Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 384 Anan, congratulations on solving a major case

Zhou Xingxing was still discussing with Wang Jiawei. After practicing boxing for two years, Ah Wu found out that (the first generation grandmaster) did not have the weight to him, and whether he would hit people.

Under the 100 Years Pictures Building, Wu Jingjiu, Jin Chengwu, Chen Xiaochun, Xie Tianhua and others got out of different cars one after another and greeted each other with a smile.

"Brother Nan, Brother Nan, you are really popular recently. You have gone from being unknown to being a big brother to countless people in just two weeks."

"Pheasant, you're not bad either, but let's not talk about the opportunity and be civilized between you and me!"

"You also came here after being paged by Director Liu? Are we Young and Dangerous going to make a sequel?"


The few people chatted with each other and quickly became familiar with each other. They only spent more than two weeks filming the performance on the set. After filming the project, everyone from the director to the screenwriter felt that it was a low-cost production and a movie that Liu Weiqiang had practiced. , not worthy of attention...

Not much was done to promote the movie, just a few posters and trailers, and interviews were not included in any ATV programs to promote the movie.

So after filming Young and Dangerous a year ago, everyone from Kim Sung-wu to Wu Jing to Chen Xiaochun, Xie Tianhua, Lin Xiaofeng, etc. didn't have many gatherings... everyone was busy celebrating the New Year.

Now being summoned by the director to come to 100 Years Pictures? A sequel is coming?

The mood of a group of people was super happy and exciting. Before Young and Dangerous broke out at the box office and before the project was taken seriously, even though many people thought it was a low-budget bad film, for a few of them, it was an official performance opportunity. What a rare film experience for the protagonist and the supporting cast.

After chatting enthusiastically for a while, when the crowd walked into the building, Wu Jingcai scratched his head and said, "I am the third male lead. Director Wang also gave me a red envelope of one million Hong Kong dollars. It seems that I have really made a fortune. How much did you take, Wu?" , Xiaochun, how much did you take?"

Before Jin Chengwu responded, Chen Xiaochun exploded, "What the hell, you want one million? I only have three hundred thousand, Ajing, you want to treat me."

Xie Tianhua was even more envious, "Not only did you get more red envelopes than me, but my character also died. I shouldn't have anything to do with the sequel, right? You have to treat me."

Chao Pi, played by Xie Tianhua, was involved in Brother Haonan's battle in which Haojiang was attacked and ambushed.

In this version, both Wu Jing and A Wu are super good at fighting, and their movements are beautiful and gorgeous. They can't stand up to the Haojiang club and they don't have martial ethics to fight with black guns.

In this dimension, Xie Tianhua has not formed a group with Chen Xiaochun, but he is also a senior dancer. He often dances with big stars in their concerts. He and Achun were a professional before they participated in The Voice of Asia.

I was selected into the Young and Dangerous project by accident.

It really depends on your luck to often perform with big stars, be considered familiar, and occasionally get a good project to help you.

Wu Jing laughed, "It's okay. The same face appears two or three times in a series of movies with different identities. It's a very common operation. Ah Hua, you definitely still have a chance."

"I'm curious about how the second part will be shot. In the first part, Achun's character ran away and turned around and became the big brother when he came back, helping Chen Haonan kill Liang Kun. I feel that in the second part, Achun must be explained. How come you are rising in Ben Province?"

Chen Xiaochun was overjoyed, "If you say that, I would be so happy."

A group of people were chatting and laughing. When they got into the elevator and reached the floor that Liu Weiqiang had made an appointment with them on the phone or BB, they saw Aqiang chatting with Wen Juan in the corridor.

When Director Liu saw this group of people, he was also in high spirits, with a look of excitement on his face, "Are you all here? Just come. Wen Juan and I have almost completed the settings for the second part of the script."

"Today we will read over the script and make a rough shooting plan. When we are almost done, we will start filming."

Jin Chengwu and others nodded excitedly.

Wu Jing even nodded and said, "Director Liu, will our movies teach bad things to children? Although there were many gangster and police movies in the past, but how can I put it, if they were not so popular, the guidance would not be so strong. "

"Our (Young and Dangerous) series is so popular that when I go out on the street, there are so many little kids calling me "Second Brother" and trying to mess with me. It makes me numb..."

He plays the role of Da Tian Er, and he fights more than Kim Sung Oh in the movie.

It can be said that Chen Haonan became the eldest brother, and half of his success was achieved with the help of his big brother. He has a lovable personality and is naturally popular with the audience.

Jin Chengwu also nodded with emotion, "Yes, me too. There are too many brats who want to hang out with me when I go out."

Liu Weiqiang then took it seriously and said, "This issue deserves serious consideration, but it's not a big deal. As long as your endings are written more miserable than the other, it should be able to have a certain persuasive effect."

Ah Qiang is also quite confused about this issue. He is just making a gangster gangster movie. Even if we don’t talk about Zhao Donghuai’s (New World) trilogy, there are also Jianghu Love Part Two, Lei Luo, Lai Hao, etc., and the Four Detectives. There are also long ones.

When it comes to describing modern societies, there is also "Underworld", not to mention Andy Lau's "Heavenly Love" (Carmen in Mong Kok), etc., and Zhou Runfa's "A Better Tomorrow" series.

I have never seen a movie before that attracted viewers who wanted to join Ah Fa, Ah Hua, and Wan Ziliang in joining the club. At most, the personal endorsements were very popular.

Wen Juan also chimed in, "Maybe it's because our movies are so popular and well-known that they attract the kids to imitate and follow suit. It seems like you, the big brothers, will have to die one after another in the movies."

Wu Jingze scratched his head and said, "How he died is not a big question. What I am curious about is that the version sent to Malaysia, Chen Haonan, was an undercover police officer. So how can we film the second part?"

Wen Juan smiled and touched his mustache, "It's easy to say that Jiang Tiansheng, the leader of Hongxing, has not died yet. Of course Anan will continue to be an undercover agent. Even if Jiang Tiansheng is written to death, isn't there still Jiang Tianyang? There are characters in comics. "

Wu Jing's eyes lit up, "I think if we want to eliminate the negative impact of the movie, after the movie is released in theaters, when we make VCD discs, we can also make a 30-40% version of Brother Nan as an undercover, and distribute it to the mainland. The video tape market is much easier to deal with.”

Liu Weiqiang looked at A Jing in surprise, thoughtfully.

Is this really a good idea? ? Anyway, the movie has not been released in the Mainland. After the video tapes are introduced into the Mainland, will we directly make a half-undercover version? ?

In "Nothing, You Haven't Seen You" (New World 1), Li Zicheng, played by Chow Yun-fat, is an undercover police officer who becomes the chairman of the New World Group. In the second film, Liu Jianming, an undercover society agent played by Chow Yun-fat, becomes a gangster in the police force. manage!

So what if Chen Haonan went undercover and became the leader of Causeway Bay? It would be fine even if he lay down and became a Hongxing dragon head.

The next moment, Aqiang smiled and clapped his hands, "Okay, let's talk about other things later. Today's focus is on the sequel. Today is February 12th. We will try to finish filming and release it in early March."

Wu Jing, "..."

Jin Chengwu, "..."

Chen Xiaochun, "..."

Wang Jing's fast-shooting style is well known throughout Hong Kong, but you, Director Liu, aren't going to compete with Director Wang for this title, are you? The first part was shot in more than two weeks and it was already very fast. How can the second part be so fast?


February 13th.

In the ATV headquarters office, Warner's green-haired Ross was introduced to the door and greeted him with flattering words. After the courtesy period, Ross couldn't help but sigh, "Sheng Zhao, this is crazy."

"I always thought that capital had a bottom line, but I didn't expect that their bottom line is getting worse every time!"

"Did you know? Since the wave of blockades of Chinese herbal medicines a few years ago, the price of insulin here has increased. In a short period of time, a 10 ml bottle of insulin specifically for patients with type 1 diabetes has increased from more than 20 US dollars. The knife has gone up to over $50.”

“Even test strips that cost less than a dime cost more than 30 US dollars per box.”

"This is so mean."

“I feel that smuggling insulin from other countries will become a business in the future.”

Ross came here this time to talk about the co-production (New York Buyers Club) between Warner and Zhao Pictures. After all, everyone has only set the tone for this movie.

The specific scripts are still being written.

Ross also didn’t expect that the insulin battlefield would change so quickly after just one Chinese New Year.

Zhao Donghuai said in astonishment, "This is really a bit outrageous..."

Is it outrageous? Of course it’s not outrageous, it’s fundamental. The original trajectory was from 2001 to 2016. In more than ten years, a bottle of 10 ml insulin for type 1 patients increased from US$35 to US$275.

You must know that insulin was discovered by a medical scientist in Massachusetts in 1923, and the insulin patent was sold to a university for one dollar.

A hundred years later, in order to maintain and further dig into the gold mine, Eli Lilly and others did not hesitate.

That is still protected by law, because North America passed a bill under the lobbying of the pharmaceutical giants' money game. As long as the drug formula is changed, even if it is a little different, you do not need to prove that it will be more effective. The patent term can be extended.

Then after a few years, I changed the color of the cap of the insulin bottle, and next time I changed the packaging of the bottle, such as a paper box into a plastic box... The patent period was extended, and it will continue to be extended.

Following Zhao Donghuai's words, Ross blinked, "Zhao Sheng, how should we shoot our movie? How should we set the tone of the script?"

"As far as I know, Mr. Gu from Baicaotang is the only one who has therapeutic effects. A single individual cannot cure a huge patient group with a universal prescription. Is that what it looks like?"

"He is so exhausted that he can't treat many patients. On the contrary, Eli Lilly and others suddenly raised their prices like this. Faced with China's low insulin prices, it is very conflicting and dramatic??"

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and said to Azhen, "Could you call and ask about the price of 10 ml insulin in the mainland?"

A-Zhen worked quickly, and after the conversation was over and she put down the phone, she exclaimed, "It's outrageous. 10 ml of insulin in the Mainland only costs two or three yuan, or six or seven yuan, which is the price of a few movie tickets."

"No, Ross, you said before that the price was more than 20 US dollars a piece before the price increase??"

Azhen's eyes widened, with a shock she had never seen in a long time. Before the price increase, it was 195 Hong Kong dollars at 25 US dollars. Now it has increased to more than 50 US dollars, which is equivalent to more than 400 Hong Kong dollars for a 10ml insulin? ?

The cheaper ones in the Mainland are two or three yuan each? ? The expensive ones are only six or seven yuan.

Ross nodded, "Generally, a 10 ml bottle of insulin contains 400 units. When the patient takes the medicine, the daily injection is calculated based on weight multiplied by 0.4 or 0.5."

"Assuming that a 60-kg patient times 0.5 equals 30 units per day, 10 ml of 400 units of insulin will take more than ten days and consume two or three pills per month."

"We use more test strips to measure blood sugar."

Qiu Shuzhen thought for a while, "Three tubes a month only cost more than 150 US dollars? Including dozens of test strips, it costs more than 200 US dollars. It is still a soft knife to cut flesh. Wouldn't it be cheaper if you have medical insurance?"

Ross smiled bitterly, "Many times when patients go to buy medicines with their medical insurance, many pharmacies will tell them that these are over-the-counter drugs and cannot be covered by medical insurance because the color of the bottle may have changed."

"Sheng Zhao, the script? Do you want to change it because of the changes in reality? I heard that the three giants also sponsored several food programs to promote the temptation of various delicacies and sweets to the people."

"I have also consulted a doctor. Diabetes is not caused by eating too much sugar. However, eating too much sugar will lead to a sugar metabolic load in the body and increase the risk and probability of developing diabetes. Moreover, patients with diabetes themselves should eat more sugar. or other sweets may aggravate the condition.”

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Ashin was shocked and said, "What kind of messy monsters is this??"

Just when Ross was about to say something, his phone rang. When he apologized and answered the phone, he was numb with shock, "Wang De Fa Ke? The insulin required for patients with type 1 diabetes has increased again? The 10 ml 400 unit type exceeded 60 Is it a beautiful knife?"

He shouted several times in shock. When Ross hung up the phone, he said in confusion, "Is it because they are afraid that Baicaotang will develop a universal Chinese decoction sooner or later, just like smashing the cake of high blood pressure medicine?" He went crazy before his death. A handful??”

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, but he still sighed, "In such a magical era, it seems that the script needs to be changed."

The lower limit of capital? ?

It really makes people feel that there are no limits and no bottom line again and again.

Perhaps this is indeed the butterfly effect he brought about, but the original trajectory from 2001 to 2016 soared from $35 to $275 in fifteen years, and then in 2018 and 2020, the price exceeded $300. That has no influence from Zhao Donghuai! !

Otherwise, how could there be groups of patients smuggling into Canada and Mexico to buy medicine?

At this moment, the serious secretary reported that Mai Xuexiong had arrived. When Zhao Donghuai signaled for Lao Mai to come in, Mai Xuexiong came in and said excitedly, "Sheng Zhao, I heard that the company is going to co-produce with Hollywood a documentary about a battle of wits and courage with a pharmaceutical giant. piece?"

“I’m currently free from schedule, can you recommend yourself to be a director??”

Mak Hung-hsiung... He is a great director who loves biography and documentary style. After hearing about a certain trend, he was super interested.

He also knows that at this stage, Zhao Donghuai basically does not direct himself, and large projects are left to him and Xu Ke, Wang Jing, Huang Jianxin and others. There are also multiple choices.

He couldn't wait to recommend himself.

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Ross walked towards Old Mai happily, "Director Mai, there is no need to question your ability. If you come to shoot (New York Buyers Club), it will definitely be a big hit. However, many changes have taken place in reality, so our project script must also adapt to the reality." .”

Mai Xunxiong was stunned, "What changes in reality??"

Ross explained again, Mai Xunxiong, "!!!"

While listening to the explanation, Mai Xuexiong cast an inquiring look for confirmation. His eyes were filled with question marks and exclamation marks, as well as an expression of disbelief that these were real. It was so expressive.

Wang Defa Ke?

Isn't this even more exaggerated than the black gold era in Wansheng?

By the end, Mak Yun-hsiung was so frightened that he almost vomited blood, "400 units of 10 ml costs US$60, which is close to HK$500. The cheapest one in the mainland is only two or three yuan? Is the price difference of more than 200 times okay??"

"Is this really the price for people with type 1 diabetes? Not other cheaper types of insulin?"

Qiu Shuzhen explained with emotion, "It's really not true, but the income in remote and impoverished areas is low. A person may only earn a few dozen yuan a month, so they can only control the price at a low price. In big cities like Jingshangyang, the basic salary can reach the third level." In the era of four hundred, four to five hundred yuan, it’s only seven or eight yuan a piece.”

Mai Xunxiong sighed again, "More than 200 times huge profits? This is too..."

Ross laughed loudly, "You still want to make money by smuggling? Then the Customs, FDA, HHS and other groups have raided you, and how can you sell it to patients? You can't just say it's insulin that saves their lives and they will believe it. Bar?"

Mai Xunxiong's eyes lit up, "Actually, it's not impossible for the protagonist to engage in smuggling, right? Ron's Dallas Buyers Club in Texas also has smuggling, right?"

Zhao Donghuai then said, "Since the script hasn't been oriented yet, you guys can talk more about how to write the script. Maybe we will have a conclusion soon and we can start filming then."

The tone was set in this way. It wasn't until Ross and Lao Mai left that Li Jiaxin sighed, "I still can't believe that the situation over there can be so crazy and protected by the law??"

"Even if you cut leeks, they look too ugly when you eat them!"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless and could only shake his head, "Don't think so much, we can't cut our heads anyway. By the way, this is a new script I wrote. You can give it to Ah Hong and let her prepare for the filming."

"The male lead is tentatively chosen by Wu Jing, and the important supporting actor is Takeshi Kaneshiro."

Ah Xin's eyes lit up, "New script? Let me take a look!"

When she took the script and looked at it, there were two words (Prison Break) on the cover.

It was the blockbuster that really opened up the name of American dramas in its original trajectory and made countless people in the mainland aware of the category of American dramas. The vast majority of netizens really started to watch American dramas crazily after the (Prison Break) series, and after being exposed to works such as "Friends" of.

Is it a classic jailbreak? Season 1 is undoubtedly a classic.

The second season was a stretch, but it was considered a high-quality production. It started to suck from the third season. The fourth season once again encountered a Hollywood writers' strike, which made it even worse...

Even this does not prevent many people from watching it for several seasons in one go.

His main plot is that his elder brother got a sum of money for his younger brother and supported his younger brother's academic success. Then he turned around and was involved in a "murder case" and was sentenced. In order to save his older brother, the younger brother, a top student, did not hesitate to commit a crime and then surrender.

Just to be locked up with his brother, he tattooed the topographic map of the prison on his body before entering.

Fast-paced and exciting, at least the first season has made countless viewers unable to stop watching.

Why give the project to Wu Jing and Jin Chengwu... Isn't this because the Young and Dangerous trend started by those two is spreading. Chen Haonan's Nan brother and Da Tianer's second brother have attracted countless little kids who want to hang out with them.

When a classic TV series is produced and the two of them are brought to the screen with a brand new image, and the fixed image of Young and Dangerous is removed, the power of some kind of imitation and following trend will be greatly reduced.

The original Young and Dangerous brothers have been positioned as Young and Dangerous all year round. In addition to the popularity of the Young and Dangerous series, it is also because they have acted in too many similar movies.

At this stage, Zhao Donghuai has only written the script for the first season of Prison Break. As for the subsequent ones? If it really becomes too popular and there's nothing you can do about it, you can just recruit a team of writers to fill it in later.

The background of the original prison escape is that a group of agents and a general or something wanted to control the Black Palace, planned to kill the brother of a certain deputy commander, and framed the actor's brother... The background of the conspiracy was very large.

But in the first season, there was no need to reveal so much background connections.

Li Jiaxin was still reading the script with gusto, and Azhen came over and said, "It seems that the filming of Young and Dangerous 2 has started? Let them stop first?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Filming starts now? Liu Weiqiang wants to be the king of fast shooters??"

He knew that with the popularity of Young and Dangerous 1, a sequel would definitely be launched, but he did not expect that Liu Weiqiang, Wen Jun and others would become more efficient so quickly.

Young and Dangerous 1 is still in theaters, and the blockbusters that are being squeezed by thousands of theaters include (God of Gamblers 2), (Green Snake), (Hot Blooded College), etc.

The next moment, Zhao Donghuai still complained, "Forget it, just shoot. Even if a few Young and Dangerous movies are released... it's not too late to do (Prison Break)."

Azhen acted cute, "You spit your shit, I'll eat mine..."


A few days later, Yangcheng.

The old man who was trying to show off his English and sell medicines to a certain man in a white coat was suddenly interrupted by a voice, "Doctor Wu, the patient has an emergency..."

Doctor Wu turned and left.

Lao Ma instinctively started to follow him, but after thinking about it, he gave up. When he walked towards the corner, looking a little lonely, a figure came out and said, "Lao Ma, are you going to the video hall to play? I heard that a new movie is now released. It’s a blockbuster film, and it’s so good to watch.”

Lao Ma was stunned, "Shouldn't the newly released blockbusters be in theaters?"

A few years ago, Lao Ma was still working as a translator for Nicholas, Jim Carrey and others in West Lake. Now Jim Carrey has become famous all over the world, with a salary of tens of millions of dollars. The devil is gone red.

He... He is actually becoming more and more famous in the translation community in Hangzhou.

Then many people came to hire him as a translator. When more people hired him, he set up a translation agency and opened a company. The retired teachers he hired were not good at translating and were not recognized by customers.

But Lao Ma needs to continue to pay wages.

In order to survive, he had to work part-time, carrying sacks across Yiwu and Yangcheng, purchasing goods and selling small gifts and flowers. He also got involved in the pharmaceutical sales industry.

Make money, don’t be embarrassed!

But Lao Ma still misses the great financial backers like Nicholas and Jim Carrey.

Because he was also involved in pharmaceutical sales, he got to know some people in the same industry. For example, the person in front of him was a salesman named Liang.

Lao Liang pulled the old horse and left, "The donkeys in the production team also need to relax and rest. I invite you. I heard it is called Young and Dangerous. Everyone who has seen it says it is very good-looking."

(Young and Dangerous 1) was released on February 4th, and today is already February 26th. Although it has not been released in Hong Kong Island yet, the related VCD discs have already entered the mainland market.

After all, this movie has not entered theaters in mainland China.

When Lao Liang took Lao Ma into a nearby video hall, there were already many people waiting to watch "Young and Dangerous". The reason was very simple. It was not released in the mainland and was not announced, but after it was released in Hong Kong, , too many people want to follow Chen Haonan and Da Tianer to join society.

This was followed and reported by the media.

Young and Dangerous was so popular that it almost matched the success of movie series like "A Better Tomorrow" (New World). The newspapers came out... and spread to the mainland.

Everyone who reads newspapers knows how popular the movie is in Haowan, Hong Kong. They know it is popular, but it has not been censored and released to theaters in the mainland? Then everyone will only be more curious.

Banned movies and stuff are too gimmicky!

After paying the money, Lao Liang and Lao Ma waited to watch the movie with great interest. Lao Ma also borrowed a few newspapers from spectators who brought newspapers to watch the VCD discs, and commented on various descriptions of the popularity of Young and Dangerous. News, I am very happy to watch it seriously.


He found an article on the C page of the Kowloon Daily News. This article described Fan Bingbing's success in achieving financial freedom and buying a large house in the first phase of Huayuan in Tsim Sha Tsui with the help of the two-part series "Xiao Lin Boy".

Even a senior student named Xiao Ma has been taking on movies since his sophomore year and has easily earned millions of Hong Kong dollars. There is also a child actor named Azhi who, after four years of studying in Asian opera, made a film (Little Ghost). "The Thief" is a global hot seller. Once again, he can achieve financial freedom easily. He can buy a large house in the first phase of Huayuan in Tsim Sha Tsui for easily several million.

Finally, the article is a summary. At this stage, as the Hong Kong film industry becomes more and more developed, and as the Chinese film and television industry becomes more and more prosperous, becoming a star is the fastest and most powerful way to break down the class barriers of the poor.

From the earliest poor children such as Zhou Runfa, Wan Ziliang and Liang Jiahui to the latest ones such as Bing Bing and Azhi, child stars have become famous in the industry and have been passed down from generation to generation.

Seeing this, and thinking about running all over the world with a big sack on his back, Lao Ma couldn't help but fall silent.

He was still silent. After changing the disc, "Young and Dangerous" started to air. Lao Liang decisively nudged him with his elbow, "It's started, it's started."

Lao Ma raised his head and looked at the TV seriously.

One thing to say, even if this video hall uses a large color TV, the viewing experience of VCD480P is the same as that of a large theater. However, thanks to the famous name of Young and Dangerous, people who come to watch the DVD are very concerned... …

After watching a movie of more than 90 minutes, towards the end, the audience enjoyed watching it very much.

"Damn it, Liangkun is finally dead, and Mr. Jiang has returned from the Netherlands. He wants to support Chen Haonan to become the boss of Causeway Bay? How cool!"

"Chen Haonan is so handsome, and Da Tian Er is also handsome, but Da Tian Er is also so good at fighting!"

"Haonan's empire is half due to Da Tian Er. These brotherhoods are so exciting to watch!"

"This is what true brothers should be like, it's cool!"


Everyone was having an excited and lively discussion, and they even wanted to kill an unknown person in the audience and burn the yellow paper.

On the big color TV, Chen Haonan, who had just been supported by Jiang Tiansheng to support him, suddenly appeared in the police station. A uniformed superintendent shook hands with Jin Chengwu with a bright smile, "No. 9310, Chen Haonan, congratulations on your victory." A big case.”

Chen Haonan also shook hands and thanked him, and then said, "Sir, Liangkun is dead. When can I return to the police force?"

Superintendent patted Jin Chengwu's shoulder seriously, "Now you have the opportunity to become the leader of the Hongxing Causeway Bay Hall, and you have also gained the trust of Jiang Tiansheng. Anan, I am very optimistic about you. You have the opportunity to uproot the entire Hongxing criminal group."

"At most three years, Anan, you can definitely do it!"

A group of excited spectators, "..."

There was silence in the screening room for a few minutes. The ending song and subtitles had finished playing, and the boss came over to change the disc. Only then did Lao Liang, who was with Lao Ma, stand up and curse, "Damn it, how could Chen Haonan be..." Undercover?"

"Didn't he start by dropping out of school when he was still in middle school as a teenager to hang out with Big B?"

The owner of the video hall looked calm, "What happened to being an undercover agent? In the new world, wasn't Zhou Runfa also an undercover agent all the way up to become the new chairman of Pan Asia Group? The king returns to rule the world?"

"Maybe Brother Haonan will be the new leader of Hongxing in the future."

Lao Liang, "..."

Lao Liang was speechless and speechless, but another audience member said, "Damn it, what I see is the passionate brotherhood, the brotherhood that can block knives and bullets for brothers, go to hell!"

"Chen Haonan turned out to be an undercover agent. Didn't his brother Chao Pi die in Haojiang in vain?"

The owner of the video hall smiled, "Well, handsome guys, do you want to review the True Colors of a Hero? It's sad that Xiao Ma, the True Colors of a Hero, dies, right? If you want to watch it, I'll change the disc right now. I'll make sure you watch it better than The Death of Chao Pi. Much more angry.”


The audience watching the disc was once again speechless.

But after watching the movie, I was so passionate that I wanted to find someone to kill a chicken to get its blood, or burn yellow paper to worship Guan Gong? With the ending that Anan turned out to be an undercover agent, everything suddenly became empty.

Chen Haonan's handsome boy is actually an undercover agent. Is he worthy of Chao Pi? Worthy of pheasant? Worth the leather bag? Is he worthy of Da Tian Er, who gave half of his efforts to help him conquer the world? ?

Some time later, standing on the street outside the video studio, Lao Liang still couldn't help complaining, "Chen Haonan turned out to be an undercover agent, so... But I still want to see the follow-up, how long did it take for that pheasant to go to Wan Province?" ?”

"Why did you suddenly become the big brother? Without Pheasant, even if Anan and Datianer are super capable, they can't beat Liangkun. They all have guns over there."

"Also, what will happen to Da Tian Er? Brother Nan, whom he has followed since childhood, turned out to be a policeman. It's so sad. What's the point of Da Tian Er's struggle? Pheasant is even worse. Will he be caught by Chen Haonan?"

"Anan, you're a rebel!"

Lao Ma was speechless for a while, then he said, "Lao Liang, do you want to get rich?"

Lao Liang was stunned, "The RMB and Hong Kong dollars are so cute, who wouldn't like them and don't want to get rich?? If it was so easy to get rich, why would we be selling medicine and suffer the consequences?"

Lao Ma took the newspaper he had borrowed before, and Lao Liang read a certain report on page C. After reading it, he smiled and said, "Do you think we have a chance to make a fortune as actors? You can easily earn hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands." Thousands of dollars."

"And there are more new generations than ever before!"

Lao Liang read the news again, stared at Lao Ma several times, looked up and down, and laughed, "I'll go, it's not that I want to laugh, I'm like a policeman in a mermaid movie, I've received professional training."


Lao Ma said with a dark face, "I am proficient in English, so I have the advantage of knowing foreign languages. If I need a supporting role who can speak proficient English, this is my advantage."

Lao Liang's laughter stopped suddenly, and he even had to nod, "Pushing, you really have one more skill than me."

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