Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 388 Jing Ke, who swept away all the disobedient people in the world, assassinated the King o

Time flies by, it’s around seven o’clock in the morning on April 6th, after the Qingming Festival.

Hong Xin was holding Li Jiaxin together, standing on the eighth floor of Songshan Building, looking at the first-floor street-facing shops across the main street. He was curious, anxious and expectant, and asked, "Sister Xin, is this Internet cafe really going to happen?"

The street-facing shops on the first floor of Wanjia Group include bookstores, record and album retail stores directly operated by Zhao, etc., and they are almost unfailingly targeting East and Southeast Asia.

A few days ago, Ah Xin was suddenly told by Zhao Donghuai that he could rent a store on the first floor of Wanjia Chain Group and open an Internet cafe? ? Because he was one of his own, Hong Xin rented the store for the whole process and purchased computers, tables, chairs, etc. in bulk?

These are all internal prices.

At this stage, Zhao Donghuai's laptop computer in the mainland is still under development and has not yet been released. This is a desktop computer purchased directly from IBM. Wang Zuxian's furniture table and chair factory provides tables and chairs.

Recruiting Internet cafe practitioners and managers? It would be too easy to just recruit a group of people from those who failed to apply for Wanjia or Baijia surnames.

With the Zhao Group in charge, everything goes as smoothly as eating and drinking. Ah Xin is just curious and doubtful about whether the Internet cafe can be profitable and make money.

After all, computers are... very mysterious. At least Ah Xin didn't know much about them before and rarely used them.

Li Jiaxin also rubbed her hands, "I'm not sure, but my Five Thousand Years Magazine has launched a group website, and there are promotional links on the homepage navigation of Songshan Portal Station. The magazines follow the trend and hire computer professionals. People do it.”

"At this stage, there seems to be nothing fun to do online except browsing news, sending and receiving emails, and visiting the Songshan Forum? At 10 Hong Kong dollars for an hour of Internet access, can you really make a lot of money?"

Ah Xin's trust in Zhao Donghuai is undoubtedly profound and profound.

She was sure she could make money by opening an Internet cafe, but she didn't know whether it would be a big profit or a small profit.

Today is the opening day of the first batch of Qinling Internet cafes, covering nearly 300 Wanjia chain stores in Haowan, Hong Kong. Each store faces the street on the first floor, and the internal space is not small. Each one has 80 units. 100 machines.

10 yuan an hour is almost as much as the price of a movie ticket.

Of course they don't know that the world's first Internet cafe opened in Yalun in 1994, and that in 1995 Internet cafes also appeared in New York, Los Angeles and other places.

According to the current trajectory, this is the world's first Internet cafe chain store, which was born in Haowan, Hong Kong.

Originally, the two girls spent the night on the 33rd floor of the Songshan Building. Out of curiosity, they took the elevator to the eighth floor in order to have a closer look...

Time passed, and when eight o'clock arrived, a string of firecrackers sounded outside the Qinling Internet Cafe and various congratulatory flower baskets were placed outside the door, which soon attracted the attention of a large number of citizens.

After all, many citizens go to buy vegetables, rice and noodles in the early morning to prepare for lunch. Although most of the people buying vegetables are middle-aged and elderly people, they are also curious. They stop by to see what an Internet cafe is?

Just a few steps away.

Then, people entered the Qinling Internet Cafe one after another and were quickly shocked by the computers. In the past, except in movies and TV series, how could ordinary citizens have so many opportunities to see so many computers? Are Internet cafes just a place where people spend money to play on the computer?

10 Hong Kong dollars an hour? Good guy, so expensive.

Such an expensive price will definitely dissuade a large number of people, but it is impossible to dissuade everyone. There are customers who are not short of money and time, just let them start... It is already 1993, and Qinling Internet Cafe implements Octopus to settle bills.

And the Internet cafe management system is directly online.

Those who sit down, know their stuff, and really like playing computer games will just open the Songshan portal, browse the news, or log in to their mailbox to see if there are any emails, and then quickly go to the Songshan forum and browse the BBS.

If you don’t understand, you should do it with the help of the network administrator.

A player looked at the game icon on his computer unexpectedly, "Is this the 1992 new Dune 2: The Founding of a Dynasty?"

The network administrator nodded, and the players quickly opened and played with joy. This was only 1993, and most of them were still in the era of arcades and Nintendo video game consoles.

But in 1993, the establishment of Dune Dynasty also began to show its charm and magic. It can be said that the Dune series has had a profound impact on the entire PC gaming industry and created a series of rules for the real-time strategy genre.

Such as (Warcraft) (StarCraft) and so on, they basically follow many standards of the Dune series.

Build a base and develop various weapon systems. The Dune series is the originator.

In addition, there was Civilization 1991, which was released in 1991. It focused on the establishment and exploration of empires and contributed a lot to the development of turn-based games.

Another example is NBA Jam 1993, a computer game that only came out this year. You can play basketball online on a computer... Internet Internet, PC games in the Internet era, and TV and arcade games, the biggest difference is the Internet.

Can many players play, interact, and show off their wealth in one server?


The day is noon.

When Ah Xin unexpectedly learned that the 80 computers in the branch opposite Wuyue Building in Kowloon Tong maintained an occupancy rate of almost 80%, she was shocked and said, "In 4 hours, one machine sold for NT$40, and more than 60 machines made a profit More than 2,500 yuan for Internet access?”

"In one full day, is it possible for a single store to earn tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars just from internet fees?"

"Even if we can't maintain 80% attendance rate all the time in the afternoon and evening, is there still a chance to sell thousands of dollars a day?"

This is still a store!

Ah Xin shook his head slightly because of Zhao Donghuai's weak attack, "You are thinking too much. This is a branch in Kowloon Tong with high traffic. It is like an Internet cafe opened in a new satellite village in the New Territories. It will definitely not be as strong as that in Bensheng. A small city wouldn’t have such a strong attendance rate.”

Ah Xin took a long breath and said, "A store sells thousands of yuan a day. Forget it, it's all calculated as a turnover of 5,000 yuan. I have nearly 300 branches, and the turnover is more than a million yuan a day?"

Today is April 6th, Tuesday, and the Tomb-Sweeping Day holiday just passed yesterday. How much will it cost if this continues for a year? What's more, it's only driven on Hong Kong's Hao Bend.

Don’t forget that the Wanjia cinema chain is currently almost all over the islands of Korea and Singapore. Even if Thailand is dominated by Central Group and Lotus Supermarket, she feels that it is not too difficult to open a chain store there for Zhao Donghuai’s sake.

This is much more profitable than the low-end stockings factory she opened in the mainland.

At this time, Li Jiaxin also trembled as she explained, "I found that in the Internet era, there are indeed great conveniences and advantages. My Five Thousand Years Magazine actually received many email applicants from Europe, America or the province."

"Once the email is sent, it is much faster than receiving international registered mail, envelopes, etc. in the past. Most of them only have text resumes, but you can also contact them by phone, return visits for confirmation, etc."

Zhao Donghuai savored Ah Xin's conscience and added, "Don't worry, it will get better and better. After all, in the 1990s, the number of tourists visiting Hong Kong has become larger and larger."

"This year, the number of tourists is expected to exceed 100 million, and the tourist flow itself is the largest source of consumption."

At this stage, the tourist wave is hitting 100 million people. Naturally, there are more tourists from the mainland. In 1993, the first group of people to become rich are also increasing.


In a large-scale funeral parlor in Wan Chai, there was an orderly chaos in the auditorium, with hundreds of people in black suits fighting each other. At first glance, it was extremely chaotic, but the trio of Wu Jing, Jin Chengwu and Zhang Yaoyang were the most capable and brightest. The boy with eyes.

They can easily defeat ten of them here. Ordinary Dongxing and Hongxing soldiers are killed like melons and vegetables, and they rush to the street.

Chen Haonan, played by Jin Chengwu, could not defeat Zhang Yaoyang's crow in a head-on fight, but still chased him and fled. Zhang Yaoyang escaped from the funeral parlor and was caught up by Wu Jing.

On the set, Liu Weiqiang called out and prepared for the next scene.

The next game is Wu Jing playing Zhang Yaoyang one-on-one.

During the solo practice after switching scenes, we still have to try our best to show the advantages and strengths of Hong Kong action movies. Outside the set, Jack Ma said with a longing look on his face, "Teacher Fan, if we have a few more fight scenes, Young and Dangerous 3 will be completed." Bar?"

Jack Ma is the rebellious boy who was beaten by the crow at the beginning.

His role has been completed a long time ago, but isn't it better to stay on the crew and learn more? It was also his first time talking about acting skills. It took him a long time to stabilize the initial positioning and reciting lines.

After all, he is not an academic like Xiao Ma who has studied acting for two years. Jack is a pure wild boy.

Because his performance was not up to par at first, the scene was delayed a lot. It was originally scheduled to start filming on March 16th... and it was not until late March that his scene was completed.

During that process, Fan Wei, also a Hong Kong drifter from the mainland, gave Jack a lot of advice and help. Old Fan was two years older than Old Ma, and he was already familiar with titles such as Brother Fan and Teacher Fan.

Fan Wei guest-starred as the chief inspector of the anti-gangster group in Young and Dangerous 3. He often led the team to fight people and maintained order. He appeared many times, whether it was Brother Crow flipping the table and causing a scene at Hongxing's Changhong Auction. , or the camel funeral, Fan Wei led the police team to appear to maintain order.

Da Tianer and Pheasant beat the camel violently, and then the camel was killed. It was Fan Wei who captured Da Tianer and Pheasant and persuaded them to cooperate with the police.

Fan Wei didn't receive much money for his guest appearance, a salary of 10,000 Hong Kong dollars, but 10,000 Hong Kong dollars was much more huge profit than when he was living in his hometown or living in Yangcheng.

His last film was for Tony Leung Ka-fai and Yuen Yong-yi. It was released together with Young and Dangerous 2 on March 18. Until now, with one opening weekend and two full weeks of release, (Young and Dangerous 2) is still booming, accumulating a total of 2500 More than 10,000 Hong Kong dollars box office in Hong Kong Island.

The one he starred in (Sister Love) had a box office of over 20 million Hong Kong dollars in the local area. Again, Tony Leung Ka Fai is a big star now, and he is also very good at comedy.

As a major supporting actor, Fan Wei also made his official debut, and his salary in "Sister Love" was HK$50,000. Mr. Lu recommended him. Not only did he have resources, he could easily join the crew, and his salary was not too small to start with. .

As he spoke, Lao Fan smiled and said, "The filming is about to be completed. We are really lucky to be able to guest star in such a hot and big project. Xiao Ma, let's have a nice drink after the filming is over. I will take you to find a new project together."

Starring in such a blockbuster movie is an important resume in itself.

No matter how you look at it, Lao Fan and Xiao Ma are just green leaves and supporting actors, and they are getting along. Isn't this just friendship? ?

At this moment, a figure suddenly came up and said, "Lao Ma, Jack? There are people outside looking for you. It's Wu Yusen and TVB's Ah Wei."

Lao Ma was startled, "Director Wu from the Becomes a Hero series? The original organizer of the Taiping Wheel project?"

The figure nodded, "Yes, it's that old street fighter. I didn't expect you to have such a relationship? Maybe he fell in love with you with a new project. Although last year's (Blood on the Street) failed miserably at the box office, in fact, after watching the VCD The disc seems to be well shot, it is an excellent work.”

Lao Ma was overjoyed, took Fan Wei's arm and walked outside, "Teacher Fan, please help me check later, if..."

Fan Wei also had a look of surprise on his face, "Okay, Xiaoma. I was just talking about looking for a new project, and a project came to you automatically?"

A moment later, when the two saw Director Wu and Ah Wei outside the set, Old Wu also extended his hand enthusiastically, "Jack, I heard that you know Nicholas and Jim Carrey? Are they on good terms with each other?"

"I've written a script, and I think it's pretty good. The theme is also grand. I'd like to ask someone to see if they're willing to star in it. Can you help me get in touch?"

"Don't worry, I won't let you work in vain, this is just a small thing..."

During the conversation, Ah Wei directly took out a red envelope and handed it to Jake Ma. Lao Ma hurriedly declined and did not dare to take up the topic. Just kidding, can he use his friendship with Nicholas and Jim Carrey casually? Friendship is a matter of using it once, and the friendship will be weak for a while.

Seeing this, Lao Wu said, "Let's see, it's almost noon, let's go to the nearby Lucky Restaurant to have a hot pot meal? By the way, do you also want to read the script? If you read the script and think it's good, let's talk about whether we contact you Those two?"

Jack then asked curiously, "What script is it?"

Wu Yusen explained excitedly, "In 1945, Li Mei bombed Tokyo and burned 220,000 acres of houses and factories in Tokyo, including part of the Imperial Palace area. It burned more than 90 major cities in the island country, killing 500,000 people and 8 million people. The devil has no home."

"This is a movie that pretends to be the largest modern incendiary war in history. The actual core is an anti-war theme. It highlights love and life under a huge and destructive battle. It is very exciting."

"Have you seen my (Blood on the Street)? It also describes a lot of things about the Vietnam War and a lot of big scenes. But with the new script (Li Mei! Li Mei!), the big scenes must be upgraded to many levels."

"It is estimated that it will cost a lot of money to build a wooden house city. If Nicholas or Jim Carrey is willing to star, it will be easier to attract investment. Don't worry, you can also go abroad to play some roles, such as the emperor of the island country who escaped from the burning war? "

Jack looked shocked, "Such a big project? How many billions will be invested? I will play the role of the emperor of an island country?"

Lao Wu happily hugged Jack's shoulders, "Let's go eat first, eat... Are you Peter Chen from (Sisterly Love)? Come on, let's go eat together."

Although the main hit this time is through Jack Ma, Nicholas or Jim Carrey, since Jack came out with Fan Wei, he does know that (Sister Love) is still in the screening period and the box office response is very good.

In less than 20 days, the box office of Hong Kong Haowan exceeded 40 million Hong Kong dollars, the box office of Star, Matai and Thailand was more than 70 million Hong Kong dollars, and the total box office was more than 160 million Hong Kong dollars.

The data is far inferior to that of Young and Dangerous 2. That movie has a total box office of more than 300 million Hong Kong dollars in large regions. The overall trend is still towards the first film's 400 million breakthrough.

But (Sisterly Love) was released in thousands of theaters in the Mainland!

In less than 20 days, it has already earned more than 300 million yuan in box office in the mainland. This is something that Young and Dangerous cannot chase.

Even if he only plays a supporting role of a scumbag, Fan Wei can be said to have captured the hearts of countless movie fans to a certain extent.

Fan Wei still wanted to give in, but Jack Ma took Lao Fan's arm and said, "Teacher Fan, let's go. When the time comes, you can also help me read the script. You are my teacher in this regard."

I have to say that after just a few words, Jack was already hooked by the big carrot!

If it were really shot according to Wu Yusen's description, it would have to be a blockbuster with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars? Apart from anything else, at least he knows that if you pay enough for serious blockbusters, Nicholas will like to take them.

As long as you give him a salary of 10 million US dollars, do you want Nicholas to act? Once this is done, the matter is almost half successful. With Nicholas joining, no matter where he goes, it will be a powerful weapon to attract financial backers.

That’s the little Green Goblin in the first and second installments of (Spider-Man), which have grossed more than 800 million US dollars at the global box office! !

With the strong joining of the Little Green Goblin, as long as the quality of the script is up to standard, it is not particularly difficult to cheat money. Can he play the role of the emperor of the island country in such a blockbuster? Is his green-leaf appearance really okay?

Regardless of whether it works or not, playing a supporting role in a blockbuster movie is an important resume and achievement.

money? It shouldn’t be too little, right? Do you need to be paid in Hong Kong dollars at least in units of 10,000? These are all money.

Just like Fan Wei's guest appearance in Young and Dangerous 3, the guest appearance fee was 10,000 yuan, while his old horse guest appearance only received 1,000 yuan, which was just a box lunch.

In a short period of time, Jack's mentality was already more energetic than that of Lao Wu and Ah Wei, after pulling Nicholas and Jim Carrey into filming (Li Mei! Li Mei!).

Because even if Director Wu fails to make the film, the worst he can do is to pay compensation of 5 million Hong Kong dollars, or use a pseudonym to make an art film in a valley next to Hollywood. He is the director and does not have to show his face.

Once (The Bloody Two Heroes) succeeded, the millions of red envelopes given to him by Xiang Laoshi still allowed him to have enough to eat and drink in a short period of time.

But for Jack, this project is already the closest golden opportunity that will allow him to achieve financial freedom and a class leap!


April 10th.

Zhao Donghuai drove his custom-made extra-large RV to the Qin Palace complex in a suburb of Wushi. He got out of the car and took a few glances. He couldn't help but sigh, "Talent, this Qin Palace is quite well built."

Jennifer Connelly nodded and said, "It's indeed beautiful and majestic. Speaking of which, Jiang Wen and Director Chen's (Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin) has been filming for so long. Is it almost finished?"

In April 1991, when Director Chen was still waiting for "Farewell My Concubine" to compete for various trophies at the Cannes Film Festival, he was drinking with Zheng Jiachun, Jiang Wen and others and talked about the idea and script of "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin".

Zhao Donghuai backhandedly inserted Jiang Wen into the role as the protagonist, and also served as half of the director. The purpose was to make Jiang Wen suppress Lao Chen and stop messing around.

After the floods in East China in 1991, when the construction of the Qin Palace began in July, he did not expect that Lao Chen and Jiang Wen did not choose Hengdian in the original trajectory, but chose Wushi.

This place is not close to the Three Kingdoms Water Margin Film and Television City, but another suburb. The main reason is that it is not close to the huge Taihu Lake. The construction took seven or eight months, and it was not completed until the spring of 1992.

Therefore, it has been almost a year since the official filming of the movie (Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin) started.

The Qin Palace in front of you is similar to the original track, covering an area of ​​800 acres, with 27 majestic palaces and palaces, and a construction area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters.

It's really...

It has been used for filming for countless film and television projects in the future, from the original track (The Legend of Qin) (The Great Emperor of Han Wu) (Wuji) (The Emperor of the Han Dynasty) to (The Legend of Lu Zhen) (The Legend of Ancient Swords) (The Legend of Wu Mei Niang), etc., all here It was filmed in the Qin Palace.

This is one of the biggest and most important foundations of Hengdian Studios.

Now there is no market... There is nothing wrong with it. After all, the rise of Hengdian is not only due to the Qin Palace, but also to the local leaders' long-term promotion of various tourist film and television attractions to be supplied to a large number of film crews for free, which made it popular.

Secondly, Jiang Wen had half of the decision-making power regarding the construction of the palace this time. Lao Chen was still awkwardly considering where to build the palace. In order to hurry up, Jiang Wen decided to go to Wushi. Anyway, Zhao Donghuai was repairing in Wushi. The Three Kingdoms Water Margin Movie and Television City is not bad at all.

Also, no city has an airport! !

Sunan Shuofang International Airport was built in 1956. It was used only for military purposes and not for civilian use until the 1990s.

The original trajectory was not until 2004 when civilian air routes were opened here.

In this dimension, since the Water Margin of the Three Kingdoms film and television city has been built one after another, including the underground palace complex of Loulan Ancient City in (Ci Ling), along with the continuous promotion of film and television projects.

For those who come to Wushi, the craze for traveling to Taihu Lake is getting higher and higher.

travel? Flying is the fastest way.

There are also many enthusiastic tourists from Hong Kong and South Korea who come to spend foreign exchange to stimulate tourism consumption? After many discussions between all parties, Shuofang Airport opened for civil flights in 1991.

After leaving the airport, it is only ten kilometers away from the city center of Wushi!

With such a short distance, it is very suitable for the Qin Palace to be built in an urban suburb. At least the transportation is convenient. However, the airport over Hengdian did not open to air traffic until 2018.

There is a big difference in convenience whether there is an airport or not.

Of course, Zhao Donghuai appears here today, not to visit the team specifically (Jing Ke assassinates the King of Qin), but because he has been captured by Xiaoxian (The Legend of the Condor Heroes). For example, Li Mochou, played by Xiaoxian, kills all the people in Lujiazhuang. Filming at Water Margin Film and Television City...

The Water Margin Film and Television City is the streetscape and architectural structure of the Northern Song Dynasty. Even if the story of the Legend of the Condor Heroes takes place in the Southern Song Dynasty, it still does not prevent a Lujiazhuang location. To be blunt, many of the filming locations for this version of the story will be in the Water Margin Film and Television City. shoot.

Of course, when it comes to Zhongnan Mountain, Quanzhen Sect, etc., you must go to Zhongnan Mountain to shoot.

Shooting in ancient cities like Xiangyang requires more detailed analysis.

Wang Zuxian grasps the big plan and becomes the producer, Li Tiansheng directs, Bai Gu, Li Ruotong and other stars gather together? This version should be the most classic. Even if An Feng grows up in the future, he will at best chase it.

This version is played by An Feng's mother as Huang Rong! Huang Rihua’s Guo Jing!

Zhao Donghuai, Connery, Ah Xin and others came to see Xiaoxian to prevent her from feeling bored after filming, so they came to Wushi. After they came, they remembered the film (Jing Ke Assassins Qin) that they had been filming for a year?

That means just stopping by.

A moment later, with the relevant leaders taking the lead as tour guides, a group of people entered the Qin Palace. After receiving the news, the main creators Jiang Wen, Lao Chen, Gong Li, Zhang Fengyi and others also came out quickly.

Zhao Donghuai laughed when he saw Jiang Wen's red face and refreshing look, "Awen, it seems you are having a great time shooting here."

In a word, everyone cheered in unison, and Jiang Wen even nodded after laughing, "Zhao Sheng, we can wrap it up by May at the latest, and we don't need too many big special effects in post-production, because too many of them are real." shoot."

“I feel like I can still catch up on the summer season.”

Zhao Donghuai said in surprise, "The summer schedule is easy to say, but the filming is too slow and it won't be able to catch up with this year's Cannes International Film Festival? I'm still very optimistic about you, and I think you can compete for awards."

Jiang Wen was stunned, and Gong Li, Zhang Fengyi and others were also a little shocked, but the next moment Jiang Wen nodded, "Okay, we will try to finish filming in late April and have the finished product in early May, as long as Lao Chen doesn't cause any trouble for me. .”

"It was actually pretty quick to shoot."

Old Chen was so angry that he wanted to blow his beard and glare, "Am I making trouble with you?" ? Forget it, you can't offend Zhao Sheng by offending anyone, otherwise how could you still be in the film industry?

It was more than a year ago. The movie officially started filming in the spring of 1992, but in fact, in July 1991, after the floods passed, he and Jiang Wen started to quarrel for a few days, and even started fighting after a few days.

When it comes to tossing people, he, Jiang Wen, is as confident as anyone.

In more than a year, he did it! !

In this version (Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin), Lao Chen was once again reduced to a ruthless filming machine, with no room for self-expression and play. He was so angry that he cried! !

Anyway, he had already decided that after filming Jing Ke, he would never have to deal with Jiang Wen again in his life.

They had been arguing for more than a year, and he had never been so angry in his life!

This version is just as Jiang Wen described back then, Jing Ke assassinated the King of Qin. It is Jing Ke's highest honor that Jing Ke's name can remain in the movie title.

Jing Ke was just an insignificant and fragile blow on behalf of those who resisted under the background of Qin Shihuang destroying six kingdoms and sweeping across the world. His chariots and writings were on the same track and written in the same text, creating a unified pattern for China. He attacked the Xiongnu in the north and the Baiyue in the south.

As fragile as a mantis trying to block a car...

When Jing Ke's assassination occurred, Jiang Wen, the first emperor, smashed the crown on his head in a domineering manner, hindering Jing Ke's efficiency, and then calmly watched as the guards gathered to surround Jing Ke.

Throughout the whole process, King Qin was as calm as the Lion King or the Tiger King who could not express his anger.

It’s so outrageous that it doesn’t even respect history! ! At least in the history books, Qin Shihuang had a process of escaping around the pillars. What do you mean by just smashing the crown of Jing Ke to slow him down?

He complained, objected, and wanted to modify it countless times... Jiang Wen didn't listen! !

Before Jing Ke was surrounded and killed, Yizhu laughed, "The reason why things didn't work out is that I had the idea of ​​capturing you alive."

Jiang Wen counterattacked tyrannically. I am fighting for the sixth generation to end hundreds of years of war in troubled times and restore a peaceful and prosperous age to all people in the world. Just rely on you?

Why do you object on behalf of countless people who have died in hundreds of years of troubled times?

Jing Ke was stunned, and then he was surrounded and killed while laughing miserably.

This version of Qin Shihuang really looks like he was destined by fate, sweeping away all dissatisfaction in the world, and his domineering and domineering aura is several levels higher than "Let the Bullets Fly".

Even Chen couldn't decide what filter to use for the camera lens. He originally wanted to use the color of the underworld filter to determine the explosiveness of Qin Shihuang's villains and to highlight the tragedy of the heroes who fought against Qin Shihuang's tyranny.

Jiang Wen almost hit him all over his head.

Jiang Wen did not plan to write his name on the director's column. He only planned to write Lao Chen's name after the exhibition and release. However, this matter is now the key thing that Lao Chen is most strongly opposed to.

How could it be possible not to write the surname Jiang? Once this is decided, he will be laughed at by the film and television industry for the rest of his life.

He also invested 200-300 million yuan, including 80 million yuan to repair the Qin Palace complex. On the surface, he was the director of such a grand and exaggerated project? In fact, they are all in the shape of Jiang Wen.

If I really didn't write Jiang Wen's name, who could I hide it from? No one can hide it, he will only become an international joke, which is much more outrageous than "Farewell My Concubine".

After a period of time, Zhao Donghuai watched some of the films that had been shot in the crew. Even if there was no soundtrack or post-production, etc., just looking at the language of the shots and the performances of the actors, Director Zhao couldn't help but sigh, "Old Chen. You are still talented."

"The movie was well shot."

There is no post-production, but almost all the actors in the crew have live lines, and each has better skills than the other, making the story very interesting to watch.

Director Chen blushed hastily and said, "Sheng Zhao, this movie's surname is neither Chen nor Jiang. I don't dare to take advantage of this."

Jiang Wen laughed, "You can't say that. This is the result of our joint efforts. If Zhao Sheng recognizes it, this cooperation will be worthwhile."

Old Chen glared at Jiang Wen bitterly. He was really tired and didn't want to argue. Besides, it seemed too embarrassing to argue in front of a big shot like Zhao Sheng.

Zhao Donghuai praised, "Okay, you continue to shoot, shoot well, today is only April 10th, if you have produced everything well, there is no hope of winning the Best Director trophy at the Cannes International Film Festival. This is one of the greatest affirmations for you." one."

"Next year, there will definitely be nominations for the Best Director Award at the Hong Kong Film Awards. Whether or not you win the award will depend on the situation and the strength of other competitors."

"At this stage, one of your biggest rivals may be (New York Buyers Club), or another may be (LeMay! LeMay!), but it's hard to say whether those can be released before March next year. "

"It's also very mysterious when Ah Xing's (The Grandmaster) will be released."

Lao Chen, "..."

Jiang Wen smiled even happier, and the air was filled with the atmosphere of a happy person.

Under laughter, Gong Li asked curiously, "Boss, what projects are those two that you are so optimistic about?"

Listening to the names, I feel that the names of the two projects are a bit strange.

Zhao Donghuai explained casually, and everyone, including Gong Li, Jiang Wen, and Lao Chen, were dumbfounded and shocked!

New York Buyers Club or Dallas Buyers Club? Isn't this shocking? There’s also Li Mei Barbecue… which can also be the island nation’s version of the Tokyo Massacre.

After being shocked, Jiang Wen said in disbelief, "In China, Jingshang Yang sells 400 units of 10ml for 7 yuan, but in North America it sells for 70 US dollars??"

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "Now the price in North America has increased to 80 US dollars, 624 Hong Kong dollars. It is estimated that the price difference is not far from a hundred times."

Jiang Wen, "..."

Lao Chen, "..."

Gong Li, "!!!"

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