Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 390 Spider-Man’s version of Charlie’s Angels?

On May 6th, the variant version (Stairway to Heaven) is still on the air, Police Story Part 1 and 2 have also been screened on the ATV movie channel many times, and (The Prodigy), which has experienced large-scale publicity, was released.

It is a little spy movie starring Fan Bingbing and Gao Yuanyuan as sisters who rescue their parents together. The promotion of the movie is nothing more than posters, car and bus body leaflets, and ATV talk variety show promotions a week or two in advance.

In addition, it will be broadcast on a familiar movie channel (Xiao Lin Boy Part 1 or 2), and Bingbing and Yuanyuan will record a small advertising promotion.

This special effects comedy action film was originally produced in 2001. It has accumulated US$115 million in North America and exceeded US$200 million globally. It became a hit as soon as it was released.

It perfectly caught the schedule of Young and Dangerous 3.

Because... it was Yuen Biao who guest-starred as the father of two female child stars. Yuen-Biao once starred in Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which also sold over $300 million worldwide. His appearance as a retired agent was quite a gimmick. Of course, he guest-starred as the mother. It's not Laura Fanna, Laura is much more emotional.

But Bingbing and Yuanyuan don’t look like mixed race either!

So it was Lee Saifeng who played the mother role.

The appeal of one Abiao, even in a cameo role, is enough to greatly increase the box office performance of the movie. This is Abiao after starring in three (Wanted), four (Ip Man) and (Mr. and Mrs. Smith) films.

The special effects of Agent Prodigy are also super gorgeous, and the action scenes are also excellent.

This movie started shooting in November last year, was completed at the end of January, and was produced for three to four months. The quality of this movie is really... I must say one thing. In 1993, the supercomputer sold by the Japanese Hitachi Group was already reaching the level of 100% per second. Calculated more than 100 billion times.

Then the supercomputing power will gradually reach the level of 200 billion and 300 billion calculations per second in the next few years.

Supercomputing special effects production is really about to enter a new era, just like the 1996 version of Hollywood (Independence Day), where supercomputing special effects account for the majority, and more than 200 billion levels of special effects rendering are calculated per second.

What Hitachi has put on the market and sells are hundreds of billions per second, and Zhao Donghuai’s special effects base version has been updated earlier. The efficiency exploded, and it took three or four months to produce strong special effects.

(The Prodigy) is also the first newly-released movie with big special effects made using supercomputers running hundreds of billions of operations per second. The other one is (Harry Potter 1). According to the current pace, Harry Potter 1 will be released this year. Released in the summer, it is the most important summer blockbuster.

A wonderful child star-style comedy, the four-day opening weekend of Hong Kong Haowan has 23 million Hong Kong dollars, stars, Malaysia and Thailand 49 million Hong Kong dollars, and Island and South Korea 43 million Hong Kong dollars. The total of all places easily exceeds 100 million.

The four-day show in Mainland China also achieved a box office of RMB 210 million.

The popularity of winning awards at the Cannes International Film Festival can't suppress the rise of Bingbing and Yuanyuan. 12-year-old Bingbing and 14-year-old Yuanyuan are so beautiful and cute...

The most beautiful pair of sisters spend time on the big screen. With their exciting actions and gorgeous special effects, Yuanbiao joins the cast with Hong Kong's action standards. In the first weekend, it earned more than 6 million US dollars in North America. Europa cost 4 million U.S. dollars, breaking 10 million U.S. dollars.

This is the appeal of Yuanbiao!

This is equivalent to breaking HK$400 million in the first weekend worldwide!

This warm-up show before the summer vacation started out surpassing the glory of the Young and Dangerous series. After all, Young and Dangerous was not released in the mainland and lacked the support of a super box office.


May 11th, Huayuan Phase 1.

Zhao Donghuai was taking Zhao Zheng, who was over two years old, for a walk when he saw Bingbing and Yuanyuan running over from behind and saying hello from a distance.

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, holding Zhao Zheng in one hand to stop him from running around, and took out a checkbook and pen with the other hand to write the amount, "What a coincidence, there is no need for the staff below to make this extra trip. Each of you will receive a red envelope of 2 million Hong Kong dollars. Yuanyuan doesn’t have to squeeze in your house anymore.”

"Yuanyuan, you will also graduate in June. When you are not filming, you, Bingbing, Azhi and the others will ask teachers to help you with your cultural classes."

The final global box office of Cheung Po Chi's Little Ghost Thief only exceeded HK$700 million, which is equivalent to US$91 million. However, this new version of the child star series exceeded HK$400 million worldwide in the first weekend, and the total score is expected to be similar to the original version...

It is expected to hit US$200 million globally.

If it reaches that level, then the sequel can really be made seriously.

At this stage, not only Bingbing has graduated from Asia Opera for a year, but Yuanyuan is about to graduate. She is only 14 years old. How can she do anything if she doesn't study?

Fan Bingbing received the red envelope in surprise, "Thank you boss, the second young master is so cute."

While she was still talking, Xiao Zhaozheng was struggling to get off Zhao Donghuai's arms, while holding up a small windmill, "Hit you, hit you..."

Bingbing, "..."

Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but laugh and said, "You must not be telling the truth, it made the second young master angry."

Zhao Donghuai smiled and waved his hands, "Okay, you go and have fun. This is the current stage of girlhood. I don't want to tire you out. Otherwise, as adults, if you have such results, you will have to travel around the world to advertise."

"Cherish your student party career."

Bingbing then explained, "Boss, a producer from the mainland capital sent me a film appointment called (I Love My Family), saying that they wanted to cast me in the role of a primary school student or a middle school student. They were quite sincere. "

"When I was still filming (Little Ghost Thief) with Yuanyuan, I was given a filming appointment. When the filming was completed and post-production, the producer and director even came to invite me in person because I had delayed a lot of filming schedules. .”

"But I really feel like there's not enough time."

"Will filming (Harry Potter 2) start this summer? If Harry Potter 2 plus Secret Agent 2, then..."

Zhao Donghuai said in astonishment, "Harry Potter 2 does have to be filmed, with an average of one film a year. Plus you really don't have time for the Prodigy sequel."

I Love My Family was also a sitcom produced in Beijing in the 1990s with extremely popular ratings. The girl who played the role of an elementary school student in the original track also became famous through it.

Bingbing pointed at Yuanyuan, "Why don't you let Yuanyuan give it a try? They felt that Yuanyuan was not very popular before, but now our Prodigy movie has exceeded 400 million Hong Kong dollars worldwide in its first weekend, and Yuanyuan is also a big hit."

"Moreover, Yuanyuan's parents and brother both work and go to school in the capital."

Gao Yuanyuan, "..."

She didn't say anything, just waiting for arrangements.

Zhao Donghuai was a little speechless. Yuanyuan was obviously older, but no matter how he looked at it now, the status of the younger sister could not be shaken.

When he was about to say something, he heard another greeting in the distance behind him. He didn't have to look back to recognize that it was Li Zhi. Li Zhi and Guan Jiahui's chain beauty shops have been open for so long. You can only become a member by recharging 1 million Hong Kong dollars. …

It's not surprising that she got a big house in the first phase of Huayuan. Guan Jiahui is famous for having a lot of real estate.

Before he turned around, Bingbing said in shock, "Boss, they are dressed so exaggeratedly."

Director Zhao turned around and said, "..."

He looked at Li Zhi coming from Building 3 in surprise. Is there another one? ? 19-year-old Yang Jingru? These two were actually wearing two sets of black and gray Spider-Man uniforms, which were much better looking than the Spider-Man style of Redep's little Spider-Man (Spider-Man Part 1 and 2).

Zhao Donghuai was a little confused. When Li Zhi and Yang Christine came up and greeted him again, Li Zhicai explained, "Boss, Aru and I saw you taking care of the second young master upstairs, so we changed into costumes and planned to come and try it out. .”

"I have talked with Cameron Diaz and want to work together to try out the Spider-Woman project. Is it possible? I will buy the copyright from the proprietress Monica with normal funds and then adapt the version."

"It would be best if two or three female Spider-Men appear together to fight the villain boss."

"By the way, this A'ru is a freshman from the Asian Opera Class of 1992. She is in a similar situation to me. When she came to rent a house in Huayuan in the first phase, I let her live in my house."

"Aru is only 19 years old, but she is very strong in Shanghainese, Mandarin, and English, and she has also learned Cantonese well."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

He took a serious look at Li Zhi and Yang Christine in costume, and couldn't help but sigh. Li Zhi wore such a tight-fitting suit, which was similar to the black widow's tight figure to show off her figure. It was a bit foul. On the other hand, Yang Christine was once known as the most beautiful Asian spider. The Xia uniform is much plainer.

Tens of seconds later, Zhao Donghuai said with emotion, "You are 32 years old, shooting Spider-Man? Aren't you afraid of hardship? Although supercomputer special effects have reached more than 100 billion calculations per second, you still have to endure a lot of hardship if you want to shoot Spider-Man. of."

Originally there were many versions of Spider-Man in Marvel!

There is also a black Spider-Man in various versions!

Li Zhi and the others have seen that both (Spider-Man) movies have grossed more than 800 million U.S. dollars at the global box office. Well... okay, three female Spider-Men at once? Why don't you film Charlie's Angels?

Three female Spider-Men...Li Zhi, Christine Yang, Cameron Diaz? This is really Spider-Man’s version of Charlie’s Angels.

The original two-parter (Charlie's Angels), which is Diaz's heroine, both grossed around $260 million in global box office. However, Charlie's Angels is an adaptation of the American TV series from the 1970s (Charlie's Angels).

Adapting a TV series to shoot beautiful women's action and fighting special effects is not fundamentally different from adapting Spider-Man.

As for Li Zhi, Aru's situation is similar to hers, that is, they were all born in Shanghai and their parents divorced when they were young. Li Zhi studied in North America, and Yang Christine was taken by her mother to study in Montana when she was 11 years old.

The only outrageous thing is that Christine Yeung hasn't finished her freshman year yet. Instead of renting a house in Kowloon Tong or Shek Kip Mei, she comes to Tsim Sha Tsui instead? Doesn't she think it's too far from school?

Li Zhi smiled tenderly at his words, "Boss, what do I have to be afraid of? It's not as hard as running around alone when I was a kid, right? Besides, the great waves of the times have great power to eliminate the older generation. .”

"Even a former top actress like Weng Hong..."

"I was appreciated by Sister Jia Hui. I opened a beauty chain in 1991. Currently, there are 20 branches in Haowan, Hong Kong, and 40 or 50 branches in South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. Customers have recharged hundreds of millions. You can try to get this The money makes a great investment.”

"Sister Jiahui doesn't mind if I misappropriate the money to make a movie with big special effects."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless again, "Although when it comes to the top-up consumption in the beauty shop... you are already suspected of selling pigs, so don't misappropriate it. Go to Jia Hui to borrow money for the photoshoot. She has a lot of spare money."

One million Hong Kong dollars is required to top up as a member, the minimum amount.

It is enough to prove the nature of chain beauty shops, but you don’t make such money. There are many people who come to cut leeks, and they will not cut on the heads of ordinary citizens.

You all want to misappropriate this little money. It's really shameless.

However, the three female Spider-Men fighting the big boss together and riding on the fame of the original Spider-Man are basically a profitable project.

Li Zhi was overjoyed, "Thank you boss, then we will contact Sister Jiahui and ask her to help us buy the copyright from Sister Monica..."

After thanking her, she happily pulled Yang Jingru away.

Zhao Donghuai was still speechless. He encouraged Gao Yuanyuan and told her to go back to the capital to film, and then he carried Zhao Zheng back to Building 1.


In Building 3, when Li Zhi and Yang Jingru walked back into the building, Aru looked back and saw that Zhao Donghuai could no longer be seen. Then she said excitedly, "Sister Zhi, such a good opportunity, why don't you invite the big boss?" Come and sit at home."

Li Zhi rolled his eyes, "You girl, you want to eat Tang Monk's meat? Go and invite yourself."

Of course she knows that there are many people in the entertainment industry who want to be the next Mrs. Zhao, and few of them care about their status... After all, Zhao Donghuai's grandeur is known to the world.

Privately, countless entrepreneurs and capitalists complained that after three generations of hard work, their family fortune was still far less large than the piece of property that Zhao Donghuai casually gave to a girlfriend.

It’s a certain portion! !

Even Hong Xin, who successfully stole chickens last time, is already a big entrepreneur at this stage. In 1990, he bought shares in Shanghai Jiahua Maxam shampoo, Liushen toilet water, and Beijing’s Panda laundry detergent.

After three years of continuous promotion, these three products are now stably generating monthly sales of hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars in the Hong Kong Haowan, Star, Malaysia, Thailand, and Korea markets. The sales volume is more than one billion Hong Kong dollars a year and can even hit 2 billion Hong Kong dollars in sales.

Maxam shampoo is also one of the top Asian shampoo brands.

Her personal low-end stockings and other underwear brands only have sales of 200 to 300 million yuan a year in the Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and South Korea markets. That is also the record of an entrepreneur.

Then there is the Qinling Internet Cafe chain, which opened on April 6. There are nearly 300 stores in Haowan, Hong Kong, and the monthly Internet access charges are as high as more than 30 million Hong Kong dollars!

If Hong Xin promotes Maxam, Liushen Toilet Water and Panda Laundry Detergent to form a company and list it in Hong Kong, the market value is estimated to easily exceed 10 billion Hong Kong dollars. Don't look at the value of these products in East Asia and Southeast Asia outside the mainland, which is only more than one billion. Total sales of more than 2 billion.

But what about the mainland? There are 1.1 billion people in the Mainland, and these are all top brands that have spread all over the world and entered every household!

The market value can exceed 10 billion, and Ah Xin holds 51% of the shares. Let me ask you...how many capitalists and entrepreneurs can easily achieve this wealth after three generations? ?

This is just a representative of the latest ones to get on board.

If Li Zhi had not been helped by Guan Jiahui in time, she might have suffered heavy losses in the wave of real estate speculation in Coconut City and then fell into debt... Are you following the example of Ye Yuqing and Weng Hong? She is 32 years old, and she really doesn’t want to hang around like that.

Under her words, Yang Jingru smiled awkwardly, "Sister Zhi, this is my first time meeting the big boss today, so why are you so embarrassed..."

Li Zhi walked over and pressed the elevator button, "You can pull me down. It's important to become famous as early as possible. If you're serious, it's best to do it early, otherwise you won't have a chance to kneel down and lick her."

"You wait in line until 2013, and 20 years later, there will be an endless stream of newcomers competing with you. There are more than 5 billion people in the world, and your appearance is the average of a Hong Kong sister or an Asian drama freshman."

"Spider-Woman, Cameron Diaz and I will jointly invest in a company, ask big bosses to invest in it, and find a director to make a big movie. You can either go out of your way to steal the chicken and use the back door, or you can go out and make a good movie for me. As long as you become popular, What do you want?"

Aru, "..."

She was so embarrassed that she wanted to dig out three rooms and one living room on the floor with her toes.

The two of them went to the audition wearing Spider-Man costumes. They wanted to ask Zhao Sheng to take care of them. They were both wearing one-piece Spider-Man suits and no shoes.

Li Zhi walked into the elevator, and when Yang Christine also came in, she sighed again, "She debuted at the same time as me, and the best ordinary actress at this stage is Gong Li. No matter she is nominated for the Best Actress in Cannes under the age of 30, she won Not winning any awards is the best proof of your strength.”

"My previous starring roles in (Red Sorghum) and "Farewell My Concubine" also won the Berlin Golden Bear and the Cannes Palme d'Or respectively. They are the best representatives of the idol-turned-acting school."

"Talk about wealth. In addition to a few houses and villas, she has hundreds of millions of cash flow sitting in the bank earning interest. It is estimated that this time (Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin) will take off at the box office after it ends in Cannes and become a big hit."

"You can feel it when you look at Cannes' campaign for awards and the actions of movie channels."

"When she comes back, if she can use her cash flow of several hundred million to buy a house in Beijing, Shanghai, or Yangcheng, and become a super landlord like Sister Jiahui, she won't have to worry about it in this life. No, she won't have to worry about it in the next life."

"If Spider-Woman succeeds, I will also buy as many houses as Jie Hui did."

Aru looked confused. After all, she was only a freshman. If she hadn't rented a house from Li Zhi's house, she wouldn't have had the chance to officially join the circle.


On May 18, the Cannes International Film Festival awards ceremony has progressed to an advanced stage, and some unimportant awards have been handed out one after another.

Globally, "The Prodigy" has once again ignited the film industry. The film's total box office in the first weekend exceeded 400 million Hong Kong dollars, and the next week it exceeded 500 million Hong Kong dollars worldwide, which is equivalent to more than 100 million US dollars in two weeks.

In this case, the box office in Europe and the United States is still more powerful. The first weekend of Europe, Canada and the United States took more than 10 million U.S. dollars, which is only equivalent to more than 80 million Hong Kong dollars.

In the seven days of the next week, North America sold 9 million U.S. dollars and Europa sold 7 million U.S. dollars, which is 124 million Hong Kong dollars. The yuan standard’s appeal is not bad. Moreover, the mainland box office is also 250 million yuan a week, and the two yuan combined are more than 300 million yuan.

This is what allows Fan Bingbing and Gao Yuanyuan to really take over Cai Shaofen and Cameron Diaz's (Home Alone) series and become the most popular child stars of the new generation in the world!

Regardless of whether Azhi and Bingbing's sisterhood has fluctuated again, at this stage, Bingbing's family has truly become wealthy and has entered the class of multi-millionaires...

When I bought Guan Jiahui's double-storey duplex building, I had to pay off all the loans I borrowed from Hong Kong Island Commercial Bank.

Until the 23rd, as the main creative team of "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin" flew back to Hong Kong Island from France, the ATV program team had already broadcast their glorious return live.

Four nominations and two awards, namely Best Picture and Best Director!

When Jiang Wen got off the plane and was interviewed by reporters, he smiled like a 200-pound fool. Director Chen had a black face the whole time. When reporters asked him questions, he said that Jiang Wen took all the photos. He was just a robot, so there was no need to ask him.

The film's global release date has also been set, with a world premiere on May 27. The blockbusters hit the last month, so that’s about it. After all, in late June, the film that really kicked off the global film industry’s summer vacation was (Harry Potter 1)!

That god-level bestseller that has accumulated more than 50 million single-episode sales worldwide!

Then what? Golden Harvest aired the animated movie "Havoc in Heaven" in the summer of 1990. After making good profits, the animation production team once again expanded its recruitment. After three years of hard work, "Three Fighting Bone Demons" is also waiting to be released.

In the summer of 1991, Shanghai Film Studio released the animated movie "Chang'e Flying to the Moon", and now it has released "The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl" in a two-year cycle!

There are also two episodes of the third part in the final battle sequence!

It's only late May, but if you glance at the film productions of Wanjia Cinema, you will know that the summer vacation of 1993 has a brutal schedule.

The floods in East China in 1991, the showdown and Chang'e's Flight to the Moon brought back box office profits of more than 1 billion Hong Kong dollars for Bayi Factory and Shangmei Factory.

After two years, no one can ignore their sequel.


Time went by, and the summer vacation of 1993 was a bit hot.

Big movies that are more sensational than the last have been launched one after another. The Jiangwen version of "Jing Ke Assassins Qin" has achieved three bumper harvests in terms of word of mouth, box office, and awards. The global box office trend is even better than "The Prodigy" at the beginning.

That's Qin Shihuang!

As long as it is an area covered and radiated by Chinese culture, there is basically no need to doubt whether Qin Shihuang has the appeal. In addition, he has been nominated for a bunch of international awards, and the heroine Gong Li has been building momentum for so long.

At the end of May and early to mid-June, just in East and Southeast Asia, the mainland rushed to reach more than 1 billion yuan in volume, and Hong Kong, Haowan, Mataga, Island and South Korea also rushed all the way to exceed 800 million Hong Kong dollars.

Jiang Wen and Gong Li turned red and purple.

Until June 21, (Jing Ke assassinated King Qin) met (Harry Potter 1)...

The summer season has just opened, and it is rushing towards the total score of 800 million U.S. dollars. It is not stopping now, and it is directly hitting the 900 million U.S. dollar level!

The group of child actors in the Harry series are so popular.

In the Eastern world, Bing Bing and Guan Jiahui are the most popular. In the Western world, Monica Bellucci's Magic Academy Principal and Jessica Alba's Hermione are the most popular.

Jiang Wen and Gong Li, who had just become famous for nearly a month with the help of Qin Qin, were crushed to the point of being almost invisible.

Movie fans around the world were greatly surprised when Kwan Ka-wai and Monica were cast as the principals of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The looks of these two top beauties made all the top actresses fall to their knees.

Even in Italy, there are too many young white men and women who lead huge parades and carnivals, and are overjoyed that Monica will star in a big movie again after (Super Body).

Countless Italians, and Italians from all over Europe and the United States, are boasting that Monica is the world’s number one female superstar, a flower girl, the symbol of the most intelligent literary writer with a legal background, and a super national treasure of Italy...

Really, in 1993, Harry Potter could hit the global box office data of the original track in 2001, hitting US$900 million and HK$7 billion in volume? ?

This is why Asia has exploded so horribly. In Mainland Asia, Hong Kong, Haowan, East Asia and Southeast Asia, the total box office hit more than 300 million US dollars in one go. In the Mainland, it followed (Jing Ke assassinated the King of Qin) and once again hit 1 billion yuan. Box office volume.

How popular is this summer season? ?

Countless people are partying, waiting for the students of Harry Potter and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to grow up, leaving aside the Chinese child star Fan Bingbing and the North American child star Jessica Alba.

A large number of guest students include Yuanyuan, Wang Ou, Dong Ao, Eva Green, Miranda Kerr, Zhang Meng, Liu Xinyou, He Zhiyuan...

When a group of people appear together, most of them are just walk-ons, which is enough to amaze the film industry.

The title of the book series and the movie are both called Harry Potter, but the actor who plays Harry, Huang Xiaoming, was quickly ignored by countless people.

The main plot of the movie is centered on him, but after the discussion, it was found that Xiao Ming's acting skills were not outstanding and could keep up with him, and he was praised for his spirituality at most, so he lost popularity.

The fifth Harry Potter book and novel, published just last year, has sold more than 10 million copies in one year. When the movie swept the world film industry, the sales volume really soared.

The live-action version of Daoguo (Hot Blood) starring Kim Sung-oh and Wu Jing was released on a devilish schedule. That is to say, Daohan won more than 300 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office. It did not make any waves in mainland China, Hong Kong Haowan, Xingma Tai, Europe and the United States.

It was dried up by the huge waves.

However, within the scope of Island and Korea, these two have indeed become more popular and have reached a higher level.


On July 21, on the streets of Shek Kip Mei, Wu Jing wore a mask and went out to buy a few newspapers. While reading, he walked towards Huayuan Phase 3. After walking only a dozen meters, he almost burst out laughing, "Damn it, this old Li... It's too awful……"

In today's newspaper news, the most popular thing is still the inventory of the bright stars of the (Harry Potter) series, and how many big stars they can contribute to the Asian film industry in the next ten or twenty years.

But Wu Jing still discovered the fun news on the B page, that is, Changshi Li Chao Ren and fan Da Liu, the 45 Watsons general retailer unchained stores opened in Baixiang Mumbai... were robbed and smashed, four or five stores were destroyed, and the remaining All the workers are also on strike.

The reason is that White Elephant workers clamored for a wage increase, but Lao Li refused to do it. Instead, he seemed to have delayed the salary payment date, which directly aroused public outrage. The supermarket salesmen turned into a leading party and led the citizens of Mumbai to evacuate four or five supermarkets. goods.

Not just on the counter, but also in the warehouse.

All other chains have also gone on strike and gone out of business.

In March, Li Chao Ren and fan Liu Cai were fined HK$500 million by Mumbai. In addition, they became Asia's largest film and television piracy base, causing Changshi's market value to plummet back to below 10 billion, and stabilized at more than 8 billion for several months.

These... all run supermarkets.

I am afraid of comparison in everything!

When Wu Jing smiled so hard that his stomach hurt, a passerby paid attention because of his laughter. After a few glances, he exclaimed, "Damn it, is the Li family going to go bankrupt? No, I have to throw away the long ones quickly." stock."

Wu Jingdu was dumbfounded and said, "After the plunge in March, you still dare to hold Changshi's stocks? Isn't this too brave?"

Passersby rolled their eyes wildly, "I thought it was a bargain hunting opportunity, so I bought a batch at a low price. Why, the White Elephant Man is so devilish, and the Watsons chain over there is a sinkhole!"

After complaining, he ran to the roadside to take a taxi.

Wu Jing shook his head and continued to fight back to the third phase of Huayuan with the newspaper. With the help of a series of movies, he bought a big house, right across from Jin Chengwu.

The two have been working together for a long time. In addition to having a good relationship, they live across the street and can jointly build an indoor gym for fitness.

When he returned home, Ah Wu walked out of his door and waved, "A Jing, I bought a computer and unexpectedly found that using it to read news is more convenient than going out to buy newspapers. Come and see look……"

Wu Jing was stunned. He walked over and saw the computer in Ah Wu's bedroom. The website he was opening was the Kowloon Daily News.

Ah Wu said excitedly, "Come and compare, see if today's news is the same?"

After comparison, the two found that the content of paper newspapers and electronic news web pages were basically the same. What was even more amazing was that online news still had room for readers to leave comments.

Li Zhiren's Watsons store has received thousands of replies due to the news that it was being robbed of zero-dollar purchases and there was a general strike in Mumbai.

Ah Wu opened the post, scrolled through the content, and laughed while reading, "These replies are very interesting. They are all mocking Li Chao Ren Changshi for going bankrupt, and they are also coaxing everyone to sell their stocks quickly..."

Wu Jing watched until now, looked at the newspaper in his hand, then looked at the computer, and suddenly dropped the newspaper and complained, "Wori, who will buy newspapers in the future?"

Awu Le said, "That's not right. From now on, when you buy snacks on the street, paper will also be used when the food stalls make you beef offal, fried and stuffed three treasures. Isn't Xu Guanwen's (New Half Catty Eight Liang) a story like this? ?”

After scrolling through the news, Ah Wu quickly opened the Songshan Forum and entered the film and television section of the forum as if he had discovered a treasure.

"It's more fun here. If you watch all kinds of popular movies, there will basically be a lot of comments on posts, including comments on our Young and Dangerous series, Hot Blood, etc."

"Damn it, your Da Tian Er is so popular. Everyone is talking about me, Chen Haonan, who is the leader in Causeway Bay. You guys gave me more than half of the blame. There are also many people discussing whether you and Zhang Wenxi are together in real life. "

Wu Jing, "..."

A Jing was silent for dozens of seconds before complaining, "Of course Sister Yan and I are innocent, don't you know that? Forget it, as long as we don't discuss it, let's be together."

"This computer is kind of fun. I'll have to buy one later."

"By the way, we have finished shooting the first season of (Prison Break). When will Director Wu shoot (Li Mei! Li Mei!), I am still waiting to play the role of a Flying Tigers pilot bombing Tokyo. It is best to give I have several shots of bombing the imperial palace of the island nation.”

Preparations for the filming of the first season of (Prison Break) started in late April, and there are only 22 episodes in total. Not to mention that in order to wait for Wu Jing and Jin Chengwu's schedule, they started prop model production and studio construction when they were filming Young and Dangerous 3. of.

It’s already late July, (Harry Potter 1) is hitting the global US$900 million figure, and the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry tourist attractions are attracting tourists.

What A Jing wants most now is to burn down Tokyo!

The global film industry is so prosperous, how can it be interesting if it doesn't add heat to Tokyo?

Jin Chengwu complained, "It's coming soon, you are indispensable, but I don't want to curse, the officer protagonist I played is really..."

Damn it, Lao Wu gave him such a deep role. Why did he think of letting the officer's wife sell herself to make money to support the Emperor of Earth in launching a war of aggression, while at the same time missing his husband who committed massacres on the Chinese battlefield?

On the self-cultivation of tauren, right? How should he play such a person?

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