees who have been there for many years have not had the chance to ask for a favor?"

"It's just that there are no projects like Harry Potter, Secret Agent Prodigy, and your little ghost thief. When they grow up, Sister Xian will just say something casually, and there will be no chance?"

"Whether it's Wang Jing, Zhou Xingxing, or Cheng Long and the others, if Sister Xian asks for a heroine to give to the younger generations to support them, who will refuse? Who are you arguing with here every day?"

Hearing these words... Hushu Yong was dumbfounded. After thinking for a while, he slapped the table and said, "Yes, in fact, our two families have lived under the title of related household for more than three years?"

Lao Fan was even more speechless, "Isn't it? If you are not a connected person, how can Bingbing find Sister Xian and ask about the next step?? Even if it is Chen Hao, does she have Sister Xian's contact information? Not to mention the group of child stars and Miaozi behind. .”

Beard Yong, "..."

He poured the wine again and complained, "Then in the past two years, haven't I eaten too many meals and drinks that you should treat me to?"


April 10th.

When Zheng Zeshi arrived at ATV humming a little tune, he felt even happier when he saw groups of acquaintances waiting for interviews in the corridor outside the large office where Harry Potter 1 auditioned.

Harry Potter, the fat man at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, professor of Care of Magical Creatures, gamekeeper, keykeeper, and adult character in Harry Potter’s Friends, whose character was written to sell for 100 million taels On tens of millions of books.

Who else? ? He just wanted to ask, who else could be more suitable than him? ?

Among the many Chinese and white actors who came to audition, wasn't he the only one?

At this stage, the Hong Kong film scene in 1992 is really... it has successively produced superstars such as Bruce Willis, Johnny Depp, and Jim Carrey. Subsequently, Richard Norton and Jet Binney have repeatedly appeared in blockbusters. Show up and make money.

Richard Norton is not a first-tier star, he is definitely a second-tier star. He played the role of a stupid thief in two movies (Home Alone) with a total global revenue of nearly 700 million US dollars. He has played various star roles and villain roles. At this stage, Hollywood is asking for He is also worth four to five million dollars.

Needless to say, there are more examples of female stars than male superstars.

Zheng Zeshi was feeling very proud. The other actors who saw him also smiled and said hello. I won't say much. Looking at his body shape, Old Zheng and them are indeed not in the same league.

Until Zheng Zeshi stretched out a hand from behind and patted him, "Fat cat, what are you doing here?"

Lao Zheng turned around smartly and felt numb when he saw the other person, "No, Brother Sanmao, what's your level and what's my level? Harry Potter is not an action movie!"

Hong Yinbao smiled like Maitreya Buddha, "Hey, of course I know this is not an action movie. I'm here to interview Harry Potter's adult best friend."

Judging by their stature, they both knew they were hitting each other.

Acting? No one is worse than anyone else.

Zheng Zeshi complained, "Sanmao, as the majority shareholder of Debao Films, you have the nerve to compete with me for such a role??"

The published tetralogy has already stated that a certain role is included in all four parts. Once the final list is decided, it will definitely be possible to perform the role for three or four years without worrying about running out of projects.

Sanmao laughed, "You don't call me brother anymore, so I'll take the decision. Hey, it's all because the landlord's family doesn't have enough food left. Compared with Aaron, Abiao, and even Aying and Huazai at this stage, I It’s becoming less and less representative.”

Speaking of this, Sanmao felt a little helpless, "Child actors are all going to be happy together. A series of Harry Potter can be filmed from the age of eleven or twelve to the age of fifteen, sixteen, seventeen or eighteen, to help them spend time with them." It’s the nineties.”

"Unknowingly, I killed so many front waves."

Hong Qinbao found out that he was in the wave of being eliminated by the times. He originally wanted to push his son and many apprentices, but found that they were difficult to win. Fortunately, he held 8% of Debao's equity. He can become a rich man and a tycoon safely.

Even my daughter-in-law is still hosting ATV's beauty kitchen variety show. She doesn't film much, but one episode a week is still broadcast steadily, with good ratings.

Zheng Zeshi was also helpless, "You can't accept the old age. Each generation is getting stronger. I heard that more than ten film and television companies went bankrupt last month??"

Hong Qinbao laughed and nodded, "Those are obviously scammers from street film companies. They hire a star to film casually and then go to the theater to collect money. There are a lot of bad movies. Once the VCD machines and discs come out, they will be fatal to the junk companies. arms."

"Just wait, this big wave has just begun."

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