Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 387 Wuyue Group unveils a new era of Internet

In an old tenement building in Wan Chai, Wu Yusen was drinking at home when he heard a knock on the door. When he went to open the door in a daze, he saw Wei Zai standing outside the door.

Old Wu turned around calmly and said, "Come in and sit wherever you want."

Liang Chaowei quickly walked in with a bunch of food and wine and closed the door, "Director Wu, (Blood in the Streets) box office hit the streets. It's a crime other than war. It's all caused by piracy. You have to cheer up."

"I also read the ATV report before that the 45-building Watsons supermarket jointly built by Li Sheng's Changshi Group and Aimego's fan Liu was fined 500 million for tax evasion."

"And Watsons Cinemas over there is already the largest source of piracy in the Asian film industry and is destroying our market."

"This is all Bai Xiang's fault. Who knew the employees there have such bad ethics and are so shameless?"

Wu Yusen's eyes lit up, "Is there such news?"

While he was talking, he decisively turned on the TV. Well, after checking several channels, he found that there was no news about Wei Zai. He also knew that the news had finished...

Lao Wu quickly asked, "Is there any relevant news in the print media? I'm on the street. I invested a total of 90 million Hong Kong dollars, but I just won more than 7 million at the box office on Hong Kong Island. Can you blame me?"

"ATV still has a conscience, it's all a piracy attack!"

The reason is this. The VCD discs (The Bloody Heroes) that subsequently entered video studios or wealthy citizens’ homes did not bring much profit to the Li family because piracy was rampant.

If there are too many pirated copies, it will naturally be difficult to make money from genuine ones.

But that was all because Akai took the initiative to send Baixiang to the unscrupulous practitioners there to cause big troubles.

Can you blame him? It's all Akai's fault.

The problem is that after the big hit, for people who only look at investment and box office data, they think that Lao Wu is incompetent and will not cooperate with him anymore.

He can't find the money to talk about making a new movie.

At this stage, Wu Yusen has no lockout period, nor is it said that the ten-year employment contract held by Xiang Laoshi can only be used to make movies for Yongsheng. The last 10 million buyout contract was immediately voided.

The new contract requires him to make ten movies for Li Jiakai within ten years, but in addition, he is also free to accept movie scripts from outside. Even if you make a movie for Li Jiakai, you will still get a director's salary, and the salary will increase with the market.

It is a very serious business cooperation contract.

But last year's summer show (The Bloody Two) was so exaggerated that you could say it was a crime of non-war. Normal investors would not play with him again, and that's as it should be.

Ah Wei put down the food and wine and took the initiative to pour wine for Lao Wu, "Director Wu, you have to cheer up. There are no companies outside looking for you. This is temporary. When the Li family takes the blame, it was originally their fault. disaster."

"Someday the outside world will understand and understand you."

Ah Wei has always been introverted and doesn't like to flatter anyone. At this stage, he really hopes that Lao Wu will continue to take care of him.

There is no way, after so many years, the film industry has tested the waters again and again, that is, Wu Yusen's "The Bloody Heroes" gave him an opportunity to take the lead. Although he was very good at acting in the movie, he was greatly suppressed by Zhang Xueyou. awful.

But with a local box office of more than 7 million in Hong Kong, it is also the best-grossing work of his since he started acting... in the television industry? He is still a well-deserved pillar of TVB and the most popular actor, but his monthly salary from TVB is several thousand yuan.

I have become familiar with Old Wu, so naturally I still want to continue to eat with Old Wu and make a fortune.

While the two were drinking, eating, and communicating, there was a knock on the door again. When Wei Zai quickly went to open the door, he found two strange men and women standing outside the door. Old Wu looked at it with drunken eyes and said curiously. ,"who are you?"

The middle-aged man outside the door bowed quickly and said, "Good morning, Director Wu. I am Yamazaki. I belong to the Japanese film and television industry. This is Iijima Xiaoai. Xiaoai, please say hello to Director Wu."

“Excuse me, who is this??”

The man who calls himself Yamazaki speaks a slightly awkward Cantonese, but communication is no problem.

And the Iijima Ai he introduced was a pretty and cute girl in her early 20s. This girl could speak a string of Japanese words when she opened her mouth.

Yamazaki then slapped his forehead, "Sorry, Xiao Ai can't speak Cantonese and Mandarin yet. She just said hello to Director Wu. By the way, I'm here to represent the company this time. I want to ask Director Wu to make an international movie for us." Blockbuster..."

Upon hearing this, Lao Wu's eyes lit up, "Who is your company??"

Yamazaki walked in and quickly explained that their company is based in Tokyo and has also opened a branch next to Hollywood in North America, with the intention of going global.

Although it is far less exaggerated and aggressive than Sony buying Columbia Pictures, they still really want to make some modern metropolitan gun battle action movies...

Ai Iijima is one of the most promising female artists their company has collected, along with Mai Asakura, Hitomi Shiraishi and other outstanding and promising female artists.

Now their film and television group is not short of funds, nor is it short of female artists, but it is short of big directors and big stars to join.

As Yamazaki explained, Wu Yusen's eyes became brighter and brighter. Although he drank a little too much, it did not hinder his mental high. Ah Wei was a little excited after hearing this and took the initiative to pour wine for Mr. Yamazaki.

However, this aspect still depends on Xiao Ai. Although Iijima Xiao Ai does not understand Cantonese, it does not prevent her from being a competent wine pouring girl.

The few people just drank wine and ate side dishes, and the more they chatted, the happier they became. The main reason was that Yamazaki kept supporting Lao Wu, which made him let go of the emotions that had been accumulated for many years and let out a lot.

Even Lao Wu started to beam with joy.

After drinking more, Yamazaki took out the contract for the movie. Wei Zai was not too drunk yet. Instinctively, he felt that signing the contract under such circumstances would not be appropriate? Director Wu was tricked by Xiang Laoshi once before?

Before he could say anything, Ai Iijima spoke softly in a soft voice that he couldn't understand, and moved his hands up and down, which made Wei divert his attention.

You can't say how beautiful and charming the 21-year-old Iijima is, and Awei is not so ignorant and discerning. Isn't this...drinking? It's easy for people to get drunk once they drink it.


A few days later, Kowloon Tong is adjacent to Shek Kip Mei Park.

Zhao Donghuai took Zhou Huimin and Azhen to a newly constructed and renovated five-storey commercial building. After walking around for a while, he nodded with a smile and said, "A total of five buildings form a complex, which is called Wuyue Group." Bar."

"Starting from today, we can recruit professional managers to join us and gradually arrange the new group."

Amin asked curiously, "Is this the Internet era you are talking about?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Yes, after several years of preparation, we chose this land to build a building. Isn't it to start the Internet era? Taishan Building will open a Taishan Group and position itself as an Internet search engine."

"Songshan Building is designed to be a portal website that integrates email, news push, and website navigation."

"Hengshan Building opened the Hengshan Group, which sells books and music records on the Internet."

"Let these three groups open first, and we will discuss the remaining Liangyue Building later."

It's already the end of March 1993, and Zhao Donghuai will never forget that the original track was in April 1994, that is, next year, Yang Zhiyuan and David founded Yahoo in North America. It was listed in 1996, and the total market value of the stock was more than 500 million US dollars.

Also in 1994, Jeff, a young and promising guy who had become an upstart on Wall Street before the age of 30, resigned directly to start the Amazon e-commerce group.

So Wuyue Group is positioned in the Asian Internet market? ? Regardless of the year it opens, the group headquarters must be built several years in advance. This batch of Wuyue Buildings has been built for three years.

The five 33-storey commercial buildings targeted by Wuyue are adjacent to Shek Kip Mei Park with a overlooking area of ​​120 acres. They have a good environment and are only a few minutes' walk from Kowloon Tong MTR Station...

Across the main road is the Kowloon Tong Wanjia Comprehensive Supermarket Branch, and next to Wanjia is the Gowo Old Street Park.

Across the road is Taoyuan Street Playground.

It can be said that it is a land surrounded by parks and amusement parks in the center of a metropolitan area. This land... The original track was used by the City University of Hong Kong as a campus in 1995.

What makes it the main campus is a good location and beautiful scenery.

Being used by Zhao Donghuai to build the headquarters of Wuyue Group in advance is definitely not a loss. His planned Dongyue Taishan Group is to compete with Google and Du Niang, and a search engine is a super market.

Songshan Group promotes email and news websites, etc., and integrates the functions of portal websites such as NetEase.

Hengshan is aimed at e-commerce platforms such as Amazon.

As for Facebook, Big Penguin, Kingsoft Anti-Electronic Virus, 360 and the like? Then we still have to wait and wait for the further development of technology to establish new Huashan and Hengshan groups.

Hong Kong Telecommunications Group was taken over by him in 1988. Cable phone, mobile, Internet promotion, etc., also promoted by Zhao Donghuai, have long entered the optical fiber transmission level. That little pony could only be so cheerful a few years ago. Addicted to the Internet and hooking up with BBS.

Whether it is Yahoo or Amazon, they were established in 1994 and attracted countless users at every turn because since 1990, the single-mode optical fiber communication system has matured and entered the commercial stage, with a transmission efficiency of 565Mb/s.

The telecommunications group captured by Zhao Donghuai began to lay optical fiber all over Hong Kong in the 1990s. It did spend a lot of money, but he really didn't lack that little money... A leek garden as big as an island country was used all over the world in the 1980s and 1990s. The largest leek garden.

After several profits worth hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars have come to an end, it is really not a big deal to spread fiber optics all over Hong Kong.

At this stage, Zhao Donghuai can still guarantee that Hong Kong Haowan's Internet speed can keep up with the world's top standards. In one or two years, his laptop will be launched on the market. What is the market and prospect?

As for the opening of the three major groups of Taishan, Songshan and Hengshan? There is no need to directly recruit talents like Yang Zhiyuan. After all, he knows the future direction of technology and how the Internet giants develop and plan.

That just requires poaching and recruiting all kinds of skilled coders.

He is also waiting to invest in Yahoo and Amazon next year or the year after.

At present, these five 33-story buildings stand like five mountains. The top two floors are Zhao Donghuai's own large office and his home where he can rest and live freely...

Starting from the 31st floor downwards, this is where the CEOs and CFOs of the future workplace will work.

The next moment, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said to Azhen, "The BBS within our large group will be officially renamed Songshan Forum and will be fully open to Hong Kong Haowan."

"The servers are made bigger and more durable."

In the past, Zhao's BBS was really only circulated within various groups, including Yaxi University. With the advent of the new era of the Internet in Haowan, Hong Kong, ordinary people and ordinary tourists can also browse BBS if they want.

Azhen nodded, "Okay, then I'll notify BBS and let them move into Songshan Building first?"

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Relocate slowly, don't be too hasty."

At this moment, the mobile phone in the hand of Azhen’s female assistant rang loudly. She waited for the call to be connected and had some exchanges before coming over to report, “It’s Zhou Xingxing from 100 Years Pictures. He said he wanted to come visit the boss. Yes. Please help me with something.”

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Although he was a little confused, he still nodded and asked Ah Xing to come to Wuyue Group.

More than half an hour later, Ah Xing arrived.

Although the exterior signs and neon logos of Wuyue Group's buildings are still being produced, five skyscrapers have been built in clusters, as well as huge squares, Wuyue stone monuments, etc., which have already been built.

After a brief look, Ah Xing smiled and handed over his hand, "Congratulations to Zhao Sheng for opening a new way of making money. This way of making money looks domineering."

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "Okay, no need to be too polite. Is there anything I need you to do in person?"

Ah Xing smiled awkwardly and looked to the left and right. After being looked at for a few times, Zhou Huimin asked curiously, "It's not convenient for us to listen? Ah Zhen, let's go to the overpass."

Wuyue Group's five buildings have built a circular overpass on the third floor. It not only links the five skyscrapers, but also has corresponding entrances and exits. It is also a good outdoor viewing area.

After all, this is a land surrounded by various parks, parks and playgrounds.

When someone came over, Ah Xing said awkwardly, "A while ago, Wu Yusen and Liang Chaowei were tricked by a production company in the island country. It is the Poujie Film and Television Company of Sumiyoshikai, which specializes in making special movies."

"It's that kind of special. A few people can perform the whole show... I was drunk at the time, so I signed the contract without understanding it."

"The contract also states the liquidated damages. For each of the five dramas, the liquidated damages are not much. Directed by Wu, the liquidated damages are only one million, but Ah Weiding's liquidated damages are HKD 3 million."

"Sheng Zhao, I have money to pay for A Wei's 15 million liquidated damages for the fifth part, so that he can pay off the debt slowly. It's this kind of trap. I feel very suffocated and wronged."

Zhao Donghuai almost burst out laughing, "They are so heartless. They were tricked by Xiang Laoshi once before. They signed indiscriminately after drinking too much. Are they still here?"

This is indeed not a big deal, but a trivial matter. Sumiyoshi will be in dire straits at this stage. He sent a message to the new Yamaguchi-gumi Murakami Gento to come out and support it. It can be easily solved.

But Lao Wu and Ah Wei? ?

After thinking for a while, Zhao Donghuai said, "In this way, Wu still has a little talent, and it is not difficult to get rid of the evil operations of the Sumiyoshi Society, but... you can let Old Wu go to Hollywood to attract investment and make a movie ( Li Mei! Li Mei!)."

"If he can complete this project and get investment, he doesn't have to worry about the contract with Sumiyoshi-kai. If he can't get it, and the shoot isn't good, then he'll have to pay for it himself."

For Zhao Donghuai, this was just a matter of words, but Lao Wu had to prove that he had the talent and qualifications.

Zhou Xingxing said in shock, "(Li Mei! Li Mei!)? What kind of movie is this?"

Zhao Donghuai explained, "During the Anti-Japanese War, the North American Li Mei Barbecue led bombers to burn Tokyo and many other island cities in 1945, burning to death 500,000 islanders and leaving 8 million islanders homeless and displaced."

"Don't all great directors like to pursue art and anti-war themes? As long as the big event (Le Mei Barbecue) is filmed well, if he can get investment to film it, I wouldn't mind him reintegrating into the film industry."

Ah Xing, "..."

Is Li Mei’s BBQ so scary? Is this tantamount to avenging the Nandu Massacre?

Shoot this to reveal a profound anti-war theme? It seems that once the film is finished, it really has some hope of becoming a blockbuster.

Zhao Donghuai continued, "I don't mind how Old Wu deceives investors or plays with artistic expression. I only want one thing. At the end of the movie, a group of white ghost guys opened the Li Mei BBQ chain store in the island country. It is a little easter egg that is very popular in the island country."

"That Ah Wei will make a guest appearance as a professional CEO in the little easter egg."

The next moment, Zhao Donghuai patted Ah Xing on the shoulder and said, "That's it. Give him two years to attract investment. If he can't get it, you will either help Sumi Jihui make a movie, or you can help Ah Wei with the money."

"Wang Jiawei can deceive you and Hua Zai by constantly giving him money and scraping together scripts. There is no reason why Old Wu would be so far behind. When he first formed Tai Ping Wheel, wasn't he also very passionate and high-spirited?"

"I'm not trying to make things difficult for him. At least this big movie has been made, and North Americans will be happy to watch it. The box office is promising, and the theme is deeper, so there is no chance of winning awards."

Zhou Xingxing suddenly understood, and then said, "I completely understand, but can I invest? I feel that this movie is very interesting."

"I heard that there is a movie (Schindler's List) in Hollywood, which is also related to the anti-war in World War II? Spielberg is the director. The original novel is not only a best-seller, but also won several awards."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Then do you still want your Tang Dynasty ham sausage and peeing beef balls to be popular in the island country?"

Zhou Xingxing suddenly realized again, "Yes, yes, there is also product dumping. The little easter egg that Awei starred in at the end must be so ironic..."

The next moment he also smiled and said, "I'm going to find Ah Wei. In fact, Director Wu and I are not familiar with each other, and our relationship is very ordinary. It's Ah Wei... Hey, why did you sign a movie like that in a daze? This is better than a romantic movie. There are too many pitfalls.”

This is not Fengyue, it is a sinkhole in an art valley directly next to Hollywood.


Outside the 100 Years Film Building.

When Zhou Xingxing got out of the car and the driver just drove away, he saw Wu Yusen and Ah Wei rushing out of the building, both looking at Ah Xing with excitement and expectation.

Ah Xing smiled and waved his hand, "Let's go and talk inside. Zhao Shengsongkou can help you settle this matter, but the condition is that it depends on your director Wu's own ability to make movies and save projects."

"Did you know that Le Mei burned Tokyo? This was one of the most powerful wars that sealed the defeat of the island country during the Anti-Japanese War and World War II. It was more lethal than the two mushroom bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, directly killing 500,000 people. Eight million Japanese devils are homeless."

"Director Wu, as long as you can go to Hollywood to beg for help and get the funds to support you in making this movie, once the movie is made, the Sumiyoshi Club contract that you and Wei were defrauded into signing will be void."

Wu Yusen was overjoyed and shocked at the same time, "I'm going to Hollywood to beg for help? This..."

Zhou Xingxing shrugged and said, "We are all adults. We can't sign randomly when we go out, especially contracts. Xiang Laoshi has taught you this once."

Then he looked at Ah Wei. After all, he and Ah Wei are good friends. Even if they have not collaborated, they have still been friends in private over the years. He doesn't like to see Ah Wei in that kind of film. "A Wei, as long as Director Wu succeeded in begging for help, you will also appear in the role when the time comes (Li Mei! Li Mei!), and it will be solved along the way."

Ah Wei was about to cry but had no tears. He just didn't know other great directors outside. He was so worried about Director Wu. Why did he encounter such a blood-vomiting thing?

That's not right. He knew Ah Xing, but his pride made him embarrassed to lower his head and ask for help from Ah Xing.

He debuted in TVB as the second male lead, and in the second year he became the leading actor in the Jin Yong martial arts drama, playing Wei Xiaobao, with Andy Lau as the supporting actor Kang Xi. When he and Brother Hua formed the TVB Five Tigers, Ah Xing was still a sidekick. of……

Now? Now he still earns a monthly salary of several thousand Hong Kong dollars at TVB. Ah Xing is already a super tycoon of the 100-year-old film group with a market value of 40 billion, and his 8% stake is also 3.2 billion Hong Kong dollars.

In total, Ah Xing is currently richer than the Li family who copied Li's family.

The Li family was fined 500 million for tax evasion in White Elephant Mumbai. Coupled with a series of reports from ATV and Kowloon Daily, the theater chain opened by the other party in White Elephant has become the largest piracy base in the Asian film industry and is destroying the glorious Asian film industry. Industry.

The Li family's stock price plummeted, falling directly below 10 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Before the continuous reports, the market value of Changshi was about 20 billion, but now it has fallen below 10 billion? ? It can only be said that citizens and stock investors are not stupid. On the other hand, there is another kind of report, from the old-timers such as Hong Yanbao and Cheng Long to the new generation such as Bingbing and Azhi.

Countless examples have proven that becoming a star actor in the film and television industry is the easiest way for ordinary people to achieve a class jump and become a wealthy class. Which citizen does not want to get rich? Which citizen doesn’t want his or her children to get rich?

It should be said that at this stage, when countless Hong Kong residents are training their next generation, enrolling in various singing and dancing performing arts training courses is the biggest trend.

I can't. I can't expect my children to become dragons and phoenixes? The wish of Chinese parents for their children to become successful is passed down from generation to generation!

Countless citizens are hoping to raise good children to join the wealthy class and make a fortune.

Is the Li family turning into a piracy base to destroy the prosperity of the film industry? ? Why isn't this a super villain?

The market value of the Li family has fallen below 10 billion. Mr. Li used to borrow money to acquire 10% more shares. Now he holds more than 30% of the shares of Changshi. The total net worth is only 2 to 3 billion. Bai Xiang’s fine, plus his two sons. Huge losses of hundreds of millions after entering the industry?

If he can't run Baixiang's comprehensive supermarkets and theaters properly and make profits quickly, he is probably not far from bankruptcy.

And here, Zhou Xingxing not only has a century-old film industry, but the Tang Dynasty Catering Group in his hands is also booming. It covers Hong Kong Haowan, Xingma Tai and Daohan, with a population of more than 200 million, and stable monthly sales of more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars. , it may be independently listed one day.

As for Zhou Xingxing’s achievements in the film industry? How about describing it one by one? The market value of 100 Years Pictures exceeded 40 billion. It was because of the great success of the first and second installments of Young and Dangerous and the plans for a series of follow-up sequels that the group exploded again in March.

But who dares to deny the charm of Ah Xing, the King of Comedy?

These are our former friends. Now, one is high and the other is as lowly as dust and dirt. Even though Ah Wei wants to be famous and get rich, he is too embarrassed to ask Ah Xing for help, and instead burns Lao Wu's cold shoulder. kitchen.

The result of burning the cold stove this time was really shocking to Ah Wei!

On the verge of crying, Ah Wei, although he didn't want to, still looked at Ah Xing longingly, "Brother Xing, please help me. Director Wu went to Hollywood to seek help. Isn't it difficult? We don't even speak English... "

That's right, even in the original track when Wu Yusen went to Hollywood, his friend Zhang Jiazhen had been his translator in the early years.

A variety of projects and opportunities have brought Ah Zhen to the forefront.

Ah Xing was dumbfounded and a little speechless, "You are all just a gangster. It's already 1993, and you still don't speak English proficiently?"

Wu Yusen continued to plead with him, "Master Xing, please help me. I'm not familiar with you, but Ah Wei is really...that kind of movie. If I direct a movie, I can change my name to a pseudonym. Once Ah Wei stars, then that is??"

No problem. Directors such as Zeng Miewei often use pseudonyms to make troubles. From "Crazy Coke" to various romantic movies, who can know so much behind the scenes? It’s also difficult for movie fans to follow.

As for the actors... did you play the role or was it the absolute leading role? That’s really unclear.

Ah Wei hurriedly handed Ah Xing a cigarette to light the fire. Zhou Xingxing thought for a moment speechlessly, "I'll give you a suggestion. If you are confused and have no big or brilliant achievements, you will definitely get half the result with half the effort if you go directly to Hollywood."

"But if you can get Johnny Depp, Jim Carrey, and Nicholas to be the leading actors, and if you can get an Oscar winner and senior godfather like Al Pacino, it will be even easier."

"As long as you write the script of (Li Mei! Li Mei!), impress the superstars with the script, and bring favorable news about the superstars joining, then whether you are looking for investment from Murdoch or Warner, there will be a lot of opportunities. and hope.”

"Which of those white superstars doesn't have a circle of Chinese friends? They can basically understand Mandarin and Cantonese."

Liang Chaowei was shocked, "Yes, Director Wu, use the persuasiveness you used to persuade Xiang Laoshi and Deng Yurong to invest in (Taiping Wheel). As long as the script is done well, there is no hope."

"Director Wu, if a war documentary movie like that is made, it may not be a great experience. It can also incorporate themes such as anti-war love."

The grand scene of Li Mei's barbecue was far more spectacular and powerful than the Taiping Wheel. It was not only burned down... Thinking of this, Ah Wei quickly looked at Ah Xing, "How much space did Li Mei burn down in Tokyo?"

Zhou Xingxing was stunned. If Zhao Donghuai hadn't given him popular science, he wouldn't have been able to answer. "Houses and factories covering 220,000 acres of land in downtown Tokyo were burned down, and more than 90 cities outside Tokyo were burned down. They were basically big cities."

Ah Wei was shocked and dumbfounded, and Wu Yusen was almost the same. After the shock, he took a long breath of cold air, "I have a picture in my mind now. The overwhelming bomber group, countless incendiary bombs boiling, and millions of Japanese soldiers escaping in panic."

"Hundreds of thousands of Japanese were blown to death, burned to death, smoked to death, suffocated... It was so spectacular!"

This scene is so spectacular and brilliant, just thinking about it makes your blood boil.

Compared with the small scene of the Taiping Wheel, it is really not worth mentioning, and that was the B-29 bomb in 1945. This was in 1993, and anyone with money should be able to rent it.

It would probably be cheaper to spend money to rent these near Big Bear.

Wu Yusen was suddenly stimulated and felt that he really had hope of making this great movie.

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