Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 391 Lao Wu and Ah Wei won’t be so unlucky, right?

It was midsummer in late July. Guan Jiahui was sitting happily on the big desk on the 33rd floor of Wuyue Group's Songshan Building, crossing her legs and saying, "Brother Huai, (Harry Potter 1)'s global trend is bound to exceed US$900 million." "

"Do you think there is any hope of breaking one billion? If it can break one billion, wouldn't this be the world's first single-chip billion-dollar club?"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "There is little hope of breaking 1 billion, and it will be difficult to extend the schedule."

(Harry Potter) being able to break 900 million US dollars for a single film is already the number one achievement in the 20th century film industry. In this regard, no matter whether the Hollywood Star Wars series, Raiders of the Lost Ark or the major animated series have achieved this record.

Harry Potter did it…

In fact, there is nothing worth writing about. The main reason is that Zhao Donghuai Media Group promotes books and spends money on operations. The fans who have been raising it for so many years are growing up year by year, and new fans are joining the trap every year.

When it comes to film and television, it is not difficult to achieve miracles as long as the filming is high-quality, the publicity and promotion is vigorous, and it is done properly.

Because many, many fans are child fans, children will never go to the cinema alone. That one fan will bring his parents to watch the movie together... This is a natural advantage.

Leaving aside the box office in East and Southeast Asia, the total revenue in Europe and the United States is less than US$600 million. The performance is on par with Spider-Man 1 and 2, if not slightly inferior.

The explosion of Asian ticket warehouses is also a load-bearing wall type of support.

Kwan Ka-wai complained with a hint of disappointment, "It's a bit imperfect. This year is also our tenth anniversary celebration. I've retired for so many years and returned to the film industry. It's not perfect if I don't break a billion."

"How about me and Monica work together to boost the box office?"

Director Zhao was speechless, "No, it really isn't..."

"Now that we have gradually entered the Internet era, it is much more difficult to press the news about many things. What if you make nearly 100 million U.S. dollars at the box office? That loophole is too big. If someone takes it out, it will be a big stain."

"You'd better keep lying down and win."

The tenth anniversary? That's right, he started Jiahui's boat in 1983. Unknowingly, ten years have passed by, and Zhao An is almost 4 years old at this stage.

Sister Guan is officially 31 years old, but how can I put it, because of the problem of proper maintenance, she looks like she is 24 or 25 years old, as if she has frozen her age, and her physique and physical fitness can easily beat a group of Olympic champions .

Otherwise, the Zhongling chain of beauty salons that have opened in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Macau and South Korea would not be so popular and highly sought after by all kinds of aristocrats and ladies.

This...is really nothing. It's like there is no cheater like Zhao Donghuai in the original trajectory. Even in 2022, there is still Wu Wanfang, a frozen-age beauty witch.

Ah Hua, the 60-year-old Hua Zai, attends various events and looks like a forty-year-old model in the photos.

Wu Wanfang and Hua Zai are not alone, there are many frozen stars like them!

Just then, the phone rang on his desk. When he picked it up, he heard that it was Qiu Shuzhen reporting, saying that at ATV, Mak Xuexiong went over and sent the script of (New York Buyers Club) and asked Zhao Donghuai to see if it would work. , if it works, I plan to start filming.

Zhao Donghuai asked Azhen to send the script to Songshan Building, then hung up the phone and complained, "It's late July, tomorrow is the day when Jiahe (Three Strikes of White Bone Demon) will be released, and Lao Mai has just released the final script. It's really outrageous."

On February 13th, Green Hair Ross discussed the movie project of Club, and Lao Mai came to recommend himself. The script was delayed for more than five months?

As for Zhao Donghuai's appearance in Wuyue Building, it was under inspection to see how the integration was going after the paper media group gradually integrated into the Internet News Group.

Songshan Group is positioned as a portal website that pushes news and emails. The largest Songshan News basically covers everything.

A large number of news groups under Zhao's traditional Kowloon Daily, Kwun Tong Industrial News, New Territories Chinese Press, etc. still push links on the homepage website navigation and have independent newspaper websites.

Should we only keep top-notch brands like the Kowloon Daily News in the future? Close the remaining second-rate newspapers? All integrated into Songshan News?

This is still under consideration, in the trial operation stage.

Kowloon Daily must be independent, and Li Jiaxin's 5,000 Years Magazine must also be independent, with their own websites. After all, they are all brands. 5,000 Years Magazine is Asia's top fashion publication, a fashion leader.

There are a lot of second-rate newspapers, so we really need to consider them.

But one thing is certain, Zhao Donghuai is sure. Once the novels serialized in various paper media enter the Internet age? ?

It is so exciting for readers to comment and interact with the author while they are reading. It is countless times more convenient than traditional paper media.

He began to consider whether to set up a novel website directly.

If a professional novel website were established, there would be no need for a large number of second-rate newspapers that rely on serialized novels to support their daily sales of around 100,000 copies.

At this stage, even in the Songshan Forum BBS, many people are trying to write novels and publish them as serial posts to attract the attention of netizens and follow up with comments and replies.

Those who naturally submit articles to print media groups but fail to review them are testing the waters.

Under his words, Kwan Jiahui was happy to say, "So Jim Carrey and Liu Yijun also missed the North American exam by four or five months? This movie is really ill-fated..."

Zhao Donghuai once again complained, "A 10ml 400 unit insulin for type 1 diabetes in North America has outrageously increased to 130 US dollars, and the price of Jingshang Yang in the Mainland has also increased to 9 yuan."

"The price difference is really more than a hundred times."

"The second-hand dealer who was the god of medicine died by three figures!"

"At the beginning, Jack, the smuggler in Los Angeles, was shot dead by his neighbor who broke into his house. He said he went to the wrong door. It was already outrageous. But at this stage, the dump truck is rushing wildly."

"I have nothing to say!"

He really had nothing to say. Last year Liu Yijun suggested that a diabetic patient in the fishing competition see a Chinese medicine doctor.

After more than half a year of treatment, Paul, the original young rich man in New York, has been able to stabilize his condition with a stable prescription of traditional Chinese medicine. He no longer needs acupuncture and has stopped taking dietary supplements. He has walked out of the quagmire of type 1 diabetes.

But a series of follow-ups? The three-digit medicine god died!

Eli Lilly and other groups have really done a lot of evil.

This is much more cruel and violent than the Dallas Buyers Club, because Dallas is not recognized by the FDA, but it is reviewing some drugs or treatments that can really cure AIDS. Those are all in the new research and development stage... You can delay the review if you can't. Fooled by unstable clinical trials.

Taking a quick look at the reason for the confusion, it makes sense in terms of face.

What about insulin? ? The patent was discovered and donated half a century ago.

They have donated for half a century!

While the two were chatting, Qiu Shuzhen arrived. After Azhen came in, she took a deep breath and asked in surprise, "This is unscientific. Why is there no familiar floral fragrance and taste?"

Guan Jiahui, "..."


Three hours later.

Zhao Donghuai grabbed the script (New York Sellers Club) and planned to read it. Azhen stretched lazily and said, "Hey, boss, something big seems to have happened. I heard that when Director Wu and that Ah Wei were inspecting in Tokyo, poisoned……"

Director Zhao was stunned, "Poisoned? What kind of poison?"

Could it be...

Only then did Azhen describe in a loud voice, "There is a group of gangsters from Taiwan who specially put sarin gas into the Tokyo subway. I heard that more than 20 people have been killed, 7,000 to 8,000 people have been injured, and there are more than 2,000 people in the subway." Hospital for treatment.”

"Wu Yusen and Liang Chaowei were also accidentally affected while riding the subway, and are now being treated in the hospital..."

"I don't know if those two will have serious sequelae. Jack Ma, who worked as a translator with them, was also affected and is also in the hospital."

"It's just a matter of taking the subway, and it becomes a good relationship of life and death. Isn't it unfair?"

Guan Jiahui was shocked, "How is it possible that this is the 1990s and there is such an outrageous and funny thing??"

Zhao Donghuai, "!!!"

Tokyo subway sarin gas incident? Didn't this break out in March 1995? Not only was this advanced by more than a year, it was also... more lethal?

The original big incident was an organization like Tom Cruise's Scientology, initiated by an island nation. The boss was named Asahara. The backbone group produced 70 tons of poison gas and planned to destroy the island nation... Destroy the current island nation and then establish a new one. Utopia.

Because starting from the late 1980s, Asahara commanded his subordinates to control a series of sarin poisoning incidents, and faced a situation where the group was banned and he was considered an illegal organization.

Asahara commanded his key team to create the subway poisoning case that shocked the world at the beginning of 1995.

It’s only 1993 now? The Butterfly Effect? Zhao Donghuai carefully thought about it and found that Asahara's attack on the street was indeed a joke. For example, in the tragic murder of lawyer Sakamoto in the 1980s, Sakamoto planned to launch a class action lawsuit against Asahara and the group he organized, accusing him of oppressing believers, illegally amassing money, and being anti-social. .

Asahara asked a group of his men to enter lawyer Sakamoto's house early in the morning and destroy his entire family.

The family was exterminated in the late 1980s. It was not until September 1995 that the bodies of the Sakamoto family were discovered and found by the police. Before that, the family was listed as missing persons by the police...

Asahara originally opened a truth yoga studio, taught truth yoga classes for free, opened a chain of trainings, and slowly and slowly started to focus on religion.

At its peak, the Truth Yoga Class Group had more than 100 branches in the island country and many followers.

For example, in 1994, when Matsumoto was poisoned in "Original Tracks", some owners of Matsumoto rented the chain of yoga branches to Asahara. They no longer wanted to rent to them and wanted to take it back. Asahara was unwilling, so the owners sued the court. Asahara seriously considered it and felt that he had lost the case. The probability is too high.

He directed his men to poison the owners' and judges' quarters late at night, killing seven in one go. He wanted to kill so many people in one go over whether to rent a house or not, and he also wanted to poison the judge who was hearing the rental case...

Is this brain normal? ? Are you squeezed by the door? ! Why can the matter of renting a house be brought to the head of a judge? !

There are all kinds of things. Since the late 1980s, Asahara has been poisoning all year round, using sarin for various assassinations. It was not until 1995 that he was accused of the Truth Group being an evil organization and wanted to ban him and arrest him. Then the Tokyo subway poisoning came.

If from the late 1980s to 1993, as long as the Truth Yoga Group released more poisons than the original track, it would be banned and arrested, it would not be surprising that Asahara Dobby would cause a mass poisoning on the subway in advance.

While he was still thinking, Qiu Shuzhen continued to explain in amazement, "I received this news before I received the script from Mai Xunxiong. It was sent by a reporter from the newspaper group in Tokyo at about 8 o'clock this morning. matter."

"During rush hour, the entire Tokyo subway was shut down, and the traffic chaos was indescribable."

"I heard that even if the amount of sarin gas is not lethal, if it is more serious, it can cause serious damage to the human brain, nerves and liver."

"Wu Yusen and Ah Wei won't be so unlucky, right? There's also Jack Ma, who looks strange. He played the role of the emperor who surrendered when the island nation surrendered during the Anti-Japanese War in (Li Mei! Li Mei!). Now he's working part-time. Helping Director Wu act as a translator can also be cheated."

Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but pick up the phone and ask reporters to quickly follow up the report. Jack was so unlucky... just a translator?

Call the reporter and ask the reporter to check the health problems of Lao Wu, Lao Ma and others as soon as possible.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Donghuai called Samsung Li again, "President Li, have you heard about the Tokyo Sarin Incident? Do you know about it? Do you know that Wu Yusen was affected?"

"President Li, (Li Mei! Li Mei!) you are a big investor, why don't you fly to Tokyo for a visit as soon as possible?"

On the other side of the phone, Chairman Lee of Samsung was full of confusion, "Should I fly to Tokyo now? Even if I spend the 200 million yuan on water stamps, I won't go."

"That guy from the Islands is crazy. A guy who runs a yoga class is so big. What a talent!"

Zhao Donghuai thought for a while and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't go, but are Director Wu and the others considered official injuries? Don't you and Brother Lumbia arrange a reward?"

"There are rewards for serious injuries, and there are rewards for minor injuries. This cannot weaken your three-star reputation."

Lao Wu and Ah Wei... forget it, he was mainly worried about Lao Ma.

It’s just to make some money, which is not easy. After experiencing this incident, I guess if Lao Ma still wants to engage in Internet e-commerce in the future, he will definitely not say that he is blessed.


Tokyo, a chaotic Shinjuku hospital.

When Fan Wei heard the news and rushed to a hospital with the help of two friends from the Northeast, he looked at the queues in the emergency center...

Fan Wei was shocked and said, "How could such a thing happen?"

A friend from the Northeast picked his ears and complained, "I asked the boss and they found out, it's a gangster called the Truth Yoga Study Class. He committed too many crimes and faced being banned or arrested, so he went crazy and started big things." ."

"I'm sorry, my boss is just a hammer maniac. I didn't expect that there is a Sarin yoga maniac here. He can run a yoga class like that. It's outrageous!"

Of course, this friend from the Northeast is not involved in the film and television industry. He is a member of the Tiger Gang. In 1990, Chen Awu, a young brother from the Northeast, met Liu Luanxiong at Qide Airport and kindly helped a beautiful girl check in and saluted...

He became a fan smuggler out of nowhere, causing big trouble when he was arrested at the airport, and robbed the execution ground to save Liu Luanxiong.

Da Liu lost a lot of money, returned to Hong Kong Island safely to develop, and was led into the pit of Baixiang investment by Li Chao.

But starting from 1990, Ah Wu, who joined the Tiger Gang, was indeed a hammer maniac, and he often staged hammer madness in Tokyo.

One after another, he also became a rising star in the Tiger Gang, and took in many younger brothers who smuggled themselves from the Northeast.

What Cheng Longyuan shot (Shinjuku Incident) in the original track reflects the smuggling of various mainlanders to Shinjuku for development in the 1990s, including many Northeasterners.

It is normal for everyone to work together and develop together when away from home. Fan Wei is also an actor who will star in (Li Mei! Li Mei!). His English is not very good, but following Jack Ma's relationship, after joining the crew to determine what to play...

I also came to Tokyo in advance. During the study tour, I unexpectedly met a few people from the Northeast, and we got along well with them.

Young and Dangerous 3 was a hit in the island country and achieved very good box office results. Many people also recognized Lao Fan as an actor and star. Many people like to talk to him about gossips about the film and television and entertainment industries.

Who doesn’t like to eat melons, especially melons from the entertainment industry?

Among those fans of Pink Gold Cheng Wu and Wu Jing, there are also many fans of Club Boy movies. Many people also want to use Lao Fan's relationship to get signed posters of Wu and A Jing.

Fan Wei was shocked again under the words, "A yoga class??"

He basically couldn't put together a chain of yoga training classes, classes and the famous subway poisoning case in the island country. He didn't expect that he could gain so much knowledge in Tokyo.

After being confused for a while, Lao Fan pulled his friend from the Northeast and said, "Can you help me ask where Xiao Ma is now and whether he is seriously injured?"

The handsome guy from Northeast China nodded quickly, "No problem, I'll contact the boss and ask them to find acquaintances in the hospital..."

The Tiger Gang is currently as big a company as the New Yamakou Group, and the New Yamakou Group is already much stronger than the Old Yamakou Group!

Twenty minutes later, the handsome guy from Northeast China took Lao Fan into a large office. He still spoke Japanese to express his intention.

After listening, the people in the big office made a few more calls before quickly saying, "Jake Ma's injury is a minor one, and there will be no sequelae after simple treatment. Director Wu and Ah Wei need follow-up observation to determine whether there will be any serious injuries." There will be sequelae.”

Translated by a handsome guy from Northeast China.

Fan Wei was ecstatic and breathed a sigh of relief.

The handsome guy from the Northeast complained to the other party again, "Why are Director Wu and Ah Wei more serious? Is it because your medical skills are not good enough?"

The people in the big office bowed and apologized, "Red bean paste private Marseille..."

Things became clear. When the trio were on the subway, Ah Wei, one of the top five TVB heroes and a starlet who has also starred in many TVB TV series and some blockbuster movies, was recognized by fans from an archipelago country. .


Wu Yusen was recognized, and many fans chased and surrounded him.

Jack was helplessly pushed to the outside. He wanted to be an English translator, but fans who didn't understand English didn't give him a chance. Jack was pushed to the outside.

So when someone suddenly poisoned the subway with sarin...

When the train stopped and felt that the toxic passengers were frantically trying to get off, Jack, who was alone on the edge, was the first to be pushed off the train, and he was also the first to be pushed far away to escape.

Ah Wei, who was surrounded by fans and even trolled, was the slowest to get off the bus!

You must also admit that it is not unreasonable for the 31-year-old Ah Wei to be loved by the island nation's fans with his handsomeness and style at this age.

Let's put it this way, the many passengers who wanted to escape the poison gas attack were lucky that they did not cause a congestion and stampede at the scene, and trampled a number of people to death.

That's not right. So many different subway trains were poisoned by guys from yoga classes within an hour or two during rush hours. Is it true that no one was trampled to death? I guess it won’t be reported in the news even if it is.

After telling the general story, everyone in the big office bowed and apologized again, saying with emotion, "Actually, celebrity Ah Wei and the others are very lucky. More than 300 people were seriously injured on the same train. It means that even if they are treated, their brains and nerves will be damaged." , liver, etc. will also leave serious sequelae.”

"Three people have died!"

A series of attacks occurred in which yoga class students got on the bus with containers containing sarin, and then quickly punctured the containers and ran away when they got off at the next stop. Once the sarin gas began to evaporate, nearby People are poisoned by breathing or skin contact.

That is difficulty breathing, narrowing of the bronchi, crazy convulsions, etc.

Once someone exhibits these symptoms, it will naturally frighten nearby people and cause greater chaos and sensation when escaping.

In this situation, Jack Ma is the most relaxed when he is alone. A star who is surrounded by layers and has no place to move? ? Ah Wei only has a monthly salary of several thousand Hong Kong dollars from TVB. He can't afford a bodyguard.

It is not yet certain whether there will be any sequelae or whether it will cause damage to the brain, nerves and liver. This is the best news.

Some time later, Fan Wei saw Jack Ma who was being observed in the ward. On the surface, there was nothing unusual about Jack Ma, but he had a strong sense of panic.

Lao Fan put his arm around Lao Ma's shoulders and said, "It's so scary. Fortunately, you're fine."

Lao Ma is not yet 30 years old this year. At this moment, he is also hugging Teacher Fan and sighing, "Brother Fan, if it weren't for the supporting role in (Li Mei! Li Mei!), Director Wu would have offered me a salary of 20,000 Hong Kong dollars plus the entire movie." Food and accommodation are included...I almost want to go back to Hangzhou."

Just then, the phone rang.

After Lao Ma got through, he communicated in English for a while before he put down the phone excitedly, "Brother Fan, I'm rich, haha. Samsung said they considered us a business casualty. Director Wu, A Wei, and I each A consolation payment of HK$200,000.”

"I'm rich. I'm rich. If I buy small commodities from Yiwu in the mainland, how much do I need to buy and sell to earn 200,000?"

"This is still the compensation standard for minor injuries. It is mainly used to appease the mental state. The standard for serious injuries is even higher!"

Fan Wei, "..."

Lao Fan was silent for dozens of seconds and sighed, "Brother, there is nothing to be happy about with this kind of money."


It’s a new day, and the animated movie (Three Strikes of Bones), which has also experienced ample publicity, is released.

ATV Office.

When Zhao Donghuai came back, he saw Xiaoxian standing up from the sofa seating area in surprise and walking quickly to ask...

In mid-March, a proposal was made to produce a version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" produced by Wang Zuxian and directed by Li Tiansheng, a classic version of Bai Gu and Li Ruotong. Now it is in late July.

Tens of minutes later, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Is it finished?"

This doesn't mean that Zhao Donghuai hasn't seen Xiaoxian for several months. Except for the time when he went back to visit his class, Xiaoxian often flew back for reunions.

The last time was five days ago.

Xiaoxian nodded happily, "It's finished and has entered post-production. It feels like it's the first time I've supervised the production of a TV series from beginning to end. It's quite fun."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "You can continue if you find it fun. There are plenty of opportunities anyway."

At this stage, not only Xiaoxian’s (The Legend of the Condor Heroes) is in the late stages, but A Hong’s (Prison Break) is also in the later stages.

In terms of TV dramas, the audience is also in for a treat. ATV has no shortage of good variety shows and new TV drama projects. For example, Friends (Friends) is a stable one-season show, and the fourth season was filmed in 1993 and is still very popular.

However, this summer, The Voice was temporarily suspended. After running for three consecutive years and three editions, the good talents were basically eliminated in advance. If it is held again in the fourth season, there will be nothing outstanding.

It was paused.

After thinking about it, Zhao Donghuai said, "You can try adapting the comics. The Fengyun comics are good, but Fengyun belongs to the high martial arts area, and it is far beyond the combat power of the gold martial arts."

“A lot of big special effects were used in the production.”

Xiaoxian said in surprise, "Fengyun Comics?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Even in the Fengyun series, if you use big special effects, you can make a big movie."

If you go to make the original 1998 version of the movie "Win the World", Pengcheng's special effects base can easily produce the 98 version of the movie. With supercomputing running hundreds of billions of times per second, it's really like entering a new era.

The 1998 version of The Greatest Movie, in the era of decline of the Hong Kong film industry, still generated more than 41 million Hong Kong dollars at the local box office, which is enough to testify to the potential charm of this theme and special effects.

In 1998, The Wind and Cloud ranked first among Chinese films in the annual box office. The second in annual votes was Cheng Long's film, the third was Zhou Xingxing, and the fourth was Hua Zai and Liang Yongqi's The Dragon in the Rivers and Lakes, but (The Dragon in the Rivers and Lakes) ranked fourth in the annual votes. The box office is more than 16 million Hong Kong dollars.

The fifth to tenth annual votes all barely broke 10 million Hong Kong dollars.

Comparison of various data has also witnessed the arrival of a technological era in which great special effects can only make money and sell well by doing special effects carefully.

Xiaoxian blinked, "Hey, I haven't read the original comic. Can you help me write a script? An outline will do..."

When Wang Zuxian started acting coquettishly, Zhao Donghuai could only say that he was too soft-hearted and just write an outline.

Give the original outline to Xiaoxian and get the team to work on it.

Seeing Zhao Donghuai finish writing the outline and the main characters, Xiaoxian thought for a while, "The big villain Xiongba needs to be domineering and have a strong heroic temperament. Who can use such an old actor? Zeng Jiang? Bao Guo'an? Wan Zihao's likeness will also work. It’s just that Wan Ziliang is a bit young..."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless for a moment. Xiaoxian's vision in selecting people was not bad.

In the original version of "Wind and Cloud", Liu Weiqiang and Wen Junli invited Japanese actor Shinichi Chiba to join the cast. It was the market collapse of Hong Kong film industry in 1998, and they wanted to use Japanese actors to attract the Japanese market. Shinichi Chiba's performance was also extremely brilliant, and he also won the film with the help of "Fengyun Film" Hong Kong Island Film Awards Best Actor Trophy.

This is the first foreign actor to win the Academy Award for Best Actor.

Because of the success of his role, he was still hired in the later TV series version of Xiongba.

A popular movie pushed Chiba Shinichi to a new career peak!

But none of the names Xiaoxian mentioned at the moment was bad.

Not to mention how many masterpieces Zeng Jiang has and how many heroic characters he has played. Whether he can show his domineering and heroic spirit on the big screen, if you let Boss Cao like Bao Guoan play it...

Boss Cao's version of Xiongba snatching away the most beautiful girl Yan Ying and giving a hat to King Nie Ren is simply the most famous scene.

Zhao Donghuai nodded and said, "You can make an appointment with Teacher Bao. This movie will be shot with a green screen or a blue screen. It is quite different from many old-fashioned movies."

After large-scale special effects entered the era of hundreds of billions per second, green screen and blue screen technology continued to improve, which really marked the progress of another kind of shooting industry.


A few days later.

In the summer season, which is becoming more and more popular, the new version (The Legend of the Condor Heroes) has become a big hit. The first episode in Hong Kong has scored more than 90% of the ratings, and it has also reached 30% in Korea and South Korea. It can be said to be extremely popular.

It started out like countless gold-based martial arts dramas, but the finale couldn't reach a height.

It was precisely because of Wang Zuxian's appeal for starring in a TV series for the first time after retiring for several years that the small screen began with the plot of Li Mochou forcibly killing Lu Zhanyuan and He Yuanjun.

Watching Xiaoxian's beautiful and cool femme fatale style on TV, countless fans of A Chinese Ghost Story are exclaiming that Xiaoqian's emotional feelings are back... It's just that this version of Xiaoqian is super poisonous.

But the kind of beautiful, strong and miserable character is not bad either.

It's just that many people are complaining. With such a beautiful Li Mochou, who the hell Lu Zhanyuan would abandon her? This is too disrespectful... Well, when He Yuanjun appeared on the camera and committed suicide, countless viewers were silent.

This Yuanjun was a guest appearance by Chen Hong in ancient costume. Anyway, he died not long after he appeared on the scene, so he acted very well as a supporting role.

Let's compare Ah Hong's peak costume appearance. In comparison, Xiaoxian was speechless for a moment. We can understand Lu Zhanyuan's difficulty in choosing.

Lu Zhanyuan, who appears with He Yuanjun, is a guest appearance by Zhao Donghuai in ancient costume. After all, this is Xiaoxian acting coquettishly, asking questions, being cute, giving water and all kinds of requests, and Director Zhao is a soft-hearted person.

Zhao Donghuai is also very photogenic and super handsome after wearing costume makeup. It's nothing more than a suicide shot for the camera... He still deliberately put on the make-up of a handsome middle-aged man on the screen and pretended to be the youngest.

This is also Zhao Donghuai’s first kill on screen!

The first episode achieved peak ratings and coverage, marking the popularity of the 93 version of the Condor.

Waiting for a new day, Li Ming, Zheng Yijian, Aaron Kwok, Guan Lijie and other F4 gathered in the large conference room on the eighth floor of ATV headquarters. After entering, several people saw Liu Xiaoli, Zhu Yin, Chen Derong and others who were already chatting.

After Ah Ming greeted him politely, he couldn't help but said in confusion, "Hey, Sister Li, Ah Rong, and Ah Yin, you have all played the role of the new version of the Condor. Why did I feel that Lu Zhanyuan last night looked so familiar?"

Aaron Kwok couldn't help but ask, "Yes, I feel quite like a big boss, isn't that..."

Although he has the image of a handsome middle-aged man in ancient costume, those who are familiar with Zhao Donghuai can still recognize him at a glance, and everyone is not blind.

They didn't expect that Zhao Donghuai would condescend to play a minor role, but he still committed suicide.

A large number of ordinary citizens in the outside world don't know that it is because they have basically never seen Zhao Donghuai himself. Even if they meet him once in a while, the image of him who met him by chance many days or months ago has long been faded and cannot be remembered.

Liu Xiaoli smiled and nodded, "It's true. After all, Sister Xian has a lot of face. Although she is playing a minor role, the acting skills of Big Boss are really strong. I feel that she is not inferior to any actor."

Ajie was shocked, "Damn it, it's true. Then I have to record it for the replay. No, I have to use a laser disc player to record it. The one is more high-definition. I haven't had the chance to see Zhao Sheng in almost a year." ”

"This version of The Condor, let alone the ratings, the couple who committed suicide in the first episode is the strongest easter egg in the entire series."

They, F4, came here because they received news that they were going to star in a martial arts movie with special effects adapted from Fengyun Comics. They didn't expect to be in such a big mess as soon as they walked in.

The crowd chatted and laughed for a while, until they ignored the topic. Liu Xiaoli asked curiously, "Our new project is a comic adaptation? So after getting the script, is it necessary to read the comics first?"

Zheng Yijian shook his head, "It feels unnecessary. It's like a Young and Dangerous movie, which is completely different from the comics."

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