Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 392 A skinny donkey is still bigger than a sheep

An hour later, when Wang Zuxian arrived at the large conference room on the eighth floor and saw that all the invitees had arrived, he decisively asked his assistant to hand out the script.

She also smiled and said, "Okay, this time we are preparing for (Wind and Cloud Dominate the World), and there are no new people. There is no need to audition. Everyone gets the full script and the scripts of individual characters, and they can go back and find the status in a few days before starting filming. "

Zhu Yin got the script, glanced at it briefly and said with a smile, "Wow, Sister Xian, you take such good care of me. I play Kong Ci and make all the three brothers Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun and Qin Shuang fall in love with me? Such charm?" It’s a bit too big, I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold it.”

Chen Derong raised his head and said, "Am I Yu Chuchu? The daughter of the miracle doctor who accidentally killed the Sword Master? Who is the Sword Master?"

Xu Jinjiang, who was diagonally opposite her, showed a kind smile decisively, "My character is a sword master. Isn't the scene described above a bit technically difficult?"

The sword master he played appeared on the scene, which was similar to the soul leaving the body and stopping everyone's time with terrifying lethality. This is really not a level that ordinary martial arts movies can produce.

Wang Zuxian explained, "The new movie has many special effects bases and green and blue screen shooting methods. Those who have had little exposure to these before can go back and learn slowly. We are not in a hurry."

Even she herself doesn’t know much about green screen and blue screen shooting.

After all, she used to star in various film and television dramas and rarely used special effects of that kind. The many special effects in the Chinese Ghost Story series were all just models and Wire stunts.

In this version of Fengyun, Eijian Cheng plays Nie Feng, Aaron Kwok plays Bu Jingyun, and Guan Lijie's Qin Shuang. As for Li Ming, the F4 boss, he makes a guest appearance as Dugu Ming, the young master of Wushuang City, just to give the feeling of an F4 reunion.

Bao Guo'an's Xiong Ba, as for Wen Chou Chou, who has a eunuch-like feeling next to Xiong Ba, was played by Li Jianyi. Li is also an experienced actor. He once played the role of Chen Gong in the TV series Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and his acting skills are also very outstanding.

The other characters are much simpler. Clay Bodhisattva, Li Yaoxiang, King Nie Ren, etc. are all small roles that are just like a sidekick. Just look for middle-aged and elderly handsome guys.


(Feng Yun) Project preparations went smoothly. On the 12th floor of ATV headquarters, Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but be a little surprised after receiving the news, "Changshi Group is bankrupt?"

"Old Li is over 60 years old, is he really going to be pauper?"

Azhen nodded, "Yes, what just happened on the Stock Exchange today, although many times, a listed group goes bankrupt and falls below the issue price, which does not prevent the major shareholder and president from running away with a large amount of money."

"But the largest shareholder of Cheung Kong is actually HSBC. Without the support of HSBC, the Li family would not be able to get up. Before this bankruptcy, HSBC had already taken away the core values ​​of Cheung Kong, such as the real estate and commercial buildings in its hands."

"All debts and other things have been thrown to the Li family. Even if the Li family holds more than 50% of the shares, without the commercial buildings, office buildings and land, it will be a bubble group."

"Now all that's left of the Lee family is a mansion in Deep Water Bay, a few unfinished development projects, and the super sinkhole in Mumbai."

"Forty Watsons chain supermarkets are on strike. After more than a week, people are opening their doors one after another to steal things... Watsons is facing huge debt compensation."

One thing must be explained. For example, Wanjia Retail Supermarket, from various watch, jewelry, and shoe stores and counters on the first floor, to the rented Armani, Givenchy, and Chanel stores on the second floor, and even the shelves of fruit and vegetable snack supermarkets. commodity.

None of them belong to Wanjia!

What Wanjia provides are channels and protection contracts, which can ensure that a large number of goods are sold normally in Wanjia, turned into money, and then settled to each factory.

What happened on July 20 was that five Watsons stores in Mumbai were purchased by White Elephants for zero dollars. They robbed goods from stores, containers, and warehouses... Watsons had to pay the suppliers for those goods.

How many products can be placed in a five-story commercial building? That's a lot!

The 40 companies that went on strike also went on strike for more than a week, and employees, security guards and others formed a group to go back and steal it away? Watsons, which seemingly controls everything, still has to lose money to its suppliers.

The white elephant in Mumbai is getting bigger and bigger. Lao Li and Liu Luanxiong gave money to the police or people from other departments time and time again, but they could not recover the stolen materials. It was like giving free money to a gangster policewoman... …

On the other side are groups of suppliers chasing Lao Li and Da Liu for money.

If you fail to pay, you may be issued a huge fine by Mumbai officials again? ?

Today is already July 29. Lao Li is a wealthy Chinese businessman, and HSBC is his main backer, but HSBC can abandon him at any time and choose to support other wealthy Chinese businessmen.

When Lao Li was busy building the 45 comprehensive commercial and supermarket buildings in Mumbai, Changshi still had a market value of 20 billion. He still took a loan from HSBC and secretly increased his own equity from more than 20% to more than 30%.

At this stage, HSBC only needs to collect money, but you can’t get the money? Just run away with Changshi's core supplies, that's fine.

It’s just a matter of changing a pair of gloves.

After all, HSBC boss Shen Bi, who was once the most supportive of Lao Li, retired in 1986.

Zhao Donghuai said in a daze, "This is only 1993, and Lao Li has gone bankrupt. I don't know if he can still sell 45 supermarket buildings in Mumbai and exchange money for repatriation..."

"That's not right. If he can't raise the money, the officials will probably forfeit the property. There are already Kshatriyas in Mumbai who are waiting for the property rights to the 45 buildings."

"Even if he can raise the money, he will continue to think of ways to trick Lao Li after receiving the money. At this stage, the white elephant would even dare to cut the flesh of a big bear, so Lao Li is nothing."

At this moment, Zhang Min walked in from the outside, holding a videotape and said, "Boss, the news captured by ATV reporters is that Liu Luanxiong made a big fuss at the Li family mansion in Deep Water Bay and performed a full martial arts show inside. It's so exciting."

"Do you want to broadcast it?"

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

When he watched Amin put the videotape into the video recorder, he started to enjoy it with relish. Da Liu was first tricked by Tokyo people, and then fell into the white elephant pit with Lao Li...

It is estimated that his family is really going to be poor.

The video shows Da Liu leading the employees of his fan factory to make a fuss in the Li family villa, grabbing things... He is as low-quality as a white elephant buying citizens for zero dollars.

The Li family can no longer afford bodyguards, not to mention the bodyguards of the Pan-Asia Group, and there are not even a few ordinary bodyguards. It is really a miserable situation at this stage. Young Master Aju who appeared in the camera was killed by several of Da Liu's men. The employee was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but Ju Shao still protected some files? ?

Yes, he almost forgot that before jumping out of the pit, Ju Shao paid Johnny Depp US$5 million and gave Jennifer Aniston US$3 million.

This is equivalent to paying 8 million U.S. dollars. As long as a new script is found that satisfies Johnny and Aniston, they can give priority to asking them to make a movie when their schedule is free.

8 million U.S. dollars is also more than 60 million Hong Kong dollars!

This is not a small amount of money!

Even if you hold these contracts, you can hope to mortgage them to the bank and lend them tens of millions more. The Li Family Deepwater Bay Villa itself can also be used as a mortgage...

This may be the biggest foundation for the Li family's comeback.

The Li family's Deep Water Bay villa was built three years ago, in 1990. Mr. Li spent another 700 million Hong Kong dollars to rebuild the old villa into a large mansion and sea view villa.

It cost 700 million Hong Kong dollars to rebuild in 1990. The current market value of the land is far more than 700 million, which is equal to the difference between the construction cost and the sales price.

Even if Cheung Kong goes bankrupt and is confiscated by White Elephant and sells 45 supermarket buildings to some Kshatriyas, as long as it solves its other debt problems on Hong Kong Island, there will still be billionaires there.

The bankruptcy of the Li family this time is much better than the bankruptcy of Yang Shuocheng in the original trajectory.

This is why a skinny donkey is bigger than a sheep!

After watching the video, Qiu Shuzhen said with emotion, "The current Li family is just like Gong Li, right? No, Gong Li still has a lot of connections. With her connections, she can make a lot of money at any time. As long as she gets involved in the crew of high-quality movies and TV series, The salary and delivery income are quite a lot.”

"And in terms of image, Gong Li has always been the business card and ambassador of Shandong Province. Shandong Province is more than just her business card and image master, but she has always been the most popular and biggest sign."

"There is an example of Liu almost being tricked to death by Lao Li. The Li family's connections in the business world for such a long time will probably be full of fear of him, right?"

Zhao Donghuai gave Azhen a strange look. It is estimated that Gong Li would not have thought that she would become a measurement unit of the Li family!

But it has to be said that Gong Li, a top actress and actress, has much better cards than the Li family.

The next moment, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Let's go, in order to celebrate the Li family's new start, let's go to the Good Luck Lai flagship store for a delicious meal."

He could order food and have good luck come to him, or even let the chef come to the ATV canteen to cook. But he went out to exercise by himself, taking a detour from Kowloon Tong to Tsim Sha Tsui like a walk. Life lies in exercise.

After a while, when Zhao Donghuai, Azhen and Zhang Min, who were wearing masks and sunglasses, arrived at the Haoyunlai flagship store, many people greeted them respectfully when they entered.

If he were in other places, the probability of Zhao Donghuai being recognized was not high, but with good luck? He also often comes to attend some celebration banquets...

In the tea restaurant area on the first floor, many diners having afternoon tea partially recognized Zhao Donghuai, and they didn't do anything more than stand up, bow, and pay attention with a smile.

Zhao Donghuai looked casually and nodded, saying hello that he was going to the ninth floor.

But at this glance, Director Zhao focused on a certain tea table area with a hint of surprise.

After he focused for a few seconds, the person standing over there had quickly walked over with a bright smile. Not only himself, but also the three women on the table. These three were all white. The oldest was in her thirties. She looked like 40 years old, followed by a young girl of 17 or 18 years old, and finally a child of 6 or 7 years old.

When the man who stood up first and smiled and saluted came over, he bowed and said hello, "Sheng Zhao, Mrs. Zhao, good morning."

Qiu Shuzhen was overjoyed and took off her sunglasses and mask, "Are you Long Fang? I've seen you play the villain in some movies. It really makes people want to stab you a few times in real life. Your acting skills are very good."

Zhao Donghuai also nodded, "Successful acting as a villain is also a proof of strength. However, if you want to be popular in the future, you still have to take a route similar to Zhang Yaoyang's and try your hand in the action field."

Before Long Fang could say anything, the youngest girl among them pointed at Azhen and said, "Wow, are you the Chinese version of Andy in The Queen of 5,000 Years? I've seen the video of that movie. Sister Andy is so beautiful!”

The previous people naturally spoke in Chinese, but the little girl now spoke in English... Azhen smiled and said in English, "The little girl has a really good memory. Not only does she look good, she also speaks well."

The little girl said in surprise, "Pretty sister, can I have a signed photo of Hermione?"

While chatting here, Long Fang quickly explained in Chinese, "This is the Darrens family of tourists from North America. Darrens is a single mother and real estate agent. The eldest daughter is Christy Fox and the younger daughter is Megan Fox. "

"I worked as a translator and tour guide for their family for a few days. They also came to travel after (Harry Potter) took the world by storm, because little Meghan couldn't bear the noise."

Zhao Donghuai's eyes would linger on their tea table for a few more seconds before he accidentally discovered the 7-year-old Megan Fox... He was still surprised. The 7-year-old Megan was almost the same as the current 6-year-old An Feng. .

It belongs to the peak appearance of a person as an adult, scaled down in equal proportions.

He has owned the rights to the (Transformers) live-action movie series for many years. In the past, the technology was too far behind, so he could only put it aside. How could he have thought of going out for a meal and encountering such an accident?

Megan Fox, the Transformers girl, can hit the global Internet with a car repair picture, which is enough to witness her charm at her peak. Even if she was disabled after plastic surgery, but before she was disabled, she was just like An Feng when she was a child. She was an elf. child star.

As for how Long Fang became the other party's translator? ? Tourist guide?

Long Fanglue explained with a hint of embarrassment, "Zhao Sheng, the villain I played was a bit too brilliant. At this stage, like He Jiaju, I have almost no members of the opposite sex in my circle of friends. Instead, I work part-time as a tour guide and translator for European and American tourists, and my life is quite enjoyable." Tasty."

"Thanks to Mr. Zhao, your big movie has sparked a wave of tourism to Hong Kong from the Western world. The money I earn as a tour guide and translator is sometimes no worse than the film salary."

Before Long Fang entered the industry, he actually worked as a professional manager in the catering industry in North America in the early 1980s. This shows how good his English is. He was originally divorced in the early 1990s, and his wife and daughter went to live in North America.

As for being a tour guide and translator, is it not worse than the salary? It can only be said that a villain actor like him cannot earn much from selling merchandise. Very few citizen audiences will choose their personal products. If there is no income from selling merchandise, he will only rely on his salary... The salary of professional villains is also limited.

There are some words that don’t need to be said too much. Just by listening to his tone and demeanor, you can tell that Long Fang is a tour guide and translator, and he seems to have a certain in-depth friendship with Darrens, who is about the same age as him.

Darrens, who is close to 40 years old, is also a very mature North American aunt. Although she is plump and a little fat, she is also attractive. Let’s put it this way, she is the mother of Megan Fox, and her bare-faced photos are also popular on the Internet. Really red.

Even the 18-year-old Christy Fox is not bad in appearance. She is comparable to the level of her own sister Nazha, or even higher, far exceeding the level of Li Jiaxin's sister Li Jiaming.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "The little girl is very cute. In this case, you can talk to their family later. Harry Potter Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry also needs to shoot some advertisements to continue to attract tourists."

"I plan to let her shoot two interesting commercials with An Feng, Fan Bingbing, and Jessica Alba. After you discuss it, you can go to ATV to meet me."

"Just give him $10,000 for the commercial."

Harry Potter is already being postponed and has little chance of breaking one billion dollars at the box office, but it wouldn't be a bad thing to test the waters with a small commercial.

Originally, he planned to film a commercial about An Feng enjoying the magic academy and a surprise encounter with Hermione pretending to be Fan Bingbing. He promoted entertainment and travel, which could be regarded as contributing to Guan Jiahui's small goals.

It would be nice to accidentally discover 7-year-old Megan and meet Jessica's version of Hermione by chance.

Long Fang was overjoyed and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, this is easy to handle. Darrens is actually very short of money after the divorce. If it wasn't for Meghan's quarrel, he really doesn't want to go on this cross-country trip."

He's just a real estate agent, so he's really poor if he's short of money.

Meghan is a star who, after the Transformers series became popular, is also a perfect example of someone who will float when she becomes famous, and then be taught a miserable lesson by reality...

I remember that in the original trajectory, she was too flirtatious in her school days, used beauty to commit crimes, was bullied in various ways by a group of female classmates, had to hide in the toilet every time she ate, could not eat safely in restaurants, and was finally exploded by Michael Bay. Bei Peng became famous all over the world.

He also publicly cursed Bang Bei as a mustache on the set!

Whether it’s Hollywood or the Bombshells, which one is not Judas? Do you dare to scold him for his mustache? It’s a level of insulting.

The reason why I am like this is that my mother and stepfather were too strict when I was growing up. The more strictly I am restrained, the greater my rebellious factor will be.

Really, forget it, since I saw it, let’s try it in an advertisement first. After all, she is only 7 years old, only one year older than An Feng. I heard that An Feng will join Dakeng Village Primary School to study in the first grade after this summer vacation. .

After chatting for a few words, Zhao Donghuai took Azhen and Amin upstairs.

Long just said excitedly to Darrens, "Madam, your family is in good luck. Little Megan is so beautiful and cute. She has been selected to shoot a travel advertisement for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She has the opportunity to work with Jessica Al. Ba appeared together in the commercial."

"Film a commercial and get paid $10,000."

Darrens, who is slightly younger than Long Fang, looked surprised, "Really? You're not kidding?"

Even 18-year-old Christie was shocked, "Is it true? Meghan can also make money? Ten thousand dollars for an advertisement? This is too exaggerated..."

"Is it possible that she still has a chance to become the new generation of Cameron Diaz? Cameron Diaz is already a billionaire born as a child star. How many European and American children are the idols of the new era? At this stage, with (Harry Potter) ) Jessica, who became popular, is just following Cameron’s old path.”

Since their parents divorced, their two daughters have followed Darrens. Even though they can ask for alimony from their father, their life is still very miserable and tense because they are the poorest Tennesseans in North America.


From the end of July to the beginning of August, throughout East and Southeast Asia, the small screen ratings succumbed to (1993 The Legend of the Condor Heroes).

This version has a fantastic cast, excellent production, and Bai Gu relies on his acting skills to liven up his personal style of Yang Guo. The TV series is like (Harry Potter 1) sweeping the film world, overwhelming all TV series of the same period. The program can't hold its head high.

Even though not many ordinary citizens know that Zhao Donghuai made a cameo appearance in Lu Zhanyuan, Goo Jai really made the concept of "one chance to miss Yang Guo a lifetime" popular.

But what was even more funny was when Bai Gu and Li Ruotong appeared together at some acupuncture activities to make money. Some unscrupulous fans formed a group and shouted Jiao Enjun's name at the scene, causing the scene to get out of control...

Even the event dealer who spent a lot of money to invite Bai Gu and Li Ruotong to appear was almost destroyed.

There's nothing wrong with it. The movie version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" created by Wang Dashu Shi and Zhang Dashu a few years ago also starred Louis Koo as Yang Guo and Li Ruotong as Little Dragon Girl.

Then the time traveler Jiao Enjun took everything away.

At that time, the movie was only a hit, creating Wang Dashuo's profit of hundreds of millions of yuan in mainland China and tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars in profits from Hong Kong and other parts of East and Southeast Asia.

It seems that the shot was an ordinary high-quality one, and it didn’t leave much of a deep impression on the audience.

However, in the popular 1993 TV series "Tu Ping", when people shouted Jiao Enjun's name in the circle of friends, it was too devilish.

The last time Goo Jai was so popular, he was still the alien Professor Wang in "My Love from the Star".

But Star, you have no off-screen fun to watch.

From the first time he was called Jiao Enjun at an event, various merchants spent a lot of money to invite Goo Jai and Li Ruotong to perform commercial performances together. Jiao Enjun was not around, but somehow he became the most popular name.

There was also a group of fans who held up posters of the movie version of Jiao Enjun to cause trouble!

It was under such circumstances, August 5th.

Tung Chung, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has entered half of the lockdown period. When Zhao Donghuai, Guan Jiahui, and Monica arrived at the scene by helicopter, they saw Liu Xiaoli waiting with 6-year-old An Feng.

He smiled and walked over and waved, "How is An Feng doing? This is her first time filming an advertisement, right? Can she adapt to it?"

Harry Potter started being released on June 23 and continues to be released in many places on the sixth and seventh weeks. Even the amusement parks have too many tourists.

Today is also the time to close part of the park and start the second filming plan. Big movies are not in a hurry to push too fast, but commercials... commercials are fast to shoot.

Liu Xiaoli hurriedly smiled and assured, "It's okay, Xiaofeng is quite cooperative, and I've often brought her to the set since Taiping Wheel, so there will be no problem filming commercials."

Xiao Anfeng also smiled and said, "Hello boss, please don't worry, two big sisters, I will not hold you back."

Guan Jiahui almost died laughing, "The little girl is really good at talking. Okay, when Bingbing comes, you can play with her first and I'll find a gift for you."

Speaking of Bingbing... Bingbing arrived quickly, especially when she passed by an area that was still open to normal tourists. There were so many fans that the road was blocked and she couldn't walk. The eight bodyguards who were paired with one person still had to rely on the crew to catch up. Only with the strength of the bodyguards can she come over.

When they arrived at the scene, Bingbing also said hello to Zhao Donghuai, Guan Jiahui and others before taking An Feng's hand and running away to play. Their relationship was like that of sisters who were a few years apart since the Taiping Wheel period.

It can only be said that Bingbing was very good at being a good person at a young age. What kind of celebrity was Liu Xiaoli at that time? Her debut was as big as The Queen of Five Thousand Years. Not only was she a box office hit, but she was also nominated for Best Actress at multiple film festivals, and her subsequent works all featured great supporting roles or leading actresses.

The title of the most beautiful woman in Hubei Province is very stable. Such a senior aunt plays her mother in Taiping Wheel... If something happens, she will definitely have a good relationship with An Fengchu.

After a while, long before the opening ceremony of the crew, Jessica Alba, Megan Fox and others also came.

Advertising comes first.

The Chinese version is that An Feng played a few laps on the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry-style carousel. When she wanted to swing on the swing of the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she was worried that no one would help her push the swing.

Bingbing flew down from the sky on a magic broom... and then used magic to push An Feng on the swing.

To say it's magic is nothing more than cutting the camera angle to match the performance.

Fan Bingbing's acting skills are excellent, and she is very stable even when she occasionally exerts pressure. How about An Feng's acting skills? Okay, I finally got through it after taking a few shots.

Then use magic stacking blocks to play with several shots of rotating topics.

Overall, they were just normal kids having fun. They played happily for a while and laughed happily in front of the camera. Bingbing, who was a huge hit in Asia since her debut, played and acted with her. This is a very strong starting point!

An Feng was so happy to play that Yahuazi couldn't hide it.


Night falls.

When the Darrens family returned to the Huazhi Hotel in Tung Chung, Darrens, who was nearly 40 years old, grabbed a check of US$10,000 and said to Long Fang in surprise, "Long, this money is so profitable." Now, do you think my Meghan still has a chance to accept commercials?"

"I also taught her drama performance and dance training at the age of five."

As an ordinary or even trivial real estate agent, her earning power is too average. Even if she can ask for alimony from her ex-husband, Darrens is still considering whether to marry another person, otherwise it will be really stressful to support her two daughters. .

The eldest daughter Christy Fox is 18 years old and has graduated from high school, but is she going to college? The cost of college is also huge. Otherwise, how could student loans in North America become second only to mortgage loans? ?

The family is in a difficult situation. If I didn't feel that I didn't care enough about my youngest daughter, and I have been taking her through the hard times, I feel guilty... Then this time Meghan made a fuss about visiting Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on Hong Kong Island?

She will definitely not agree.

She came to play because she felt guilty, and her two daughters also like to watch the Jurassic Park series. It feels like a blessing to be able to play Jurassic and Magic Academy together.

Darrens never expected that his youngest daughter would be able to make money by appearing in commercials when she was only 7 years old? Ten thousand dollars? Even if you have to pay taxes and file taxes, this is not a small amount of money!

It would be great if I could continue to make money from advertising.

In her excitement, Christie's mood was not much different, she grabbed Long Fang's arm and shook it, "Uncle Long, how much money does Jessica Alba make? How much did she make from Harry Potter 1? Today May Working with her, I feel like I’m no better than Megan.”

In daily life, Christie and Megan don't have a very good relationship. First of all, they are 11 years apart. The age difference is too big to play together. She still goes to school every day. Secondly, when Megan was three years old, her parents divorced...

She was still vaguely blaming little Megan for ruining the family.

But now that my sister’s earning power is revealed? Ten thousand dollars, this is only 1993!

Long Fang was also a little dazed, "Jessica Alba, the little child star, was not paid much for her role in Harry Potter. She was 50,000 Hong Kong dollars, not even more than 10,000 U.S. dollars. The starting price for newcomers is this, but when a big movie is released In one month, personal products related to her will be shipped..."

"I have accumulated several million Hong Kong dollars. Even big movies have been converted into VCDs, which can be sold all year round. Now if Jessica accepts an external advertising contract, the basic advertising salary will start at one million Hong Kong dollars, which is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Get started.”

Christie was so envious that she wanted to drool. Could she easily become a millionaire? As an orthodox North American girl, she certainly has a deep understanding of what capital society is, which is a paradise for the rich and a hell for the poor.

Long Fang said again, "I can't say for the time being whether anyone will ask Megan to shoot commercials in the future, but as long as the commercial between her and Jessica is aired, there will definitely be other product manufacturers who will try to negotiate."

"It's just a matter of cost."

Regardless of An Feng or Megan, both of them were bound to two versions of Hermione at the beginning, allowing Hermione to activate magic to help them have fun in the magic academy. Strictly speaking, Bingbing and Jessica played supporting roles.

But for a project that promotes tourism... the roles played by An Feng and Megan are tourists. Of course, they must make tourists happy and comfortable to attract traffic and attention!

Darrens' eyes lit up, "Then we won't be in a hurry to return to North America in the near future. Even if the cost of visiting Hong Kong Island is not too low, we can still hold on for a while."

"By the way, Long, why didn't you say before that you are also an actor? Or a little star? What works have you appeared in?"

This topic interested both Christie and Meghan.

Long Fang was embarrassed, smiled wryly and waved his hands, "I play bad guys, so you better stop watching."

Privately, he is a very ordinary good person. He really doesn't want to end up like He Jiaju, who goes out drinking and doesn't even accept the orders from prostitutes.

Fortunately, the tourism trend in Hong Kong Island is getting bigger and bigger every year, and there are more and more white consumers every year. There are also an endless stream of people who have just grown up. With his image and English skills, it is really a good life to be a translator and tour guide.


On August 6th, the commercial featuring Bingbing, An Feng, Jessica and Megan promoting Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was aired. It was also inserted into the 93 version of the Condor Heroes TV series during prime time.

Although it is very annoying for viewers to see advertisements in the middle of watching TV, but... the world of looking at faces! Two Hermiones and two child tourists?

The discussion of this advertisement among normal citizens would be casual for a while and then go down. However, in the Songshan Forum, the post discussing who is more beautiful and cuter, Bingbing or Jessica, is one of the most popular posts in itself.

During the broadcast of Harry Potter, the popularity almost exploded and caused the forum server to crash. As soon as this advertisement came out, the discussion of six-year-old An Feng and seven-year-old Megan Fox also exploded.

Too many people are posting questions, wanting to know all the information about the two rookies...discussing the new generation of Cai Shaofen and Cameron Diaz's successor, who is better and who is more lovable.

Keyboard warriors have already begun to compete on stage.

Of course, capital or entrepreneurs will not disappoint. It is difficult to find An Feng to shoot advertisements. Liu Xiaoli is not short of money at all. She also runs a restaurant in Wushi with hundreds of employees, which is not very profitable. Product factory.

Who cares about ordinary small advertising income?

Megan's The Darrens... Faced with the onslaught of child star advertising market, they are really dazzled, so they can only ask Long Fang for help.

Long Fang was shocked. Anyway, from children's clothing, shoes to hairpins, etc., or children's toys, the advertising resources Megan could get made Long Fang jealous.

The outside world also learned that Meghan's first advertising fee was US$10,000, and none of the new commercials were lower than this amount.

An Feng is even more outrageous. Some people are offering more than 300,000 Hong Kong dollars to impress Liu Xiaoli, but Sister Liu doesn't care about small money at all.

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