Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 378: Mermaid is released, is the film industry about to change?

In March, due to the emergence of VCD players and discs, more than a dozen shoddy film and television companies were wiped out in Hong Kong. In April, there were more than 20, and in May, there were more than 30...

How brilliant the Hong Kong film industry was in the past, how profitable Debao, 100 Years Pictures, New World Pictures, Hui's Pictures, etc. were making big box office, it stimulated too many rich people, and other movies Rich people and tycoons in this industry invest money to find a director and hire people to film.

Try going to a theater? ?

Regardless of whether the Xiang brothers, Deng Yurong, Zhushe, or even Li copied other people's capital, they can only be regarded as examples and representatives. There are many, many testers who are represented by them.

No one dares to force celebrities to make movies at gunpoint. There are still many movies that are serious about paying the film remuneration but casually making movies to defraud the audience.

Top filmmakers and stars like Andy Lau, Chow Yun-fat, and Xu Guanwen will not make bad movies easily, and they cannot stand up to the second-rate, as well as there are many practitioners in the middle and lower reaches.

It's not difficult to spend one to two million, two to three million to hire male stars like Simon Yam and Miao Qiaowei, and spend hundreds of thousands to hire second-generation celebrities to put together a movie.

The vast majority of bad movies cannot be sent to Wanjia at all, and the management of Wanjia Cinema cannot pass the review, but there are still Jiahe, Golden Princess, Anle Cinema, etc. that can be deceived.

Just say that Ye Yuqing's Can't Help series and those futons were all released in other theaters.

But starting from the new era of VCD, bad movies and fast movies are really doomed to hit the streets. The paper film critics of this era still have a certain influence. There is no shortage of sensationalists, but there are indeed some who are all kinds of movie watchers. , reviews bad movies...

Call on movie fans not to be fooled!

After you have gained a certain level of fame, you can receive red envelopes and comment on other ordinary movies as good movies. Commenting on ordinary good movies as super blockbusters can also boost the movie's box office to a certain extent.

The main income-generating program for film critics is film reviews!

This is a professional team that relies on this to make a living and support their families.

Therefore, many people spend money to hire second-tier movie stars Simon Yam, Miao Qiaowei, Feng Suifan, etc., as well as Wen Bixia, Chen Yalun, Shao Meiqi and TVB's second-generation heroines to make money.

It was criticized by a group of film critics... and took the initiative to clear up mines for movie fans.

Starting from the spring of 1992, it has become increasingly difficult for all kinds of bad money-makers to survive. They must either improve and officially make good movies to survive, or withdraw from the industry completely.

Summer 1992, starting on June 28th.

The summer season has started a storm, and the first one to hit the fan is Debao Films (New Fist of Fury 1992)!

(Mermaid), which has Zhou Xing shouldering half of the director's duties, followed closely, followed by (Ci Ling), which Zhu She Lao Wu has been busy with for two years. The three blockbusters were released one after another half a month apart, and they were all selected. Mainland theaters.

July 9, ATV office.

As soon as Zhao Donghuai walked back from the screening room, he heard Li Jiaxin sighing beside him, "Okay, once she puts on the tight black leather clothes and steps on the high heels, that Liu Xiaoli has big breasts, it's really dazzling."

Just as he was talking, Jennifer Connelly, who had left the show early, walked out of the big office. Her look was exactly the same as that of Li Ruolan in the mermaid movie on the big screen, except that she was a beautiful white girl with long legs, more than ten meters away. Smiling coquettishly, "Boss, do you think my look looks good?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless. Mermaid has not been released yet. The official schedule is July 10 after the film starring Xiao Ma (Fist of Fury).

In this dimension, starting from (Descendants of the Dragon), to (A Comic to the End of the World), and then to (New Fist of Fury 1992), Xiao Ma's acting is getting better and better. After a year of hard work, Xiao Ma's acting is a star. Nonsensical comedy.

You can't say that his performance is equal to that of Ah Xing, that's too unscientific, but he has become second only to Chen Baixiang and Li Lichi, and compared to Chen Baixiang and Li Lichi, Xiao Ma is more handsome and elegant, and is easier to be admired. Audience accepts.

The world is full of malice. Ah Xing is not too handsome, but he also has a baby face and is very approachable. He will be tolerated step by step if he acts mean and unreasonable, but later imitators like Ge Minhui are unsightly, so he will be tolerated if he acts mean and unreasonable. It really makes the audience physically uncomfortable.

Xiao Ma... I can only say that he is gentle and fair, and wearing gold-rimmed glasses makes him more approachable.

Xiao Ma last year filmed "Descendants of the Dragon" for four months. The final box office in Hong Kong was more than 13 million yuan, the mainland box office was more than 90 million yuan, and the box office of Wan Sheng, Xing Ma Tai and South Korea was more than 50 million Hong Kong dollars. It was Xiao Ma's debut battle.

And (A Comic to the End of the World) has slightly better results than Descendants of the Dragon.

Is this one to be filmed by Debao later this year (Fist of Fury 1992)? Half a month after its release, the box office on Hong Kong Island has exceeded 16 million Hong Kong dollars, the mainland box office has reached 170 million yuan, and the box office on Star, Mataga, and South Korea has reached 110 million Hong Kong dollars.

This is a huge success.

Xiao Ma was only paid 100,000 Hong Kong dollars when he took the role of Fist of Fury (1992). After all, it was an internal film contract, but starting from July, his income will not be too little. The once classic spit fight between Ah Xing and Zhong Zhentao , the classic image of wearing sandals, white socks, suits and ties to rob a bank.

This is already a pony version of a screen contribution that can make people laugh.

Chen Baixiang from 100 Years Pictures also made a cameo appearance at the end of the film, obviously leaving an Easter egg for the next film.

Connery, wearing the black leather suit of Mermaid Li Ruolan, came up in a bound, "Boss, I heard that more than half of the filming of "Little Ghost Thief" has been done? At this rate, wouldn't it be possible to keep up with the summer schedule? A wave at the end??”

This is much more stormy than Liu Xiaoli's performance on the big screen.

Director Zhao, "I told Fatty Wang to slow down the shooting and not to be in such a hurry. I didn't expect him to still shoot so fast. As long as another old Wang has one-tenth of his efficiency, it will be enough to make the boss of the film group laugh out loud." .”

It's been a year and a half. I remember that a year and a half ago, Zhou Xingxing came to ask anxiously. He was going to shoot another version (Ip Man). Is Wang Jiawei reliable? ?

A year and a half later, the sunglasses king is still visiting celebrities from all over the mainland, steadily handing in bills to 100 Years Pictures every month to apply for funds!

But it doesn’t matter. The original version (Rock Climbing Girl) was a huge success in Europa. There will still be a certain market after this movie is made. The white version of the heroine is Eva Green.

Eva Green played a small role in (Harry Potter 1), one of the female students at the Magic Academy. Instead, it was Jessica Alba who occupied the role of the white version of the female Hermione, including the white version of the child star villain. Miranda Kerr and more.

There was no time to play (Little Ghost Thief).

Bingbing, Huang Xiaoming, and Deng Xiaochao have been on the set for three months. Guan Jiahui and Monica are both returning to the world after retiring from the industry for so many years.

"Ignore Fatty Wang, I'll go visit you after get off work. Your sisters Hui and Monica are both on the set. Let's go around with some delicious food."

What Zhao Donghuai didn't expect was that he successfully walked out of the ATV headquarters building three hours later.


Wu Jing stood at the gate of Shek Kip Mei Huayuan Phase 3 for a while. When he saw Jin Chengwu walking out of the community, he immediately waved excitedly.

Unexpectedly, when Ah Wu was about to walk in front of him, he actually accelerated his speed and walked a few steps quickly. He suddenly jumped up and kicked him. Wu Jing dodged as if he was looking at a fool... and watched Ah Wu pass by him. Jump over.

When Jin Chengwu was about to land, he stretched out his legs to catch Ah Wu, who was still landing smoothly and smoothly. He knelt down on one knee and put his hands on the ground before he stabilized.

Wu Jing even gloated, "Young man, why don't you try this for me? You can't do it even after practicing for two years."

Jin Chengwu stood up depressed, "As expected of the national champion, I have been practicing boxing for 18 months, and Bajiquan alone has been practiced for 15 months."

Wu Jing's original happy smile turned into a joke, and then he shrugged helplessly, "Director Wang is really screwed. Fortunately, our show (Mermaid) will be released soon. Even if it is a supporting role or a supporting role, if the performance is good, it can impress a lot of people." People remember it.”

In The Mermaid, Wu Jing plays the role of Mr. Liao, the personal assistant of the rich man Liu Xuan. He is the one who says, "Drink your sister, and take my sister over immediately. Drink Nima, and take my mother over right away. Get out, and take the lead." The supporting character rolled off the floor."

On the set, Wu Jing was often scolded by Zhou Xingxing and yelled at by Xingye. But after surviving it, he also saw the finished film. He is a very funny character.

Jin Chengwu is a policeman who receives Liu Xuan after he is kidnapped in a police station. He draws a gangster mermaid on paper, and his partner is Li Lichi.

Jin Chengwu raised his head to look at the sky, then moved his neck to look at Wu Jing, and sighed, "Let's go, it will be released tomorrow, and we can also receive a wave of red envelopes. Even if they are all supporting roles and receive few red envelopes, they are still important in the film and television industry. Qualifications and resume.”

Zhou Xingxing's movies can really make a group of people famous.

Although few people can steal Ah Xing's limelight in a movie, for many actors, it's good luck to become popular if you play a supporting role.

At this stage, everyone is very confident about whether (Mermaid) can make money in Asia. What they most want to see is the summer release in Europe and the United States. Cameron Diaz plays the role of the rich woman Li Ruolan, and the mermaid is Naomi Watts.

Can it drive big box office this time?

They worked hard from November last year to the end of June this year before the final film was released. It took more than half a year to make a film. The two of them were waiting for the film to be released to see if it could attract the attention of other filmmakers and get more opportunities.

Except for Ah Xing who saw how pitiful they were in November last year and helped them out, they have no other projects to strive for at this stage.

Wu Jing also sighed in his heart. He won one national championship after another from the youth group to the adult group. His first screen image turned out to be as funny as Mr. Liao... It was so amazing.

At this time, Wu Jing had already known that it was not just him and A Wu who were cheated by Wang Jiawei, but also a girl named Zhou Xun. Zhou Xun was half a year younger than him and was also compensated by Zhou Xingxing.

In the Mermaid crew, Zhou Xun plays the Chinese version of the female assistant to the rich woman Li Ruolan, who is of the same nature as Mr. Liao played by Wu Jing.

It's just that Mr. Xing is very funny on the big screen, and his character also has that style of painting. Li Ruolan is cool and cool on the big screen, and Zhou Xun's character has Mr. Lan's style of painting.

At this moment, a young man eating watermelon came from not far away, "Hey, why don't you guys stop fighting? Keep fighting? Wu, you have been practicing boxing for so long, don't you feel bored if you don't have a few good fights?" ??”

Jinchengwu rolled his eyes crazily and stopped him from talking to the melon-eating boy.

On the contrary, Wu Jing's eyes lit up, "Are you Huang Bo?"

Huang Bo has long hair, like a fresh and artistic young man, "Yes, I didn't expect that someone would still remember me after two years. I just entered the Asian Opera this year. As a freshman in the 92nd class, since you also want to be an actor , have you ever considered entering Asia Drama??”

"If you don't learn acting, how can you get acting skills? I specialize in singing and vocal music, but there are also corresponding acting classes."

"My tutors say that I look a bit ordinary, but if I gain weight in the future, I will still have a lot of opportunities to play supporting roles or green leaves."

When Huang Bo said this, he stared at Jin Chengwu and smiled like a tattletale, "Awu, you can be considered one of our juniors on the Good Voice stage, although the way you became famous is a bit strange and too nonsensical."

"But we can still keep up our efforts and perform more martial arts performances. Maybe one day we will be spotted by the tycoons?"

In this summer's summer season, the blockbuster masterpiece is Zhou Xingxing's (The Mermaid), but in terms of TV, more than 40 episodes of (Water Margin) have been completed and are in post-production, and the third season of the variety show (The Voice of Asia) is the most watched Rate.

It's just that after experiencing the peak competition in the first two seasons, there are not so many future strongmen among the players this time.

In the Chinese music scene of similar age groups, almost all the fierce ones were wiped out by the first two sessions.

Just when Huang Bo was at the bar, Wu Jingcai reacted, "No, you're studying for Asian drama after summer vacation? It's only July 9th??"

The Asian Opera term usually starts at the end of August or the beginning of September.

Huang Bo looked at him strangely, "I rented a house in the third phase of Huayuan. I have already planned to start over. I will try to stay in the Hong Kong Island Cabaret more. I can practice more singing skills as a work-study study."

"With your Beijing movies, you can still compete with our Huayuan Phase 3 star Ah Wu. Are you new to the industry? Come on, let's go, I'll treat you to a movie. Jiahe recently starred in a modern call girl, listen to the name It’s just curious…”

Wu Jing, "..."

Jin Chengwu, "..."

Ah Wu once again glanced at Huang Bo with disgust, and said to Wu Jing, "Let's go to 100 Years Pictures to have a look and help run errands. He doesn't look serious at first glance."

Whether it is the modern version of the original track or this version, it is a drama that does not miss anything. It is nothing more than a major change of the heroine team in this dimension.

Three beauties, Chen Yalun, Li Meifeng, and Zhong Shuhui, perform the role passionately. Among them, Zhong Shuhui is an Asian opera student who has never been outside the industry. Chen Yalun was a student of the 1984 Asian opera training class, and was a classmate of Li Ming and Zhou Haimei at the same time.

Li Meifeng also debuted in the modern Diao Chan program in 1984.

The movie is not a real romantic movie, but the name of the movie can easily give people a strong sense of misleading.

Ah Wu disliked Huang Bo from the first sight. It wasn't that he was really fed up with this senior, but that Bo Zi seemed familiar with everyone he met and had a particularly cheerful personality, which made him uncomfortable.

In addition, the other party has repeatedly ridiculed his strange way of becoming famous... Currently, many people who are residents of the third phase of Huayuan know about Jin Chengwu. He was deceived by Wang Jiawei to learn martial arts and self-taught acting in order to make a movie. He has been around for 18 months and still hasn't made a film?

This method is indeed too prominent and eye-catching!

When Wu Jingxin and Ah Wu left, Huang Bo, who was holding half a fan of watermelon, was confused. Did he hear it correctly? What kind of help can Ah Wu do at 100 Years Pictures?

Could it be that he got it in his mouth? Are you going to make fun of Ah Wu for not being able to turn on his phone for so long? After the other party endured 18 months? (The Grandmaster) is about to start? ?

"No way, Director Sunglasses is such a big trap that I can't just say a few words to regain my moral integrity and regain the lost bottom line!"


It's a new day, July 10th officially arrived. Huang Bo was so excited that he ran to the theater early in the morning to wait for a movie. He watched Zhou Xingxing's version (Mermaid) and got in after the movie started.

The opening scene of the tourist group visiting the museum made the audience unable to stop laughing. Wan Ziliang's guest appearance as the museum director was too bottomless!

When Liu Xuan, the rich man played by Xing Zai, made his official debut, a piece of land in Qingluowan was auctioned. At the fierce auction scene, he looked like a young boy in suits and ties. Wu Jingyi, who acted as Xing Zai's assistant, appeared.

Huang Bo couldn't help but slapped his thigh, "Fuck, it's that pretty boy from yesterday..."

Wu Jing, that baby-faced guy with a weak look on his face, actually appeared in a Star Master movie? Or an important supporting role? Hiroko's big teeth were simply shocking.

Soon, he no longer had time to lament for Wu Jing.

The plot officially kicked off. After the filming session, there was a dinner party, in front of a large single-family villa nestled between the mountains and the sea. The yard was as luxurious as a parking lot.

A big red supercar drove into the villa courtyard like Lola Fonna drifting in (Wanted 1). Liu Ruolan, the second-generation rich woman played by Liu Xiaoli, got out of the car.

Then to the murderous costume showing off the perfect figure, paired with the classic soundtrack of "Hello, the World Is Always", the movie's sense of high-end is instantly heightened.

It feels like there is a strong character coming out of the big screen.

When a group of black suits were running to clear the way for the rich fourth master played by Xu Ke, a vintage car that looked very contemporary also made Xu Ke, who deliberately dyed his hair white, look particularly rich and tycoon.

Then, the audience, immersed in the atmosphere of a high-end wealthy family, was directly dropped from the sky, wearing a leopard-print outfit, gold-rimmed glasses, a Mediterranean hairstyle, and a pesticide-sprayed version of a single-person aircraft on his back, with his remaining hair blowing wildly. I can't live without laughing.

Di Long's image in this movie is really... eye-catching.

The plot of Mermaid is still the same. The main reason is that the actors have been changed. Zhou Xingxing appears in person, plus the Chinese version of the heroine Chen Derong, and the supporting villain is Liu Xiaoli.

All I can say is that after watching the movie, Huang Bo laughed so many times that his stomach ached and he couldn't hold it back. More viewers had similar reactions. No matter how much people outside imitate or approach, if they are not Zhou Xingxing, they will always taste bad.

Even a talent like Xiao Ma, who has been completely free and willing for a year, is nothing more than funny in this field, second only to Chen Baixiang and Li Lichi's sense of joy.

At this stage, Xiao Ma has not only starred in three comedies in a row, but has also completed his junior year in Asian opera!

(Mermaid) is a blockbuster hit, and the explosive power of summer blockbusters is once again in front of everyone. The three-day opening weekend in Hong Kong Island exceeded 17 million Hong Kong dollars, with an average daily revenue of more than 5.7 million, and a box office of 18.9 million Hong Kong dollars in three days. .

It must be said that the publicity of this movie is also very strong. The required posters, subway bus taxi body pictures, TV program announcements, and even the trailer are not released at all, and have been pushed out more than ten days in advance.

Not just (Mermaid), but also Pony's previous masterpiece (Fist of Fury 1992). Every real blockbuster released at this stage, with basic promotions such as big announcements and releases, is full.

Otherwise, for example, a movie that is a hit in Europe and the United States, even if it is starring a white man or woman, would not be so popular as soon as it is released.

The announcement is grand enough, so that as many people as possible can see, hear and know about it, so it will attract so much money when it is first released!

Three days in the Mainland, more than 80 million yuan on the first day, 110 million yuan on the second day, more than 90 million yuan on the third day, and a total accumulation of 280 million yuan in three days!

The three-day movie of Xingma, Taiwan and Taiwan grossed more than 51 million Hong Kong dollars, the three-day movie of South Korea grossed more than 29 million Hong Kong dollars, and tens of thousands of theaters in the island country have grossed more than 32 million Hong Kong dollars.

Not counting the 280 million yuan in the mainland, this represents an accumulated total of 147 million Hong Kong dollars in East and Southeast Asia! There is a very interesting thing here, that is, the combination of stars, horses, and Thais, the box office appeal is much stronger than that of the island country and South Korea alone.

The current total population of Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand is less than half of the island country... but it is not surprising, because the entertainment industry in Thailand is more exclusive than South Korea, and there are more than 7 million overseas Chinese in Singapore, Malaysia alone, and they are the richest family in Thailand. , many of whom are also overseas Chinese.

Especially in 1992, the island country's social economy collapsed and its purchasing power plummeted. However, a country with a large population like Thailand was still in the period of rapid growth and prosperity of the Four Asian Tigers.

It's South Korea. The total population is only one-third of the island country this year, but the box office difference between the two places is only 3 million Hong Kong dollars!

Europe and the United States are also considered explosive. The three-day opening weekend in North America was US$12.8 million, and Europa was US$9.6 million. The combined sales of the two places exceeded US$22.4 million!

You said Ogame only has 22.4 million US dollars? ?

Is it too shabby compared to the first weekend sales of US$20 million or US$30 million in North America alone, or even compared to (Spider-Man 1) US$60 million in the first weekend in North America?

This is already the best box office record that Zhou Xingxing can achieve in a movie that only has star-style comedy, no kung fu and not many big special effects.

It can only be said that his nonsensical films have been released continuously in Europe and the United States, slowly gaining fans, and Jim Carrey's explosion, one (Lucky Star) and another (Weird in Disguise) have attracted more European and American white people. This kind of performance led to Ah Xing's great expansion.

It cannot be said that Zhou Xingxing and Jim Carrey have the same acting style. They each have their own characteristics and core competitiveness. But at a quick glance, it is clear that they both rely on exaggerated movements and expressions to rise...


On July 14, Sammo Hung took a car early in the morning and arrived at the filming location of the (Harry Potter 1) crew, which was located in Tung Chung.

Tung Chung Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

The preparations for special effects models, etc., which started three years ago, naturally include the construction of the Magic Academy. It is a bit far from the Jurassic Theme Park in Tung Chung, and you have to take a car deeper into Lantau Island to reach it.

As blockbusters sweep the world, the number of related tourist attractions can only be said to be increasing.

At this stage, the Magic Academy complex is definitely not open to the public, and tourism projects will only be officially opened after Harry Potter 1 is released.

After getting off the car, I saw several figures coming to the left and right, and they were also the main creators of the team. For example, Richard Norton, who plays Severus Snape, one of the vice principals, is very familiar with Sanmao. One of the vice-principals, Minerva McGonagall, is played by Lin Qingxia and Julia Roberts.

Sanmao couldn't help but sigh, "It's a big hit. The first weekend is only three days. Not counting the mainland, even Wanjia Cinema has entered the island country at this stage. It's 147 million Hong Kong dollars in the first weekend. It's really..."

He, a movie tycoon who felt that he was about to be eliminated by the tide of the times when the production of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" was started, once again experienced the ferocity of blockbusters, and still felt that it felt like he had not seen it for a long time.

The data for East and Southeast Asia in the three days of the first weekend is enough to shock countless people!

Lin Qingxia also had a look of emotion on her face, but she didn't talk about the box office, but asked curiously, "Brother Sanmao, I heard that Zhao Sheng's Pacific VCD players and discs have not made it to Europe and the United States?"

Pacific VCD machines and discs have indeed conquered cities in East and Southeast Asia and created massive wealth, but Europe and the United States...

Sanmao complained speechlessly, "They were boycotted. These are too high-quality and cheap, and may cause Hollywood theater operators and several major film and television groups to put too much extra effort in preventing piracy, so they were boycotted together."

"It's easy here. In the past six months, one or more piracy gangs have appeared from time to time, and then they were quickly beaten to death."

"Looking at the performance of Ah Xing (Mermaid), as long as the movie is of high quality and attractive enough, the impact of VCD machines on the box office is not that exaggerated."

This is true. In the original trajectory, Hong Kong movies were impacted by VCD machines and discs, including the loss of one after another local ticket warehouses, and the loss of many financial backers...

While countless people in the Hong Kong film industry have lost their jobs due to a series of comprehensive factors and are unable to put food on the table, Chow Sing-sung's movies are still setting box office records at every turn.

Lin Qingxia smiled bitterly, "Those of us who have made more money than we can spend in our lifetime can be regarded as landing early. Poor younger generations are becoming more and more outrageous."

In the original track, even in the era of the Internet, there would be many Hong Kong films whose sources could not be found, and could only be stored on VCD discs or DVD discs, and no one knew which collector was hoarding them.

At this stage, there will only be more.


On July 18, Zhou Xingxing’s (Mermaid) continued to be a hit all over the world. Wu Yusen, along with Zhang Jiazhen, Liang Chaowei, Li Zixiong and others, happily raised their glasses, “Master Kai, congratulations to Master Kai’s ( Ci Ling) will be released worldwide soon."

"Our crew also wishes in advance that Mr. Kai will be a box office hit and make a lot of money."

“Although the impact of VCD machines and discs is a bit big, whether it’s the movie of the up-and-comer Pony or Zhou Xingxing’s (Mermaid), it is enough to prove that for good blockbusters, we have no shortage of money-making opportunities. "

Under the words, a group of people were congratulating Akai of the Li family.

Kai, his expression is a little complicated, (Chilling) Ah, during the filming period, the Li family invested more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars, becoming 50% of the investors. Later, after the film was announced in Europe, America, East Asia and Southeast Asia, another 75 million Hong Kong dollars were raised.

If you don't make a lot of money on the street, you will really lose money.

Fortunately, it should be possible, right? Ci Ling's big promotion team has already started working on it, and has also secured screening arrangements in Wanjia Cinemas and Mainland China, as well as in Stars, Malaysia, Thailand, and Korea.

Filming opens on July 24, two weeks after (Mermaid) was released, making it a summer blockbuster!

If your film is bad, you won't get a good schedule.

After suppressing all kinds of complicated thoughts, Akai also smiled and clinked glasses with Wu Yusen, "Old Wu, your production of (Blood on the Streets) has also been completed. As for the theaters, you have to hurry up."

"Now, overall, the number of theaters is overflowing. If we seize the summer film schedule, even if it accounts for 30% of the scheduled films, the prospects are still promising."

"There are tens of thousands of families in Ciling (Ciling), and I haven't contributed much. They are all run by Mr. Wu from Zhushe. European and American Xuanfa are also packaged there. How about this?"

Wu Yusen nodded enthusiastically, "Don't worry, Mr. Kai. Ah Zhen, Ah Wei and I will definitely run around more. Even if I can't talk to the theater, I have a good relationship with my snow friends during the few months of filming." ”

"There should be hope that it will be on the Lunar New Year stalls."

Even if (Chilling) was released two weeks later, it would still be August 8th, which is still the most powerful post-production sequence for the summer movie, a prime time slot.

Akai nodded happily, "As long as you know, let's not talk about when (Spider-Man 2) (Wanted 3) (Jurassic Park 3) will be completed, Zhao Sheng appointed (Harry Potter), and Tuiya A series about kid starring several female child stars..."

"Zhao Sheng himself has only promoted so much, and there are too many blockbusters from other giants besides him."

"Try, you must try to make as much money as possible during the summer."

Their family invests in the film and television industry, and under the leadership of Ah Ju, they lost 200 million to 300 million yuan or had difficulty in giving birth. After Ah Kai took over, the real investment he confirmed was the 75 million Hong Kong dollars announced for (Chilling), and a 10 million buyout. Wu Yusen’s contract.

And the initial investment for "Blood on the Streets" was HKD 50 million, but later funding was raised to HKD 80 million before production was completed.

He nodded and confirmed that the money spent was already 165 million Hong Kong dollars. Now he had one hand (to assassinate the mausoleum) and the other (to kill the blood in the streets). If they broke out together, he would be proud and proud, and he might even have a chance to snatch Ju Shao's crown prince position.

Old Wu Ning nodded, "Don't worry, Mr. Kai, I will be careful!"


A few days later, as the release date of "Chilling" was getting closer, Wu Yusencai and Zhang Jiazhen found Akai, both of whom had complicated expressions.

Complex as it is complex, Old Wu still said quickly, "Master Kai, there's good news and there's bad news."

Akai frowned and said, "Speak directly, don't beat around the bush."

Wu Yusen explained, "It has been a lot of work. Relying on the quality of the movie, we (Blood on the Street) will be able to be sold in tens of thousands of theaters on August 8, including mainland ticket warehouses."

Akai was ecstatic, "It's a good thing. If you do it well, you will be rewarded!"

Wu Yusen, "..."

It was Zhang Jiazhen who coughed lightly, "On July 24, (Chilling) will be released with 25% of the film schedule, and it will be released together with 45% of the film schedule of Final Battle 2 Part 1, and (Mermaid) will have 30% left."

"On August 8, we have 15% of the film schedule for (Blood on the Street), and 45% of the second episode of Armageddon 2. However, Wanjia Cinemas has also said that it respects the market."

"The fact that Armageddon 2 can start with such a number of films is entirely supported by the first mainland film's highest box office record of 1.38 billion! The first film of Hong Kong Haowan has a box office of more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars."

"After the release, if the second part does not perform so strongly, the film schedule will be adjusted according to market fluctuations."

Akai was so shocked that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood from his throat, "Fuck, how could this happen? It's been postponed. Are you crazy to hedge against such a blockbuster movie??"

Zhang Jiazhen smiled bitterly, "The summer season is over, and Wang Jing's (Little Ghost and Thief) will be released. I heard that there is also Jet Li's (Fist of Fury), his movie and Pony's (Fist of Fury 1992). , not the same style at all.”

"Following that, there is also Lin Zhengying's (Yimei Taoist). The final episode of Pingjin is about to be produced? Wait a minute???"

Akai was dumbfounded. What kind of crazy schedule is this? ?

Wu Yusen comforted him, "Don't worry, Mr. Kai. After all, we have to focus on the quality of the movie. This kind of thing is very common. In Bruce Willis's second film (Die Hard), the quality of the action was all online. Now the reputation is also very good.”

"But it was attacked by (Kung Fu Panda) and (Jurassic Park 1) successively, and the box office was blocked. Bruce Willis is Zhao's cash cow. When faced with such a devilish schedule, no one can do anything."

"If you withdraw now, then (Jurassic), (Spider-Man) and (Wanted) before and after the Lunar New Year release will drown a lot of people. I also heard that Wang Jing plans to shoot (God of Gamblers 2). He But a super fast shooter.”

"Furthermore, if the double version of the heroine (Little Ghost Thief) starring Azhi and Eva Green is a big hit, the sequel will be launched immediately. There will be no holiday restrictions for the Christmas release of (Home Alone), and anyone named Wang can have two months. I can finish filming the sequel.”

"If Zhou Xingxing, Andy Lau, Ah Wing and others produce new films at this stage, they will also have Police Story 5, which has been planned and produced for 10 months..."

"Master Kai, there is no hiding!"

“As long as our quality is guaranteed, we will not lose.”

If you continue to avoid it, let alone this year, Zhang Jiazhen smiled bitterly and said, "Unless Mr. Kai, you hide until 1994, and you can ensure that by that time, there will be no more blockbuster series to dominate the box office."

The situation is like this. Even if Hong Qianbao wanted to ask Cheng Long to film "Flying Dragon" in October last year, Aaron said he was considering doing "Police Story 5". It's been 10 months now, and I heard that "Police Story 5" is just It’s in production, it’s hard to say which step it’s at.

But there are so many blockbusters that have exploded this year.

Let’s just say that after the brilliant success of Armageddon 1, Armed Forces 2 and Armed Forces 3 were split into four movies for release, which are also four blockbusters!

Wanjia Cinemas really isn't trying to trick anyone. It really wants to make things difficult for you and not show it to you. In East and Southeast Asia, what kind of trouble can a mere Akai and Lao Wu cause?

Akai was gradually persuaded to accept the reality, but still said helplessly, "This is too ridiculous! Isn't Lin Zhengying filming Wanted 3? Why did he save another one (Yimei Taoist)? It's too much Alright."

Wu Yusen coughed awkwardly and explained euphemistically, "Actually, Uncle Ying's One Eyebrow Taoist was completed after Wanted 2 was released and before the filming of the third part started."

"He just didn't start facing the first wave of VCD players and discs in the next month of the year, so he delayed. Otherwise, he wouldn't be ranked after the summer schedule. Strictly speaking, that pony's (New Fist of Fury) 1992) also belongs to the category of thunder."

Akai was distressed and wanted to vomit blood again. The next moment, he clapped his hands again, "Wait a minute, we still have Mumbai. In September last year, my father opened the first batch of comprehensive supermarkets and the first ten theaters in Mumbai. , it’s more than half covered.”

"In November, he will go to Mumbai with Liu's funds. If there are 30 more theaters there, each with eight theaters, there will be a lot of potential!"

Wu Yusen and Zhang Jiazhen looked at each other, both shocked. Damn it...there is such a big event? !

Could it be that the Asian film industry is about to change?

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