Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 379 I heard some of you scolding me?

July 24, arrived as scheduled.

On this day, not only the crew and creative team of Zhushe Lao Wu, Zhu Yanping, Hu Jun, Meichen Amick (Chilling) were nervous, but Akai of the Li family was even more nervous than anyone else.

After all, this is the day when (Chilling) and (The Great Battle in Huaihai) were released together.

Even the Xing Zai version (Mermaid), which was released for two weeks, still has a strong reputation in the market and attracts a large number of fans and viewers.

People who have watched "The Mermaid" before, and after word of mouth spread, are talking about how good-looking and funny this new star-style comedy is. It makes people feel stomach ache when they laugh. It is a super reliever of stress and fatigue. How exciting is Chen Derong's version of The Mermaid? Obsessed with this super pretty girl? Pure and beautiful to no limit.

As for Li Ruolan played by Liu Xiaoli, she is really...

A person's black leather jacket can make people look forward to it endlessly.

Due to the strong word-of-mouth effect, (Mermaid)'s momentum is stronger than almost any blockbuster, and it is almost the same as (The Battle of Huaihai), which continues the brilliant record of the first part last year.

Three blockbusters were released on the big screen at the same time. It was like a mule or a horse that had to collide to know.


On July 27, Zhao Donghuai sat in the office and inquired about the progress of Azhi and Eva Green's version of "The Thief" before he put down the phone and said with emotion, "It's really Fat Boy King, forget it. Once the filming is over, it’s over.”

"Let him do the post-production work before filming God of Gamblers 2."

On the 10th, Fei Jing had completed more than half of the progress. After another half month, (Little Ghost Thief) was still completed as expected.

3 months... Well, the "cute gangster" robs a bank in order to save his paralyzed father. There are more comedy jokes. It is nothing more than a comedy based on the age of the protagonist, various characters and (Rat and Hard).

Zhao Donghuai came up with the script outline and character design, and it was not easy for Fei Jing to spend three months working on such a movie.

In the midst of emotion, Zhao Donghuai thought about it again and decided that he could only put this movie in the schedule between the summer and Lunar New Year movies.

At this moment, Xiaoxian came up and said, "Boss, (The Battle of Huaihai 2 Part 1) took in a box office of 7.78 million on Hong Kong Island in the first three days of the weekend. It seems that the attendance rate is not too high, but this result is not bad. ah."

"In comparison, (Mermaid 2) had 6.92 million Hong Kong dollars in the first three days, and (Chilling) only had 3.81 million. The general trend within Wanjia Cinemas is the same in East and Southeast Asia."

"Do we need to adjust the film schedule of the three movies?"

A movie of about 90 minutes, with a 30% scheduling rate, has a maximum daily box office of more than 5 million, and the duration of "The Legend of Tomb Raiders" and "The Battle of Huaihai" are both within this range.

It’s nothing more than Ci Ling’s 25% filming rate. What’s the daily limit of more than 4 million? So it’s less than 4 million in three days, and the average in a single day is more than 1 million? ? Huaihai set 45% of the film schedule, with a single-day limit of more than 7 million Hong Kong dollars and a single-day average of more than 2.5 million Hong Kong dollars? ?

Just talking about the attendance rate, the attendance rate of Huaihai Battle is not high, but it is still much higher than that of (Ci Ling)!

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while, "We won't make adjustments for the time being. How is the situation in Europe and the United States??"

Xiaoxian's expression was a little weird, "Due to the time difference, last Sunday's box office has not been released yet, but Friday (Chilling) brought in more than 1 million U.S. dollars and Saturday more than 2 million U.S. dollars. This figure is still not as good as (Mermaid). )."

"Looking at the trend, if (Chilling) fetched more than US$5 million in the first weekend, it may end up selling for US$20 million. Maybe Europa can fetch more than US$10 million?"

Is Europe, Canada and America’s performance of more than 30 million U.S. dollars lower? Zhushe Lao Wu spent 15 million US dollars in Europe and the United States to announce his hair! I guess I won’t even get my money back, after all, I still have to pay taxes and so on...

Zhao Donghuai was slightly surprised and said, "How could it be so bad? I have also seen the finished film (Call of the Ring). Although it is not a great masterpiece, it is still remarkable? The heroine is also as big as Meichen Amick. Pretty girl Ma, is your performance okay?"

He really felt surprised.

The story of this version (Ci Ling) was complete, the production base was huge, the special effects were not bad, and handsome men and beautiful women went on an adventure to seize treasures. He thought that after spending 15 million US dollars to announce the release, Europe, Canada and America would finally break through at least 50 million US dollars, or even Reached the US$60 million level.

Even if his premonition is not accurate, the gap is still a bit big...

Thinking of this, Zhao Donghuai asked curiously, "What blockbusters are currently available in Europe and the United States during the summer?"

The second episode of The Battle on Huaihai, like The Battle of Liaoshen in Episode 1, did not make it to European and American theaters.

Xiaoxian's expression was at a loss for words, "On July 16, Disney's (Aladdin) animated movie released, its first weekend in North America was 41 million U.S. dollars, and in the six days from the 20th to the 25th, it also accumulated more than 37 million U.S. dollars at the box office, which is very stable. Weekly box office champion."

"Then there's Winona Ryder's (Sisters Are Crazy), which was filmed before the Spring Festival and was released on July 2, but it also accumulated US$21 million in six days from the 20th to the 25th."

"It's Zhou Xingxing's (Mermaid). It was released in Europe and the United States on the 10th. The 20th to the 25th is the third week. The third week also has 10.6 million US dollars."

"Many of the European and American blockbusters that were released in June and are still in theaters have much better box office results than (Chilling)."

Zhao Donghuai almost spit on his rice, (Aladdin)? ? Disney’s super masterpiece, released in 1992, grossing more than $500 million at the global box office? ?

He remembered that the original track was released in November 1992 during the Lunar New Year period. Why was it moved to the summer period? Okay...it's okay, because Disney's other ace project, The Lion King, was cut off by Zhao Donghuai?

So, without The Lion King project, Disney production (Aladdin) is much more efficient?

It's okay, it's really okay.

It was a major animated film with a box office of more than 200 million US dollars in North America alone and more than 500 million US dollars globally.

The quality of this 1992 version (Ci Ling) is actually pretty good. You can only say that it squeezed into the devilish schedule of both East and West, and it was an honor to lose!

Zhou Xingxing's Mermaid still has 10.6 million U.S. dollars in its third week of release. The total North American box office is more than 30 million U.S. dollars. In the end, it will hit the level of more than 40 million U.S. dollars...

This is because Ah Xing has really made a splash with his own personal style. Of course, the wonderful contributions of Naomi Watts and Cameron Diaz are also indispensable.


On July 28, a certain Lucky Guy came to a private room in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Akai grabbed the wine glass and glared at Zhushe Lao Wu and Zhu Yanping, "In the first three days of the weekend, North America made 5.3 million U.S. dollars and Europe 2.92 million U.S. dollars? The total of the two places is only 8.22 million U.S. dollars?"

"Fuck, I'm such a fool. Why don't you die, Zhu?"

It seems like a lot, but Xuanfa spent 15 million US dollars in real money! ! Theoretically, only with your final box office data of US$40 million in Europe, Canada and the United States can you hope to get a share of the box office profits!

8.22 million in the first weekend? Can it accumulate 40 million US dollars in one month of release? ?

Like Europe and the United States, Asia is also in ruins. Hong Kong Island has 3.81 million yuan, Bend Province has 3.21 million yuan, and the mainland only has 19 million yuan...

This is a large project with an investment of nearly 400 million yuan.

Zhu Yanping's face turned a little red, and he opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't know how to refute it. Old Wu of Zhushe said with a gloomy face, "Master Kai, the project seems to be losing money, but no one wants to, why the hell am I still depressed?" ."

"I used to make two movies (Laughing Lin Boy). I finished both movies in half a year. Each movie made tens of millions, which adds up to a lot. We have been busy with this movie for almost two years."

Akai threw his wine glass angrily, "No one wanted to do that? When you approached me for investment, you didn't say you would lose money!"

His lungs were about to burst with anger. How high were his hopes and ambitions before the release. Suddenly faced with such an answer, Akai couldn't wait to...

Zhushe Lao Wu looked at Akai coldly, then poured himself a glass of red wine, "How can you make a guaranteed profit without losing money when doing a project? Do you believe in a business that is guaranteed to make a profit?"

"Does Mr. Kai want to settle a score with me today?"

Akai was startled by that cold gaze, and then he felt a chill in his heart and managed to calm down. After all, he remembered that Lao Wu had also killed more than one person with his own hands.

After taking a deep breath, Akai sat down and said depressedly, "That's not a big deal. I just want to find out why it's a loss? How come it's like this? Didn't you promise before the release that the filming was wonderful? It will definitely make money. ?It’s just a matter of making more or less?”

"Otherwise, why would they announce an additional HK$150 million? Although Europe and the United States announced HK$117 million, it's such a loss, isn't it normal?"

Old Wu swung the glass a few times, drank it in one gulp, and then dropped the glass. He was so frightened that Akai stood up in a hurry, his face turned a little pale, and then Old Wu cursed, "If I say the movie failed, it's all thanks to you." , Mr. Kai of Ma, you have bad luck, you are too negative, which is why our crew was thrown into the street."

"(Aladdin), which was released in Europe and the United States at about the same time, grossed US$41 million in the first weekend in North America and US$4,300 in the second week. How can there be so many fans to watch our movie if one movie took away so much box office?"

Zhu Yanping had no choice but to complain, "Yes, this schedule is too outrageous. We were busy in East and Southeast Asia, and it was Zhou Xingxing's (Mermaid) and (The Battle of Huaihai Episodes) who fought and killed our project."

"Is it because the movie was not made well? Too bad? Obviously not. Those two big movies attracted too much attention and box office. Even if we spend money to promote it, it won't have much effect."

Akai, "..."

He wanted to angrily point out, since you all know the impact of blockbusters, why don't you avoid the schedule... He opened his mouth, but couldn't speak. Just like Wu Yusen's (Blood on the Street) applied for a schedule some time ago, it was scheduled On August 8th.

Looking at the schedule of films at the same time, everyone knew that it was a devilish schedule. Just two weeks after the release of the first episode of The Battle in Huaihai, the next episode has followed...

It’s so fun for the audience to watch the previous and next episodes together.

Lao Wu slapped the table again and cursed, "Why is Mr. Xing rushing to the street and becoming so powerful? He has made so much money in the film industry for a hundred years, and he doesn't leave any soup for us to drink."

Under the words, Zhu Yanping was speechless.

On the contrary, the door of the private room was suddenly knocked, and the door was knocked a few more times. Before anyone could open the door, Zhou Xingxing pushed open the private room from the outside and walked in. He glanced at the hall and said, "Die, I heard Someone is scolding me? So it’s you?"

Lao Wu and Zhu Yan looked at each other in confusion.

Akai quickly apologized and said, "No, Mr. Xing, there is no such thing. We were just discussing in private, Mr. Xing. Your (Mermaid) has grossed more than 30 million U.S. dollars at the box office in North America. I am praising you for your work." It’s beautiful.”

Zhou Xingxing laughed, laughed wildly, walked over and grabbed the red wine on the wine table, found an empty cup and poured himself wine. Lao Wu and others hurriedly grabbed cups to accompany him, waiting.

After Ah Xing finished pouring the wine, he sighed, "I heard some of you scolding me, but it doesn't matter, people are in high spirits when happy events happen, haha, from the first, second and third parts of "Play Back to School" to "The Variety Star" , (The Gambling Saint), (The Gambling Man), (The Nine-Pin Sesame Official), (The God of Cookery), (The East Comes the West), (The Tricky Expert), etc., so many of my movies have accumulated 9 million in North America. It was done with just over 10 million U.S. dollars.”

"It's been three or four years, and this is the first time that a pure comedy film of mine has exceeded US$30 million in North America."

"You can curse all you want, as long as (Mermaid)'s box office can continue to rise, you can curse whatever you want, haha~"

The next moment, Zhou Xingxing patted Lao Wu on the shoulder, "Brother Wu, I know your (Chilling) was also released in North America, and it seems that the box office failed. Calm down, it's a small matter. Look at how much I paid in Europe and the United States before." Time?"

"You've been on the street for ten times, right? You're finally getting better. I've been fighting for so many years. What's the point of you fighting for me once?"

"Keep on, keep up the good work!"

After saying that, Ah Xing left. In fact, today is also the time when he held a celebration banquet for the crew of (Mermaid). In East Asia and Southeast Asia, after 18 days of release, the mainland box office exceeded 800 million yuan. 410 million Hong Kong dollars, it sounds like a grand celebration banquet will be held.

This amount is not so accurate that it just breaks 1 billion or 1.5 billion, nor is it too auspicious.

Just like what he said, he has played in more than ten movies in North America. Putting aside (Shaolin Soccer), this is his first time fighting a male protagonist alone. He can make more than 30 million US dollars at the box office in North America. Next It’s not difficult to spend $40 million on a painting.

In addition, Europa also has more than 20 million US dollars? ? How can you not be happy?

After Zhou Xingxing left, Lao Wu and others looked at each other again in the private room. A few minutes later, Zhu Yanping took a sip of wine and murmured, "Master Xing is right. With his appeal as the King of Comedy, I jumped there more than ten times and have no regrets.”

“Now I’m finally making a big profit.”

"Brother Wu, our two-part series (Xiao Lin Boy) did not lose money in Europe and the United States. We made millions of dollars less. This time (Assassination Ling) was a crime other than war. We made 84 million dollars in two weeks." The (Aladdin) impact of the knife, what can we do?”

Old Wu rolled his eyes and was speechless.

The next moment, Old Wu suddenly looked at Akai, "Master Kai, didn't you say that your family has built 30 Watsons chain buildings in Mumbai? There are still 15 buildings under construction?"

"There are a total of 45 Watsons comprehensive retail stores, 45 theaters, and a single eight-screen hall. That is also 360 big screens??"

Akai became energetic and said, "Yes, yes, we still have White Elephant! Brother Wu, please make as many copies as possible. Get a batch of copies first. I will have someone send White Elephant to you right away. Recently, my father and fan Liu , are still busy in Mumbai.”

"First invest in a blockbuster film to test the waters."

"Don't worry, as long as this kind of thing can be solved and launched smoothly, I can also handle the screening and video rental of your other movies in the future, including the one you have already filmed (The Laughing Lin Boy) at White Elephant."

He almost forgot that when he came home last time, he asked his father about the specific situation, and he was given specific results. 30 chain supermarkets were built and ready to open at any time.

30 built theater chains!

There are still 15 remaining buildings under construction and renovation.

The Li family can also rise to become real estate, retail and cinema tycoons in White Elephant and Mumbai!


On August 10, a Huazhi flagship store in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Wu, the old man from Zhushe, had just woken up and went to wash his sleepy eyes. He heard a rapid knock on the door. When he walked over and opened the door, Zhu Yanping looked anxious and shocked outside the door, "Brother Wu, something happened. Something happened in the market." Got our (Ci Ling’s) pirated VCDs?!”

Old Wu was also shocked, "What the hell? Who is tired of living? Pirate our discs, this is not..."

Isn’t this looking for death? After all, he is also a general in the Bamboo Society, the largest society in the province. Dare those who engage in piracy to cheat on them? ?

Although (Chilling) performed poorly at the box office, Hong Kong Island has only taken over 10 million Hong Kong dollars since its release on July 24, with 3.81 million in the first weekend, 4.52 million in the second week, and 3.32 million last week. Currently, there are only 10 films left in the schedule. %.

However, the 10% daily box office limit is more than 1.5 million, so you can still try to break the 15 million Hong Kong dollar box office.

At this stage, it has only been less than 20 days since the release of "Chilling". If you stay longer, it will always be money. After all, yesterday was the day when "Blood on the Street" and "The Battle of Huaihai Part 2" were released.

It would be great if it could earn a few more million Hong Kong dollars at the box office and make more money back!

Piracy? Goodbye Husky!

Zhu Yanping's expression was very strange, "There are many pirated discs, but the languages ​​​​are mainly English and Hindi... There is no Cantonese or Mandarin version for the time being."

It has been less than 20 days since their release, and the video tapes belonging to Zhao have not been released yet.

Old Wu, who was about to roll up his sleeves and find someone to do something big, was confused, "English version, Hindi??"

Zhu Yanping nodded, "Some local big brothers have already suspected that this is coming from Baixiang. It is high-definition and has no impurities..."

Old Wu was dumbfounded, "Nima, what the hell..."

The next moment he said in disbelief, "You mean those pirated copies came from the Li family to Baixiang to open theaters, and then flowed over there?"

Zhu Yanping thought for a moment and said, "In the war against piracy, the mainland, Hong Kong, and South Korea have the strictest control, followed by island countries, and Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand are the most lax."

"I really don't know about the piracy situation at White Elephant, but other than White Elephant, no one will specially produce a Hindi version, right?"

It was only on July 28th that Akaina announced that he would release the film in theaters in Mumbai. Today is only August 10th.

Thinking of this, Lao Wu quickly said, "Go and check to see if our (Laughing Lin Boy) two-part movie is pirated? Damn it, I'm going to call the White Elephant Box Office right now."

Although "The Boy Who Laughed" was filmed after the Spring Festival and in the summer of 1990, and has already been released in theaters, it is only 1992, and the income from video and DVD rentals is still stable.


Another two days later.

On August 12, in Kowloon Tong at night, when a cargo ship arrived at the pier, as soon as it docked, groups of figures quickly ran and shouted to get on board.

The first ones running were the police and customs.

On the pier behind, there were groups of figures in suits and leather shoes surrounding the elder brothers, whether they were Lao Wu from Zhushe, the Xiang brothers from Xinji, or Deng Yurong from Lianle, they were all there.

Although they are part of a club, in the film and television industry, they have indeed invested their clean money time and time again, making serious movies, and they have made profits again and again.

Piracy? ? Isn't piracy just about competing with them for food? ? Steal their money? ?

after an hour.

When the chief inspector of a certain police station got off the boat, Xiang Laoshi, Deng Yurong, Lao Wu and others quickly gathered around and the smoke dispersed in a circle. Only then did the chief inspector of a certain police station laugh and curse, "Attack his mother, she is really a pirated version of the white elephant." It’s been shipped.”

"Not only do you have Wu Sheng's (Laughing Lin Boy) two-parter, but also (Crazy Givenchy/Big Shot), (Tai Ping Wheel) and other discs, and even pirated VCD players. This time it also contains various Cantonese and Mandarin versions.”

"Brothers, Bai Xiang wants to do something big."

Jennifer Connelly said at the beginning that the retail price in the mainland was set at 5 yuan a disc, and piracy was completely unaffordable. Their cost to produce pirated copies was higher than 5 yuan. At 10 yuan a disc, piracy is easy to control at 15 yuan a disc. The war on piracy can be played.

The larger the scale of production for pirated producers, the cheaper the cost.

At this stage, in the Mainland, a VCD machine costs HKD 2,500 and a disc costs HKD 15. In Hong Kong, a VCD machine costs HKD 3,000 and a disc costs HKD 20.

The profit contained in this retail price? It really takes constant crackdowns to stop piracy from happening in waves. This price also shows that large-scale piracy manufacturers can make pretty good profits.

Thanks to Zhao Donghuai's influence and power in Haowan, Hong Kong, piracy in these places has almost no trouble. South Korea is also the hardest hit area by Hydra, and there is no trouble.

The island nation followed closely, with Star and Matai being the most lax.

The Mainland... The Mainland is actually very strict. From the big film studios like Bayi and Shanghai, there are many leaders in the system to support it, to the theater chain control by a group of powerful people like Wang Dashi?

A machine costing RMB 2,500 and a disc of RMB 15 only has a good profit, rather than the first batch of VCD players in history directly priced at RMB 5,000...

So no one expected that large-scale piracy from White Elephant was coming? !

A group of elder brothers all had dark expressions.

They have finally found a way to make clean money in an honest way and have certain capabilities. These piracy? ?

A group of elder brothers established a relationship and soon found the leader of the smuggling group who smuggled the VCD player and DVD. Xiang Laoshi pointed at the VCD player held by a younger brother and said, "How much do you plan to sell one for?"

The boss of a certain smuggling group didn't want to say anything at first, but when a younger brother shook his fist as big as a sandbag, he immediately nodded and said, "One set costs 2,300 Hong Kong dollars and will be given to the seller on the next level."

The off-ship price is HK$2,300 per unit. All we can say is...the profit difference between the final retail price and the HK$3,000 per unit placed at Wanjia retail terminals is not particularly large. After all, there are two links: distributors and final retail.

Moreover, it is impossible to sell pirated retail terminals at Wanjia. Wanjia VCD machines also come with a one-year after-sales service package free of charge!

Zhushe Lao Wu grabbed a few discs with "Xiao Lin Boy" printed on them and asked, "How much does a disc cost?"

The boss of the smuggling group did not dare to be stubborn and said weakly, "The wholesale price is 15 Hong Kong dollars a piece. I just make some money for running errands. Small profits but quick turnover."

Old Wu clenched his fists angrily, but finally waved his hand, "Just beat him for a few hours, and then send him to the police station. They dare to even steal our money. Arrange a group of brothers to go to the detention room or prison to let them know what it means." Severe kidney failure!"


August 17, ATV office.

Zhao Donghuai looked at the data summarized below with a very amused expression. The first episode of "The Battle in Huaihai" has been in theaters for 26 days since its release on the 24th, with a total box office of HK$30.16 million and a saving of HK$29.18 million.

The total figure exceeded 60 million Hong Kong dollars, but in theaters, not only the number of films scheduled for the previous episode was less than 10%, but the attendance rate was also pitiful.

Comparing the data of the first part Liaoshen Hong Kong Island and Wan Province each breaking 50 million Hong Kong dollars, the difference is much... But, but (The Battle of Huaihai) the next part (The Battle of Huaihai) was released for nine days, and it is as strong as the early release data of the previous part.

This trend is the sum of the previous and second episodes, and it can still break the data of the decisive battle of Liaoshen.

The results of the two parts this summer are no worse than last year.

Correspondingly, "Chilling", which was also released for 26 days, has a box office of more than 13 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong and a savings of more than 11 million Hong Kong dollars. It can be released. The impact of pirated VCD discs has still affected this film. some.

The biggest source of pirates is White Elephant... At first, there were only English and Hindi versions. Later, pirated Cantonese and Mandarin discs also appeared one after another, and the impact was hard on investors such as Lao Wu.

The news has also been found out. When Akai went to White Elephant Mumbai with dozens of English copies (Chilling), the Li family theater chain recruited local professionals to operate them and translate more copies...

Those responsible for theater management and movie screenings directly took the copies to make pirated VCDs. They even stole the Cantonese and Mandarin copies of (Ciling) that were watched by Li Chao Ren and the backbone of his subordinates, Da Liu and his subordinates. Continue to replicate on a large scale.

If (Chilling) Europe and the United States failed and lost money, it would most likely be squeezed by the impact of blockbusters such as (Aladdin) (Sisters Are Crazy), and East Asia and Southeast Asia would lose? The pirated copies circulated by White Elephant have contributed a lot.

Otherwise (Ci Ling) the final price should be more than 16 million Hong Kong dollars.

Lao Wu and the others did intercept some White Elephant pirates, but they did not intercept them 100%. After the fish that slipped through the net were circulated, they continued to use pirated discs to do more piracy. It was just a technical problem.

Just record a wave of movies on a blank VCD disc...

A large investment of about 400 million, and the total box office of Hong Kong Haowan is 25 million Hong Kong dollars? ? Lao Wu suffered miserably, and even vomiting blood was minor. He didn't vomit, just because after thinking about it, it seemed that the Li family had invested much more than him...

If you want to do some accounting, can you still seize the tourist attractions (Ciling Loulan Underground Ancient City) alone?

That means he is actually making money even though he is losing money on the surface. How much money can a tourist attraction make?

It's already August 17th. Wu Yusen's "Blood on the Street" was released. On the first weekend plus the following week, the box office in Hong Kong Island was 7 million Hong Kong dollars. Piracy has become rampant again.

At the beginning, Akai sent movies to Bai Xiang, including "Blood on the Street" in addition to "The Tomb". After all, the 30 theaters of the Li family in Mumbai were all eight-screen theaters with 240 big screens, so they could not be used in theaters. Only one movie will be shown at the opening, right? ?

Originally, "Blood on the Street" had the impact and squeeze of the two episodes of "The Battle in Huaihai". Even Zhou Xingxing's "Mermaid" is still being released on the big screen, and the daily box office is at least more than "Call".

Coupled with the impact of pirated discs... the investment of 80 million Hong Kong dollars, including Lao Wu's contract, would be 90 million Hong Kong dollars. Hand in such an answer?

I heard that Akai has been sent to the hospital.

It was either that he was knocked out by anger or that his performance in "Blood on the Street" was poor, and because of the wave of pirated CDs from Bai Xiang, Akai got drunk in Tsim Tong and drank too much until his stomach bleeds.

In the big office, Zhao Donghuai was still sighing when he saw Li Jiaxin coming up and said, "Boss, isn't it too outrageous in Mumbai? Cinema managers, projectionists, etc., directly use the copies to make pirated VCD discs?"

"Then the theater chain is still making a lot of money? Li Zhiren is not allowed to send them to jail?"

Director Zhao took a sip of tea and said, "I guess Lao Li wants to do that, but I'm afraid it won't be easy to achieve."

The magical nature of Baixiang is well known. Currently, 30 comprehensive retail stores have opened there, and 15 more are under construction and renovation.

Lao Li and Liu spent two to three billion Hong Kong dollars.

From these we can also see how cheap it is to get land there, 45 pieces of land in Mumbai’s core business district plus subsequent building infrastructure.

He was quite curious as to when Lao Li was being slaughtered... The other party must have failed in his first attempt in the film industry.

That's why those employees can make him money.


In September, the 1992 summer season came to an end.

After one summer blockbuster after another, the Hong Kong film industry still has a series of blockbusters starring Lam Ching-ying, Jet Li and others to be released.

However, the first one to be released is September 4th. Directed by Wang Jing, Azhi and Eva Green play the role of the first sister, Feng Zai and Wang Ou play the younger brother and the younger sister, helping the smart, naughty and cute eldest sister to save love. My father robbed a bank to cure his illness (little ghost thief).

In this film (Alone), you can see the shadows of many genre films, such as the humorous style of (Home Alone), the spy genre that looks tall and shows off new era technology, and (Mission: Impossible). The adventurous and action-oriented style.

The original Nordic version (Rock Climbing Girl) was originally a blend of various commercial elements, trying to compete at the box office from the perspective of children. In the end, Europa became a big hit, and Hollywood couldn't wait to buy the copyright to adapt it.

It was only 1992. Under Zhao Donghuai’s outline, movies such as Mission: Impossible and The Spy Who had not yet been released. The plot showed various high-tech effects, relying on modern equipment to fly over walls, and playing computers to unlock black magic. Banking system etc...

It is enough to make many viewers' eyes light up. They feel that they are happy and interesting to watch, but also a little confused.

In three days on the 456th, (Little Ghost Thief) took in a box office of 7.12 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong, 7.3 million Hong Kong dollars in the province, 26 million yuan in the mainland, 12.9 million Hong Kong dollars in Stars and Thailand, 9.2 million Hong Kong dollars in South Korea, and 8.6 million Hong Kong dollars in the island country.

This is a three-day box office of HK$45.12 million excluding the mainland, especially during the period when the summer season has ended!

Even in Europe and the United States, the performance is not bad, with three-day sales of US$1.9 million in North America and US$2.8 million in Europe. Especially when announcing the release, it was emphasized that Eva Green is the new generation of French little rose.

Eva Green has really made a name for herself in Europe.

She is only 12 years old now, but her performance in the movie is already remarkable, enough to make many people shine.

For a time, starting from France, Zhao Donghuai's film and television group and the media did not need to make any more announcements. Various newspapers, magazines and media in France spontaneously rushed to report all the past of the new generation of French little roses.

Except for Feng Zai, who has a certain degree of popularity and popularity, the rest of the child stars are also getting angry.

Ah Zhi... Ah Zhi happily went to the Harry Potter set and started to visit the cast frequently, mainly to find her former good sister Bing Bing. In front of Bing Bing and Bing Bing's follower Gao Yuanyuan, she was very proud and invited them to eat, go shopping and watch movies.

In the first half of 1992, we experienced various impacts of technology and man-made disasters. Regardless of the older generation, the Mesozoic generation and the new generation, the child star generation is really about to rise one after another.

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