Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 393 A loving father and a filial son who ran away from home for the first time

On August 16, when Zhao Donghuai was sitting in the big office of ATV headquarters, Ah Xin, who was guest-starring as a secretary, smiled and said, "Boss, Wang Jing sent two movies at once, one is called (Wei Xiaobao's Order to Ditch a Girl), and the other is All of them are (Hong Kong Mysteries: Strong Women), and they all star a beautiful woman named Wu Xuewen."

"I would like to ask if it can be shown in Wanjia."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "This damn fat guy can really make any money, as long as he has money? His calendar factory has always made a lot of money, and it has always been very stable."

Wanjia has never released third-level films, but after thinking about it, the one (Wei Xiaobao) was okay, Wu Xuewen just gave out a wave of small benefits in it.

Just demonstrated the more eye-catching Xiaolongbao.

The scale of the film "Strong Girl" is a bit too big. Is this Awen also trying to follow the footsteps of Ye Yuqing and Weng Hong to make a career in the world?

The next moment he asked curiously, "Who is starring Wei Xiaobao?"

The original track was a TVB movie by Ah Wei, but hadn't Ah Wei gone to Tokyo with Director Wu a long time ago? He also experienced a wave of sarin attacks on the subway and was hospitalized.

Li Jiaxin thought for a while, "It seems to be Zhang Xueyou and something... By the way, it is starring Zhang Weijian, and Ye Yuqing also has a guest appearance."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Then let's schedule it to be released on the 19th. Give him two days to announce it and just push it."

It is a summer movie. From July 22nd to now, the first part of (Three Fighting Bone Demons) (The Final Battle 3) and the second part of (The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl) (The Final Battle 3) have been released one after another in more than 20 days. This bunch of devils During the schedule, ordinary movies are given away when you go up.

In other words, Jiahe and Golden Princess Cinemas successively relied on various romantic movies to defraud money in another way. Wang Jing's "Strong Girl" also used the same method to defraud money.

Then he also looked at the lineup of strong women. It was Xiao Yingying who took the role of Qiu Shuzhen in the original version wearing hot and cool clothes, but it didn't work at all.

The one who made the greatest contribution was Wu Xuewen.

This movie was arranged to be produced by Princess Jin and Jiahe, as well as externally using VCD discs. As I said, the VCD discs have been selling like crazy in the past two years, and it's not just one of Weng Hong's movies.

Similar films have made very good profits in the VCD disc market.

Everyone knows that certain movies are worthy of many people buying them home and collecting them seriously. Before the rise of Tokyo, the Asian film industry relied on Hong Kong movies to generate benefits.

After giving the instructions, Zhao Donghuai grabbed two movies and walked to the screening room. He also planned to see how the two movies went, such as Xue You playing Wei Xiaobao...

More than an hour later, Zhao Donghuai's eyes lit up, and he was even a little dumbfounded. This version of Wei Xiaobao traveled through modern times to help Kangxi find the True Phoenix Queen, and then brought her back to Kangxi's reign to help him survive. There were still Rakshasa killers sent by Wu Sangui.

The female killer is still an unknown sidekick, but the male killer is actually Goldsteinson? ?

That’s right. In 1992, Jason Statham had retired from the Yinlun National Diving Team and switched to a career as a model. At this stage, he is just a backup dancer in music videos, and backup dancers like Chen Xiaochun and Xie Tianhua are very successful.

It’s not surprising at all that I occasionally travel around Hong Kong’s entertainment industry to look for opportunities.

Maybe this summer's Hong Kong Island Fashion Week, this person will also walk in the show as a model. It is nothing more than Hong Kong Island Fashion Week that has been stabilized every six months. After the initial promotion period, Zhao Donghuai himself has paid little attention to it.

Those things have long been left to professional managers.

Now Jason is not bald yet, and he still has nice hair... Zhao Donghuai also naturally thought of the movie "Two Smoking Barrels".

Smoking guns are still very classic. From smoking guns to stealing and robbery, Guy Ritchie’s aura as a genius director is getting stronger and stronger, and there are many more directors from all over the world who are learning from him. Ning Haodu Become one of those who pay tribute to learning.

Crazy Stone and Crazy Racing are both about smoking and stealing.

The black humor style is still very powerful.

The black humor of the two big smoking guns is really... Zhao Donghuai is still unable to complain about the way the club boss educates his subordinates in the movie.

Take the rich woman's toy and spin it around and hit her on the head. It's not very harmful, but it's extremely humiliating!

Of course, with a production cost of 1.6 million pounds and a global box office of US$28 million, it is indeed a lot of money.

The total global box office was only $28 million in the environment of 1998, which doesn't seem like much. The problem is that you have to look at the actors. In a group of actors, no one can beat it, and the publicity and distribution are all a mess.

But judging from his directorial debut, Guy Ritchie undoubtedly delivered a perfect score.

Thinking of this, Zhao Donghuai felt that after watching the movie, he could write the script, make it a little Hong Kong-island, and then find a team to produce it.

This movie is mature and high-quality, and it will definitely be a representative masterpiece of many big stars. As for whether to use Goldsteinson to play the role in his original track? Of course, it's okay. For the sake of Yinlun's popularity, it is necessary to support a Yinlun star.

If you praise him, will it be easier for him to become famous and play supporting roles in films such as Hua Zai, Wu Jing, and Jin Chengwu?

After watching both movies, I criticized Ah Xin's acting skills for being a bit superficial. Only then did Zhao Donghuai return to the office to write the script for Two Smoking Barrels. As for whether the movie's title should be changed? The literal translation of the title "Two Smoking Barrels" in English means the same thing.

In fact, the English title is also taken from a popular British and American slang. However, in the movie, four gangsters obtained two antique shotguns worth 500,000 pounds. Not only did they not die, they cleared all their debts and made a fortune. .

The title of the film also points out the easter egg of the two guns, so there is no need to change it.

It was written down as a comic-level script. Ah Xin, including Ah Xin who came later, read it as a comic, and the more I read it, the happier it became... The black humor of this movie is really dark.

Moreover, the structure of the multi-line narrative is also exquisite to the extreme.

Multi-line narratives in movies are nothing new. As early as 1915, there was a film (The Birth of a Nation) that had a multi-line narrative. But the fact that the multiple lines are so coincidental and sophisticated to create all kinds of hilarious humor is unique. .

What they had seen was already a Hong Kong version adapted by Zhao Donghuai. There were not so many swear words everywhere in the original version, and the characters' makeup and styling also had a Hong Kong film and television style.

This is a trivial matter to Zhao Donghuai.

After finishing writing the script, Hong Xin said with emotion, "Boss, the script is very exciting, but why are there no female characters? Not to mention the heroine, the supporting female characters don't have any outstanding roles."

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "The team of gangsters, the team of fans, the team with social vitality, and the drug lords behind the scenes all kinds of connections, gun battles, etc. When love is not about, there is no need to deliberately add drama to this book."

In general, film and television structures have clear distinctions between the good and the bad, and it is easy to add romance and flower vase scenes. In this series of "Two Smoking Barrels", there are several different teams. If you want to be complex but not chaotic, of course you can't say that not one actress appears in the scene.

There are not many women on screen, but there are not many supporting characters with names.

But how can I put it this way, the Siobao quartet, two of them sell fake goods and stolen goods on the streets, contact the selling point of stolen goods, etc., a chef and a master card player form four brothers, and it is not okay to change one or two of them into actresses. no.

It's nothing more than changing the settings.

Just then, the phone rang on the desk. When he picked up the phone, a voice rang from the other side, "Boss, Mr. An wanted to take money and run away from home, but was stopped in time. Now Mrs. Guan is using a feather duster to he……"

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Director Zhao was speechless for quite a while. He remembered that after Zhao An was born, in order to see his future, he simulated it for ten years at a time. In that simulator, he ran away from home for the third time at the age of six and was protected by Pan Asia bodyguards. Next, he wandered for seven days and nights before crying and went home to find his parents.

Now? Now on August 16, 1993, Zhao An will be four years old in just over a month.

And because of his special innate advantages, he is far superior to the average five-year-old boy in terms of physique, energy, and intelligence.

"Let Jiahui be treated first. Skin injuries are nothing. Children of this age are the most annoying when others see them."

Four or five-year-old boy, naughty child...

The first ten-year simulation of Zhao An was when he ran away from home at the age of 6, gave up and returned home, ushering in the bear's 20th mixed doubles match!

Hanging up the phone with a headache, Zhao Donghuai calmly clicked on the simulator while Li Jiaxin and Hong Xin were still discussing the plot of the (Two Smoking Barrels) script.

Another ten years? Ten years later, Zhao An will be 14 years old, even more rebellious, right? Forget it, let's do it for 20 years at a time. In 20 years, Zhao An will be 24 years old, and the time will be 2013. The loss of 20,000 reputation points will be insignificant to him.

[On August 16, 1993, your eldest son Zhao An was prevented from running away from home for the first time, and Guan Jiahui's feather duster skills started...]


[In July 1995, 6-year-old Zhao An successfully ran away from home for the first time. Under the covert protection of the Pan-Asia Group, he was left homeless and miserable for 18 days before he finally realized that it was better for his mother to go home and admit his mistake. Guan Jiahui's master-level feather duster whipping. 】


[In November 1996, 7-year-old Zhao An, because he hated studying, completed the normal second-grade elementary school curriculum in two months by himself. He applied to take a leave of absence from school to play in the following semester, and was allowed. 】


[In November 1998, 9-year-old Zhao An once again took the lead in completing all elementary school courses by himself. He applied for suspension of school and wanted to play freely. In the following years... you changed his identity and sent him to a junior high school in the mainland. Zhao An was shocked and protested wildly. , you sent me to the mainland to study in the first grade of junior high school. 】


[In the summer of 2005, Zhao An, who skipped a grade to finish his senior year of high school at the age of 16, received a large number of university invitations as the top scorer in science in a prefecture-level city, but he rejected them all. He had no intention of continuing his studies and was sent to a construction site to experience Life……】

[After working for two months, under the secret protection of Pan Asia Group, Zhao An relied on his own ability to make money from moving bricks, to cooking with cooking skills, and contracting the canteen on the construction site. He earned his first fortune, but was owed the money. , so angry that he called the police for help. 】

[The police didn't accept the case at first. An angry Zhao An ran to the police station and yelled that you are a bastard and that you are an old man... The police system was shocked. The Pan-Asia Group came forward. He got the first stab he deserved, but he seemed to understand. made some sense. 】


[In 2008, Zhao An, who had completed his junior year at Beijing Institute of Technology, returned to Hong Kong. During the summer vacation, he used various clues to suspect that you might really be immortal... secretly collecting various evidences because something broke his serious scientific views. 】

[2008 is no longer the era in the 1980s and 1990s when various qigong masters swept the world. It is about to usher in the era of the Internet and the world's eyes. 】


[In 2009, Zhao An, a 20-year-old college graduate, wanted to have serious negotiations with you, but you refused and was too lazy to pay attention. Zhao An used hacking technology to hack into various networks of your group. He also discovered your eternal youth, good health, and physical fitness. A secret that exceeds the level of superheroes in many film and television works. 】

[After Zhao An’s three views were shattered, he wanted to draw your blood and collect skin flakes and hair for scientific research, but you hung him up and beat him for three days and three nights. 】


[In 2010, Zhao An conspired and planned to arrange for several new adult flowers to be sent into the hands of the 46-year-old you to obtain some things to cooperate with his new round of scientific experiment plans... He was hung up and beaten by you for seven days again. Seven nights. 】


[In 2011, Zhao An was tired and asked you for a showdown. You were already 47 years old. In such an era of advanced network technology and the era of the big Internet, how could you continue without any flaws? If you continue to do things with a stubborn mindset, it will be the global scientific community who will study you in the future. 】

[He bluntly said that no matter how you pretend, disguise, or even develop your own AI intelligence to suppress Internet information, traces, protection, etc., involving suspected eternal youth, immortality, superhuman abilities, etc., you will definitely be the enemy of the whole world. 】

[Instead of standing against all mankind, we should work together as a family. With your global financial resources, influence, connections, etc. in 2011, coupled with his scientific research acumen, maybe we can develop universal applicability that can benefit the general public. It also opens the strengthening route for the new human era. 】

[You refuse again. 】


[In 2013, Zhao An did not borrow any family funds. He relied on his own abilities, mainly relying on top hacker skills, to collect inside information and trade in stocks. He saved money during the holidays, and occasionally worked and studied to accumulate hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars in wealth in the global stock market. , using wealth to form his own security group. 】

[The scientific research group began to study his own biological DNA, blood, hair and other tissues. 】

[Simulation ends. 】

"Whether to withdraw the reward."

"A: 20 cubic meters of portable space."

"B: Five supercomputers calculate 200 billion times per second."

"C: The reward is random."

[Special note for this simulation: In view of the increasingly advanced technology, if there is no rush in ten years and little trouble in twenty years, there is a high probability that you will become a high-level public enemy of all mankind in 50 years. In the future, random rewards will be simulated, and there is a probability that they will be given to help you. Resources to stabilize the retreat. 】

After reading it, Zhao Donghuai cried out in his heart: "F*ck!"

In this 20-year simulation, the initial Zhao An was similar to the 10-year simulation. He always wanted to run away from home when he was about 6 years old, and he started to get tired of studying at the age of 7...

But the last time he was simulated was when he was 7 years old and was tired of studying. He caused a fire in the school classroom when no one was around. He was secretly controlled by Pan Asia Group so that nothing happened. This time? ? School starts in early September, and I study a full-year course by myself in November. I can apply for a leave of absence and just play around until the start of the next year. Is that okay?

After being allowed once, he taught himself all the primary school courses at the age of 9? !

It has to be said that with Zhao Donghuai's unlimited cheating genes, Zhao An can become stronger not only in his physique and physical fitness, but also in his brain.

I just graduated from Beijing Institute of Technology at the age of 20. One person’s hacker skills can hack the Zhao Group’s network protection!

Are you good at cooking? Can you transform from a bricklayer at a construction site into a canteen contractor?

Off the charts!

However, this 20-year simulation only reached 2013, and some things are already coming out. Zhao Donghuai was born in 1964, and he will be 49 years old in 2013, and he will be 59 years old in 2023.

Twenty or thirty years later, there will be various ageless beauties, immortal kings, and Lin Zhiying who can also market the ageless male god for many years...

With the technology, financial resources, etc. in his hands, it is not difficult to stabilize the company until 2023.

But what about 2043 when he is 79? ?

He has been using the simulator to this day, and except for the rewards related to his personal unscientific improvement, the others are all rewards and prizes that do not exceed the level under the current technological conditions.

Are the rewards from brush C this time random? Any special notes?

Zhao Donghuai was not in a hurry to receive the award, but casually chatted with Ah Xin for a few words on the surface, and then left on the pretext of going to the toilet...

In his first simulation after traveling back in time, he experienced the process of random rewards, which resulted in him becoming unconscious and getting taller.

In the large private luxury bathroom, Zhao Donghuai locked the door and clicked on the random reward. Then the simulator reminded him again whether to upgrade his tens of thousands of cubic meters of portable space into a portable cave.

According to the ten to one level of evolution... tens of thousands of cubic meters of space turn into thousands of cubic meters of cave sky!

Zhao Donghuai was overjoyed to understand what Dongtian was.


A few hours later.

In the Huashan Building, which has not yet been opened in the Wuyue Building, Zhao Donghuai first moved all kinds of materials out of the portable space before upgrading the portable cave.

The upgrade and evolution process is quite simple and only takes a few minutes.

After he entered the portable cave and experienced it, he determined that it was a cave of more than 8,000 cubic meters. The shape can be adjusted according to his thoughts. It can be 20 meters long and 20 meters high, or it can be any other length and width. High data.

Such a small site can be a soil farmland or a small pond. Oxygen is connected to the outside world and can be exchanged freely.

But without his permission, the outside world will be planted with mushrooms. As long as the free circulation is closed in advance, the mushroom radiation will not flow in.

Replacing terrain such as farmland, ponds, hills, etc. will also consume reputation points depending on the intention. The specific amount of consumption needs to be studied slowly.

"So, even if I am exposed in 2023, or exposed in advance, I can still hide in the cave. Not only can I hide, but my family can too!"

"I enter the cave here... The cave is equivalent to staying in this Huashan Building. But if something happens in the future, running to the Black Palace and entering the cave means staying in the Black Palace."

In the past, he thought that even if tens of thousands of cubic meters of space were accumulated, even if it became larger and larger, the significance would be very weak. Now, the space has evolved into a cave?

More than 8,000 cubic meters is too poor.

With a thought, the cave where Zhao Donghuai was located turned into a farmland 25 meters long, 25 meters wide and more than ten meters high. Not only is the soil good and fertile, but it also has weeds.

This only consumes a few hundred reputation points.

The basic generation of the cave sky is like this, but other things also follow the physical logic of the real earth. Gravity, gravity, etc. are the same as the outside world.

If you want to grow food in the ground and raise fish in the pond, you have to rely on Zhao Donghuai to bring seeds and fish fry from the outside world. But the convenient thing is that when growing wheat, he can cultivate it manually like outside farmers, and he can also consume reputation. Just a thought can automatically cultivate the land, sow seeds, etc.

To build buildings here, you can bring cement and reinforced concrete from the outside, and engineering equipment can be built according to the logic of real physics, and you can also consume reputation to build automatically.

The four directions of Xiaodongtian's southeast, northwest and four borders are covered with thick white mist.

There was also a layer of light white mist more than ten meters above, but above the white mist, the real sun could be seen. The angle was the same as that of Huashan Tower at the moment, and he could also feel the sunshine shining on him.

Zhao Donghuai quickly walked out of the space, supported the table with his hands and said silently, "After 10 years of hard work, I have an acre of land."

The floor area of ​​625 square meters is less than an entire acre.

There are so many girlfriends and children in his family that it is not enough to live in... It is more than ten meters high, that is, the third floor is almost touching the top.

"Fortunately, there is a simulator. Let's simulate it for another 20 years!"


[Simulation ends. 】

"Whether to withdraw the reward."

"A: 20 cubic meters of portable space."

"B: Five supercomputers calculate 200 billion times per second."

"C: All qualities are doubled. (Basic strength doubled when ordinary people are in the state)"

Good guy, in the past, the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hands, feet, brain, etc. were strengthened separately. This time, the 20-year-old is Haoheng, with full quality and basic strength.

This time in the simulator, Zhao An, the rebellious son, no longer acted out various situations of being a loving father and a filial son who wanted to study him, but... junior high school began to develop into a sports student track, and easily became a professional athlete, a top athlete.

In the 2008 Olympics, he won a series of gold medals in track and field short-distance running competitions. Then Zhao An began to be studied. Even Zhao Donghuai's power could not completely stop this research trend.

In the sports student track, young people do not hide their clumsiness, do not cooperate with the plan arranged by Zhao Donghuai to hide their clumsiness, and compete for the limelight in various ways. This really shows what it means to have an unscientific body!

Starting in 2008, his whole family went into seclusion in a cave.

After thinking about it, Zhao Donghuai chose A.

[Special note: 20 cubic meters of portable space can be kept as space, or it can be turned into 2 cubic meters of portable cave space, which can be integrated into the cave sky to increase the area. You can also choose to strengthen it in another direction to enhance the livability of the cave sky, such as optimizing the air and making the soil more fertile. , the water quality is better and improved in all aspects. 】

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

He just wants to add some area to the cave that is less than an acre of land. Why is there an alternative and enhanced branch? ?

Also, continue to keep it as a portable space? Is it necessary? This is also very necessary. The main focus of Dongtian is survival. The physical trajectory is the same as in reality. There is no space to store supplies freely and conveniently. If you drive a car in, it can only park on the ground. There is no way to resemble it. Float freely and move around in space.

After thinking about it, Zhao Donghuai decisively chose Dongtian Quality Enhancement!

After the strengthening was over, he went in and took another look, but barely noticed any difference.

"The number is too small. Keep doing the simulation. Even if you do a hundred 20-year simulations today, you still have to strengthen it vigorously."

Anyway, a 20-year simulation only has 20,000 reputation points. What is Zhao Donghuai’s current global reputation? It has long been calculated in units of hundreds of millions.


August 26, the summer vacation is coming to an end.

Students from the Class of 1993 of ATV are about to enter the school to study. Zhao Donghuai is in a beautiful mood as he stands in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window and looks out at the ATV office.

10 days ago, the dilapidated farmland cave, which was only about one acre in surface area and more than ten meters high, has developed rapidly in 10 days. It now has a radius of five acres, half a football field, and a small pond.

And its enhanced quality was also obviously different. He stood inside and took a breath, feeling that the air was much fresher than that in Kowloon Tong city.

A few days ago, ordinary water imported from the outside world entered the small pond in Dongtian. After being strengthened many times, the sweetness and taste of the water became much better.

A batch of leek seeds were sown in the farmland 9 days ago, and they sprouted. The natural growth rate is similar to that of outside leeks, but the quality of the seedlings seems to be quite strong. From now on, the cave will continue to strengthen and improve in both directions, the area will continue to grow, and the soil will be fertile. If the degree and water quality continue to improve, it seems that this leek can be looked forward to.

He also built a three-story building inside, with each floor measuring 200 square meters.

Zhao Donghuai came up with the experiment. He built buildings in the cave, transported various materials from the outside world, and consumed reputation points with his thoughts to build...

The three-story building was built in a few days and cost less than 10,000 reputation points.

For example, after the cement road is laid in the outside world, there is also a process of drying and waiting for it to solidify. Depending on factors such as temperature and climate, it may take more than ten hours, or two or three days. This is a natural physical rule. The speed of reputation building through consumption of thoughts is You can use reputation to accelerate its solidification for one second.

Nowadays, Xiaodongtian has developed into a country villa and farmland. The leeks are also grown in the vegetable garden of the small courtyard, and the electricity is provided by its own independent generator.

"How about using up your reputation to speed up the ripening of this batch of leeks and see if there are any changes in other aspects besides the taste..."

Reputation can speed up the construction of infrastructure, but there is no reason why it can't speed up the growth of plants. As we all know, leeks have the effects of nourishing the kidneys, strengthening the stomach, refreshing the mind, etc. The cave is strengthened again and again. What if the vegetables grown also mutate? ?

Whether he will still be studied 50 years from now is basically non-existent.

Throwing out a batch of extraordinary vegetables and activating the Hydra network can divert outside attention to the Himalayas or the Mariana Trench.

Zhao Donghuai was still hesitant and did not accelerate directly. It was because the quality of the cave sky was strengthened at this stage, which was not too big or too much.

Don't look at it. It's only five acres in area. The expansion of the plane has already put in too much and consumed too much.

The quality enhancement of the cave is still limited, but it is now being accelerated. It is normal that there will be no changes in life after it comes out.


Looking out the window again, Zhao Donghuai felt a little emotional. Xiao Zhao An's running away from home really brought about a sudden change in his life!

He had known that in a few decades, his somewhat unscientific things would become shocking news and news that would attract the attention of high-level officials around the world... But wouldn't that be what he would have to face in a few decades? Good guy, it’s only 1993, and he has already started to build a cave in private as a way to retreat into seclusion?

In this case, after a few decades, if you pretend to grow old naturally, live in seclusion in Dongtian for a while, then come out and change your identity and appearance, you will be able to live a free and unrestrained life again.

No matter how advanced the technology is, Zhao Donghuai himself can master the most advanced and first-class technology and scientific research capabilities.


September came quietly. When Wu Jing, Fan Wei, and Jack Ma, accompanied by several Pan-Asian bodyguards, arrived at the Beijing Airport together and walked out of the exit channel, they saw several young people in the pick-up team not far away. holding banner.

"Warmly welcome Jack Ma to visit Beijing."

Jack's eyes lit up, "Is that the person who picks up our crew?"

When he was heading forward, more than ten meters away from those people, a young man in his 30s ran out, bent over and stretched out his hands, heading straight for Wu Jing, who was wearing a mask, "Wu Jing Hello teacher, welcome Teacher Wu back to Beijing, we are honored to have the opportunity to pick up Teacher Wu at the airport."

Wu Jing is 19 years old this year. In daily life, many people have begun to show favor to him, a new star, and to please him, but at this moment, he is also a little embarrassed by such straightforward praise.

After shaking hands politely with the other party, Wu Jing smiled and said, "Are you here to pick us up from the Bayi Factory?"

The young man nodded excitedly, "Yes, the filming base requested by (Li Mei! Li Mei!) has been built in the factory a long time ago. We are just waiting for you, Teacher Wu, to come and inspect it. We are also cooperating with the entire filming plan..."

In April, Wu Yusen received an investment of 400 million Hong Kong dollars and was preparing to shoot a blockbuster film. It took four months to repair the photography base of Tokyo Burning, and it is almost complete at this stage.

Building a Tokyo city... The key point is that most of the cities in that era were wooden houses, one or two-story buildings, and it could only be built so quickly, which meant that the palace needed some time.

As for the mainland? The island officer played by Kim Sung-oh has committed countless murders in the mainland. Those scenes are definitely cheaper to shoot in the mainland. Wu Yusen contacted the Bayi Factory and paid them to repair some villages, small towns, Japanese bases, house landscapes, etc. dating from the Anti-Japanese War. wait.

If you give me enough money, the Bayi Factory will help repair this pediatrician.

Now in September, Lao Wu originally gave Jack Ma a job in the acceptance film and television area. As soon as Jack left, Fan Wei also came. When Wu Jing heard the news, he automatically ran back to help. After all, he was familiar with the capital.

If the acceptance is passed, (Li Mei! Li Mei) will officially start shooting in September. First, we will film the anti-war scenes in which the mainland Japanese create various tragedies and kill evildoers. The Flying Tigers team member played by Wu Jing will also show some aerial combat. lens.

As for Wu Jing being the most famous among the group of people, why was he greeted with the name Jack Ma? Jack is the least famous.

If I really want to write about welcoming Wu Jing back to Beijing, I think fans who have watched the Young and Dangerous trilogy on VCD discs will be able to block this place.

Just as the crowd gathered together while communicating, and a certain young man was praising Wu Jing in various ways, a certain young man who put away the welcome banner was speechless, "I said, Director Feng, you are not our factory, how come you are more active in joining in the fun than us?"

Director Feng was stunned, and Wu Jingdu asked in surprise, "Are you still the director?"

Old Feng Can smiled, "You can't, you can't say that, I'm just doing odd jobs. Teacher Wu, your (Prison Break) was aired. I watched an episode yesterday. The acting was simply amazing. It was amazing. It feels like seeing the Big Dipper in the sky.”

Wu Jing almost broke his waist, "!!!"

The first episode of Prison Break Season 1 was aired last night on September 1st, and was also aired in the Mainland. In order to save his brother who was wrongfully imprisoned, Ah Jing, played by Wu Jing, buried the prison map in his tattoo and took the initiative to rob the prisoner. Arrested and imprisoned for not resisting.

And driven by various tense and compact plots, at the end of the first episode, I finally found my brother A Wu, took off his shirt and showed the map of Stanley Prison...

The ending moment really gave countless viewers goosebumps!

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