Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 395 Two antique guns, Director Zhao’s identity cannot be concealed

September 10th is Teacher's Day. After a massive publicity campaign, the new comedy (Ji Gong) starring Zhou Xingxing was released. Ah Xing also started a road show in Beijing with his gang. There is no problem that he and Wu Mengda will be the golden partner. .

However, this version of Jigong has also changed part of the lineup, such as Thousand-Hand Guanyin replaced by Xiao Yingying, the ninth beggar Zhu Dachang is Li Zixiong... the ninth villain Yuan Batian is Ji Chunhua.

The film performed well, but the box office was relatively average. It only exceeded HK$8 million in the three days of the first weekend in Hong Kong, and exceeded 150 million yuan in the three days in the mainland. Overall, even in the stars, Malaysia, Thailand, and South Korea, the results were average.

It's definitely a profit, but it's also a small Waterloo for Zhou Xingxing. Compared with the glorious achievements of the previous blockbusters such as "The Dragon Trilogy", "The Mermaid and the God of Cookery", "New Love" and so on, it's really a big decline.

Regarding this point... In fact, after the filming of the movie was completed, Ah Xing realized that the new work might be a hit on the street, otherwise he would not take the initiative to go on road shows.

Without three days of continuous roadshows, the mainland would definitely not be able to break 150 million.

You said this is because of problems after the summer release? It's Teacher's Day on the first day of release, and the weekend follows. In two weeks there will be Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day and other holidays, so the schedule is really not bad.

In the final analysis, Jigong's film is a bit too tragic and too realistic... If we use class solidification to interpret Jigong's movie, the theme of this movie is three lowly people at the bottom. Even with the help of gods like Jigong, they almost struggle to death. No big changes.

Although at the end of the movie, the daughter of the Ninth Generation's daughter became a good man, the Ninth Generation beggar learned to call her own name before she died, and seemed to have got rid of the humbleness of a beggar and gained some self-esteem, and the Ninth Generation Evil did not want to be a human being anymore, and seemed to have changed. …

But the changes made by the help of gods are still so small. The gods and Buddhas in the sky are still aloof, maintaining order and hierarchy in the sky. The sons and grandsons of gods are gods, the sons and grandsons of high-ranking officials are high-ranking officials, and the sons and grandsons of beggars are beggars?

This is because the main theme of the movie is too heavy, making it difficult for people to laugh easily while watching it.

The theme of the movie (Ji Gong) is very good. It hopes that in the order of all social strata led by gods and Buddhas, small people can change and improve themselves through hard work.

It has a chicken soup flavor similar to "Hearing Girl". The problem is that after watching the movie, you will feel that it is a bowl full of poisonous chicken soup... In this era, poisonous chicken soup is served directly. I can only say that A Xing is a bit ahead of his time.

Maybe Zhou Xingxing himself didn't even think about spreading poisonous chicken soup. He didn't think much about it and just filmed and acted. However, his Zhou comedy suddenly spread poisonous chicken soup to everyone in the cinema for an hour and a half, and the public couldn't accept it for the time being.

At noon on September 16th, in Building 1 of Huayuan Phase 1, Wang Zuxian dropped a newspaper and asked curiously, "Why is the movie Ah Xing so popular? This achievement is a big hit for others, and it is worth preparing for the celebration banquet in advance. For him, It’s really overwhelming.”

Zhao Donghuai shook his head while choosing vegetables, "He put the poison too early, and everyone hasn't been fed with chicken soup yet. If in ten or twenty years, everyone is fed chicken soup to the point of nausea, then (Ji Gong) may be different." ”

"The social environment is different. In the current social order, it is not too difficult for the general public at the bottom to complete the class jump by joining the social circle."

"It is not difficult for good-looking people to rise. Even for those like Ji Chunhua and He Jiaju, as long as they have talent and acting skills, it is not particularly difficult to achieve moderate wealth..."

Wang Zuxian nodded thoughtfully, and then changed the topic, "Hey, you asked me to call Xiao Yingying and Chen Derong to come here for dinner. Are you attracted to them? Do you have any ideas?"

Today, Xiaoxian returned to the 130-square-meter house in the first phase of Huayuan that had been vacant all year round. It was Zhao Donghuai who asked her to call a certain two people to come to the house to play and get together.

reason? ?

After a while, I enhanced the Portable Cave Sky many times. The size of the space is still that of a farmhouse villa with 5 acres of land plus a vegetable garden, but the fertility of the soil, the quality of the air, and the quality of the water source are improved, and the effect is still good.

Zhao Donghuai used reputation points to induce the growth and ripening of a batch of vegetables. He wanted to find someone to try them and see how they were different from the natural vegetables in the outside world.

Why don't you just give it to Xiaoxian and Ah Hong to try? The physical fitness of those beautiful women has improved too much and is so strong that they are basically in line with the limits of normal humans.

It’s only been a month since I got the cave...

It was impossible to detect any reaction from Xiaoxian and Ahong.

Is this for Xiaoxian who doesn’t know the situation? What could she think? Zhao Donghuai was able to personally cook for them in various locations, which was like a surprise treat only for the holidays.

Suddenly cook for those two in person? ?

The next moment she muttered, "Ah Rong is also 19 years old, and her development is okay. After all, I am the most average!"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Don't think about those messy people. Letting them come is a bit like a guinea pig. Don't tell them clearly."

If the previous guess made Xiaoxian a little curious and not resistant, now she suddenly became very interested, "Experiments on white mice? Tsk, is it so fun? Use these vegetables??"

This is a batch of the most common vegetables such as bitter gourd, celery, lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, etc. What’s the difference? That is, the appearance is one of the best in a million!

You pick one up casually and put it in Wanjia's vegetable basket supermarket to compare with similar vegetables. It's like carefully selecting beautiful vegetables from a large pile of vegetables that took half an hour.

After grabbing a cucumber and looking at it, Wang Zuxian took a bite and his eyes lit up, "It's so crispy, sweet and delicious."

Zhao Donghuai did not comment and continued to choose dishes.

By the time the doorbell rang, Wang Zuxian had already eaten two cucumbers. When she walked to the door, Xiao Yingying and Chen Derong were about to say hello. They were startled. Ah Rong even exclaimed, "The big boss is here too." ?He's choosing what to eat? This..."

This is too ridiculous and scary.

As soon as you open the door, you see such a big event in the living room. It's very impactful, okay?

Xiao Yingying's eyelids twitched wildly, "Boss, are you so interested?"

Wang Zuxian didn't bother to explain, "Come in, we haven't gotten together for a while. The boss has thought of a few new dishes and plans to try them out. If he can make them more delicious, he plans to surprise people when he goes back..."

"The three of us are the tasters."

Xiao Yingying suddenly became gossipy, "Who is it surprising? Isn't it too happy? The food he cooked by himself? I've heard it's super delicious before, but I've never had the chance to have such a blessing."

Chen Derong was almost the same, "Yes, yes, who should I surprise you with?"

Wang Zuxian just told a lie and got it right. Isn't it easy to surprise people? With so many people in the family...even if it's not a birthday surprise, there can still be some anniversary surprise.

There are many people in the family, which means that the reasons are easy to find! And impeccable!

After the three of them entered the room and closed the door, they ran and chatted about various gossips. It was not until half an hour later that Xiao Yingying and Chen Derong looked towards the kitchen from time to time. It was obvious that they were both...hungry and greedy.

Even if they are still a few meters away from the kitchen, various fragrances have already caused frequent reactions from them. Again, for celebrities who need to control their weight, most of them will continue to exercise and keep their mouth shut and eat less. necessary.

I don’t know how many big stars are envious of Wang Zuxian and the others for their secret of not gaining weight no matter how much they eat.

What's more, this is master-level cooking from eight major cuisines, paired with super-high-quality ingredients prepared by the portable cave?

Wang Zuxian, who had already eaten two cucumbers, was hungry again. "I'm going to see how many dishes have been prepared..."


Two hours later.

Chen Derong and Xiao Yingying both left Xiaoxian's house in despair, holding their stomachs and worrying one after another. They ate too much in this meal, and the two women who ate were both moved and wanted to cry, but they were also embarrassed and wanted to cry.

In the room, Xiaoxian sighed in confusion, "Isn't this a bit outrageous? Each of them ate at least two or three kilograms of vegetables, two small bowls of rice each, and two or three cups of watermelon juice."

"But I also eat about the same amount, so I don't feel anything unusual. They each went to the bathroom seven or eight times??"

Zhao Donghuai had already expected it, "Let's just say that in terms of dietary supplements, bitter melon is better at clearing away heat, dispelling summer heat, clearing the heart and relieving fatigue, replenishing qi and strengthening yang, but it also has a diuretic factor..."

"The main functions of celery are to prevent various cancers and lower blood pressure, but it is also a diuretic and replenishes qi."

"Lettuce is helpful for new mothers with infertility. It clears away heat and detoxifies. It is also a diuretic."

"Cucumbers are good for hair, skin care and beauty, and nourish the liver. They are also good for detoxification and preventing constipation. Even tomatoes can strengthen the stomach and digestion, clear away heat and relieve summer heat. They can also nourish the kidneys and diuresis..."

"It's okay to eat less of one vegetable. As long as you don't have any diseases, it's not a big deal. But eating too much will definitely have a comprehensive effect."

This is food, not medicine. If normal people eat it, as long as they don’t have symptoms of frequent urination, it’s far less outrageous than running to the toilet seven or eight times per meal!

However, normal and healthy people cannot withstand the top-quality vegetables that come from Zhao Donghuai's portable cave and accelerate the growth of reputation.

Xiao Xian was so happy that he almost stopped laughing, "I guess they should chat privately when they get back. Did you add any ingredients? Even if you eat a meal for two hours, it's too abnormal to go to the bathroom seven or eight times."

Zhao Donghuai said calmly, "This is a good thing for them. Deep detoxification is equivalent to a very deep body grooming and maintenance."

He has an overclocking state. Once his super vision is turned on, he can see various things composed of dirt, dust or necrotic cells that normal people cannot see. His super sense of smell is also terrifying. In daily life, he will definitely not open it randomly. Otherwise, except for a dozen girlfriends and four children, normal people would not be able to see or get close to her.

I definitely opened it today for experiments.

As the two women went to the bathroom again and again, the various residual stains and dirt on their hands and wrists became less and less each time. The condition of their skin was visible to the naked eye through his own overclocking. Two hours was equivalent to going from a mud beauty to a A refreshing and clean change.

After all, I definitely wash my hands every time I go there.

This directly proves that after N times of intensive qualitative change and improvement in the cave environment, vegetable and grain planting can now produce qualitatively changed vegetables, melons and fruits that are as effective as Western medicine.

Of course, if you only eat one meal, the effect will be that. This has no effect on a normal human body like Wang Zuxian, who has an extreme physique. She is just full and sleepy.

"Then do you cook and conduct experiments every day?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "How is that possible, but you can give them cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. from time to time. You can also give them watermelon a few times."

"Let's observe it for two months before talking."

The breath-clearing effect of cucumber is still very outstanding. When the two first came here, no matter how many times they brushed their teeth, how much chewing gum they ate, or how they took care of their tongue coating, as long as their super sense of smell was turned on, they could still smell the odor and eat two plates of cold cucumbers. , I ran to the bathroom a few times and my breath has become lighter.

They themselves don't know that the little bumps and red spots caused by mosquito bites are no longer visible to the naked eye even after a meal.

The cultivation industry in Sui Dongtian is very promising.

More importantly, you can also rely on reputation to promote growth and ripening. No matter how many normal stages of growth and maturity the corresponding vegetables, fruits, and fruits require, if you gain reputation one by one, would you choose to mature in one day or one hour? half an hour?

It just depends on how much reputation you spend.

Reputation, Zhao Donghuai summoned the simulator, and couldn't help but fell silent when he saw that there were only eight digits of reputation left. There were only eight digits left.

Gan, with his reputation worth more than 100 million accumulated over ten years, he almost lost it all in just one month. After all, he hasn’t personally directed a movie for many years. A series of Spider-Man, Wanted, and later Jurassic Park all had the names of producers and producers.

Producer and producer? This is more behind the scenes and anonymous than directing.

The next moment, Zhao Donghuai suddenly said, "What do you think of me directing and starring in a movie (Two Smoking Barrels)?"

Xiaoxian was stunned. After a few seconds, he stared at Zhao Donghuai and saw that he didn't seem to be joking. Then he reached out and touched Zhao Donghuai's forehead, "Are you serious?? I admit that the black humor of two big smoking guns is too funny..."

He wrote the script (Two Smoking Barrels) a month ago, before the Portal Cave opened. At that time, only Ah Xin and Ah Xin read it, but the latter script has long been circulated to all his girlfriends.

The script is wonderful and funny.

But isn't that an assembly line project that can be put together by just arbitrarily arranging a director and recruiting a group of actors? Zhao Donghuai not only wants to be a director, but also to act? ? This is too outrageous.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "I will play the master of card playing among the four little gangsters. He is also the master of card playing who jumps into a trap and is set up by others. He pulls a team of four to carry big thunder together. I will change the setting of the chef to be a female. character, playing my girlfriend in the movie.”

"We jumped into the trap together because of love."

"The guy who started selling fake and dirty goods on the streets needs to be punished. In a few years, Gai will become the world's richest man on paper."

"Working with Gai to sell stolen goods and sell fake and dirty goods, let Xiao Ma come and try it?"

Pony and Gai will play such a combination on the big screen together? ? This is definitely... I have to say that even in this dimension, Zhao Donghuai's Wuyue Group is determined to enter the field of instant messaging software from the beginning.

But will Xiaoma take a fancy to this field and enter it in the future? It’s hard to say. It’s impossible for the Chinese market to allow such a company to become purely Hong Kong-owned. His chat software may dominate the markets of Star, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea and Hong Kong.

Even if you enter the mainland, there will definitely be competitors in the same industry.

No matter how good the friends are, when it comes to the media, there will definitely be mainland companies rising, and at most it will be a good competition model with two or three strong companies coexisting.

This is actually a good thing for the market. Otherwise, Du Niang will become a dumper of the pharmaceutical group? Big Penguin blocks opponents, crosses provinces, and copies everything?

Has a certain blog become a big trap?

Once a certain field becomes an absolute giant and has no rivals, it is really not a good thing.

Wang Zuxian stared at Zhao Donghuai suspiciously and continued to look at him, "I still don't believe it, how could you??"

Zhao Donghuai hasn't explained Dongtian's plan yet. It won't be too late to do so thirty years later. Anyway, even in 2022, he is still sure to control the situation in the outside world, 1993? If we really nurture it for another 30 years, the small cave with five acres of land may not be a huge space of a province.

If we can just escape from reality during the epidemic...

It is not difficult to turn around and live a new life with a new identity.

However, are you really using the epidemic to take the blame? He will only be 60 years old in 2024.


On September 18, when a certain news came out, the entertainment industry was completely in a state of excitement, with all kinds of disbelief. Are you kidding me? This is absolutely impossible. Emotions such as being off the mark are really crazy.

Zhao Donghuai wrote the script himself, directed and acted? Really starring, just one of the protagonists, not the absolute protagonist? ?

The protagonist can be counted as a team of four...

The setting is about three childhood friends or absolute best friends. Among them, Director Zhao’s character has a childhood sweetheart girlfriend? Hey, it doesn’t seem too strange to think of this. After all, Zhao Shengneng guest-starred as Lu Zhanyuan in the 1993 version (The Legend of the Condor Heroes), contributing his first big screen kill.

That was for Wang Zuxian's contribution. Such a new script movie, I don't know which Mrs. Zhao was shaken by it, condescending to accompany a certain Mrs. Zhao to show off a wave of love on the big screen? Very reasonable and logical!

Director Zhao himself ended up like this. It can only be said that he loved a certain Mrs. Zhao too much, and the identity of the love saint could not be concealed.

Then? ? Of course it was crazy.

There are countless related people and it doesn't matter, who wouldn't want to get involved in such a crew? Can you work on the same crew as Zhao Donghuai? Duoduo is a great opportunity. As long as Zhao Sheng likes him, he can change his class with just a casual mention.

At the ATV headquarters office, when Hong Qinbao arrived on the 12th floor with Yuan Biao and others, the reception area was really filled with stars. Whether they were big stars, big directors, or big capitalists, there were acquaintances everywhere.

After casually greeting the crowd and asking the secretarial team outside the big office to report, Sanmao grabbed his hair and said, "It's so dreamy. Director Zhao is going to star in a movie? It's the first time, and he has to get a role no matter what. .”

Liu Dehua smiled and nodded, "Originally, Wang Jing wanted to film a new version of The Gambler with me, so there is no need to worry. We will focus on Zhao Sheng's unshakable status as the richest man in China. Regardless of whether he had any charisma before, Chinese movie fans around the world want to Meet the richest man, and you have to line up to watch a movie."

After a while, the two people still waiting in line were informed by the secretarial team that they could go in.

When the two of them walked into the big office, they immediately noticed that Zhao Sheng's expression seemed unhappy... and he was a little nervous for a while.

Because they all understand that no matter how wealthy, respectable, and influential they appear to be at this stage, it will be easy for Zhao Sheng to destroy this prosperity.

After saying hello, Zhao Donghuai rubbed his temples and threw out two scripts, "You guys take the scripts back and read them. Sanmao, you will play the role of a club boss, open a private casino, cheat our team, and make me take risks by going into debt."

"Playing the role of a villain or a club boss at your age may not be a new way out. By the way, you like to beat people with rich woman toys..."

One thing to say is that the scene where the rich woman beats her subordinate with a toy is so harsh and disharmonious that it might not be reviewed in the Mainland or Malaysia, but at worst, we are preparing another version, so we will just shoot it one more time.

Just to make it look more funny and abrupt, he kept the setting of the toy version of the rich woman.

Sanmao hurriedly nodded and flipped through the script. After finding the scene where the boss was training the younger brother, he was quite shocked and speechless!

A big back, expensive suits, a million-dollar luxury watch, and a rich woman’s toy to slap the little brother’s head? This boss is so magical.

Liu Dehua glanced at it a few times and smiled hard.

Then Ah Hua couldn't help but suggest, "Brother Sanmao, you can consider placing a very loving wedding photo with Sister Hong on your desk when the shooting starts."

Hong Yinbao, "..."

He suddenly wants to smoke Ah Hua. If he really does this, when the movie is released in the future, will the global audience suspect that he is a little bad? ? He is only 44 years old and can still play.

Director Zhao glanced at Hua Zai and said speechlessly, "Ah Hua, you play one of two very low-level killers. He was ordered by one of San Mao's generals to go out and steal two valuable antique guns, but he killed three people by mistake. Mao, the boss of the society, also killed the general... But you think you are a bit handsome, and if you play the role of a fool, it may not stand out."

Hua Zai immediately said, "I can become stupid. Boss, if you give me ten days, I will definitely build up the energy to be stupid."

Although I haven’t read the script yet, I feel something different after listening to this paragraph. Two idiots followed orders to steal antique guns, but they killed the boss who gave the order and the boss’s boss? Is it so darkly humorous?

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "There is no need to compete for roles. The whole movie is a group drama. There are many outstanding characters. It would be good to consider other roles."

Hong Jinbao plays the role of a super club boss, and he fits the role very well. For example, he has the title of Killer Wolf King Bao. Although Andy Lau will be very good at playing ordinary people at the bottom of the family in the future... But at this stage, it seems a bit inappropriate for you to let the 32-year-old Hua Zai play Tiehanhan, a stupid thief?

You can be cruel, you can be naive, and you still look a little silly? In fact, Zheng Zeshi plays well with Xu Ke.

The boss of the Sanmao Society has two great generals and powerful men, Wan Ziliang and Xu Jinjiang, or Zhang Yaoyang? Long Fang? There are so many options to choose from, and everything seems to work.

For example, Long Fang or Wan Ziliang brutally ordered the stupid thieves brothers, no matter what you do, you must get the gun back, or you will die. As a result, another cadre sent the antique gun to Sanmao.

Long Fang or Wan Ziliangzheng are speechless. It is my job to make antique guns? Why did you deliver it?

Speechless, the boss of Sanmao was still admiring the antique gun excitedly. The stupid thieves brothers ordered by Long Fang or Wan Ziliang suddenly came in. First, one of them was killed by Sanmao who was holding the antique gun.

The other one rushed in and beat San Mao to death. Long Fang or Wan Ziliang hacked the other person to death with an ax in order to resist, but the other person turned around and shot him before dying...

His confusion, doubts, and unwillingness before death definitely require acting skills. Who am I and where am I? Why the hell are you here and killing us? ?

The comedy effect of black humor is really explosive.

The entire movie "Two Smoking Barrels" is filled with such black humor and comedy, so it can be hilarious.

San Mao and Hua Zai also quickly read through the paragraphs. After figuring out the general plot, they also laughed a little hard. Then Hua Zai asked curiously, "Zhao Sheng, why isn't the title of the movie called Two Antique Guns? Two Smoking Guns." It seems to be a bit more European and American slang, is it for the European and American market?"

Zhao Donghuai said casually, "The current title of the film is aimed at the European and American markets. When it is screened in Asia, it is a trivial matter to change it to two antique guns."

These are small things.

The big thing is that more than ten girlfriends are almost fighting over that one role!

Guan Jiahui holds Zhao An with one hand and holds her second daughter Zhao Yan with the other. Is she showing off her medal? Both Monica and Connery are convincing, and their starring roles will definitely make the European and American box office take off.

Zhou Huimin went to find her with Zhao Zheng in her arms, and explained one by one that as the absolute majority shareholder of Chinese Real Estate with a market value of over 150 billion Hong Kong dollars, and as the chairwoman, why couldn't she add gimmicks to the movie and stimulate the box office?

Really, who can understand his painstaking efforts? He just wants to earn a wave of reputation and smoothly build infrastructure for the development of Dongtian.

Wang Zuxian was the fastest to be kicked out of the competitive lineup. She was immediately criticized by the crowd for wanting to open her mouth. In 1990, thousands of families gathered in the county because of her. This summer, she just dedicated her first kill on screen. Do you still want to snatch the role? It's up to you.

Xiaoxian was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

If she had known, she wouldn't have been begging Zhao Donghuai to play Lu Zhanyuan.


Time flies.

On October 21, the crew of (Two Antiques/Smoking Guns), when Zhao Donghuai shouted "Click" and announced that filming was completed, the whole crew was excited.

Li Jiaxin, who originally played Director Zhao's girlfriend in the movie, jumped into his arms to celebrate. Well, the role of the girlfriend who was unwilling to get involved in any illegal business and just wanted to be a chef and marry and have children and live a good life with Zhao Donghuai ended up taking advantage of Axin.

Even another partner of Lid did not cast Xiao Ma, and finally chose Julia Roberts, a big-mouthed beauty.

The new version of the two-pole crew, the four-person team is two couples. The character of Zhao Donghuai likes to play cards and wants to make a fortune. He and Gai are good friends, and Gai and Julia Roberts also want to make a fortune. Windfall.

The three of them pooled their money together, but Li Jiaxin had no choice but to end up because of love.

From the beginning to the end, Ah Xin was the only good and decent person in the team.

This lineup was put together by Zhao Donghuai for the sake of box office. Julia Roberts is one of the top actresses in the Western world, and she also has good appeal.

The project was officially launched on September 18 and completed on October 21? ? There's nothing wrong with this script. There are no big scenes, no action fighting, no big special effects...it relies purely on plot and acting skills to win.

Under the leadership of Zhao Donghuai, one month to complete filming is considered slow. Look at Liu Wei's filming of Young and Dangerous. The audience is marveling at Aqiang's super fast shooter.

The second part has been filmed before the first one has been released. The first and second parts have just been finished and the third one is coming.

San Mao, the club boss's two generals, the Chinese version of the brutal backbone is Long Fang, and the other is the white version of Richard Norton. He is a professional debt collector. Although he is very fierce and capable of fighting, he is also a good person who loves his daughter very much. The father and his daughter are played by Eva Green.

Eva Green also starred in The Little Thief, which became a hit in Europe and the United States.

The combination of stupid thief and gay friend is Zheng Zeshi and Depp, and Depp is also used for box office.

The Sanmao Society set up a trap to deceive the foursome, not because of the hundreds of thousands of pounds and more than one million Hong Kong dollars they had scraped together, but because behind the foursome, Li Jiaxin's mother owned a bar with clear property rights.

The bars in the prosperous area of ​​East Tsim Sha Tsui are ridiculously expensive. As a super villain, how could San Mao specialize in cheating and cheating on the street for more than 100,000 pounds? Lin Qingxia plays Li Jiaxin's mother. She doesn't appear much and is a supporting role.

The luxurious private casino owned by San Mao in the movie is a club. It is named Wang Bao in Chinese and Harry in English. Harry's gambling table is used to make money through camera gambling and the like, specializing in killing rich people, rich people, etc.

When the game started, all the players on the table were all-stars. There was a gambling debt of 5 million pounds on the gambling table, which had to be repaid within a week. Sanmao didn't care about collecting the debt. That was Long Fang's business. He was interested in two shots. An antique gun worth 5 million pounds, but he didn't want to spend money to buy it, so he left the matter to Long Fang.

Zheng Zeshi and Depp appeared on the scene and asked them to steal all the guns collected by the original owners. The gun stealing from the vault was successful. Before leaving, they were counterattacked by an old man in pajamas holding two guns and killed him.

So the other guns were given to Sanmao, and the gun in the old man's hand was sold for extra money. It happened to be an antique gun with a market value of 5 million pounds.

On the other side, there are four debtors. The character played by Zhao Donghuai accidentally overhears the neighbor talking about robbing drug dealers in a rented house. He wants to take advantage of the money... because the last time the other party went to buy ice, he found the poison he made. The division team released money very casually, in cash, a lot of money.

The few who want to take advantage of others are played by Wan Ziliang, Xiong Xinxin, Zhen Zaidan, Wu Zhenyu and Liu Qingyun. They are the distribution team.

The poison master gang consists of Liang Jiahui, Zhang Zhijian, Naomi Watts, and Lin Jiadong. The small setting is that Zhang Zhijian is a university professor. Because Naomi Watts, his girlfriend, has leukemia and needs a lot of money to save her life, she has to go astray. Lin Jiadong It's his student.

If the Zhao Donghuai quartet wanted to take advantage of the gangsters, they had to recruit someone. They bought guns from the old stolen goods sales channels and easily bought an antique gun worth 5 million pounds. After all, it was the Hanhan group who sold it for extra money.

The middleman was played by Zhou Runfa, who brutally killed Zhao Donghuai for 10,000 Hong Kong dollars because his gun was too broken and too old.

The chain of events continued, and it attracted the attention of another fan group. It is well known that fans don't like Breaking Bad type.

Fanzhuang learned about Wan Ziliang's team from Lin Jiadong, a survivor of the poison master gang. He led his men and Wan Ziliang's team in a large-scale gunfight and died together. This was Ji Chunhua, Miao Qiaowei, Zhou Billy and Jet Binney's group. , everyone does not show kung fu in the movie this time, only gun battles.

The main creators only focused on their acting skills, and it was really easy to complete the movie.

"Good luck to the flagship store tonight, everyone will not come back until they are drunk!"

After Director Zhao put Ah Xin down and grabbed the loudspeaker and shouted, the crew cheered and celebrated again. It was finished. Anyone who has read the entire script basically has strong confidence in the movie.

Plus this gorgeous creative lineup? ? It’s hard not to explode with a new movie.

I am not worried at all about announcing the theater chain or anything like that.

It has been a month since Zhao Donghuai wrote new songs for Zhang Guorong, Andy Lau, and Tan Yonglin. They are all charting in Europe and the United States, bombarding the music scene again. Although it is not the theme song of Two Antique Guns, it is still okay to go on tour in Europe and the United States and vigorously promote the movie. They played a part-time role.

The theme song is sung by Beyond and Depp is the lead singer.

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