Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 394: In ten years, technology has changed life

In the summer of 1993 in August, TV dramas (The Legend of the Condor Heroes) swept everything. From September 1st, Prison Break had a huge audience rating. In just one episode, the audience was hooked. .

This version of Prison Break shows Wu Jing who is not really good at fighting. Just three or four young men can beat him up. The emphasis is on literary and opera performances.

One episode revealed that his brother was unjustly imprisoned. Even 99% of the death row inmates in Stanley could be pardoned by the Queen and converted to life imprisonment. However, there were big bosses in the judicial field who insisted that his brother Awu be executed.

In order to save his brother, a super talented student from the Department of Architecture of the University of Hong Kong planned a robbery and was sentenced to jail. He planned to escape from prison. The process also showed the numerous gangs and societies in Stanley and the extremely complex living environment.

The various topics and related discussions created by an episode of Prison Break can really be seen everywhere in daily life. Do many people greet each other by watching Prison Break? I did not see? Hurry up and wait to watch the replay during the day.

Although before landing on the plane, Wu Jing also knew that Prison Break, starring him and Kim Sung-oh, had incredible ratings in Haowan, Hong Kong. He almost watched the prison break-related posts on the Songshan Forum all night.

As soon as I refreshed it, a bunch of new posts appeared, including replies praising his improvement in acting and saying it was pretty good.

But... But being praised like this by Director Feng in front of many people in public?

He was happy and embarrassed at the same time, and for a moment he didn't know how to reply.

On the contrary, Lao Feng saw that there was some silence around him and looked decisively at Fan Wei, "Are you Teacher Fan? I also watched your masterpiece (Sister Love). You can play opposite the ever-changing actor Tony Leung Ka-fai, and you won't be disappointed. Teacher Fan is amazing, he is really the pride of our Northeast."

Lao Fan, "..."

Lao Fan was also speechless, "Director Feng, you are too polite."

Lao Fan really knew who he was in front of him, Lao Feng, one of the assistant directors of the TV series (Beijing People in New York). Although this TV series was broadcast on ATV, the ratings in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Thailand were generally average.

But in the mainland, the streets are empty.

Fan Wei knew that Zheng Xiaolong and Jiang Wen were the main directors responsible for most of the production work. Lao Feng was more like a nominal person with knowledge and ability, but if you can put your name on it, it is a success in itself. The sign.

How many people have written scripts, and the scripts have turned into movies that have become a hit... but the name of the real screenwriter has not been included in the subtitles and behind-the-scenes credits?

The next moment, Lao Fan smiled and said to Wu Jing, "Ajing, weren't you also chasing the people from the capital in New York, and you were very excited after chasing him?"

Wu Jing suddenly realized, "Did you film that TV series? I was anxious and angry when I first watched it, and I still feel a lot of injustice. But when I officially joined the film and television industry, I didn't have any ideas anymore."

Due to Jiang Wen's influence in this dimension, the TV series was filmed several years in advance. However, a few years after it was released and became a hit, Director Feng still had no big projects to work on.

Everyone knows the internal details of that TV series. The filming funds were funded by official film and television units. They took Jiang Wen to shoot, and ATV also invested part of it to get the copyright.

Lao Feng studied in name only and had no other experience, no funds and no background...

Old Feng replied with a smile again, and could hardly stop saying nice things. It was not until the people who picked him up and the group of people being picked up got into different cars one after another. After they separated from Director Feng, Wu Jing sighed with a bit of sourness, "I'll go, That guy is a bit too..."

Fan Wei explained with a smile, "A child from a poor family doesn't have to live in society without a background. He is also a bit unattractive, and he feels that his appearance is not as good as mine."

"Even if you want to support your family, you can only lose your self-esteem."

Wu Jing originally wanted to complain about Lao Feng for being too flattering, and the pictures were too obvious and leaky. After hearing Fan Wei's words, he was stunned again, scratched his head and said, "Providing for the family??"

Fan Wei smiled and patted Wu Jing on the shoulder, "You are only 19 years old. When you are at your best, how can you understand the difficulties of fathers like us?"

"I also chatted with Director Jiang Wen for a while at the celebration banquet (for Jing Ke's assassination of the King of Qin), and talked about the interesting things about Beijing people filming in New York. Director Jiang mentioned him. At first, I thought he was a bit... but he was married, had a daughter, and his mother was older. She has been paralyzed for years, and my sister can’t even hold down a job just to take care of her mother.”

"That person kind of likes to be miserable, but he is really miserable."

Wu Jing couldn't help but was speechless.

When the convoy arrived at the Huazhi Hotel in Huairou, there was currently only an ordinary chain store without a flagship store. After all, in the original trajectory, the first film and television city started to be built here in 1995 and became a super film and television base. That was all after 2005. It's time.

That is to say, the Bayi Factory helped with the repairs. When selecting the site, I chose this place to build various war street scenes, village and city scenes, etc. during the Republic of China.

As for the various modern firearms and firearms required during the filming, this is much simpler. Bayi Factory, which has filmed the Armageddon trilogy, how can it be short of that?

In front of the hotel, as soon as Wu Jing and others got out of the car, they saw a group of big shots, including not only the leaders of Bayi Film Studio, but also the leaders of Beijing Film Studio, as well as popular stars such as Ge You, all of whom came to support Wu Jing. of.

Who makes Wu Jing belong to the top class among the film and television superstars who have come out of the capital? In addition to his fame, Wu Jing is already one of the richest tycoons in Beijing's film and television circles.

In an era when attracting investment was still crazy, a superstar who could generate tens of millions in cash flow at any time and earn two to three million from a casual commercial was himself a part of the capital, and it was impossible not to be unpopular.

You mean inspection?

In fact, given the environment of this era, where triangular debt is rampant, Wu Yusen grabbed the money from Samsung and Columbia and settled the bills in foreign exchange in a timely manner without defaulting on the payments. You basically don't need to doubt the quality and efficiency of the project.

This time Lao Wu grabbed the money of Korean and American investors, which is really equivalent to international trade.

The group of people who arranged the reception banquet perfectly demonstrated what the hospitality of the 1990s was, although Wu Jing himself was not considered a foreigner.


At noon on September 3rd, Wu Jing rubbed his head and got up, planning to open the door to find something to drink. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Lao Feng standing guard outside, with a bright smile on his face, "Teacher Wu, are you awake? I'll ask the hotel to deliver it to you right away." Sobering up soup, soothes the stomach..."

Wu Jing, "..."

Lao Feng looked excited, "I watched the replay of the second episode of Prison Break this morning. At the end of the film, the club boss wants his younger brother to cut off your toes. Tsk, the club bosses in Hong Kong are so cruel... Your performance is too real. It scared too many viewers."

"Look, many newspapers today are discussing the prison escape plot."

When he showed several newspapers, they were all big newspapers. What he handed over were discussions and film reviews related to the plot of Prison Break. Wu Jing happily took the newspapers and read them, "Thank you Director Feng. Speaking of Prison Break, it is indeed The only work I don’t show off my martial arts movements and skills, but rely on literary drama.”

"Before, I was really afraid of being criticized by the audience if I didn't perform well."

When was the last time you traveled abroad through literary and opera performances? ? (Mermaid) in 1992.

Lao Feng gave a thumbs up again and said, "How can you be criticized? The Mr. Liao you played in last year's Mermaid was so funny, and it was all a literary drama that stole the show. The cooperation between you and Mr. Xing is so good, it's like gold." Same as partners."

"By the way, why haven't you heard from Master Xing since The Mermaid last year? What big production is he working on now?"

Wu Jing has adapted to some extent. After all, at the banquet last night, no one praised him like Lao Feng...

He hasn't felt much change in Hong Kong Island, mainly because he has become obsessed with playing on the Internet recently and doesn't go out to socialize much.

Moreover, Hong Kong is more popular than him, and there are too many superstars who are more popular than him.

Wu Jing explained with a smile, "At the beginning of the new year for Star Master, Wang Jiawei tricked him into immersing himself in the script of The Grandmaster for two or three months, but he still didn't perfect it."

"I heard that in May, a movie called (Ji Gong) was re-prepared there, and it is probably finished. It's just that there are too many great movies in the summer season. Do you want to wait until after the summer season or the Christmas season?"

Lao Feng immediately praised, "Master Xing is really talented. He is a great talent. He is a best actor every year and a star every hundred years!"

Wu Jing was shocked again. He looked at Lao Feng in disbelief and laughed, "What you said is true. Mr. Xing will blush after hearing it, but it does sound good."

Speaking of this dimension, his biggest helpers are Zhou Xingxing and Wang Jing. Especially during the few months of filming The Mermaid, if he had not been criticized, complained, and scolded by Ah Xing, he would not have been able to survive on the big screen and What a nonsensical comedy performance of market testing.

Although he has taught himself acting for more than a year, without real examples after learning, it is equivalent to just talking on paper... Can his acting skills withstand the test of (prison break)? After being trained by Master Xing personally for several months, and after a series of training sessions with young and Dangerous boys, he was able to achieve some success.

In comparison, it is equivalent to Zhang Xueyou being trained by Xu Ke and Al Pacino for more than half a year in this dimension.

So when Lao Feng praised Zhou Xingxing, Wu Jing felt happier than when Lao Feng praised himself.

While the two were still talking, a middle-aged man in his forties walked out of the elevator and greeted Wu Jing from a distance, "A Jing, it's noon and you've woken up. Let's go and eat." , No matter what it is, let’s talk about it after dinner.”

Wu Jing immediately stopped and said, "No, Han Chang, you can't drink this anymore. Drinking it will really delay the progress."

The one who walked over was Han Shanping. After the release of "Quick Chase", Han Shanping went from Shu Province to Hong Kong Island, pushing Zhu Lin, the daughter of the king, to help Zhao Donghuai promote the Han Tianxia brand series.

During the filming period of the first part of Jurassic Park, Zhao Donghuai flew to the mainland for filming. It was also the Korean factory that helped arrange various shooting arrangements, including reception...

In the blink of an eye, ten years later, he was promoted to Beijing Film Studio ahead of schedule.

Han Chang laughed even louder, "You are now one of the prides of our Beijing film circle, how can you not drink? It's okay, the filming progress of Director Wu Yusen and Wu has always been slow as everyone on earth knows, we are not lacking These days or two.”

At this moment, Wu Jing's phone rang. He grabbed it and looked at it, and then he said thankfully, "Han Factory, it's Zhou Xingxing and Chairman Zhou. He probably has something to do with me. It's not that I don't want to drink, hehe..."

When he got through and walked out a few steps to chat with Zhou Xingxing on the phone, Lao Fengcai asked curiously, "Han Factory, what phone is this? It doesn't seem to be Motorola Mobile?"

Han Shanping glanced at Lao Feng speechlessly, "This is the Nokia 1011. It was launched on the market last year. It is slightly lighter than the big brother from Motorola. But its biggest advantage is that the phone can send and receive text messages. With this, you no longer need a BB phone."

"Furthermore, a single charge can guarantee a call time of eight to ninety minutes, which is much longer than that of Big Brother. It is also the world's first GSM mobile phone with a good signal. You don't have to be like Big Brother, who suddenly loses the signal while chatting. Hey, hey. I walked all over the street looking for a signal."

Lao Feng looked surprised, "Isn't this an all-round surpass? Then who will buy Big Brother in the future?"

Han Shanping laughed, "Why do we need to worry about the business war between Nokia and Motorola? But I heard that since the release of Nokia, it has continued to seize the market around the world, and people from Motorola have gone to Zhao Sheng more frequently."

The current generations of Motorola mobile phones have evolved greatly, that is, the initial weight is close to one kilogram, and with the version update, it has been reduced to about 520 grams. It still has analog signal calls, poor signal, heavy weight, and old and unsightly body style.

The sudden rise of Nokia last year made many people anxious...

After a while, Wu Jing collected his Nokia phone and walked back, with a complex expression on his face, "Master Xing is coming to the capital as well. He said he plans to do promotional and road shows for (Ji Gong)'s movie, and he asked me to have dinner with him."

Han Shanping was overjoyed, "That's a good thing. Let's pick him up at the airport directly? Let's have dinner together then. We will definitely help with the road show if we can."

Wu Jing nodded, "That's okay."

He still wanted to complain, but it seemed that he couldn't escape this drink.


About the same time.

In the office on the top floor of Songshan Building, the president of Motorola Asia Pacific was holding more than 20 prototypes with an anxious look on his face and said, "Sheng Zhao, our Motorola 8900 is the latest model. It not only weighs more than 200 grams, but can also be opened and closed for protection. Number keys.”

"Although it does not have the function of sending and receiving text messages, it is already a GSM mobile phone, and the call signal problem has definitely been effectively solved."

"As long as you are willing to use it and help us promote it in film and television works, we can provide money and invest a lot of money in your production!"

Zhao Donghuai laughed dumbly, Motorola 8900? Was this released two years early? Of course, this also has the instigating effect of its butterfly effect, because in 1984 (Super Body), there was an Internet interaction with Motorola.

Motorola has been cultivating the Hong Kong Haowan market for many years in advance, and even proactively developed a Chinese display BB camera in advance. They attach great importance to the Asian market.

Originally, after Nokia was launched in 1992, it could send and receive text messages, but it only included English text messages, and there was no Chinese version. The president of Nokia also saw Motorola's brilliant achievements in the Asian market.

The 1992 version of Nokia 1011 in this dimension directly accommodates Chinese character text messaging services.

Lighter weight, excellent signal, including BB phone business... Less than a year after its launch, Motorola's market collapsed in Hong Kong, Haowan, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.

The collapse of the market represents massive profits and wealth!

Even in some of the latest film and television works, Nokia mobile phones have begun to appear frequently, showing off a wave of text messaging functions. How do you think of typing Chinese characters on the mobile phone keyboard? Computer Pinyin typing, which appeared one or two eras ahead of schedule, was a great reminder for them!

It's a wonder Motorola isn't in a hurry.

And let’s talk about the development path of Motorola 8900? In fact, it has been around for a long time. It started in the late 1980s. In 1987, Motorola planned to launch the Iridium Project. It planned to spend more than ten years and invest 5 billion US dollars to launch 66 satellites to form a global satellite mobile communication technology...

Or Motorola's analog communication technology.

From 1987 to 1992, Motorola fully supported that thing, which seriously slowed down the development progress of the 8900 decapsulator.

All money, manpower and material resources went to the Iridium Project.

The original trajectory of the entire Iridium Project was from 1987 to 1998, when it began official operation. After 16 months of operation, it was overwhelmed and ended. 66 satellites burned up in the atmosphere...

The Asian market is one of the most important gold mines for Motorola at this stage. The explosion of the Hong Kong film industry has also driven the explosive sales of various products.

Has the Asian film industry and market been stolen by Nokia? This is something that Motorola seriously cannot tolerate.

Therefore, the Iridium project that has been launched for many years, the investment amount and scientific research personnel, and a little bit of Motorola decapper 8900, were completed two years ahead of schedule.

Zhao Donghuai is now the largest boss of Hong Kong Island Telecom. He owns the telephone and Internet businesses, and his employees arrange operations such as opening new mobile phone numbers.

After he asked his secretary to call the telecommunications group and arrange the number and Internet service, he tried to use the new decapping machine to make a call, "..."

After walking around and chatting for more than ten minutes, the signal was always stable and clear, and then he said to the president of Motorola Asia Pacific, "Yes, mobile phones are indeed much lighter and more convenient. You should develop a version that can send and receive text messages as soon as possible."

"At least until Nokia also launches a flip phone, they will be completely unable to resist."

This is witnessing history, from a large brick of nearly one kilogram, reduced to 520 grams, to Nokia's sneak attack of 470 grams, and now more than 200 grams... It can be opened and closed to block the keyboard.

The first-generation flip-top phone cannot send and receive text messages, but the display will also show who is calling, whether it is an unfamiliar number or a name stored in the address book.

Before the smartphone era began, the era of competition among brands such as Motorola, Nokia, and Ericsson was still fierce!

The CEO of Motorola Asia Pacific let out a sigh of relief and said happily, "We will develop it as soon as possible, but Mr. Zhao, if we really wait for the SMS function to be added, our BB OEM business will also be a huge loss."

By relying on OEM Han display BB machines, Pacific also stably provides tens of thousands of jobs and creates massive wealth.

Zhao Donghuai rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Those who deserve to be eliminated will always be eliminated by the times. You can't imitate those bastards from Eli Lilly and make a fortune by manipulating insulin, right?"

"Also, price is also a big issue. At least within three, four, five or six years, BB machines will still have many markets in the mainland."

As Mobile Phone used to position it, buying a mobile phone to join the network costs close to HKD 30,000 per set, and the new decapsulator is HKD 8,900? ? It is estimated to be more expensive. He remembers that the original trajectory was for a mobile phone priced at 40,000 yuan, and supply exceeds demand.

What about the BB machine? About three thousand yuan each.

Even if Mainland Jingshang Yang enters the era of average monthly salary of three to four hundred yuan or four to five hundred yuan, a Motorola decapper that costs hundreds of times the monthly salary? Only rich people can afford it.

After chatting with the other party for a few more words, Wang Zuxian, who was acting as his secretary, walked over with surprise as he watched him go. He was sifting through more than 20 prototypes and asked, "Such a small and beautiful phone?"

The more than 20 models of machines sent by the other party were obviously not just for Zhao Donghuai, but also for his huge group of girlfriends. Each weighing more than 200 grams can not only open and close the lid, but also come in different colors such as black, white, and pink.

From the earliest weight of nearly two kilograms to the current weight of more than four kilograms, it is indeed an epoch-making breakthrough!

But that’s right, Motorola was the first commercial product launched in North America, and it’s been ten years now!

In the past ten years, the mainland's supercomputers have gone from 100 million calculations per second to 200 billion times. When Zhao Donghuai was doing simulations for 20 years, he produced five supercomputers that calculated 200 billion times per second so many times. , receiving it twice is equivalent to updating the special effects base.


Two days later, One Hundred Pictures.

Not long after Liu Dehua walked into the building, he heard his mobile phone ringing. He was also using the same Nokia 1011. It’s not that Nokia is much lighter than the previous Motorola brother. The key is that the battery life is long and the signal is clear, so he doesn’t have to be fucked all over the street. More comfortable.

Price, etc., are not an issue at all.

When he saw that the number was Fatty Wang, Ah Hua answered the call and said with a smile, "Fatty Wang, are you looking for me if you have something good to do?"

A wave of laughter sounded from the other side of the phone, "Brother Hua, please look back."

Liu Dehua turned around in confusion and saw Fatty Wang walking more than 20 meters behind him. Ah Hua was a little dumbfounded, "Diaomao, just shout and I will... Huh??"

When Hua Zai stopped talking and walked towards Fei Jing, he hung up the phone in front of him and stared at the Motorola decapper in Wang Jing's hand...

Fei Jing closed the cover with excitement, showing off the white body, "How cool, isn't it? The telecommunications group officially arranged for these mobile phones to be connected to the network yesterday and started queuing up for sale. I got one."

"Much easier to use than Nokia and the original Big Brother."

Liu Dehua stared at the Motorola 8900 for dozens of seconds, and then he grabbed the Nokia to dial. Fei Jing stared at the ringing and incoming call information on the phone and said in shock, "What's wrong with you?"

Hua Zai then stopped dialing and sighed with emotion, "In 1984 (Watching Fast and Furious), Zhao Sheng made a wooden model of the lid-opening machine, just like the one you have in front of you... At that time, I doubted whether I would ever see it again. This is when mobile phones were born.”

"Back then, Hong Kong only had car phones in Haowan!"

"In ten years, has technology advanced to this level? The laptops at that time were also made as models, and they still had light tubes built into the four internal borders. If you use a mouse to look at the photos, each photo will look like a slideshow. ah……"

Fei Jing was also dumbfounded, "You're right, technology changes life. By the way, I came up with an idea for a gambling movie. Let's try it together? Your previous works were a bit popular, and I made (Hong Kong Island Wonders) When I was working on the film "The Strong Woman", I discovered a character named Zhang Jiahui, who was also good at occasionally being nonsensical and funny."

"Although he is just a walk-on, he will join a new gambling film to test the waters and see if he can seize the opportunity."

Liu Dehua smiled bitterly, "It's true that he's quite aggressive. Gambling on movies? You can try cooperating."

In fact, starting from the (big event) in the summer of 1991, Ah Hua has been in the film industry for two consecutive years... Fortunately, in 1991 and 1992, he was busy for about half a year every year in the production of (The Voice of Asia) .

In the early stage, he hosted variety shows, and in the middle and later stages, he started to tour with his disciple group.

(Big Event) The box office in Asia exceeded 1 billion Hong Kong dollars, but after that, films such as (92 The Condor: The Sword of Madness), (Xia Sheng), (Legend of God of War) (Dances with Dragons) (Eternal Life) and so on.

The better ones in Hong Kong Island barely broke 20 million, while the worse ones were all around 10 million Hong Kong dollars in box office.

I fought six or seven games in a row.

If it weren't for his status as one of the four kings of music, Ahua would have been anxious.

What's even better is that even if the film industry is struggling for two consecutive years, it will not affect Andy Lau's income. His 8% stake in 100 Years Pictures is a big deal.

Ah Hua thought about it and asked, "What's the name of the new movie?"

Wang Jing said with a smile, "Today is September 5th. If it can be filmed this year, let's call it "The Gambler 1993", and if it is released next year, how about calling it "The Gambler 1994"? Let's have a brand new version of "The Gambler," and it's ready. There’s also a sequel.”

Liu Dehua rolled his eyes, "You are too casual..."

It was originally called The Gambler 1999, with a box office of more than 14 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong, but it was already the fifth highest-grossing Hong Kong film in 1998. In the early to mid-1990s, it would have required at least 35 million data to secure a top-five position.

The sequel to this series, Gambit vs. Las Vegas, also took in more than 17.7 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office in Hong Kong, ranking fifth in the box office rankings in 1999.

Wang Jing smiled brightly, "It's okay to do whatever you want. As long as the film sells well, I'll do anything. I'll ask the staff to contact that Ah Hui later. I heard that Ah Hui has gone out on the street and hooked up with a rich woman. If you don't work hard for me, work hard." , he probably couldn’t stand upright in front of his girlfriend.”

"I gave him the chance, it's up to him to see if he can do it!"


Shek Kip Mei Garden Phase 3.

Luo Dahua was trying to persuade Zhang Jiahui with a weird expression, "Ah Hui, it's a good thing that your girlfriend is rich. She doesn't dislike you and is willing to support you. You can't get over it and really want to break up, right?"

Xiao Ma was a little dumbfounded, "Yes, Brother Hui, Sister He doesn't despise you, but you can't think about it. It's outrageous. If it were anyone else, for example, if I encounter such a good thing, I'm afraid I won't be happy, but you are better …”

"Things like self-esteem are sometimes very important, but there is absolutely no need to give up love for temporary self-esteem. You two are a pair, how envious are you two?"

It's already 1993, and the summer vacation has passed. At this stage, Xiao Ma has graduated from his senior year, and he still lives in a shared house in Shek Kip Mei on a daily basis.

But Pony's own accumulated wealth? I can now easily buy a house with full payment.

His acting skills have gone from being filmed in the summer of 1991 (Descendants of the Dragon), to playing the villain in (A Dragon Plays with Phoenix), starring in (A Comic to the End of the World), (New Fist of Fury 1992) and the subsequent sequel (Comic Power). dragon).

With the help of constantly imitating Zhou Xingxing's acting style, and with abundant theoretical knowledge and on-set practice, Xiao Ma's comedy films currently can often sell about 20 million yuan in Hong Kong Island, and the mainland box office can reach about 200 million yuan.

Plus Wan Province, Xingma Tai, and Daohan markets? ?

It can be said that with external filming, Xiao Ma's salary has risen to the level of four to five million Hong Kong dollars per film. He is not a big hit, and he still has the strength of a second-tier star.

In the field of nonsensical comedies, he can really compete at the box office alone. He is much more appealing than Chen Baixiang or Li Lichi. Even at most, he can only perform 70% of Ah Xing's level.

But can it be as good as Zhou Xingxing's seven points? This is not easy either.

Many film critics or newspapers and magazines have already given him the status of a little star.

The movie he is currently filming is Lovers, led by Magnum Pictures, which paid him a salary of 4 million Hong Kong dollars and invited Makka, Wu Ma, Zhang Yaoyang and others to join the cast. It is a very exciting group drama structure.

After two years of studying systematic knowledge in undergraduate courses and two years of hard work, Xiao Ma is now a multi-millionaire graduate and one of the success marks of his classmates.


When facing classmates such as Chen Huilong, Yuan Yongyi, Jessica Alba, Eva Green, Feng Zai and others? ? Xiao Ma is still very low-key.

He also did not expect that Zhang Jiahui, who had been renting together for two years, would actually have a serious inferiority complex because he went to his girlfriend's house once and when he met his parents, he found that the house he rented was only about the same size as a toilet in Guan Yonghe's house.

He and Guan Yongha got together in 1992. The other party was not only a rich man, but also took on TV series within ATV and occasionally guest-starred in movie roles. He was also more popular than Ah Fai and had a smoother career.

Also 29 years old, Ah Hui was too stimulated.

Under the persuasion of the two, Zhang Jiahui smiled bitterly and took a sip of beer, shaking his head, "Hey, Brother Xiaoma, Brother Hua, do you think I am really not this material? If I had known it would be so difficult to get ahead, I shouldn't have joined the police back then. The team resigns.”

"If I had stayed in the police force, I might have become a senior police sergeant now... My abilities are too much to pass as an inspector. There seems to be hope for becoming a police sergeant."

Xiao Ma was speechless, "Then you might as well follow Ouyang Zhenhua and work as a waiter in Wanjia. If you become a department manager of Wanjia branch, it will be much more comfortable than being an inspector in the police force."

Luo Dahua nodded, "Yes, think about Ouyang Zhenhua, didn't he also become popular? He started from the New World in 1983 just like Xing Ye, Guan Lijie, and Wu Zhenyu."

Zhang Jiahui took another sip of wine and didn't know what to say. Luo Dahua smiled and said, "Xiao Ma, you have time. If you are free, why don't you give me and Ah Hui more guidance on theoretical acting knowledge?"

"You also know that I came from a training class. Ah Huizhen just drifted in from the wild. I have practiced a lot, but my initial theoretical knowledge is not good..."

Xiao Ma was speechless, but he still walked back to the room and threw over all the notes he had taken while studying, his learning experiences, etc., many thick notebooks.

"Brother Hui, cheer up. You don't want Sister He to be taken home by another man. Such a beautiful and gentle Sister He."

Zhang Jiahui suddenly stopped feeling melancholy, and stood up angrily, "Fuck, stop it, stop talking nonsense!"

He wants to break up because of low self-esteem and other issues... But you can't stimulate me like this! The person surnamed Ma is successful, a newcomer with great box-office appeal among second-tier comedy stars, but your words are too harsh.

Xiao Ma smiled a little obscenely, "Hey, it's hard to tell the truth, but that's the truth. If you take the initiative to break up, there's no reason why Sister He will stay single for you for the rest of her life, right?"

Zhang Jiahui's eyes turned green.

Luo Dahua looked amused instead, "Yes, yes, Xiao Ma is right, Ah Hui, you don't want to either..."

Zhang Jiahui directly wanted to hit Ah Hua with his backhand, but he didn't have much force when he landed. This was so exciting and heartbreaking. He is not one of those Hong Kong comic fans who are crazy about dyeing their hair.

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