Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 383 No matter how you look at it, is this a desperate movie?

Under the steady bombardment of (Spider-Man 2) and (Jurassic Park 3), time is gradually entering the Spring Festival holiday in the Chinese world.

January 21st is already the 29th of the twelfth lunar month according to the lunar calendar, and tomorrow is New Year’s Eve.

In New York's Chinatown, Paul, a young rich man with type 1 diabetes, was arguing with an old Chinese man about something with an excited face. The more he talked, the more excited he became, and the more he talked, the more...

It wasn't until Paul left angrily that a certain young man walked up to the old man and said, "Dad, what's going on? What was that guy arguing about just now?"

The old Chinese man took off his reading glasses with a look of helplessness, "He said that I helped him with acupuncture to treat diabetes, but it was completely ineffective. I don’t even know what acupuncture methods my colleagues in Hong Kong use.”

"Paul said that he met a famous Chinese medicine doctor in Hong Kong last year. By combining Chinese medicine, acupuncture, dietary supplements, and exercise, his type 1 diabetes was improved in less than a month and he no longer needed to inject himself with insulin every day."

"But due to work reasons, he couldn't stay in Hong Kong Island. He couldn't fly the medicine when he came back from Hong Kong Island. When he came back, he came to me for treatment..."

"I am not good at treating diabetes, and I don't know what prescriptions, acupuncture methods and food supplement packages my colleagues over there use. I tried my best."

"When someone scolds me for not being good at medical skills, I have no choice but to admit it."


The young man was in a daze for a while, then tentatively said, "Paul, can't you ask about the prescriptions and acupuncture methods in Hong Kong? If it can be cured, you can spend a lot of money to buy it. Injecting yourself with insulin every day is quite painful."

The old man sighed, "This Paul is lucky. He met a master. Ten patients with the same diabetes went to the same doctor. The doctor gave him a treatment package of ten different treatments, and they were all effective... This is the Holy Hand of the True Apricot Grove. ah."

The young man took a long breath of air-conditioning. He also had a family tradition of medicine. He knew very well that the same doctor treated the same disease, but ten people had ten sets of treatments?

Even if those ten sets may be 80% similar, there are only 20% differences.

That is indeed a master of Xinglin Saint Hand level.

There are definitely universal prescriptions, but universal prescriptions are far less effective than a package that is specifically tailored to you.

While the two were talking, they were about to close the medical clinic when they heard another person walk in from the door, "Is the doctor here? Doctor, can you use acupuncture and Chinese medicine to treat diabetes here?"

"My name is Bob. I am a type 1 diabetic patient. I met a doctor on Hong Kong Island and helped me get rid of the dilemma of daily insulin injections. However, after I stopped taking the medicine for half a month, my condition worsened again..."

When the middle-aged man who called himself Bob walked towards the old man and asked expectantly, the old Chinese medicine man and the young man looked at each other.

Today is already the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. If Paul hadn't visited the house many times before and had tried more than half a course of treatment, there would be no need to open today.

After dozens of seconds of silence, the old man put on his reading glasses and said, "Sorry, I can't cure it."

Bob was anxious, "Why can't it be cured? It can be cured on Hong Kong Island. Not only did I get better myself, but I also witnessed hundreds of patients being cured and getting better..."

"I just don't have the money to stay on Hong Kong Island. I want to come back and work to make money."

The old Chinese doctor smiled bitterly, "Do you have a prescription? If there is a prescription, maybe I can try it."

Bob, "..."

Although he has been undergoing treatment on Hong Kong Island for more than a month, and he has been doing acupuncture, drinking Chinese medicinal decoctions, dietary supplements and exercise packages every day, it is too difficult for him to ask him to speak Chinese medicinal decoctions. He can’t speak Mandarin. Only speaks English.

Besides, things like prescriptions also involve patents and so on.

The old Chinese medicine doctor smiled bitterly again, "Sorry, I can't help you."

At this moment, several cars stopped outside the hospital, and a group of men and women wearing FDA and HHS uniforms rushed into the hospital...

The leader grabbed the ID, "I heard that there are people here who are practicing medicine illegally? And selling drugs that are not approved by the FDA?"

The old Chinese medicine doctor rolled his eyes and complained, "Sir, I have an acupuncturist's license and a Chinese medicine practitioner's license."

At present, Amei’s family does not have a traditional Chinese medicine license, but more than 40 states and regions recognize acupuncture therapy, and certified acupuncturists can practice as an alternative or complementary medicine to Western medicine.

The leader waved his hand, "Search!"

A pair of old Chinese medicine doctors, father and son, and Bob, the patient, just watched the FDA and HHS first verify the verification in the medical clinic, and then rummaged through the boxes...

When it comes to some Chinese herbal medicines, some are seized and some are let off. In Amei's house, some Chinese herbal medicines are approved by the FDA to be sold as food. Of course, there are more that are not allowed to be sold and used to treat diseases.

The old Chinese medicine doctor looked calm, but in his heart he felt extremely regretful. Well, even if these type 1 diabetic patients could buy universal treatment soup prescriptions from Hong Kong Island, he probably wouldn't be able to get them all.

What a disaster!

What made him even more speechless was that after the FDA and HHS seized and took away many Chinese herbal medicines, they gave him a big ticket before leaving! !

The old Chinese medicine doctor accepted the ticket speechlessly and said to Bob, "As you can see, it's not that I don't treat you, it's that I can't do anything. There are also joint fines from the FDA and HHS. Don't come here next time." .”

"I don't have much medicine left here."

Bob was stunned, "They are forcing us to use insulin? Counting you, it seems that more than ten companies have been closed down..."

The old Chinese medicine doctor's eyes widened, "What the hell? You already know that, and you've sealed down more than a dozen of them? Then you're here to harm me?"

Bob then said awkwardly, "I just heard from some fellow patients that they also went back to California, Texas, Chicago and other places to seek medical treatment, and some Chinese medicine clinics were closed down and fined... I didn't expect it to spread to New York so quickly. ”

The old Chinese medicine doctor stared at Bob again, speechless.

Bob was so angry that he yelled into the air outside, "FUCK, are those guys forcing us to die?"

Tens of seconds later, the old Chinese medicine doctor sighed, "You should read the Ron incident reported by the Texas (Dallas Morning News), maybe it can give you some inspiration."

Only then did Bob's eyes light up, "Yes, I'm sorry, we have implicated you in this matter, but don't worry, I will come back to you next time I have a chance..."

The middle-aged man looked messy.

Destroying me once is not enough? Next time, he will definitely not receive these type 1 diabetic patients. After all, he also knows how much money the astronomical price of insulin in Amei's family can make Eli Lilly and other multinational pharmaceutical giants.

The person behind the push to close down medical clinics, and the fact that it can happen in many states of A-Mei’s family, must be Lilly’s public relations push.

Let alone 1993 now, even in 2022, Eli Lilly will still generate sales of US$78 billion in the diabetes market a year!

Diabetics are their gold mine!


New Year's Eve arrived as scheduled.

Zhao Donghuai spent a very reunited and New Year's Eve at the Dakeng Village villa. As soon as the New Year's Eve came, he watched a Yonggao movie in the luxurious screening room of his home, a New Year's film produced by Huang Baiming (Hua Tian). happy event).

The original version (Happiness in the Flower Fields) was released around this time, and won the box office championship in Hong Kong during the 1993 Lunar New Year season, with a box office of HK$35 million in the city. The male protagonists of this version were still Zhang Guorong and Xu Guanjie, but the female protagonist was replaced by Liu Xiaoli as Bai Xue Fairy.

It will also be released at 0:00 on the first day of the Lunar New Year in theaters in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Star, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, and Taiwan.

On the big screen, Liu Xiaoli, who showed off all kinds of modern fashions and good figure (Mermaid), turned into a beautiful woman in ancient costumes, and she is still worthy of her title as the most beautiful woman in Hubei Province.

Looking at the lively New Year's comedy, Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but complain, "You said that if An Feng grows up and enters the entertainment industry in the future, if his acting skills are not up to standard, will he be criticized for being hard to praise? Are you the second generation star who is up?"

Zhao Donghuai is not sure whether An Feng in this dimension will ever join the industry and become a star. After all, Liu Xiaoli's wealth is constantly growing at this stage. Even if An Feng does not become a star in the future and becomes a simple second-generation rich man, enough.

But if she joins the industry and fans compare her acting skills with her mother... maybe she will be criticized miserably? ?

Li Jiaxin snorted and said with a smile, "That little girl is already six years old. Sometimes she can be a guest star. As long as she doesn't grow crooked, she won't have much chance of becoming an actress. At least she won't be able to escape the title of the most beautiful second-generation star. ah."

"Many times, for the audience, isn't it just about good looks?"

Guan Jiahui also joined in and said, "Yes, yes, I want to ask An Feng to endorse a wave of advertisements for my toy factory. Water Margin has been popular a few times, and Liang Shanbo's 108 heroes' ceramic dolls and clay dolls are on sale in sets. It is very needed. A few bright child stars will come to promote it.”

This version of Water Margin cannot promote the new sub-brand image of the Oriental and Five Thousand Years series of female luxury goods, but the belts, ties, wallets, etc. of the hero model are still very popular. Li Xuejian's Song Jiang model cannot be sold... …

But Wu Song, Lu Zhishen, etc. are still very popular.

Wanjia Instant Noodles no longer promotes collection cards. Instead, Guan Jiahui's toy and doll factory has launched a wave of money-making efforts.

Whether it's expensive or not is one thing, but whether you should buy it or not is another.

At this moment, Azhen walked in from outside the screening room and complained with a smile, "Boss, there was a New Year's call from Murdoch earlier. In addition to New Year's greetings, he also said one thing. Eli Lilly and other giants Pushing the FDA and HHS to launch various large-scale searches and seal up traditional Chinese medicine materials..."

"There are also all kinds of sky-high fines. Amei's traditional Chinese medicine clinic has suffered heavy losses. It is estimated that after the Spring Festival, there will be a wave of type 1 diabetes patients from North America coming to Hong Kong to seek medical treatment."

"Will they take action against Dr. Gu?"

Azhen was still talking when the mobile phone in her hand rang again. After he got through and chatted for a while, she hung up the phone and explained, "It was Chris, that ghost guy. He said that a senior executive from Eli Lilly contacted him. Let him convey Lilly’s goodwill.”

"Well, Lilly won't do anything to Mr. Gu. He is an old Chinese medicine doctor who faces hundreds of millions of diabetic patients around the world. He can't cure many people even if he is exhausted. Lilly doesn't want you, boss, to have any misunderstandings."

There is nothing wrong with it. When the Chinese decoction formula for treating high blood pressure came out, it was a universal decoction that could be used by any doctor and it would be effective for most patients.

This aroused the strong attention of pharmaceutical giants such as Pfizer, Novartis, and Bayer. They started various business wars with Zhao Donghuai, and even kidnapped Winona Ryder. Then Mr. Bill, a senior executive of Pfizer, was deeply hurt.

Type 1 diabetes now? Not only do we need Chinese decoction, but we also need acupuncture by Mr. Gu, the sage of the apricot forest. His apprentice’s help in acupuncture is not very effective...

With a complete set of things, how many people can Mr. Gu treat by himself? He is also an old man. Even if he is well maintained, healthy, and has very nimble hands and feet, he is still just a person!

Pfizer can't even afford a business war with Zhao Donghuai's group, and Eli Lilly certainly can't afford to cause too much trouble at this stage. How about saying hello in advance to avoid starting a real business war? ?

Zhao Donghuai was speechless and said, "Forget it, that's not a big deal."

This is nothing more than the Dallas Buyers Club and the New York Buyers Club breaking out together in reality. "By the way, Mo doesn't want to mess with the FDA. You call Warner tomorrow to see if Warner is interested in co-producing this movie with us?"

In the earliest days, (Super Body) (Hurricane Rescue) and (Lonely Flying Tiger) were all sold to Warner theaters for a few million dollars. His cooperation with Warner was much earlier than that of Lao Mo.

Lao Mo didn't dare to mess with Eli Lilly, the FDA, etc. The main reason was that Lao Mo was an outsider in the North American media industry and didn't dare to jump too high. Warner was a real powerhouse.

Azhen nodded, "I took note of it."


Spring Festival, the second day of the Lunar New Year, the fifth day of the Lunar New Year...

Within a few days, there was an extra movie in theaters during the New Year holiday (Hua Tian Xi Shi), which simply gave the audience more choices, and the family comedy of Hua Tian Xi Shi also made the Chinese New Year more joyful.

What Zhao Donghuai didn't expect was that he would meet the duo of Liu Weiqiang and Wen Jun in the ATV headquarters office just after they had negotiated with Warner about co-production (New York Buyers Club).

Looking at what the other party submitted (Young and Dangerous people are in Jianghu), Director Zhao was almost moved to his waist. Young and Dangerous? ? Chen Haonan of Jincheng Wu, Chen Xiaochun of Pheasant, Wu Jingdatian Er? ?

Xie Tianhua’s nest leather, Lin Xiaofeng’s leather bag?

The rest of the cast is pretty much the same, with the same lineup as the original, with Li Zi as Xiao Ba, Wu Zhenyu as Liang Kun, and Simon Yam as Jiang Tiansheng.

"Okay, let's put the movie here. I'll take a look at it later. Although the schedule is a bit stressful, it's not too stressful. Just give 10% or 15% of the film schedule. If the quality of the movie is enough, it will still explode."

The Young and Dangerous series is really famous, and I don’t know how many people it has influenced. Original Track Zheng Yi Jian also relied on this series to soar to the sky, and was once known as the Fifth Heavenly King.

He didn't expect that just after the Chinese New Year in 1993, he would see Young and Dangerous during the Lunar New Year sequence.

Liu Weiqiang bowed excitedly, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao. Director Wang is not optimistic about this low-budget bad film. He mainly supports me to train as a director."

"As long as the total investment of HK$3 million can be recovered, it will be fine."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

After he watched the two of them leave, he took the finished film to the screening room. After watching a movie of more than 90 minutes? ? Zhao Donghuai's emotions were very complicated.

It’s the original version of Young and Dangerous. It’s nothing more than a sublimation of the way of transformation and several sublimation of martial arts movements...

Except for the opening scene where the young boy Chen Haonan is playing football in the stadium and being educated by Liangkun, Anan wants to be like the original version with Big B. When 1991 comes, Jin Chengwu shines on the streets with Chen Xiaochun, Wu Jing, Xie Tianhua and others.

The new-age young and Dangerous guys who are already well-known for their black suits, black leather shoes, and ties look a lot more classy in their uniforms. Chen Haonan and Da Tian Er also relied on their ability to fight and rose to the top under Big B.

In a scene of assassinating Baguan, in a large top luxury bathing center, Anan and Wu Jing beat down more than 20 Baguan boys with their bare hands, including those armed with weapons. The two easily killed Baguan.

Action fighting... You can refer to Wu Jing's original version of (Sha Po Lang) (The True Colors of a Man), which is not up to the level of Sha Po Lang, but very close.

Liangkun's famous "I'm very angry" scene is still happening, but the unknown female costar in the original version is replaced by Zhi Jingwen, who starred in "Chasing the Dragon".

Then there are various nightclub shows, singing, etc., all of which are the most luxurious nightclubs in Wan Chai and East Tsim Sha Tsui. They are many levels higher than the original ones.

Then when the conference was held in Hongxing, there was a show of luxury cars and sports cars. Simon Yam and Chiang Tsang-sheng took everyone to the top floor of the Central skyscraper and the rooftop garden to talk about things like playing golf. Full of top tycoon atmosphere, Da Fei here is General Wu Yi...

Even in the movie, when Liang Kun opens his own film and television company, it no longer looks like an empty shell of a leather company. It looks like a big garden villa with its own big swimming pool. There are dozens of boys in suits standing outside with headsets. A sense of elitism.

While walking by the swimming pool, he tricked Anan into looking for a new job. He dipped his hands in red wine and wrote the traditional Chinese interpretation of the word "loyalty" on the ground. After Anan refused, he saw Li Zi being brought into the villa for an audition, and he was the hero who saved the beauty.

What to say about the whole movie? Just look at the service roads, luxury cars, all kinds of top-notch luxury goods, and the scenery of big places and villas. Let alone 3 million Hong Kong dollars, I feel that even 30 million Hong Kong dollars may not be affordable.

This is nothing more than big brothers such as Xinji and Hutchison who basically come to shore, friendly sponsorship, free support for scenes, companies, etc. Does it need extra performances? Which district talker doesn't have hundreds of boys in suits?

Don’t have dozens of luxury cars?

Even when Chen Haonan took his brothers to work in Haojiang and was ambushed, it was only Anan and Ajing who killed dozens of people and had to escape after being shot by the villain gunmen.

In addition to various version upgrades? ? The core selling point of the story remains the same as the original trajectory.

After watching, Zhao Donghuai walked out of the screening room and said to Azhen, "Young and Dangerous will be released on February 4th. The starting 20% ​​of the film schedule will be trial. Mainland China does not need to apply. It will only be trialled in Hong Kong Haowan, Island Korea and Star, Malaysia and Thailand." try."

"Malaysia may want to modify the ending of the version and let Chen Haonan be an undercover. You call 100 Years Pictures and ask them to modify the ending."

Azhen was surprised, "It's only six days delayed from (Wanted 3)? Well, a low-budget 3 million bad movie is not worth the good schedule and filming rate."

February 4th is the 13th day of the first lunar month. Not to mention that it is not far behind the schedule of (Wanted 3), it is only 12 days behind the schedule of (Fantasy), and (Jurassic Park 3) was only released for 20 days.

No matter how you look at it, this is a death-defying movie during the Lunar New Year blockbuster period.


February is here in a blink of an eye. At this point in time, (Spider-Man 2), which has been released for more than a month, has already grossed more than 700 million U.S. dollars at the global box office, and (Jurassic Park 3) followed closely with more than 600 million U.S. dollars. Beautiful sword record.

However, such blockbusters can still provide more box office if they are extended their release schedule in major theaters.

(Wanted 3), it has to be said that it was as predicted. It was a big hit when it opened in East and Southeast Asia. However, the box office in North America in the first three days was only 15 million U.S. dollars, and in Europe it was more than 11 million U.S. dollars. Even if Liu Dehua continued to tour, he would not be able to pull it off. The box office is getting high.

The trend is that Europe, Canada and the United States can eventually break through 100 million US dollars.

What really surprised and shocked insiders in the film industry was that "Young and Dangerous" was produced with a "low cost" of 3 million and was released on February 4th...

With 20% of the film schedule, the box office in Hong Kong Island was 2.7 million on the first day, 2.8 million on the next day, 3 million on the weekend, and 8.5 million Hong Kong dollars in the three days of the first weekend!

Hong Kong Island like this?

With the addition of stars from Benzhou, Malaysia, Thailand and South Korea, the total box office in the first three days was HK$77 million! Among them, the island country's market, which was originally experiencing a double collapse of finance and real estate and was wailing everywhere, contributed 25 million Hong Kong dollars in three days.

Kim Sung-oh's Chen Haonan suddenly hit the film industry like a tornado!

One Hundred Years Pictures.

Wang Jing stared at the total box office data of various places and read it more than a dozen times before he couldn't help but exclaim, "What the hell? This kind of street fighting movie for Ah Qiang to practice, sold 85 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office in the first weekend? Isn't that outrageous? Talking about science?”

The total investment is only 3 million, which is too unscientific!

Isn't it just that the bad guy from the bottom rose up and became the leader of Wan Chai... No, the movie is about Causeway Bay, but the nature is the same.

Jin Chengwu and Wu Jing are better. One participated in the second season of The Voice Asia and has accumulated a certain degree of popularity. A Jing's wonderful performance in (Mermaid) also made many fans laugh.

What happens to the remaining Chen Xiaochun, Xie Tianhua, Lin Xiaofeng, etc.? A few dancers were brought in to join in the fun.

Ah Jing and Ah Wu were only paid 20,000 Hong Kong dollars for their movies... Chen Xiaochun and others were even less. Even though Chen Xiaochun also participated in The Voice of Asia and occasionally guest-starred in the concerts of Tan Yonglin and others, it was still the same.

Wang Jing is not even shocked that (Hot Blood University) can sell such results. Hot Blood has a comic background, which is also one of the best-selling comics in the island country.

What about Young and Dangerous comics? With a sales record of more than 10,000 copies, it is definitely a hit comic.

The next moment, Wang Jing made a phone call. He wanted to call Aqiang and Wenjun to ask them why they watched the martial arts training movie "How to Fight on the Street" and why it exploded?

This unscientific!

Or can it explode under the impact of various blockbusters? Why? Jianghu loyalty? Bullshit, ask Baguan and the others how much their loyalty on the road is worth?

Although he was puzzled, Wang Jing called again and was ready to send red envelopes to the creative team. Lao Wang was already one of the big investors and would not regret such a small amount of money, especially when he knew that Jin Chengwu and Wu Jing When they are all poor people.

Not only will their salary increase for the next film, from the original 20,000 to 200,000, but there will also be no shortage of red envelopes afterwards. The big red envelope will be a million Hong Kong dollars.

This trend is so exciting. It is estimated that when "Hot Blood" is released, the box office in the island country will be worth looking forward to.


Shek Kip Mei Garden Phase 3.

When Jin Chengwu went out wearing a mask and hat and planned to exercise for a while before eating, he saw a group of teenagers running over excitedly just as he walked out the door.

"Brother Nan, we want to follow you!"

"Yes, Brother Haonan, accept us, right? Just like you asked Brother Big B to accept you in the movie!"

"Brother Nan, let's fight against Causeway Bay with you!"


Ah Wu's expression almost cracked, what the hell? After being stunned for dozens of seconds, Jin Chengwu pulled down his mask and said, "No, I'm wearing something like this, how can you still recognize me?"

A group of teenagers became even more excited, "Brother Nan, take us to Causeway Bay."

Ah Wu took a few steps back, followed closely by a dozen teenagers.

Awu then complained, "Okay, stop, you want to mess with me? You buy a good suit first and then you want to mess with me."

"You don't have a few thousand dollars, and you have a nice outfit. How dare you say that you are just here to fool around?"

A group of teenagers were immediately silenced.

When Jin Chengwu was speechless and about to leave, a certain boy gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Nan, I'm messing with you and you don't even show your hair? You have no loyalty."

Ah Wu almost burst into tears again, "Are you the eldest brother or am I the eldest brother? How can I let the eldest brother pay the bill when I go out to hang out?"

More than a dozen people, each spending thousands of dollars on clothes? ? (Mermaid) was such a hit at the box office that he couldn’t even hold on to the red envelopes he received afterwards.

He only played a policeman in the "Mermaid" crew, and his appearances and contributions were far less than Wu Jing's Mr. Liao. A Jing received a red envelope of 100,000 Hong Kong dollars after the incident, while A Wu only received 30,000.

Counting the RMB 30,000 salary for the two movies "Hot Blood" and "Young and Dangerous", how much money does he have? When I was in Wan Province, I was tricked into joining the entertainment industry by my manager. It was because the other party said that I could make money by joining the industry and becoming a star.

It will make it easier for him to buy a motorcycle!

What now? He was deceived by Wang Jiawei into boxing for two years, and he taught himself acting for two years, including having an acting teacher give him individual guidance. His salary and red envelopes could only barely cover his own food and accommodation.

After Ah Wu left with his heart full of complaints, he ran only a hundred or two hundred meters when he was blocked by the crowd again, "Brother Nan!"

"Brother Nan, hello, Anan, when will you capture Wan Chai?"

"Anan, remember to treat us when you conquer Wan Chai. We are all old neighbors..."


When enthusiastic citizens gathered around him and started teasing him, Jin Chengwu responded with emotion. He was convinced that he was really popular.

Maybe it won't be long before he receives a big red envelope from 100 Years Pictures and has enough money to buy a motorcycle.


(Young and Dangerous) can earn more than 80 million Hong Kong dollars in the first weekend box office in East and Southeast Asia with 20% of the film schedule. The next week, the box office of Hong Kong star Ma Tai and the South Korean island country exceeded 100 million, 123 million, which means the total box office exceeded 200 million.

In the second week, the island country contributed more than 40 million Hong Kong dollars, which is extremely important to boost the total box office. After all, the male lead Kim Sung-oh is of island nationality. Even though he is of mixed race from the island country, for the island country market and movie fans, It also belongs to one's own people.

For the entire film industry, this was also a surprise at the beginning of 1993 and a major impact.

Chen Haonan, played by Jin Chengwu, was in the limelight for a while. Wu Jing was second only to Nan Ge. Although Wu Jing has a baby face and good looks, he can really fight in the movie.

Audiences with eyes can tell that Da Tian Er, played by Wu Jing, is much better at fighting than Chen Haonan. He just grew up following Brother Nan and became a supporting role in the core circle.

There's nothing we can do about it, it's not that Liu Weiqiang took a partial photo of Wu Jingfei and wanted to add scenes to him... but some designed fighting actions, Wu Jing could easily achieve them, but Jin Chengwu couldn't do them, or they were too difficult to do.

And with a small crew and a small cost, how can there be so many opportunities for you to try and make mistakes and slowly accumulate shots? The design is out, but if you can’t make it, change it to A Jing.

This is the template for making fast movies and fast shooter style.

In the new year, a group of newcomers or veteran supporting actors in the film and television industry, a movie that was completed in more than two weeks, has created such brilliant results under the influence of blockbusters such as (Jurassic), (Wanted), and (Flower Field), regardless of whether it is scientific or not. .

The stock price of 100 Years Pictures Co., Ltd. has surged.


February 12th.

One Hundred Years Pictures, Zhou Xingxing's office, Ah Xing was drinking coffee and staring at the opposite side... Opposite was Wang Jiawei. Wang Jiawei looked embarrassed and said, "Master Xing, give me a few more months, and I will definitely write the script."

"Really, it's only a few months away from perfect realization."

Zhou Xing angrily grabbed a paper ball on his desk and smashed it, "Push on the street, on January 8, 1991, you came to talk to me (a great master). This is so damn old! It was February 12, 1993." Got it!"

"You have the nerve to tell me that the script isn't finished yet??"

"Jin Chengwu and Wu Jing have become new big stars. Are you sorry??"

Lao Wang sat down with a smile and took out a few stacks of paper from his briefcase, "Actually, the line between Gong Er and the Gong family has been improved by 90% in the past two years. Master Xing, can you take a look?"

"Mainly about your role as Ip Man, I'm a little... not sure about it."

At this point, Lao Wang continued to smile brightly, "Hey, Ah Wu and Ah Jing have become big stars. It's a good thing. It's worth my mentioning them back then. If they hadn't had the time to study and accumulate a solid foundation, and given them the Young and Dangerous script, they would have I can’t grasp it.”

"am I right?"

Zhou Xingxing rolled his eyes wildly, this point... If Ah Wu hadn't practiced boxing for more than 20 months, would he be able to fight so well? If Wu Jing hadn't taught himself acting, even if he was good at acting, would he be able to perform literary operas? ?

When he sat down, he carefully read the script about Gong Er's line. He read it in one breath, closed his eyes and thought for a while, and then said with emotion, "Okay, this line is very full. If the actors can play it well, it will be perfect." It is truly a famous masterpiece.”

"Can Zhou Xun act well??"

Wang Jiawei touched his sunglasses and said, "Let's give it a try. Anyway, she has been working hard for two years. If she can act well, she can act. If she can't, please ask Sister Feng? Li Saifeng can definitely act, and her skills are not bad."

Zhou Xingxing glanced at Wang Jiawei and then thought, "Awu has been practicing Bajiquan for more than 20 months. His role???"

Looking at the entire script, even the Baji Grandmaster who was originally given to Jin Chengwu also appeared...it seems like a supporting role? ? I am already Brother Haonan, can I be as deceptive as you?

Wang Jiawei grinned and said, "It's okay, hasn't he already become Chen Haonan in Causeway Bay? Wouldn't it be good to continue filming the second and third parts??"

"Young and Dangerous 1 has made so much money, Director Wang will definitely not mind filming a follow-up sequel. In addition to Chen Haonan, it will also make money to film other Hong Xing's talkative roles."

"Who can have trouble with money?"

Zhou Xingxing was speechless. He thought what Lao Wang said was so beautiful and pleasant...

After putting down the script and thinking for a moment, Ah Xing suddenly said, "Ah Wu has been practicing boxing for so long. If you tell him that he is just a supporting role in the script, will he hit you??"

"Young people are very angry and don't play tricks like that."

Lao Wang coughed heavily and said, "You have to be reasonable as a human being. We are all civilized people, so we can't do that, right? A gentleman should talk but never use his hands."

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