Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 385 Is this using magic to fight magic?

On February 26th, although (Young and Dangerous 1) has not officially been released from the Haowan Cinema in Hong Kong, the most attractive blockbuster in the entire cinema chain has already been released on the 25th after extensive publicity (Bet God 2) too.

(God of Gamblers 2), which has been under pressure for a long time, caused a movie-watching frenzy as soon as it was released. Gao Jin, the God of Gamblers with a slicked back hair and mousse hair wax that makes flies unable to stand, is back!

As popular as God of Gamblers 1 was when it was released, God of Gamblers 2 was followed up with such enthusiasm.

Although Zhou Runfa's blockbusters did not dare to squeeze into the previous crazy Lunar New Year schedule, after the Lunar New Year period, this Ah Fa's momentum is still very wild.

It can be said that the series from A Hero to God of Gamblers is the peak of Ah Fa's life in the original trajectory. It is no wonder that when Wang Jing was planning the filming, he once again asked for 20 million Hong Kong dollars in advertising sponsorship from the Mars Group, which was dedicated to the promotion of the chocolate brand.

ATV Office.

Zhao Donghuai was instructing Jennifer Connelly's riding skills when he saw Azhen coming over and said, "Boss, Magnum Pictures has sent a movie called (Sister Love), and he also said that the supporting role was recommended by Brother Lu. That Fan Wei."

Director Zhao said in astonishment, "(Sisterly Love)? What movie?"

Ah Zhen explained with a smile, "The starring roles are Leung Ka Fai and Yuen Yong Yee. Ah Fai is the male lead, but he plays a man who is gay first and then falls in love with Ah Yi. Being a pick-up man is a bit sadistic. love scene."

"In the plot, Ah Yi, who lives by borrowing money from friends, first becomes best friends and good sisters with Tony Leung, but is later cheated by a married man played by Fan Wei. She has a child and cannot bear to have an abortion. When Fan Wei runs away... ...A Yi and Liang Jiahui had a fake marriage to have children and raise them."

"When Liang Jiahui fell in love with Ayi and wanted to confess his love, Fan Wei's character came back and got divorced, creating a triangle plot."

When Zhao Donghuai heard this, he couldn't help coughing, "Yuan Yongyi and Fan Wei are in love? And there is a boat scene? They both have children? Liang Jiahui takes over the role, is that image suitable?"

What an eye-popping plot this is.

He couldn't help but think of the underworld scene when the Taoist priest came down the mountain.

Well, Fan Wei, who is only 30 years old this year, is much thinner than when he was on the Spring Festival Gala and selling crutches and cars in Shantou, and his beer belly has not even bulged.

This is much better than the Taoist priests who sell themselves in the mountains.

Azhen asked curiously, "Didn't you recommend that he come to Hong Kong when we returned to the mainland a few years ago? A Lu sent him to Hong Kong Island. With Mr. Lu's reputation, many film and television companies hired him as a supporting actor and green leaf ah."

Zhao Donghuai coughed again, "Okay, I'll wait and see."

He was really curious. Although Liang Jiahui, the successor, was the male lead, Fan Wei was indeed a supporting role in such a love movie... but it was just a little messy.

More than an hour later.

When Zhao Donghuai sat in the screening room to watch the finished film, he unexpectedly discovered and remembered that there was indeed such a film released in the original track in 1994, (Sisterly Love), a film by Li Xiuxian Magnum Pictures, and Won 15 million Hong Kong dollars box office in Hong Kong!

It was already 1994, when Double Monday Chengjia Ajie was dominating the world, and it was a rare blockbuster movie. After Yuan Yongyi starred in "New Love" and became a hit, many similar love scripts asked her to be the heroine.

The director is Danny Cheng.

With the opening of the movie, when the cheerful comedy atmosphere started, Zhao Donghuai complained, "Last year, Zheng Danrui's attack was so outrageous. In the movie (Detective Ma Rulong), Liang Jiahui, Xiao Yingying, and Li Zhi gave him supporting roles... Hong Kong Island Pictures is only 320 Ten thousand Hong Kong dollars, who would dare to use him?"

Detective Ma Rulong is a bad movie that failed miserably at the box office in the first wave under the impact of Pacific VCD machines and discs, and can only be circulated between video halls and DVDs.

To help movie fans avoid the bombardment of bad movies, a group of disciplined film critics is still needed.

Zhang Min smiled and said, "Isn't it because of Detective Ma Rulong who caused great harm to Chen Jiashang? He became the most loss-making director in the 100-year film industry last year. No one in the major film and television companies dared to use Zheng Danrui as an actor. Film critics and various media , everyone said that Zheng Danshui’s acting skills were so bad that it brought down a movie.”

"He saved the script of "Sister Love" and wanted to act in it. He tried to attract investment everywhere, but no one invested. Then A Lu recommended Fan Wei to join the industry as a green leaf. After a few supporting roles, Zheng Danrui recruited Fan Wei to become the big star. Only then did I get investment from Li Xiuxian of Magnum Pictures."

"In this movie, Tony Leung Ka-fai was paid HK$10 million and Yuen Yong-yi was paid HK$300,000. At that time, Yuan Yong-yi's starring role (God of Gamblers 2) was still under pressure, the movie had not exploded, and her salary had not increased yet."

"What if we collect the money now? I'm afraid that Ah Yi's salary will be in the millions."

Today is the 26th. God of Gamblers 2, which was released yesterday, took over 6 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office on its first day in Hong Kong. It doesn’t seem too high, but that’s because of the factors after the working day and the Lunar New Year period.

Zhao Donghuai nodded and continued watching the movie.

After watching a small, high-quality movie that was above average, he was surprised and said, "The acting was really good, and there was nothing wrong with it."

I have preconceptions. The main reason is that the boat scene between Fan Wei and A Ling was so magical. Zhao Donghuai felt confused after hearing the news. In fact, after watching it carefully, at this stage, Fan Wei has a round face, a slim figure, and beautiful hair. .

Even if it’s dubbing...

The whole movie is very well done.

When he left the screening room, he smiled and said, "Let's make arrangements to pick up the schedule of (God of Gamblers 2). This movie should not cause Li Xiuxian to lose money."

In this dimension, Yuan Yongyi does not have the bonus of "New Love", but God of Gamblers 2 is currently being released. In God of Gamblers 2, she plays the role of Liang Jiahui's sister, and she also has a lot of scenes in the supporting role.

As for Leung Ka Fai’s male lead? Jiahui's popularity is much higher than in the original movie. He plays a gay man and his acting skills can beat Xiaowen in "Love Is Not Blind".

After watching it, Zhao Donghuai discovered that this film was about the same main plot as "Love Is Not Blind", and the overall situation was supported by Liang Jiahui's comedy.

Not counting the remuneration, it is a small-cost investment. Leung Ka-fai's remuneration alone is enough to make it a big-budget movie, but it is obvious that his acting skills are worthy of such remuneration.

When Zhang Min took notes and planned to arrange for people to do things, he saw Chen Hong approaching with an irritated look and ran to Zhao Donghuai's side, "I'm so angry. Why can't Ah Hong think about it so much? He actually went into the sea!"

Zhang Min was shocked, "What do you mean? Is what you said about going into the sea what I thought? That's not true, right? Which Ah Hong?"

Although she is still not sure which A Hong A Hong is talking about.

But at this stage, Ah Hong is the godmother of idol dramas and the boss of Eastern Group. Can she say this? Gao Lihong, Zhong Lianhong, or Weng Hong? ?

Zhao Donghuai was surprised and said, "Weng Hong?"

Ah Hong nodded, "That's her. In 1987, when I was preparing for (Prank Kiss), the female lead directly chose her to appear without any screening."

"That is a generation of beautiful stars who debuted in big idol dramas. She actually went to Nanyan's film company to film a film (Unstoppable Style)? The scale is huge."

"Ye Yuqing has started to wear clothes on the big screen."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless. Taking those films was indeed...

He can only say that he has starred in (Prank Kiss), and is the leading actress in TV dramas that has become popular in East and Southeast Asia? Just talking about the sensational public opinion, it must be more exciting than Ye Yuqing's original.

The original track A Hong also transformed into a female Bodhisattva during the Lunar New Year in 1993. No matter how many people objected, she remained a Bodhisattva for several years.

However, he was also a little emotional. Liu Yijun, who also plays the male lead in Mischief Kiss, is currently running a prosperous fishing gear factory, with very good sales, and is doing well as a boss after changing his career.

The number one female, Ah Hong?


The next few days of February, including early March.

Hong Kong Haowan, Stars, Matai, and South Korea are all...under the bombardment of two blockbusters, the box office trend of (God of Gamblers 2) is no worse than (Young and Dangerous 1).

The total cumulative box office in various places in the first weekend was 91 million Hong Kong dollars, and in the second week it was 135 million Hong Kong dollars. Zhou Runfa's title of fairy hair has once again appeared. On the streets, he likes to comb his hair with a big back and apply mousse hair wax to make flies fly. Young people and middle-aged people who have difficulty finding their feet can be seen everywhere.

It is enough to witness the success of the character Gao Jin, the God of Gamblers.

Even Long Wu, played by Miao Qiaowei, has become popular again. After all, this A Miao is much more handsome than Xiang Laoshi in the original track. He is still the kind that gets older, more handsome and more attractive. type.

In 1993, Miao Qiaowei was 35 years old. He acted cool and handsome on the big screen. Although he didn't talk much, he could steal Zhou Runfa's limelight at certain times.

Two female Asian opera students, Yuan Yongyi and Zhang Wenxi, are also popular.

Although Zhang Wenxi is not as beautiful as Qiu Shuzhen, as long as she dresses carefully and selects the camera angles, her famous scene of Ah Xi holding a brand in her mouth can still attract widespread attention from sps.

Speaking of which, Ayi and Zhang Wenyan were classmates in the same class. Both girls graduated in the summer of 1993 as seniors.

It is also a blessing to be able to become famous with the help of (God of Gamblers 2) in the spring period before graduation.

However, in the Golden Harvest and Golden Princess Cinemas on Hong Kong Island, Weng Hong's other kind of popularity has amazed many actresses.

(God of Gamblers 2)'s first weekend plus the following week, the total box office in various places was 226 million Hong Kong dollars, of which the box office on Hong Kong Island was 29 million Hong Kong dollars, but the unstoppable charm of Golden Princess and Golden Harvest also accumulated more than 15 million Hong Kong dollars in box office in 11 days.

It's all a "blockbuster" made by A Hong to make money, and A Hong is responsible for the box office. The original track of this movie has a total box office of 7 million, but in this version, it started with the female lead in (Mischief Kiss) in 1987.

Ah Hong is not lacking in other big idol dramas, and even plays a supporting role in movies.

There was a time when the top idol idol, the famous idol, was the star.

Suddenly she became a female Bodhisattva.

Although this movie has not been released in thousands of theaters outside of Hong Kong Island, when the VCD produced hits the market? Starring in the province of Matai, South Korea, the disc sold for more than HK$70 million in 11 days!

A disc priced at HKD 30 means that more than 2.3 million copies were sold in 11 days, and sales are still growing, and the growth rate is very fast!

This is a bug in the video tape and VCD rental and sales performance of normal major movies. None of the many teachers in the island country are so good at this stage.

This is the most popular celebrity in the celebrity circle after Ye Yuqing...


On March 10, when Zhao Donghuai learned that ATV Variety Department Director Zhao Ruqiang was visiting, he was suddenly surprised and said, "This Aqiang rarely comes here."

Xiaoxian explained, "It seems that a new variety show has been registered for you to check. It is similar to (Tonight's Undefended), but the scale is not as big as Tonight's Undefended. It is more similar to... stabbing a knife and breaking the news."

Four years ago (Tonight Without Defense), many episodes were filmed and broadcast, but some larger materials were also stored in hand and were not broadcast to the public.

As early as 1991, that variety show was shut down. After all, there weren’t that many celebrities and “big entrepreneurs” whose scandalous material could continue to explode for several years.

Zhao Donghuai said unexpectedly, "Stab a knife to reveal the news?"

After a while, when he met Ah Qiang, the director of the variety show department said politely, "Sheng Zhao, the new variety show is called Stars Alumni Association, and we are initially selecting a male host. It was Ah Le who said that Hong Yinbao wanted Qian Jiale to change his career. You can try to develop your hosting skills.”

"Female host, there is Wu Junru who recommended herself to run for the election. Wu Junru said that although she is not popular, she has good relationships with many female celebrities in private, and she also knows many secrets. If she can be chosen."

"She can expose a lot of privacy for the sake of the show."

Zhao Donghuai frowned and said, "For example?"

Aqiang said respectfully, "For example, how many times did Mei Yanfang talk to each other? In what year did she talk to whom? Did she cheat on her, have one foot in the same boat or the like? For example, before Zeng Huaqian got together with Liu Yijun, she talked to that Wei Zai. The secret of breaking up and getting back together over the years, and one day changing from a girl to a woman, as long as we are allowed, we can talk about it on a larger scale on the stage, and the program effects and ratings will skyrocket."

"If the real stuff isn't enough, you can also use fake stuff to create a gimmick."

Zhao Donghuai was quite speechless, "This is betraying a friend and breaking the news. It's really a stab in the arm."

The original version (Stars Alumni Reunion) was only aired in 2008. Is this only 1993? ? It’s not a big problem, after all, it’s a copy of (Tonight’s Undefended), and it’s all about breaking news to win ratings.

The difference is that in addition to the real materials, the scale is large, and the fake ones can also be spread casually.

In later generations, in the 2020s of the 21st century, there were also many people who claimed to have mastered the truth. According to various rumors, the real image of Zhou Huimin was actually not the former beauty lady boss, but a stamp collecting actress.

This information was revealed by Sandra Ng at the Xingxing Alumni Reunion in 2009. She invited Andy Lau to appear on the show. She half-truthed and half-falsely said that a female celebrity in the industry in the early to mid-1990s actually loved collecting stamps and would go sailing with anyone who became famous. , even three of the four heavenly kings were gathered.

Only Hua Zai managed to escape.

Hua Zai asked her who she was with a curious look on her face, but Wu Junru still told her secretly in her ear...

After the news came out, several suspects of philatelic actresses suddenly appeared, and Zhou Huimin was one of them. Alternatives include Zhang Manyu, Guan Jiahui, etc. But in fact, after this news came out, she was stabbed in the first wave, and her image was damaged. Who is serious? Zhang Xueyou!

Because Cheung Suet-you and Luo Meimian have been in a stable relationship since they got back together for the first time in 1991. Ah-Yoo's image as a good boyfriend in the industry was highly praised. In 1996, he got married and gave birth to a daughter, and his image as a good husband and father became even more popular. good reputation.

It was a revelation that triggered the collapse of the character in 2009, which made Ah You miserable. The actresses affected by the gossip were not so miserable. They are almost all old, and there are too many rookies with the new generation in the entertainment industry to replace those names.

Many celebrities were implicated and criticized... Wu Junru came forward again and said that this was a fake, just a joke, and there was no stamp collecting actress.

Then in 2022, many people are still rumoring that Zhou Huimin is a stamp collecting actress.

Another example is that Liu Feiren retired from the competition due to injury in 2008, which was a huge regret. It was Wu Junru who publicly criticized him for running like this, wondering if he had eaten rice. She was the vanguard of the cyber violence against Liu Feiren.

She sprayed Zhang Pozhi at the airport, and it was all faked by technology. She sprayed Azhi to attract box office and attention for her husband Asin's new movie at the same time.

I have trolled the Xiaolongbao version of Xiao Longnu, having fun with a room full of handsome men, trolling Zhao Yazhi for having an affair during marriage, etc. Her former best friend Zeng Huaqian was roped into the show and was also trolled, and she was stabbed extremely hard. , you’ve only talked about six? Doesn’t it just have to be a handsome guy?

Recalling this, Zhao Donghuai was speechless. How could this be imitating Unguarded Tonight? This was imitating the paparazzi routine of The Sun.

Zhao Donghuai shook his head and said, "Sanmao wants to support Qian Jiale, so it doesn't matter if he tries out the hosting track. You can just let him learn hosting from A Le. Forget about this show."

"Spreading rumors and refuting them will break your legs. You can't be so wicked. Just stabbing your friends for fame. Is it true or false?? Isn't this a sin?"

Sanmao wants to praise someone from the Hong family class? Hasn't he always been like that? Qian Jiale has also starred in a series of major supporting roles or previous roles in movies such as "Uncle Zombie", "A Group of Dragons Playing with Phoenix" and "Yimei Taoist".

He has never been popular, and his transformation as a host was based on his original career path, which he also transformed into a host in the mid-1990s.

Director Aqiang nodded, "Okay, let's reject this, but there is another plan to go in another direction, such as those public couples, invite them to go on the show to fall in love? Or like Ye Yuqing, Weng Hong, etc. ?”

"Invite them to come on the show to talk about their thoughts, mentality and experiences?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "This plan is okay. At this stage, both Weng Hong and Ye Yuqing are indeed very popular."

Aqiang stood up with a smile, "Okay, the direction of the variety show has been decided. I will go back and let the planners finalize more copywriting, and then send appointments to the red stars."

After Aqiang left, Director Zhao had just taken a sip of tea when he saw Zhang Min coming to report, "Boss, One Hundred Years Pictures said that (Young and Dangerous 2: Dragon Crossing the River) has been filmed and is ready. At a later stage, do you want to send it to me for you to take a look at and set a schedule for me?"

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

That Ah Qiang is the best shooter on Hong Kong Island!

In the original track, there were rumors that no one was optimistic about the Young and Dangerous project. It took Liu Weiqiang 7 days to shoot the first part, and the post-production period did not exceed 15 days. The second part only took 9 days to shoot...

At this stage, Ah Qiang, Wen Jun and others started preparing for filming on February 12th. It is already March 10th, so there will be no problem in getting the film finished.

But he still found it strange that (Hot Blood High School) was the first one to finish filming. At this stage, with the bombardment of VCD discs, the Young and Dangerous craze has just started in the mainland.

Of course, because half of them are given away, Chen Haonan is the version of the police undercover. In this dimension, the mainland's Young and Dangerous craze also has another strange emotion. When the brain is hot, it wants to kill the chicken to get blood, and burn the yellow paper to win. People, not so much.

Instead, a group of movie fans were arguing about whether Chen Haonan was an undercover police agent...

Half the undercover version, half not the undercover version? ! The scene was truly spectacular.

The next moment he asked curiously, "Young and Dangerous 2 has already been released. I guess with Liu Weiqiang's efficiency, the third part won't be a problem. What about (New York Buyers Club)? Has the script been finalized?"

On February 13, when Liu Weiqiang was preparing to start filming, Warner Ross came to discuss the script. Mak Hung-hsiung also joined the cast at that time and worked on the script together.

Zhang Min shook his head, "It probably hasn't been decided yet. At this stage, Jim Carrey, Liu Yijun and a group of people are flying back and forth between Hong Kong Island, the mainland, and North America to observe the deeds of several front-line medicine gods."

Zhao Donghuai, "???"

How many first-line medicine gods are there? That's right, how can one person conduct large-scale dumping? ? Under the saucy operations of Eli Lilly and other giants, the world is becoming more and more magical.


Los Angeles.

Under the cover of night, Jim Carrey, Liu Yijun and others, all wearing hats and masks, were observing a white-haired old man at the entrance of a street and alley in the distance, trading with people passing by.

Be sneaky in your transactions and be alert to the police or other authorities.

One hand of money and one hand of goods, one transaction after another. If they hadn't...not known the inside story, they would even suspect that this was some kind of fan-trading transaction.

After watching it for a while, Jim Carrey complained in a low voice, "Even if Jack and the others purchased the 10 ml bottle of insulin for type 1 diabetics from Jingshang Yang, the average price is only 7 yuan a bottle."

"Smuggled in and sold to many Type 1 patients for $10 a bottle?"

"What is the origin of today's offline?? A former Vietnam War soldier, with PTSD and severe kidney disease? Or a homosexual? This is the wave of offline people who were caught before, causing Jack and the others too much loss, so I specially chose New offline??”

"If someone comes to arrest him again, no organization will accept and imprison such seriously ill patients, right?"

"Why do I feel that this book is as magical as it is magical, but it has a very different vitality??"

Liu Yijun nodded with emotion, "They are just sick and want to live. Not to mention that the 10 ml 400 unit insulin in many pharmacies or hospitals at this stage is almost US$70 a bottle. Even before the big price increase, it is US$25. One bottle is much more expensive than the 10 US dollars a bottle."

"Like a line from the (Jurassic Park) movie, life will find its own way..."

"The realistic interpretation of this script is so outrageous!"

The first time Liu Yijun was blocked, it was Paul, a young wealthy buyer in New York who blocked him. He wanted to shoot the New York Buyers Club. Paul's version also wanted to shoot the Chinese medicine that can treat and alleviate their illness. The famous Chinese doctor, Xinglin Sage's version.

However, Eli Lilly and other giants made outrageous moves two years ago and two years ago.

The only way to buy cheaper medicines in the Mainland is... Type 1 of Jingshang Yang's medicine is only RMB 78, while in North America it is almost 70 US dollars? ? How do you compare 7 yuan to 70 US dollars? ? Even this is not a hundred times price difference.

It's obviously enough to drive too many people crazy.

Liu Yijun was shocked to the point of being shocked. He didn't quite understand why the group of patients seeking survival in the transaction ahead were actually illegal groups. They just want to live a humble life and buy medicine to treat their illnesses. What's the problem?

If it is too serious and not treated in time, such as insulin injection, it will cause blindness, uremia, cardiovascular disease, etc. What is wrong with trying to survive?

But pharmaceutical giants such as Eli Lilly are legal and protected by law?

This script? ? Who wrote it? ? So magical!

Even though the script has not been finalized so far, Ajun has been watching this incident for so long. He really wants to act. Even if he gets zero pay, he wants to act in such a meaningful movie.

Jim Carrey was also like Mak Hsiung. After learning about the existence of this book, he volunteered and wanted to perform.

Lao Jin has now become the well-deserved king of the new generation of comedy in the Western world with the help of several comedy blockbusters, but he is also sure that his career is not limited to comedy.

Before he took on the title of the King of Western Comedy, he starred in "New Love", which was also a healing and tear-jerking blockbuster that took the world by storm, and its box office reputation exploded in both directions.

New York Buyers Club…

Jim Carrey suddenly said, "Wait a minute, the first time you were approached by a young rich man from New York, he wanted to shoot in New York. This time Jack who took the lead was from Los Angeles? Could it be that in the end it was (Los Angeles Buyers Club) ??”

Ajun twitched his lips, "There's actually not much difference between Dallas, New York, and Los Angeles. I'm just amazed that such a magical thing happened in broad daylight!"

"This is way more ridiculous than (Never Reconcile) or (Memories of Murder)."

At this moment, there was a sudden noise in the trading office ahead, and the police roared and roared...

Some people buying medicine left in a hurry, but the old man selling medicine? He skillfully raised his hands to show his innocence and waited for the police to arrest him.

A white veteran, homeless, PTSD, gay, and with severe kidney disease, he does not need to buy insulin to survive, but he needs to make money to treat his various diseases.

L.A. Jack found a group of people like this, or people in similar situations, to be his second-tier retailers? Looking at the skilled movements over there, Liu Yijun complained again, "How do I feel that this is using magic to fight magic??"

"If Jack's career grows bigger and bigger, he won't be shot in the dark for no reason, or he will be killed directly by a dump truck driving wildly, right?"

Jack's smuggling is to purchase sheep from the mainland, fly them to black Mexico, and use old white men or homeless people to transport them...

Even if he succeeds once three times, he will still make a good profit. 7 RMB and the retail price of 10 US dollars are equivalent to 78 Hong Kong dollars? How much profit?


Two days later.

When Liu Yijun woke up and had breakfast in the cafeteria, he planned to... Before he could figure out what to do today, he saw Jim Carrey walking into the restaurant with a serious look on his face. After a few glances, he strode towards him.

When he arrived, Jim Carrey said in a low voice, "Yesterday at about one o'clock in the morning, a neighbor of Jack entered Jack's house, found Jack, and shot him."

"After calling the police, the neighbor said that he had gone to the wrong door. He thought he had returned to his own home and shot him dead when he found an outsider. It was he who called the police himself..."

Liu Yijun, "???"

Walking out of the hotel with questions and exclamations on his face, Liu Yijun gave Jim Carrey a cigarette and then said blankly, "What is this? Realistic magic?"

Jim Carrey scratched his head and said, "We won't be in danger, right? At least Eli Lilly and other giants should know that we are experiencing life and observing the real prototype of this movie for New York or Los Angeles Buyers Club."

After Jack's murder, Jack's neighbor has expressed deep regret, but what's the use? Jack hires a group of PTSD, veterans, and seriously ill retail employees to help him smuggle drugs from Mexico.

This is about grasping the pulse of the times, and it is a bit devoid of martial ethics.

Obviously, Lilly can be even more unethical!

Liu Yijun looked around and found that several Pan-Asian bodyguards were still on guard near or far away, so he shrugged, "Our safety should be guaranteed. Not to mention the power of the bodyguards, we are all celebrities. The public attention is different.”

"What I'm curious about is that if the incident continues to develop, the script will have to be restrained and written in a tight manner in the future. Otherwise...otherwise, it will offend far more than just the FDA."

"There are too many institutions that have been offended, and it is impossible to release it."

"Let's go watch a movie and relax. During this period of observation, I feel really mentally stressed..."

Observing all the way to now, Ajun always feels that he is in a super trance state. It is difficult to describe it in words. What about those laws, the legal definitions of life and death?

It's so heavy.

Jim Carrey dropped his cigarette butt and nodded.

When the two of them, accompanied by several bodyguards, arrived at a nearby AMC theater, Jim Carrey said unexpectedly, "Young and Dangerous people are in Jianghu? Young and Dangerous: Dragon Crossing the River?"

"Hey guys, these two movies were released together in North America?"

Liu Yijun also had a strange expression. When he was reviewing the current theater schedule, as a movie ended, a group of Chinese, white, and black men and women walked out of the theater, cheering.

While walking, several black people hugged each other's necks excitedly, "Buddy, let's go, we'll go back and swore an oath right away!"

"It's so cool. Chen is such a touching and good brother!"

"Buddys, we must help each other and do something big!"

Young and Dangerous 1 was released in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Korea more than a month ago, and achieved extremely good box office data, with more than 400 million Hong Kong dollars when it was finally released.

Then it started to be announced in Europe and the United States.

Although this is also a movie without a white star,...but is there a market for him in Europe and the United States? How will you know if you don’t try?

Anyway, the dubbing and soundtrack have been completed, and the story tells the story of a low-level gangster who rises to become a big brother. There is no shortage of gangsters in North America, and the trend created by the Godfather trilogy is not weak.

The Godfather trilogy, the New World trilogy...how many Young and Dangerous movies are there?

It’s almost what was announced in the announcement. Young and Dangerous 2 is out? That's just right. Let's do it together. One promotion can be effective for two movies. What an advantage.

In addition to talking about brotherhood and gangster dominance, the two-part Young and Dangerous series also focuses on the fighting and combat moves of Wu Jing and Jin Chengwu. Action movies themselves are the most important basic genre among Chinese-language movies that capture the global box office.

At this stage in Asia, Young and Dangerous 2 has not yet been released because (God of Gamblers 2) is still in its peak period, but these are minor matters. It is too common for different regions to stagger the release dates.

Ajun smiled and said, "Let's watch the dragon crossing the river? Can we wash our eyes by the way?"

Jim Carrey, “…”

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